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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits

Chapter 1. Basic concepts
Dr. Ngoc-Viet Nguyen
A4.605 Phenikaa University,
Yen Nghia, Ha Dong, Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi, 2021

Nanosensors and Applications Laboratory

Monday, October 10, 2022 1

❖ Electrical and Electronic Engineering

❖ Charge, Current, Voltage
❖ Power and Energy
❖ Circuits: Serial and Parallel Circuits
❖ Electric Elements and Measurements
❖ Circuit Network Analysis

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 2
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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The headlight circuit.
(a) The actual
physical layout of the
(b) The circuit

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Units The SI prefixes

Multiplier Prefix Symbol
• When taking measurements, we must use units 1018 exa E
to quantify values 1015 Peta P
1012 Tera T
• We use the International Systems of Units (SI 109 Giga G
106 Mega M
for short) 103 Kilo k

• Prefixes on SI units allow for easy relationships 102

between large and small values 10-1 Deci d
10-2 Centi c
10-3 Milli m
10-6 micro µ

10-9 nano n
10-12 pico P
10-15 femto f
10-18 atto a

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Symbol: q
Unit: Coulombs (C)
• Counts the number of electrons (or positive charges: protons) present.
• Charge of single electron is qe = −1.602 ∗ 10−19 C
• Charge in a proton is qp = 1.602 ∗ 10−19 C
• One Coulomb is quite large, 6.24 ∗ 1018 electrons.
• In the lab, one typically sees (pC, nC, or μC)
• Charge is always multiple of electron charge
• Charge cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred.

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Symbol: I
Unit: Ampere (A)
• 1A = 1 C/s
• Current: The movement of charges
• Thus we always note the direction of the equivalent positive charges, even if the
moving charges are negative.
• Current is measured as charge moved per unit time through an element.

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Direction of current
• The sign of the current indicates the direction in which the charge is moving
with reference to the direction of interest we define.
• We need not use the direction that the charge moves in as our reference, and
often have no choice in the matter.
• A positive current through a component is the same as a negative current
flowing in the opposite direction.

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DC vs. AC

A current that remains constant with time is

called Direct Current (DC)
Such current is represented by the capital I,
time varying current uses the lowercase, i.
A common source of DC is a battery.

A current that varies in a sinusoidal shape

with time is called Alternating Current (AC)
Mains power is an example of AC.

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Symbol: V or U
Unit: Volt (V)
• Electrons move when there is a difference in charge between two locations.
• This difference is expressed at the potential difference, or voltage (V).
• It is always expressed with reference to two locations.
• It is equal to the energy needed to move a unit charge between the locations.
• Positive charge moving from a higher potential to a lower yields energy.
• Moving from negative to positive requires energy.

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Power and Energy

Power is the product of voltage and current: 𝑝 = u.i

It is equal to the rate of energy provided or consumed per unit time.

It is measured in Watts (W)

Energy can be described as watts x time: W = p.t

Power companies usually measure energy in Watt.hours

In a circuit, energy cannot be created or destroyed.

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Ideal and Dependent Sources

Ideal Voltage Source

An ideal voltage source has no internal resistance. It

also is capable of producing any amount of current
needed to establish the desired voltage at its terminals.

Ideal Current Source

An ideal current source has infinite resistance. It can

generate any voltage to establish the desired current
through them.
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Ideal and Dependent Sources

Dependent Source: has its output controlled by an input value.

Symbolically represented as a diamond.

Four types:

A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS).

A current-controlled voltage source (CCVS).

A voltage-controlled current source (VCCS).

A current-controlled current source (CCCS).

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An electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical elements.

It may consist of only two elements or many more.

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Series and Parallel Circuits

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Close, Open and Short Circuits

• When a current path is broken (incomplete) the circuit is said to be open.
The resistance of an open circuit is infinitely high. There is no current in an
open circuit.
• When the current path is closed but has little or no resistance, the result is a
short circuit. Short circuits can result in too much current.

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Electric Elements

Two main types:

Active elements: generate energy
Operational Amplifiers

Passive elements: absorb energy


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Electric Elements

A resistor is a dissipative element. It converts electrical energy into heat
energy. It is analogous to the viscous friction element of mechanical system.
Resistor Applications:
• Limiting current in electric circuits.
• Lowering voltage levels in electric circuits.
• As current provider.
• As a sensor (e.g., photoresistor detects light condition, thermistor detects temperature condition, strain
gauge detects load condition, etc.)
• In electronic circuits, resistors are used as pull-up and pull-down elements to avoid floating signal levels.
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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 18
Electric Elements

Resistivity: Materials tend to resist the Resistivity of common materials

Material Resistivity 𝛀. 𝒎 Usage
flow of electricity through them. Silver 1.64 × 10−8 Conductor
Copper 1.72 × 10−8 Conductor
This property is called “resistance”.
Aluminum 2.8 × 10−8 Conductor
The resistance of an object is a function of Gold 2.45 × 10−8 Conductor
Carbon 4 × 10−5 Semiconductor
its length, l, and cross sectional area, A, Germanium 47 × 10−2 Semiconductor

𝑙 Silicon 6.4 × 102 Semiconductor

and the material’s resistivity: 𝑅 = 𝜌 Paper 1010 Insulator
Mica 5 × 1011 Insulator
Glass 1012 Insulator
Teflon 3 × 1012 Insulator

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Electric Elements

Typical Resistors:

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Electric Elements

Resistor Color Coding:

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Electric Elements


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Electric Elements

Surface-mount resistors (SMD resistors):

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Electric Elements

Variable resistors:

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Electric Elements

Capacitor: is a passive element that stores energy in its electric field

It consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulator (or dielectric)
The plates are typically aluminum foil
The dielectric is often air, ceramic, paper, plastic, or mica
The measure of how much charge is stored is the capacitance C.
The farad (F) is the basic unit of capacitance.
Most capacitors have values less than 1 F:
1 μF (microfarad) = 1 × 10-6 F
1 nF (nanofarad) = 1 × 10-9 F
1 pF (picofarad) = 1 × 10-12 F
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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 25
Electric Elements

When a voltage source u is connected to the capacitor, the source deposits a positive charge q
on one plate and a negative charge –q on the other.
The charges will be equal in magnitude.
The amount of charge is proportional to the voltage: 𝑞 = 𝐶.u

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 26
Electric Elements

Ideal capacitors all have these characteristics:
When the voltage is not changing, the current through the cap is zero. This means that with DC applied to
the terminals no current will flow. Except, the voltage on the capacitor’s plates can’t change instantaneously.
An abrupt change in voltage would require an infinite current. This means if the voltage on the cap does
not equal the applied voltage, charge will flow and the voltage will finally reach the applied voltage.
A real capacitor has a parallel-model leakage resistance, leading to a slow loss of the stored
energy internally. This resistance is typically very high, on the order of 100 MΩ and thus can be
ignored for many circuit applications.

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Electric Elements

Typical Capacitors:

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Electric Elements

Typical Capacitors:
• Mica: Typically used for small capacitance values of 10 to 5000 pF.
• Paper: Typically used for medium capacitance values of 0.001 to 1.0 μF.
• Film: Very temperature-stable. Frequently used in circuits where this characteristic is a
necessity, such as radio frequency oscillators and timer circuits.
• Ceramic: Available in a wide range of values because Kε can be tailored to provide almost any
desired value of capacitance. Often used for temperature compensation (to increase or
decrease capacitance with a rise in temperature).
• Surface-mount: Also called chip capacitors. Like chip resistors, chip capacitors have their end
electrodes soldered directly to the copper traces of the printed-circuit board.

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 29
Electric Elements
Typical Capacitors:

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 30
Electric Elements
Typical Capacitors:

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 31
Electric Elements

Capacitor Applications:
❖ Blocking DC
❖ Passing AC
❖ Shift phase
❖ Store energy
❖ Suppress noise
❖ Start motors
❖ Filters

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 32
Electric Elements

Inductor: is a passive element that stores energy in its magnetic field

If a current is passed through an inductor,
the voltage across it is directly proportional to
the time rate of change in current:

Where, L, is the unit of inductance,

measured in Henries, H.
1 H to 10 H (for iron-core inductors)
1 mH (millihenry) = 1 × 10-3 H
1 mH (microhenry) = 1 × 10-6 H

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 33
Electric Elements

If the current through an inductor is constant, the voltage across it is zero. Thus an inductor
acts like a short for DC.
The current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously. If this did happen, the voltage
across the inductor would be infinity. This is an important consideration if an inductor is to be turned
off abruptly; it will produce a high voltage.
In reality, inductors do have internal resistance due to the wiring used to make them. A real
inductor thus has a winding resistance in series with it.

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 34
Electric Elements

Typical Inductors:
❖ Air-core coils
❖ Laminated core
❖ Powdered iron core
❖ Ferrite core

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 35
Electric Elements

Inductor Applications:
❖ Tuning circuits
❖ Sensors
❖ Store energy in a device
❖ Induction motors
❖ Transformers
❖ Filters
❖ Chokes
❖ Ferrite beads
❖ Inductors used as relays
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Electric Elements
DC Characteristics:

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Electric Elements
AC Characteristics: Amplitude, Frequency, Period, Phase Angle

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Electric Elements
RLC Circuits:

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 39
Electric Measurements

A multimeter (VOM/DMM) is a device used to measure the voltage, current,

or resistance in a circuit.

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 40
Circuit Network Analysis

Ohm’s Law:
➢ I = V/R
➢ V = IR
➢ R = V/I
➢ I = Current
➢ V = Voltage
➢ R = Resistance

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 41
Circuit Network Analysis

Node, Branch, Loop, and Mesh:

❖ A branch represents a single element such as a voltage source or a resistor.
❖ A node is the point of connection between two or more branches.
❖ A loop is any closed path in a circuit.

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 42
Circuit Network Analysis

• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):

➢The sum of currents entering any point in a
circuit is equal to the sum of currents leaving
that point.
➢Otherwise, charge would accumulate at the
point, reducing or obstructing the conducting
➢Kirchhoff’s Current Law may also be stated as

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 43
Circuit Network Analysis

• Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

➢A loop is a closed path.
➢This approach uses the algebraic equations
for the voltage around the loops of a circuit to
determine the branch currents.
➢Use the IR drops and KVL to write the loop
➢A loop equation specifies the voltages around
the loop.

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EEE: Viet N., Nguyen 44
Circuit Network Analysis

Analysis methods:

❖ Series-Parallel Circuits

❖ Voltage or Current Dividers

❖ Node-Voltage Analysis

❖ Mesh-Current Analysis

❖ Superposition Principle

❖ Thevenin’s and Norton’s Circuits

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