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Telling stories about I can tell stories about famous people.

famous people I can explain why I admire someone.

A Discussion
Match the people and the things (pictures on the PPT slides) they were famous for. Can
you name these people?

B Vocabulary
Match these jobs and the people in 1A:



Talk to your partner. Give an example of a famous person for each career.
e.g. Ngo Nhat Huy is a famous Ao Dai designer.

A Listening
1. Listen. What is true about Jacques Cousteau? Check the correct answer.
 He was a French scientist.
 He wrote about nature.
 He explored jungles and deserts.
 He won many Nobel Prizes.
2. Listen again and complete the conversation. Then practice with a partner.
Paul: Did you finish your (1)__________, Emma?
Emma: Yeah, I did. I finished it two days ago.
Paul: Good for you! So who did you write about?
Emma: Jacques Cousteau. I really (2)__________ him.
Paul: I don’t think I know him. What did he do?
Emma: A lot! He was a French scientist and explorer. He loved nature and studied
the (3)__________. He made documentaries and wrote books about the
world’s oceans. He won a lot of prizes for his work.
Paul: Wow! He sounds like an inspiring guy.
Emma: He was. He was really (4)__________ about his work.

B Language to learn
Talking about a famous person Practice
He is/ was an inspiring scientist. inspiring scientist
talented composer
passionate explorer
caring astronaut
determined designer
honest politician
He was (the first person to walk on the first explorer to sail around the world
the moon). the first sisters to win Wimbledon
the first scientist to win two Nobel prizes
He (made documentaries about wrote books about slavery
oceans). fought against world poverty
He (won a Nobel prize) (in 1964). helped orphans and soldiers
won two Oscars

iTalk 2021 > Level 2 > 2E21.6 > 2E3 offline | Student’s Copy 1
Practice 1: Work in pairs. Quiz each other. (Speaking cards)

Practice 2: You have information about six famous people from the past, but some
information is missing. Work as A or B. Walk around the room asking questions and
completing the information. (Speaking cards)

Practice 3: Think of three people you admire. Complete the chart below and talk to a

Name Job Why


Look at the example.

Student A: I really admire Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
Student B: I don’t think I know them. Who are they?
Student A: They started Google.
Student B: Why do you admire them?
Student A: Well, I think they’re both talented and intelligent.

1. What do you say to talk about famous people?
2. What do you say to explain why you admire someone?

Today I can …
 talk about famous people.
 explain why I admire someone.

2 iTalk 2021 > Level 2 > 2E21.6 > 2E3 offline | Student’s Copy

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