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Chain Surveying
Survey Station/ Main Station/ Main Survey Station: A survey station is a prominent point on the chain line
and can be either at the beginning of the chain line or the end.
Survey Line/ Main Survey Line: The lines joining the main survey stations are called main survey lines.
Base Line: The biggest of the main survey line is called the base line.
Check Line/ Proof Line: Check lines are the lines which are run in the field to check the accuracy of the work.
Tie line/ Subsidiary Line: A tie line is a line which joins subsidiary or tie stations on the main line.
Chainage: Chainage is a horizontal distance between starting point to any point along chain line.

Leveling: Levelling is a surveying operation carried out to determine the elevations of points or to find the
differences in elevations of points.
Datum: Datum is any surface to which elevations are referred.
Level Surface: A level surface is defined as a curved surface at which each point is perpendicular to the
direction of gravity at that point.
Level Line: A line lying in a level surface is called level line.
Mean Sea Level: Mean Sea level is the average height of the sea for all stages of tides.
Benchmark: Benchmark is a relatively permanent point of reference whose elevation with respect to some
assumed datum is known.
Reduced Level: Reduced level refers to equating elevations of survey points with reference to a common
assumed datum.
Line of Collimation: It is an imaginary line which joins the centers of the eye piece and object lens.
Height of Instrument: Reduced level of the line of collimation is called height of instrument.
Turning Point: It is an intermediate station on which two readings are taken while the position of the
instrument is shifted.

Area and Volume Calculation

Differences between Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule:

Trapezoidal Rule Simpson’s Rule

The boundary between the ordinates is considered The boundary between the ordinates is considered
to be straight. to be an arc of a parabola.

There is no limitation. It can be applied for any To apply this rule, the number of ordinates must be
number of ordinates. odd.

It gives an approximate result. It gives a more accurate result.

Noted by Abeer Azad Niloy

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