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1. Consider the following C program segment.

while (first <= last)

if (array [middle] < search)
first = middle +1;
else if (array [middle] == search)
found = True;
else last = middle – 1;
middle = (first + last)/2;
if (first < last) not Present = True;
The cyclomatic complexity of the program segment is __________.

2.Draw control flow graph for the given code.

3.For the given flow graph find out all the possible independent path with the help of graph matrix
and connection matrix
4. Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of above flow graph using McCabe’s cyclomatic metric. ( Use
all three formula).

5. Define bug, error , faults and failures.

6. Write down the difference between verification and validation? Difference Between Black box and
White box testing.

7. What is alpha and beta testing? Define load Testing

8. List the level of testing and explain it with appropriate example.

9. write down the difference between testing and debugging. Mention the debugging approach.

10. Consider a program for determining the Previous date. Its input is a triple of day, month
and year with the values in the range

1 ≤ month ≤ 12

1 ≤ day ≤ 31

1900 ≤ year ≤ 2025

The possible outputs would be Previous date or invalid input date. Design the boundary value
analysis for only 4 test case test cases.

11.Define the Software testing Principles. Name different types of test case design
techniques which comes under black box testing?

12.Define Source code Metrices. Name the steps of software metrices Life cycle.

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