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NAME: Grade & Section: SCORE:

SCHOOL: Teacher:_________________ DATE:

Direction: Choose or encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the importance of enhancing and decorating finished products?

A. It makes the products more attractive and salable.
B. Finished products are easy to buy.
C. We can sell finished product.
D. It can be painted.
2. Why is it important to know the different skills in enhancing and decorating finished products?
A. It develops skills and creativity for livelihood.
B. So that people will admire you.
C. People will not buy your product.
D. To pay more taxes.
3. When painting a finished product, the paint color should ___________.
A. be Multiple color C. be Bright color
B. be Dark color D. Matched color with the material
4. What is the common part in all methods of enhancing finished products?
A. Preparation of all materials needed.
B. Planning and creating of design.
C. Smoothening of objects.
D. All answers are correct.
5. Why do you have to send a survey questionnaire to your target customers?
A. To know the likings of the customers.
B. To ask their feelings, views, and opinions.
C. To suit customers’ preferences.
D. All of the above
6. Which of the following is the most innovative, cost-effective method of survey or gathering of data?
A. Paper C. Face-to-face
B. Telephone D. online
7. Is data gathering essential in starting small a business?
A. Yes, it will tell you the prices of goods in the market.
B. Yes, it will tell you what kind of business to start.
C. No, budget is more important in starting a business.
D. No, it will entail a lot of time.
8. If you want to sell bamboo and wood products, what information can be included in your survey?
A. monthly electrical consumption of the family
B. food preferences of the family
C. places visited by the family
D. possible furniture you intend to buy
9. The process of developing a product that will make it more attractive is called:
A. enhancement C. Salable
B. boosting D. Patronizing
10. What is the feeling of a customer who receives a product that matches his need?
A. Disappointed C. Angry
B. Sad D. Satisfied
11. What is the primary purpose of shading in creating an image?
A. To darken or coloring of an image.
B. To make image more realistic.
C. To make an image.
D. To make the appearance of an image simple.
12. Which of the following sentence states a correct procedure?
A. Apply finishing materials before shading.
B. Start shading from the source of light.
C. Start sketching using s fine-tip brush with paint.
D. Use dark colors in the parts with shade.
For numbers 13-17, Matching Type

Directions: Match column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided in
each number.


____13. Tells the exact steps in the A. Project Objectives

preparation of the project.

____14. Indicates the owner of the project B. Bill of Materials

____15. Shows the scale of an object to be

made or structure to be built C. Procedure

____16. Tells the purpose of the project D. Working Drawing

____17. It contains the unit, quantity,

description, the unit price and the E. Project Proponent
total cost for every item needed

18. What will you do to get a rating of 5, as the highest in an output that used indigenous materials?
a. Use 75% indigenous material in making the project.
b. Use 50% indigenous materials in making the project.
c. Use 100% indigenous materials in making the project.
d. Use 100% imported materials in making the project.

For numbers 19-21, compute the Business Income using the formula below.

Formula: Business Income = Revenue - Expenses

19. Compute for the Business Income of Jinky if her total sales for the month is Php 5,000.00 and her total
expenses is Php 1,650.00. _____________________

20. Aliah Ezra was attracted to the trending online selling of goods and products on social media. She ordered
One (1) bundle of Stuffed Toys which costed her Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) plus additional One
Thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00) for freight. She was able to sell the stuffed toys to Thirteen Thousand Four
Hundred Pesos (P 13,400.00). How much was her Business Income? __________________________

21. John Lester is an ice candy peddler. His total sales for the month of June is (P 1, 500.00) while his total
expenses is Php 825.75. How much was his Business Income? _______________________

22. What is the result if all family members know how to construct electrical gadgets?
A. an additional work for the family
B. an extra income for the family
C. a hobby for the family
D. no correct answer
23. Which of the following can be done by a grade six pupil like you?
A. replace a worn-out bulb
B. repair an electric iron
C. replace of electric board
D. repair of electric fan
24. Which of the following is NOT consider as a cause of injury while working with electricity?
A. Making a short circuit.
B. Switching off the circuit breaker first.
C. Doing repair without prior knowledge.
D. Putting of gadgets near the source of heat.
25. If you want to work with an electrical gadget but you are not familiar with it, to whom will you call for an
A. your teacher B. your parents
C. a certified worker D. your elder brother or sister
26. The first step to do before repairing something is to ______________.
A. determine the tools needed C. collect all the materials
B. determine the damage part D. put a nail to damage part
27. In order to prolong the usefulness of your things, it is a good thing to make a regular ______________.
A. inventory C. costing
B. replacement D. maintenance
28. Electrical devices and connections may cause fire because of the following reasons EXCEPT.
A. Overloading B. follow load limit
C. short circuit D. faulty electrical wire
29. Which activity can be done under Seiton or Systematize?
A. Remove unnecessary items. B. Cleaning the workplace.
C. Putting labels on storage cabinet. D. Assigning specific tasks to individual workers.
30. Why we should practice 5 “S” in our workplace?
A. for cleanliness B. for convenience C. for sanitation D. for efficiency and effectiveness
31. This waste is best described as leftovers from extraction and production processing of paper, plastic, steel
and others.
A. Electronic waste B. Industrial waste C. Medical waste D. Solid waste
32. In what group of waste materials do computers, television, electronic toys and appliances belong to?
A. Industrial B. Medical C. Electronic D. Construction and demolition
33. What is the importance of identifying recyclable materials from other waste?
A. Helps our local government.
B. Gives households time to collect waste.
C. Knows the volume of waste materials collected.
D. Gives us the opportunity to reduce, reuse and recycle.
34. What will happen if there is improper waste management in your place or community?
A. Spread of diseases will be minimized.
B. Flood control will be implemented.
C. Successful environmental protection.
D. Waste and recyclable materials will scatter everywhere

For numbers 35-37, create reflection on the importance of recycling.

Directions: Read and reflect on the questions below. Write your answer on the blank provided.

What do you think are the wonderful effects of recycling? Cite as many as you can.

35. To yourself:
36. To your school:
37. To your environment:
For numbers 38-40. List down possible projects.

Directions: Using your imagination and creativity, list down possible projects that can be made, out of the
following items listed below. Write your answers on the blank provided.

38. Colored wine bottles: __________________________________

39. 5-liter empty plastic bottles: __________________________________

40. Tins and cans: __________________________________


1. A 11. A 21. Php 674.25 31. B

2. A 12. D 22. B 32. C
3. D 13. C 23. A 33. D
4. D 14. E 24. B 34. D
5. D 15. D 25. C 35. Answer varies.
6. D 16. A 26. B 36. Answer varies.
7. B 17. B 27. D 37. Answer varies.
8. D 18. C 28. B 38. Answer varies.
9. A 19. Php 3,350.00 29. C 39. Answer varies.
10. D 20. Php 7,400.00 30. D 40. Answer varies.

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