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Agilent PN 8791-8

A Survey of Radar Test Applications

Using the Agilent FASS
Product Note

Adapted and expanded from “Modern

Radars Demand Sophisticated Signal
Simulation,” Microwave Systems News
(MSN), May 1990, pg. 41–49. Reprinted
with permission, Cardiff Publishing.

Radar testing has come a long way

since the days of klystron generators
and pulse modulators. But as new
radar designs turn to frequency
agility and intrapulse modulation for
improved performance, test methods
struggle to keep pace (see MSN, April
1990, “The Modulation Domain Offers
a New View of Radar Performance”).
Of growing importance is the need to
test radar systems and line-replaceable
units (LRUs) with advanced signals
representative of real target and elec-
tronic countermeasures (ECM) envi-
ronments. In a worldwide survey of
radar measurement challenges, radar
designers and systems engineers
ranked signal simulation and receiver
measurements second in importance
only to pulsed RF analysis [1]. Until
recently, however, signal simulation
has generally been limited to fully cus-
tom target and ECM simulators cost-
ing millions of dollars. These “hard-
wired” simulators often have limited
flexibility and parametric control
This radar test system on wheels contains an advanced signal simulator, pulsed phase lending little hope of asset reuse
noise system, an antenna measurement system, and several instruments to characterize from program to program.
and calibrate a radar’s pulsed RF performance. The entire system is not shown.
Inside Agilent FASS 30-bit phase accumulator and a block out unwanted spurs resulting
To address the intrapulse and 12-bit DAC. This gives a 0.125 Hz from aliased sampling products. The
agile signal requirements of modern frequency resolution and a 40-MHz RF output of FASS can then be com-
system testing, a high performance instantaneous modulation bandwidth bined with other RF sources and
signal simulator combines the best with a typical worst-case spurious upconverted with a very low phase
of digital and analog synthesis to performance of –60 dBc over the noise upconverter. Typical phase
offer unprecedented waveform gen- entire frequency range. All modula- noise at 10 GHz is –120 dBc/Hz @
eration capability and fidelity. The tions, including amplitude, phase, 10 kHz offset. The overall system
Agilent Technologies 8791 Frequency frequency, and pulse, are combined can be dynamically controlled from
Agile Signal Simulator (FASS) is an digitally prior to analog conversion. an external processor, allowing real-
integrated system containing a high- This ensures waveform repeatability time mode changes and dynamic
speed direct-digital synthesizer (DDS) from unit to unit, and over time. A control of Doppler shift, carrier fre-
and a frequency agile upconverter. direct-synthesis Agile Upconverter quency, and phase, and power. Such
The Modulation Data Source (MDS) (AUC) translates the output of ACS capability simplifies integration into
houses independent parallel high- over a 10 MHz to 3 GHz RF range, complete turnkey simulators, such
speed memory banks and sequencers with better than 100 ns typical switch- as the dynamic target simulator on
for arbitrary AM, PM, FM, and fre- ing speed. This fast phase settling is page 7. For more detail, please refer
quency hopping capability. This important for testing coherent agile to Product Note 8791-3, Theory of
data feeds into the Agile Carrier radars. The AUC includes an ultra- Operation for the Agilent 8791 FASS.
Synthesizer (ACS) — a 134-MHz linear SAW filter [12] to preserve
direct digital synthesizer with a passband modulation linearity and


Sequencers RAMs
13.5 to 58 MHz 10 to 3000 MHz
Sine Signal
PM PM DAC Conditioning
DDS Local
Freq Freq


Simplified block diagram of the Agilent FASS—a digitally synthesized signal simulator

Fortunately, recent advances in ware and software integration (see ing importance, an RF/uW engineer’s
digital-synthesis-based signal simula- page 2, “Inside Agilent FASS”). With training would be incomplete without
tors pose a hopeful outlook for radar increased pressures to cut develop- a basic understanding of the merits
designers and systems integrators [2]. ment costs, manufacturers can lever- and applications of signal simulation
Off-the-shelf simulator subsystems age signal simulation as a competitive to radar test. Using a modern, coher-
such as the Agilent 8791 Frequency weapon, enabling dramatic improve- ent, pulse-compression radar as the
Agile Signal Simulator (FASS) have a ments in product integrity and time- device-under-test, this product note
modular architecture, enabling unique to-market. The U.S. DoD even puts lays the groundwork for testing radar
requirements to be readily met with simulation on its “critical technology” systems with the Agilent FASS.
a “building block” approach to hard- list for the 1990s. With such a grow-

Figure 1. Simplified block diagram of a modern coherent radar. Typical tests are listed near major radar blocks.

Complex Radars: Stringent Testing In a shift toward improved target • Good passband phase linearity and
Figure 1 shows a simplified block resolution, better subclutter visibility, amplitude flatness (to minimize
diagram of a typical coherent radar. and LPI (low probability-of-intercept) paired echoes and adverse effects
Most radars include a waveform design, modern radar waveforms com- on range sidelobe performance)
exciter, transmitter, antenna, low monly include combinations of intra-
noise front end, one or more RF/IF pulse and interpulse modulations • Independent parametric control
downconversion stages, optional IF (see Table 1). Chirps and phase coding of each target (trajectory, Doppler
compression filters, coherent detec- (Barker, Maximal Length Sequences) shift, range, azimuth, elevation,
tor (I/Q demodulator), dual baseband are ubiquitous. More and more designs heading, reflected power)
A/D converters, and digital signal include frequency agility and complex
processor/display. Modern variants pulse groups or frames. A fire-control • Availability of required injection
include sum/guard and azimuth/ radar interleaves telemetry or guid- signals: RF/uW (including Sum/
elevation difference receive channels ance data between radar main bangs. Az/El Difference), IF, Baseband
for monopulse radars, or multiple These waveform complexities place (I/Q), Digital
parallel channels for adaptive array stringent demands on modern target
radars (such as the APS125 airborne simulators. Optional Considerations
early warning radar).
What is Needed in a Radar Target • ECM/Jamming signals to test
Critical tests — both parametric and radar ECCM
functional — are listed below each While no two target simulators are
block of the radar. Radar test systems • Clutter, multipath, scintillation,
exactly alike, an evaluation of numer-
built largely from off-the-shelf test glint, JEM
ous existing simulators provides good
equipment (photo on cover) can pro- insight into common requirements
vide the required stimulus and analy- • Ownship trajectory
[3,4,5,6,7]. Universal considerations
sis horsepower to exercise even the for dynamic simulators are summa-
most sophisticated systems. Although • High-density dynamic target
rized here:
a radar’s architecture and mission environments
objectives greatly influence the type • Accurate emulation of the radar
and level of tests performed, basic Taking this one step further, Table 2
waveform (eg. chirp, direct
target simulation capability for range lists hypothetical specifications for
sequence, Barker code, PRI stag-
and Doppler calibration is a universal a generic radar target simulator. In
ger, frequency hopping, etc.)
requirement today. When simple pulsed practice, a cost-effective simulator
radars were dominant several years will have reasonable boundaries on
• Phase coherence and timing
ago, a synthesized signal generator parameter ranges shown.
synchronization of the simulator
with 1 Hz resolution and pulse mod- with respect to the radar
ulation was sufficient to simulate
a single target return. To simulate • Good spectral purity and linearity
a moving platform, a range-delay (low phase noise, spurs, harmonics,
generator was added, along with a and intermodulation products)
controller to update range, Doppler,
and reflected power.

Table 1.

Waveform Characteristic Reason for Use Requirement of Target Simulator FASS Typical Contribution

Coherent FIFT Doppler processing: Low phase noise; low SSB phase noise: –120 dBc @
ECCM; clutter rejection spurious; synchronizable to 10 kHz offset from 10 GHz;
radar or use transponder spurious –60 dBc, typical worst case

Frequency Agile; ECCM; LPI; clutter decorrelation; Fast switching speed; 2 GHz + agile BW; 100 ns typical
Stepped Frequency high resolution target imaging broadband agility (2 GHz); switching speed; real time external
synthesized; external digital inputs

Pulsed RF Long unambiguous range >80 dB pulse on/off ratio; fast >80 dB pulse on/off ratio;
(Low PRF); wide unambiguous pulse recovery, low harmonics <–50 dBc harmonics @
Doppler range (high PRF), –10 dBm
improved Tx/Rx isolation
compared to CW.

FMOP (Frequency Modulation Pulse compression; improved Synthesized wideband FM; >40 MHz FM deviation;
on Pulse) range resolution; LPI; ECCM; 1 Hz min. resolution, excellent 0.25 Hz FM resolution;
sidelobe reduction (nonlinear FM) passband phase linearity <±5° phase error over 40 MHz BW

PMOP (Phase Modulation Digital pulse compression; Synthesized wideband PM; <0.10° phase resolution
on Pulse) improved range resolution; <1 degree resolution;
LPI; ECCM excellent passband phase

AMOP (Amplitude Modulation Spectral taming, sidelobe Synthesized wideband AM; Pulse shaping over 60 dB range
on Pulse) suppression, pulse compression programmable rise/fall times;
programmable pulse envelope

PRF/PRI Agility Eliminate range/Doppler blind PRF synchronization with Extensive triggering modes (internal
zones; ECCM radar, flexible timing control, and external)
and triggering

Noise-like (clutter) ECM/jamming; clutter; false Arbitrary AM, FM, PM; deep Independent control of AM, FM,
alarm testing memory or real-time PM, FREQUENCY; excellent noise
modulation control signals

Time-coincident Target Test minimum range Complex modulation Can simulate arbitrary spectrum
Echoes resolution; multi-target capability; independent RIF over 40 MHz bandwidth
environment simulation source/target

UMOP (Unintentional Test radar susceptibilty to Fine-resolution control of all Excellent passband linearity;
Modulation on Pulse) system and environmental modulation parameters; high arbitrary AM, FM, PM
imperfections repeatability and low self-
induced nonlinearity

Table 2.

Parameter Minimum Maximum Resolution Comments

(Typical) (Typical)

Frequency Range (RF) 100 MHz 96 GHz 0.25 Hz Frequency range depends on DUT

Power Range –147 dBm +10 dBm 0.1 dB

Carrier Agility Bandwidth 100 MHz 2 GHz

Frequency Switching Speed 500 ns 25 µs

Instantaneous Modulation Bandwidth 2 MHz 1 GHz Majority below 100 MHz

Pulse Width 10 ns CW 100 ns – 200 µs, typical

PRF 10 Hz 1 MHz Must cover low, medium, and high PRF modes

Rise/Fall Time 10 ns 1 µs 0.1 ns 15 ns to 1 µs, typical

Intrapulse Modulation 1 MHz 1 GHz 5 to 80 MHz, typical

Spurious Distortion –40 dBc –90 dBc –50 dBc to –65 dBc, typical

Number of In-Beam Targets 1 6 1 2 to 4, typical

Number of Time Multiplexed Targets 1 200 1 10 to 30, typical

RCS 0 m2 1000 m2

Doppler Shift 0 Hz ±500 kHz 0.25 Hz

Range 0 km 2000 km subrange bin

Velocity 0 m/s 2047 m/s

Acceleration 0 g’s 10 g’s

Bearing 0 degrees 360 degrees 0.1 degree

Altitude 0 km 30 km

Scintillation O dB 40 dB 1 dB

Clutter Rain, sea, land

Multi-Source Simulation System off-the-shelf test equipment, includ- user-supplied or developed by quali-
Covers All Bases ing parallel “baseband” FASS systems, fied systems integrators. The Target
The state-of-the-art in target simula- an AOA/RF combiner unit, and low Descriptor File contains the user-
tion uses independent RF sources phase noise cleanbanded upconvert- defined trajectory data for each target.
for each in-beam target. This simpli- ers (CBUC). This configuration is The Ownship Descriptor File contains
fies the programming when reflected completely reconfigurable and can optional trajectory data for the radar
echoes from two or more targets be adapted to suit a variety of target platform motion. A suitable computer
overlap in time—a condition that is simulation requirements. Two of the precompiles the scenario and down-
aggravated with pulse compression target sources, for example, could loads the required radar waveform
waveforms because of their expanded be reprogrammed into ECM sources. “snippets” to the signal simulator’s
pulsewidths. Figure 2 shows a con- Or, if more targets were needed, the memory and sequencer. By leaving the
ceptual block diagram of a dynamic ECM or clutter source could be dynam- high-speed waveform playback to the
RF target simulator capable of simu- ically reallocated as a target source. simulator, effective scenario update
lating two or more simultaneous rates are greatly reduced, enabling
in-beam targets, noise clutter, and an The real-time simulation/target marked simplifications in the real-time
ECM signal. Much of the RF portion processor, AOA/RF distribution unit, processor hardware, hence reduced
of this simulator contains commercial and system software are generally overall cost.

Figure 2. Conceptual block diagram of an X-band dynamic target simulator built around parallel FASS systems. Up to 2 GHz of agile
bandwidth is available for testing frequency-hopped radars.

The role of the simulation/target bin. The basic clock period of FASS, limited CW noise to add a cost-
processor is to handle certain on-the- for example, allows a minimum range effective but moderate degree of
fly calculations and provide suitable quantization as small as roughly 7 ns. realism to a given scenario. Some-
waveform advance triggers to the times clutter sources require dedi-
simulator. Typical dynamic calcula- Mainlobe clutter (MLC) and sidelobe cated RF channels. In other cases,
tions include range delay, Doppler clutter (SLC) can be calculated using the clutter can be stored along with
shift, instantaneous amplitude (based a variety of statistical models repre- the point-target return to form a
on a simplified model of the radar sentative of rain, snow, terrain, or sea composite backscatter signal. Depend-
range equation), and azimuth and backscatter. In this case, the proces- ing on the clutter model, however,
elevation angle-of-arrival information. sor provides a dedicated simulator combining clutter directly with stored
With the addition of scintillation channel with the instantaneous AM, target returns can complicate program-
tables and polar antenna gain pat- PM, and FM data. During the clutter ming and place burdensome restric-
terns, the simulation/target proces- calculation, consideration must be tions on target parameter ranges. With
sor converts instantaneous target given to the gaming geometry and the dedicated channels, the incremental
parameters into equivalent changes effective plane of intersection of the hardware cost may be offset by greater
of frequency, phase, and amplitude. clutter source with the radar line of flexibility and ease-of-programming.
Typical scenario update rates are sight (LOS). In air-to-ground modes— Sometimes deep-memory arbitrary
on the order of 1-2 ms; however, the as Figure 3 shows—several conditions waveform synthesizers such as the
simulator hardware is capable of affect the received clutter spectrum, Agilent 8770A are used as clutter
accepting new data as often as every such as squint angle, antenna radia- sources by summing their outputs
30 ns. To ensure a smooth, unjerky tion pattern, platform motion, and into the IF portion of the simulator
target trajectory, the minimum target radar waveform. Because of the incre- prior to upconversion.
timing resolution is often set to one- mental complexities of clutter simula-
fifth to one-tenth the size of a range tion, some target simulators use band-

Figure 3. Several factors influence dynamic clutter spectrum including antenna radiation
pattern, squint angle, platform motion, and radar waveform.

Realistic dynamic clutter simulation Multiple-target phase coherence Within the limitations of the simula-
remains one of the toughest challenges has traditionally required one RF tor waveform memory, even target
facing designers of radar environment source per target. This is because overlap conditions can be synthesized
simulators. The computational com- typical synthesizers based on phase- with one RF source if overlapping
plexities can become so unwieldly locked loop architectures switch with returns fall within the instantaneous
that even the fastest computers get random phase between frequencies. modulation bandwidth of the simula-
tangled in statistical calculations. In Hence the proper phase relationship tor. Few people realize that direct-
practice, simplifying assumptions of each target is lost when synthesiz- digital synthesizers can simulate
about the clutter spectrum and diver- ing the respective target Doppler off- multiple simultaneous signals so long
sity are essential unless the simulation sets. With the new phase coherent as the equivalent phase and ampli-
is short enough to be precompiled frequency switching mode, the FASS tude modulation components are
and stored fully within the simulator system is the first signal source to contained within the instantaneous
waveform memory. offer this capability over a full 3-GHz bandwidth of the simulator. The digi-
bandwidth and with 0.125 Hz mini- tized IF of Figure 5 illustrates this
Multi-Target Simulation Possible mum frequency resolution. Further- point with two coherent pulsed RF
more, most synthesizers have typical returns overlapping in time. The
with Single Source frequency switching speeds of several Doppler shift is exaggerated to make
A scaled-down version of the multi-
milliseconds—much too long for simu- the interaction easily visible. Notice
target simulator involves one FASS
lating time-multiplexed targets.
operating in a novel phase-coherent
frequency-switching mode. Phase-
coherent frequency switching allows
one target source to simulate several
time-multiplexed targets with full
coherence. In this mode, the simula-
tor can switch frequency from f1 to f2
to f3 to fn back to f1 while maintain-
ing the proper Doppler phase rela-
tionship with respect to each target
(see Figure 4). This “phase-memory”
capability is essential if the target
Doppler information is to be recovered
from burst-mode FFT processing.

Figure 4. This three-dimensional graph illustrates why phase-coherent frequency switch-

ing is important for simulating more than one target from a single RF source.

the constructive addition and sub- lapped targets be limited to two Synchronizing to the Radar
traction of the two carriers during targets or be avoided altogether. Synchronizing the simulator to the
coincidence. In practice, the computa- To avoid time-coincident echoes, radar is essential if trigger jitter and
tion of time-overlapped target returns simply place each target sufficiently coherence are to be preserved [8].
adds considerable complexity to the distant from any other target. The The simulator must be able to operate
simulation. To avoid excessive use of transmitted pulse width generally from an external clock supplied by
precious waveform memory it is rec- dictates this minimum distance. the radar. Alternatively, the radar can
ommended, therefore, that time-over operate from clocks supplied by the
simulator. The AN/APG-71 radar, for
example, operates from an internal
master clock of roughly 116 MHz.
From this clock all important timing
information is derived, including PRF
triggers, phase code chip timing, and
gating. As shown in Figure 6, this
116 MHz reference becomes the clock
for the direct digital synthesizer and
memory/sequencer inside the FASS.
This guarantees that triggers from
the radar will be synchronous with
changes in the simulation, virtually
eliminating any range trigger jitter.
Experience shows that ground loops
and radar power supply noise can
affect the integrity and stability of
the simulation. Therefore, special
care in proper shielding and ground-
Figure 5. This sampled IF signal shows the effects of two overlapping coherent target ing is essential. For detailed informa-
returns. The composite signal was simulated from one RF source. tion on FASS operation with external
clocks, Reference 8 provides useful
examples and diagrams.

Figure 6. Special consideration must be given to proper synchronization between the radar and the simulator.

Seeker Testing: A Special Case however, when direct connections a configuration is required also for
Seeker target simulators can be quite to the radar are impractical, or where coherent jamming of pulse Doppler
elaborate and expensive, depending the radar waveform or precise fre- radars and is, therefore, the subject
on the particular requirements at quency is not known a priori. When of intense research and development.
hand. For example, many seekers are the seeker must be tested without any Digital RF memories (DRFMs)—as
tested in specially designed anechoic connections to the internal radar, this shown in Figure 7, for example—have
chambers, such as the RFSS (Radio clearly complicates synchronization been developed with bandwidths
Frequency Signal Simulator) phased- and coherence of the target simulator approaching 1 GHz [9, 10]. However,
array target simulator in Huntsville, with respect to the seeker under test. the sophistication of modern radars
Alabama. With such a system it is In such cases, it may be difficult or often precludes their use as target
possible to “test fly” the missile through impossible to “preload” the required simulators because of the very high
a hypothetical gaming area. Connec- signals into the simulator for “on- spurious content. Such high spurious
tions to the missile’s inertial naviga- demand” playback of synthetic target signals are “rejected” by the radar as
tion system simulate trajectory pitch, echoes. Consideration of these testing false targets, seemingly produced by
roll, and yaw for “hit or miss” testing difficulties should be included in the a deceptive jammer. To obtain the 40
and software validation. seeker design review to ensure that to 60 dBc spurious levels requested
a viable and cost-effective test proce- by manufacturers, the DRFM quanti-
In all of the preceding examples, dure can accompany the validation zation levels must approach a dynam-
however, the target simulation was process. ic linearity equivalent to 8 to 12 bits,
accomplished by synthesizing a accounting for the practical effects
model of the radar waveform and To address this problem, several of intermodulation spurs, clock leak-
triggering it synchronously with the “transponder” or coherent repeater ages, and other digitally induced
radar PRF. In effect, the simulator configurations have been proposed phenomenon.
provided a “synthetic” echo back to to provide a real-time echo of the
the radar receiver. There are cases, seeker’s transmitted waveform. Such

Figure 7. A digital RF memory (DRFM) could be used as a block in a coherent repeater.

One proposed transponder method is the direct summation of doppler shift FM, pulse shaping, and group delay
a hybrid that combines a DRFM front and amplitude variations, such as distortion. Figure 9 shows the magni-
end and an Agilent FASS back end R4 power rolloff and/or scintillation. tude response of a chirp when com-
(Figure 8). The DRFM front end down- This hybrid approach offers moderate pressed with a Hamming-weighted
converts the incoming radar waveform instantaneous bandwidth and would mismatch filter to reduce range side-
to a reasonable intermediate frequency require up-front engineering to evalu- lobes. The 40-dB peak sidelobe levels
(IF) followed by an I/Q demodulator ate the performance for different attest to the excellent gain and phase
and dual baseband A/D converters. mission objectives. linearity of the chirp generation/
While splitting the waveform into I/Q compression process.
components places stringent require- Use the Simulator for LRU Testing
ments on acceptable gain and quad- In addition to dynamic simulations, Taking this one step further, the sim-
rature errors, this method enables digitally synthesized signal simula- ulator can even simulate the effects
the use of lower bandwidth, higher tors can perform static tests of LRU’s of the radar compression stages to
dynamic range converters that are and components. For example, typical enable downstream testing of the IF/
readily available, such as a 75-MHz, IF SAW chirp compressors are speci- baseband processor. Figure 10 shows
10-Bit A/D. Once the waveform is fied for range sidelobe performance. two synthetic targets of different RCS
digitized, the high-speed samples are Generally, this measurement is impos- with the effects of pulse compression
stored in a dual-port circular RAM sible to make unless a precision added. To make the range sidelobes
buffer that provides range delay in expander or transmitter is available easily visible, no mismatch filtering
increments of 60 ns for up to several to produce the required chirp injec- was used in this example. For rectan-
hundred microseconds, depending tion signal. Testing may be impossible gular windowing, peak sidelobes are
on the memory depth. After the spec- altogether if the receiver design is down 13 dB as expected. Any sidelobe
ified range delay, the echo is read occurring in parallel with the transmit- weighting scheme could have been
out of memory, processed, and down- ter development. In such a case, the incorporated into the simulation,
loaded to the FASS dynamic modula- signal simulator can be programmed such as a 30-dB Taylor weighting.
tion data ports. The FASS not only to simulate the required chirp profile, This capability simplifies margin
provides a spectrally pure 12-bit D/A including effects such as nonlinear testing of receivers when upstream
conversion process, but it enables hardware is unavailable or faulty.

Figure 8. This conceptual block diagram of a coherent repeater combines a DRFM front end with a FASS.

The simulation was accomplished
Pulse Compression of Chirped Signal
by numerically convolving a chirp
waveform with its matched filter. A
matched filter has a transfer function
that is the complex conjugate of the
exciter waveform. Reference [11] pro-
vides an excellent source of informa-
tion of pulse compression techniques
and effects of gain and phase linearity
on compression sidelobes.

Toward the Future

Several examples of signal simulation
have been presented in the context of
radar test. From advanced dynamic
target simulators to handy laboratory-
grade modulation sources, modern
digitally synthesized simulators help
radar designers cope with advances
in radar technology. Much like the
spectrum and network analyzer have
become indispensable tools to any
engineer, the signal simulator is rap-
idly becoming an essential element of Figure 9. This pulse-compression plot demonstrates the excellent sidelobe performance
successful, on-time programs. Simula- achievable with modern signal simulators. A Hamming weighting was added to bring
tors speed development of systems peak sidelobes down to 40 dB.
and subsystems by permitting parallel
development of RF modules when
upstream hardware is unavailable as
a stimulus source. They also provide Compressed Returns
confidence that a system doesn’t just
meet spec, but that it will operate as
expected when put to the ultimate
test in the field. As digital synthesizer
technology continues to evolve, radar
designers and test engineers will ben-
efit from simulators with even wider
bandwidths, better spurious, all with
reductions in size and cost.

Figure 10. This sampled IF plot shows the simulated effects of pulse compression on two
targets of different RCS. No sidelobe filter was added to make sidelobe viewing easy on
the sampling scope’s linear scale.

[1] “Analysis and Simulation Techniques for Modern Radar,” GTRI Short
Course, 1989 worldwide tour survey.

[2] G. Lowitz, “The Frequency Agile Signal Simulator: Advanced Applications

in Radar, EW, and Communication Signals,” Proceedings of the RF&W
Symposium, March 1989.

[3] “Radar Target Simulators Brochure,” Hughes Radar Systems Group,

Los Angeles, California.

[4] F. Belrose et al., Radio Frequency Simulation System (RFSS) Capabilities

Summary, Technical Report RD-82-21, US Army Missile Laboratory,
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.

[5] L. Buse, “Range Delay Techniques for Radar Target Simulators,” White
Paper, Boeing Aerospace Company, Seattle, Washington.

[6] Adaptive Array Flight Test Equipment for the AN/APS-125, General
Electric Co. Contract N00173-77-C-0238, 1978.

[7] Design Specification for the System Target Simulator [F- 14D],
DS 40019-064, Cross Systems, Inc., 1985.

[8] Tips on External Clock Operation with Agilent FASS, Product Note 8791-5,
February 1990 (#5952-1901).

[9] R. Clarke, “Lucrative Market for DoD Drives DRFM Technology,”

Microwaves & RF, March 1988.

[10] T. Vu and J. Hattis, “A GaAs Phase Digitizing and Summing System for
Microwave Signal Storage,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
Vol. 24, No. 1, February 1989.

[11] C. Cook and M. Bernfeld, Radar Signals, Academic Press, Orlando,

Florida, 1967.

[12] T. Bagwell, C. Johnsen, R. Bray, and S. Carp, “Development of an Ultra-

Flat SAW Filter Module and its Application to FASS: A Frequency Agile
Signal Source,” 1989 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings.

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