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Unit 4 Whose Responsibility Is It?
Read the statements and mark the answer you most agree with. Ask the members of the group
for their choices and record each member’s choice. Explain your choice of answer to the group.
1. The neighbors continually leave garbage near your home. Do you:
a. inform the local authorities?
b. offer to help them clear it up?
c. argue with them?
2. Your neighbor has just lost his job. Do you:
a. try and help find him a job?
b. encourage him to change his profession?
c. be sympathetic but not too interfering?
3. A stranger knocks on your door begging for food. Do you:
a. pretend you are not at home and not open the door?
b. give him money to buy food?
c. invite him in for a meal?
4. Local teenagers are making noise late at night and keeping you awake. Do you:
a. call the police?
b. tell them to go somewhere else?
c. call their parents?
5. The local retirement home near your home is very neglected. Should you:
a. write a letter to the local newspaper in order to bring it to the public’s attention?
b. volunteer to go in and clean it up?
c. suggest the establishment close it down?
6. You are worried there are drugs in the local school. Do you:
a. speak to the principal?
b. go to the police?
c. volunteer to start a “Say No to Drugs” program?
7. You read a newspaper article about a homeless teenager in your neighborhood. Do you:
a. get upset and feel helpless about the situation?
b. phone the newspaper to get more details about how you can help?
c. share the story with your friends at work about how bad things have become in your neighborhood?

Group member’s choice


1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. B


From English Discoveries Online – Intermediate 3 © 2009 Edusoft

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