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Ch-1 The Lost Child (Moments)


Q1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair. Why does he lag behind?

Ans. On his way to the fair, the child saw toys, flowering mustard fields, dragonflies, butterflies, insects and
worms, doves and a huge crowd of people entering the fair.

He lags behind because he was fascinated by the things that he sees on his way to the fair.

Q2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for answer?

Ans. The child wants many things in the fair. He wants to have toys, different sweets, garlands, balloons of
different colours, watching the snake dancing at the tune of snake charmers and has keen desire to enjoy
the roundabout. He moves on without waiting for an answer because whenever he stops to see things, his
parents gave him a call. “Come Child, Come“ and he knows that his parents would not approve him all these

Q3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?

Ans. When the child saw a round about in the fair, he got attracted to it. He wanted to have a ride on it. He
asks his parents for permission to enjoy it. But there was no reply. When he turned to look at his parents,
there was no one. Then he realised that he has lost his way. His anxiety and insecurity have been

described in a very saddening and heart – warming way. He starts crying bitterly at once and runs here and
there in search of his parents.

Q4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

Ans. The lost child loses interest in the things he had wanted earlier because he got lost in the fair. He only
wanted his parents at that moment. He was afraid and felt unsafe.

When he gets separated from parents, his fascination with the world around him was also lost.


Q1. Describe the character of the child depicted in the story.

Ans. The child is very young, innocent and full of joy and energy. He finds everything around him exciting
and fascinating. Whether dragonfly or a toy displayed in the toy shop. Like any other child he is easily
distracted and his desires and interests keep on changing from sweetmeats to balloons to rides. He is not
used to large crowds and is repelled and fascinated by them.

His whole world revolves around his parents and he is deeply affected at his separation from his them. He is
obedient and disciplined and does not throw a tantrum and get his object desire. He fears his father but
approaches his mother whenever he is tempted by any of the objects he sees during his journey to the fair
and at the fair itself.

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