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Class 5 Date : 01/07/2024

Circle the subjects and underline the predicates in the sentences.
1. Gopal eats two bananas every day.
2. Tom ran after Jerry.
3. Mama bear brought honey for baby bear.
4. I can make tea.
5. Alice went to Wonderland.


Identify the type of sentence : Declarative – Interrogative – Exclamatory – Imperative

1. Don't drop those apples.

2. Don't scare the birds away!
3. Do you have your own computer?
4. Please be careful.
5. What is the first letter of the alphabet?


Identify whether the following are a sentence or a fragment.

1. At the meeting.
2. That little girl.
3. We saw the dog.
4. The hamster and its wheel.
5. Today we are going to eat ham sandwiches.

Correct the run-on sentences by adding conjunctions and punctuation.

1. We wanted to go to the store we decided to stay home.

2. All the parents came to our school play they all liked it.

3. I like to eat chocolate ice cream it is sweet and cool on a hot summer day.

4. Not only did she win the race also she set a record for the best time.

5. I can’t sleep it is light outside.


Identify the part of speech for the word specified in bold in the following sentences.

1. The horse pranced down the road.

2. Put the pen in the red box.
3. Hurrah! We have won the match.
4. Seema has got a new job.
5. I saw an apple hanging on the branch.


Read the sentences and underline all the abstract nouns.

1. The soldiers fought with bravery.

2. Honesty is always better than telling a lie.
3. Children are the hope of our great future.
4. It was generous to send cookies to the neighbor.
5. Our grandparents are full of wisdom.


Story writing is an art. Some are born with this gifted art. However, anyone can
develop this art by gradual practice. For story writing, one has to learn the use of
correct and lucid language, develop the art of narrating events or happening in a
regular and systematic sequence.

For writing a story, the following salient points should always be kept in mind. These
are called the constituents of a story writing.

1. Plot
2. Narration of events systematically
3. Use of simple idiomatic language.
4. Don't change the main part of the story. Try to reproduce it as it is or as it was,
as far as possible.
5. The order of events may change
6. Always read the story very carefully and make small points of it and take out
the major points of interest/ fun, moral or any other special aspect.
7. Give a suitable heading to a story. Heading of a story should be as small as
8. Take out the moral of the story and make it its conclusion as to what it is
leading to.
9. Learn to make the stories from given outlines.
Write a story with a moral using the outline given below :

1. An elephant ______ always passed by a tailor's shop ________ tailor angry. One
day _______pricked with a needle _________ elephant filled his trunk with dirty
water_______ threw it all around in the shop _____ spoiled the clothes.

Ans :
Once there was a king who had an elephant. The trainer took it to a river for
bath every day. It always passed by a tailor's shop. The tailor fed it bananas. One day
the tailor was not in a good mood. The elephant came as usual. The tailor pricked its
trunk with a needle. The elephant was annoyed.
It went away quietly. It had a bath in the river. Before returning, it filled its
trunk with muddy water. It came back to the tailor's shop. It threw the muddy water
all over in the tailor's shop. All his new clothes got soiled.
MORAL : Tit for Tat.

Read the short passage and answer the questions


A Lion had come to the end of his days and lay sick unto death at the mouth of his
cave, gasping for breath. The animals, his subjects, came round him and drew nearer
as he grew more and more helpless. When they saw him on the point of death, they
thought to themselves: "Now is the time to pay off old grudges." So, the Boar came
up and drove at him with his tusks, then a Bull gored him with his horns; still, the Lion
lay helpless before them: so, the Ass, feeling quite safe from danger, came up, and
turning his tail to the Lion kicked up his heels into his face. "This is a double death,"
growled the Lion.

1. What was the lion doing?

2. What did the bull do?

3. Write the meaning of the word : gasping

4. What did the boar do?

5. Why did the animals hurt the lion more?

6. Write the opposite of the words

a. Nearer x b. Helpless x

White sheep, white sheep, Q. Read the poem and answer the questions
On a blue hill, 1) Who is the white sheep in the poem?
When the wind stops, 2) What is the blue hull in the poem?
You all stand still, 3) When do the white sheep stand still?
When the wind blows, 4) Write down any two pairs of rhyming
You walk away slow, words.
White sheep, white sheep, 5) Write the opposite words :
Where do you go? a. Stand b. Slow

Ans 1)

Ans 2)

Ans 3)

Ans 4)

Ans 5) a) Stand x

b) Slow x

Write a letter to your mother who is in Spain about the things that have happened at

Moti Mahal,
30th May 2020

Dear mother,
Hope you are well and enjoying the place.
After you went to Spain, Bruno has become a very good boy. He does not bark
unnecessarily now. I got fever two days back but now I feel better. Dad did the nicest
thing last weekend. He baked us a cake. It was good but not as good as the cake you
Also, I got 100% in my geography test. So, my friend Lily will come in the weekend to
clear her doubts. And please don't worry, I attend my ballet classes regularly.
I really miss you. Hope to see you soon.

With love,

Like any letter, there is a format to write an informal letter in English. Unlike a formal
letter, an informal letter does not need to state something specific. It can be written
in an easy, conversational style. They are in the nature of a friendly chat, so it can
include a variety of topics. It can have all that you want to tell your dear one about.
You can use colloquial expressions, unlike formal letters. There are a few easy
guidelines that you can follow to be able to write impressive informal letters.

Address and Date:

If you are thinking of how to start writing an informal letter, here is what you should
know. To get your informal letter format right, you have to begin it with the sender’s
address. The address is written on the left-hand side of the paper. It is necessary that
you write the complete address so that the receiver can write back to you. So, see to
that you give the correct address along with the pin code. In case you are writing to
someone in a different country, make sure you include your country in the address.
For example,29, NBC Garden Coimbatore, India – 641053This is followed by the
date. Writing the date is important as it would help the receiver know when exactly
you had written the letter. You can write the date in either of the following formats:
For example,

15/11/2021 or 15th November, 2021 or November 15, 2021

Forms of Greeting/Salutation:

In informal letters to friends and family, you can address them by their names
prefixed by qualifying terms such as Dear, My dear, Dearest, etc. You can also address
them by their pet names (Eg: Dearest Rosy, Dear Andy, My dear Sweety…) or by their
relationship with you (Dear Uncle, Dearest Grandma, My dear Cousin…). If you are
writing to an ordinary friend who is older than you are, or of superior rank, it is
respectful to use prefixes such as Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc. For example, Dear Mr Reddy.
Introduction and Body of the Letter:

The words you use determine the nature of your letter. You can start your informal
letter with an introduction to set the tone of the matter that is going to be discussed.
You can begin by enquiring about the health and well-being of the recipient. For
instance, I hope this letter of mine finds you in the pink of health. You can then
explain the reason behind the letter and provide the details as elaborate as you wish
to, unlike formal letters. The letter can be more like a friendly chat than an essay. You
can write in a very casual and personal tone. If you are writing to an older person, do
not use disrespectful terms or sentences.


End the informal letter on a friendly note. Use words in such a way that the recipient
feels like they have had a wonderful time chatting with you. See to that you make
sure you let them know that you would be awaiting their response to your letter.

Forms of Subscription/Signature:

You can use the following in informal letters to relatives and near friends: Yours
affectionately, Yours lovingly, Your loving friend, With love, etc., followed by your
name (mostly your first name).If you are writing to a close acquaintance whom you
have addressed as Dear Mr, Mrs, etc., you can use Yours sincerely, Kind regards, etc.

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