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By – Indo Pathshala

Contact Number – 9123206137

• Siddhartha, also known as Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born
about 2500 years ago.
• Father -Shudhodhan , mother - Mahamaya.
• The Buddha belonged to a small gana known as the Sakya gana, and was
a kshatriya. After his mother died (7 days) and was raised by his aunt
Gautaml.At the middle age of 16, he was married to Yashodhara and
Rahul was his son.
• He observed four things-

o An old man.
o Sick man groaning with pain
o Corpse being carried by people
o Ascetic who was in search of salvation.
• When he was a young man, When he was a young man, he left the
comforts of his home in search of knowledge along with his charioteer
Channa in search of truth (Mahabhinishkramana/Great Renunciation). He
penanced his body for 49 days under a peepal tree on the banks of the
Niranjana or Phalgu river.
• Kanthaka was the horse who accompanied Siddhartha in all important
• The charioteer of Lord Buddha was known as Channa .
• His teachers were Alara kama and Udraka Ramputra
• He wandered for several years, meeting and holding discussions with
other thinkers. He finally decided to find his own path to realisation, and
meditated for days on end under a peepal tree at Bodh Gaya in Bihar,
where he attained enlightenment. After that, he was known as the
Buddha or the Wise One.
• He then went to Sarnath, near Varanasi, where he taught for the first
time. He spent the rest of his life traveling on foot, going from place to
place, teaching people, till he passed away at Kushinagara.
• He died at the age of 80 in 483 BCE at a place called Kushinagara, a town
in UP. The event is known as Mahaparinirvan.

4 Major Buddhist Councils

First- 483 BC It was held under the patronage of King Ajatshatru and was presided by
Mahakasyapa, a monk.
Location - Sattapani cave at Rajgriha.
The teachings of Buddha were divided into three Pitakas in this council.
It was held soon after the Mahaparinirvan of the Buddha.
Compilation of Sutta pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka by Upali

Second- 383 It was held under the patronage of King Kalasoka in 383 BC AND
BC presided over by Sabakami.
Location - Vaishali
Division into Sthaviradins & Mahasanghikas
These two groups would eventually evolve into Thervada and Mahayana
This council rejected the Mahasangikas as canonical Buddhist texts.

Third- 250 BC It was held in 250 BC in Patliputra under the patronage of Ashoka and
was presided over by Moggaliputta Tissa.
Compilation of Abhidhamma Pitaka.
Decision to send missionary to various parts of the world
Ashoka sent several groups to different countries to spread Buddhism
after this council.

Fourth- 72 AD It was held in 72 AD at Kundalvana, Kashmir.

It was presided over by Vasumitra, while Asvaghosa was his deputy
under the patronage of King Kanishka of the Kushan Empire.
Division of Buddhism into Hinayana (the Lesser Vehicle) and Mahayana
(the Greater Vehicle).
Abhidhamma texts were translated from Prakrit to Sanskrit.
• Three Pitakas
o Vinaya Pitaka: Consists of rules of conduct and discipline applicable to the
monastic life of the monks and nuns.
o Sutta Pitaka: Consists of the main teaching or Dhamma of Buddha. It is
divided into five Nikayas or collections: Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya,
Samyutta Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, Khuddaka Nikaya.
o Abhidhamma Pitaka: Philosophical analysis and systematization of the
teaching and the scholarly activity of the monks.

• Jataka Folklore
o Stories related to the birth of Buddha/in Chinese they are called Sadok.
o Jatak kathaye was part of abhidhamma nikaya

Places associated with Buddhism

Lumbini • It is the birthplace of Buddha.
• At the time of the birth of Buddha, Lumbini was a part of Shakya
Janapada, which was a republic.

Rajgriha • Rajgir was the early capital of Magadh Janapada, which was ruled
by Bimbisara during Buddha’s time.
• After Mahabhinishkramana, Buddha first went to Rajgir.
• King Bimbisara had offered Buddha his throne, which he turned

Vaishali • At the time of Buddha, Vaishali was in Vajji Janapada.

• After leaving Kapilavastu for renunciation, he came to Vaishali first
and had his spiritual training from Allara and Udaka.

Bodh Gaya • Bodh Gaya was known as Bodhimanda, Uruvela, Sambodhi,

Vajrasana and Mahabodhi.
• It has the Mahabodhi temple and Bodhi tree.
• Buddha attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in Bihar.

Sarnath • Sarnath is where Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon or

Dhammachakra Pravartan Sutta.
• At the time of Buddha, it was a part of Kashi Janapada.

Sravasti • It was located in Uttar Pradesh

• Most of the monastic life of Buddha was spent in Shravasti.
• In Buddha’s times, Shravasti was the capital of the Kosala Kingdom.
• Shravasti is also the birthplace of Jaina Tirthankara Sambhavanath.

Kushinara • It is the site of Buddha’s death and mahaparinirvana.

• At the time of Buddha’s death, it was the capital of Malla Janapada.
• The Buddha taught that life is full of suffering and unhappiness. This is
caused because we have cravings and desires (which often cannot be
fulfilled). Sometimes, even if we get what we want, we are not satisfied,
and want even more (or want other things). The Buddha described this as
thirst or tanha.
• He taught that this constant craving could be removed by following
moderation in everything.

Four Noble Truths

Eight-Fold Paths
• It consists of various interconnected activities related to knowledge,
conduct, and meditative practices.
Hinayana and Mahayana
• They believe In The original teachings of Buddha.
• According to Hlnyana, 8-fold path is the only means to achieve salvation
• They do not believe In Idol worship, but they do worship certain symbols
• They believe that Buddha was not a God, but was a normal human being
who attained enlightenment.
• The followers of Hinayana are called Arhat.
• Ashoka patronized Hinayana.
• Scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism were written Pali.

• Mahayana Buddhism consider Gautama Buddha to be a divine being who
will help his followers to attain nirvana.
• They believe In Idol worship, Idols of Buddha and bodhisattvas are
• Bodhisattva are those holy Buddhists who are rapidly in the process of
achieving nirvana.
• The three bodies of a Buddha are accepted in Mahayana Buddhism
Nirmanakaya , Sambhogakaya ,Dharmakaya.
• Sub-schools: Chittmatra & Madhyamaka
• Scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism were written Sanskrit.
Three Jewels of Buddhism

The Three Jewels of Buddhism are Buddha,

dharma, and sangha. Also called the Triple
Gems or Triratna, the Sanskrit word for three
jewels. Buddha, dharma, and sangha are
primary acts of the Buddhist faith that create
the learning journey towards nirvana.

Buddha’s life and symbols

Great Events in Buddha’s Life Symbols

Avakranti (conception or descent) • White Elephant

Janma (birth) • Lotus and Bull

Mahabhinishkramana (Great Renunciation) • Horse

Nirvana/ Sambodhi (enlightenment) • Bodhi tree

Dharmachakra Parivarthana (first Sermon) • Wheel

Mahaparinirvana (Death) • Stupa

Buddhist Scholars

Moggaliputta Tissa
He launched Ashoka’s dhamma campaign

He is known as the first Sanskrit Dramatist of the World. He wrote Buddhist texts
in Classical Sanskrit.His main works are Buddhacharita , Sanskrit drama
Sariputra Prakarana (Sariputra - the disciple of Buddha)

Founded Madhyamaka school of Mahayana Buddhism, gave theory of Sunyavada-
Emptiness and important work including Mulamadhyamakakarika (which means
Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way).

He was commentator of Theravada, important work is Visuddimagga.
His name means “Voice of Buddha”.
Asanga and Vasubandhu
Asanga was the most important teacher of Yogachara or Vijnanavada school
founded by his guru, Maitreyanatha.
Vasubandhu’s greatest work, Abhidharmakosa, is still considered an important
encyclopedia of Buddhism.Most important work of Vasubandhu was

He lived around the 7th century AD and was a theorist of Buddhist Sankya. He
was a poet as well as a teacher at Nalanda University.
Seven Treatises was written on Valid Cognition by Dharmakirti.


A bodhisattva is a Buddhist deity who has attained the highest level of

enlightenment, but who delays their entry into Paradise in order to help the

Bodhisattva Traits

Maitreya • Future Buddha & earliest bodhisattva

• Also known as Ajita-Bodhisattva
• Holds a waterfall in his left hand.
• Popular laughing Buddha is claimed to be an
incarnation of Maitreya.


• Samantabhadra is a key bodhisattva within

Mahayana Buddhism.
• His name means “Universal Worthy,” referring to his
fundamental and unchanging goodness.
• Alongside Shakyamuni Buddha (also known as
Gautama Siddartha) and the bodhisattva Manjusri, he
forms part of the Shakyamuni Trinity.

Vajrapani • Like Indra, holds thunderbolt (depict power)

• Depicted as one of the 3 protective deities around
• Others two: Manjusri and Avlokiteshwara
• Among all the serene, meditative bodhisattvas,
Vajrapani is wreathed in flame with a fierce pose and
an even fiercer face.
• one of the earliest and most important bodhisattvas in
the Mahayana tradition.
Avalokitesvara • Avalokiteshvara’s primary characteristic is feeling
compassion for all beings who are suffering and
wanting to help every soul reach enlightenment.

Kshitigarbha • Guardian of purgatories and children

• Bodhisattva of hell-beings or earth immortal beings
• He is most famous for bowing to save the souls of all
beings between Gautama Buddha’s death and the age
of Maitreya, including the souls of children who died
young and those in Hell.

Amitabha • Buddha of Heaven

Sadaparibhuta • Sarvanivarana-Vishkambhin is not one of the most

popular of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas, but he is
important for his ability to help clear obstacles to
enlightenment. Because of this power, his mantras are
often used during meditation.

Manjushri • Manjushri means “Gentle Glory.”

• Stimulator of understanding and he holds book
describing 10 paramitas
• Depict male Bodhisattva wielding flaming sword in
his left hand
• He is also sometimes called Manjughosa, or “Gentle

Akasagarbha • Ākāśagarbha is known for wisdom and the ability to

purify transgressions.

Buddhist Universities

University Location Founder

Nalanda Bihar (Rajgir) Kumaragupta I (Gupta Ruler)

Odantapuri Bihar Gopala (Pala Ruler)

Vikramshila Bihar (Bhagalpur) Dharampala (Pala Ruler)
• The Vajrayana sect thrived
here, and Tantric teachings
were imparted.
• Vedas, astronomy, urban
development, law, grammar,
philosophy etc were taught here

Somapuri North Bengal Dharampala (Pala Ruler)

Jagadal Varendra, north Rampala (Pala Ruler)

Bengal (Bangladesh). • Buddhist scholars in Tibet such
as Vibhuti Chandra, Danasila,
Mokshakara Gupta, and
Subhakara Gupta belonged to
this monastery.
• Vajrayana Buddhism was one
of the special subjects taught.

Vallabhi Gujarat (Bhavnagar) Bhattarika (Maitrak Ruler)

• It was a significant learning
center for Hinayana Buddhism.
• Administration and statecraft,
legislation, philosophy were
taught here .

Buddhist Stupas

• Anda: Hemispherical mound symbolic of the mound of dirt used to cover

Buddha’s remains (in many stupas actual relics were used).
• Harmika: Square railing on top of the mound.
• Chhatra: Central pillar supporting a triple umbrella form.
Important stupas
1. Mahabodhi Stupa: Bodh Gaya, Bihar
2. Jetavana Stupa: Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh
3. Dhamekh Stupa: Sarnath Uttar Pradesh.
• Recently, the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) discovered a 1,300-
year-old stupa right in the middle of a mining site in Odisha’s Jajpur
district at a Khondalite mining site.

Kings of Ancient India who practiced Buddhism.

• Ajatashatru was the first royal convert to Buddhism.
o Other kings - Bimbisara ,Ashoka , Prasanjeet ,Udaysen ,
Kanishka , Harshavardhana.

During the reign of King Devanampiya Tissa in the third century BCE,
Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka, was formally converted to Buddhism.

Practise Questions
1. Kalachakra is associated with which religion? Buddhism
2. To which religion is the 'Tripitaka' scripture related? Buddhism
3. Who propounded the philosophy of 'Ashtangika marga' ? Gautam Buddha
4. The first Buddhist Council was held at ________? Rajgriha
5. From which monument, Gautama Buddha propagated his divine
knowledge of Buddhism to the world?Mahabodhi Temple
6. Who is the author of Buddhacharitra? Ashvaghosha
7. The Abhidharmakosa was composed by ? Vasubandhu.
8. In which language the book Mahavastu was composed? Sanskrit
9. Which book is called the “encyclopedia of Buddhism” ? Abhidharmakosa
10. Buddha’s ashtanga-marga is mentioned in ? Taittiriya Upanishad.
11. In which mudra did Gautam Buddha deliver his first sermon at Sarnath?
Dharmachakra Mudra
12. Gautam Buddha belonged to which clan? Sakya
13. On the bank of which river, Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment?
14. Amprapali was a dancer during the time of Gautam Buddha. She belonged
to which City? Vaishali
15. Dharmachakra in Sanskrit means ? ‘Wheel of Dharma’

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