2. Structure of Atom

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CHAPTER 02 > Structure of Atom 27


Structure of Atom

Å The first atomic theory proposed by Dalton in 1808,
regarded the atom as the ultimate indivisible particle of Atomic Models
matter. Thomson’s Model of Atom
Å A large number of subatomic particles have been discovered Å Thomson in 1898 assumed that an atom is a sphere of positive
but only electron, proton and neutron are of great charged uniformly distributed with the electrons scattered as
importance among them and hence are called fundamental points throughout the sphere. This was also known as plum
particles. pudding, raisin pudding or watermelon model. An important
feature of this model is that the mass of atom is assumed to be
Discovery of Subatomic Particles uniformly distributed over the atom.
Å Cathode rays or electrons were discovered by J.J. Thomson Å Henri Becqueral observed that there are certain elements
in 1897, by utilising Faraday’s study of electrical discharge which emit radiation on their own. These elements were
in partially evacuated tube known as cathode rays tubes. named as radioactive elements and the phenomenon is called
Å The specific charge is the ratio of charge to mass of an radioactivity.
electron, i.e. e /me ratio. Å Rutherford’s nuclear model of atom Rutherford bombarded
Å By carrying out accurate measurements, Thomson was able very thin gold foil with α-particle.
to determine the value of e /me as 1758820
. × 1011 C kg − 1 . Å Thomson’s model of atom was proved wrong by Rutherford’s
Å Millikan devised a method known as oil drop experiment alpha-particles scattering experiment carried in 1909.
to determine the charge on the electron to be − 1.6 × 10− 19 C. Å The main features of this model are :
Å The mass of electron was determined by combining — Most of the particles passed the foil undeflected, which
Millikan’s and Thomson’s value of e /me ratio which comes indicated that most of the space in atom is empty.
out to be 91094
. × 10− 31 kg. — Some of them were deflected, but only at small angles. This
shows that there is something positively charged at the
Å Canal rays (or anode rays or positive rays) were
discovered by Goldstein. These rays consist of positively
charged particles called protons.
— Few particles were deflected at large angles. It means that in
the atom, mass and positive charge is centrally located in
Å Unlike cathode rays, the e /me value of canal rays depends extremely small region called nucleus. The nucleus is
upon the nature of gas taken in the tube. surrounded by electrons that move around the nucleus with
Å Neutrons are neutral particles and discovered by a very high speed in circular paths called orbits.
Chadwick. These are the heaviest particles of the atom. — Electrons and the nucleus are held together by electrostatic
Å The discovery of sub-atomic particles led to the proposal of force of attraction.
various atomic models to explain the structure of atom.
Atomic and Mass Number Particle Nature of Electromagnetic
Å Atomic number ( Z) = number of protons in the Radiation : Planck’s Quantum Theory
nucleus of an atom = number of electrons in a neutral
Å The ideal body, which emits and absorbs radiations of all
frequencies is called a black body and the radiation emitted by
Å The protons and neutrons present in the nucleus are such a body is called black body radiation.
collectively known as nucleons. The total number of
Å According to Planck’s quantum theory, the radiant energy
nucleons is termed as mass number of the atom.
which is emitted or absorbed in the atom of small discrete
Mass number ( A) = number of protons ( Z) + number packets of energy known as quantum and in case of light, the
of neutrons (n). quantum of energy is called photons.
Isobars and Isotopes E = hν or E = h
Å Isobars are the atoms with same mass number, but
where, h = Planck’s constant = 6.63 × 10− 34 Js
different atomic number for, e.g. 14 14
6 C and 7 N.
E = Energy of photon or quantum
Å The species with same atomic number but different
Å If n is the number of quanta of a particular frequency and ET be
mass number are called isotopes, e.g. 6 C12 and 6 C14 .
the total energy, then
Å Hydrogen has three isotopes protium (11 H, only one ET = nhν
proton), deuterium (12 D, one proton and one neutron)
Photoelectric Effect
and tritium (13 T, one proton and two neutrons). Å The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from a metal surface
Drawbacks of Rutherford’s Model when a light of certain frequency strikes on its surface is called
photoelectric effect.
Rutherford’s model was failed to account for the
stability of the atom. Also, it did not explain about the Å For each metal, there is a characteristic minimum frequency,
electronic structure of atoms. known as threshold frequency ( ν 0) below, which photoelectric
effect is not observed.
Development Leading to the Bohr’s Å When a photon of sufficient energy strikes an electron in the
Model of Atom atom of the metal, it transfers its energy instantaneously to the
Å Nature of electromagnetic radiation and experimental electron during the collision and the electron is ejected.
results regarding atomic spectra play an important Å The number of electrons ejected is proportional to the intensity
role in the development of Bohr’s model. or brightness of light.
Å Light, X-rays and γ-rays are the examples of radiant Å Following the conservation of energy principle, the kinetic
energy. energy of ejected electron is given by the equation,
Maxwell in 1856 showed that radiant energy has wave 1
hν = h ν 0 + m e ν 2
properties and called them electromagnetic waves or 2
electromagnetic radiations. Å Dual nature of electromagnetic radiation Light possesses both
Å There are many types of electromagnetic radiations particle and wave like properties. Whenever radiation interacts
which differ from one another in wavelength or with matter, it displays particles, like properties in contrast to
frequency. These constitute electromagnetic the wave like properties.
Atomic Spectra
Å The small portion in the electromagnetic spectrum
Å The pictorial representation of arrangement of various types of
around 1015 Hz is called visible light.
EMR in their increasing order of wavelength (or decreasing
Å All these radiations travel with the speed of light and order of frequency) is known as spectrum.
do not require any medium for their propagation or Å The spectrum of white light ranges from violet at 7.50 × 1014 Hz
to red at 4 × 1014 Hz, such a spectrum is called continuous
Å The frequency ( ν), wavelength ( λ ) and velocity of light
(c) are related by the equation,
Å The spectrum of radiation emitted by a substance that has
c = νλ
absorbed energy in increasing order of wavelengths or
Å Wave number is defined as the number of decreasing frequencies is called as an emission spectrum.
wavelengths per unit length. Its commonly used unit Atoms, molecules or ions that have absorbed radiation are said
is cm − 1 . to be ‘excited’.
Å An absorption spectrum is like the photographic negative — The frequency of radiation absorbed or emitted when
of an emission spectrum. transition occurs between two stationary states that
Å The study of emission or absorption spectra is referred to differ in energy by ∆E is given by :
as spectroscopy. ∆ E E2 − E1
v= =
Å The emission spectra of gas phase do not show a h h
continuous spread of wavelength from red to violet, rather where, E1 and E2 are the energies of the lower and higher
they emit light only at specific wavelengths with dark allowed energy states respectively. This expression is
spaces between them. Such spectra are called line spectra commonly known as Bohr’s frequency rule.
or atomic spectra. — The angular momentum of an electron is quantised. In a
Å Line emission spectra are of great interest in the study of given stationary state, it can be expressed as,
electronic structure and also used in chemical analysis to h
mevr = n ⋅ , n = 1, 2, 3 …
identify unknown atoms. 2π
Å When an electric discharge is passed through gaseous — The stationary states for electron are numbered,
hydrogen, the H2 molecules dissociate and the n = 1, 2, 3... . These integral numbers are known as
energetically excited hydrogen atoms produced emit principle quantum number.
electromagnetic radiation of discrete frequencies. — The radii of the stationary states are expressed as :
Å The line spectra of hydrogen lies in three regions of
electromagnetic spectrum, i.e. infrared, visible and rn = n2 a0
UV-region. where, a0 = 52.9 pm.
Å The set of lines in the visible region is known as Balmer Thus, the radius of the first stationary state called the
series. Bohr orbit is 52.9 pm.
Å The Swedish spectroscopist, Johannes Rydberg noted that — Energy of an electron in nth state is given as,
all series of lines in the hydrogen spectrum could be  1
described by the following formula. En = − R H  2 
n 
1 1
ν = 109677  2 − 2  cm− 1 n = 1, 2, 3 …
n1 n2 
where, R H is called Rydberg constant and its value is
where, n1 = 1, 2 … equal to 2.18 × 10− 18 J.
n2 = n1 + 1, n1 + 2 … Å Bohr’s theory can also be applied to the ions containing
Å The value 109677 cm − 1 is called the Rydberg constant. only one electron, for example He+ , Li 2 + , Be3 + and so on.
Å The first five series of lines that correspond to Å The energy of the stationary states associated with these
n1 = 1, 2, 3 , 4, 5 are known Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, hydrogen like species is given by,
Bracket and Pfund series respectively.  Z2 
En = − 2.18 × 10− 18  2  J
Series n1 n2 Spectral Regions n 

Lyman 1 2, 3, 4K Ultraviolet and radii by the expression,

Balmer 2 3, 4, 5K Visible rn = 52.9 pm
Paschen 3 4, 5, 6K Infrared
Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
Brackett 4 5, 6, 7K Infrared Å The energy gap between the two orbits (higher and lower
Pfund 5 6, 7K Infrared orbits) is given by equation,
 1 1
∆E = 2.18 × 10− 18 J  2 − 2 
Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom  ni n f 
Å The main postulates for Bohr’s model are :
Å The frequency associated with the absorption and emission
— The electron in the hydrogen atom can move around the of the photon can be evaluated by using equation,
nucleus in a circular path of fixed radius and energy.
∆E R H  1 1
These paths are called orbits, stationary states or allowed ν= =  2
− 2 
energy states. h h  ni n f 
— Energy is emitted when an electron jumps from higher Å In case of absorption spectrum, n f > ni and in case of
energy level to lower energy level. emission spectrum ni > n f .
Limitations of Bohr’s Model Å The important features of quantum mechanical model of
Bohr’s model did not explain the fine structure of atom, atom are :
spectrum of multielectron system, Zeeman effect and Stark — The energy of electron in atoms is quantised.
effect (splitting of spectral lines under the influence of — Both the exact position and exact velocity of an electron
magnetic and electric field respectively) and ability of atoms in an atom cannot be determined simultaneously.
to form molecules by chemical bonds. — An atomic orbital is the wave function ψ for an electron
in an atom.
Towards Quantum Mechanical
The probability of finding an electron at a point within
Model of Atom

an atom is proportional to the square of the orbital wave

Å In view of shortcoming of the Bohr’s model, two important function| ψ |2 at that point, which is known as
developments, i.e. dual behaviour of matter and
probability density and is always positive.
Heisenberg uncertainty principle came into existence.
Å From the value of| ψ |2 at different points within an atom,
Å de-Broglie explains the dual nature of electron (i.e., wave
nature as well as particle nature) it is possible to predict the region around the nucleus,
where electron will most probably be found.
h h
λ= =
mv p Orbitals and Quantum Numbers
where, λ = wavelength, v = velocity of particle, m = mass of Å Atomic orbitals are precisely distinguished by quantum
particle, p = momentum number.
Å Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states ‘‘that it is Å Principal quantum number (n) determines the size and the
impossible to determine at any given instant, both the energy of orbital. It also identifies the shell.
momentum and the position of subatomic particles like Å Azimuthal quantum number ( l) is also known as orbital
electron simultaneously’’. angular momentum or subsidiary quantum number.
h h It gives information about the three dimensional shape of
∆x ⋅ ∆p ≥ or ∆x ⋅ ∆v x ≥
4π 4πm the orbital.
Å Heisenberg uncertainty principle rules out the existence of Å Every shell consists of one or more subshell or sublevels.
definite paths or trajectories of electrons and other similar The number of sublevels in a principal shell is equal to the
particles. value of ‘n’.
Å The effect of Heisenberg uncertainty principle is significant Å Magnetic orbital quantum number (ml ) gives information
only for motion of microscopic objects and is negligible for about the spatial orientation of the orbital with respect to
that of macroscopic objects. This is because in dealing with standard set of coordinate axis.
milligram sized or heavier objects, the associated Å Spin quantum number (ms) refers to orientation of the spin
uncertainties are hardly of real consequence. of the electron, i.e. clockwise or anti-clockwise. These two
Å In case of microscopic object like an electron, ∆v ⋅ ∆x orientations are distinguished by the spin quantum
obtained is much larger and such uncertainties are of real 1 1
number ms , which can take values + or − .
consequence. 2 2
Å The precise statement of the position and momentum of
Shapes of Atomic Orbitals
electrons have to be replaced by the statements of Å The region inside an atom, where this probability density
probability that the electron has at a given position and
function reduces to zero is called nodal surface or simply
nodes. With increase in principal quantum number n,
Å In Bohr model, an electron is regarded as a charged particle number of nodes increases.
moving in well defined orbits about the nucleus. Thus,
Å Shapes of s, p , d and f -orbitals are :
Bohr model not only ignores the dual behaviour of matter
but also contradicts Heisenberg uncertainty principle. s-orbital - spherical
p-orbital - dumble
Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom d-orbital - double dumble
Å The branch of science that takes into account this dual
f -orbital - complicated
behaviour of matter is called quantum mechanics.
Å Besides the radial nodes, the probability density function
Å Schrodinger derived an equation for an electron which
are zero at the planes passing through the nucleus regions.
describes the wave motion of an electron along any three
These are called angular nodes and the number of angular
axes. For a system (such as an atom or molecule whose
node are given by ‘l’.
energy does not change with time), the Schrodinger
$ ψ = Eψ ,
equation is written as H Å The total number of nodes are given by (n − 1), i.e. sum of
where H is a mathematical operator called Hamiltonian. angular nodes and (n − l − 1) radial nodes.
Å Presence of two or more electrons having the same spin in
Energies of Orbitals the degenerate orbitals of a subshell also contributes towards
Å For hydrogen and hydrogen like species, all the orbitals stability. These electrons tends to exchange their positions
within a given shell have same energy, i.e. and the energy released because of this exchange is called
1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3 p = 3 d < 4s = 4p = 4d = 4f < … exchange energy.
Å The orbitals having same energy are called degenerate Rules for Filling of Electrons in Orbitals
orbitals. Filling of electrons into the orbitals of different atoms takes
Å In an multielectron atoms, energy of orbitals depends upon place according to the following discussed rules :
the values of n and l. The lower the value of (n + l) for an Å Aufbau principle In the ground state of the atoms, the
orbital, the lower its energy. orbitals are filled in order of their increasing energies.
Å If two orbitals have the same (n + l) value, the orbital with 1s, 2s, 2p , 3s, 3 p , 4s, 3 d , 4p, 5s, 4d , 5 p , 6s, 4 f , 5 d , 6p , 7s.
lower value of n has the lower energy. Å Pauli’s exclusion principle No two electrons in an atom
Å The shielding of the outer shell electrons from the nucleus by can have the same set of four quantum numbers.
the inner shell electrons and as a result the net positive It can also be stated as, “only two electrons may exist in the
charge experienced by the outer electrons is known as same orbital and these electrons must have opposite spin”.
effective nuclear charge. The maximum number of electrons in the shell with
Å Energies of the orbitals in the same subshell decreases with principal quantum number in is equal to 2n2 .
increase in the atomic number ( Z eff ). Å Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity states that ‘‘pairing
Å When a set of equivalent orbitals is either fully-filled or of electrons in the orbitals belonging to the same subshell
half-filled, i.e. each containing one or a pair of electrons, the ( p , d or f ) does not take place until each orbital belonging to
atom gain more stability. This effect is more dominant in that subshell has got one electron each, i.e. it is singly
d-and f -subshells. occupied.’’

Mastering NCERT

TOPIC 1 ~ Subatomic Particles

1 Michael Faraday showed that, if electricity is passed 4 Which of the following substances, shows the
through a solution of an electrolyte, chemical properties of phosphorescent?
reactions occurred at the electrodes which resulted in (a) Zinc sulphide (b) Zinc sulphate
(a) liberation of matter at the electrodes (c) Zinc nitrate (d) Zinc chloride
(b) deposition of matter at the electrodes 5 According to Thomson, the amount of deviation of
(c) emission of energy at the electrodes the particles from their path in the presence of
(d) Both (a) and (b) electrical or magnetic field depends upon
2 In cathode ray discharge tube experiment, when (a) the magnitude of the negative charge on the particle
sufficiently high voltage is applied across the (b) the mass of the particle
electrodes, current starts flowing through a stream of (c) the strength of the electrical or magnetic field
particles from negative electrode to positive (d) All of the above
electrodes. These particles are called 6 Which of the following phenomenon is responsible
(a) anode rays for the television pictures ?
(b) cathode rays (a) Chemiluminescence (b) Fluorescence
(c) cathode ray particles (c) Luminescence (d) Phosphorescence
(d) Both (b) or (c) 7 Which of the following options is correct regarding
3 The electrical discharge through the gases could be characteristics of cathode ray?
observed only at (a) It does not depend upon the material of electrodes
(a) very low pressure and very low voltage (b) It does not depend upon the nature of the gas present in
(b) very high pressure and very high voltage the cathode ray tube
(c) very high pressure and very low voltage (c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) very low pressure and very high voltage (d) None of the above
8 Thomson determined the value of e/ me as 9 Formula for calculating the mass of the electron ( me ) is
(a) 1.758820 × 10 C kg10
(a) me = e ⋅ ( e / me ) (b) me =
(b) 17.58820 × 1012 C kg −1 ( e / me )
(c) 1.758820 × 109 C kg −1  e  e
(c) me = e +   (d) me = e −  
(d) 1.758820 × 10 C kg11 −1  me   me 

TOPIC 2 ~ Atomic Models

10 To account for the stability of atom was one of the 14 Increasing order (lowest first) for the values of e/ me
major problem for the scientists after the discovery of for electron ( e), proton ( p), neutron ( n) and
sub-atomic particles. The other problems for scientists α-particles is
were (a) e, p , n , α (b) n , α , p , e (c) n , p , e, α (d) n , p , α , e
(a) to compare the behaviour of elements in terms of both
physical and chemical properties 15 On bombarding a beam of α-particles on the atom of
(b) to explain the formation of different kind of molecules the gold sheet, few particles get deflected, whereas
by the combination of different atoms most of them go straight and remains undeflected.
(c) to understand the origin and nature of the characteristics of This is due to
electromagnetic radiation absorbed or emitted by atoms (a) the nucleus occupy much smaller volume as compared
(d) All of the above to the volume of atom
11 Consider the following table. (b) the force of repulsion on fast movingα-particles is very small
Relative Approx.
(c) the neutrons in the nucleus do not have any effect on
Name B
D Mass/u
mass/u α-particles
(d) the force of attraction on α-particles by the oppositely
Electron −1.6022 –1 9.10939 E F
× 10−19 charged electron is not sufficient
× 10−31
A + 1.6022 +1 1.67262 1.00727 1
16 Electrons and nucleus are held together by
× 10−19 × 10−27 (a) Coulombic forces
Neutron C 0 1.67493 1.00867 1 (b) electrostatic forces of attraction
× 10−27 (c) hydrogen bonding
(d) None of the above
In the above table, missing terms A, B, C, D, E and F
are respectively 17 For 19
F −1 , 16
O −2 20
Ne, choose the correct statement.
−2 −
(a) A → Positron; B → Absolute charge/C; (a) Both O and F are isoelectronic
C → 0;D → Mass-kg; E → 0.00054; and F → 1 (b) All the given species have equal number of e−
(b) A → Proton; B → Absolute charge/C; C → 0; (c) F− and Ne have equal number of e−
D → Mass/kg; E → 0.00054; and F → 0 (d) All of the above
(c) A → Proton; B → Mass/kg; C → 1; D → Absolute 18 An element E loses one α and two β-particles in three
charge/C; E → 1.00054; and F → 1 successive stages. The resulting element will be
(d) A → Positron; B → Mass/kg; C → 1; D → Absolute (a) an isobar of E (b) an isotope of E
charge/C; E → 1.00854; and F → 0 (c) an isotone of E (d) E itself
12 According to the Thomson model of an atom, mass of 19 Mass number of an atom (A) is equal to
the atom is assumed to be (a) total number of nucleons
(a) uniformly distributed over the atom (b) total number of neutrons
(b) randomly distributed over the atom (c) total number of protons and electrons
(c) partially distributed over the atom (d) total number of protons, electrons and neutrons
(d) None of the above
20 The chemical properties of atom are controlled by the
13 Cathode rays have same charge to mass ratio as (a) number of electrons present in the nucleus
(a) β-rays (b) number of protons present in the nucleus
(b) α-rays (c) number of neutrons present in the nucleus
(c) anode rays
(d) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
14 14
21 6 Cand 7 N are the examples of 24 Rutherford’s nuclear model of an atom is like a small
(a) isobars (b) isotopes scale solar system. Further coulombic force between
(c) isotones (d) None of these electron and the nucleus is mathematically similar to the
22 99.985% of hydrogen atoms contain only one proton.  Gr2   G m1 ⋅ m2 
(a) gravity   (b) gravity  
This isotope is called  m1 m2   r 
(a) protium
 Gm ⋅ m 
(b) deuterium (c) gravitational force  1 2 2 
(c) tritium  r 
(d) Both (a) and (b)  r2 
(d) gravitational force  
23 Calculate the number of protons, neutrons and  G ⋅ m1 ⋅ m2
electrons in 35 Br.
25 Rutherford model could not explain the
(a) Protons = 80, electrons = 80, neutrons = 35 (a) electronic structure of an atom
(b) Protons = 35, electrons = 55, neutrons = 80 (b) stability of an atom
(c) Protons = 35, electrons = 35, neutrons = 80 (c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Protons = 35, electrons = 35, neutrons = 45 (d) None of the above

TOPIC 3 ~ Development Leading to the

Bohr’s Model of Atom
26 Major development(s) responsible for the formulation 31 Which of the given statements correctly represents
of Bohr’s model of atom were the effect of rise in temperature on the emitted
(a) dual character of the electromagnetic radiation radiations of a hot body?
(b) experimental results regarding atomic spectra (a) The radiations move towards shorter wavelengths
(c) Both (a) and (b) (b) The radiations move towards shorter frequency
(d) None of the above (c) The radiations move towards lower energy
27 Maxwell suggested that when electrically (d) The frequency of radiations does not change
charged particle moves under acceleration, 32 Which of the following figure represents a black
alternating electrical and magnetic fields are produced body?
and transmitted.
These fields are transmitted in the form of waves called
(a) electromagnetic waves (a) (b)
(b) electronic radiations
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
28 Maxwell revealed that light waves are associated with
(c) (d)
(a) oscillating electric character
(b) oscillating magnetic character
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above 33 The energies E1 and E 2 of two radiations are 25 eV,
29 Many types of electromagnetic radiations, differ from and 50eV, respectively. The relation between their
one another in wavelength (or frequency) constitute a wavelengths, i.e. λ 1 and λ 2 will be CBSE AIPMT 2012
spectrum known as 1
(a) λ 1 = λ2 (b) λ 1 = λ 2
(a) electromagnetic spectrum (b) line spectrum 2
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (c) λ 1 = 2λ 2 (d) λ 1 = 4 λ 2
30 Classical physics is failed to explain 34 The value of Planck's constant is 6 .63 × 10 −34 Js. The
(a) black-body radiation speed of light is 3 × 1017 nm s –1 . Which value is
(b) photoelectric effect
closest to the wavelength (in nm) of a quantum of
(c) variation of heat capacity of solids as a function of
temperature light with frequency of 6 × 1015 s −1 ?
(d) All of the above (a) 10 (b) 25 (c) 50 (d) 75
35 Number of photons emitted by a 100 W (Js −1 ) yellow 43 The emission spectra of atoms in the gaseous phase
lamp in 1.0 s is (λ of yellow light is 560 nm) do not show a continuous spread of wavelength from
JIPMER 2018 red to violet, rather they emit light only at specific
(a) 1.6 × 1018 (b) 1.4 × 1018 wavelengths with dark spaces between them. Such
(c) 2.8 × 1020 (d) 2.1 × 1020 spectra is/are called
(a) line spectra (b) atomic spectra
36 The energy required to break one mole of Cl—Cl (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
bonds in Cl 2 is 242 kJ mol −1 . The largest
44 Uses of emission spectra is
wavelength of light capable of breaking a single (a) the study of electronic structure
Cl—Cl bond is (b) chemical analysis to identify unknown atoms
(a) 700 nm (b) 494 nm (c) Both (a) and (b)
(c) 596 nm (d) 640 nm (d) None of the above
37 The work function of a metal is 4.2 eV. If radiation of 45 The ratio of the shortest wavelength of two spectral
2000Å fall on the metal then the kinetic energy of the series of hydrogen spectrum is found to be about 9.
fastest photoelectron is AIIMS 2018 The spectral series are JEE Main 2019
(a) 1.6 × 10−19 J (b) 16 × 10−10 J (a) Lyman and Paschen
(c) 3.2 × 10−19 J (d) 6.4 × 10−10 J (b) Brackett and Pfund
(c) Paschen and Pfund
38 Calculate the energy in joule corresponding to light of (d) Balmer and Brackett
wavelength 45 nm (Planck’s constant,
46 Which of the following series of transitions in the
. × 10 −34 Js; speed of light, c = 3 × 10 8 nm s −1 ).
h = 663
spectrum of hydrogen atom fall in visible region?
(a) 6.67 × 1015 b) 6.67 × 1011 NEET (National) 2019
(c) 4. 42 × 1015 (d) 4. 42 × 10−18 (a) Balmer series (b) Paschen series
(c) Brackett series (d) Lyman series
39 The number of electron ejected in the photoelectric
experiment is proportional to the 47 Transition of the electron in the hydrogen atom is
(a) intensity of light shown in the given figure.
(b) brightness of light
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
40 Kinetic energy of the ejected electron is I
(a) equal to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation (infrared)
(b) proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic n=3
II (Visible)
(c) more than the frequency of the electromagnetic
radiation n=2

(d) inversely proportional to the frequency of the

electromagnetic radiation

41 What is the work function of the metal, n the light of

wavelength 4000 Å generates photoelectron of
velocity 6 × 10 5 ms −1 from it? JEE Main 2019 III (Ultraviolet)
(Mass of electron = 9 × 10 −31 kg
Velocity of light = 3 × 10 8 ms −1 n=1
Planck’s constant = 6626
. × 10 Js Identify I, II, III in the above figure.
−19 −1 (a) I → Lyman series; II → Paschen series; III → Balmer
Charge of electron = 16
. × 10 JeV )
(a) 4.0 eV (b) 2.1 eV
(b) I → Paschen series; II → Lyman series; III → Balmer
(c) 0.9 eV (d) 3.1 eV
42 The spectrum of white light ranges from violet (c) I → Paschen series; II → Balmer series; III → Lyman
. × 1014 Hz) to red (at 4 × 1014 Hz) is called
(at 750 series
(d) I → Balmer series; II → Lyman series; III → Paschen
(a) emission spectra (b) line spectra series
(c) continuous spectra (d) Both (a) and (c)
48 Which of the following relation correctly described 49 The value 109677 cm −1 is called
all the lines in the hydrogen spectrum? (a) Pfund constant
1 1 1 (b) Balmer constant
(a) ν = − cm − 1
109677  n12 n22 
(c) Rydberg constant
(d) Lyman constant
1 1 50 The electronic transition from n = 2 to n =1 will
(b) ν = 109677  2 − 2  cm − 1
 n2 n1  produce the shortest wavelength in
(c) ν = 109677 [ n12 − n22 ] cm − 1
(where, n = principal quantum number)
(a) He+ (b) H
(d) ν = 109677 [ n22 − n12 ] cm − 1 (c) H+ (d) Li 2+

TOPIC 4~ Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom

51 Angular momentum is the 57 The kinetic energy of an electron in the second Bohr
(a) sum of moment of inertia ( I ) and angular velocity (ω ) orbit of a hydrogen atom is [a 0 is Bohr radius]
(b) difference of moment of inertia ( I ) and angular velocity h2 h2 h2 h2
(ω ) (a) 2
(b) (c) (d)
(c) product of moment of inertia ( I ) and angular velocity (ω ) 4π ma02 16π 2 2
ma0 32π 2 2
64π 2 ma0
(d) ratio of moment of inertia ( I ) and angular velocity (ω )
58 The energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom has a
52 The expression for Bohr’s frequency rule is negative sign for hydrogen atom because
∆ E E2 − E1 (a) the energy of the electron in the atom is lower than the
(a) v= =
h h energy of a free electron at rest
(b) v = ∆ E ⋅ h = E2 − E1 ⋅ h (b) a free electron at rest is an electron that is infinitely far
v away from the nucleus
(c) = ∆ E + h = ( E2 − E1 ) + h (c) the energy value assigned to free electron at rest is zero
∆ E E1 − E2 (d) All of the above
(d) v= =
h 2 59 The radius of the second Bohr orbit for hydrogen
53 An electron can move only in those orbits for which atom is (Planck’s constant ( h) = 66262
. × 10 −34 Js;
its angular momentum is integral multiple of mass of electron = 91091
. × 10 −31 kg; charge of
(d) h ⋅ 2π electron ( e) = 160210
. × 10 −19 C; permitivity of
4π 2π
× 10 −12 kg −1 m −3 A 2 )

vacuum (∈0 ) = 8854185
54 The radius of the second Bohr orbit in terms of the JEE Main 2017
Bohr radius, a 0 , in Li 2+ is JEE Main 2019 (a) 165
. Å (b) 4.76 Å (c) 0.529 Å (d) 212
. Å
2a0 4 a0 4 a0 2a0 60 The energy of an electron in first Bohr orbit of
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 3 9 9 H-atom is –13.6 eV. Which of the following energy
55 Energy of an electron is given by value(s) of excited state(s) for electrons in Bohr orbits
of hydrogen is correct? JEE Main 2015
Z2  (b) − 4.2 eV (c) − 6.8 eV (d) + 6.8 eV
E = −2.178 × 10 −18 J  2  (a) – 3.4 eV
n  61 The frequency (ν ) associated with the absorption and
Wavelength of light required to excite an emission of the photon can be evaluated by equation
electron in an hydrogen atom from level n =1 to n = 2 ∆E R H 2
(a) v = = ( ni − n 2f )
will be (h = 6.62 × 10 −34 Js and c = 3.0 × 10 8 ms −1 ) h h
(a) 1.214 × 10−7 m (b) 2.816 × 10−7 m ∆E  1 1
(b) v = = R H ⋅ h  2 − 2 
(c) 6.500 × 10−7 m (d) 8.500 × 10−7 m h  ni nf 
56 The ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is  1
∆E R H 1
1.312 × 10 6 J mol −1 . The energy required to excite the (c) v = = ⋅  2 − 2 
electron in the atoms from n1 = 1 to n2 = 2 is
h h  ni nf 
(a) 6.56 × 105 J mol −1 (b) 9.84 × 105 J mol −1 ∆E
(d) v = = R H ⋅ h ( ni2 − n 2f )
(c) 7.56 × 105 J mol −1 (d) 8.51 × 105 J mol −1 h
62 Bohr’s atomic model suggests that (b) number of photons of same frequency absorbed
(a) electrons have a particle as well as wave character (c) number of photons of same frequency emitted
(b) atomic spectrum of atom should contain only five lines (d) All of the above
(c) electron on hydrogen atom can have only certain values 66 The phenomenon of splitting of spectral lines under
of angular momentum the influence of the electric field is called
(d) All of the above
(a) Stark effect (b) photoelectric effect
63 The first line in the Balmer series in the H-atom will (c) Zeeman effect (d) electromagnetic effect
have the frequency
67 Zeeman effect is due to
(a) 3.29 × 1015 s −1 (b) 4.57 × 1014 s −1 (a) splitting up the lines in an emission spectrum in the
(c) 8.22 × 1015 s −1 (d) 8.02 × 1014 s −1 presence of an external electrostatic field
(b) random scattering of light by colloidal particles
64 For emission line of atomic hydrogen from ni = 8 to (c) splitting up of the lines in an emission spectrum in a
 1  magnetic field
n f = n, the plot of wave number (ν ) against  2  will
n  (d) emission of electrons from metals when light falls upon them
be (The Rydberg constant, R H is in wave number unit) 68 Limitations of Bohr’s model is/are
JEE Main 2019 (a) it fails to account for the finer details of the hydrogen
(a) non linear (b) linear with slope −RH atom spectrum observed by using sophisticated
(c) linear with slope RH (d) linear with intercept −RH spectroscopic techniques
(b) it is unable to explain the spectrum of atoms other than
65 The brightness or intensity of spectral lines depends hydrogen
upon the (c) it is unable to explain the ability of atoms to form
(a) number of photons of same wavelength emitted molecules by chemical bonds
(d) All of the above

TOPIC 5 ~ Towards Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom

69 Electron microscope is based on the principle of (a) 1.52 × 10−4 m (b) 5.10 × 10−3 m
(a) wave like behaviour of electrons (c) 1.92 × 10−3 m (d) 3.84 × 10−3 m
(b) wave nature of light
(c) particle behaviour of electrons 75 The uncertainties in the velocities of two particles
(d) None of the above A and B are 0.05 and 0.02 ms −1 respectively. The
70 Calculate the mass of a photon with wavelength 3.6 Å. mass of B is five times to that of mass A. What is the
ratio of uncertainties ( ∆x A / ∆x B ) in their positions?
(a) 6.135 × 10−27 kg (b) 6.135 × 10−28 kg
(a) 2 (b) 0.25
(c) 6.135 × 10−33 kg (d) 6.135 × 10−30 kg (c) 4 (d) 1
71 The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron in the 4th 76 Uncertainty in the position of an electron
Bohr orbit is JEE Main 2020
(mass = 9.1 × 10 −31 kg) moving with a velocity
(a) 6πa0 (b) 2µa0 (c) 8πa0 (d) 4 πa0
300 ms −1 , accurate upon 0.001% will be
72 In hydrogen atom, the de-Broglie wavelength of an
electron in the second Bohr orbit is (h = 6.63 × 10 −34 J-s)
[Given that, Bohr radius, a 0 = 529
. pm] (a) 19.2 × 10−2 m (b) 5.76 × 10−2 m
NEET (Odisha) 2019 (c) 1.93 × 10−2 m (d) 3.84 × 10−2 m
(a) 211.6 pm (b) 211.6 π pm (c) 52.9 π pm (d) 105.8 pm 77 The trajectory of an object is determined by
73 The effect of Heisenberg uncertainty principle is (a) its location
significant (b) its velocity at various moments
(a) only for motion of microscopic objects (c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) negligible for that of macroscopic objects (d) None of the above
(c) Both (a) and (b) 78 If E A , E B and EC represent kinetic energies of an
(d) None of the above
electron, alpha particle and proton respectively and
74 In atom, an electron is moving with a speed of
each moving with same de-Broglie wavelength, then
600 m/s with an accuracy of 0.005%. Certainty with choose the correct increasing representation,
which the position of the electron can be located is
(a) E A = EB = EC (b) E A > EB > EC
(h = 6.6 × 10 −34 kg m 2 s −1 , mass of electron, (c) EB > EC > E A (d) E A < EC < EB
em = 6.6 × 10 −31 kg)
CHAPTER 02 > Structure of Atom 37

TOPIC 6 ~ Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom

$ is
79 In the Schrodinger equation, H 1
(d) (i) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = + 2 , ms = −
(a) a mathematical operator called Hamiltonian operator 2
(b) introduced by Schrodinger from the expression for the 1
(ii) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = + 2 , ms = +
total energy of the system 2
(c) Both (a) and (b)
86 The correct set of four quantum numbers for the
(d) None of the above
valence electrons of rubidium atom ( Z = 37) is
80 The graph between | ψ | 2 and r (radial distance) is 1 1 1 1
(a) 5,0,0,+ (b) 5,1,0,+ (c) 5,1,1,+ (d) 5,0,1, +
shown below. This represents JEE Main 2019 2 2 2 2
87 4d, 5 p, 5 f and 6 p-orbitals are arranged in the order of
|ψ|2 decreasing energy. NEET (National) 2019
The correct option is
(a) 6 p > 5 f > 5 p > 4 d (b) 5 p > 5 f > 4 d > 5 p
(c) 5 f > 6 p > 4 d > 5 p (d) 5 f > 6 p > 5 p > 4 d
88 Which of the following does not represent ground
state electronic configuration of an atom?
(a) 1s-orbital (b) 2 p-orbital (c) 3s-orbital (d) 2s-orbital (a) 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 8 4 s2
81 The total number of nodes are given by (b) 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 9 4 s2
(a) ( n + 1) (b) ( n − l − 1) (c) ( n − 1) (d) ( n − l + 1) (c) 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 10 4 s1
82 Orbital having 3 angular nodes and 3 total nodes is (d) 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 6 3d 5 4 s1
NEET (Odisha) 2019
(a) 5 p (b) 3d (c) 4 f (d) 6d 89 With the saturation of 3d orbitals, the filling of the 4 p
83 Identify the correct order of increase in the energy of orbitals starts at A and is completed at B. Here, A and B
the orbitals for hydrogen atom refer to
(a) 1s < 2s = 2 p < 3 s = 3 p = 3 d < 4 s = 4 p = 4 d = 4 f (a) A → Ga; B → Kr (b) A → Ga; B → Xe
(b) 1s > 2s = 2 p > 3 s = 3 p = 3 d > 4 s = 4 p = 4 d = 4 f (c) A → Zn; B → Br (d) A → Zn; B → Kr
(c) 1s = 2s = 3 s = 4 s > 2 p = 3 p = 4 p > 3 d = 4 d > 4 f 90 The atomic numbers of elements X, Y and Z are 19, 21
(d) 1s = 2s = 3 s = 4 s < 2 p = 3 p = 4 p < 3 d = 4 d < 4 f and 25 respectively. The number of electrons present
84 The stability of an electron in multielectron atom is in the M-shell of these elements follow the order
due to (a) Z > X > Y (b) X > Y > Z
(a) total attractive interactions > repulsive interactions (c) Z > Y > X (d) Y > Z > X
(b) total attractive interactions = repulsive interactions 91 The number of d-electrons in Fe 2+ ( Z − 26) is not
(c) total attractive interactions < repulsive interactions
equal to the number of electrons in which one of the
(d) total of attractive and repulsive interactions only
85 Out of the following pairs of electrons, identify (a) s-electrons in Mg ( Z = 12 )
the pairs of electrons present in degenerate orbitals. (b) p-electrons in Cl ( Z = 17 )
(a) (i) n = 3, l = 1, ml = − 1, ms = −
1 (c) d-electrons in Fe ( Z = 26 )
2 (d) p-electrons in Ne ( Z =10 )
(ii) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = − 1, ms = − 92 The number of orbitals associated with quantum
2 1
1 numbers n = 5, ms = + is
(b) (i) n = 3, l = 1, ml = 1, ms = + 2 JEE Main 2020
2 (a) 25 (b) 50 (c) 15 (d) 11
(ii) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = 1, ms = + 93 Aufbau principle does not give the correct
1 arrangement of filling up of the atomic orbitals in
(c) (i) n = 4, l = 1, ml = 1, ms = +
2 (a) Cu and Zn (b) Co and Zn
1 (c) Mn and Cr (d) Cu and Cr
(ii) n = 3, l = 2 , ml = 1, ms = +
38 Master The NCERT > CHEMISTRY (Vol-I )


I. Statement Based Questions
94 Which of the following statement regarding the 99 Which of the following statement is incorrect
characteristics of positively charged canal rays is regarding Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom?
incorrect? (a) Energy of the electrons in the orbit is quantised
(a) Unlike cathode rays, mass of positively charged (b) The electron in the orbit nearest to the nucleus has the
particles depends upon the nature of gas present in the lowest energy
cathode ray tube (c) Electrons revolve in different orbits around the nucleus
(b) The charge to mass ratio of these particles depends on (d) The position and velocity of the electrons in the orbit
the gas from which these originate cannot be determined simultaneously
(c) The behaviour of these particles in electric or magnetic 100 Which one is a incorrect statement? NEET 2018
field is same as that observed for electron or cathode rays (a) The electronic configuration of N-atom is
(d) Some of the positively charged particles carry a
2p1x 2p1y 2p1z
multiple of the fundamental unit of fundamental charge 1s2 2s2

95 Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) The energy of a quantum of radiation is proportional to
(b) An orbital is designated by three quantum numbers
its frequency ( ν ) is expressed by equation, E = hν
while an electron in an atom is designated by four
(b) With the help of quantum theory, Plank explained the quantum numbers
distribution of intensity in the radiation from black
(c) Total orbital angular momentum of electron in ‘s’
body as a function of frequency or wavelength at
orbital is equal to zero
different temperatures
(d) The value of m for d z 2 is zero
(c) In photoelectric effect, there is no time lag between the
striking of light beam and the ejection of electrons from 101 Which one is the incorrect statement? NEET 2017
metal surface (a) de-Broglie’s wavelength is given by λ = h / mv
(d) All of the above where m = mass of the particle,
v = group velocity of the particle
96 Which of the following statement is incorrect
regarding the oil droplets experiment? (b) The uncertainty principle is ∆E × ∆t ≥ h / 4π
(c) Half-filled and fully-filled orbitals have greater stability
(a) Oil droplets in the form of mist, produced by the
due to greater exchange energy, greater symmetry and
atomiser were allowed to enter through tiny hole in the
more balanced arrangement
upper plate of electrical condenser
(d) The energy of 2s-orbital is less than the energy of
(b) The air inside the chamber was ionised by passing a
2 p-orbital in case of hydrogen like atoms
beam of X-ray through it
(c) The fall of these charged oil droplets can be retarted 102 Consider the following statements about cathode rays.
acceterated or made stationary I. These moves from cathode to anode.
(d) Magnitude of electric charge, ‘q’ on the droplets is II. These are visible rays.
always fractional multiple of the electrical charge (e) III. Television picture tubes are cathode rays tubes.
97 Which of the following statement is/are correct about IV. In the absence of electrical or magnetic field, these
Hertz (Hz)? rays travel in a straight line.
(a) It is the SI unit of frequency ( ν ) Choose the correct statement from the above and
(b) It is named after Heinrich Hertz mark the correct option.
(c) It is the number of waves that pass a given point in one (a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV
second (c) I, III and IV (d) All of these
(d) All of the above
103 Consider the following statements :
98 According to the electromagnetic theory of Maxwell,
which one is correct? I. Canal rays are simply the charged gaseous ions.
(a) Charged particles when accelerated should emit II. Charge to mass ratio of these particles is found to
electromagnetic radiation depend on the gas from which these originate.
(b) Charged particles when accelerated should absorb III. Some of the positively charged particles carry a
electromagnetic radiation multiple of the fundamental unit of electrical
(c) Charged particles when retarted should emit EMR charge.
(d) None of the above
IV. Behaviour of canal rays in the electrical or 108 Consider the following statements :
magnetic field is opposite to that observed for I. The speed of light does not depends upon the nature of
cathode rays or electron. the medium through which it passes.
Which of the above mentioned statements are correct? II. The beam of light is deviated or refracted from its
(a) I, II and III (b) II, III and IV original path as it passes from one medium to another.
(c) I, III and IV (d) All of these III. When a ray of white light is passed through a prism, the
104 Consider the following statements regarding the wave with shorter wavelength bends more than the one
Thomson’s model of atom. with a longer wavelength.
I. The electrons are embedded in the nucleus, so as to Choose the correct statements and select the correct
give the most stable electrostatic arrangement. option.
II. The model was able to explain the overall neutrality of (a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) None of these
the atom. 109 Consider the following statements :
III. The different name of this model are plum pudding I. Qualitatively, the magnitude of velocity of electron
model, raisin pudding model or watermelon models. increases with increase of positive charge on the
Choose the option with all the correct statements. nucleus.
(a) I and II (b) II and III II. Magnitude of velocity of electron decreases with
(c) I, II and III (d) I and III increase of principal quantum number.
105 Wilhelm Roentgen showed that when electrons strike The correct statement(s) is/are
a material in the cathode ray tubes, some rays are (a) Only I (b) Only II
(c) Neither I nor II (d) Both I and II
Consider the following statements regarding these rays. 110 Consider the following statements :
I. These can cause fluorescence in the fluoroscent I. The energy of radiation increases with decrease in
materials placed outside the cathode ray tubes. wavelength.
II. These rays are named as X-rays. II. The spectrum of H atom is exactly same as that of
He + ion.
III. These rays are deflected by both, electric and magnetic
fields. III. Energy of radiation increases with increase in ν.
IV. These are used to study interior of the objects. The correct statements are
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) I, II and III
Choose the option containing all the incorrect
statement(s). 111 Consider the following statements :
(a) I and III (b) Only III (c) Only IV (d) I, II, IV I. Bohr’s theory can also be applied to species He + ,
106 Consider the following statements : Li 2 + , Be 3 + and energy of stationary states associated
I. The presence of positive charge on the nucleus is due with these kind of ions is given as,
to the presence of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. E n = 218. × 10− 18 ( Z 2 / n 2 ) J
II. The number of protons present in the nucleus is equal II. In case of absorption spectrum, n i > n f and in case of
to the atomic number. emission spectrum n f > n i .
III. In order to keep the electrical neutrality, the number of III. de-Broglie suggested that like mater, radiation should
electrons in an atom is equal to the number of proton in also exhibit dual behaviour.
an atom.
IV. Heisenberg uncertainty principle rules out existence of
IV. Protons, neutrons and electrons present in the atom are
definite path or trajectories of electrons.
collectively called nucleons.
Choose the option with all incorrect statements. Choose the incorrect statement(s) :
(a) II and III (b) I, II and III (c) I and IV (d) III and IV (a) I and II (b) II and III (c) Only IV (d) Only II
107 The oscillating electric and magnetic fields produced 112 Consider the following statements obtained after
by oscillating charged particles are solving the Schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom,
I. perpendicular to each other. I. we get the possible energy levels that the electron can
II. parallel to each other. occupy.
III. both are perpendicular to the direction of II. the atomic orbital is the wave function (ψ) for an
propagation of the wave. electron in an atom.
IV. both are parallel to the direction of the waves. The correct statement(s) is/are
Choose the correct option. (a) Only I (b) Only II
(a) I and III (b) II and IV (c) I and IV (d) II and III (c) Both I and II (d) Neither I nor II
113 Consider the following statements about wave The correct statements are
function? (a) I, II and III
I. When an electron is in energy state, the wave function (b) II, III and IV
corresponds to that energy state, which contains all (c) I, III and IV
information about the electron. (d) All of the above
II. It is a mathematical function whose value depends 118 Consider the following statements concerning the
upon the coordinates of the electron in the atom and
quantum numbers,
does not carry any physical meaning.
III. Wave functions of hydrogen or hydrogen like species I. Angular quantum number determines the three
with one electron are called atomic orbitals. dimensional shape of the orbital.
IV. Wave functions pertaining to one-electron species are II. The principal quantum number determines the
called one-electron systems. orientation and energy of the orbital.
The correct statements are III. Magnetic quantum number determines the size of the
(a) I, II and III (b) III and IV (c) I and II (d) All of these orbital.
IV. Spin quantum number of an electron determines the
114 Consider the following statements :
orientation of the spin of electron relative to the chosen
I. The energy of electrons in atoms is quantised. axis.
II. The existence of quantised electronic energy levels is a
direct result of the wave like properties of electrons. The correct set of statements are
III. The path of an electron in an atom can never be (a) I and II (b) I and IV
determined accurately. (c) III and IV (d) II, III and IV
The correct statements are 119 Consider the following statements :
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) All of these I. The shape of the orbitals is given by magnetic quantum
115 Consider the following statements regarding number.
probability density, II. In an atom, all electrons travel with the same velocity.
I. It is denoted by | ψ |2 . III. If the value of l = 0, the electron distribution is
II. It is the probability of finding an electron at a point
within an atom is proportional to the square of the IV. Angular momentum of1s, 2s, 3s electrons are equal.
orbital wave function. Choose the correct statements and select the correct
III. From the value of | ψ |2 at different points, within an option.
atom, it is possible to predict the region around the (a) II and IV (b) I and III
nucleus where electron will most probably be found. (c) I and II (d) III and IV
Choose the correct option.
(a) I and II (b) II and III (c) I and III (d) All of these II. Assertion and Reason
116 If probability density | ψ | is constant on a given
■ Directions (Q. Nos. 120-131) In the following
surface, questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a
I. ψ is constant over the surface. corresponding statement of Reason (R). Of the following
II. the boundary surface for | ψ |2 and | ψ |are different. statements, choose the correct one.
(a) Both A and R are correct; R is the correct explanation
The correct statements is/are of A.
(a) Only I (b) Only II (b) Both A and R are correct; R is not the correct
(c) Both I and II (d) None of these explanation of A.
117 Consider the following statements : (c) A is correct; R is incorrect.
I. The attractive interactions of an electron increases (d) A is incorrect; R is correct.
with increase of positive charge ( Z e ) on the nucleus. 120 Assertion (A) X-rays are used to study the interior of
II. Due to the presence of electrons in the inner shells, the the objects.
electrons in the outer shell will not experience the full Reason (R) They are not deflected by the electric and
positive charge of the nucleus ( Z e ). magnetic fields and have very high penetrating power
III. The effect will be lowered due to the partial screening through the matter.
of positive charge on the nucleus by the inner shell
electrons. 121 Assertion (A) Most of the space in the atoms is empty.
IV. The net positive charge experienced by the other Reason (R) Most of the α-particles passed through
electrons is known as effective nuclear charge ( Zeff ). the foil remain undeflected.
122 Assertion (A) Electromagnetic waves can move in
III. Matching Type Questions
Reason (R) They do not require medium to propagate. 132 Match the following type of rays given in Column I
with their characteristics given in Column II. Select
123 Assertion (A) Iron rod is heated in furnace, it
an appropriate answer from the codes given below.
first turns to dull red, intense red, white and
then become blue as the temperature becomes high. Column I Column II
Reason (R) The frequency of emitted radiation goes (Type of rays) (Characteristics)
from a higher frequency to a lower frequency as the A. α - ray 1. Negatively charged particles
temperature increases. similar to electrons.
124 Assertion (A) Classical mechanics fails to explain the B. β - ray 2. X-ray, neutral in nature.
behaviour of microscopic particles. C. γ - ray 3. Two units of positive charge and
Reason (R) It ignores the concept of dual behaviour four units of atomic mass.
of matter.
125 Assertion (A) Red light of any brightness may shine A B C A B C
on a piece of potassium-metal but no photoelectrons (a) 3 2 1 (b) 1 2 3
are ejected but as soon as even a very weak yellow (c) 3 2 1 (d) 3 1 2
light shines on the potassium-metal, the photoelectric
133 Match the Column I with Column II and III and select
effect is observed.
an appropriate option from the codes given below.
Reason (R) The number of electrons ejected does
depend upon the brightness of light and not on the Column I Column II Column III
kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. (Region) (Frequency (Hz)) (Application)
126 Assertion (A) Greater the energy possessed by the A. Radiofrequency 1. 1010 (i) Heating
photon, lesser will be transfer of energy to the 13
B. Microwave 2. 10 (ii) Radar
electron and the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
Reason (R) The kinetic energy of the ejected electron C. Infrared 3. 10 (iii) Broadcasting
is proportional to the frequency of the D. Ultraviolet 4. 10 6
(iv) Solar radiations
electromagnetic radiation.
127 Assertion (A) Energies of the orbitals in hydrogen or Codes
hydrogen like species depend only on the quantum A B C D
number ‘n’. (a) 3(i) 1(ii) 4(iii) 2(iv)
Reason (R) Energies of the orbitals in multielectron (b) 1(iv) 2(iii) 3(i) 4(ii)
atoms depend on quantum numbers ‘n’ and ‘ l’. (c) 4(iii) 1(ii) 2(i) 3(iv)
(d) 2(i) 4(ii) 3(iv) 1(iii)
128 Assertion (A) Energy of the orbital increases with
increase of principal quantum number. 134 Match the Column. Select an appropriate code from
Reason (R) Energy is required in shifting away the the given options.
negatively charged electron from the positively
Column I Column II Column III
charged nucleus. n l (Subshell notation)
129 Assertion (A) For a given principal quantum
A. 1 I. 0 (i) 4f
number, s, p, d, f …, subshells, all have different
energies. B. 2 II. 0 (ii) 4s

Reason (R) Mutual repulsion exists among the C. 3 III. 0 (iii) 3p

electrons in a multielectron atoms. D. 3 IV. 3 (iv) 3d
130 Assertion (A) s-orbital electron will be more tightly E. 4 V. 2 (v) 1s
bound to the nucleus than p-orbital electron.
F. 4 VI 1 (vi) 2s
Reason (R) Z eff experienced by the electron decreases
with increase of azimuthal quantum number ( l). Codes
131 Assertion (A) Half-filled and fully filled degenerate A B C D E F
set of orbitals acquire extra stability. (a) II(v) I(vi) VI(iii) V(iv) IV(i) III(ii)
(b)I(vi) II(v) III(iv) IV(iii) V(ii) VI(i)
Reason (R) The reason for the above fact is the
(c) VI(i) V(ii) IV(iii) III(iv) II(v) I(vi)
symmetry of such orbitals. (d) III(iii) VI(vi) IV(iv) II(ii) I(i) V(v)
135 Match the Column I with Column II and choose the Column I
Column II
correct options from the codes given below : (Boundary surface
diagram) (d-orbital)
Column I z
(Boundary surface Column II
diagram) (d-orbital)
D. 4. dx 2 − y2
y x

A. 1. dz 2 z
y x

z E. 5. d yz
y x

B. 2. dxy

y x Codes
(a) 4 5 2 1 3
(b) 3 4 5 2 1
C. 3. d xz (c) 5 3 1 4 2
y x (d) 5 4 1 2 3

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136 Yellow light emitted from a sodium lamp has a wave 140 Which of the following statements about the electron
length( λ ) of 580 nm. Calculate wave number (ν ) of is incorrect?
the yellow light. (a) It is a negatively charged particle
−1 −1 (b) The mass of electron is equal to the mass of neutron
(a) 1927
. × 10 cm
(b) 1724
. × 10 cm 4

(c) 10021
. × 10−5 cm−1 (d) 2147
. × 10−4 cm−1 (c) It is a basic constituent of all atoms
(d) It is a constituent of cathode rays
137 What is the number of photons of light with a 141 Which of the following statement is incorrect about
wavelength of 4000 pm that provide 1 J of energy? the characteristics of cathode rays?
(a) 2145
. × 1014 photons (a) They start from the cathode and move towards the anode
(b) 2.0122 × 1016 photons (b) They travel in a straight line in the absence of an
(c) 2.0012 × 1010 photons external electrical or magnetic field
(d) 2.0233 × 108 photons (c) Characteristics of cathode rays do not depend upon the
material of electrodes in cathode ray tube
138 What is the maximum number of emission lines when (d) Characteristics of cathode rays depend upon the nature
the excited electron of a H-atom in n = 6 drops to the of gas present in the cathode ray tube
ground state? 142 Which of the following conclusions could not be
(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 18 derived from Rutherford’s α-particle scattering
139 Calculate the energy required for the process Z eff experiment?
He + ( g ) → He 2+ ( g ) + e − . The ionisation energy for the (a) Most of the space in the atom is empty
H-atom in the ground state is 2.18 × 10 −18 J atom −1 . (b) The radius of the atom is about 10−10 m while that of
(a) 8.72 × 10−18 atoms −1 nucleus is 10−15 m
(c) Electrons move in a circular path of fixed energy called
(b) 10.75 × 10−20 atoms −1
(c) 12.77 × 10−22 atoms −1
(d) Electrons and the nucleus are held together by
(d) 15.22 × 10−15 atoms −1
electrostatic forces of attraction
143 Which of the following properties of an atom could be 149 Chlorine exists in two isotopic forms, Cl-37 and
explained correctly by Thomson’s model of atom? Cl-35 but its atomic mass is 35.5. This indicates the
(a) Overall neutrality of atom ratio of Cl-37 and Cl-35 is approximately
(b) Spectra of hydrogen atom (a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 3 : 1
(c) Position of electrons, protons and neutrons in atom 150 Total number of orbitals associated with third shell
(d) Stability of atom
will be ......
144 Two atoms are said to be isobars, if (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 9 (d) 3
(a) they have same atomic number but different mass 151 Orbital angular momentum depends on......... .
(a) l (b) n and l (c) n and m (d) m and s
(b) they have same number of electrons but different
number of neutrons 152 The probability density plots of 1s and 2s-orbitals are
(c) they have same number of neutrons but different given in figure.
number of electrons
(d) sum of the number of protons and neutrons is same but
the number of protons is different
145 Which of the following is responsible to rule out the
existence of definite paths or trajectories of electrons?
(a) Pauli’s exclusion principle 1s
(b) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
(c) Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity The density of dots in a region represents the
(d) Aufbau principle probability density of finding electrons in the region.
146 If travelling at same speeds, which of the following On the basis of above diagram, which of the following
matter waves have the shortest wavelength? statements is incorrect?
(a) 1s and 2s-orbitals are spherical in shape
(a) Electron
(b) The probability of finding the electron is maximum near
(b) Alpha particle (He2+ )
the nucleus
(c) Neutron (c) The probability of finding the electron at a given
(d) Proton distance is equal in all directions
147 Which of the following sets of quantum numbers are (d) The probability density of electrons for 2s-orbital
correct? decreases uniformly as distance from the nucleus
n l ml n l ml
I. 1 1 +2 II. 2 1 +1 153 The number of radial nodes for 3 p-orbital is........... .
III. 3 2 –2 IV. 3 4 –2 (a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 2 (d) 1
The correct option is
(a) II and III (b) I and II 154 For the electrons of oxygen atom, which of the
(c) I and III (d) III and IV following statements is correct?
(a) Zeff for an electron in a 2s-orbital is ths same is Zeff for
148 The pair of ions having same electronic
an electron in a 2p-orbital
configuration is (b) An electron in the 2s-orbital has the same energy as an
(a) Cr 3 + , Fe3+ electron in the 2p-orbital
(b) Fe3+ , Mn 2+ (c) Zeff for an electron in 1s-orbital is the same as Zeff
(c) Fe3+ , Co 3+ for an electron in a 2s-orbital
(d) The two electrons present in the 2s-orbital have spin
(d) Sc3+ , Cr 3+ quantum numbers, ms but of opposite sign
44 Master The NCERT > CHEMISTRY (Vol-I )

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51 (c) 52 (a) 53 (b) 54 (c) 55 (a) 56 (b) 57 (c) 58 (a) 59 (d) 60 (a)
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91 (b) 92 (a) 93 (d)

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94 (c) 95 (d) 96 (d) 97 (d) 98 (a) 99 (d) 100 (a) 101 (d) 102 (c) 103 (d)
104 (c) 105 (b) 106 (c) 107 (a) 108 (b) 109 (d) 110 (c) 111 (d) 112 (c) 113 (d)
114 (d) 115 (d) 116 (a) 117 (d) 118 (b) 119 (d) 120 (a) 121 (a) 122 (a) 123 (c)
124 (a) 125 (a) 126 (d) 127 (b) 128 (b) 129 (a) 130 (b) 131 (a) 132 (d) 133 (c)
134 (a) 135 (d)

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136 (b) 137 (b) 138 (c) 139 (a) 140 (b) 141 (d) 142 (c) 143 (a) 144 (d) 145 (b)
146 (b) 147 (a) 148 (b) 149 (c) 150 (c) 151 (a) 152 (d) 153 (d) 154 (d)

5 (d) According to Thomson, the amount of deviation of where, me is the mass of electron in kg and e is the
the particles from their path in the presence of electrical magnitude of the charge on the electron in Coulomb (C).
or magnetic field depends upon 9 (b) Formula for calculating mass of electron ( me ) is
(a) the magnitude of the negative charge on the e
particle-greater the magnitude of the charge on particle, me = .
greater is the interaction with electrical or magnetic
(e/ m e )
field and thus, greater is the deflection. where, m e = mass of electron in kg.
(b) the mass of the particle-lighter the particle, greater the e = magnitude of the charge on the electron
deflection. in Coulomb (C).
(c) the strength of the electrical or magnetic field-the Since, electrons are negatively charged, the charge on
deflection of electrons from its original path increases electron is − e.
with increase in the voltage across the electrodes or the
11 (b)
strength of the magnetic field.
6 (b) The phenomenon is responsible for television Absolute
Relative Mass/kg Approx.
pictures is fluorescence. Fluorescence is the Name Symbol charge/C Mass/u
charge (D) mass/u
phenomenon in which molecules of a substance when
bombarded with energetic electrons emit Electron e −1.6022 −1 9.10939 0.00054 0 (F)
electromagnetic radiation. × 10−19 × 10−31 (E)
8 (d) Thomson was able to determine the charge to the
Proton p +1.6022 +1 1.67262 1.00727 1
mass ratio of electron by carrying out accurate (A) × 10−19 × 10−27
measurements on the amount of deflections observed by
the electrons on the electric field strength or magnetic Neutron n 0 (C) 0 1.67493 1.00867 1
field strength as, × 10−27
e / m e = 1.758820 × 1011 C kg −1
12 (a) According to Thomson’s model of atom, an atom 24 (c) Rutherford model of an atom is like small scale solar
possesses a spherical shape (radius approx. 10−10 m) in system with the nucleus acts as massive sun and the
which the positive charge is uniformly distributed and electrons similar to the lighter planets.
the mass of the atom is assumed to be uniformly It is mathematically similar to the gravitational force
distributed over the atom.  G ⋅ m1 m2 
 .
Positive  r2 
where, m1 and m2 are the masses, r is the distance of
separation of the masses and G is the gravitational
Electron constant.
26 (c) Major developments responsible for the formulation
of Bohr’s model of atom were dual character of the
Thomson model of atom electromagnetic radiation which means that radiations
13 (a) Cathode rays have same charge to mass ratio as possess both wave like and particle like properties.
β -rays. β-rays are negatively charged particles similar to Experimental results regarding atomic spectra which can
electrons. be explained only by assuming quantised electronic
energy levels in atoms.
14 (b) Electrons ( e ) and protons ( p ) have the same charge
31 (a) The intensities of radiations emitted by hot body
. × 10−19 C ) but protons are 1840 times heavier than
depends on temperature. As the temperature is raised,
electrons. the emitted radiations move towards shorter
e / me of any particle decreases, if the mass is increased. wavelengths.
So, the e / me of electron is higher than the proton.
It shows that, as the temperature is raised, the maxima of
Alpha particle (α ) is a helium nucleus which consists of the curve shifts towards shorter wavelengths.
two protons and two electrons. It has +2 charge and the
32 (a) A cavity with a tiny hole, that has no other opening,
mass of 4 protons. So, the α-particle has the least e / m
because of its large mass. can be considered as a black body. A ray of light
entering the hole would be reflected by the walls of the
Neutron ( n ) has no charge thus its e / me is zero. cavity and ultimately absorbed by it.
Thus, the increasing order of e / me values is
Therefore, option (a) is correct.
n<α< p< e
E1 λ 2
A −4
A −4
A −4 33 (c) =
18 (b) A
Z E → Z −2 X → Z −1 Y → Z W E2 λ 1
Both elements E and W have same atomic number but 25 eV λ 2
different mass numbers. Hence, both are isotopes. So, ⇒ = or λ 1 = 2λ 2
50 eV λ 1
the resulting element will be an isotope of E.
19 (a) Mass number of an atom (A) is total number of 34 (c) Given, Planck's constant, h = 6.63 × 10−34 Js
nucleons, Speed of light, ( c ) = 3 × 1017 nm s −1
i.e. A = number of protons + number of neutrons. Frequency of quantam ( ν ) = 6 × 1015 s −1
20 (d) The chemical properties of atoms are controlled by
Wavelength ( λ) = ?
the number of electrons which are determined by the
c c
number of protons present in the nucleus. Number of We know that, ν= ,λ =
neutrons present in the nucleus have very little effect on λ ν
the chemical properties of an element. 3 × 1017
= = 0.5 × 102 nm = 50 nm
Therefore, all the isotopes of a given element show same 6 × 1015
chemical behaviour.
35 (c) As we know that,
21 (a) 14 14
6 C and 7 C are the examples of isobars having same hc Eλ
mass number but different atomic numbers. E = Nhν = N ⇒ N = …(i)
λ hc
23 (d) In 35 Br E = 100 W (Js –1 ) × 1 s = 100 J
Number of protons = Number of electrons = 35 = Atomic
Putting the value in eq. (i) we get
Number of neutrons = Mass number (A) − Number of 100 J × 560 × 10–9 m
N = = 2.82 × 1020
proton = ( 80 − 35 ) = 45 6.626 × 10−34 Js × 3 × 108 ms –1
242 × 103 Thus, on substituting all the given values in Eq. (i), we
36 (b) Energy required for one Cl 2 molecule = J get
hc × 9 × 10−31 kg × (6 × 105 ms −1 )2 =
λ 2
hc 6.626 × 10−34 J s × 3 × 108 ms −1
or λ= −φ
E 4000 × 10−10 m
6.626 × 10−34 × 3 × 108 × 6.02 × 1023
= ∴ . × 10−21 kgm 2 s −2 − 4.96 × 10−19 J
φ = 162
242 × 103
= 494 × 10−9 m = 3.36 × 10−19 J [1 kg m2s −2 = 1J]
= 494 nm = 2.1 eV
37 (c) Given, E0 = 4.2 eV 45 (a) According to Rydberg’s equation,
= 4.2 × 160
. × 10 −19 −19
J = 6.72 × 10 J 1 RH  1 1 1  1 1
=  −  or ∝ − 
we know that, (c) = 3 × 10 m/s8
[1 Å = 10 −10
m] λ hc  n12 n22  λ  n12 n22 
hc For shortest wavelength, i.e. highest energy spectral line,
Q E = hν =
λ n2 will be ( ∞ ).
6.63 × 10−34 Js × 3 × 108 ms −1 For the given spectral series, ratio of the shortest
∴ E=
2000 × 10−10 m wavelength of two spectral series can be calculated as
follows :
= 9.94 × 10−19 J 1 1 1
− 2 −0
∴ Kinetic energy of electron emitted λL 2
∞ = 9 1
(a) = 3 =
λP 1

1 1 − 0 9
= ( 9.94 − 6.72 ) × 10−19 J
12 ∞ 2
= 3.22 × 10−19 J 1 1
− 2
λ Bk 5 2
∞ 1 16 16
38 (d) Given, λ = 45 nm = 45 × 10−9 m [Q 1 nm = 10−9 m] (b) = = × =
λ Pf 1

1 25 1 25
The wavelength of light is related to its energy by the 4 2 ∞2
equation, 1 1
E = hν [Q where, ν = c / λ ] − 2
λP 5 2
∞ 1 9 9
hc (c) = = × =
E= λ Pf 1 1 25 1 25
λ −
32 ∞ 2
6.63 × 10−34 Js × 3 × 108 ms −1 1 1
Hence, E= − 2
45 × 10−9 m (d)
= 4
∞ = 1 ×4 = 1
= 4.42 × 10−18 J λ Bk 1

1 16 1 4
22 ∞ 2
Hence, the energy corresponds to the light of wavelength
Note Lyman = L ( n1 = 1), Balmer = B ( n1 = 2 )
45 nm is 4.42 × 10−18 J.
41 (b) Work function of metal ( φ ) = hν 0
Paschen = P ( n1 = 3 ) , Brackett = Bk ( n1 = 4 )
Pfund = Pf ( n1 = 5 )
where, ν 0 = threshold frequency
1 46 (a) Balmer series of transitions in the spectrum of
Also, me v2 = hν − hν 0 hydrogen atom fall in visible region. Lyman series fall in
ultraviolet while Paschen, Brackett and Pfund fall in
1 infrared region.
or me v2 = hν − φ …(i)
47 (c) I. Paschen series,
II. Balmer series and III. Lyman series
1 hc
me v2 = −φ …(ii) 48 (a) Rydberg noted that all series of lines in the hydrogen
2 λ
−10 spectrum could be described by the following expression :
Given : λ = 4000 Å = 4000 × 10 m
1 1
v = 6 × 105 ms −1 , ν = 109,677  2 − 2  cm− 1
 n1 n2 
me = 9 × 10−31 kg,
where, n1 = 1, 2 …
c = 3 × 108 ms −1
n2 = n1 + 1, n2 + 2 …
h = 6.626 × 10−34 Js
50 (d) The electronic transition from n = 2 to n = 1will 56 (b) Ionisation enthalpy of hydrogen atom is
produce the shortest wavelength in Li . The exact value 1.312 × 106 J mol −1 . It suggests that the energy of
electron in the ground state (first orbit) is
 1 − 1.312 × 106 J mol −1 .
can be calculated via Rydberg formula Q Z ∝ 
 λ
Formula to be used : For E1 , n = 2, ∆E = E2 − E1
For E2 , n = 1  −1.312 × 106   −1.312 × 106 
=  − 
 Z2   22   1 
E = − 2178
. × 1018 J  2 
n  = 9.84 × 105 J mol −1
E1 − E2 =
hc 57 (c) According to Bohr’s model, mvr =
λ 2π
hc n2h2
⇒ λ= ⇒ ( mv )2 =
E1 − E2 4 π 2 r2
51 (c) Linear momentum is the product of mass (m) and 1 2 n2h2
⇒ KE = mv = ...(i)
linear velocity (v), similary angular momentum is the 2 8π 2 r2 m
product of moment of inertia (I) and angular velocity (ω).
Also, Bohr’s radius for H-atom is,
52 (a) The frequency of radiation is absorbed or emitted
r = n2a 0
when transition occurs between two stationary states that
differ in energy by ∆ E, is given by On substituting ‘r’ in Eq. (i), we get
∆ E E2 − E1 h2
v= = KE =
h h 8π 2 n 2 a 20 m
where, E1 and E2 are the energies of the lower and
higher allowed energy states respectively. when, n = 2, KE =
This expression is commonly known as Bohr's frequency 32π 2 a 20 m
rule. 58 (a) (a) The energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom has a
53 (b) An electron can move only in those orbits for which negative sign for hydrogen atom because the energy
its angular momentum is integral multiple of h/ 2π. of the electron in the atom is lower than the energy
of a free electron at rest.
This means angular momentum is quantised. (b) A free electron at rest is an electron that is infinitely
54 (b) According to Bohr model, radius of orbit far away from the nucleus.
a0 × n 2 (c) The energy value assigned to free electron at rest is
rn = , where a0 = Bohr radius zero.
(Radius of 1st orbit of H-atom) 59 (d) Bohr radius ( rn ) = ∈0 n 2 h 2
For, Li2 + , Z = 3 and n = 2
rn =
2 × a0 4 a0
4π 2 me2 kZ
∴ r= =
3 3 1
⇒ k=
Z2  4 π ∈0
55 (a) Given, E = −2.178 × 10 J  2 

n  n 2 h 2 ∈0
∴ rn = = n2 0
For hydrogen, Z=1 πme2 Z Z
 1 where, m = mass of electron, e = charge of electron
So, E1 = −2.178 × 10−18 J  2 
1  h = Planck’s constant,
 1 k = Coulomb constant
E2 = − 2.178 × 10−18 J  2 
2  n 2 × 0.53
rn = Å
Now, E1 − E2 Z
 1 1  hc Radius of nth Bohr orbit for H-atom = 0.53 n 2 Å
i.e., ∆E = 2178
. × 10−18  2 − 2  =
1 2  λ [Z = 1for H-atom]
 1 1  6.62 × 10 × 3.0 × 10
8 ∴ Radius of 2nd Bohr orbit for H-atom
. × 10−18  2 − 2  =
1 2  λ = 0.53 × ( 2 )2

∴ λ ≈ 1.21 × 10−7 m = 2.12 Å

60 (a) Energy of electron in H-atom is determined by the °
70 (c) λ = 3.6A = 3.6 × 10−10 m
expression :
13.6 We know that,
En = − eV
n2 h = 6.626 × 10−34 Js
where, n = 1, 2, 3,....
Velocity of photon = Velocity of light
In excited states, E2 = − = −3.4 eV h 6.626 × 10−34 Js
4 m= =
λv (3.6 × 10−10 m) (3 × 108 ms –1 )
63 (b) Frequency of first line in Balmer series can be
calculated as = 6.135 × 10−33 kg
1 1
ν = 3.29 × 1015  2 − 2  s −1 71 (c) The de-Broglie wavelength of an electron,
 n1 n2  h h
λ= , or
 1 1  p mv
= 3.29 × 1015  2 − 2 
 (2) (3)  But, from the Bohr’s postulate of quantisation of angular
 1 1 momentum of electrons, l = mvr = ,
= 3.29 × 1015  −  2π
 4 9 nh
5 ∴ mv =
= 3.29 × 10 ×
h 2πr
= 4.57 × 1014 s −1 . Upon substitution, λ = = ,
 nh  n
 
64 (c) According to Rydberg’s formula,  2πr
wave number ( ν )
n 2 a0
1 where, r is the radius of orbits in Bohr model =
1 Z
= RH Z 2  2 − 2 
 ni n f  2π × n 2 × a0 2πna0
∴ λ= = = 8πa0
Given, ni = n , n f = 8 [Q it is the case of emission] n×Z Z
ν = RH × (1)2  2 − 2 
1  Z = 1 for hydrogen
 
n 8   n = 4 ( given ) 
1 1 R R 72 (b) According to Bohr,
ν = RH  2 −  = H2 − H
n 64  n 64 nh
mvr =
On comparing with equation of straight line, 2π
y = mx + C , we get nh  h
2πr = = nλ …(i) Q λ =
−RH mv  mv
Slope = RH , intercept =
64 where, r = radius, λ = wavelength
1 n = number of orbit
Thus, plot of wave number ( ν ) against 2 will be linear
n a0 n 2
with slope ( +RH ). Also, r= …(ii)
68 (d) Limitations of Bohr’s model are : where, a0 = Bohr radius = 52.9 pm
(i) It fails to account for the finer details of the hydrogen Z = atomic number
atom spectrum observed by using sophisticated
spectroscopic techniques. On substituting the value of ‘r’ from Eq. (ii) to Eq. (i),
we get
(ii) It is unable to explain the spectrum of atoms other than
hydrogen. 2πn 2 a0 2πna0
(iii) It is unable to explain the ability of atoms to form nλ = ⇒ λ=
molecules by chemical bonds.
λ = 2π × 2 × 52.9 [Q n = 2, Z = 1]
69 (a) Electron microscope is based on the principle of = 2116. π pm
wave like behaviour of electrons. It is the powerful tool
73 (c) The effect of Heisenberg uncertainty principle is
in research because it achieves a magnification of about
significant only for motion of microscopic objects and
15 million times.
negligible for the motion of macroscopic objects.
74 (c) By Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,
∆x ⋅ m∆v = |Ψ|2 For 1s-orbital
4π number of radial node = 1– 0 –1=0
600 × 0.005
∆v = 0.005% of 600 m/s = = 0.03
100 r
−31 6.6 × 10−34
∆x × 9.1 × 10 × 0.03 =
4 × 3.14
|Ψ|2 For 2s-orbital
6.6 × 10−34
Hence, ∆x = number of radial node = 2– 0 –1=1
4 × 3.14 × 0.03 × 9.1 × 10−31
= 1.92 × 10−3 m r
75 (a) According to Heisenberg,
∆x × m × ∆v =
4π |Ψ|2 For 3s-orbital
number of radial node = 3– 0 –1=2
where, ∆x = uncertainty in position
m = mass of particle
∆v = uncertainty in velocity r

According to question,
∆x A × m × 0.05 = |Ψ|2 For 2p-orbital
4π number of radial node = 2–1–1=0
∆xB × 5m × 0.02 =
4π r
Divide Eq. (i) by Eq. (ii), then
Thus, the given graph between | ψ |2 and r represents
∆x A × m × 0.05
=1 2s-orbital.
∆xB × 5m × 0.02
∆ x A 5m × 0.02 81 (c) The total number of nodes are given by (n – 1), i.e.
⇒ = =2 sum of l angular nodes and radial nodes (n – l – 1).
∆ xB m × 0.05
∆x A 82 (c) Angular node ( l ) = 3
or =2
∆xB Total nodes = radial nodes + angular nodes
h 3 = ( n − l − 1) + l
76 (c) ∆x ⋅ ∆v ≥
4πm 3 = n −1 ⇒ n = 4
6.63 × 10−34 ∴ Orbital having 3 angular nodes and 3 total nodes
∆x =
4 × 3.14 × 9.1 × 10−31 × 300 × 0.001 × 10−2 is = nl = 4 f [Q l = 3 for f - orbital]
= 0.01933 = 1.93 × 10−2 m 84 (a) The stability of an electron in multielectron system
78 (d) As we know that, is because total attractive interactions are more than the
h h total repulsive interactions.
λ= =
mv 2mKE 85 (d) Degenerate orbitals means the orbitals of the same
subshell of the same main shell, i.e. their n and l values
Q λ∝ should be same for both the given sets:
(a) (i) 3 p y (ii) 3d yz
Mass of e, α and p are me < mp < mα .
(b) (i) 3 px (ii) 3d xy
The correct order is E A < EC < EB .
(c) (i) 4 s (ii) 3d xy
$ = Eψ
79 (c) Schrodinger equation is written as, Hψ (d) (i) 3 dx 2 − y 2 (ii) 3 dx 2 − y 2
$ is a mathematical operator called
In this equation, H Thus, 3 dx 2 − y2
and 3 dx 2 − y2
represents pair of
Hamiltonian. It was introduced by Schrödinger from the
expression for the total energy of the system. degenerate orbitals.

80 (d) The graphs between | ψ |2 and r are radial density 86 (a) Given, atomic number of Rb, Z = 37
plots having ( n − l − 1) number of radial nodes. For 1s, Thus, its electronic configuration is [ Kr ] 5 s1 . Since, the
2s, 3s and 2 p-orbitals these are respectively. last electron or valence electron enter in 5s subshell.
So, the quantum numbers are n = 5, l = 0, (for s-orbital) ∴ Number of orbitals associated with n = 5 is n 2 = 25.
m = 0(Q m = + l to − l ), s = +1 / 2 or −1 / 2. 1
Each of those orbitals can be associated with ms = +
87 (d) The order of energy of orbitals can be calculated 2
from ( n + l ) rule. The lower the value of ( n + l ) for an 1
as well as ms = − .
orbital, lower is its energy. If two orbitals have same 2
( n + l ) value, the orbital with lower value of n has the ∴ Answer = 25
lower energy.
93 (d) Aufbau principle does not give the correct
(a) 6 p = 6 + 1 = 7 (b) 5 f = 5 + 3 = 8 arrangement of filling up of atomic orbitals in copper
(c) 4 d = 4 + 2 = 6 (d) 5 p = 5 + 1 = 6 and chromium because half-filled and completely filled
∴ The order of decreasing energy will be electronic configuration of Cr and Cu have lower energy
and therefore, more stable.
5 f > 6 p > 5 p > 4d.
Cr(Z = 24 ) = 1s2 , 2s2 2 p 6 , 3 s2 3 p 6 3 d 5 , 4 s1
88 (b) The correct representation should be 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2
3 p 6 3d 10 4 s1 for the copper which has atomic number 29. Cu(Z = 29 ) = 1s2 , 1s2 2 p 6 , 3 s2 3 p 6 3 d 10 , 4 s1
Due to extra stability of fully-filled orbital of d-subshell, 94 (c) Statement (c) is incorrect.
the last electron enter into d-orbital instead of s-orbital. It’s correct form is as follows :
89 (a) With the saturation of 3d orbitals, the filling up of The behaviour of these particles in the magnetic or
the 4 p orbitals starts at Ga and is completed at Kr. electric field is opposite to that observed for electron or
cathode rays.
90 (c) Symbols = K L M N
Rest other statements are correct.
19 X = 2 8 8 1
21Y = 2 8 9 2 96 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
25 Z = 2 8 13 2 It’s correct form is as follows :
Hence, the order of number of electrons in M-shell is Millikan concluded that the magnitude of electrical
Z > Y > X. charge,q, on the droplets is always an integral multiple
of the electrical charge, e, that is, q = ne, where n = 1,2,3.
91 (b) Electronic configuration of Fe 2+ is [Ar] 3 d 6 4 s0
Rest other statements are correct.
∴ Number of d-electrons = 6
100 (a) Statement (a) is incorrect.
Mg = 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 (6s-electrons) It’s correct form is as follows :
It matches with the the 6d-electrons of Fe According to Hund’s rule “the pairing of electrons in the
orbitals of a particular subshell does not takes place until
Cl = 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 3s2 3 p 5 (11p-electrons) all the orbitals of a subshell are singly occupied.
It does not match with the 6d-electrons of Fe2+ . Moreover, the singly orbitals must have the electrons
with parallel spin, i.e.
Cr = [Ar] 3d 6 4 s2 (6d-electrons)
1s2 2s2 2p 1x 2p1y 2p1z
It matches with the 6d-electrons of Fe2+ .
Ne = 1s2 2s2 2 p 6 (6p-electrons) or
1s2 2s2 2p 1x 2p1y 2p1z
It matches with the 6d-electrons of Fe .
Hence, Cl has 11p-electrons which does not matches in
number with 6d-electrons of Fe2+ . Rest other statements are correct.
92 (a) According to quantum mechanical atom model, for 101 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect.
each value of n (principal quantum number), there are It’s correct form is as follows :
‘n’ different values of l (azimuthal quantum number), i.e. Both 2s and 2 p will have equal energy as their n = 2.
l = 0, 1, 2, …, ( n − 1). And, for each value of l, there are Rest other statements are correct.
2l + 1 different values of ml (magnetic quantum number),
i.e. ml = 0, ±1, ±2 … ±l. 102 (c) Statements I, III and IV are correct, while statement
II is incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows :
∴ Total number of possible combinations of n , l and ml , These rays themselves are not visible but their behaviour
for a given value of n is n 2 , and each such combination can be observed with the help of certain kind of
is associated with an orbital. Each orbital can occupy a materials (fluorescent or phosphorescent) which glow
maximum of two electrons, having a different value of when hit by them.
1 1
spin quantum number ( ms ), which are + or − .
2 2
105 (b) Statement III is incorrect. 121 (a) Most of the α-particles passed through the foil
It’s correct form is as follows : remain undeflected as most of the space in the atoms is
X-rays are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields empty.
and have a very high penetrating power through the Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
matter and that is the reason that these rays are used to explanation of A.
study the interior of the objects.
122 (a) Electromagnetic waves can move in vacuum because
Rest other statements are correct. these do not require medium to propagate.
106 (c) Statements I and IV are incorrect. Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
It's correct form are as follows : explanation of A.
I The presence of positive charge on the nucleus is due to
123 (c) When an iron rod is heated in a furnace, it first turns
the presence of protons in the nucleus.
to dull red and become more red as the temperature
IV Protons and neutrons present in the nucleus is increases. it becomes white and then blue as the
collectively known as nucleons.
temperature become very high.
Rest other statements are correct.
Frequency of emitted radiation goes from lower frequency
107 (a) The oscillating electric and magnetic fields produced to higher frequency as the temperature increases.
by oscillating charged particles are perpendicular to each
other and also perpendicular to the direction of The red colour lies in the lower frequency while blue
propagation of the wave. colour belongs to the higher frequency region of
electromagnetic spectrum.
Thus, statements I and III are correct.
Thus, A is correct but R is incorrect.
108 (b) Statements II and III are correct, while the statement
I is incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows : 124 (a) Classical mechanics fails to explain the behaviour of
microscopic particles because it ignores the concept of
The speed of light depends upon the nature of the
dual behaviour of matter. It is explained in quantum
medium through which it passes.
110 (c) Statements I and III are correct, while statement II is
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
incorrect. It’s correct form is as follows :
explanation of A.
The spectrum of H atom and He+ ion differ in
wavelength and energies of lines emitted. 125 (a) Red light of any brightness may shine on a piece of
potassium metal for hours but no photoelectrons are
111 (d) Statement II is incorrect.
ejected. But as soon as even a very weak yellow light
It’s correct form is as follows : shines on the potassium metal, photoelectric effect is
In case of absorption spectrum, n f > ni and in case of observed. This is because, the number of electrons
emission spectrum ni > n f . ejected does depend upon the brightness of light, the
Rest other statements are correct. kinetic energy of the ejected electron does not.
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
118 (b) Statements I and IV are correct, while the other
explanation of A.
statements are incorrect.
Corrected form are as follows : 126 (d) Kinetic energy of the ejected electron is proportional
to the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation.
II. The principal quantum number determines the size and
to large extent the energy of the orbital. ∴ Greater the energy possessed by the photon, greater
will be transfer of energy to the electron and greater the
III. The magnetic quantum number gives information about
kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
the spatial orientation of the orbital with respect to
standard set of coordinate axis. Thus, A is incorrect but R is correct.
119 (d) Statements III and IV are correct, while the other 127 (b) Energies of the orbitals in hydrogen or hydrogen
statements are incorrect. like species depend only on the quantum number ‘ n’.
Corrected form are as follows : Energies of the orbitals in multielectron atoms depend
on quantum numbers ‘ n’ and ‘ l ’, i.e. more than 1
I. The shape of the orbitals is given by azimuthal quantum quantum number.
Thus, both A and R are correct but R is not the correct
II. In an atom, all electrons travel with the different velocity.
explanation of A.
120 (a) X-rays are not deflected by the electric and magnetic
129 (a) For a given principal quantum number, s, p, d, f, …
fields and have a very high penetrating power through
subshells, all have different energies because mutual
the matter and it is the reason that these rays are used to
repulsion exists among the electrons in a multielectron
study the interior of the objects.
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct
explanation of A.
explanation of A.
130 (b) s-orbital electron will be more tightly bound to the 137 (b) Energy,
nucleus than p-orbital electron. hc 6.626 × 10−34 Js × 3.0 × 108 ms −1
Z eff experienced by the electron decreases with increase E= =
λ 4000 × 10−12 m
of azimuthal quantum number ( l ).
(1 pm = 10−12 m)
Thus, both A and R are correct but R is not the correct −17
= 4.9695 × 10 J
explanation of A.
131 (a) Half-filled and fully-filled degenerate set of orbitals Number of photons, N =
acquire extra stability because of the symmetry. 4.9695 × 10−17 J
Thus, both A and R are correct and R is the correct = 2.0122 × 1016 photons
explanation of A. 138 (c) Number of lines produced when electron from nth
132 (d) Rutherford found that α-rays consist of high energy shell drops to ground state = n ( n − 1)/ 2
particles carrying two units of positive charge and four When n = 6,
units of atomic mass. α-particles are helium nuclei. 6 ( 6 − 1) 6 × 5
β-rays are negatively charged particle similar to number of lines produced = = = 15
2 2
electrons. γ-rays are high energy radiations like X-rays,
are neutral in nature and do not consist of particles. 139 (a) Energy of electron in uni-electron atomic system,
− 2π 2 mZ 2 e4
Thus, the correct match is En =
A → 3, B → 1, C → 2 n2h2
For H-atom, ionisation energy (IE) = E∞ − E1
133 (c)
 2π 2 me4 12 
(A) Radio frequency region (around 106 Hz) used for IE = 0 −  −  (where, Z = 1and n = 1for H-atom)
broadcasting.  12 h 2 
(B) Microwave region (around 1010 Hz) used for radar. IE = 2.18 × 10−18 J atom−1
(C) Infrared region (around 1013 Hz) used for heating.
For He+ , IE = E∞ − E1
(D) Ultraviolet region (around 1016 Hz) used for solar
radiations.  − 2π 2 me4 22  2π 2 me4
= 0−   = 4 ×
Thus, the correct match is  12 h 2  h2
A → 4 (iii), B → 1(ii), C → 2(i), D → 3(iv) = 4 × 2.18 × 10−18
134 (a) Value of ‘n’ Value of ‘l ’ Subshell notation = 8.72 × 10−18 J atom−1
1 0 1s ∴ The energy required for the process
2 0 2s He+ 
→ He2 + + e− is 8.72 × 10−18 atoms −1 .
3 1 3p 140 (b) Statement (b) is incorrect. It’s correct form is as
3 2 3d follows :
4 3 4f The mass of electron is not equal to the mass of neutron.
It is much less than that of neutrons.
4 0 4s
Rest other statements are correct.
Thus, the correct match is 141 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect. It’s correct form is as
A → II(v), B → I(vi), C → VI(iii), D → V(iv), follows :
E → IV(i), F → III(iv) Cathode rays do not depend upon the nature of gas
136 (b) Frequency, ν = c/ λ present in the cathode rays tube.
Rest other statements are correct.
1 nm = 10−9 m
142 (c) Rutherford’s model does not provide any idea about
580 nm = 580 × 10−9 m
the movement of electrons in a circular path of fixed
= 580 × 10−7 cm energy called orbits.
1 1 146 (b) Alpha particle (He 2+ ) has the shortest wavelength.
Wave number, ν = =
λ 580 × 10–7 cm It can be calculated through de-Broglie’s wavelength ( λ ).
= 1.724 × 104 cm−1
148 (b) 24 Cr = [Ar]3 d 5 , 4 s1 24 Cr
= [Ar]3d 3 The probability density of electrons in 2s-orbital first
6 2 3+ 5
increases then decreases and after that it begins to
26 Fe = [Ar]3d , 4 s 26 Fe = [Ar]3 d increases again as distance increases from nucleus.
25 Mn = [Ar]3d 5 , 4 s2 25 Mn
= [Ar]3d 5 Rest other statements are correct.
Co = [Ar]3 d 7 , 4 s2 3+
= [Ar]3d 6 153 (d) For an atom there are n − l − 1radial nodes and
27 27 Co
( n − 1) total nodes.
21 Sc = [Ar]3d 1 , 4 s2 21 Sc
= [Ar]
Number of radial nodes for 3 p-orbital = n − l − 1
Thus, Fe3+ and Mn 2+ have the same electronic = 3 − 1− 1 = 1
configuration. 154 (d) Statement (d) is correct, while the statements (a), (b)
150 (c) Total number of orbitals associated with n th shell = n 2 and (c) are incorrect.
∴ Total number of orbitals associated with third shell Corrected form are as follows :
= ( 3 )2 = 9 (a) Electrons in 2s and 2p-orbitals have different screening
151 (a) Orbital angular momentum,
Hence, their Zeff is different.
h Zeff of 2s -orbital > Zeff of 2p-orbital
mvr = l ( l + 1).
2π Thus, it is not correct.
Hence, it depends only on ‘l ’. l can have values ranging (b) Energy of 2s-orbital < energy of 2p-orbital
from 0 to ( n − 1). Thus, it is not correct.
152 (d) Statement (d) is incorrect. It’s correct form is as (c) Zeff of 1s -orbital ≠ Zeff of 2s-orbital
follows : Thus, it is incorrect.

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