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The text below for number 1 to 5!

Giraffes are fascinating creatures found in the grasslands of Africa. They are known for
their long necks, which can reach up to 6 feet in length. These necks help them to reach leaves
high up in trees that other animals cannot access. Giraffes are herbivores, primarily feeding on
leaves, buds, and fruits. They have a unique pattern of spots on their fur, which helps them blend
in with the trees and grasses of their habitat. Despite their height, giraffes have only seven neck
vertebrae, just like humans. They are also known for their calm demeanor and graceful
1. What is the primary diet of giraffes?
A. Meat
B. Leaves, buds, and fruits
C. Fish
D. Insects
E. Leaves
2. What is one of the main functions of a giraffe's long neck?
A. To run faster
B. To scare away predators
C. To reach leaves high up in trees
D. To swim in rivers
E. To walk
3. How many neck vertebrae do giraffes have?
A. Twelve
B. Nine
C. Seven
D. Four
E. Five
4. How long is a giraffe's neck?
A. 6 feet in length
B. 6 centimeters
C. 7 feet in length
D. 8 feet in length
E. 6 kilometers
5. Which continent are giraffes primarily found in?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. Africa
D. Australia
E. Indonesia
Please pay attention to the dialogue below for number 6 to 10!
John : Hi Sarah, what did you do yesterday?
Sarah : Hi John! Yesterday, I ___________ (6) to the museum with my family.
John : Oh, that sounds fun! ___________ (7) anything interesting there?
Sarah : Yes, we ___________ (8) a lot of ancient artifacts.
John : ___________ (9) you take any photos?
Sarah : No, unfortunately, we ___________ (10) our camera at home.
6. Please pay attention to the dialogue above, answer correctly!
A. Go
B. Going
C. Goes
D. Went
E. Gone
7. Please pay attention to the dialogue above, answer correctly!
A. Saw
B. Do you see
C. Are you seeing
D. See
E. Did you see
8. Please pay attention to the dialogue above, answer correctly!
A. See
B. Saw
C. Seen
D. Seeing
E. Are seeing
9. Please pay attention to the dialogue above, answer correctly!
A. Do
B. Does
C. Is
D. Did
E. Are
10. Please pay attention to the dialogue above, answer correctly!
A. Left
B. Leave
C. Leaves
D. Leaving
E. Are leaving
11. Yesterday my mother bought several types of vegetables at the market, there were
broccoli, spinach, mustard greens and also carrots. Andi helped mother to carry it,
because mother felt she couldn't carry all her shopping. The meaning of the word in
italics above is?
A. Mengambil
B. Membawa
C. Membeli
D. Membayar
E. Meminta
12. “Kemarin saya pergi ke rumah samuel untuk mengerjakan tugas rumah yang di berikan
oleh guruku”. Please translate the sentence above into English correctly!
A. Yesterday I went to Samuel's house to do the homework given by my teacher
B. I went to Samuel's house to do the homework given by my teacher
C. I was going to Samuel's house to do the homework given by my teacher
D. I will go to Samuel's house to do the homework given by my teacher
E. Last week I went to Samuel's house to do the homework given by my teacher
13. Yafi : Hi, James. How are you?
James : I’m fine thank you. How about you?
Yafi : I’m fine too
James : ?
Yafi : I am from Bandung
A. Are you from Bandung?
B. Where do you live?
C. Where are you?
D. Where are you from?
E. Is Bandung your city?
14. Diaz : in my opinion, digital literacy can improve the academic performance of
Fahri : I agree with you. It helps us do presentations.
Pay attention to the dialogue above! Fahri's response is what statement?
A. Disagreeing an opinion
B. Dislike
C. Like his opinion
D. Expressions
E. Agreeing an opinion
15. Of the statements below, which one is not an agreeing opinion?
A. I agree with your pinion
B. I don’t think so
C. Absolutely
D. That’s a good point
E. That’s true
16. Tom: "I believe climate change is the biggest challenge of our time."
Lena: "________. The evidence is overwhelming."
A. I don’t think so
B. I’m not sure
C. That’s not right
D. Absolutely
E. I disagree with you
17. Mark: "We should implement stricter penalties for littering to keep our environment
clean." Emma: "_______. Harsher punishments might discourage people from littering."
A. I disagree
B. That’s ridiculous
C. I agree with you
D. That’s right
E. Exactly
18. Of the statements below, which one is a statement of disagreement?
A. That’s right
B. That’s a good point
C. That’s exactly what I think
D. You’re absolutely right
E. I’m not sure about you
19. “Text which tells about a story (fiction, tales, myths, fable, etc) containing of
complication or climax and followed by resolution.” What does the above statement
A. Narrative text
B. Descriptive text
C. Recount text
D. Report text
E. Asking an opinion
20. Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Jack who lived with his mother in a
small cottage. They were very poor and could barely afford to eat. One day, Jack’s
mother asked him to sell their cow at the market in exchange for some money to buy
food. On his way to the market, Jack met a strange old man who offered to trade him
some magic beans for the cow. Jack, intrigued by the offer, agreed and returned home
with the beans. When Jack’s mother saw the beans, she was furious and threw them out
of the window. The next morning, Jack woke up to find a gigantic beanstalk had grown
outside their cottage. He climbed the beanstalk and found himself in a land high above
the clouds. What was the name of the young boy in the story?
A. John
B. Boy
C. James
D. Jake
E. Jack
21. What did Jack’s mother ask him to sell at the market?
A. Sheep
B. Cow
C. Goat
D. Buffalo
E. Horse
22. Who did Jack meet on his way to the market?
A. A beggar
B. A magician
C. A strange old man
D. A wealthy merchant
E. A mother
23. What did the old man often jack in exchange for the cow?
A. Magic beans
B. Gold coins
C. A map to treasure
D. A horse
E. A cow
24. What did jack’s mother do with the magic means?
A. Planted them
B. Threw them away
C. Ate them
D. Sold them
E. Return them
25. A short story, typically with animals as characters, that conveys a moral lesson or teaches
a lesson about human behavior or values. Fables often anthropomorphize animals, giving
them human traits and characteristics, and use them to illustrate moral principles in a
simple and engaging manner. The definition above explains the meaning of?
A. Myth
B. Fiction
C. Non-Fiction
D. Fable
E. Legend
26. This week uncle came to the house with my grandmother in the village. Which one is a
synonym for the word in italics in the sentence below?
A. Go to
B. Leave
C. Come here
D. Stay
E. Arrive in
27. Last summer, my family and I went on a vacation to Bali. We stayed at a beautiful resort
near the beach. On the first day, we went snorkeling and saw colorful fish and coral reefs.
The next day, we visited Tanah Lot temple and watched the sunset. It was breathtaking!
We also tried various delicious Balinese dishes like Nasi Goreng and Satay. Overall, it
was an amazing trip filled with fun activities and new experiences. Where did the writer
and family go on vacation last summer?
A. Bali
B. Garuda Wisnu Kencana
C. Indonesia
D. Balinese
E. Hawaii
28. What did they do on the first day of their vacation?
A. Visited a temple
B. Went snorkeling
C. Tried Balinese dishes
D. Watched the sunset
E. Sleeping in the hotel
29. What did they see while snorkeling?
A. Corral
B. Seahorse
C. colorful fish and coral reefs
D. shark
E. whole fish
30. Which temple did they visit during their trip?
A. Borobudur Temple
B. Angkor Wat Temple
C. Uluwatu Temple
D. Tanah Lot Temple
E. Prambanan Temple
31. What did they do in the evening?
A. Went snorkeling
B. Tried Balinese dishes
C. Visited a museum
D. Sleeping in the hotel
E. Watched the sunset
32. Which one is included in the generic structure of the recount text below?
A. Introduction-Description
B. Orientation-Complication-Resolution
C. Orientation-Problem-Solution
D. Introduction-Argumentation
E. Orientation-Event-ReOrientation
33. My friend football in the garden, yesterday.
A. Playing
B. Play
C. Plays
D. Played
E. Is playing
34. My mother to the market to buy some food.
A. Go
B. Gone
C. Went
D. Going
E. Goes
35. “My brother saw the motorcycle in the road with my father.” The first verb of the
italicized words in the sentence below is?
A. Seen
B. See
C. Say
D. Said
E. Look
36. “My brother saw the motorcycle in the road with my father.” What is the meaning of the
words in italics in the sentence below?
A. Melihat
B. Berbicara
C. Berkata
D. membeli
E. mengendarai
37. “Adnan took the book on the table.” Change the sentence into a negative sentence!
A. Adnan did not take the book on the table
B. Adnan did not took the book on the table
C. Adnan does not take the book on the table
D. Adnan is taking the book on the table
E. Adnan do not take the book on the table
38. The language features used in recount text are!
A. Simple present tense
B. Simple past tense
C. Future tense
D. Present continuous tense
E. Present perfect tense
39. My mother some food in the kitchen last night.
A. Cooking
B. Cooks
C. Cook
D. Cooked
E. Is cooking
40. My friend and I the home work last night
A. Finishing
B. Finish
C. Finished
D. Is finishing
E. Did finish
Bunaken National Park
Bunaken National Park is a tourist attraction located in the Gulf of Manado, North
Sulawesi with an area of about 8.08 km square. This tourist spot is one part of the government of
Manado City which is the capital city of North Sulawesi. This beautiful marine park located
around the island of Manado Tua (Mantehage and Siladen). To enjoy the underwater atmosphere
of Bunaken, the visitor have to dive into and move to the rhythm of the waves that flow.
Bunaken is the most popular site of tourism destination. The number of tourist visiting
Bunaken Manado show an increasing trend year after year. Statistical data recorded at the end
August 2012, the number of tourist visits Bunaken reached 21,889 from domestic and 7,850
from abroad.
41. The text above is included in the text...
A. Narrative text
B. Fairy tale
C. Analytical exposition
D. Descriptive text
E. Legend
42. Where are the places visited by many tourists in the reading above?
A. Manado City
B. North Sulawesi
C. In the Beach
D. Island
E. Bunaken
43. Which capital city is Manado located in?
A. North Sulawesi
B. South Sulawesi
C. North Sumatra
D. South Sumatra
E. Sulawesi
44. Where is the beautiful marine park located?
A. Manado
B. Bunaken
C. Mantehage and Siladen
D. North Sulawesi
E. Bali
45. The text above is the text of….
A. Narrative text
B. Descriptive text
C. Procedure text
D. Analytical text
E. Story
46. The word "visitor" in the passage above has meaning…
A. Tourist
B. Pengunjung
C. Mengunjungi
D. Dikunjungi
E. Kunjungan
47. The statements below which include the meaning of descriptive text are as follows:
A. Text which tells about story, containing of complication or climax and followed by
B. Text is a text contains the writer’s arguments or opinion about phenomenon or issue
happening in surrounding
C. Text is a text that use to explain to the reader or listener about something should be
done or should not be done
D. Text is a text that describe something of object in specific way
E. To convince readers that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss
48. What’s the generic structure of descriptive text?
A. Title-identification-description
B. Title-description
C. Identification-description
D. Title-orientation-complication
E. Title-complication
49. The identification paragraph in descriptive text usually contains what it is about…
A. This part explain about introduction of the object that will be describe and about
what topic which will be told
B. It is the description of the object based on the specific characteristic, nature,
pleasure, figure habits.
C. This part is the closing remark to the story. It consists a moral lesson, advice or
values from the story
D. The part explain the crisis resolved for the better or for worse
E. To inform the readers about the object in specific
50. The following are included in the purpose of descriptive text, except…
A. To bring the reader feel the person, place, or thing by using the senses
B. To describe something or object in specific
C. To inform the reader about the or thing
D. To reveal a particular person, place, or thing
E. To amuse or to entertain the reader or listener with the story

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