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Speaking quý 1.



Topic 1: Fish

1. Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around You?

Yes, l've been to a place where there were lots of fish around me. Once I visited a
beautiful coral reef while snorkeling in the Maldives, and the underwater world teeming
with colorful fish of all shapes and sizes. It was an incredible experience.

2. Is fishing popular in your country?

Yes, fishing is quite popular in my country. We have many lakes, rivers, and coastal
areas which make this activity possible because, without these water bodies, there
wouldn't be any fishing. Plus, there's a strong fishing culture here, with plenty of fishing
tournaments and events happening throughout the year

3. Do you like eating fish?

Oh, absolutely, I enjoy eating fish. In my view, it's one of the healthiest foods out there.
It's low in fat but packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. And I really
appreciate its aroma and flavor. Plus, someone told me it's a food that helps people
sleep better at nigh

4. Why do people go fishing?

Fishing is a really enjoyable thing to do as it lets people unplug, lowers anxiety and
instills a sense of calm. Also, it's a great way to spend quality time with friends or family.
members who they share this hobby with. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that it's a
perfect way to keep fit without doing any exercises as fishing engages the shoulders,
back, arms, core and legs. I mean it's almost the same as doing static yoga postures.

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5 have you seen any movies with lots of fish?



• I have, if documentaries about the Kusto team qualify for

'movies with lots of fish'

• yes, l've watched films like 'Finding Nemo' and 'The Little Mermaid' which feature
plenty of fish characters

• I've seen movies set in the ocean where fish are an integral part of the storyline

absolutely, some of my favorite films are those that revolve around underwater
adventures and marine life, so they often include many fish

• I've watched those documentaries about the ocean, and they always show a ton of fish
swimming around

Topic 2: Robots

1. Are robots important?

Absolutely. First, robots are tireless workers. Unlike humans, robots do not experience
fatigue, need rest breaks, or require sleep, which means they can work continuously
without a drop in productivity. More importantly, robots can be used in dangerous places
like nuclear power plants or areas hit by disasters, to take on tasks that would put
humans at risk.

2. How can robots affect people's lives?

In many different ways. Robots can make people's lives easier and more comfortable.
For example, they can automate household chores like cleaning, vacuuming, and lawn
mowing. They can enhance human capabilities. For example, exoskeletons can assist
individuals with mobility challenges in walking and performing physical tasks, while
robotic prosthetics can restore lost functionalities like gripping objects or walking.

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However, robots can have a negative impact on employment as, being tireless workers,
they have the potential to displace human workers from certain jobs and industries.

3. Are you interested in robots?

Yeah. I've been interested in robotics for as long as I can remember. For example,
when I was a child, I built robots from a Lego set. I also read science-fiction books and
was fascinated by movies such as Star Wars. And now I'm trying to learn the basics of
designing robots. I mean I like to read articles that have anything to do with robotics.

4. Would you like robots to work at your home?

On the one hand, l'd love to as a robot could do chores such as cleaning and organizing
things, which I hate to do.

And this would save a lot of my time. Also, I like the idea of having an automated
machine which could recognize human speech and do some specific tasks. For
example, I could ask a robot to bring a glass of water or make a cup of coffee, and I'd
just give orders, sitting on a couch.

5. Do you want to take a car in which a robot is the driver?

To be honest, I'm in two minds about it. On the one hand, I'd like to as most car crashes
are the result of human error. And if I have a car in which a robot is a driver, this might
be safer as a robot won't be affected by such things as alcohol, drugs, distractions,
carelessness, and fatigue,. which cause the majority of accidents. However, we all know
that even the most advanced technology isn't infallible, and a computer malfunction,
even just a minor glitch, could cause worse crashes than anything that human error
might bring about.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 3: Geographical

1. Do you like Geography?

Yeah, to me, Geography is the synonym for travelling and exploring the world around
us. Geography is exciting. It's much more than just studying maps and knowledge of
country capitals. It's really interesting to explore the physical properties of Earth's
surface and to study places and the relationships between people and their
environments... to examine what impact physical properties of the Earth, such as
mountain ranges and bodies of water have on the way humans move, think, and act... I
love geography 'cause it's fun

2. Do you ever want to travel to a country because of its geographical location?

Yeah, whenever I want to go skiing or hiking, I choose a mountainous country. If I want

to have a beach holiday, I go to a country that is washed by the sea or the ocean and
where the weather is always warm. Also, I want to go to some countries to see some
strange geographical formations. For example, I'm dreaming of going to Finland to see
the Giant Rock. It's a 7-meter long boulder that has been balancing on top of another
huge rock for more than 10 thousand years. The contact point between these two rocks
is rather small, and it looks as though the upper rock is performing an impossible
balancing act, but it cannot be rocked with human force. It's amazing. Plus, I want to go
to Mexico to visit the Cave of Crystals. And I would be happy to go to China to see the
Reed Flute Cave, a beautifully coloured limestone cave, and the Shilir Stone Forest.

Topic 4: Gift

1. What kind of gifts are popular in your country?

Well, people in my country really like to give books and handmade gifts as well as home
décor presents such as frames, figurines and candles. All these things create comfort
and remind the receiver of the giver's love and affection. Many people also give flowers
and chocolates, especially as "Thank you" presents and cash as a birthday or wedding

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

2. Do you like to give expensive gifts?

Oh, yeah, I do. First of all, I do it because I can afford it and, of course, because I like to
fulfil dreams of my. beloved people feeling as happy as them when they get what they
really dreamt about.

• Do you like to give expensive gifts?

Oh no, I don't. Expensive gifts mean more pressure on my. monthly expense, which, in
turn, means I will have to refuse from something I really need in order to please another
person with something costly. What is more,! don't want to buy anybody's love with
material things. I'd better do it with actions.

3. How often do you buy gifts for other people?

Oh, I actually do it quite often. I would even say almost every day. Just because I like to
show thoughtfulness,. love and affection to close people and raise a smile on their

. How often do you buy gifts for other people?

Well, I usually give presents on special occasions like birthdays and weddings to mark
milestones and bring joy. and pleasure to the receiver. From time to time I also buy gifts
to cheer close people up or let them know that I care.

• Why do people give gifts?

I guess there are a lot of reasons why people do it. For example, to show interest and
appreciation, or express gratitude to others. People also give gifts to mark milestones
and just bring joy and pleasure to the ones they love.

4. Have you ever received a gift which you didn't like?

Oh yeah, it happened to me a while ago. I got a key box from my mate which I didn't like
at all as it was big and heavy enough and I just couldn't come up with an idea when and
where to use it. And still, I struggled to bring a smile to my face to show gratitude to the
giver as any present, /u>, to my mind, is worth a 'thank you'

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 5: Running

1. Do you like running?

Oh yeah, I'm a big fan of running and [just can't imagine my life without it as it gives me
a sense of escape from everyday distractions and brings me a lot of joy. What is more,
it's a great cardio- and muscle-building activity. which improves my fitness and keeps
me healthy. So, yeah, I'm hooked on running.

Do you like running?

Not really. I'm too lazy for it. It makes me exhausted really. fast and leaves me
dispirited. So, regrettably, running is not my cup of tea despite all its health benefits.

2. Where do you run?

Well, in cold weather, I usually run on the treadmill in the gym as I don't like the feeling
of the cold air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. But in warm weather, I
prefer running along some scenic trails either in the park or near the river.

3. How often do you run?

Well, it mostly depends on my mood. Sometimes I do it every morning, especially if I'm

on vacation somewhere in the mountains or near the sea. Sometimes I run only at
weekends when I'm not in a rush to be at work at 8 sharp.

But, generally, I try to run at least two or three times a week in order to improve my
mental well-being and tone my muscles. I just really want to become more strong and

Topic 6: Films

1. Do you like to watch films?

Oh yeah, I do as movies always give me thrilling. experience by taking me to places

quite different from my routine surroundings. They allow me to experience the situations

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I wouldn't normally experience and this way broaden my_perspective and open my eyes
to new wonders.

Do you like to watch films?

Well, no, as it happens so that whenever I have a couple of spare hours I give my
preference to reading a book.

2. What kinds of movies do you like best?

Well, I guess action films for sure. They attract me with their non-stop motion,
spectacular rhythm and pacing.

What's more, I like their two-dimensional 'good guy" heroes battling 'bad guys' as the
age-old struggle between good and evil is always interesting. Another kind of movies
that I like is drama. I think I like it so much because of realistic characters, settings and
life situations. And, of course, I cannot fail to mention comedies. I like them for their
light-hearted plots which amuse and provoke laughter.

3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

Well, I go to a cinema every time there is a new release.

My friends call me a movie freak but I just enjoy watching. films on the big screen and
getting pulled into the sound and colour in a way that can't be felt at home.

• Do people in your country like to go to a cinema to watch a film?

guess yes as there are always a lot of people at the cinema. Cinemas are in great
demand as they let people focus on the movie and not get distracted, which people
value. What's more, it's a good way to spend time out.

4. What was the first film that you watched?

Oh, Ican't recall it, to my regret, but this must have been some movie for kids like 'Home
alone' or some Walt Disney animated film like 'Sleeping Beauty' or 'The Little Mermaid'

5. Do you like to watch movies alone or with your friends?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Personally I like to watch films alone as I get to watch exactly what I want. What's more,
it's a kind of the ultimate 'me time' with no conversations and other distractions.

6. Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

Oh, foreign movies, no doubt. They show me a different view of the world and give me
more of a glimpse into the human experience. What is more, they are of a better quality
than the films made in my country. So, my preference is always given to foreign films.

• Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country?

Well, I always give my preference to films made in my country as they always have an
interesting storyline and it's hard to guess what is waiting for me at the end. What is
more, Like our actors and actresses and enjoy watching movies they star in.

Topic 7: tea and coffee

1. Are tea and coffee popular in your country?

Oh, I guess they are a large part of our modern culture and the country's most popular
non-alcoholic beverages.

I've even heard several times that we are the nation of tea and coffee drinkers, so yeah,
they are definitely popular in X.

2. Do you like tea and coffee?

I like tea much more than coffee because tea can energize and detox body. However,
unlike coffee, it doesn't cause dependence. Oh... And I don't like the bitter taste of

• Do you like tea and coffee?

Yeah... I really love both beverages. I guess it's because they provide cozy morning
rituals and boosts of energy during midday slumps and, secondly, because they are
both delicious and healthy as they are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 8: Noise

1. Do you mind noises?

I would say I'm pretty tolerant to noises when I'm not asleep as I've learned to cut out
the unwanted ones. But when I am about to fall asleep, I become very sensitive to any
kind of noise, and nearly anything can make me irritated. Sometimes I toss and turn
throughout the night just because I hear the muffled sound of slammed doors in the flat
next door.

2. Do any noises bother you?

There's no worse noise than scraping chalk on a blackboard. You know, many cafes still
use such boards as an advertising medium. When I see them, I can't help imagining the
way this information was written down. And even the thought of it makes me feel sick.

3. Are cities becoming noisier?

Yeah, the level of noise is getting higher and higher. In fact, it is so high that it is now
regarded a type of environmental pollution. This is because nowadays cities are more
crowded than in the past, which means that there's much more traffic on roads. There
are more people talking everywhere. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention air conditioning
equipment which is one of the biggest parts of all ambient noise in today's cities.

4. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

We are surrounded by different sounds both indoors and outdoors. My typical day starts
with the sound of boiling. water as I can't imagine my morning without a cup of coffee.
Every Single day l'm accompanied by roaring engines, slammed doors, mouse clicking
and constantly ringing phones.

5. there any sounds that you like?

Oh yeah! Splashing waves and screams of sea-gulls sound like music to me. I also
enjoy the sound of rain when I'm inside and don't have to go anywhere. And I can't help

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

mentioning the train tracks clanking in a constant pattern. This sound makes me fall
asleep as soon as the train leaves.

Topic 9: Music instruments

1. Are there any sounds that you like?

Oh yeah! Splashing waves and screams of sea-gulls sound like music to me. I also
enjoy the sound of rain when I'm inside and don't have to go anywhere. And I can't help
mentioning the train tracks clanking in a constant pattern. This sound makes me fall
asleep as soon as the train leaves.

2. Have you ever learnt to play a musical instrument?

Yes, I have. When I was a kid I attended music school for several years. I tried playing.
several musical instruments such as the piano, the drums and the guitar but eventually
lopted for the piano and I still can play several classical music pieces like The Four
Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi or On the Beautiful Blue Danube by Johann Strauss.

• Is music an important subject at school in your country?

Unfortunately music isn't considered to be an important subject at school in practice but

it is of primary importance at its core cause musical training helps develop language
and reasoning, maths and pattern recognition skills. What is more, it builds imagination
and intellectual curiosity, develops spatial intelligence and teaches kids discipline.

Topic 10: Helping other

1. Do you usually help people around you?

Oh yes, I do. I believe in lending a hand whenever I can.

For instance, recently, my neighbor needed help moving some heavy furniture, and I
gladly assisted. It's just a small way to make our community a better place.

Do you usually help people around you?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Absolutely. Helping people is something I find fulfilling. At work, if a colleague is
swamped with tasks, I often step in to provide support. It fosters a positive team
atmosphere, and it's personally rewarding.

Do you usually help people around you?

I do. But I'm not as selfless a person as it may seem. I usually help people around me
because I firmly believe that if I extend a helping hand to others, they will be there for
me when I need assistance.

Do you usually help people around you?

No, I don't. I'm currently focusing on my studies, and it takes up most of my time. I wish
I could help more, but my. schedule is quite demanding at the moment.

Do you usually help people around you?

Not really. |tend to keep to myself and don't often come across situations where I can
offer assistance. l'm more of an introverted person and prefer solitary activities like
reading and writing.

2.How do you help people around you, such as neighbors, family and friends?

Well, with my family, l often assist with household chores like cooking and cleaning. My
mom appreciates it, and it's a way to show my gratitude for all she does for me. With
friends, I'm there to listen when they have problems, and I offer advice if they need it.
Recently, I helped my neighbor by mowing their lawn when they were away. It's all
about being supportive and kind, I believe.

3. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

Yes, my parents definitely teach me how to help others.

They often remind me to be kind and considerate, and they lead by example. We
volunteer as a family at our local shelter, which has been a great way to learn the
importance of giving back to the community.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

• Do your parents teach you how to help others?

Absolutely, my parents have always emphasized helping others. They've taught me that
small acts of kindness can make a big difference. They encourage me to share with
others and to be there for friends in need. It's a valuable lesson I'm grateful to have
learned from them, and it's made me more aware of the needs of others in our society.

4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Yes, my parents were incredibly supportive when I was young. They helped me with my
schoolwork, always attended my extracurricular activities, and made sure I had
everything I needed to succeed. Their encouragement played a significant role in my

5. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Absolutely, my parents were there for me throughout my childhood. They provided

guidance, both academically and emotionally. Whenever I faced challenges, they were
my pillars of strength, offering advice and comfort. Their unwavering support gave me a
strong foundation for life.

• Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Not really, my parents had a more distant approach to parenting. They weren't involved
in my schoolwork or extracurricular activities, and they expected me to handle
my_problems independently. It had its challenges, but it taught me self-reliance from an
early age.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 11: Maps

1. When was the first time when you used a map?

Well, I think it was in my childhood when I started travelling around the world. I always
used the map coming to a new country in order to develop my geographical
understanding of the area I visited and simply track the routes I needed.

2. How often do you use a map?

Well, often enough, actually. I have a lot of trips around the country and always use a
map to find the place I need or just find out what is around me.

3. Did you learn to use a map when you were a child?

I guess yes as I started using maps when I was a child. I mainly did it for planning my
trips with parents and friends and for searching locations on those trips. So yeah, I
definitely learnt to use maps in my childhood.

4. Are you good at reading maps?

Well, I guess I am as with their help I always easily find the place I need or find out what
is around me. Also, it's never a problem for me to track the route I need or find out
information about places of interest when I read a map. So yeah, I'm good enough at
reading maps, I think.

5. Do you prefer electronic or paper maps?

Oh, l adore electronic maps for sure as they may always be with me and can include
any area. I also like them for being more accurate and more up-to-date. Though paper
maps are also good for particular reasons, for example for visiting more rural settings
where the phone signal can drop out.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 12: chatting

1. What do you like to talk about?

Well, about myself, I guess. I mean about my accomplishments, what I like and dislike,
what I do, how I spend my free time, what worries me, what makes me happy and stuff
like this. I also like to talk about travelling. shopping and fashion. Oh, and about pets as

2. Have your discussion topics changed since you were a child?

Well, frankly speaking, I don't remember what I discussed when I was a kid, but I am
more than sure that my. present-day debate topics are different as my interests have
changed significantly since my childhood.

Topic 13: clothes

1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

My favourite clothes are those that are comfy yet stylish. Also, don't like to dress up and
stand out from the crowd. However, I feel terrible if I look like the back end of a bus. So
a pair of skinny jeans with a slip-on

2. What colour clothes do you like to wear?

Well, my outfits of choice are usually monochromatic grayscale looks. I guess being not
as boring as all black ones, they make me look classy and slim.

Well, it depends. For instance, in the office I would go for darker clothes as they would
let me look more formal and respectable. However, in the summertime I would definitely
switch to lighter clothes because they wouldn't absorb as much heat as darker ones.

I love wearing bright clothes as I really like drawing attention to myself through clothing.
When I have to put on something less conspicuous, I feel as if I were dressed for a

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3. Do people in your country like to wear bright colours?

Well, the majority of people don't like to wear bright clothes as they don't want to stand
out from the crowd and make themselves in the centre of attention.

4. What are the differences between men and women's preference in colour?

Well, there's no universal answer. I guess it is a personality and age that matter, not
gender. For example, those who want to look more serious or conventional. be it men or
women, would choose black or silver cars and dark clothes. Again, the older people are,
the more tend to use dark colours, whereas kids go for some bright.

Topic 14: Transportation

1. What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

I can safely say that the majority of people here get around by subway. The main
reason is that you don't have to worry about a possibility of getting stuck in a traffic jam.
Also, trains run frequently, therefore people get anywhere in time even during peak
hours. In addition, this mode of transport is relatively inexpensive, reliable and really

2.Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

I prefer getting around in a private vehicle because I don't like to be dependent on other
people. I like the idea that ! can stop whenever and wherever I want. I can take as much
stuff with me as need. I can speak loudly and sing.

So, although many of my friends say that the amount of money I spent to purchase my
car could generally finance public transit fees for years, I'm not planning to switch to
mass transit.

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3. Will you use public transport more in the future?

Well, I'd love to 'cause I think this is the only way to fight global warming and
environmental pollution, but taking into account the current situation in the world, I don't
think I will. In my opinion, mass transit and social distancing are incompatible, especially
during rush hour.

And even if I do my best to keep a safe distance, wear a mask and avoid touching
surfaces, the risk of catching COVID-19 on trains and buses is quite high because this
disease is highly contagious. I just don't want to jeopardize my health. think won't use
public transport unless absolutely necessary. I will drive, walk or cycle more.

4. Are there any traffic problems in your area?

Oh, in my city, I guess, it is traffic congestion that is the major problem. During rush
hours the city centre and the main roads are blocked by vehicles which move so slowly.
that it seems they don't move at all

5. How could you improve transport in your town or area?

Firstly, it is absolutely imperative that buses be made to stop at designated bus stops
and have scheduled routes. The problem is that having spotted a person flagging down,
bus drivers stop wherever they want as they seem to feel kings of the road. Such
sudden and abrupt stopping of buses often causes minor rear end collisions and
tailbacks as there's barely enough room to let other vehicles pass and everybody is in a
hurry. It would also be great if roads were mended because dodging_potholes is what
drivers have to constantly do instead of moving smoothly and uninterruptedly. And this
again makes cars move slowly and leads to car accidents.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926


Topic 1: Painting

Describe a painting

You should say:

what it looked like when you saw it first how you feel about it

• who the painter is

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Art and design'

I have to confess that I am neither a real connoisseur of art nor an art expert. Also, I
seldom visit art galleries and museums. So, unfortunately, I haven't seen a lot of art
objects. But there is one piece of art that moved me a great deal. I saw it in an art
gallery while I was travelling a few years ago.

When I saw the painting, gasped in amazement as its size was mind boggling. And it
looked lifelike. To tell the truth, if I hadn't known that it was just a painting, I would have
thought I was looking out of a huge window.

This picture depicted a picturesque rural landscape. In the foreground there were a few
nice small cottages with beautiful gardens, people doing their everyday chores,. cows
and ducks. The dominating colours in the foreground were bright. At first glance, the
scene seemed peaceful, and it showed that humanity tamed nature as it yields the
necessities we need to live. In the far distance I could make out the outline of majestic
mountains. There were dark clouds which gathered over the mountain tops. And they
seemed to be slowly moving towards me. I think the artist skillfully managed to car this

I don't know what message the artist wanted to deliver, but for me it was like a silent
reminder that humanity is small and impotent in front of raging rivers, violent storms,.
and other natural phenomena. I was more than impressed by this painting. It is a real
pity that now I can't recall name of the artist and that masterpiece.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 2: Photo

Describe a photo that makes you feel happy

You should say:

where you took it when you took the photo why it makes you happy

• part 3 - 'Photography'

[have to confess that l'm an avid selfie-snapper because when someone else takes a
picture of me, I'm almost never satisfied. For this reason, I remember all those 2 or 3
cases when I didn't delete a picture taken by another person.

I think I'II describe one close-up which drew the most likes and comments on Facebook
and Instagram recently. It sounds silly to care about something as small as a like on a
picture, but it's our reality. To tell the truth, I didn't expect that photo to break the Internet
but it did.

Several weeks ago I came home after my friend's birthday party. I had a very beautiful
makeup. Dark smoky eyes and glossy lips... I decided such heavenly beauty had to be
captured forever, so I took my selfie stick and started experimenting. But I didn't like the
pics. My mom wanted me to help her about the house, so she decided to speed up the
process and help me get a beautiful picture.

She took pictures at eye level and from a higher angle to exaggerate the size of my
eyes and avoid a double chin in a picture. She took hundreds of them as my pictures
never come out perfect after the first snapshot. Then we picked the best one, I used
some filters to manipula image, you know, to erase blemishes...such things. that I
cropped the image so that nobody could see the background and immediately uploaded
it to Facebook -ed Instagram, awaiting for likes and comments.

Frankly speaking, I really liked the way I looked because I was genuinely happy in the
picture and looked simply amazing on that day. So, probably, even if my friends hadn't
liked this pic so much, it would, anyway, be one of my favourite ones.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 3: Party

Describe a party that you enjoyed

You should say:

what party it was when it took place where it was whose party it was why you enjoyed
the party part 3 - 'Parties'

Last summer, one of my friends told me that his colleague was throwing a party on a
roof. He was invited and suggested going with him. At first, I didn't think it was a good
idea because I don't like attending events with lots of people I've never seen before.
More importantly, I was pretty sure the host wouldn't be happy to see uninvited guests. I
thought that if I were him, I wouldn't be excited. But he insisted, and I finally agreed to
go with him.
The place, of course, was unusual. It was the first time I'd set foot on a roof for
someone's birthday party. I was blown away by the night view of the city. However, as
expected, I didn't know anyone there except my friend. There were several trays with
drinks and snacks, as well as bean bags where people could rest.

It was noisy because the music was very loud, and we were screaming and singing.
Normally, such gatherings are not my thing, but I enjoyed this one. What I liked the most
was that some of the guests, probably the only people there who knew the host and
whom the host knew, prepared several unusual ways to congratulate him. For example,
they made a video in which each of them gave their wishes to the birthday boy. They
also gave him a car-shaped cake, as he had been dreaming of buying a car. They hid
other gifts all around the place and made the birthday boy follow clues to find them. It
was fun, and i was completely different from all the other birthday parties I had attended

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 4: Park or garden

Describe a park or garden you like

You should say: what park it is where it is when you go there

• why you like it

part 3 for this cue card is 'Parks'

I absolutely adore visiting the X park. And I can't quite put into words how much I love it.
It's like a perfect mix of lots of open green areas, beautiful art, and amazing

In the middle of the park, there's this gorgeous pond with a fountain in the middle that
shoots water really high up.

There are plenty of benches around the pond, and I usually like to sit there and watch
the water. The trees in the park always look fantastic. They are beautifully kept, like the
ones you see in those old movies with grand royal palaces. And there's a nice path that
goes all the way around it. I pretty much go there every day to keep myself healthy by
going for a brisk walk or a jog.

Sometimes, I go to the park to read and enjoy the beautiful songs of the birds. In my
opinion, it's the best spot to unwind and escape the busy city center. I can also check
out or join in on outdoor events like music concerts and fairs, which is awesome
because I love good music, and there are always talented musicians performing there.

I'm often amazed by the stunning views, especially the breathtaking sunset. That's one
of the things that keeps me coming back. You know, the more often I visit it more I love
it. It's like magic, especially at night when all lit up.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 5: Science subject

Describe a science subject you're interested in

You should say:

what science subject it is how you got interested in it how you learn this science

why this science is interesting to you

part 3 for this cue card is 'Science'

Since childhood I've been interested in Astronomy.

Astrophysics, to be precise. This is the branch of Astronomy that studies the physics of
stellar phenomena and other objects in space. Though I have to admit that I'm not a
science-obsessed person. I mean if I come across an interesting article, I read it with
pleasure, if I don't, I don't search for this information deliberately and I don't do it on a
regular basis. From time to time | watch documentaries, read articles on the Internet, get
some new information from friends. But as I've said before, I don't do it very often.

I don't remember what exactly made me interested in it because this interest in space
and everything connected with it was already established by the time I had reliable
memories about that interest. By the time I was 5 l already. recall having been
interested in Astronomy. I think I got started on the science track when I started reading
a lot of science fiction books and encyclopedias as a child. Also, my parents read me
books on planets and my father told me many interesting facts about our solar system.
My interest to this topic was fueled several years ago after watching Interstellar, a
wonderful science fiction movie which made me think about black holes, wormholes
space time, dark matter, time dilation for several we was more than impressed.

The main reason why I like Astrophysics is that everything mysterious captivates me.
_really want to understand how everything that exists works, to have a better
understanding of the universe we live in and understand how the cosmos influences
different processes on planet.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 6: Rule

Describe an important rule at school or at work

You should say:

what rule it is

why you think it is important what happens if someone breaks it how you feel about it
part 3 - 'Rules'

So, at my work, there's this one rule that everyone knows about, and it's all about being
on time. It's a pretty simple rule, really. But it's super important for keeping things
running smoothly. I mean we work in a busy office where we have to coordinate a lot of
tasks and projects. If someone is late, it can mess up the whole schedule.

Meetings get delayed, deadlines get pushed back, and it can be a real headache for
everyone. So if it weren't for this rule, we would have a really hard time getting work
done. Literally. So, I totally get why this rule is in place, and I actually think it's a good
one. It helps us stay organized and make sure we're all on the same page. Plus, it
shows respect for our colleagues and the company because we're valuing everyone's
time. But here's the thing: not everyone followed this rule. There were a few coworkers
who were constantly late, and it was frustrating. It was not fair to the rest of us who
made an effort to be on time, and it often created tension in the office.

Now, if someone does break this rule and is late without a good reason, there are
consequences. Usually, our boss will have a chat with them and remind them of the
importance of being punctual. If it keeps happening, they might get a formal warning.
And if it continues after that, well, they could even lose their job. So, while the rule about
being on time might seem strict, I think it's necessary to keep things running smoothly
and maintain a respectful work environment. And personally, I'm all for it because it
makes workday a lot less stressful.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 7: Waiting for a nice thing

Describe a time you waited for a nice thing

You should say:

what you were waiting for, how you felt what you did while waiting why you waited for it

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Waiting and patience'

I hate waiting in all its manifestations as I always feel like I'd be waiting forever, and this
is what usually makes me feel restless especially when l'm waiting for something I'm
looking forward to. Several years ago there was one of such occasions. | was waiting to
get my visa to go to Canada. And as it was my first trip abroad I was more than

I should say I was excited while collecting all the documents and planning my trip. Even
after I submitted a visa application, everything was more or less ok. I knew I'd have to
wait for some time, and, at first, this didn't make me scared. If it hadn't been for my
friends who kept telling me that Canada was one of the hardest places to get a visa to, I
would have been relaxed and calm. But because of them, I started feeling panicky.
While my visa application was being processed, I felt like I was waiting. for something
that wasn't going to happen. Sometimes it felt as though time had stopped.

Of course, I tried to distract myself with work, friends,. meetings, but it was difficult not
to think about it. The worst thing was that I was being kept in suspense as I could ask
nobody about what was going on. And I did not know when exactly I could expect to
receive the res But I was looking forward to getting it as this would my dream to visit
Canada come true.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 8: Bad service

Describe a time when you received bad service at a restaurant or shop

You should say:

• when and where it was what was wrong with the service how you felt about it

part 3 for this cue card is 'Service'

Last year had an experience of what I consider to be absolutely terrible rather than just
bad customer service. I wanted to buy a new laptop. First, I wanted to find a suitable
one online, but I was overwhelmed by the number of options available. In the end, I
decided to go to a reputable electronics store as it was too expensive to throw money
away and buy the first thing I saw online.

When I entered the store, one of the sales assistants greeted me. He waited for some
time to let me look around, then approached me only after I made eye contact with him,
showing I needed his assistance. The guy introduced himself and started asking me a
lot of questions to find out what exactly I needed.

But when I started answering his questions telling him about my needs, he didn't listen
to me carefully. And it seemed to me that he didn't really care about what I needed. It
looked like he just wanted to sell something that would pay him more. At that point I was
already upset because I came there hoping experts would help me find the right solution
for my individual needs. Somehow I managed to make up my mind and chose a laptop
that I liked. Unfortunately, the model I'd chosen appeared out of stock, so he offered to
contact other branches find the model I wanted. Of course, I agreed to wait a wit.

They said that the purchase would be delivered within 3 days, but I received it after I
had waited for 3 weeks just to find out that they had sent me a faulty item. You can only
imagine how disappointed I was.

Of course, I wanted to return it and get the one I needed. However, I was told that the
model I wanted was out of stock. Needless to say, I contacted their customer service
centre and requested a refund. I had a hard time returning it and getting my money

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

back. I wrote tons of complaints to them. It's a really long story. Finally, I received a
refund and the nightmare which lasted for several months over.

Topic 9: Sportsperson you admire

Describe a sportsperson you admire

You should say:

who this person is what this person has achieved how you know about this person
explain why you like this person

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Athletes'

The only sport I enjoy watching, and sometimes even playing, is football. For this
reason, of course, my favourite sports star is a football player. He is one of the greatest
players of all time. Football experts compare him to the legendary Maradona. And I'm
talking about Lionel Messi. He started making headlines many years ago, and he's still
very popular.

Messi was born in a small town in Argentina. He was just 5 when he started playing
football. When he was a teenager, agents from Barcelona saw his talent, he moved to
Spain. He became one of the youngest players in Barcelona. By the way, several weeks
ago, he announced that he was leaving Barcelona after 21 years of playing for the club
(the only club he has played for, by the way) 'cause the club said it could no longer
afford to pay. I even started crying when I saw him crying at his farewell press

He has had a lot of extraordinary achievements and won a lot of trophies so far. For
example, having scored 4 goals, he won the Golden Ball award for the World Cup's best
player in 2014. He helped his club team Barcelona win European Champions League
and the World Club Championship. What's more, he's Argentina's all-time leading

I love to watch him playing, especially when he scores his beautiful goals from quick
counter attacks. He is undoubtedly a natural talent. You know, the ball seems to be

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

glued to his foot. He is a master at reading the game, and he's very quick. Everyone
calls him the greatest dribbler of his generation. I particularly like when he dribbles at
high speed, then he suddenly slows down, waits for the defender to get closer to him,
then accelerates in the opposite direction. It doesn't matter how many defenders try to
stop him, it's simply impossible. What's interesting is that everyone knows this trick, but
he does it again and again, and defenders always go for that. I can't help admiring
Messi because does things that people talk about years later.

Topic 10: Problem with the computer

Describe a time when your computer broke down

You should say:

what the problem was, what you were doing when it was

what you did about it

• how you felt about it

part 3 for this cue card is 'Using things"

Oh, once I accidently spilled water on my laptop, and then it didn't start. This all
happened so fast that I didn't even realise what was going on. I just saw the liquid
spreading over the keyboard.

I was afraid I'd get electrocuted, so I immediately. disconnected the laptop from the
power source. Then! held the power switch and turned it off. After that, I took a paper
towel and tried to remove excess liquid. I thought there had to be something else could
do to solve the problem before it was too late.

So I called my tech savvy friend and asked him for help. He told me not to shake the
laptop, but to open it as wide as I could, so that the screen and keyboard are on the
same level, then put it, face and keyboard down, on a towel or something absorbent,
leave it there for at least a couple of hours so that the water can drip out.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Unfortunately, even though I took all those steps, my laptop didn't start and I had to take
it to a specialized technician.

The laptop was very expensive. | set aside a large percentage of my income every
month for almost a year. Also, I was afraid I'd lose important data. So, of course, I was
really upset. And, worst of all, I realised that it was my. fault, and there was nobody to

Topic 11: Advice you gave

Describe a time when you gave advice to others

You should say:

who you gave advice to what the situation was what advice you gave what the result

part 3 for this cue card is 'Advice'

Just recently one of my close friend's decided to quit a job after an argument with some
colleague. What's more, he was determined to do this as soon as possible.

To be honest, I didn't want to interfere and tell my friend what I thought about his idea
'cause giving advice to people who don't ask for it just doesn't work. Also, I'm sure
people should make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons. But I realized that
this would impact his life significantly, so I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.

advised my friend not to make emotional decisions. I said that I didn't think it was wise
to quit a job without another one lined up because this would entail uncertainty and
having no income for an indefinite period of time.

To my regret, my friend didn't listen to me as he is too stubborn to listen to anybody's

advice. A few days later, he resigned. And a few months after that he called me to
borrow some money because he was still looking for a job.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 12: Successful person

Describe a successful person you know

You should say:

who this person is how you know this person how this person behaves

• why you think this person is successful

part 3 is 'Success'

The person who, in my opinion, succeeded big time in life is my friend Ann. She has
been working for a fairly large manufacturing company for about 5 years now. And
what's interesting about it is that she started her career as a junior project manager. But
very soon she was acting like the team's lead although she wasn't actually one. I know
that she wasn't doing this because she wanted to get a promotion. I remember we
discussed this situation. She was doing this because she felt it was the right thing to do
for the company to succeed.

Of course, at some point, her boss completely took a back seat and didn't do anything
at all. It is not surprising, therefore, that eventually she was offered her boss's position.
And, of course, she agreed.

I don't know how exactly she manages her team 'cause we don't work together. But
we've been friends since childhood, so can assume that, first of all, she doesn't shout at
people. She is never rude to her subordinates. She shows respect for their hard work
and dedication. I'm sure that she lets her team do their work without standing over their
shoulders. Also, she really likes holding brainstorming sessions from time to time. She
told me about it many times. She listens to everyone's opinions, involves employees in
decision-making and planning, which makes people feel involved and valued, of course.

Well, from what I know, her team is like a well-oiled machine, and she gets a pretty high
salary. I think that this is the best evidence of her success.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 13: Beautiful city
Describe a beautiful city

You should say: what city it is how you know it what it is famous for

• why you think it is beautiful

part 3 - 'Cities'

Well, X is the city that I'm in love with. And because I was overwhelmed by its size and
beauty, I remember almost every minute that I spent there like it was just yesterday
although I went there 2 years ago.

X is a bustling city, the capital of X. It's so large that if you view the city from a tall
building,you get the feeling that it doesn't end. And as I've just said it's by far the most
beautiful city that l've ever visited.

X is divided into two parts, the old town and the modern city, therefore there's an
eclectic mix of historic architecture and modern buildings that have bizarre shapes.
What is really amazing is that there are no ugly. cooker-cutter buildings in the modern
part of the city. Due to a clever use of materials, almost each building has its unique
design. There are a lot of beautiful parks and green zones, too.

I'm a keen walker so I explored the whole city on foot. And I really liked both parts of the
city. For example, while walking around its historic part, I leisurely explored historically
significant architecture, peaceful green spaces, and unique local attractions along the
way. You can walk for days and still have something new to see

'cause there are many places of cultural and historical value, and there are countless
routes that can be taken in different parts of the city. Sometimes just walked around the
city having no destination in mind. I also visited the observation deck. It's one of the
most famous attractions there. just couldn't miss the opportunity to visit it although it
was a bit pricy. So I walked, tried local food, visited famous attractions and enjoyed the
beauty around.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

It really did feel like I was jumping from antiquity into modern times all the time. I think X
is a magical place

Topic 14: Person with interesting ideas

Describe a person who has interesting ideas and opinions

You should say:

who this person is what this person does how you know this person

why you think his or her ideas are interesting

part 3 for this cue card is 'Ideas and opinions'

The person whom I consider really interesting is Marina Mogilko. She is a YouTuber
with 2 million subscribers,.

Instagram influencer and entrepreneur. Her YouTube channel is dedicated to learning

English. And, actually, this is how I found her.

One day I was looking for an accent reduction course on YouTube. I watched one of her
videos, then another one.

They were really engaging. I just couldn't stop watching them. I found her personal
account on Instagram and started following her.

Her posts proved to be even more interesting than her videos because she wrote a lot
about her life in America, described her business strategies, shared her insights with the
audience. So I've been following her on Instagram for almost a year now. I still find her
ideas interesting, so I never miss her posts, especially those that she writes after
attending some events.

I'm sure it is her ideas and beliefs have helped her achieve the results l'm dreaming
about. So I try to apply some of these things to my life. Some of her ideas are totally
different from mine, thus, they made me look at things from a different perspective.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

For example, in one of her recent posts she said she started to say more noes than
yeses. She said this helps her focus on what's really important to her although there are
lots of people who say that we should seize every opportunity that we have. Another
interesting idea of hers is not to try to improve more than 2 spheres of your life at a time.
Otherwise, you risk spending the whole day digging deeper and deeper into all kinds of
problems. As a result, you'll just have a low self-esteem and a bad mood.

She also writes about difficulties she faces and what she does to overcome them. She
writes about her achievements. It's inspiring. For example, sometimes she starts her
post from 'This is how I did something, for example, started my own business at the age
of 21 how you can too.

Topic 15: Interesting place in your country

Describe an interesting place in your country that is not visited by many tourists

You should say:

• what place it is where it is

why it is interesting how you found out about it

part 3 for this cue card is 'Travelling'

I'm going to tell you about the ancient monastery situated on top of the mountain. This
place is truly magical, mythical and mystical. There are so many legends about it. For
example, they say that all your wishes will come true after visiting this place. All you
have to do is leave a gift or coin near the statue of X. And there's a fertility statue that a
woman should touch if she wants to get pregnant. No one has ever checked it, but...
Oh... you won't believe but there are rumours that this place is haunted. But I don't think
that someone has ever dared to spend a night there. Also, I can't help mentioning that
there is a stunning view from the top. I think it's a great Instagram-worthy photography
spot. It's a magical place where every corner is steeped in history. It's like a journey.
back in time. In my opinion, it's definitely worth a visit.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Despite this, very few tourists visit it because, first of all, it's situated very far from
popular tourist destinations.

Therefore it's very difficult to get there. I mean it takes almost all day to get to the place,
but there's nothing to do there for more than a couple of hours. Many people consider
such tours a waste of time. What's more, as l've already said the monastery is situated
on top of the mountain. And the worst thing is that there are no roads,. just a narrow
path. And if it were just narrow, that would be more or less ok. But it is steep and
slippery, with loose gravel, sand and mud. So it's a bit dangerous too. Many people
think it's not worth risking their lives. And it's necessary to be in very good shape to be
able to climb up there. This means that children, elderly people, most women won't be
able to get there. It's only feasible for young people, who are often lazy and don't want
to visit places of historic value. So it appears that those who would be interested in
visiting this place will have difficulty doing it. Those who could get there aren't really
interested. As a result, this place is not popular with tourists. But I believe it deserves
much more attention

Topic 16: Useful advertisement

Describe an advertisement that you think is useful

You should say:

where you can see it what it shows

why you think it's useful

• how you feel about it part 3 - 'Advertising'

One of the most useful ads I've seen recently is the one that features an app that blocks
ads. Yeah, it sounds somewhat funny when a tool that actually removes ads uses ads
to promote itself. But that's how it goes. This might not have been the first ad for an ad
blocker that I've seen in my life, but it was the first one that caught my eye.

It grabbed my attention so much that I forgot why I even started surfing the net.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

The ad featured King Kong, but he was blue. It introduced itself as AWAX Kong (AWAX
is the name of the ad blocker I'm talking about). So AWAX Kong was climbing a
skyscraper, smashing ad banners as if to show it was removing annoying ads.

To be honest with you, I was blown away by the ad. It wasn't the usual boring stuff; it
was like watching a mini-movie. It made me think, 'Wow, this AWAX Kong takes his job
very seriously'. So I installed the app, bought a subscription (it's pretty affordable), and
l've been using it ever since.

So far, I'm satisfied with the results. I'm not disturbed by ads when I read some stuff in a
browser, which is amazing. I mean, when I want to buy something, I just search for it
intentionally. When I want to read an interesting article, I don't want to see ads popping
out from everywhere. And AWAX has made my online experience so much better. No
more annoying distractions, just pure content. It's like the internet was always meant to

Topic 17: Difficult task

Describe a difficult task that you completed at work or study that you felt proud of You
should say:

• what the task was how you completed it why the task was difficult

why you were proud of the completion of the task

part 3 - 'Feeling proud, rewards, challenges'

Last year, our company decided to start using CRM software because my boss finally
realized that in the age of big data the company had to move beyond the sticky notes,
EXCEL spreadsheets and disorganized filing cabinets, and start using advanced
organizational technology that can track sales, locate trends, automate many of the
interactions that occur in the company on a daily basis and, what's important, make that
data available across departments.

But the company is not so big, and therefore it doesn't have a dedicated technical
support department. So we had to make a software implementation plan ourselves.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Five of us teamed up to work on this project. And my boss asked me to take the lead on
it. At first, we wanted to find the right CRM solution for our company's needs. I made a
list of CRM vendors, and each team member had to evaluate at least one CRM system.

Then we all worked together to plan and manage the implementation schedule, provide
employee training, and ensure a smooth transition for our employees. As a team lead, I
was responsible for making sure team members were productive, the project remained
within budget, and deadlines were met. Also, I had to organize training sessions, weekly
webinars, and blog posts that all employees of our company could access if and when
they needed help or guidance.

It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. First of all, I had a hard time motivating people
to work overtime because we couldn't ignore our everyday work duties. Plus, I faced
resistance from many employees in our company 'cause their first thought was that the
new software would be too difficult to learn, or it would disrupt their comfort levels, or
even replace their jobs. But I was immensely proud because my boss entrusted me with
such a critical task, and I successfully handled it despite having no prior experience.

Topic 18: Foreigner who speaks your native language well

Describe a foreigner who speaks your native language very well

You should say:

who this person is where this person is from

how this person learns your native language why this person can speak vour language

part 3 - 'Learning languages'

The person who speaks Ukrainian like a native speaker (if your native language is
different, please change the word for Chinese, Spanish, etc) is my English teacher, Mr.

Powell. He's from the United States and came to Ukraine about ten years ago to teach
English at the British Council.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

When he first got here, he could only say a few basic words in Ukrainian like 'hello' and
'thank you'. And his initial plan was to stay for a short time because of his job contract.

But then something unexpected happened. Mr. Powell met a Ukrainian woman, and
they fell in love. He also fell in love with Ukraine - its food, people, and culture. He felt
so connected to this country that he decided not to go back to the United States. He
wanted to make Ukraine his home. And it may have been the moment when he realized
he needed to learn Ukrainian to integrate into the community.

I don't know for sure, but I think his wife helped him with the language. He probably also
learned it by talking to people and being around the culture. It seems to me it was like
how kids learn their first language, just by being immersed in it. Of course, he may have
picked up words and phrases from everyday life, like ordering food at local restaurants
or shopping in markets. Plus, he might have watched Ukrainian TV shows, movies, or
read books to improve his language skills. He could have practiced speaking with his
Ukrainian friends and colleagues. I think there were so many ways for him to learn
Ukrainian very well in order to navigate daily life with ease and establish meaningful
relationships with people around him.

Topic 19: Tiring activity

Describe an activity that made you feel tired

You should say:

what the activity was when and where was it why you took part in it why it made you feel

part 3 - 'Feeling tired'

Last year, my friends and I had our weekend get-together, and one of us suggested
going on a hike to relax, enjoy some fresh air, and disconnect from technology - I mean,
to have some digital detox time.

The hike began easily enough. Everything seemed manageable and not too
challenging. But soon I realized how wrong my assumptions were. I was tired after a

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

hike due to the physical exertion, and I didn't anticipate just how strenuous it would be.
You see, when you hike, your body works way harder than during vour everydav
activities like walking around the block. It's like a full-body workout on steroids.

Another challenge I faced was the steep terrain. I thought it would be a smooth path, but
we were ascending and descending steep hills that left my legs feeling like jelly. I swear,
every step felt like a mini Mount Everest.

Plus, the heat was absolutely unbearable. However, we each brought only one bottle
because we didn't realize how much water we'd need to stay hydrated. As a result, we
quickly ran out of water and were suffering from thirst. But what completely slipped my
mind is that at high altitudes, people often suffer from a shortage of oxygen. It felt like I
was breathing through a straw, and every breath became a struggle. So what I
expected to be a leisurely stroll turned out to be the most tiring experience I've ever had.
In the evening, I was running on my last fumes. And I could barely drag myself to my
bed. I swear, it was like a scene from a movie where the exhausted hero collapses after
a long and arduous journey

Topic 20: Successful person

Describe a successful person you once studied or worked with

You should say:

• who this person is how vou know this person how this person behaves

why you think this person is successful

part 3 is 'Success'

The person who, in my opinion, succeeded big time in life is my friend Ann. She has
been working for a fairly large manufacturing company for about 5 years now. And
what's interesting about it is that she started her career as a junior project manager. But
very soon she was acting like the team's lead although she wasn't actually one. I know
that she wasn't doing this because she wanted to get a promotion. I remember we
discussed this situation.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

She was doing this because she felt it was the right thing to do for the company to
succeed. Of course, at some point, her boss completely took a back seat and didn't do
anything at all. It is not surprising, therefore, that eventually she was offered her boss's
position. And, of course, she agreed

I don't know how exactly she manages her team 'cause we don't work together. But
we've been friends since childhood, so I can assume that, first of all, she doesn't shout
at people. She is never rude to her subordinates.

She shows respect for their hard work and dedication. I'm sure that she lets her team do
their work without standing over their shoulders. Also, she really likes holding
brainstorming sessions from time to time. She told me about it many times. She listens
to everyone's opinions, involves employees in decision-making and planning, which
makes people feel involved and valued, of course. Well, from what I know, her team is
like a well-oiled machine, and she gets a pretty high salary. I think that this is the best
evidence of her success.

Topic 21: Exciting activity you did with someone else

Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone e se

You should say:

what it was where you did it who you were with how you felt about it

part 3 - 'Adventures, risk, stress"

One of the most exciting outdoor activities I've ever done is quad biking. Last year, I
went to Egypt and was determined to do something crazy and dangerous. I was torn
between bungee jumping, paragliding, and quad biking. I decided to go quad biking as it
seemed to be the least dangerous activity of the three. Despite this, I was still very
nervous because i'd heard that many people ended up with broken arms and legs.

So, I went on a desert safari because quad biking in the sand dunes was part of it. I
went with my best friend as we usually travel together, and it was clear we were both
pretty nervous. However, as soon as we got there, my fears, at least, were assuaged.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

There were 50-year-old women and 12-vear-old kids in the waiting area ahead of us, so
we thought, 'If they can do it, we can do it.'

It wasn't particularly difficult as we had some training before we were allowed to drive
ourselves in the dunes to make sure that we would be able to maneuver the vehicles
easily without the risk of tumbling over.

It was fun, adventurous, and, if you don't break the rules, quite safe. We were driving
through the desert, tackling low and high dunes, and yelling into the wind. I even dared
to plunge down a steep slope. It was the thrill of a lifetime.

Topic 22: History period

Describe a period in history that interests you

You should say:

what the period is how you know about it why it is interesting

Part 3 for this cue card is 'History'

I like anything that is connected with ancient Rome. I'm not good at history, but I know
for sure that there were indeed greater and more advanced civilizations, they died and
left almost nothing behind, but Rome's rich legacy of innovation and invention can still
be seen today in many spheres of our life. Just the fact that most people in the world
write in roman letters tells a lot.

However, to my regret, I got interested in it only recently when I came across some
article on the Internet. After that I read tons of them and watched a lot of TV programs
and drama series featuring this period in history. Now I can safely say that Romans,
however pompous this may sound, had the biggest impact on the development of
modern society.

For example, Roman numerals are being widely used nowadays. Like us, or probably
it's more correct to say like them, we divide the day into 24 hours. Another interesting
fact is that Rome, according to numerous articles, was the first entity that started

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managing large areas and populations in an organized fashion. The Romans were
renowned as great engineers. They gave the world the true arch which allowed to build
long span bridges, and they were famous for their road systems because creating a
vast network of roads was the only possibility to provide connection between different
regions of this vast empire in order to ensure mobility of population, military troops and
to facilitate trade. What's interesting is that these roads survived through the
subsequent middle ages right up to the modern times.

One of the most impressive features of ancient Rome along with their roads was the
aqueducts that were constructed to bring water from the distant areas. This water was
then used to provide for public baths, fountains, and for use in private households.
Perhaps most impressive of all, Roman aqueducts were so well built that some are still
in use to this day. They also created complex sewage systems that were used to
remove the waste water and release it into water bodies I could spend hours talking
about their amazing achievements.

Topic 23: Person who likes cooking for others

Describe someone who likes cooking for others

You should say:

who this person is what they like to cook who they cook for why she likes cooking

part 3 - 'Cooking and food'

The person who has a passion for cooking for others is my mom. She's not a
professional chef; she's just an ordinary person. But this ordinary person has an
extraordinary passion for culinary arts.

Whenever she needs to relax, unwind, or simply have some 'me-time,' she goes straight
to the kitchen and starts cooking. Our kitchen is like her sanctuary or it's more like a
laboratorv of a crazv scientist. We all know that when she's in the kitchen, it's best not to
disturb her, as she takes her cooking very seriously.

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She can cook a wide variety of dishes. You name it, she cooks it. But her favorites are
lasagna, chili that she lets simmer for hours, and homemade apple pie. She often cooks
spaghetti Bolognese, creamy chicken Alfredo, and barbecue ribs. The whole
neighborhood benefits from her moments of inspiration because she treats everyone to
her culinary creations 'cause just like how an actress needs people to watch her act, my
mom needs those who'll enjoy her cooking and tell her how much they love it.

But, of course, we (I mean myself, my father and my younger brother) benefit the most
'cause we have meals like those in a Michelin-starred restaurant. Plus, she loves to host
Sunday dinners for family and friends, and it is then that she cooks those
mouthwatering barbecue ribs.

Also, she often cooks for our elderly neighbors because they can't cook for themselves.
For her, cooking isn't just about making people full, it's a way of expressing her love and

Topic 24: Person you haven't met before

Describe someone you haven't seen before but you want to know more about

You should say:

• who this person is how you know about this person what you want to know about this
person why you want to know more about this person

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Relationships, loneliness'

wanna tell you about someone I've always admired, even though I've never had the
chance to meet him face to face. Unfortunately, he passed away a few years ago, and
that opportunity will never come. And the person I'm talking about is Stephen Hawking,
one of the world's most famous physicists.

As far as I know, his most well known work is dedicated to black hole thermodynamics,
which, by the way, helped prove the idea of a 'Big Bang' at the birth of the Universe.

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He also made major contributions to the study of singularity theorems, quantum fields in
curved space times and many other areas. His scientific investigations shed light on the
origins of the cosmos and the nature of time.

What's more, his books gave an appreciation of physics to millions of ordinary people.
One of them was a bestseller for several years, and it is this book that one day turned
him into a celebrity. I stumbled upon an article about Stephen Hawking on the internet a
few ears back, and it left a lasting impression on me. I mean every day, we hear people
complain in about their lives, their health, their families, and a m of excuses for not
pursuing their goals. But Stephan to deal with difficulties that most of us can hardly
imagine. He spent the majority of his life in a wheelchair, unal speak or even feed

Despite these obstacles, he continued his scientific work, publishing articles and books,
and even making appearances on popular shows like the Big Bang Theory and TED
talks. The thing is that many people don't like to be taken pictures of when they think
they look a bit less than perfect, but Stephen was constantly in the public eye although
he definitely understood that he looked different from the majority of people. Another
amazing fact about him is that most patients with the same disease die within 5 years of
their diagnosis. His condition was diagnosed when he was young, and he died in very
old age. I truly admire his scientific achievements, but to be honest with you science is
not my thing. I'm genuinely curious about what shaped him into the incredible person he

I want to know about his habits, hobbies, and principles that allowed him to persevere
through such adversity. I was planning to seek out his biography, autobiography.. or
memoirs because I'm eager to learn more about the man behind the legend. But I
always put it on the back burner. When I get home after today's test, I will definitely. do
some kind of research about his life, his upbringing. and his family.

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Topic 25: Positive change in your life

Describe something that changed your life in a positive way

You should say:

what the change was and when it happened how it happened

why it was a positive change

Part 3 for this cue card is 'Changes'

Last year I came to realize that the quality of my life would improve significantly if I
started leading a healthy lifestyle.

What I did first was I read a lot of articles in magazines and consulted a dietician
because without professional help diets may do more harm than good. The biggest
challenge was to stop eating fast food. I started to choose carefully what I ate, when
and what for. I became a frequent visitor of a gym and did exercises regularly. At least 3
times per week.

I've been living like this for more than a year now. I have to confess that this appeared
to be more difficult than I expected as, first of all, this requires discipline and time. For
example, sometimes you don't want to go to the gym.

You say to yourself that nothing will happen if you skip one workout. But you understand
that if you do it once, nothing will stop you from doing it regularly. Secondly, when you
eat fast food, you don't have to think at all. You take whatever you see in a shop just to
make your stomach full. But if you start eating healthy food, you think about its
nutritional value, you count calories and try to choose fresh high-quality meat, fruit and
In any case, all these efforts are worth changing the way you live. For instance, it was
not until I started following a healthy diet and doing sport regularly that I began to lose
weight naturally without starving myself. As a result,! started looking slimmer and feeling
better. What's more,! became much more attractive for the opposite sex. Now I have
many admirers who say that I'm beautiful, and my photos get really many likes in social

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networks. My health has improved significantly since I started taking the first steps
towards changing my life. I have started feeling. more energetic than before. This has
also helped me get better skin, so now I don't look as pale as before. To sum up, the
quality of my life has improved dramatically.

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Topic 1: art and design

1. What are the differences between a painting and a drawing?

Painting and drawing are both forms of visual art, but they differ in many ways. The first
significant difference is the medium used for creating these artworks. In painting, artists
use various types of paint, such as oil, acrylic, or watercolor. Paint is applied to the
canvas with brushes, knives, or other tools, and it often involves the process of mixing
colors on a palette. On the other hand, drawing typically relies on dry media like pencils,
charcoal, ink, or pastels to create images. Unlike paint, drawing materials do not involve
liquid or wet substances. This distinction in medium is fundamental to how artists
approach their work. Another notable difference is in the texture of the final artwork.
Paintings often possess a smoother and more fluid texture due to the use of liquid
paints. In contrast, drawings tend to exhibit a more granular or textured appearance.
Depending on the type of drawing materials used, such as pencils or charcoal, the
artwork may feature visible lines or strokes that contribute to its unique texture. Scale is
another differentiating factor.

Paintings can vary significantly in size, from small canvases that fit on a tabletop to
large-scale murals on entire walls. On the other hand, while drawings can also vary in
size, they are often more commonly associated with smaller-scale works, such as
sketches or illustrations.

2. Why do people keep some paintings for a long time?

People keep paintings for a long time for various reasons.

Some people think of paintings as a way to invest their money. They believe that the
painting could become worth more in the future, like a valuable possession or
something they can leave to their kids or grandkids. For some, the painting may hold
sentimental value and remind them of a significant event, person, or period in their life.

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Then, there are those who truly appreciate the artistry in a painting. They may admire
the skill, creativity, and aesthetics of the artwork, and find it visually pleasing or thought-
provoking. Paintings can also carry historical or cultural importance. They might be like
valuable time capsules, representing a certain era, style, or artist, helping to preserve
our shared cultural heritage for everyone to enjoy. Finally, some people keep paintings
because they love collecting art.

3. Does the design of the building influence people's mood

Oh, I guess it does. Or I would say it is not the design itself that has some influence on
our humour but the amount and quality of light and ventilation, the style of the building
and, of course, its colours and forms both inside and outside because all of them
together are a kind of trigger to physical, physiological and psychological well-being.

For example, angular forms make people tensed, all shades of grey colour - less
energetic and aroused but, let's say, blue colour puts people in a more creative frame of
mind. So, yeah, there is definitely some kind of influence of buildings on people's mood.
No doubt.

4. What types of art do people in your country like?

Well, I think it depends on people and their preferences.

Some compatriots of mine adore Fine or Visual Arts, I mean drawings, paintings,
sculptures, printmaking and photography despite the fact they have no functional
purpose except to be admired and contemplated as aesthetic objects. Others give their
preference to Decorative Arts such as woodworking, ceramics, pottery or weavings
'cause they are visual and aesthetically. pleasing as well as serve a useful function such
as furniture, tableware, textiles and so on. What is more, they. enhance the decor of
people's homes, which is highly appreciated by many of my fellow citizens. All people
are different that's why types of art that appeal to them are also different but the effect
art has on them is very similar

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- the moment they indulge deep into the artwork their thoughts and emotions change
helping them distress and forget about their worries, which makes both Visual and
Decorative Arts attractive and valued.

5. What kinds of art are the most valuable in terms of monetary value?

Well, paintings and sculptures as far as I know as some of them cost hundreds of
millions of dollars. I guess it is so because, first of all, a big number of famous paintings
and sculptures are held in important public collections and are unlikely to be
deaccessioned. At the same time there are scarce works held by private collectors,
which immediately increases the price of those artworks they are ready to sell. And
secondly, because fashion and a great status of the artist play a role, making their
sculptures and paintings wanted and hugely expensive.

6. Why do some paintings have higher value than others?

Oh, I would say because the artists who painted them are either fashionable or eternal
and very important in art history. I can also predict that it is so because the paintings
themselves are highly recognizable, have got the impact that makes people want to own
them or have a better provenance than those which have a lower value.

By provenance I mean whose collection they've been in,. where they've been exhibited
or which dealers have handled them. That's it.

7. Would you say art is important?

Of course, I would. Art is an essential ingredient to empowering the hearts of people as

it reminds them that there is beauty in the world and they can strive to see and
appreciate it. It is also a remarkable mode of depicting culture from all over the world as
art says things words just can't say. I can also add that art makes our imagination work,
encourages creative thinking and lets people come up with their own unique solutions. It
boosts people's ability to analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways, allowing for
multiple interpretations and helping to invent new ways of thinking. So, it's definitely
important both for children and adults.

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Topic 2: photograph

1. Is equipment important for taking photos?

Absolutely, equipment plays a significant role in photography. By equipment, I don't just

mean a separate professional camera. Nowadays, smartphones like the iPhone 14 Pro
come with cameras that can rival professional ones. So, having high -quality equipment
can indeed make a noticeable difference in the quality of your photos. For instance,
good equipment can capture sharper, clearer, and more detailed images. Also, it can
handle low -light situations without sacrificing image quality. And, of course, certain
equipment allows you to achieve unique effects like booked or long exposures, which is
super important for making creative images. However, even with the best equipment, it's
crucial to understand how to use it properly. It's not just about having a great camera,
but also about knowing how to adjust settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO to
capture the right amount of light and create the desired effects. In my view, it's the
combination of skill and equipment that can truly help one create outstanding

2. Do people take more pictures now compared to the past?

Absolutely. People take way more pictures now compared to the past. First of all, with
smartphones and digital cameras, it's super easy to snap photos anytime, anywhere. So
many people take pictures of LITERALLY everything they see and do. What's more,
nowadays people can take pictures and instantly share them online, which has made
photography an integral part of people's lives. Finally, in the past, cameras used film,
which was limited, and developing photos took time. Nowadays, there is no longer a
need for film and printing, so people can take as many shots as they want, which
encourages people to take more pictures.

3. Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?

I think being a photographer can be a rewarding job, but like any profession, it comes
with its share of pros and cons. On the one hand, photographers hold a unique role in
helping people immortalize their life's most precious experiences, a role that can be

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incredibly rewarding. And what's important is that this lets them express their creativity
and capture moments in unique ways. Some photographers enjoy a flexible work
schedule and have travel opportunities. This allows them to explore new places and
cultures, and interact with many interesting people. On the other hand, there are
challenges to consider. First, income can be unpredictable because some periods might
be busy while others are slow, which can affect financial stability. Quality gear can be
expensive to acquire and maintain, adding to the cost of pursuing this career. Plus,
photography often demands long hours for shoots, editing, and client communication,
which can be physically and mentally exhausting. Carrying heavy equipment and
standing for extended periods can take a toll on the body. Meeting client expectations
can sometimes be demanding and stressful because it's impossible to see exactly what
a client has in their imagination. | mean clients might have a clear picture in their mind
of how they want their photos to look, but conveying that vision can be difficult since no
one can directly access someone else's thoughts. This can make it challenging to
ensure that the final result aligns perfectly with their expectations. Finally, competition in
the photography field is fierce, and many photographer might have a hard time standing
out and finding the niche.

4. Is it easier to take pictures now than in the past?

Oh, no doubt it is. I'd even say it's never been easier or cheaper to create good quality
photographs. The proliferation of digital point and shoot cameras, mirror less cameras
and smartphones has made photography easier than ever 'cause you don't really have
to do anything special or change any specific settings to take a photo.

The camera adjusts all of the settings on its own. Firstly, the autofocus function saves
photographers time and makes focusing more accurate. Another feature really worth
mentioning is auto exposure. You don't have to worry about nailing the exposure as
almost all cameras and smartphones have auto exposure settings. Finally, in the past
photographing at dusk was out of question as cameras 20 years ago did not have good,
or any, low light performance. Now we don't have such restrictions. So we can take
pictures whenever we want to. What's more, now we can view photos right after we've
taken them. Taken all together, absolutely anyone nowadays can take great photos

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without having any special skills or talents. So yeah, it's really easier to take pics now
than in the past.

Topic 3: PARTIES

1. Why do some people dislike parties?

Well, I guess, the main reason is that parties are noisy. and almost all of them grow
rowdy sooner or later. And this is what many people find really exhausting and even
stressful... Another possible reason is that some people are not particularly keen on
getting to know loads of new people 'cause they simply don't like to mix and circulate.

Also, I'd say that some people dislike parties 'cause they have other ideas about having
a good time like reading a book or watching a good film with one or two close friends...
So, people dislike loud music, making out with random people on the dance floor and
inability to have a deep and meaningful conversation.

2. What do adults do at parties?

Well, most adults eat, drink, chat with each other and take a lot of photos at parties.
There are also adults who like to have fun dancing, singing karaoke and participating in
party games. If it's not a fancy party but just a get together with friends, adults can also
play board or card games or just make each other laugh with jokes.

3. What do adults do at parties?

Well, most adults eat, drink, chat with each other and take a lot of photos at parties.
There are also adults who like to have fun dancing, singing karaoke and participating in
party games. If it's not a fancy party but just a get together with friends, adults can also
play board or card games or just make each other laugh with jokes.

4. What do children do at a birthday party?

Oh, I think plenty of things, actually. They definitely play. different games both active
and board, go on a scavenger hunt in search of cheap little favours, take part in different
races and, of course, eat a cake with tea or juice. If a birthday party is held at home,

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they can also play. computer games or watch cartoons together, sculpt something with
plasticize or modeling clay, do face painting and even unleash balloons into the sky at
the end of the party.

5. Why do people organise family parties in your country?

Oh, I guess they do it mostly because they want to share their happy moments with
their nearest and dearest, and because the memories of such parties carry some of the
deepest emotional meaning... One more reason why people like to organise family
celebrations, to my mind, is that such parties are a great, sometimes the only,
opportunity not only to reconnect and hang out with an extended family but also to
strengthen family bonds.

Topic 4: PARKS
1. Why do some people like planting flowers?

There are several reasons why people find joy in planting flowers, I guess. Firstly, it's all
about aesthetics. Many individuals take pleasure in creating beautiful gardens and
landscapes. The vibrant colors and delightful fragrances of flowers add a touch of
charm to their surroundings. It's like painting a canvas with living colors, and this visual
appeal is quite satisfying. Moreover, gardening is a great stress reliever. Being
outdoors, working with soil, and nurturing plants can be incredibly therapeutic. The
repetitive tasks, like weeding and watering, help people relax and reduce stress levels.
It's a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. For some, gardening is
about connecting with nature on a deeper level. They see it as a way to harmonize with
the natural world, observing the growth and changes of plants throughout the seasons.

This connection with nature can be quite profound. Additionally, there's the aspect of
physical activity. Gardening involves a range of physical tasks, from digging to planting,
which provides a form of exercise. It's a way to stay active while doing something
enjoyable. In essence, people plant flowers for a combination of reasons - the beauty,
the therapy, the connection to nature, and even the exercise. It's a multifaceted hobby
that brings numerous benefits to those who pursue it.

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2. Do young people like to go to parks?

Whether young people enjoy going to parks largely depends on their personal
preferences and circumstances, I think. Some young individuals appreciate the
opportunities for outdoor activities and socializing that parks offer. They see parks as a
refreshing escape from urban life that provides a tranquil space for relaxation and
nature appreciation. For them, parks serve as valuable venues for sports, picnics, and
gatherings with friends. However, not all young people share this enthusiasm. With the
prevalence of digital distractions and alternative entertainment options, some may
prioritize screen time or indoor activities over outdoor park visits. Urbanization and
safety concerns can also influence their choices, making them less inclined to frequent
parks. Ultimately, whether young people like going to parks hinges on a combination of
their individual interests, lifestyle, and the accessibility and appeal of nearby park

3. What do old people like to do in parks?

When it comes to what older people like to do in parks, it really varies based on their
interests and physical abilities. Some of them enjoy the simple pleasure of taking a
leisurely walk or sitting on a park bench, reading a book or just enjoying the natural
surroundings. It's a great way for them to relax and unwind. Others might be more
active and participate in activities like yoga classes that some parks offer. These
exercises help them stay fit and flexible while enjoying the serene outdoor setting. Also,
I've seen older people engaged in activities like bird watching. photography, and
gardening. These hobbies keep them mentally and physically active while connecting
with nature. And of course, picnicking with family and friends remains a timeless favorite
'cause it creates opportunities for social gatherings and quality time together. So, it
really depends on the individual, but parks offer a wide range of activities that cater to
the diverse interests and needs of older adults, promoting both physical and mental

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4. What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?

Visiting parks is really good for everyone, no matter how old you are. For young people,
parks are awesome because young people can run around and play, which is great for
staying healthy and active. Plus, they're a cool place to hang out with their friends and
learn how to get along with others. Being in nature at the park can also make young
people feel less stressed and more energetic.

For older people, parks are great too. They provide a nice, gentle way to exercise,
which is important for keeping their bodies in good shape as they get older. Plus, older
people can meet and make friends with people at the park, which is super important for
not feeling lonely or isolated. So, in a nutshell, parks are awesome places that help both
young and old people stay physically fit, mentally sharp, and socially connected.

Topic 5: Cooking and food

1. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?

When you need to cook, you typically need to prepare several things before you start
cooking. First, choose a recipe that you want to prepare. Next, check the recipe for a list
of ingredients, and make sure you have all of them. You'll also need to make sure you
have the necessary pots, pans, utensils, and appliances for the recipe. This may include
knives, cutting boards, measuring cups and spoons, mixing bowls, spatulas, tongs, and
stirring spoons, among others. Afterward, set up your stove, oven, or any other cooking
appliances you need, and remember to preheat the oven or heat pans on the stove if
necessary. Before diving into the cooking process, it's essential to make sure your
kitchen counter and cooking area are clean and organized. This will help ensure a
smooth and efficient cooking experience. As you get ready to cook, consider putting on
a cooking apron to protect your clothing, and keep kitchen towels nearby for wiping
hands and cleaning up spills. Final, prepare plates or serving dishes for the finished
meal, so you're all set to enjoy your culinary creation.

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2. Do you agree that food is an important part of traditional festivals?

Absolutely. I'm pretty sure that food is an important part of any celebration in all
countries of the world, regardless of culture or religion because it's like a tasty svmbol of
the culture and history behind the festival. I mean food at traditional festivals is more
than just a meal. It's a way to honor tradition and bring people together. It can represent
traditions, culture, or even stories from the past. Let's take Thanksgiving in the U.S. as
an example. It's the time when families and friends get together, and they have this big,
special meal. You know, that meal with the roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and
pumpkin pie. And those dishes have been around for a super long time, like hundreds of
years. They mean a lot because they stand for being thankful and people from different
backgrounds coming together to celebrate. So, it's not just food. It's a way to show
gratitude and unity.

3. More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening?

Well, I guess it's, first of all, happening so because more and more people are time-
pressed these days while cooking is time consuming and takes too much effort after a
long day's work. It involves not only cooking itself but also grocery shopping, which
takes too long and often requires multiple trips to different stores, and deciding what to
cook, which is too much of a burden as requires a lot of planning. Secondly, people
nowadays simply don't bother about cooking as there are so many other choices like
fast food, takeaway or frozen dishes that can be microwaved any moment they want to
eat. One more reason I can mention is the fact that many young people lack confidence
and skills in the kitchen and, as a result,. feel ill-equipped to cook giving their preference
to eating out.

4. Is it important to have a meal together with your family?

Well, definitely yes. I would even say family meals are vital for present-day families as
they feed each family member not only physically but also emotionally helping them
handle the stresses of daily life and the hassles of day-to-day existence. What's more,
they provide children with the sense of security and togetherness, which has positive
effects on child development and self-esteem.

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One more positive feature of family dinners I can mention is promoting more sensible
eating habits as eating. together with kids lets parents influence what they eat and
provide a model for children to carry with them into adulthood. Oh, I nearly forgot to
mention one more advantage - family meals provide the opportunity for conversation
letting relatives find out what's going on in each person's life, review the day that's
passed and plan for the day that's coming.

Topic 6: Science
1. Do you think science is important?

Oh, I would even say it's of primary importance 'cause it pushes back the boundaries
constraining our knowledge and provides the potential for long-term benefit worldwide.
Science defines us, our world and our universe. It is the engine of prosperity, the
system of exploring and innovation. Science lets us make progress as a race allowing
us to protect ourselves from the environment and the environment from our impact. So,
to sum up, it is very important and even vital.

2. Which area of science is the most important in the last one hundred years?

Well, I would highlight medicine because advances in this sphere have touched the
lives of nearly every person on the planet helping to save their own lives or the lives of
people they have loved. I think I should mention such medical breakthroughs of the
century as the discovery of penicillin and DNA which carries the genetic information that
makes us what we are. Some more breakthroughs that are worth our attention are
blood transfusions, artificial hearts and heart transplants and test tube babies.

Considering the progress that has been made in medicine in the last century we should
also recall the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and successful treatments for once
deadly infections. Well, I guess I have named enough facts to prove my point.

3.Which area of science is the most important in the last one hundred years?

Well, I would highlight medicine because advances in this sphere have touched the
lives of nearly every person on the planet helping to save their own lives or the lives of
people they have loved. I think I should mention such medical breakthroughs of the

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century as the discovery of penicillin and DNA which carries the genetic information that
makes us what we are. Some more breakthroughs that are worth our attention are
blood transfusions, artificial hearts and heart transplants and test tube babies.

Considering the progress that has been made in medicine in the last century we should
also recall the prevention of nutritional deficiencies and successful treatments for once
deadly infections. Well, I guess I have named enough facts to prove my point.

4.Do you think science can change our society?

Definitely yes. It has already done it and continuing to impact different spheres of our
society life. I mean energy. conservation, agriculture, leisure, health and exploration
issues. What is more, science continues to introduce changes in our means of
communication, methods of transportation, housing, clothes and food, the way we work
and even the length and quality of life. So, yeah, it definitely can change our society. I
would even say it can do it both positively and negatively.

5.Which do you think is more important, science or the social studies?

Well, I am more than sure they are equally important as both of them are needed for
having a happy and fulfilling life. Science covers a variety of research areas and lets us
make progress as a race. It influences most aspects of everyday life, pushes back the
boundaries constraining our knowledge and provides the potential for long-term benefit
worldwide. Social studies give us understanding how the world works on a social level
teaching us basic values, such as justice and equality, which are the foundation of
modern society and helping us develop awareness of the world and environment. They
also help us figure out our role in society as well as our place in history and help us
become active, responsible and reflective members of society. So, no doubt, both of
them deserve our attention.

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Topic 7: Rules

1. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families?

Oh, that's a tough question. I guess the most widespread family rules include telling the
truth to each other even when it's not pleasant, looking for ways to be kind and helpful
to each other, respecting each other's property. and not going to bed on an argument. I
also think each family has a set of rules about what they think should be done at home,
for example, taking their shoes off in the house, always locking the door when they
leave, putting. plates in the dishwasher after eating and turning out the lights when they
are not using a room. These are the most common rules that exist in families I know.

2. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country?

Well, there are quite a lot of them, actually, and they usually differ from school to school
and from company to company. The most common school rules that exist in my country
are connected with getting to school on time,. being respectful to school property,
teachers and other students, _and keeping the school environment and the local
community free from litter. As far as workplace rules are concerned, they are mostly
about being punctual,. trustworthy, flexible and open-minded, keeping the desk
organized instead of spreading out into space that isn't yours, keeping the noise level to
a minimum especially in open-plan offices, and being considerate with files and
equipment you share.
3. Why do some people refuse to abide by rules?

Well, I think there can be different reasons why people don't follow the rules they have
to follow. One of the reasons I can think of is that they feel that these rules are
unnecessary, silly or inconvenient for them, or they think that these rules restrict their
freedom somehow. Another reason why people see it as acceptable to refuse to abide
by rules is that they know there will be no consequences for not abiding by them. All in
all, refusing to follow the rules, people protest against these rules or, on a global scale,
rebel against the system they disagree with.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 8: Changes
1. How can a person adapt to changes in life?

To my mind, adapting to changes in life is something we all have to deal with sooner or
later. I believe one crucial aspect is having a positive mindset. When we face changes,
whether they're big or small, it's essential to approach them with an open mind and see
them as opportunities for personal growth. Another important factor is having a support
system. This could be friends, family, or even professionals if needed. Sharing_your
thoughts and feelings with others can provide valuable insights and emotional support
during challenging times. I think setting realistic expectations is crucial too. Change
often takes time, and it's important not to rush the adaptation process. It's okay to take
small steps and gradually work towards your goals. Lastly, staying informed and always
learning can really help when it comes to adapting to changes. The more you know, the
less challenging those changes become. In our fast-paced world, being knowledgeable
and adaptable can help us navigate changes more effectively. So, in a nutshell, it's
mindset, support,_patience, and a willingness to learn that can help us adapt to the
twists and turns of life. band 7 grammar: The more you know, the less challenging those
changes become.

2.Why do some people quit and change jobs?

To my mind, There are several reasons why people decide to quit their jobs and look for
new opportunities. One common reason is the desire for career advancement.

Many individuals seek jobs that offer better prospects for moving up the ladder and
achieving their long-term goals. Another significant factor is the pursuit of a higher
salary. People often consider changing jobs if they believe they can earn more
elsewhere, which can provide financial stability and a better quality of life. Work-life
balance also plays a crucial role. Nowadays, people value their personal time and want
a job that allows them to strike a healthier balance between work and life commitments.
A flexible schedule or reduced working hours can be enticing.

Company culture is another key aspect. Toxic or unsupportive work environments can
be mentally and emotionally draining, which prompts individuals to explore workplaces

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

with a more positive atmosphere and a culture that aligns with their values.
Furthermore, the lack of recognition or appreciation at their current job can lead to
dissatisfaction. Many seek new opportunities where their contributions are
acknowledged and valued. Personal factors like geographic relocation, health issues,
and changes in life circumstances can also influence the decision to change jobs. So,
it's a mix of professional and personal considerations that drive people to take that step.

3. Do you like new things or changes in life?

Absolutely. I enjoy new things and changes in life. For me, they represent exciting
opportunities for growth and adventure. I mean embracing change has always been a
part of my personality, as it fuels my desire for exploration. When I encounter something
new, it's like opening a door to a world of possibilities. Plus, change brings variety and
freshness to life. It shakes things up and makes our daily routines less boring and more
engaging. I find that it stimulates my creativity and allows me to see the world from
different angles. In fact, some of my most memorable experiences have come from
embracing change and stepping out of my comfort zone. So, to sum up, I appreciate
new things and changes in life because they align with my adventurous spirit and open
up a world of opportunities for personal growth and excitement.

Topic 9: Waiting

1. What are the daily experiences that people have to wait for?

Well, every morning and evening people have to wait for public transport in order to get
either to work or home.

Those who have their private transport often spend a lot of time in traffic jams waiting
for an opportunity to continue their journey. If people work in big office buildings, they
also have to wait for elevators to get to the floor they need. At work many people spend
a lot of time waiting for important calls or emails, necessary. information from
colleagues or partners, results of their work and even end of office hours. If people get
ill, they have to wait for physician services, if they get hungry, they wait for food after

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

making an order in the cafe or queuing in the supermarket. Lots of people also wait for
something_good in life not always doing anything to get what they dream about.

2. Do you think children have more patience than adults?

Of course, no. Children can't deal even with small disappointments. It's so hard for them
to cope with frustrating situations such as sitting in long traffic or waiting for something.
They immediately erupt in anger if they can't get what they want. Even the most
impatient adults react more calmly to life's twists and turns remaining_as composed as
possible even in the hardest situations. I guess it's because adults, unlike kids, can find
ways to change the focus of their attention by occupying themselves with something

3. Who behaves better when waiting, a child or an adult?

I'd say an adult is. Children can't deal even with small disappointments. It's so hard for
them to cope with frustrating situations such as sitting in long traffic or waiting for
something. They immediately erupt in anger if they can't get what they want. Even the
most impatient adults react more calmly to life's twists and turns remaining as
composed as possible even in the hardest situations. I guess it's because adults, unlike
kids, can find ways to change the focus of their attention by occupying themselves with
something else.

4. What can you do while waiting in line?

Well, plenty of stuff, actually. For example, I can return phone calls and text messages
or just call someone I haven't spoken to in a while. Also, I can catch up on the news
surfing the net or looking through the newsfeed in social networks. I even can give
mobile learning a try. doing some exercises or trying to memorize some foreign words.
Well, one more thing I can do while waiting in line is brainstorm creative ideas but only if
I can abstract my mind from what is going on around and focus on what I need. If I'm
tired, I can just listen to music with my. headphones. Oh, and of course, I can spark up
a conversation with a fellow line-dweller if l'm in a talkative mood. So, generally, I can do
whatever floats my boat while queuing.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

5. Why do people dislike waiting?

Well, I think because of the nagging sensation that life is slipping away. Waiting makes
people become aware of the passage of time and, as a result, makes them restless. It
causes people to renounce more productive and rewarding ways of using their time,
making them perceive it as a violation of their right to manage and control their time.
Waiting is time-consuming, frustrating,. psychologically painful and, in many situations,
quite costly. guess these are the main things that make people dislike it.

Topic 10: Service

1. What do people do when they get bad service?

Well, I guess they, first of all, voice their complaints trying to get some kind of solution or
compensation from the company. If the company wholly fixes the situation, I guess, it
only strengthens customer loyalty, and the shoppers don't take any other actions. But if
the company ignores or dismisses the complaints, I am more than sure that dissatisfied
customers will not willingly do business with this company again. What is more, they will
spread news of bad customer service sharing their pain points with as many people as
possible, which might negatively influence the company's business.

2. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service?

Oh, for a score of reasons, to my mind. For example, because companies do not ask
them for feedback or because the complaint process is too complicated and requires
much effort from them. It can also happen because they think it's a waste of time to
provide feedback as the company is simply not interested in hearing from them. They
just don't see the point in complaining as they believe that they are not going to get a
satisfactory resolution anyway. One more group of people I can think of remain silent as
they simply don't want to bother as it's unpredictable what might come next, which
worries them and stops from expressing their dissatisfaction.

3. As a customer, what kinds of services do you expect from a company?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

First of all, I expect that the products and services I buy. from the company perform well
and do what they are meant to do or, in other words, buying some product or service
from the company, I want this company to stick to their word and sell me exactly what
they advertised. Also, 1 expect quality customer service, when a customer service
agent makes more effort to engage and learn more about my wants, feelings, desires
and beliefs, and up-to-date knowledge, when I can get answers to all my questions
quickly and correctly as well as get the information I need to make my buying decision.
Well, and the last thing I expect from the company is quick-resolution-time for
complaints, whether they are on digital channels - like social media and webpage
comments - or off-site on third-party and review sites. So this is what I good customer

4. What is bad service?

Well, bad service, to my mind, is the one that doesn't meet the customer's needs or
wants, or, in other words, the one that makes customers disappointed, frustrated,
confused, angry, upset, irritated or even outraged. I mean things like unfulfilled
promises, lies and other deceptions,. lack of knowledge of the product or policy, long
hold lines,. rude treatment and failure to fix problems. All these things are a fast way for
a business to send customers to the competition as well as lose its reason for

5. What should companies do if a product appears to be faulty?

In my opinion, a company should take action as soon as the defect has been identified.
It may need to contact customers or put out a public notice in order to retrieve defective
goods from distributors and consumers in exchange for compensation. In case a
customer complains about a faulty product, a company should give a remedy in the
form of a refund, repair or replacement.

Plus, a company should pay compensation if the product caused additional damage,
injury or death. And I'm sure it should also pay for return shipping. What's important is
that a company should refrain from becoming defensive or denying the problem.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

6. When does good customer service play the most important role?

Well, on many occasions, actually. In a broad sense, excellent customer service is

inexorably linked to company growth and success. First of all, standing out from the
competition is critical to a company's success.

However, nowadays too many products and services are the same. As a result,
providing excellent customer service is sometimes the only way for a business to stand
out from the competition. Also, great service is particularly important when a company is
trying to build or strengthen its reputation among the clients. I've heard many times that
customers tell an average of 10 people about a positive experience with a brand, but
they tell twice as many people about a negative experience. In addition, it's a good way
to increase customer lovalty and therefore sales. It has already been proved that brands
with superior customer experience bring in 5 times more revenue than competitors that
lag in customer experience because happy customers buy more, and they are less price
sensitive. What's more, they are more likely to refer a friend to the company. And it's no
longer a secret that advertisements and promotions will not affect prospective
customers as much as a simple referral from their friends and family. And another thing,
it's a great way to cut costs

'cause it's always cheaper to retain a current customer than to acquire a new customer.
Finally, great service is what allows a company to encourage competitors' customers to
switch to its brand, which allows a company to enter the market or increase its market

7. Do you think robots can sometimes provide better customer service than people?

Definitely. On certain occasions, robots are much better at delivering customer service
than people. First and foremost, even the most efficient human customer service worker
can't work as fast as a robot or remember a customer's preferences. For example, when
you dial customer service phone numbers, you can often get your questions answered
without ever being put on hold. Also, robots are better than human operators when they
are used to collect customer data and assist customers in finding an item or guiding a

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

customer around a store. In all other cases, human employees deliver better service
than robots do.

8. Do you think that customers' expectations are too high?

Well, it's hard to say whether customers' expectations are too high or not, but it's
obvious that their expectations are higher than ever. Nowadays brands are competing
to win customers' attention, so they resort to different strategies in order to stand out
from competition. And consumers perfectly know that. The bigger the competition, the
more companies offer to their consumers. The more companies offer, the more
demanding people get. What made people absolutely happy, say, 5 years ago today
does not produce the same effect. I mean brands have educated their customers about
what great customer service looks like and thus have raised the bar for all the other
companies. So it's perfectly natural that customers demand more than they used to.
They expect brands to treat them like they are the most important person in the world.
For example, customers are no longer ready to be put on hold for extended periods of
time. They want companies to deal with their enquiries immediately.

Customers don't compare you only to your direct competitor: you may be in the IT
business, but your customer service is now being compared to your customer's recent
experience at a hotel or a restaurant.

Also, they opt for digital products and services, and they choose brands that help their
local communities. What's more, consumers expect to engage with a service or support
center literally on their terms... I mean using a variety of channels that include voice,
web, chat, email,. video and social media... They are more informed and
knowledgeable, so they are putting pressure on bran-

9. Why is it that some companies don't provide good service?

Well, it seems to me that many companies still don't understand why they should worry
about customer experience. They are only worried about the money they make, and
they don't care if the customers are handled correctly as long the profit remains
unaffected. They don't spend the time, effort and money to train their employees.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

This is basic, but surprisingly, it happens more often than it should, which is 'never'. But
even worse, many companies don't pay their employees enough. And it's perfectly
natural that if companies do not treat their employees well, their employees are not
going to be bothered with treating customers well. A large number of companies say
'The customer comes first'. They keep chanting this mantra, but they don't really know
what this means or they may think that they are giving their customers exactly what they
want. In fact, they fail to hire the right people to do the customer service job. You see,
it's not only about having the needed skill-set, being a great listener and an effective
communicator. It's more about having passion for this kind of job and really enjoying
doing it. Some people are just not cut out for customer service work, and hiring them for
customer service positions might just do more harm than good for your business. As a
result, their customers don't feel cared for and valued. And, unfortunately, this is not a
complete list of things that explain why so many companies fail to deliver excellent
customer service.

10. How can a company maintain the quality of the service that it gives to the public?

Oh, I think it could be done by actively reaching out to customers and trying to gather
their feedback on service quality and suggested areas of improvement. It's very
important for companies to identify common issues and demands of customers and
customize their service offerings. It's also essential to spend generously on training
personnel to adequately handle customer queries and complaints. In cases when a
customer has already complained about poor service quality, it's important for
businesses to take steps to redeem the situation. All these actions will, no doubt, help
the companies maintain the quality of their service.

11. Is service better in large shops or in small shops?

Oh, no doubt, in small ones as they have a greater emphasis on customer service than
large ones. They create a great shopping environment with quality. products,
outstanding customer service and advice from friendly expert staff. Shoppers just can't
resist this personal attention and staff's commitment to service.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

What is more, customers can be sure that in difficult situations they will get sincere
empathy from staff who will do their best to resolve complaints in their favour. As far as
large shops are concerned, their impersonal service,. standard operating procedures
and indifferent calmness often repel buyers more and more turning them to smaller
stores which have, to my mind, become the leaders of consumers' preferences, first of
all, for their excellent personal service.

Topic 11: Athletes, Sports

1. What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?

Oh, to my mind, there are lots of personal and physical qualities that an athlete must
have. First of all, I think athletes should be self-confident by nature 'cause the greater an
athlete's confidence, the more willing they are to keep trying even when failing. Another
important quality is a strong sense of motivation. I know that high-performing athletes
are motivated by the desire to beat their competition, crush their current personal best,
and prove to themselves their hard work wasn't for nothing. A commitment to
excellence, which is an obsession to do whatever it takes to be the best is a key
ingredient to success, is essential as well. Also, athletes should have a strong sense of
focus 'cause it allows them to channel all their ability into competition when it matters
most, and this focus allows them to remain in the moment. One more crucial quality is
passion. Without passion, it is hard, or maybe impossible, to put in the type of work
necessary to be successful. And it's passion that makes an athlete willing to jump
through hoops, go through all the ups and downs and everything in between to reach
their goals.

And, of course, I can't help mentioning persistence, self-discipline, optimism, an ability

to manage stress, acceptance of criticism, competitive spirit, and willingness to practice
long and hard, to name but a few. Also, there are a number of essential physical
qualities of an athlete such as mobility, speed, endurance, balance and coordination,
power and time sense. All these characteristics allow athletes to move effectively, run
more, cycle longer, swim stronger, squat a near-maxi load, explode off the line or propel
themselves off t ground.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

2 What kind of sports are popular in your country?

Oh, I would say all kinds of ball games. People in my country are fond of football
because it has simple rules,. can be played just with a ball almost anywhere, is very.
entertaining to watch and play and very short which makes viewers actively involved in
the game from the beginning to the end. There are also a lot of basketball and volleyball
fans. Basketball can be played with 5 or more friends all at the same time and provides
a whole lot of fun. Volleyball is very aerobic and athletic and attracts people with its
strategy. These days there are also lots of people in my country enjoying tennis which is
one of the most dynamic sports requiring total involvement of its players. Tennis
encourages interaction, communication and just plain fun and is a great stress reliever
which makes it even more loveable.

3.Do children need to exercise?

Absolutely. Exercise is essential for children because, first of all, it helps them enjoy
health benefits such as achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, building
strong muscles, bones and joints, improving the quantity and quality of sleep and even
preventing the development of chronic diseases.

Secondly, exercise builds a great self-esteem and a better self-image as well as

improves motivation and focus resulting in enhanced academic performance and, lastly,
it elevates children's mood, lets them feel refreshed and helps them have a better
outlook on life.

Topic 12: Advice

1. What advice do parents usually give to children?

Oh, lots of advice as I know. For example, parents often tell their kids to never stop
reading and learning because the more they read and learn, the more they'll open their
mind to a wide range of possibilities. They also advise them to be open-minded and
receptive to learning from life situations both positive and negative as there is no better
teacher in life than personal experience. A lot of parents teach their kids to cultivate and
nurture friendships, resolve disagreements amicably and show kindness as well as lend

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

a helping hand whenever they. can. And, of course, parents usually teach their kids not
to give up and not to be quick to judge people. Oh... and not to stress too much over
decisions as they needn't be forever. Well... and, of course, lots of other advice which
can help children live a happy life.

2. Do you prefer advice from your family or your friends?

Well, whenever I need some really important advice, I, first of all, seek it of my parents,
'cause I know that they have more experience and will always give me rational advice
based on the lessons they have learnt throughout their life. What is more, they are very
reliable and will never betray or harm me. They are always there for me and will help
me wholeheartedly in any situation. But if the advice I need is not that vital and doesn't
put me at risk or pose threat to my future, I will go to my friends because they. think like
me, know all my ambitions and passions and will never criticise or repremand me even
if I want to do something rash and irrational.

3.Why do so many young people not accept the advice of older people?

I guess it happens because today's youth trust the Internet and social networks more
than older people considering that their skills and methods are impractical and
inappropriate in our fast-paced modern world.

Undoubtedly, older people know more than younger ones but, of course, not that much
as Google which makes it unnecessary to ask the elderly for advice or accept it when it
is given.

Some people find it easier to accept advice than other people do. Why do you think
there is this difference?

I think this difference exists because all people are different and what is easy for some
of them can be really hard for others. To my mind it's difficult for people to accept advice
if they perceive their reality differently from the way others see it or if they mistakingly
assume that they can handle the situation themselves. I also think it can be hard to
accept advice if people are stubborn,. afraid of the unknown or just not ready for

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

positive changes. Alternatively, it's really easy to follow somebody's advice for people
who are open to new things and trust those who give them advice.

4. In general, what kind of person is most suitable for giving advice to others?

I think it is, first of all, a person who can listen to people constructively, attempting to
hear all the aspects of the situation in order to be able to give sound advice. It's also
important for this person to be honest, trustworthy and steadfast, _guided by wisdom
and able to avoid judging.

'cause these are necessary conditions for giving good advice. I would also add that in
some situations it's really essential for an adviser to be compassionate while in others
confident and optimistic

5. Do you think it's ok if professional advice costs a lot?

Of course, it is because professional advice always brings benefits to those people it is

given to as it helps them achieve very valuable life and career improving goals faster
and more completely than they imagined letting. them become more prosperous,
happier, healthier and more confident. Professional advice is a kind of tool which helps
people expend their frame of reference, draw useful insights from the right people and,
as a result, develop better solutions to problems than they would have on their own. So
yeah, all these benefits are worth a hefty sum, I guess.

6. What problems can people face if they ask many different people for advice?

First of all, people risk making the wrong decision because not everyone has their best
interest in mind. Sometimes a person giving advice has an ulterior motive which is easy
to see when someone has something to be gained in a way that leads them to offer bad
advice. For example, a boss who mav be wary of vour talent may advise that a certain
project 'won't help you'. But sometimes it's not so obvious. Well, I should say that bad
advice can even be well meant. For example, a parent who fears your chosen career
will leave you in poverty will try to dissuade you from choosing a particular career.
Secondly, when people ask many other people for advice, it is likely that making a
decision will take ages. The more people, the more opinions. However, too many

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

equally good options make decision-making progress long and hard 'cause excessive
choice of options can produce 'choice paralvsis'

7. Which do you think is better, advice from young people or advice from older

Well, to my mind everything depends on the type of advice you need. If you seek
friendly advice about the way the life should be lived, I guess it's better to request it of
older people 'cause they have already learned many important lessons in the course of
life and know what matters in it and what doesn't. Moreover, older people are more
compassionate and can not only give you advice but also provide you with support
along the path. But if you need advice concerning some novelty or progress, I am more
than sure it's better to ask young people for it as they are more aware of state-of-the-art
technology., more flexible and more open-minded than older people.

8. When somebody gives you some advice, do you usually follow this advice or do
you usually insist on your own opinion?

Well, I always follow it if I consider it to be good or if I trust the person who gave it to
me, but first I try to sleep on this advice to be sure I can rely on it. Alternatively, if I trust
my. opinion more than the advice I received or if my. experience in the sphere is richer
than that of the person who gave me the advice, always insist on my own opinion
presenting some evidence in support of my view.

Topic 13: Successful people, business

1 What kinds of family businesses are common in your country?

In my country families usually set up businesses in which everyone can take part. That's
why pizza parlors, coffee shops, restaurants and retail outlets are very popular family-
owned businesses where I live. Let's take restaurant business as an example. The
father can be responsible for bookkeeping or buying supplies and ingredients, while the
mother can be in charge of preparing the restaurant's menu for customers, hiring and
training the staff. Their adult children can be kitchen workers or waiters. Also, common
family businesses in my country are those in which all (or most) family members can

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

use their talents for a common goal. For example, several family members who work in
the medical field, say, in dentistry, can come together and open a dental clinic.

2 Is it good to work with family members?

In an ideal world, doing business with your family members would be both a risk-free
and rewarding experience. But in a read world (and I'm saying this 'cause I worked with
some of my relatives in the past), the benefits it brings are infinitesimal compared to the
challenges you are faced with. (And, unfortunately, l'm not the only person who says
so). First, relatives often expect to have extra freedoms and preferential treatment. I
think it's human nature for us to want to take advantage of being a part of the family in
order to ask for time off, miss deadlines, come in late, or go home early. Even if you're
insanely lucky and your relative doesn't act like this, you may be afraid that your co-
workers will start thinking that your relative is getting preferential treatment. As a result,
you could be overly critical of them or assign them even more responsibilities, which
your relative might not appreciate 'cause it's unfair. However, you may become overly
protective of your family members and start going easier on them when they are having
a hard time. Because of this, you will pass their responsibilities to other co-workers,
which is unfair as well. If you work with your significant other, you will face challenges
too 'cause you won't have enough time alone, and it will be really hard for you to keep
your family life separate from your work If In the long run, this can significantly damage
your relationship and turn spending time together into a to endure. And I could go on
and on. But it's all true.

3 What does it take to become successful?

Oh, a number of steps, to my mind. First of all, if you want to achieve success, you need
to have a clear vision of your goals with a time frame and belief that you are able to
achieve them before the deadline you've set for yourself. Secondly, you need to have a
willingness to work hard and learn a lot... including learning from your mistakes and
failures... Your commitment to the desired goals and a willingness to go the extra mile
will push you to take action, putting forth all your effort. This will help you become a
better version of yourself, which will drive you to success. I'd also say that success

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

takes choosing. growth over comfort, persistence and discipline over sheer pleasure
and consistency over intensity...

Fortunately, it is not a magical puzzle that only a select few have the ability to solve. It's
the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals I mentioned

4 Why is it that some people achieve success faster?

Oh, I guess there are a lot of factors at play. First of all, those who achieve success
faster than others have a clear vision of their goals with a time frame and belief that they
are able to achieve them before the deadline they've set for themselves. Secondly,
these people have a willingness to work hard and learn a lot... including learning from
their mistakes and failures... They commitment to the desired goals and a willingness to
go the extra mile push them to take action, putting forth all their effort. This hels them
become a better version of themselves faster, which drives them to success. I'd also
say that success takes choosing growth over comfort, persistence and discipline over
sheer pleasure and consistency over intensity...

Fortunately, it is not a magical puzzle that only a select few have the ability to solve. It's
the natural consed of consistently applying the basic fundamentals I mentioned above.

5 Are successful people often lonely?

I'm afraid so. And, in my opinion, there are several reasons for this. First of all, to be
successful in any industry, a person has to be nothing short of exceptional, which, in
most cases, means putting everything else aside to focus on their goal. For example,
instead of spending the night partying with friends, successful people or those who want
to become successful will work on an important project all by themselves. Usually they
are loaded with so much work that they have to miss their children's special days or
family get-togethers. Eventually, this can alienate them from their family and friends. So
people DO have to sacrifice a lot to finally reach the point where they really want to be.
Plus, successful people are usually. misunderstood by the majority of people around
them. If a person is leading a non-conventional, non 9-5 life, they are most probably

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

accumulating unique experiences. So it may be hard for them to become close to
people 'cause they don't have shared experiences which are the lifeblood of any
relationship. Finally, successful people often choose to spend time on their own 'cause
they need so-called 'thinking time' to develop solutions to business problems and build
their future.

Topic 15: cities, historical places

1. Why do people like to visit historical places?

Oh, I think because historical places give them a more realistic vision of history and
enable them to develop a deeper understanding of the people and places that have
shaped society today. They help people see the bigger picture as well as grasp the
achievements of mankind and bring a great experience of learning new things. All of this
makes people happy, creates addiction and pushes them to visit more and more
historical sights.

2. Why do people like to visit historical places?

Oh, I think because historical places give them a more realistic vision of history and
enable them to develop a deeper understanding of the people and places that have
shaped society today. They help people see the bigger picture as well as grasp the
achievements of mankind and bring a great experience of learning new things. All of this
makes people happy, creates addiction and pushes them to visit more and more
historical sights.

3. What can we do to stop visitors from damaging historical places?

Well, I guess, first of all, spread awareness about the preservation of the heritage. The
more people are aware of its importance, the fewer people will have a wish to do
damage to historical sights. I also think it would be reasonable to limit the number of
tourists in order to be able to keep an eye on every visitor of the place. One more idea I
can think of is to establish some punishment measures, for example, introduce penal
sanctions to everyone caught damaging any exhibit or object on site. If tourists know

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

that they will have to pay for any damage they have done, they will think twice before
they dare to do it.

4. Is it hard to protect historical buildings?

Yes, it can be challenging to preserve and restore historical buildings for a number of
reasons. In my opinion, the biggest challenge is funding. It can be really expensive, so it
may be difficult to secure funding for these projects. Plus, historical buildings are often
old and may be in a state of disrepair, which can make restoration and preservation a
lot more difficult. Another reason why this process requires careful planning is that over
time,. building technologies change, and it can be challenging to incorporate new
technologies into old buildings while still maintaining their historical integrity. Finally, it is
important to preserve historical buildings, but it is also important to make them
accessible to the public, otherwise there is no point in investing in these projects. So
this can be a delicate balance as certain preservation techniques may make a building
less accessible. For example, some museums and castles install protective barriers or
display cases around historical artifacts, which makes it more difficult for visitors to view
the items up close.

5. Should old buildings be preserved?

I guess 'yes', especially if they are a symbol of architectural heritage. Such buildings
usually create a lasting imprint on the area they are in and provide an insight into the
history of the country. This draws attention to the country and provides important
income attracting great numbers of tourists.

6. How do people in your country feel about old buildings?

Well, I suppose the majority of my countrymen think that old buildings should be
preserved especially if important historicity is kept. I guess it happens so because such
buildings have intrinsic value and attract tourists to the area. Though, there is no doubt
there are also people ir my country who are against preserving old buildings as they
make a heritage site limited for development, do not always fit in with the new buildings
or can even be a threat to society.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

7. Is having too many tourists a positive thing for historical attractions?

Well, I would rather say 'yes' than 'no' as it, first of all, boosts local investment in
heritage resources and amenities which in its turn promotes community. beautification
and helps improve the community's image and pride. All of this boosts awareness of the
tourist site and area's significance. What is more, it helps encourage local residents and
visitors to be mindful about their impact on the natural and built environment. Taking
into account all the above I can safely say that having too many tourists is a positive

Topic 16: ideas and opinions

1. When do children begin to have their own ideas and opinions?

Well, I don't think there's any one-size-fits-all magical age when children start to have
their own views for life as every child grows and develops differently. As my experience
shows, almost every child aged eight years and older is already able to express their
views through talking, writing, drawing and other activities. However, I am more than
sure that there are kids who start doing it much earlier, let's say, at the age of 4 or 5. So,
to my mind, it depends on the child and the environment they grow up in.

2. Do you think children will always have ideas and opinions similar to those of their

Well, on the one hand, 'yes' as children are unavoidably an extension of their parents.
I'd even say that kids are like empty cups parents can pour their beliefs and views into,
and they are more likely to stick. But on the other hand, children are not there to lap up
and regurgitate all opinions of their parents, and even if they do get affected by what
their parents think, I think this strong parental effect does not last forever.

3. What encourages people to come up with new ideas or inventions?

Well, I think it is feeling excited about something and knowing that their ideas will be
welcomed, supported and given credence, first of all. It's very important for people to
feel valued and appreciated for everything they do and if they don't feel it, they usually

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lose motivation to continue to do anything, be it developing ideas or taking actions. I'd
also add the implementation of the ideas to this list of motivating factors as if ideas are
welcomed but not implemented, they lose their value and stop people from generating
new ones.... Oh.... and, of course, the chance to get a reward is also a good motivator
for inventing something new. People like prizes and bonuses and their wish to get them
makes them more creative, to my mind.

4. Do you agree that people should spend more time reading about the ideas of
famous thinkers of the past?

No doubt, they should as we all know that history repeats itself and a peek into the
ideas of well-known thinkers of the past can help people analyze the ideas of the
present as well as put modern problems into perspective. What is more, those ideas
can help people see the world around them in a new way as they can provide them with
the framework of knowledge that they need for making positive changes in their present
day life.

5. Whose ideas and opinions are widely respected in your country?

Oh, I guess those of successful business leaders, top bloggers and celebrities as they
are the ones people wish to be, which makes them highly respected and influential
among wide audiences. They serve as role models for people and have a tremendous
influence on the knowledge people retain, the attitudes they adopt, and the decisions
they make. One more reason why they are trusted is because they invest time and
money in their professional growth and, as a result, have expertise and knowledge in
particular niches. Oh, and they give people a genuine value, which also adds to their
high level of respect.

Topic 17: new things, tourism

1. How do people find out about a new place?

Well, I guess it depends on people, their age and their interests, but the most common
way to find out about new destinations these days is by using social accounts wisely.

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If people have accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, they have a chance to
gather info and ideas about the best places to travel from famous travel bloggers and
influencers. One more popular way to get to know about new travel places is by getting
ideas from favourite films, TV shows or even books. Well, and of course, by surfing
travel sites and following their advice.

2. How do young and old people react differently to new things?

I guess that new things can cause a significant amount of stress in later life, which
makes older adults avoid novelty.

There is good evidence that older people have less motivation to explore new ways of
living. They tend to be lower in the personality trait of sensation seeking, and also less
open to new experiences. I'm more than sure that it's connected with the fact that new
things may cause them to feel uneasy. What's more, older adults are slower in learning
to adapt and, as a result, are slower at responding to changes in their life in comparison
with younger people who are fast at responding and more eager to take steps into the
unknown, which makes them feel excited whenever life brings new beginnings and
adventures to their daily routine.

3. Should young people try as many new activities as possible?

Definitely. You know, when a child is born, parents are unaware of the potential he or
she has, and it must be found through a trial and error process. So if young people and
kids try a variety of activities, they can find out what they like and what they're capable
of. For example, if Venus Williams hadn't stepped onto a tennis court as a child, she
would have missed an opportunity to try something she would later turn into a career.
And the world would never have seen such a brilliant tennis player.

Plus, young people can learn a plethora of skills that will help them later on. And, of
course, trying as many new activities as possible can teach them not to be afraid to step
out of their comfort zone.

4. Why are some people afraid of trying new things?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Well, I think, they are, first of all, afraid to be outside their comfort zone opting for those
actions they are used to doing. They might also be afraid to fail or feel insecure in the
face of the unknown. Some people can just be afraid of changes and have a fear to lose
something they already have. Others might not want to try something new 'cause they
don't know what it's like and are worried that the action will produce an intolerable
immediate outcome. I guess these are the main reasons.

5. you think it's better to have new experiences when you are young or when you are

Well, definitely when you are young 'cause older people often feel they have already
had all experiences they need and don't even take any steps to trying or learning
something new. What is more, the older people become, the more tired of learning they
get and, as a result, often make the conscious decision to stop learning even though
they may not realize it. Older people also need more time to learn new things as they
have physical changes such as reduced vision and hearing ability which have an effect
on their ability to learn and master new skills. So, no doubt, young age is the best time
for new experiences and new skills.

Topic 18: Advertising

1. Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

Well, the effectiveness of newspaper advertising versus online advertising largely

depends on the specific goals of your marketing campaign. While newspaper
advertising may be effective in reaching a specific demographic or geographic area,
online advertising offers a much broader reach and targeting options. Additionally,
online advertising allows for greater interactivity and engagement with potential
customers through things like videos, interactive banners, and social media advertising.

Online advertising can also offer a more cost-effective solution, as it often has lower
costs compared to newspaper advertising. Moreover, online advertising can be more
measurable, as it provides detailed insights into how many people viewed your ad,

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

clicked on it, and took further actions, which can help you optimize your campaign and
target your audience more effectively.

However, for certain industries or businesses, such as local businesses or events,

newspaper advertising may still be a more effective option. Ultimately, the success of
newspaper advertising versus online advertising hinges on the specific goals and target
audience of your campaign,. as well as other factors such as budget and timing. It's
important to consider all options and determine which approach will be most effective
for your specific situation.

2. What are the most advertised products in your country?

In Ukraine, there are several product categories that tend to be heavily advertised. One
of the most prominent is the fast food industry. Popular chains like McDonald's, KFC,
and Pizza Hut all have a significant presence in Ukraine, and their advertisements can
be seen on billboards, TV, and online platforms. Another product category that is
heavily advertised in Ukraine is personal care products.

Brands like Nivea, L'Oreal, and Dove all run large-scale advertising campaigns to
promote their products, particularly targeting young women. In addition to these,
automobile companies such as Toyota, Audi, and Hyundai are also highly visible in
Ukraine, with their latest models being advertised through various channels. The
technology sector is also well-represented in Ukraine, with companies such as Apple,
Samsung, and Huawei all running advertisements for their latest products. Finally,
online retailers such as AliExpress and Rozetka are becoming increasingly popular in
Ukraine, and their advertisements can be seen across various media channels. Overall,
while the specific products may vary, the most heavily advertised products in Ukraine
tend to be those that are well-known global brands and are associated with a modern,
aspirational lifestyle.

3. How do ads make us buy what we don't need at all?

Oh, by using a number of psychological tricks, I guess. For example, by scaring us, I
mean telling that bad things will probably happen to us if we don't have this product or

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

service, or vice versa, by promising us happiness, telling. that we will be filled with joy if
we buy this product or service. They also do it by implying that all our friends already
have it trying to persuade us that we are the only. ones in our peer group who still don't
have this product or service. I guess these are the most efficient tricks they use, at
least, these are the tricks that work well with me.

4. Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?

Absolutely. Nowadays there are lots of marketing tools and tactics that can affect
consumer behaviour and decisions, and therefore make customers choose particular
goods or services. First of all, companies launch marketing campaigns that cause
consumers to react to them. The more people react to your marketing campaigns, the
more they will talk about them. the more they discuss your brand and products, the
more likely people are to buy them. As a result, companies spend inordinate amounts of
money on advertising, especially on social media. To make ads effective and form a
deep connection with the audience, marketers create messages that tap into human
emotion and everyone's desire to be happy. Sometimes they try to highlight the scarcity
of the offer to create a sense of urgency, for example, by using limited-time offer ads.
Companies offer free samples, generous discounts, free shipping and other promotional
deals to gain an edge over the competition. They use various techniques to make
customers feel like they're getting more than what they're paying for, for example, by
using the "buy one, get one free" strategy. Also, to increase visibility and attractiveness
of products, marketers use packaging and labeling. Finally, a lot of brands today form
communities, both online and offline, where their loyal customers share common
interests together because the need to belong is one of our most basic needs that
motivate our behavior. So, as you see, there are lots of ways to make customers buy
specific products and buy more of them.

5. What role does social media play in advertising?

Social media plays a significant role in advertising, and there are many ways that
businesses can leverage social media platforms to reach their target audience. For
example, businesses can use social media to create targeted ads that are shown to

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

specific demographics,. such as age, gender, and location. This ensures that the ads
are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in the product or service being
offered. In addition to targeted advertising, social media is great for building brand
awareness. By consistently sharing engaging and relevant content, businesses can
keep their brand at the forefront of their audience's mind. Also, social media provides an
opportunity for businesses to engage with their customers in real-time, responding to
inquiries and feedback, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and positive word-
of-mouth marketing. One of the advantages of social media advertising is that it is often
more cost-effective than traditional advertising. With a lower cost per impression and
click, businesses can reach a larger audience with a smaller budget. Another benefit of
social media advertising is retargeting. Businesses can retarget users who have
interacted with their brand before, such as visitors to their website who didn't make a
purchase. By retargeting these users with ads on social media, businesses can keep
their brand in front of the user and potentially encourage them to make a purchase.
Influencer marketing is also becoming an increasingly popular way for businesses to
promote their products or services. Social media influencers have a large following and
can use their influence to promote a brand to their audience, which can be an effective
way to reach a larger audience and build credibility for the brand.

Overall, social media is a powerful advertising platform that provides many benefits for
businesses of all sizes. By utilizing the various tools and features provided by social
media platforms, businesses can reach their target audience, build brand awareness,
engage with customers,. and drive sales.

6. What are the advantages of advertising?

Advertising is a crucial component of any successful business strategy. It allows

companies to make themselves more visible and accessible to a wide range of potential
customers. By highlighting their business beyond their local area and reaching out to
their target audience worldwide, companies can expand their customer base and
increase their revenue. One of the key benefits of advertising is its ability to target a
very specific segment of people. This allows companies to find the right audience for
their products or services, which further helps them in generating more leads and

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

making their campaigns more effective and profitable. Additionally, advertising helps
companies keep their target audience engaged by providing them with relevant and
useful information about the company and its offerings. Another benefit of advertising is
its ability to help companies reach their goals quickly. The moment a company starts its
ad campaign, it can start receiving qualified leads, which can lead to increased sales
and revenue. Overall, advertising is an essential tool for any business looking to grow
and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

Topic 19: feeling pround, challenges, rewards.

1. What do you think is the key to overcoming difficulties?

In my opinion, if you encounter a difficulty, first of all, you should assess the situation
and make an action plan

'cause it's important to know what exactly you should do to deal with the difficulty. So,
first, you just need to sit and think about the problem you're facing. Another important
thing is not to be afraid to seek help. I know that seeking help makes many people feel
less competent, vulnerable and creates the feeling that we're somehow weaker than we
should be. But it's ok to reach out for support 'cause whatever you are going through,
there are others who have been through it too. Also, if you want to overcome a difficulty,
you should think positively 'cause in moments of adversity, it's easy to get discouraged
and feel like everything is against you. However, if you focus on the areas of your life
that are going well, you'll be less sensitive to negativity. For example, If there's one area
of your life that's challenging at the moment, let's say it's your finances, then look at the
other areas that are going well, like your health or your relationships. And you should
remember that using emotional eating as a coping mechanism will make things worse
'cause it often takes you deeper into the hole when the immediate gratification is gone.
Finally, you shouldn't be afraid to express your worries and concerns 'cause when
ignored, feelings usually become trapped energy and can even have negative health
consequences. And, of course, you should find the energy not to give up no matter

2. What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Well... any rewards that will make them feel special and valued, for example, letting
them be 'CEO for the day' spending the day shadowing the CEO of the company., or
introducing them to the 'VIPs' in the organization, I mean upper members of the
management team or key customers. I also think it will be a good idea for companies to
invest in their personal development sending them to a seminar or educational activity
of interest, or just give them a spa day or other special treatment. Well, and of course, it
would be great to provide them with office perks like a good parking _place, a
comfortable room and tasty. nutritious lunch.

3. What jobs do you think are difficult to do?

Well, I guess all kinds of jobs which make people bear tremendous responsibility and
push their physical as well as mental limits all the time. Also, in my opinion, the jobs that
are difficult to do are those that force people to work under constant pressure, stay
focused all the time in order not to make a mistake, take on risks and deal with change.

Regrettably, all these things lead to experiencing burnout, which proves the highest
level of difficulty of the job. Something like that.

4. On what occasions would adults feel proud of themselves?

Well, most adults feel proud of their accomplishments, whether they are connected with
their professional activity or personal growth. For example, people may feel proud when
they get recognized for their work, get a promotion or high-paying job. Also, people may
feel proud when they support good causes, make charitable donations or help their
friends and relatives resolve problems or conflicts. Another thing that makes people
proud of themselves is when they manage to deal with some life difficulties. For
instance, some people manage to avoid repeating the same mistakes, persist and don't
give up when things get tough, overcome their fears and reach their goals. Finally,
people may feel proud of the status and wealth they achieved, for example, if they
managed to buy a car or flat, or something they had been dreaming about for a while.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 20: languages

1. Is it popular to learn English in your country?

Oh yeah, no doubt it is. English is very popular in X as knowing it increases people's

chances of getting a good job in a multinational company and opens a lot of
opportunities in all spheres of industry and business. It also makes it easier to travel,
which is important for people who like visiting foreign countries, as English is the most
commonly spoken language in the world. So yeah, English is very popular in my

2. Do you think English will be the mainstream language of the world in the future?

Well, to my mind, English is already the dominant 'world language' as it's currently the
primary language for business, medicine, the technology industry, oh, and also for
scientific research, with 80% of all recent research papers being published in English.
As far as I know, it's also the most commonly learned second language in the world. So,
in my opinion, it has already become the mainstream language allowing_people and
businesses from different parts of the world to communicate with each other easily. As
far as the future of English is concerned, I really doubt that some language will replace it
as an international language in the near future. Though, everything is possible... I've
recently read that in the decades ahead, China will surpass the United States to
become the world's largest economy. This fact might give Mandarin a quick ticket to
conquer the world... but this is still questionable... So, we can only wait and see..

3. Why do people learn foreign languages?

Oh, I think they mainly do it in order to open up a world of job opportunities and
completely transform their travel experience having a chance to communicate with
people from all over the world without any barriers. Also, I know people who learn other
languages to increase their brain power as language learning has a number of positive
effects such as memory improvement and a reduced risk of age-related cognitive
decline. Young people usually start learning languages for meeting new people and

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establishing deep cross-cultural friendships, and often end up doing it for studying or
living overseas. I guess these are the main reasons.

4. it more important to learn foreign languages now than before?

Definitely. The world is becoming increasingly globalized and knowing a second

language can give people an advantage and open up plenty of opportunities in all
spheres of life. For example, it can improve people's employment prospects as more
and more companies are doing business in several countries around the world and are
looking for bilingual employees. Plus, it can completely transform people's travel
experience as international travel is becoming more and more affordable but mostly. for
those people who can speak at least one foreign language. So it's more important to
learn foreign languages these days due to ever-increasing levels of international trade,
business, tourism, immigration and random cross-cultural experiences.

5. Is it easier for young people to learn a language than for older people?

Definitely. First of all, babies and young children are able to learn languages at a faster
rate because of the brain's elasticity and rapid neural formation. For example, a 2-year-
old child has twice as many brain connections (or synapses) as an adult. Due to these
new connections, new knowledge is absorbed into the brain like water into a sponge.
Plus, children have more time to devote to learning - it's a full-time job for them
throughout their school years, whereas not many adults have the luxury of dedicating
that amount of time to learning. One more important thing is that it's easier for children
to overcome the fear of making mistakes. The fear of making mistakes is what often
causes adult learners to reach an intermediate level in a language then get stuck in a
rut, making no further progress. There are some more aspects of language learning that
come more easily to a younger learner. Among them is the ability to naturally acquire
the same accent as a native speaker, which is said to decrease every year after the
onset of puberty due to physical changes in the brain.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

6. What are the difficulties of learning a new language?

Well, the fear of making mistakes and shyness to speak in a new language, first of all.
People don't like to make a fool of themselves, which makes them embarrassed to
practise and speak in a language they are learning as much as possible. One more
challenge I can think of is lack of vocabulary or grammar, oh, and of course, lack of time
to improve their knowledge of both.

7. What can people do to learn a second language?

Well, they can use as many ways of getting immersed in the language as possible. For
example, they can hang out with native speakers, watch TV shows and movies with
subtitles, read books, blogs, newspapers and magazines or maybe even start their own
blog in this language. I'd also recommend people to listen to everything that is
comprehensible, interesting and engaging like audiobooks, podcasts and interviews
with the celebrities. Well, and sign up for a regular language tip too.

Topic 21: feeling tired

1. When do people usually feel tired?

People usually feel tired for a variety of reasons, and it can happen at different times
during the day or in certain situations. One common cause of tiredness is physical
exertion. I mean people feel tired when they've been doing physically demanding stuff,
like working out or doing hard physical labor. This happens because their bodies use up
a lot of energy and, as a result, their muscles get worn out. Paradoxically, not moving
enough during the day can also lead to fatigue because it can weaken muscles and
decrease blood flow, which can make a person feel lethargic. Intense mental work can
have a similar effect. Activities like problem-solving, studying, or concentrating for
extended periods can drain a person's mental energy and make them feel tired. Stress
and anxiety can also have a profound impact on a person's energy levels, and constant
worry or pressure can make people feel tired, both mentally and physically.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Even a diet lacking in essential nutrients can leave a person feeling tired because their
body doesn't have the fuel it needs to function optimally. So, there are really lots of
various things that can lead to fatigue.

Topic 22: Realationship, loneliness

1. Does personality affect how people choose what to wear?

Definitely yes. I am more than sure that the clothes people choose are an influential 'tell'
of their personalities as they. project the self image people want to display. For
example, if people are shy and too afraid to draw attention to themselves, they might
wear only neutrals and devoid of accessories and, vice versa, if they have positive
thoughts and dynamic personality, they are more likely to opt for bright coloured clothes.

2. How and where do people in your country make friends these days

Well, there are lots of opportunities to strike up a friendship with somebody who will
walk through life together with you, sharing all your ups and downs, joys and pains. But,
of course, it will take some doing to succeed. First of all, you need to spend more time
around people. There is a huge number of different clubs and online communities with
people who have common interests, so you can join those of them that appeal to you
and find some mates there. Secondly, when you visit some social, cultural or
professional events, always remember about making eye-contact and smiling. at
people, making small talk with them and maybe even asking those whom you like out
for lunch or coffee. You should also get to know your friends' friends and, sure thing,
accept invitations to go out whenever you get them.

• I guess these days my compatriots make friends in two ways either rubbing shoulders
with different people at various events, be it parties, concerts, self-improvement clubs or
something else, or joining_general interest groups on the Internet and buddying up with
others by making comments in forums or under posts in social networks, sharing good
content with other members of these groups and later on initiating some get-together to
get a chance to communicate face-to-face.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

3. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends
and between you and other people?

When it comes to the relationships I have with my friends versus other people, there are
indeed some notable differences. Firstly, I think the key distinction is choice versus
circumstance. With friends, I have the freedom to choose those who share my interests
and values, which often leads to deeper emotional connections. On the other hand,
relationships with family, colleagues, or acquaintances can be more circumstantial,
formed due to shared responsibilities or proximity. Another significant difference is the
level of emotional support and comfort.

My friends tend to provide a safe space for sharing feelings and are often a source of
emotional support. In contrast, my interactions with other people may be more task-
oriented, and the level of personal disclosure can be limited. Overall, my friendships are
characterized by shared experiences, mutual interests, and a sense of trust, while my
relationships with others can vary widely in terms of formality and purpose.

4. Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?

In my opinion, people can feel lonely even in crowded cities. One reason for this is the
fast-paced and competitive nature of city life. People often get so caught up in their daily
routines and work that they may not have time to build meaningful connections with

Additionally, the high cost of living in cities can force individuals to work long hours,
leaving them with limited social opportunities. Moreover, the digital age has brought
about a unique challenge - while we're surrounded by. people physically, we may be
engrossed in our smartphones or laptops, making it difficult to engage in real-world
conversations. Also, cultural diversity can sometimes create barriers to forming
relationships, as individuals from different backgrounds may find it challenging to
connect. In essence, despite the bustling atmosphere of cities, loneliness can still be a
prevalent issue. It's essential for individuals and communities to find ways to foster
genuine connections and create inclusive spaces for everyone to combat this feeling of

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 23: computer

1. What do people use computers for?

Well, without exaggeration, I can say that nowadays people use computers for literally
everything in absolutely all spheres of their life. For example, in the business sphere
people use computers to promote their business and enable communication with people
both within and outside the business, using various technologies,. including e-mail. In
the sphere of education computers are used to give learners audio-visual packages,
interactive exercises and remote learning, including tutoring over the Internet. What is
more, computers help students create projects and accomplish different tasks as well as
maintain and monitor student performance, including. through the use of online
examinations. Computers are also used to buy and sell products online, improve the
quality and efficiency of different services, share information both locally and
internationally, operate advanced technology and, of course, just listen to music,. watch
videos, _play games and chat in text or audio in real time across large distances. So, for
literally everything we do in life.

2. Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

I guess they should as computers can enable students to use software programs that
serve as valuable classroom aids. I mean such programs as PowerPoint presentations
and statistical analysis programs. What is more, computers can help students quickly
clarify a fact or area of confusion without interrupting the teacher to ask a question.
Also, computers can make it easier for students to stay organized, leading to a more
efficient learning experience, and eliminate legibility issues - students do not have to
make cross-outs or try to read hurried,. indecipherable scribblings. One more benefit of
using computers at school is the fact that they can make it easier to share information
and ideas with others... oh, and reduce time spent on mechanical tasks such as
rewriting or producing graphs. So yeah, computers should definitely be allowed at

3. What do you think of people who are addicted to playing computer games?

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Oh, I think that computer addicts are people who have quite low self esteem, often
suffer from anxiety and depression, have a pessimistic outlook on life and problems with
making interpersonal communication and relationships. I'd also say that the majority of
gamers feel lonely and sometimes even have a feeling of having been neglected. They
get addicted to computer games because these games help them fill a void and satisfy
their needs that aren't met elsewhere. Games as if let gamers withdraw into an online
world that seems less judgemental and anxiety-provoking than a real world, which has a
calming effect on the body., leaving people feeling. peaceful and happy.

4. Should parents limit the amount of time that children spend using computers?

Absolutely! I think it's very important that parents put limits on screen time 'cause l'm
more than sure that if children had access to the computer any time they want, they
wouldn't play outdoors, they wouldn't do their homework, they wouldn't read books and
help their parents about the house. I think they would play computer games ALL DAY
ROUND, gradually turning into zombies

'cause the wouldn't get enough sleep. What's more, at some point, they would find it
really difficult to differentiate between the real and virtual world. As a result, they would
lose the ability to communicate face to face. They would definitely have poor academic

There's one more reason why parents should restrict screen time. And that is its
negative impact on health. For example, spending too much time looking at a computer
screen can cause eye problems such as blurred vision, eye fatigue, dry and irritated
eyes. So, in my opinion, limiting the amount of time that kids can spend using a
computer is the only way to make them do something other than play computer games
and therefore avoid lots of problems.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 24: success
1. In general, how do people judge or, assess the success of others?

Well, I guess it depends on people. Some of them assess the success of others by
looking at how much money they. have or what they have achieved. Others do it by
looking at who they are surrounded by or what they feel about who they are. I also know
people who judge the success of others by how they meet life's challenges, what
personal growth they have achieved or what differences they make in their everyday
life. So, it heavily relies on people and their life values.

2. Do you believe being successful and making a lot of money are the same thing?

Of course no. The true meaning of success goes far beyond having a lot of money.
Being successful is being. healthy, and money sometimes cannot buy health. Being
successful is having a life full of joy and happiness with the family, and money cannot
buy family. So, I am more than sure that success cannot be defined with money, but
instead with values in life that make people happy, such as health, friendship,
relationships and family.

3. How do people achieve success at school?

Well, first of all, by having self-discipline and loving to gain knowledge, I guess. To be
successful at school kids should make school a priority, focus on the studies when it
matters and make the most of their time in the classroom. What is more, they should
have a skill to take breaks and rest when they need it as it's really important to manage
their physical and emotional needs as carefully. as their academic ones in order to
succeed. Oh, and, of course, it's essential to find a studying method that suits their
learning style in order to get excited about the studying process and challenge
themselves as much as possible. All these actions will definitely lead to getting stellar
grades and achieving academic success.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 25: adventures, risk, stress

1. What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?

To take part in adventurous activities, you need a variety of skills depending on what
you're doing. If you're into things like rock climbing, rappelling, white-water kayaking, or
mountaineering, you've got to learn the technical stuff for these activities. These skills
are essential for performing the activity safely. And if you're more into hiking, skiing in
the wild, or backpacking deep into the wilderness, you've got to know how to find your
way around. Learning how to read maps, use a compass, and handle GPS gadgets is
super important here. It helps you not get lost in the wild. In addition, it's crucial to Know
some basic first aid and wilderness medicine. This can save your life, especially when
you're in places where getting help from doctors and hospitals is hard, like deep in the
woods or out in the wild. Also, you should learn how to do some survival stuff. You've
got to know how to build a shelter, start a fire, find food and water, and signal for help if
things go wrong. It's all about being ready for unexpected situations. Lastly, you need to
have communication skills for coordinating with your adventure partners, seeking help in
emergencies, and ensuring everyone is on the same page during the activity.

2. Why do young people like doing exciting and dangerous things?

Well, I guess for a variety of reasons, actually. Some people opt for doing something
dangerous just because of the desire to venture past the limits of safety in pursuit of a
rewarding_experience. They risk because they want to take things to the edge and get
their adrenalin up high,. they want to conquer themselves and enjoy the thrill of danger.
Others do adventurous things because they want to satisfy their curiosity and get new
emotions. I guess there are also people among risk-takers who just want to show their
special skills in order to impress others and become prominent. So, yeah, these are the
main reasons why people take risks, to my mind.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Topic 26: History

1. Do you agree that learning history may help people understand the present?

Absolutely. I'm convinced that the past causes the present. I mean events in the past
have made us what we are today. So any time we want to know why something
happened, whether it be a shift in political party dominance in some country, a major
change in the teenage suicide rate, or a war in some part of the world, we need to look
further back to identify the causes of the change or event. And we don't need to go far in
the search for proof. The evidence is everywhere. We live in societies with complex
cultures, rules, traditions, values and religions that have not been created on the spur of
the moment. They were created in response to something which happened in the past.
Also, communities speak languages that are inherited from the past. And, of course,
nowadays people use many things that were invented in the past. If our ancestors
hadn't invented, say, the wheel and the internal combustion engine, we would probably
still travel on horses or on foot.

2. What are the differences between learning history from books and from videos?

Well, learning history from books and videos can provide different perspectives and
experiences for the student.

When studying from a book, the reader has the ability to dive into more in-depth
information and analysis of historical events and figures. They can also engage in active
learning techniques such as note-taking and annotating. On the other hand, videos can
offer a more immersive experience, bringing history to life through the use of visuals,
sound effects, and dramatizations.

Additionally, videos may be more accessible and easier to watch as they can be found
on the internet and watched on a variety of devices. However, they may not always
provide the same level of detail and depth as a book. It's worth mentioning that books
may hold the reader's attention better for longer periods of time, especially for those
who have a shorter attention span, while videos can be a good way to engage viewers
and keep them interested. In conclusion, both books and videos have their own

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

advantages and it's up to the individual to decide which method they prefer for learning

3. Why is it that some leaders fail to learn from the past?

To my mind, most leaders ignore the lessons of history because of the lust for power
and wealth mixed with indifference and a lack of concern. I mean all they want is more
money, more power, bigger territories. And they don't care about the way their people
live. They may govern the country that occupies one-sixth of the world's surface.
However, instead of improving the lives of this country's citizens, the leader invades
neighbouring independent countries trying to seize more territory. Also, they think they
are more clever than the leaders of the past who made a mistake or the wrong decision
that cost a lot. They think they will act differently, and by differently, they mean better.

4. How can people learn about history?

Well, in a variety of ways, I guess. For example, by attending History classes and
listening to an experienced teacher who won't just retell past events making everyone
fall asleep but connect those events to today placing a great emphasis on how people
could learn from past mistakes and succeed in the world of tomorrow, which will hold
attention during the lecture and survive in memory for years. One more fun and
enriching way to learn history is visiting historical sites, memorials and museums. Such
places help to bring history alive in a very specific and unique context letting people be
active in their learning and construct their own knowledge of history. People can also
learn about the past talking to those who lived it, let's say grandparents or veterans,
watching films and documentaries which depict historical events and even reading
historical novels. So, there are lots of options these days indeed.

5. How can technology make learning history more interesting?

Well, I think that technology can make learning history more interesting by transforming
any lecture into an exciting, engaging lesson. Yeah, technology definitely livens up
history lessons and excites interest in the subject by letting students experience
learning through gaming,_giving them a chance to create their-own-adventure type

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

experiences or challenging them to make difficult choices that lead to meaningful
outcomes. Altogether, it becomes of much interest to students, promotes their
engagement and makes them more willing to soak themselves in history.

6. How do museums teach people history?

Well, I think museums teach people history by giving people a chance to get up close to
artefacts which are a kind of portals to the past. Museum exhibits always inspire interest
and engage with history especially when visitors have an opportunity not only to take a
closer look at them but also perform different tasks with their help. Doing so helps
visitors make connections between obiects and specific past events. In making these
connections, people are challenged and encouraged to memorise past events and think
in new ways. To sum up, objects and interactive experiences offer countless
possibilities and endless discoveries for each museum visitor and that's how history
museums provide this unique interactive experience and teach people history.

7. Are history museums useful?

Definitely, yes. They are great informal learning. environments for both children and
adults. They bring. history to life giving people a chance to get up close to artefacts
which are a kind of portals to the past. Museum exhibits always inspire interest and
engage with history. especially when visitors can not only take a closer look at them but
also perform different tasks with their help.

Doing so helps visitors make connections between objects and specific past events. In
making these connections, people are challenged and encouraged to think in new ways.
To sum up, objects and interactive experiences offer countless possibilities and endless
discoveries for each museum visitor and that's why history museums which provide this
unique interactive experience are really useful.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Speaking nâng cao Quý 1.2024 ( January to April)
Group 1:
1. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot
2. Describe a great team member you worked with
3. Describe a person who you think is good at welcoming visitors
4. Describe an interesting person that you have not met in person and would
like to know more about.
5. Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions
6. Describe a successful businessperson you know (e.g. running a family
7. Describe a foreigner who speaks Vietnam very well
8. Describe a successful person who you once studied or worked with

The person that I want to mention is Sarah, who is from Japan and is very
fluent in Vietnamese. Although we have never met each other in person, I was
fortunate enough to have an opportunity to collaborate with her and her
company during a marketing partnership project that we worked on together.
Our collaboration lasted for several months in an attempt to promote tourism
between Japan and Vietnam. Through numerous online chat sessions, I
figured out that Sarah is outstanding in being a talkative person. Her ability to
express herself clearly and engage with people is truly exceptional. Perhaps
of this talkative nature, she has become a master in devising genius initiatives
that helped strengthen the bond and efficiency of her subordinates despite
being separated by the computer screen.
With her excellent Vietnamese skills and creativity, she's become a key player
in welcome tourists to our beautiful country. Sarah's talent for talking isn't just
about words; it's about making people feel connected and excited about
experiencing Vietnam. Whether it's explaining the rich cultural heritage,
suggesting the best local eateries, or sharing stories about the breathtaking
landscapes, Sarah turns each conversation into a chance to showcase the
wonders of our country.
It's inspiring to see how her unique qualities are making a positive impact, and
it would be awesome for me to have a direct conversation with her in the

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1. Describe a place–not in your home - where you go to relax
2. Describe something in your country that you are interested in
3. Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting
4. Describe a beautiful city
5. Describe a park or a garden in your city
Sure, let me tell you about a place I really enjoy-Asia Park in Danang. This
park is my go-to spot when I need a break from everything. Asia Park is in the
heart of Danang, and it's a fantastic place to relax.(Đề1+2+5)/ When it comes
to an attractive city, Danang immediately appears in my mind thanks to the
wonderful experience that I have always had during my many visits to this
blessed city in the middle region of my country Vietnam.(Đề 3,4)
(ALL):Danang is an amazing place for tourists, with so much to see and do.
The beaches, like My Khe, are super pretty, and you can feel the soft sand
beneath your toes. I enjoyed exploring the Marble Mountains, climbing up to
see caves and old pagodas. The Dragon Bridge is like magic at night-all lit up
and sometimes even breathing out fire!
Asia Park in Danang is a must-visit gem. This amusement park is like a
dreamland with thrilling rides, vibrant gardens, and a relaxed atmosphere. The
Sun Wheel, a giant Ferris wheel, offers breathtaking views of the city. The
park's unique zones, representing different Asian countries, make it an
exciting cultural experience. From the exciting roller coasters to the calming
gardens, Asia Park caters to various tastes. It's a fantastic place to enjoy with
family or friends, creating lasting memories with its blend of entertainment,
culture, and beautiful surroundings. Asia Park truly adds an extra layer of fun
and char m to Danang's tourism scene.
(Trừđề 5, còn các đề còn lại nói phần này): What's also cool is trying the
local food,especially banh mi and cao lau-they taste so good. Hoi An, nearby,
is full of history, and the buildings there are so pretty. Danang has something
for everyone-whether it's relaxing on the beaches, exploring the mountains, or
enjoying the city lights. It's like a perfect holiday mix!
(ALL): Both Danang and its beautiful Asia Park left the deepest impression in
my mind. Therefore, I would recommend both of them as must-go-to
destinations for both my foreign and domestic friends.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1. Describe an occasion when there was a lot of noise.
2. Describe an unusual holiday you had
3. Describe a time when you helped someone
4. Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about
something in a restaurant/store or other business places.
5. Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

Sample : I immediately recall a 3-day trip that I once had to a remote

mountain village, which was relatively unusual for me since my preferred
choice is usually to modern places crowded with people.

In the village, I found myself in a quaint restaurant that seemed perfect for a
quiet dinner. However, the peace was interrupted by the loud and unpleasant
behavior of one of the waiters. This waiter not only spoke loudly but also
displayed bad manners, making the atmosphere uncomfortable for everyone.
I experienced minor disappointment from the incident.
One of the other customers then stood up and complained about how the
waiter should have behaved more respectfully for the sake of the business,
but she unfortunately got assaulted by words from that disrespectful waiter.
Not wanting the situation to escalate, I decided to help her out, using gentle
gestures and persuasive reasoning to help the waiter realize his impropriety.
The situation turned from frustrating to surprisingly positive. The restaurant
staff, realizing the missteps, took corrective action. In the end, this unusual
holiday not only exposed me to a different way of life in the mountains but
also taught me the power of assistance and understanding, turning moments
of noise and discomfort into opportunities for positive change.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe a time when you used a paper map
2 Describe an activity you enjoyed most in your primary school
3 Describe a skill that you learned in your childhood
4 Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt
proud of
5 Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone
6 Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else
7 Describe an activity that made you feel tired.
Sample: This topic takes me back to when I was in my fourth grade at my
primary school, when I was fortunate enough to be involved in a practical
skills program-a course designed to apply theoretical knowledge in solving
real-life situations. The class my parents enrolled me in was about learning to
navigate using only a compass and a paper map, and I was assigned a
partner named Tom-who was about my age-with the purpose of improving our
collaboration skill.
Our mission this time was to find an old warehouse in a forested area, which
proved to be trickier than we thought, like solving a big puzzle. During our
cooperation, Tom seemed to be rather less experienced than mine in working
with the map while I held the compass. One fatal mistake that he made was
not being able to pinpoint where we recently had been on the map, which got
us moving in circles several times. Drawing from my previous experience, I
suggest that he use his pen to mark the locations on the map so that we
would not lose track again. He did just that and this time everything went
much more smoothly for us.
At last, we managed to find the old warehouse among other students. It was
exhausting because of all the walking we had to do, especially for going off
the course several times. However, thanks to that, I was able to acquire a new
skill as well as having a trusty partner.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without
2 Describe an item you lost and finally found.
3 Describe a uniform you wear (e. g. at school, at work).
4 Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.
Sample: Before graduation and receiving a diploma, me as well as other
students in my high school had to wear uniforms to school everyday
according to a strict rule imposed by the principal. Those failing to comply will
be expelled for that day, which is why the school uniform was that one object
in my house that I wouldn't dare to lose.
Our school's uniform was elegant but formal-looking. It was a neat white shirt
and navy blue pants for boys or skirts for girls. The school emblem on the
pocket made it special, giving us a feeling of belonging and pride. Wearing it
made us all look like part of the same team. For me, I particularly love the
black tie with blue stripes that goes along with the whole suit, and tried my
best to preserve it carefully.
One day, though, things got a bit crazy. In the morning rush, I couldn't find my
uniform anywhere. Panic set in as I thought about the trouble I'd be in if I went
to school without it. I searched everywhere, worried about breaking the dress
code rule and being expelled for a whole day. After scrambling up the whole
bedroom, I still couldn't find it anywhere, so I desperately begged mom to help
me out. Finally, I was over the moon to see it in the laundry basket! It was like
finding hidden treasure. This little adventure taught me to keep my stuff
organized. The relief of finding it was huge. It made me appreciate the small,
everyday things, like my school uniform, that made high school memorable.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve
2 Describe a period you were busy
3 Describe something you do regularly to help you work or study
4 Describe a skill that you learned as a teenager
5 Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways
Sample: One long-term goal I am determined to achieve is mastering
Chinese, which has been a consistent part of my life since my teenage years.
Learning the language requires dedication, and it became a goal that has kept
me consistently busy.
During periods of intense study, I found myself fully immersed in language
learning resources, dedicating hours each day to practice, which stripped me
away from any spare time that I otherwise would have had for my hobbies.
The hardest part in my language acquisition journey is to memorize and apply
the newly-learnt vocabulary. To address the problem, my 18-year-old mind
came up with a brilliant idea, which is relying on AI to fabricate a story with the
words that I noted during classes. I immediately applied such an idea
everyday and all the efforts have paid off so far. It was much more effortless to
recall the story as it contains interesting elements, and thus I was able to
acquire that many words for my daily usage in less time.
I recognized the importance of developing language skills, realizing the
potential it held for personal growth and broadening my understanding of the
world. This decision to focus on language learning during my formative years
has, in the long run, positively changed my life. There is still a long way ahead
in my journey of mastering Chinese, and I made a promise to carry on until a
distant future where all my effort pays off.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person
2 Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
3 Describe a photo that makes you feel happy
4 Describe a sportsperson you admire
Sample: Let me tell you about my amazing grandmother, who was quite the
sportsperson back in the day and continues to be a major influence in my life.
Chatting with her is like stepping into this world of fascinating stories from her
athletic journey, and it always keeps me hooked.
(Đề1+3+4 thì nói như sau:)
In one conversation, she showed me a photo of her in a sports team shirt.
Who would have thought that she was once an accomplished football player
and won numerous prizes to the hometown that her team represented.
Through her story, I sense the enthusiasm and experience of a young female
football player, as well as the energy and timeless passion for the sports that
she had followed all her life.
(Đề 1+2 thì nói như sau:)
My grandma loves to cook, especially for others. It brings her a lot of joy, and
she makes amazing dishes that fill our home with delicious smells. She
doesn't just cook because she has to; it's her way of expressing herself and
connecting with people. When we have family gatherings, her meals are the
star of the show. Seeing how happy it makes everyone when they taste her
food is the best part for her. It's not just about the recipes; it's like she's
sharing a piece of her heart with every dish. Cooking for others is her way of
showing love and making lasting memories. It's not just about the food; it's
about bringing people together and creating special moments.
I have always been inspired by her stories to an extend that she has become
a role model for me to strive towards in the future.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe an area of science (biology, robotics, etc.) that you are
interested in and would like to learn more about
2 Describe a drawing/painting that you like
3 Describe a historical period you would like to know more about
4 Describe a time you bought something from a street market
Sample: I remember once while strolling around a hectic street market in the
heart of the capital city of Hanoi, I came across an outdoor art store featuring
many historical artworks in various styles, indicating a diverse set of origins. I
was immediately captivated by a picture of a rugged steam train standing out
from the pristine nature in the background.
Upon consulting the seller, I knew that it was from a 20th century French
painter Alexandre Dumont, who traveled to my country and sold his creations
here during the time we were colonized by France. I was intrigued by both the
science of the steam train and the historical context where there was an
intense fuse between the oriental culture of my nation with the more radical
western culture. I major in historical science and I thought that this picture
might be a valuable resource for my dissertation. So I purchased it without a
doubt and began researching more about its context.
The deeper I dug, the more I was fascinated by just how fortunate I was to get
a hold of the painting. I learned a lot more about the historical context
surrounding it, from the arrival of the artist himself to the capital city and his
contribution to the railway industry in Vietnam. Who would have thought that
two people from distant ages would share the same interests? It was a joyful
experience and also a motivation for me to continue on my research into
science of the old days.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry
2 Describe an important journey that was delayed
3 Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing
4 Describe a party that you enjoyed
Sample: Well, it was during summer vacation, and me and my family had
planned for a party in a tourist attraction overseas. Everything seemed
perfectly planned until I realized I left my smaller luggage suitcase, including
clothes, a wallet and a newly-bought camera for capturing memorable
moments with family, back at home. Panic set in as I had less than an hour
before the flight.
In a rush, I hailed a cab and explained the urgency to the driver. The traffic
was unexpectedly heavy due to some road maintenance, adding to my stress.
The minutes were ticking away, and I couldn't afford to cost my family such a
joyful trip. Frustration and anxiety built up as I constantly checked the time on
my phone during the seemingly eternal journey back to the hotel.
Upon reaching home, I dashed to my room, grabbed the forgotten essentials,
and sprinted back to the waiting cab. The delay, unfortunately, resulted in a
nerve-wracking race against time. I barely made it to the airport. The flight had
to be delayed for 2 more hours, but in the end we finally made it on board.
At the site, we had the most wonderful party together with mouth-watering
treats cooked by my mom and lively music in a beautiful setting near the
beach. I was so relieved that I had everything I needed and was able to enjoy
the party to its fullest.

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

1 Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved
2 Describe a job that you do not like to do in the future.
3 Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer
4 Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

Group: original exams- phone: 0964879926

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