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28.2 million workdays are lost because of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions in the UK.
With MSK conditions becoming increasingly prevalent, employers need to provide
corporate physiotherapy services to reduce the working days lost to MSK conditions
and improve employee health and wellbeing.
The Doctors Clinic Group aims to reduce workplace absence and presenteeism through
our corporate physiotherapy programme. Our expert physiotherapists can bring you
accessible face to face or video physiotherapy treatments.

Why it’s important for companies to consider

offering corporate physiotherapy?
MSK health is often overlooked by employers especially in roles that are office-based or
more sedentary in nature although, with increasing amounts of physical inactivity and
sedentary working, whether that be in the office or from home, MSK injuries are
becoming more prevalent.
In 2017, 28.2 million days were lost due to MSK conditions whilst sickness absence
costs UK businesses an average of £522 per case, with this number likely to rise due to
an ageing workforce It is estimated that by 2030 40% of the working age UK population
will have an MSK condition.
Our corporate physiotherapy packages can keep your employees in good health,
reduce days lost due to MSK conditions and educate to prevent future injuries that may
occur through lifestyle or workplace habits for example posture and workplace desk

How physiotherapy can help employees?

If your team are experiencing ongoing muscle pain, suffering from a sports injury or not
moving as well as they used to, our team of expert physiotherapists can offer the advice
and support they need. Our approach to using physiotherapy as a treatment is
tailormade to your people. We’ll work on identifying the cause of the problem and
develop a treatment plan that fits their lifestyle.

What corporate physiotherapy support do you

Ergonomic desk assessments
An Ergonomic Workstation Assessment assesses an employee’s home working set-up
and identifies any issues that may affect their health.

Home-working health checks

With lots of employees working from home our ‘home-working health check’ provides
the ability for businesses to support their employees and help them protect their health
whilst working from home. The home working-health check offering is delivered live on a
one-to-one basis via video consultation with a trained Physiotherapist. Inclusive of an
ergonomic desk assessment the home-working health checks also include many
additional elements such as a prescription of exercises and stretches that can help to
prevent and relieve discomfort due to home working.

Accessible physiotherapy consultations

Our expert physiotherapists can bring your employees accessible face to face or video
physiotherapy treatments.

Health and wellness days

Interactive health and wellness days. Our highly qualified team of physiotherapists and
healthy lifestyle advisors can deliver a wide range of health and wellbeing advice to your

On-site Physiotherapy
On-site physio and lunchtime classes. Our physiotherapists can come directly to your
place of work to give individual and group-based sessions.

Private physio has many benefits for your people

and your business:
 Ergonomic Workstation Assessments mean your employees desk and chair are
set up correctly, reducing the chances of injury and pain
 If an employee is injured, they receive a fast assessment, work specific treatment
and rehabilitation
 Employees return to work quickly after injury
 Onsite physio means there’s little disruption to your business
 Employees feel happier as they are looked after, reducing employee turnover

Interested in finding out more about our corporate physiotherapy services? Contact our
corporate team today by completing the form below.
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Our promise... Physio does work

We have treated and cured over 120,000 people since 2002, but if we can’t
help we will refer your colleague to a medical professional who can:
we address the root cause of the problem and ensure patients get back to
work and life as quickly as possible, but most importantly that they stay
that way… Don’t Treat, Cure.
Our approach is unique, our teamwork is seamless and our rehab team will
give you the tools you need to progress your rehabilitation in your

Our commitment to your company:

 We use iPads to rigorously measure clinical outcomes to ensure the efficacy of our
treatments and ensure value for money.
 Reduce repeated episodes of treatment for the same condition.
 We care about your team, but they are individual people and our job is to deliver a
treatment plan to meet each specific patient’s needs.
 To offer interactive, informative and effective Health & Wellness days: a chance for all
your employees to benefit from our expertise.
 Our aim is to maintain the Gold Standard of physiotherapy that we have become known
for and continue to get people better, quicker, faster.
 Survey all our patients post treatment and act on all feedback… read and see for yourself!

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How We Can Help

Certain tasks can result in problems such as low back pain, neck pain, upper and lower limb joint injuries and repetitive strain
injuries of various sorts.

Whilst anyone can benefit from corporate physiotherapy, there are specific work environments where employees are at most risk.
These can include employees who:

 Travel extensively

 Sit in front of a laptop or desktop for long periods

 Have long work hours or put in overtime

 Perform repetitive tasks

 Have manual handling tasks

What Can We Offer?

Our corporate physiotherapy packages will ensure a cost effective way of reducing sickness absence and any musculoskeletal
concerns which may be preventing your employees from achieving their optimal performance.

 Off site physiotherapy treatment clinics

 Spinal Assessments (Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar)

 Long term sick leave prevention, rehabilitation and return to work programs

 Post surgery/injury work hardening and ramp up programs

 Work place assessments including task or process analysis

 DSE and seating assessments and training

 Risk management

 Manual handling training

 Driving ergonomics assessment

 Physical Activity Guidelines Workshop or Presentation

 Injury Prevention Presentation

 Pre-employment physical assessments

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Corporate Wellness
Indergaard Physiotherapy Corporate Wellness services is an extension of our existing clinical
services offered at our Clinic. With our expertise within the care of the human body, we can
apply our knowledge to your businesses needs and provide you with the highest level of care.

What are important to us are the values, the team and the excellence in the delivery of our
services to you. Our ethos is to provide a highly personalised approach to health care, for the
efficient treatment of issues your employees may be facing.

What is so important with corporate wellness?

Corporate wellness should be integral of any business structure. With the overall aim of keeping
your most important assets functioning well, its people.
Research has shown that a continual high performance in a corporate world requires a good
physical health and wellbeing. Pain, Illness and injury of any kind will affect your team’s ability
to do their job.

What can we offer?

Some of our services are covered by health insurance, and there are tax incentives by providing
some of the services that aren’t covered, which means a relatively low cost to the company and
the individuals for providing this service. We are more than happy to work with you to find the
right package of care for your staff and the renumeration of these.

Symptoms and cost of workplace sickness include:

Lost time through sickness absense or GP appointments
Decreased productivity
Lack of engagement
Poor interpersonal relationships
Poor communication
Poor staff retention
Difficulties recruiting
Addressing sickness issues creates a culture of wellness:
Decreased sickness absence
Less time off to attend appointments
Increased productivity
Better performance
Improved engagement
Better staff relationships
More effective communication
Improved recruitment and retention.

The Concept of a healthy workplace

When we think about health, we now know that it means more than just the absence of disease
and injury. The situation is much more complex and there are subtleties that ensure a persons
wellbeing and optimising their performance.

The modern Western world is facing a rapidly ageing population and increasing numbers of the
working population are coping with the double burden of caring for, and financing both children
and elderly relatives. It is vital that successful businesses understand that the health and
wellbeing of their workforce has to be nurtured in order to continue to be able to attract and
retain quality staff as well as to ensure that their staff remain focused, engaged and productive.

20% off all workers in the UK are over 50 and this figure is predicted to rise over the next
coming years to 33%. This is a monumental change in the UK work force. Public health
campaigns have created awareness of some of the fundamental health issues surrounding diet,
obesity, smoking and exercise. However, to drive people to change, the culture and social norms
around people is important to support the changes that are necessary.

When it comes to absenteeism and the related cost to the employers, Musculoskeletal injuries are
by far the biggest cause. According to the Health and Safety executive, approximately 40% of all
absenteeism is due to work related musculoskeletal complaints, and out of this 60% are due to
neck and back. Back pain alone has been reported to account for 119 million lost days at work

A recent report from The Work Foundation has found that musculoskeletal disorders, a group of
over 200 conditions including arthritis, back pain and damage to joints, muscles and tendons are
by far the most prevalent cause of work-related illness in the UK affecting twice as many people
as stress. MSDs account for up to one third of all GP consultations, result in 9.5 million lost
working days, and currently cost society approximately £7.4billion a year. They suggest that the
onset of an MSD may reduce work performance in a variety of ways, affecting stamina,
concentration and mood as well as mobility and agility. GPs and employers should look beyond
obvious physical symptoms in their management of these conditions. The ‘biopsychosocial’
model of health emphasising the interrelationship between biological, psychological and social
factors offers a useful approach to assessment, treatment and rehabilitation

The impact that early access to Physiotherapy, as the Musculoskeletal experts, could help to
reduce the cost to industry and reduce the time off work
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Looking after your employees at work at home and in the

At Nuffield Health we understand how important it is for employers to have a
productive and efficient workforce. Our physiotherapy and musculoskeletal services
play a key part in the support we deliver to assist employees in returning to or
remaining in work.

We have been delivering physiotherapy services for over 60 years and are the largest
employer of physiotherapists outside the NHS, with physiotherapy centres integrated
into our network of hospitals and fitness centres nationwide.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries are a major issue when it

comes to employee health and wellbeing.

41% of work-related illness is due to MSK injuries (source HSE)

We can help reduce the impact to your business due to MSK injuries:

 Last year, 6.9 million working days were lost due to MSK disorders (source
Labour Force Survey)
 On average 14 days per employee are lost each year due to MSK injuries
(source HSE).
Nuffield Health’s physiotherapy services offer many benefits to your business:
 Faster return to work following immediate intervention
 Remote triage online or via telephone
 Telephone physio available same day when booked before 16:00
 Appointments available within 48 hours
 Average treatment length is 4.8 sessions
 Senior physiotherapists and advanced level practitioners to manage cases and
associated costs
 Employer delegated authority options for additional sessions
 Self-management through the Nuffield Health My Therapy app
Blended model of services
Our industry recognised pathways help our physiotherapists diagnose faster, treat
more appropriately, monitor more effectively and discharge patients consistently. You
can be assured that no matter where your employees are based, we can ensure
flexibility and ease of access for all employees.

At Work
Onsite Services in the Workplace

Nuffield Health were one of the first providers to introduce on-site physiotherapy as
part of workplace health and wellbeing over 25 years ago. We understand the
importance of early intervention in supporting your employee’s musculoskeletal

Ease of access to physiotherapy services will reduce the cost and impact of untreated
musculoskeletal concerns your business remains productive and your workforce feels
valued and cared for.

Our physiotherapists will provide quality clinical services and have a greater
understanding of the culture and demands of the organisation impacting workplace
health and will share these insights to drive workplace initiatives to focus on
preventative MSK strategies.

Onsite services can be funded either by self pay, private medical insurance or fully
company paid. Our team will advise on the most appropriate solution for your

At Work
Onsite Services in the Workplace

Nuffield Health were one of the first providers to introduce on-site physiotherapy as
part of workplace health and wellbeing over 25 years ago. We understand the
importance of early intervention in supporting your employee’s musculoskeletal

Ease of access to physiotherapy services will reduce the cost and impact of untreated
musculoskeletal concerns your business remains productive and your workforce feels
valued and cared for.

Our physiotherapists will provide quality clinical services and have a greater
understanding of the culture and demands of the organisation impacting workplace
health and will share these insights to drive workplace initiatives to focus on
preventative MSK strategies.

Onsite services can be funded either by self pay, private medical insurance or fully
company paid. Our team will advise on the most appropriate solution for your

In the Community
National physiotherapy network

Our physiotherapy network is the largest of its kind in the UK and offers our clients
reassurance in ease of access to a clinic and the capability of our service to treat more
serious conditions as well as common concerns people present with.

Our fully owned and operated Nuffield Health fitness centres and hospitals offer
access to advanced rehabilitation and exercise facilities for managing severe injuries
and disorders, incorporating the expertise of our fitness and medical professionals in
building tailored rehabilitation programmes.

We have quality and effective exercise equipment to enhance the rehabilitation

process, as well as the diagnostic equipment to take a closer look prior to
implementing a treatment programme.
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Certain tasks like static posture and travel extensively can cause back pain, neck pain, joint
injuries and repetitive strain injuries! Our Corporate Physiotherapy plan will ensure a
cost-effective way of preventing employees from these sicknesses and help them to achieve
their optimal performance.

Among the 46 metropolitan cities of India, Delhi, the capital city, has a very busy lifestyle.
People are busy in their 9 or 10 hours of busy work schedules, and many of them spend more
than 2 hours in commuting home to office and vice versa. In this situation, many companies in
the NCR are looking forward to organizing physio care at their premises, and we are with them.

Physio Expert is committed to reducing the sickness absence due to musculoskeletal problems by
providing hands-on physiotherapy and special physio classes to create awareness. The aim is to
nurture a healthy work environment at your office and improving the work performance of

Corporate Physiotherapy to Keep Up The Spirit of Work

Did you know more than 40% of the workforce complain of back pain or muscular pain at a
single point of time? Absenteeism due to muscular sickness impacts the work production

At Physio Expert, we understand that a healthy and happy work environment can effectively
reduce time off work, improve employee job satisfaction and increase the work production.

Back and neck pain is a common issue among people involved in not only physical work but also
prolonged hours of spending time in front of the laptop in a static posture.

Our corporate physiotherapy care covers headaches, back pain, neck pain, lower back pain,
shoulder pain, elbow or wrist problems, hip problems, knee injuries, ankle pain and so on.

Our Ideal Physiotherapy Corporate Plan Include-

 Onsite hands-on physiotherapy

 Workplace assessment
 Workplace wellness programs
 Fitness classes-both onsite and offsite
 Ergonomic assessment
 Work-related or workplace injury rehabilitation
 Postural assessment

Our onsite hands-on physiotherapy has been designed for those workers who perform repetitive
tasks, have longer hours of work schedule, travel extensively and moving jobs. We help those
companies looking to create a happy work environment, and those understand how healthy
employees and higher productivity are related to each other.

In ergonomics assessment, our objective is to assess the ergonomic risks among employees like
repetitive tasks causing strains and improper work area setup resulting in work-related
musculoskeletal problems.

Postural assessment is all about bringing awareness of the right posture for work and some quick
tips to get relief from pain.

Key Benefits of Our Corporate Physiotherapy Programs-

At Physio Expert, we work on a proactive rather than reactive approach to nurture health work
environment. We have been associated with many top-level companies in Delhi, helping their
employees in many ways-

 keeping them pain-free

 Creating awareness before the pain goes severe
 Reducing absenteeism
 Increasing staff productivity
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Corporate Physiotherapy for your business

Health & Wellbeing in the workplace is a hot topic. A corporate Physiotherapy
service doesn't just improve health and staff wellbeing but it also creates a sense of
being valued (whilest saving between 4-20x your investment - based on a wide
selection of company data, including Royal Mail).

What's included in a standard Corporate

Interim & D/C reports
Online booking
Quick access
(average wait for an appointment is 24 hours)
Premium Evening & Weekend appointments (reducing lost work time)
Videos, Pictures & Adherence Tracking
Flexible Invoicing
(the company can pay to expedite return to work or staff just enjoy a discounted rate at their
The Quicker Your Return to Work
The Better Your Recovery
Musculoskeletal injuries and pain are the leading cause of staff sickness and
physiotherapy is the first line treatment.
Physio can also screen staff for injury risk and give preventive exercise

On average, 4 physiotherapy sessions can resolve an issue in around 2 weeks.

Encouraging return to work from the first session is an important part of

quick recovery.

Standard Package Staff are treated in our local Camberwell clinic. A

(employer paid treatment as Monday to Saturday (from 7:30am-9pm). Where
needed) interim and discharge reports are provided (usua
Proactive Package The moment your staff feel an ache or pain, the m
(24/7 online support and wellbeing injury (even if abroad on holiday), the moment th
events) undertake a new lifestyle choice that will improve
fitness... is available to them. W
questionnaire that is evaluated by a senior physio
within a maximum of 24 hours (365 days per yea

Help your staff avoid preventable musculoskeleta

Boss of the year All of the above; with the addition of both physio
(onsite physio & massage) therapist onsite in your workplace (frequency bas
We also have the opiton of signing your staff up to our massage subscription
program in the clinic. This gives them a massage once a month to ensure they
are always feel their best at work.
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Minimising pain, maximising productivity
The on site Physiotherapy Clinic at Allen and Overy is currently open for both in person
(Tuesdays, Thursdays) and remote Physiotherapy. We continue to operate with strict infection
control procedures in place which include the physio wearing PPE, Covid screening patients by
telephone prior to appointments, thorough cleaning and weekly Covid testing for physio staff.

For appointments for Allen and Overy employees only please call 020 3088 4448
The Physio Company offers onsite Physiotherapy to help businesses
eliminate the cost and productivity issues caused by staff leaving the office to
seek physiotherapy treatment. As there is no time wasted on travel, minimal
downtime leads to maximum productivity and quick access to treatment
speeds up healing and recovery.

Why choose The Physio Company

We care about your people and your business. We work both onsite and in our City clinic based
in Bishopsgate EC2M 4NS. The availability of both clinics ensure that we can meet your needs.
In fact most appointments are available within 24 hours.

We have been working with our corporate clients for over 27 years and we really value the
relationships we have with them. Our understanding of their working life enables us to tailor our
treatments and rehabilitation to this.
We only employ Chartered and Health Profession Council Physios with at least 5 years
experience which helps us to deliver the swiftest resolution possible.

We handle all the administration and bookings leaving you to concentrate on your business.

There are no additional costs to set up an Onsite Physiotherapy service with The Physio
Company. We provide all the necessary equipment and patients either pay for their own
treatment or via their Private Medical Insurer.

We have shown that the implementation of Onsite Physiotherapy has reduced work related upper
limb disorders.

The Physio Company also offers a Workstation Assessment service that runs alongside or
independently of our on site physiotherapy service.

A workstation assessment is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety (Display Screen
Equipment) regulations 1992 and is a great way to relieve or prevent musculoskeletal conditions
in the workplace.
If you wish to find out more about how our Corporate On-Site Physiotherapy
or Workstation Assessment service can help your business please contact
Andrea our Practice Manager either by email or call on 020 7385 8535.

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