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Golden West Colleges

Alaminos City
Preliminary Grading
First Semester, Ay 2023-3024
EDUC-7 The Teacher and the School Curriculum
Name: Daniella S. Hondrada
Course: BSED-English 3rd year
Study Questions
1. What are the levels in Philippines education?
 Basic Education
 Technical Vocational Education
 Higher Education
2. Name and explain the role of the teacher in curriculum development
 Knows the curriculum/ Knower- the teacher learns the subject matter and acquire
knowledge about it
 Writes the curriculum/Writer- the teacher records the knowledge concepts and writes
teaching materials including books and modules
 Plans the curriculum/ Planner- the teacher makes a yearly, monthly, daily plan about
the subject matter considering the learners capabilities.
 Initiates the curriculum/ Initiator- the teacher Initiates new ideas and opinion as long as
it is novel or relevant to the learners learning.
 Innovates the curriculum/Innovator- the teacher makes changes about the curriculum
as it is dynamic, especially by introducing new methods and ideas
 Implements a curriculum/Implementer- the teacher implements a curriculum into
practice or actually delivered.
 Evaluates the curriculum/Evaluator- the teacher evaluates the learners if the learning
outcomes has been achieved. By doing that she will have the knowledge if there’s a
practices that should be modified or terminated.
3. How do we view/approach the school curriculum?
Enumerate the different ways under the following criteria:

A. As a content of body of knowledge

 Significance
 Validity
 Utility
 Learnability
 Articulation
 Feasibility
 Interest
B. As a process
 Instruction
 Implementation
 Teaching
C. As a product
 Knowledge
 Skills
 Values
4. Differentiate the 3 types of curriculum
 Teacher centered- It focuses on the teacher and beneficial to her whether she’s
teaching or not it’ll be her decision.
 Subject centered- It focuses on the subject matter and it aims to be done in the given
period of time
 Learner centered- It focuses on the child’s learning and prioritize the learners
capabilities and process .
5. Enumerate the stages of curriculum development

 Curriculum planning
 Curriculum designing
 Curriculum implementing
 Curriculum evaluation

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