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Hip Hop Dance

It’s Nature and Background

What is Hip Hop?

 It is a lifestyle
 Uses its own language, music,
wardrobe, and dance
 Often people think hip-hop
dance can only be performed
to hip-hop music but this is
 There are 5 pillars of hip hop
5 Pillars of Hip Hop

1. Mcing (Vocal)
2. Djing (Aural)
3. Graffiti (Visual)
4. Breakdancing (Physical)
5. Knowledge (Mental)
Are you familiar with
Let us watch with
this example rap in
the Philippines.
Pre - Activity
 You will form 6 groups and you will compose a
Rap with a minimum of 3 stanzas.
 You can base your rap from an existing song
and change its lyrics or you can compose your
 The subject of your rap should focus on the
Social Issues in our country or your place.
 Submit your rap today before 4 pm in a ½
sheet of paper with list of your groupmates.
 Performance of your rap will be on next
 No profanity or bad words
Hip Hop Dance
What is Hip Hop Dance?
 Often referred to as “street dance”
 Can be seen in many different forms such as
informal battles or formal dance competitions
 Uses three major movements

1. Popping
2. Locking

3. Breaking
 Officially began in NYC in the early 1970’s
 People who have not had professional training but
had a natural instinct to dance. They brought dance
to the streets.
 Inspired by African dancing (down-to-earth
movements with complex rhythms)
 Kool DJ Herc was the first DJ in NYC to play two
records at the same time and mix the beats together
 He extended the dance portions of the records so dancers
could show off their moves for longer
 Extended “breaks” of the music
History Cont.
 In the 1980’s the evolution of hip hop started
 Moves became more institutional (pop, locking
& breaking)
 Locations of dancing became more formal (not
only in the streets)
 Clubs in large cities featured DJs which
resulted in hip hop dancing to be performed
 The circular nature of the audience still
 Hip Hop became more mainstream
Three Major
movements in Hip –
Hop Dance
 Created in Fresno, CA
 Made famous by Sam Solomon “Boogaloo Sam”
and his crew the Electric Boogaloos
 Electric Boogie is a style of funk and hip hop dance
 Popping: a jerking movement by quickly
contracting and relaxing muscles to the rhythm 0r
beats of the music
 Liquid Popping: movements that are smooth to
look like fluid
 Strobbing: quick, stiff movements with quick
pauses in between each movement
 Created in 1969 in Los Angeles, CA
 Made popular by Dan Campbell and his
dance crew the Lockers
 Locking is usually when a dancer holds his
position for a few seconds
 Cannot pop and lock at the same time, but
can be done one after the other
 Locking can often be used for comic relief
 Created in South Bronx, NY
 First Hip Hop dance style
 African Americans created it but Puerto Ricans
made it popular, their style of dance is known as
 Breaking is usually unstructured and performed at
different levels
 Toprock –dancing while on your feet
 Downrock-dancing on the floor

 Power moves- spins on the ground or acrobatics

 Freeze Moves- when a dancer poses

Hip Hop Dance Today
 Today Hip Hop dance is still performed in the
streets but it is also performed on stages
 Popular dancers are paid to perform for
thousands of audience members at a concert,
on national television or at small venues likes
dance clubs
 Very popular in music videos
Old Basic Steps in
Hip – Hop and its
One of the famous
hip – hop dance
Let us try some
basic dance steps
of Hip Hop
Activity Next Meeting
 Wear your complete PE Uniform on
 We will have a performance of your
simple hip – hop dance.
 You will learn basic steps in Hip – Hop
and you will perform as one group.

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