Public administration NEP4th notes by Sk.hi.en

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Unit-1 : Indian Administration

(a) Structure of Civil Services: Government

(b) PAO, Cassinet Secretariat
(c) Major initiatives in the administrative axis

Unit – 2 : Decentralisation and Local Self-Government

(a) Economy and Type: Rural and Urban

(b) PRIs and Fellowship function of public policyinnovation

Unit – 3 : Budget

(a) Concept of Jet (b)

Jet Cycle in India (c)
Types of Jet

Unit – 4 : Technology and Public Administration in India

(a) E-Counting: The journey of e-Counting in India

(b) Models of e-Gauging: Case Study of Digital India Mission

Unit – 5 : Social Welfare Policies

(a) Concept and approach to social welfare


All the questions in this PDF are taken from the complete syllabus of

the book, which is very important from the examination point of

view, whose language is very simple, which will help you in

understanding the answer of the question. Questions will come

from these only in the exam, which will give you an attractive

I will help you in writing the answer.

experience during the exam.

~ Manish Vaman

Question 1 - Write the historical development of the civil service system in India. What are its consequences in independent India?

Explain the changing nature of the Indo-European structure.


Indian Civil Service (ICS)This is why the British established a trading post in India

Peace is linked to IIT. It was established during the British Raj Indian Civil Service

Yes.LordcanadLord CornwallisA Soviet Union in India"Vaasvil

“Father of the army”It is known as Indian Civil Service (ICS) No

He played an important role in the British colonial rule and after this

This was in 1947, when Indiaindependencesame with meetingIndian Administrator

Developed in Service (IAS)Hui.

Civil services mean those services which fulfill the needs and requirements of the public.

Definitions of Civil Services by Different Thinkers:

According to E. N. Glaren,in this your book'The Sicilian Scythian a: it

Problems and Futures'“Sicilianism is an important government institution,” he wrote in 1830.

All four are included”.

The name of the committee in which the work of the central administration of the state is done is as follows:

Not according to Finer,“A member of the Sicilian military officer

“There is a body which is permanent, dependent and efficient".

Vasavil in India

▪ Tradition of playing Sisil in IndiaThe initiative also comes from the British ancient times

kauvatlyanot your book'Ardethology'There are three types of government work in It was told about the four-

1 yakṭa (official)

2 appropriate (cluck)

3 tatpurush (sick)

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▪ MiloNeither Sicilian nor the Muslim-Jalli traditionMansabdari SystemIt was started in India, when

It was a mixture of civil and religious principles. Its meaningThe two positions of the Minister are: -

1 Caste - Personified post/place

2 number of heads-clocks

After this we came to India under the British East Indies Company. Then Vasvil gives it to the family -

Foreign officials have been informed of the First 'Vasvil Sewa'usage of the word

1 Initially the East India Company used this word for its work Charray

adopted for the purpose of IndiaCommercial MattersThey were connected.

East Inveraray CompanyI don't knowOccupation of Indian territoriesstart doing

2 Sakya, Cecil KamathCharraya KAdministrative Responsibilitiesalso gave life

It started.

1765ि◌East Inveraray CompanyOfformal

3 availeythe term “Sisil Seva” in theUsescould

I felt it.

Important Acts and Reports related to Civil Services in British Governance-

,1833 and 1

Charters of 1833 actIt is open to all the players. Through this open competition,

Provision for selection of Civil Judge was made.Charters of 1853 Nepotism by R Act

A could be eliminated.

Subsequently, the Civil Service Commission was established in 1854, which lasted for 19-22 years

Organised civil service examination for persons earning Rs. 1000 crore. First

The Civil Services Examination was held in 1855.

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,Mackall Committee Report, 1854 :

Mackall Committee Report of 1854Rules for recruitment and training for new civil society

Make it. Part of this reportThe following activities are included:

• Appointment to government post will be on the basis of merit and experience.

• Income LimitIt will be 18 and 23 years.

• The person passing the examination will be trained as an examiner.


,Mountford Reported1918 and Government of India Act 1919 :

It was because of the Trump Administration Act 1918 and the Government of India Act 1919 that the civil services in India became a reality.

A new process of change was seen in the government. As a result, the Indian Institute of Management (ICS) was established.First

Competitive Exam,First Competitive Exam) Year1922I am from IndiaAllahabadIt happened in. And India

example of sicilian government inViolation of the recommendations of the Montford ReportMy heart is incomplete,

These are as follows:-

• For high ceiling plays33% of the posts should be filled in India, in which every year

There should be a growth of 1.5%.

• Civil Services exam should be held in England and India.


• On retirement, the person should get his salary, allowances and pension.

,Lee Commission or Royal Commission,1923 :

Civil Services

British in the presidency

Type G :-

• The income statement suggested dividing the main activities into three sections: (i) Aktakhal

Indian, (ii) Central, and (iii) Provincial.

• Indian and BritishSuggestion to do it on 50:50 ratio basis.

R Hamilton Lee

• The State Secretary should continue to coordinate and supervise the All India Services.

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In theseGovernment under British rule

and after this1926InConstitution of Union Public Service Commission

It was formed. There are 5 members in this commission including the chairman.

Initiative Chairman Sir Ross Bachderin the future of Aayog

He was given the responsibility of controlling the Sisil Dake.

,Government of India Act,1935 :

After the commencement of the Government of India Act 19351937InSangh Lok Sabha CommissionKfederal

Lok Sabha Commissionno myunderI took it. Government of India Act1935 in Sicilian

The following circumstance do :-

• Status in IndiaThe foundation of the first federal peace system was laid.

• Protected and benefited the freedom of the citizens of India.

• The area of the Ghazal will be developed, the area of the provincial will be developed and the area will be developed.

Gave support for the formation of the Women's Commission.

Finally, on 26 January 1950, the Constitution of India came into force.

At the same time, the Federal Public Service Commission(FPSC) has been Mann Sangha

Civil Service System in Independent India: The Legislative Structure -

The Indian Civil Service (ICS), later known as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), is

India's administrative and civil system has been deeply affected. According to the Indian Constitutionunsolicited308

S 323 AThrough this its Delhi nature can be understood:

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Article 308 :It provides the basic framework for a social media system which

to make rules regarding recruitment and appointment to government posts in the State

I give you the right.

Article 309 :This article is about the legislative body which provides for the establishment of a new government.

To create a platform for making laws and regulations to regulate the economy.

Article 310 :This is work for the common man function of rhythmestablish time

yes and workTo coordinate and explain the system of Paslika to pacify

I give you the right.

Article 311 :This system is to provide safety measures for the brain, Stagi,

It provides appropriate remedies in cases of problems like expulsion or reduction in rank.

Article 312 :It is an initiative of IAAF, IPA for the service of the Union and State governments.

and IFFCO is the founder of All India Cricket Team. I have given my permission.

Article 313 :This system is in accordance with existing laws and regulations.

Circumference continuity and stability to the civil defense system during times of war or recession

I have to do it.

Article 323A:This system ensures efficient and fair dialogue.

It provides a mechanism to solve the problem in a systematic manner.


Civil services play an important role in the public administration of India. Apart from these services, these big

It would be impossible to rule the country. Therefore, the Sicilians were attacked from time to time.

It is necessary that this should fulfill the needs of the people and achieve the goals of the country.

Please help me.

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Question 2 - System of civil service and nation building in independent India Explain its role in No


Civil Aviation Policy-Sarmaath 1. What is the Function and

the implementation-

handFor the progress and development of the countryImportant Landmarks

It is trustworthy, whose meanings are and the officers of the Civil Defence

Kamth government policies and laws are applicable,1947

After independence from British colonies incicil in india

An attempt was made to make the country compatible with the citizens of the country, mainly in three major parts

Cut off –All India Services, Central ServicesAndEat well at night,

Civil service system in independent India,YearAfter Indian independence in 1947

Sisil services were granted statutory status, with the meaning the cecil

The role of the doctor was clarified.

• During this period, administrative work was done to increase the efficiency in government administration.

An attempt was made to make the workers unemployed.

In independent India, the system of civil services is mainly divided into three types –Indian Constitution

OfBhavi-Sections 308 to 314 under section 14Provision of three categories of civil services

Meaning not be done -
Civil service system in independent India

1. All India Services,All India Services are the services which are part of Indian Constitution.

According to the constitution there is organization between center and state, they are called central government

This can be done by –IAS(Indian Administrative Service), IPS(Indian Police

Service), IFoS (Indian Forest Service)Etc.

• Father of All India Play Schools,Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel,What is it called?

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• The officers of these departments are trained by the central government for the required work.

It can be done in different states.

• All India Services Category - 1 (Group A) has services for which they are provided training at three level

it can be done, sajim,1) Super Time Scale,,2) Senior Circleand(3) Jvunior Circleincluded

• Three All India Services under various Ministries of Central Government under dispatch and management

yes it is in whichIAS Kavamada Public Grievances, Ministry of Pensions, IPS, Home Ministry and IFoS

Shed, forest and climate changeno ministryIt is popular by.


2. Central Services,These services are provided by the Central Government in the form of a series of centres.

is working for, under these services An officer of the Central Government

Technical and work in various departmentsI am working on a technical post.

• Main features of these games:Group-A, Group-B, Group-C and Group-DI am in trouble

Has gone

• Indian Foreign Service (IFS is the highest rank in the Central Services, whose officers are officers of the Indian Government.

is working in the field of foreign affairs and foreign politics, which even IAS can do

IPS is more than that.

, IFS AssistantIndian Awardspostal service, indian revenue service, indian

raili kavamda) Accountant General of India, Telecom Services of India, other than group A i 30
Major services are included.

3. Spend the night,do not do those whose work All four are parts of the State Governmenti come

But I am working on it

In the different

• These services are at the grassroots level in the structures of Indian Civil Services, whose

The number is different in different states.

• Meaning of these gamesि◌State Civil Service, State Public Service, State Finance

Agricultural Service, Medical Service, Judicial Service, Burn Service, Animal ServiceSikh clan15 General

This includes services.

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Recruitment, Training and Promotion of Civil Servant

of the Indian Constitutionunsolicited309Under this scheme many Sanyukta and Sisil have been constituted in the

centre and state. Their living conditions are arranged. In the life of any personappointed, representative,

Appointment by transfer, selection or promotionIt is through this.

, Examination system is adopted for the regularization of civil administration, the credit of which is given to theKothari Commission

andsatish chandra committeeIt is known. Minimum age limit for appearing in the examination can be determined.

, The IAS Staff College was established at Shimla in 1957,National Academy of Administration

The scheme was started in 1972 for the training of IAS at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration.

The name was called, in this training is given for IAS, IFS, IFoS etc.

, The promotion of Civil Services at Union and State level depends on the discretion of the Head of Department and do

Yes. Many posts in the society are selected by the government.

Role of Civil Services in the State

National Forest

The role of Sicily in India is important as it helps in the unity of the country
the creator of the nation of india

Working as a labourer, after independence as per the Indian policy

These leaders gave their all in unifying the country. After independence India

Welfare State model adopted by Central and State Governments

as a result of Policies and FunctionsNisi Sanmath of the orderand remained active for implementation,

Liberalisation, Privatisation and DenationalisationAs a result the role of civil servants in

The changes took place, modern civil services have different roles in the field of social work

I have the facility to provide services to the nation and its citizens through the Civil Law

In21 Aprilevery yearNational Civil ServicesI am celebrating this day.

Conclusion: independence

i workKram and Nisi SanmathIt plays an important role in the development of the country, including the All India
as a result of

To achieve the goals of the Government through Central and State level police services Rarri

This can be done.

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Question 3 – Define decentralisation in India and explain its different types.


Decentralisation is a system by whichpowers of government

division ofIt can be said that India is a democratic country Central Government

At the national levelDemocracy and Parliamentary Governmentyes, it's decorated provincial administration

The Master Council is responsible for the collective form of the poem, Local governance

know the plans of the union governmentState level and local bodies

to reach thein IndiaThe system of decentralization in the 1992 decadewas initiated,

In which, by giving statutory status to rural local bodies, seven level structure of governance in rural areas will be created.

Sunsmith attempt was made to do this.

The Era of Decentralization

When power, functions and responsibilities are devolved between the central government and local units of governance

are shared, because"Decentralisation"It is said

, Meaning of the term decentralisationdating back to the 1820s, the involvement of civil society organizations

To provide for large scale participation of the society through.

• The idea of decentralisation can be followed and people’s participation can be involved at the grassroots level.

There will be more, alsoWhose institutions and administration will be well-organized and efficient.

Definition of decentralisation according to different thinkers

“Devolution of powers of administrative authority to lower levels and centralisation of the higher levels of government

where is it said and

“Centralisation divides responsibility, authority and functions between the ‘top’ government unit and the ‘lower’ government unit

"it can also be seen as a process of transfer of power." –Freemannaei

"Centralisation means a systematic effort to distribute all powers to the lowest levels."

Yes, except those powers which can be exercised only on central issues." -Louis A. Allen

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Decentralisation in India

India is a democratic country, for whose operation there is proper arrangement

The need for centralisation was recognised by the Indian Constitution

To provide an effective form of government with centralised decentralisation in the

Makhyuh:instituted(It is seen as a self-governing institution)

Assistant(a means of ensuring participation) Local community

The viewpoint of the government (making it a government) is supported

I don't want to do this.

• In the direction of decentralization in IndiaIn the 1992 decade 73 and

Constitutional Amendment ActA big step was taken in.

• Scheme in which peace was created in rural areasthree tier structurea system a

For this, amendment was made in the ConstitutionRural Local Forests

sindhāvanik dajadprada

Different types of decentralisation

political decentralisation administrative decentralisation Fiscal Decentralisation Kayad

practical decentralisation

1. Political decentralisation,Sannath The powers to take action are vested in high-level political authority or

The government is transferred to the central level, itpolitical decentralisationit is called

Its meaningand management of local institutions for local peace can be organised by local people

It is known that there is greater participation of people in this peace system.

• To establish rural and urban peace system in India73rd and 74thSamridhi Samridhi

Political and

2. Administrative decentralisation,Some powers and functions of a politically independent unit

their regional or functional role in the organization the establishment of subordinate units,administrative decentralisation

Under this process, the central government delegates certain powers and functions to different states.

Or local administrative officers or organization are appointed at the regional level. These local

It is more useful for solving problems and administrative work.

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3. Fiscal decentralisation,This decentralization is the key to achieving the real goals

fiscal centralisation at the state level or collection of taxes or revenue at their administrative units

The power to do is to ensure thatFiscal DecentralisationIt is called

• State and central governments are completely dependent on each other for funding the fiscal units. R
Income generated for living and fulfillment of basic needs and some important responsibilities

It is necessary to make one capable of doing it.

4. Kayad
practical decentralisation: This decentralisation is done by central or state governments and local bodies and

Details of tasks and responsibilities assigned during handover of functionsI am capable of doing it, worktative

It is called decentralization.

• For example, in India73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 11th and 12th Act of India respectively

29 functions of Panchayat Raj Institution and 18 functions of Urban Local Bodies under the Schedule

It is a curse.


The transfer of central and state powers to local governments is called decentralisation, which is the case in India

This is very important for a political country, because it is a country with huge population like India

It provides assistance in maintaining peace at the local level, Article 73B in the Indian Constitution

And by creating 74th constitutional amendment, provision of local government was made in rural and urban areas,

and institutional status of the operation of the Shanti Nigam in rural areas through seven level structure of Shanti Nigam

India provided peace through decentralisation of powers in a political country.

It provides assistance in arranging for the efficient operation of the

Conclusion: like this

Local Peace

Through which it plays an important role in the functioning of the peace system, it can be made more effective

Surgical India should be created to address the local problems in the developing country

Maximum benefit can be taken from decentralization.

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Question 4 - Urban and rural local bodies in India with reference to 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment

Explain self-government.


Local self-governmentThe meaning of this is that there is a peace arrangement,

In which local community gets information about their areaadministrator

and developmentalRight to hold office of responsibility

and responsibility is given. Its objective is local

resolve problems locally and

Public participation has to be ensured. In India

To provide labour to local self government73D (Rural local self-government)And74th (Urban)

local self government)The Treaty of Reconciliation Act was passed.

73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts

73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992The amendments were enacted with the objective of strengthening local

self-government in India and to facilitate democratic decentralisation. These amendments also brought about a change in

the Panchayati Raj Institutions (Rural local self-government) and urban local bodies (Urban local self-government) was

given constitutional recognition.

Rural local self-government

Rural local self-governmentThe meaning of this is a system in which in rural areas local
District Council
Right and responsibility of the people to participate in administrative and governmental functions

Panchayat Committee
It is given.

Urban local self-government

Urban local self-governmentIt means an administrative system in which urban areas

the local body of the district is given the authority to perform administrative and governmental functions in its area
Nangi Nangi

The right and responsibility to do so is given. city palaca

, 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992through urban local bodies Nagar Panchayat

(a) was granted statutory status. The structure of these urban local bodies,

Could define functions and powers.


➢ 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992,Rural local self-government,,73A Constitution

In the Restrictions Act, 1992unsolicited243 to 243(O) has been included in Part-11, which

The amendment applies to Article 40 of the DPSP, which states that...

"The State shall take steps to organise Gram Panchayats and empower them to

and empower them to function as units of self-governance

"needed to enable"

Important features through major articles of the Act

Article 243(A)) : Organization of Gram Bhavo, Gram Article 243(E): Term of the Panchayat or of each Panchayat

Sanyu Sevan is issued five year scholarship for his first meeting
The body of voters of the Panchayat, which has such power

It will remain and not more.

is being used and such workers are being employed at village level.

as the State Legislature may, by law Article 243(G): Self-governance of rural local bodies

I have to provide it. power to enable them to function as institutions,

Rights and responsibilities were handed over.

Article 243(B): In every State there are Village, Central and

Article 243(H) and Article 243(I): State

Panchayat is formed at the district level. Apart from this, three
Centralisation or taxes by Panchayats and their funds
Level PRIs( Panchayati Raj Institution) Scheme
powers of levying revenue; the state government respectively
District Council at the top, Panchayat at the intermediate level
Constitution of an independent state-level finance commission for review

Panchayats are included at the district and sub-divisional level.

will do it.

Article 243(D): Panchayat at all levels Article 243(J): Audit of Panchayat Khas.

Seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Article 243(K): Independent and impartial local body
reservation of seats, their share in the Panchayat
State level elections will be held for five years to ensure selection.

In accordance with the reservation for one more lady

Constitution of Election Commission.

shall be done.

Schedule 11

Bhum Sudhar, J

The three tiers of rural local self-government or Panchayati Raj still have limited financial powers.

less dependent on the political will of the states in a practical sense and it is

• Panchayat's identity as an institution of local self-governance is in the forefront.

• Panchayat has been highly politicised.

• At the grassroots level, the social and economic options for irrigated villages have reduced.

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➢ 74th Constitutional Amendment Act 1992,,Urban local self-government,,74A Constitution

The Reconstruction Act was passed in 1992, whichJanu1993came into force in 1976. Under this Act

It made it mandatory to set up urban local bodies, which would create local bodies at the urban level.

There will be municipal governments as units.

Under this Act, the Municipal Corporations, through the Municipal Councils and Panchayats are generally

but reference is made to Nir Pavalkao as Empowerment of people through local bodies

The Act repealed Articles 243P to 243ZG of the Constitution of India, but did not meet the requirements for providing such relief.

has included part IXA with it.

The major provisions of the 74th Constitutional Amendment which relate to urban local bodies are:

Unsought 243Q: Formation of Nagarpalikas - Rural unsolicited 243Y: unsolicitedSection 243-I

Town for transitional area in urban area AYG Review of Financial Position of Municipalities

Panchayat; a town for a small urban area and make recommendations to the Governor.

council; and a town for a larger urban area

unsolicited 243Z: Articles of the Municipalities
Centralisation and local self-governance A.
Unspecified 243R: Developing Municipalities and Meaning and types: rural and urban.

Persons selected through direct election to the seat

Section 243ZA: unsolicited243K in Sansadth i state
Will be filled by.
for the superintendence, direction and control of the Election Commission

Unsought 243U: Period of Municipalities- Each Reference to Subordinate Municipalities Chan.

The municipality is planning for its first meeting

UNCHANGED 243ZE: A deal for a metropolitan area
The date will continue for five days and no more.
Each metropolitan area to prepare a government plan

Undesired 243W: Powers of Municipalities, I formed a committee for metropolitan planning

Authority and Responsibility etc. Went.

at the urban level

74B Constitutional Amendment ActAn attempt was made to strengthen urban local governance by

The journey is also in front of the urban bodyLack of finance, partnership, ceiling RannThe main problems

It is included.

Conclusion,This can be said as73rd and 74th Through institutional funds for rural

And local self-governance was established in urban areas, effectively decentralising power

By creating peace, it is important to pay attention to various problems in the travel also.

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Question 5 - Define public policy process in India and explain its various types

Do it.


the practice of public policyFor India a dynamic country

is an important process through whichsocial award K

needs, social values and priorities

to complete the forms on the basis ofwork is to be done,

due to the facilities in indiapoverty, inequality,

unbalanced growthThe serious issue of as a challenge

It is included to fulfill the needs of the people and bring positive change in the society

But the policy plays an important role.

public policy
public policy practiceIt is a process by which government and its policies are formulated, used, and

evaluated, its purpose being toSolutions to social, economic, and political problems A problem

needs to be prepared which can be resolved through public service.

Public policy practice in India

Policy Policy Process in India is an initiative by the Government to address Indian issues and challenges

The matter is being told in the main point, SannathThis

sandhath will help understand the agencies involved in the process

I have to do it.

The policy process in India is a three-way process.,

1. Within the system

And flow.

2. Government and society should follow the policy of y ka neeche

Flow towards.

3. Processing system where results are evaluated

and the process can be transferred to the system

There can be a provision for the removal of the vehicle in the civil policy.

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Key elements of policy process

Problem Player Policy

1. The problem,The first element of the policy process is a problem or issue that needs to be analyzed.

there is a need for this. there will be many issues and problems which need to be given priority

It is necessary.

2. Players,This is the person, organization, or community that works together in the policy process to find a solution to the problem.

This person or group has the enthusiasm and ability to implement the policy.

3. Policy,This is the solution or way by adopting which the problem can be solved. This is the remedy Rarri

This is the path which is meant to solve the problem.

Policies can be classified into five main types depending upon their objective –

Distributive Policies
Different Types of Policies

Redistributive Policies

Component Policies

Regulatory Policies

Solid Policies

1. Distributive

The main objective is

it is yes.Example,Poverty alleviation, education, health services, welfare, aid youth safetyEtc.

2. Panuvid
Transformational Policies,These policies are the previous standard to re-achieve the targets and standards

Its purpose is to create systems and processes to solve problems.

the worship of the lord, support by the ruler This policy requires a large group of people to provide

I have to transfer it to Mahu.

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3. Component Policies,y neesiyaankayth created by the active power which includes political and monetary

These include matters which are prepared for the welfare of a social group or area. These include community

make government plans, regional government functions sequence, and troubleshooting plans.

4. Regulatory Policies,The purpose of making policies is to fulfill the interests and needs of the people

These policies are called regulatory policies. These policies are social and economic to regulate the arrangements

are used for this purpose and are often helpful in solving difficult problems.

5. Solid Policies,These policies are mainly for the welfare, education and action of the society whose

There is no single target group, these policies promote government in different areas,

ensures safety and brings stability in the social structure.

, Social Assistance Policies,These policies provide information about social safety like- education, food

It will affect safety, water safety and health care etc. and will be a big challenge for the government.

There is an increase in the responsibility of the citizens.

, Fiscal Policies,This government tax (TAX) and expenditure policies are treaty policies,

h meaning the setup to be managed and implemented This is not done.

, Monetary Policies,These policies are made by the central government and state governments and

These include currency regulation, monetary administration, and defence. Senior monetary policy includes

And this affects the value of money, supply and demand.

All these policies are interlinked with each other, which together highlight the basic truths of the society.

I have to do it in this country

yes, and in the end it is

Conclusion,In this way a systematic policy process has been implemented to solve various problems of India.

important donation is made, through this process the essence of the policycan be done, which

Social, Economicand it is helpful in improving the political situation, in the honorable time

It is necessary to make them effective for the government of the country.

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Question 6 - Description of the history of budget system in IndiaDon't do it.


Emergence of budget system in India historically and

Education has happened in different periods.Ancient and medieval

in indiaBudgetThere was provision for, and a very elaborate structure was created

It was known, in which budgetIntroduction of Modern System

in indiaDuring the Vivatsha ColonyIt started, independence

After 1996 there were major changes in the financial administration in India.
could not be done

And this was given a constitutional form, with the meaning Each year the budgetbudget processOf

The medium can be prepared.

- Colonial Period Colonial Era Post-colonial period

of the British Peace Initiative The heyday of the budget system attainment of independence in india

period, Sajike ि◌
Aingath Sajike Aingathin India post mortem

Ancient Indian sitt State Opinion Leader What are the advantages of the Indian Budget System?

get system information of the Sitt administration during Provide a constitutional format

yes it is. The information has been received. It was done.

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➢ the insides of different periodsExplain the historical nature of the budget system No -

1. Pud
- Colonial period,At the time of the first arrival of the British administration in India

Information about this has been obtained through various historical sources, according to which ancient

There was a good budget system.

• Composition of Kaustalaay “Ard

ethology” The budget of the Maurya administration

Written information about the system is available, includingdetailed

and comprehensive rules, maintenance of documents, deposit

investigation ofSuch things were included in a systematic manner.

• Every minister holds a meeting with the ministers to discuss the issues in the state.

The expenses of the investment were to be accounted for and


All accounts and expenditure of balance money, revenue capital instrumentsA could have been arranged.

• The financial system of the rulers of Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire was also similar to the Maurya system.

It was early.

2. Colonial period,Arrival of British Empire in India

After 1918 the Indian financial system came under the control of the East India Company

I came.By 1833, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras

Presidency is independent in financial mattersYes.

, and the ActRevenue supervision, mission in

Charters of 1833

and the right to controlIndia's forestsR GeneralK de sad

• The main objective of the East India Company was to expand its territory, for which it

interest on loan

of rhythm

, After India's independence movement in 1857, anarchy spread in the British financial administration,

Administrative control of IndiaUnder the British EmpireIt was taken.

, Government of India Act,1935as a result of Apart from the control of the services, by the State Secretary

Most of the powers were given up.

Ginth in 1860and Members of the General in Councilsir james wilsonFirst formal budget in India by

It was done,1 May to 30 Aprilthat the power of the law is not valid or canFinancial meaning in 1866april marchthat my heart is kind

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3. Post-colonial period,YearIndia became independent from the British colony in 1947, after which

Objectives of Financial Administration, Big Circumstances in Policy Way could not

, Government of India Act,1935for the duration of

Some essential recommendations are adopted in budget system


, SThe budget process is the main objective of the Constitution in India.unsolicited112 to 117

I follow the provisions of.

As part of the post-independence budget processand Head of Government Accounts for receipt and payment

Classified into 3 parts –

1. Consolidated Fund: All revenue received by the government is from customs duty, excise duty, income tax,

Pind fees etc. can be deposited in the trust.

2. Final Fund: Indian DictionaryAns. 267maintaining physical resources as per

has the power of, the power of control of which lies with the President, which is the responsibility of the country

The government has to provide funds to meet emergency needs.

3. Saad
Life Account: Government food grains in which the government acts like a banker,

The money collected by the government does not belong to the government, nor does the person collecting the money belong to the government

The authority has to be established.

Conclusion: Budget system was not there in India since ancient times. Administration was done through various authorities.

of the income and expenditure of

did not commence

The matter was given a constitutional form and made suitable to the Indian situation.

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Question 7 - What do you understand by budget? Throw light on the main features and principles of budget

Let's go.


In the systematic running of a government administration, income and expenditure are

sandhath role of budget system is important in making the

it is there, through which the expenses incurred in any work are saved and

Profit estimates can be made.Tax Policy through Budget

increase or limit production by arrangingcould

It is known that this is done to reduce the expectations of the people

it is helpful, if yousocial award a lifehas a significant impact on the

What was said by American President Rugil in his 1941 budget speech?“Jet is only

It is a statement of the work done by the government in the form of a budget for the public and it

It is the only representation of the amount given by a citizen to the government in the form of tax.”
Fran Kashlan D'Alano Rouzelette

"The budget is all safe

a statement of household receipts and expenditure there are samples and estimates and

For certain expenses and receipts, there is an authorization to expend and

collect them."

"The budget is a financial

a circleMan Yo
does matLee Smoking

The main objectives of the budget

, To help in raising financial resources for the administration.

, Coordination and clear direction of activities of various departments of the administration To fight.

, By establishing coordination in the activities of the administration and the treaty department, the cost can be minimized,

Time and effort and hygieneAn attempt can be made to achieve the desired target.

, To measure efficiency and to implement the process of control etc.

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1. Budget is a budget of a certain period of time which can be short, medium and long term. This is Siddh's statement.

2. Budget is an important tool for administration which helps in planning and control in a more

effective manner.

3. Budget is a means to achieve a predetermined objective or goal.

4. First CertificateCritical study of the objective and actual process. Thus, the budget is

This is a measurement in which positive variation can be accepted and negative

variation is ignored.

5. This is the work of the futureI know this,

6. Through this, an attempt was made to establish coordination in the activities of all departments of the administration

I have to go.

2. Clarity,Every citizen has the right to income and he

This should be understood. The importance of budget can be understood in this

So that citizens can understand the situation and express their views

Do it.

3. Accuracy,ि◌

The details should be presented so that the evaluation can be done easily. Fact

There is no attempt to reduce the budget by hiding the facts or showing less revenue.

This should be done.

4. Unity,All receipts of the government are a single unit to finance all expenses.

should be collected in the general tax. Separation of revenue is the hallmark of a good budget.

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5. Prevalence,Financial Functions Beyond Government The order of sequence should be in the kit. Budget General Public

should be understood. Through the study of budget, new taxes and new

The person should be delivered to the hospital. The new loan should be clearly mentioned in the budget.

6. Truthfulness,State AffairsThe order should be shaped in the same way

The feeling that the government has not made, the feeling that it has to be won, is its own feeling

There should also be activation. The administrative committee sandhaar at the time of the moment
Rari Laksh

a work with total honestyOne must complete the task with utmost skill.

7. Frequency: The government has the power to spend only on budgetary expenditure

should, meaning funds must be reauthorized after the specified period.

The exam should be completed within time.

Conclusion,Budget estimates are important documents of income and expenditure through which funds are managed.

To ensure correct utilization and to be prepared to face future financial challenges

This is going to be continued. Its main principles should be included in a good budget.

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Question 8 - From the 1970s onwards Important factors for the development of e-finance in India

Explain the incident.


In the modern era, internet technology has deeply penetrated the world

This is effective, Sajine-financeFacilitating the living system

Use of internet has played an important role in making the world

Respect is a daily necessity of society, that is why I choose

Citizens' access to government services through technology

that an attempt can be made to identifySaadJavanak

Reliance on information, communication technologies by agencies, politicians and governments on the side of Ratamind


Making public services available to the general public by the Government through websites and mobiles using

desktops, computers, laptops, mobile phones and Common Service Centres etc.“E-Governance” It is called

It is known that it facilitates the political administration through the exchange of your money, pictures

It plays an important role in construction.

Building a Digital Infrastructure n Development of e-Governance

of administration at the national, state and local levels. in 1990 and after that in Software Technology

middle hand technology for JNI E-counting as a result of increase in

To apply this, look at the 1970s and 1990s. There was a problem in the system, the engineer was made

development of digital infrastructure in the country during Access to facilities through technology

This could not be done.
He played an important role in the arrival.

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1. 1970s to 1990s: Establishment of Information Technology (IT) based institutions

(i) Establishment of DOE in 1970,Establishment of education department is an important milestone

Stone Electronics Department was established in 1970, to promote technology in India

I increased the amount.

(ii) NIC was established in 1977,Planning Commission of the Government of India (Date c) Mann Nisi Income

in the year 1977 on the recommendation ofNational Information Science Centre (NIC) could establish a
National Information Science Centre

Due to which, the issue of human resource development was brought to the national priorities in India.

(iii) Government work from 1977 to 1980 use of software in leo,during this

Use of Computer in Government Work It took more time to figure out what to do. Data processing software

There was an increase in usage and advancement in technology, which brought prosperity in government work

Promoted to technology.

(iv) Establishment of NICNET and V-SAT in 1987,National Institute of International Communications (NICNET)a computer network

It is a national satellite, after 1990 all the district headquarters are situated near the state capital.

After this, in 1987 itselfV-SATof Computer Network Based System

was established.

2. Development of e-finance in India from 1990 till now

(i) Rally and other initiatives,Working of the Chiuna Chihar Technique Site use is 1990's

began in the decade, along with internal automation For information regarding the data

This can be used

(ii) Establishment of NTF

National Work for

The NTF was formed in May 1998, following the 1990

Digital Initiatives and Agreements of Indian Government in the Field of Digital

with the argument

There was a movement in the software.

(iii) The Information Technology Act, 2000,Under this Act, the Government of India has made

A legal framework was established for digital efforts.

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(iv) National e-Finance Plan, 2006,Indian Government is not doing anythingIn 2006, the National

E-Counting Scheme announced consists of 27 mission mode projects and 8 components

It is included, whose main objective is to make the government accessible to the common man.

I had to deliver it.

(v) Passport Service Project,This is a good e-commerce platform launched by Government of India.

This is one of the projects which are used by Indian citizens for their skill development. K
Gap to provide certificate Received senior recognition. For this project

Tata Consultancy Services as India's advisor with the zeal Jasnak-Sanji

The initiative was implemented by the Ministry of External Affairs in partnership with the Government of India.

, In 2008, the IT Act 2002 was amended, making it the central government's technology

To enable the issuance of rules regarding electronic signatures as per thederogatory remarks,

Pornography, Hair Pond, Cyber terrorismThis included giving punishment for such crimes.

, National Policy on IT was introduced in 2012, the main objective of which is to promote IT promoting innovation

I had to give it.

, In the year 2013 the Indian Government,Magheraj,Name"GI Claudia"announced that clouding

It was designed to utilize and harness the benefits of computing.

, The National Mobile Peace initiative was officially established in 2014, providing SMS through mobile,

Registration of USMD, IVRS, CBS and Mail Application Facilities

MENT PATHT were made available at the place.

in civil service

Participation in the Government of India

• E-counting scheme for establishment of e-cross-country2.0k in 2015,Transforming E-Finance For

Transformation Finance”It was launched with the objective of44 missions include D projects


• By the Government of IndiaDigital India initiative of 2014 was formally launched in 2015

Gaya, the objective of the project“India has to be transformed into a digitally advanced nation.”

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Chart on Development of E-FinanceMorale of the Male

E-Ginth in Male Group Inc. Organizationfour of the ment

In the year 2000, Gath

E-Ginth in crucial stageto measure the progress of the government's

Meaning of presenting a conceptual outline forto choose, to choose, to take-

Give and TakeNo.

1. First step: Information: Part of this step J

with the help of


Information related to various aspects of the scheme is available.

that the government should not in L and other channels Gatv

of the male
Padritva Conversation

It has to be delivered.


• Government agencies and citizens exchange emails in a one-way system,

, to get the application you have to use website or application.

sisbhan farm

• Using digital interface with government agencies in the Dakshinanchal region,

To know the status of reserved ticket, please connect.

3 K
Online tracking and financial transactions, filing income or family taxes, Visa/PIP status

Online services etc are included.

4. Fourth Step : P

yes it is, saji

in the direction of

Changes in the current way of functioning of the Government DepartmentThere is no need for it.

Conclusion,E-Counting Government Work Slow administrative process to make the work of the target convenient

It is a good solution to solve the problem of malpractices, which is beneficial for both government and citizens

To enable effective implementation It is necessary to make e-counting work more effective in India.

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Question 9 – What is social welfare? Explain social welfare administration in India.


Social welfare is an ancient concept in human life

Social and economic problems like poverty, malnutrition, diseases etc. what are the pains

These are always present inUnprotected and disorganizedI am a victim.

ancient timesSocial Welfare ingood work , mercy, charity, alms

Aasad,There was a treaty.modern timesI also have social governments

give importance to welfare because this power can also be used for the welfare of any country.Holistic Development

It is very important for.

Definition of Social Welfare:

solving social problems through voluntary and government organisations,

To solve and provide relief to individuals, families and communities

The effort made is called social welfare.

Definitions of Social Welfare by Different Thinkers:

“The objective of social welfare is to provide employment to the weaker sections of the society

physical, mental, disabilityUse of social services provided by the society due to certain conditions

There is no point in doing so, or the consumers of these things are kept mutually irrigated.”

, D. Pal Choudhary

“This law works for the welfare of the societyThe order, benefits and services are included in those social

The booklet assures or provides necessary services which are important for the welfare of the people and social security.

Good functioning of the system It is considered fundamental for the creation of a rational system.”

, Evelegabre Weekend

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Articles within the Indian Constitution Social Welfare -

The proposition of India itself is 'Lord, Society, ReligionThe country's largest producer, producer and producer of mathematics

I have to do it.socialist wordsIt was added in 1976 by the 42nd AmendmentHave respect in society

To reduce poverty and ensure equal justice for all.

Part 4 of the Constitution of IndiaIn which there is "Policy Directive Principles of the State", it is completely in force in India.

The idea of social welfare is fundamental and through its policies India is a welfare state.

The state is meant to make the country a welfare state. In this part of the Indian constitution, to make India a welfare state

unsolicited38,39a,41, 43, 46are important.This ensures that -

Social, Economicand by protecting political justice and by protecting the people

1 Promote welfare.

Work, accommodation and other essential services are provided by the relevant law to all workers in the agricultural, industrial and farming sectors.

Wages, an attempt to provide a decent standard of living.

withWork for those who need help, labour, old age, illness, disability , education

Asad's own hope To ensure that it is within the ambit of the Act.

To protect people from social injustice and all types of refugees, Scheduled Castes

4 and teachers and supporters of scheduled tribes i.e. weaker classes a correct suggestion


Government of India Assistance through the organization

I try to fulfil my objective.In India

Planning Commissionof

In valueNITI Aayog (Policy Commission)

Establishment and date

These are the efforts of the Indian Government in this regard.

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Social Welfare Administration in India:

Social welfare administration is a process through which social policy is implemented to achieve social goals.

Changes in servicesSo it is done.Social welfare administration in India after independence of the country

It has been achieved in a significant manner. The Indian Government has made some necessary changes old administrative officer with no

Patnaik's new political, social and social environmentI have accepted it for not taking any action. If -

1. Central Social Welfare Board(CSWB) :During the first five year plan1953

Established in , the CSWB is an autonomous body, responsible for administration at the national level.

And advisory boards were set up at the state level.

2. Social Security Department :Social welfare work in India, till 1964 Order

This was to be done by the Ministries of Labour, Education, Industry and Home. However,In 1959,

Renuka Ray CommitteeNor did it recommend the establishment of a single community protection department.

Renuka Ray

3. Social Welfare Department :In 1966 the name of Social Security Department was changed to

It was made a social welfare department. In 1984 it was renamed as Safar

It was made the Ministry of Social and Women Welfare. This Human Resource Development Ministry

in the ministryWomen and Child DevelopmentSanmath of a different section of with the help of n

It was constituted as the Ministry of Development and Development in 1983 and later renamed as the Ministry of Welfare and Development in 1985.

In 1976, it was transformed into the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

In the year 1985-86, the then Welfare Ministry was divided into two parts -

▪ The lady is one

▪ Kalyan Sibha

However,Regional work for these groupsThe Central Ministry is responsible for the maintenance and maintenance of order,

State Government and Union Territory Government. This department is responsible for providing pension to the elderly and the people.

Know the schemes, direct pension, proper workBy running serials etc. people at different levels of the society

I am helping you.inside itThe main acts are-National Backward Classes Act,1993, and

The Maintenance and Welfare of Mother and Father and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, etc.

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4. Health and Women Empowerment:Health and Women Empowerment and Related Works Order-

, health wellnesscooperative Indian schemes, for example Ayushman Bharat Yojana, National

Child Health WorkOrder, National Social Health Programme Mother's power for all women
order, pregnancy

protection work mission is like rainbow.

, Women Empowermentand gender-related work Sl. No. National Women Income, National
Mahila Kendra (RMK), Shakti Nyay. Welfare Policy is a part of welfare policy of India

Are a good example.


All these actions and activities show that the Government of India is very conscious of the Indian

All areas related to women like health, education, empowerment, employment

is doing important work for etc, which shows that India is a

It is a social welfare state.


Social welfare is very important for the overall development of any country. A social state is

In the name of democracy, India is mainly committed to provide social respect and justice to all its citizens.

We work for this by helping the elderly, the poor, the workers, the disabled, the students, the urban people etc.

The founder of a countryI am doing this where there will be no difference in the matters of resources and income.

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Question 10 - What is Lokpal? Explain the role of Lokpal in India.


Lokpal is an Indian institution.To check corruption in India

It is a means to ensure good and responsible governance.“Lokpal”

The word means "protector of the people" or "friend of the people".Thisin 2013

ParriLokpal and Lokayuktas Act,2013(Lakshmi Act)

was established under the. The purpose of this Act is to

and on next dayagainst the authorities and institutionscorruption


of the complaintinvestigationand on themCard BhaiTo do

History of Lokpal in India :\

In India, the skull is known as La Kapal or La Kayu.

The concept of the skull was first proposed in the 1960s by the thenlaw

MinisterAshok Kumar SaneIt was proposed by.

The words Lokpal and LokayuktaKDr. L.M. Singhandhiwithout the complaint of the public

For this purpose it was made as an Indian model of the skull. On many occasions

Fifth note of musical scale It was also used in the form of a pen.

a 'India movement against corruption' was started in the then centre

ि◌ or and as a resultSkull and Body Act

Anna Hazare
ButThe allegations of corruption have to be investigated, whichLokayukta at State level,

Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act 2013,

Establishment of Lokpal –The Lokpal has a chairman and a maximum of eight members. Of these,50%

The members should be judges and50%Members of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes ,
There should be no minorities and women.

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Lokpal Chairperson - Who can be appointed as the Chairman of the Lokpal?

I have to go, it is from IndiaChief Justice or Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

There should be a judge.or is it the sameThe person being honored must be

There are no shortcomings in this and its capabilities are excellent. He is against corruption.

Policies, Public Administration, Law, Finance, Limits, Taxation, Law and Administration

in less than the least cases25 years of special knowledgeI shouldn't.

Role of Lokpal in India:

Role of skull in Indiafight against corruptionimportance in

IsLokpal and Lokayuktas Act,2013under which it was established

The organization is in a high positionPublic Officers and other Officials

against the authorityinvestigating complaints of corruption and

cards on themto flyhas the authority over its role

It can be understood as following :-

1. Independent and autonomous institution -Lokpal is an independent and autonomous institution which can also participate in political

This is a body free of government intervention. Its chairman and members are from the fields of judiciary, administration, and other fields.

These are eminent personalities who are selected through a transparent process.

2. Investigation and prevention of corruption -The main objective of the Lokpal is to ensure fair and impartial investigation of corruption allegations.

Effective investigation is to be conducted. This includes action against the Prime Minister, Ministers, Union Ministers and officials of the Central Government.

This includes investigation of complaints.

3. Judicial Entry

the uncivilized people's

The judicial process in the case has been completed.

4. Redressal of public grievances -Complaints were received against the public of Lakpal and corruption

There are both online and offline mediums available for this. This institution helps people to fight against corruption.

It helps in raising voice against crime and getting justice.

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5. Administrative reforms and monitoring -The police does not only investigate corruption cases,

But it also gives insight into administrative changes and policy changes. Its objective is to reduce administrative

This is to promote justice and accountability.


Lakshmana is part of an important fight against corruption in India. It

The institution streamlines judicial and administrative processes, making them transparent the construction of the temple and

It plays an important role in resolving the grievances of the public.

Apart from this, Lakpal has raised the voice of public against corruption.

However, its workThe style and effectiveness are still being debated.

Therefore, the skull needs to use its abilities in a more effective way.

Adopt new strategies to use and achieve your goals

There is a need to do this.


The institution of Lal Bahadur Shastri has been a historic step in the history of Indian politics, Lal Bahadur Shastri and

The Labour Act 2013 to combat the never ending threat of corruption

can present a solution

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Question 11 – Citizen's CharterAnd what is it? How can we empower women in India?


Citizens ChartRSaadResponsibility in distribution of public service

and transparent strong strategy to ensure security

tantraYes, it brings about a change in the effectiveness of the organization.

Citizens Charter in Indiain the peace through the heartNarirko

Promoting the participation ofIt is given. This is a written

Nagdark ChatR
Citizens CharterIt is a written and voluntary government document that defines the standards, timelines

and procedures of services provided to citizens. Its main objective is to make government services

transparent, accountable and effective so that better services are available to the citizens.


Nagdark ChatMain principles of R

1.Complementarity: Improvement in quality of plays. quality

2.Option: To provide options wherever available.

Transparency Option
3.Standard: SansadthWhat can be done if the candidate does not meet the required standards?

should be done

4.value: K

5.reply: letter and hand janak kayaath

Responsibility of rhythm. answer Standard

Ta: rules, procedures, plans and grievance redressal
I am transparent make sure.

Chart by United Kingdom After the beginning of the war it was followed by different countries,

Similar work is done in the whole world including India Orders could be placed.

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Citizens Charter in IndiaR

The concept of citizen was first introduced in India in the year 1997.“Rajo and

Conference of Chief Ministers of Union Territories, New Delhi”I adopt

I had gone.

Indian stakeholders are –“Customer, Beneficiary, Ministry/Department/Organization

State/Union Territory Governments”In the civic chart of Asad “Nairak" K

has been included in the concept.“Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances Department in India”

(DARPG) Citizens CharterCoordination of the government, Sanmath

It does the work of maintenance and operation.

Citizen Charters help empower women in India contribution of the army

Citizens' Chart in the making of Citizens' Education in India and plays an important role. This government

it promotes justice, responsibility, and accountability, and it is a vital tool for every citizen to
Transparency of the services

Timely appointments are available.

1. Transparent the heat,Citizens ChartAnd I can clearly tell you which services are available,

What is the process to get it, and how much time will it take to get it. This citizen has to

The information is available to users and how to access it.

2. Responsibility and Accountability,Citizens ChartOfficers providing services through the

the names and addresses of the officers are provided. The accountability of these officers is increased and

Citizens have the freedom to consult the right person for solution of their problems.

3. Complaint Form

Citizens with their own strength

These citizens can have the confidence that their problems will be solved and resolved in time.

I will understand.

4. Timeliness of services,Citizens Chart Time limit for the play in the The matter is being resolved, sir

This information can be obtained by the citizens only through their own will. In these government processes

Delays are minimal and timely delivery of items is ensured.

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5. Rights and duties of citizensvy,Citizens ChartRights and rights of citizens in Indiaof the person

It is also mentioned here. These citizens are aware of their rights and are aware of their responsibilities.

There is also some understanding. It promotes balance and humility in the society.

6. Community Cooperation,Citizens Chartand the local community with government officials

The aim is to promote the language. Through this, Nishi Sanmaath Citizen Participation in Finance and Development

The quality of the services is improving and the real needs of the people can be fulfilled

I have to go.

7. Use of digital media,Citizens Chart making it available on digital platforms, such as

Through Skype and Mobile Apps, citizens can easily reach their goals. These citizens

One can take advantage of these opportunities at any time and anywhere.

Conclusion: Citizen's ChartBy making government services transparent, accountable and effective through GST

The strength of the citizens of India has to be created. This will only improve the quality of the goods.

yes, but the confidence of the citizens also increases and they know their rights and rights more famous than the person

are aware. This is an important tool of empowerment which is the centre of education and education in India.

It is helpful in giving promotion.

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(i) Policy Diagram

(ii) The work of public policy innovation

(iii) Budget figure

(iv) Railway budget in India

(v) Case Study: Digital India Mission

(vi) Right to education

(vii) National Health Mission

(viii) Right to food security

(ix) Manrega

(x) Right to information

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(i) Policy Diagram


Nishi cycle is an important process through which

by a governmental organization or organizational unitNisiy

and kaythis adopted for the construction of the order in which

MediumSocial and Recurringthe needs of

for the attainment of goalsthe pride of the people this cannot be done,

India is a prosperous countryThe problem of poverty, inequality and developmentlike a serious matter

Policies to face challenges, fulfill people's needs and bring about positive change in society

Meaning of the Policy

The art of doing a task at the right time and the right place"Policy"These are the
rules and guidelines set for any organization, society or individual to follow.

Major Types of Policy

distributional policies redistributive policies Component Policies

Descriptive policies are based on income and wealth
The meaning of the descriptive policy is to Component policies means those policies,
Without any proper description, the social worker-
Donate to the betterment of the society, cash benefits Political and Monetary Affairs
and to provide equality. Example: poverty helpless of
a circumstance the existing policy for
Work for completionby Kari Shakti

Eradication, Education, Health Services, Welfare, reincarnation

There is a place. There is a group of people (Pinna) of the same value.
The work is being done.

withjanak a

Policy Statement

Policy StatementIt is a continuous process that involves developing a policy through multiple steps.

to be able to sleep

Thomas Dye said that“Policy making is a continuous process rather than a

single event; different actors are influential at different stages and early

decisions set the agenda for future decisions.” Thomas Dye


Niwat Vanmaad process

1 As a normative model it can be said that Nishi Sanmaath Ideal Population of Dao

And how should we work in a systematic way. This can be based on this idea Jasnak

Nisi'What should happen?'

Niwat Vanmaad of
A positive model can be created
Meaning How is the policy of this government working, Nishi Sanmath Y
sannath in process Pravia is divided into two types

what are they for. it'WhatIt is based on the idea of.

be prepared

It could be-

Stages of the process :-

policy making
Policy of madud

maintenance, Identification

1. Madud
succession to do/agenda

or similar set
Identifying those who need government support and policy

Meditation is required.
2. Policy Buildingn,The objective in this step is to to stop, Policy

Policy cycle
Policy Formulation

Identifying the cost, work of different types of Shahi

Search, choose policy making tool, result

This includes making estimates etc. Policy Policy

Implementation slaughter

3. Policy Legalization,In this stage, legal approval, administration

the meaning of the word is necessary to include the minimum wage and the correct amount.

4. Policy Action
innovation ,This is the third important phase of the policy cycle in which various administrative units

K Keithvy But this may include the systematic implementation of work and policies.

5. Policy Evaluation,This phase is the last and most important phase of the policy cycle in which the policy

The results can be evaluated to assess the effectiveness, performance and impact of the policy.

I have to go.

6. Policy Restrictions

Necessary, urgent request

As new policies are launched, many ongoing policies are in progress Issued as per requirement

it is either being kept or being destroyed or being thrown away.


Hence, it is very important to follow the policy cycle for formulating positive policies, which

India is the government's social, economic and social partner for the government of the country. Goals for a Government

There is a need for the government to provide justice to the citizens and to make the government accountable to them.

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(ii) The work of public policy



with the help of Luckwhose policy is the policy according to which

administrative functions of the state is doing its job.

its main objectiveSocial, Awards A, and

Cultural DevelopmentThis has to be ensured. This policy

It is applicable in various fields,Education, Health, Plantation Sheer,

and ardarrangement. Its main objective is to

Prioritizing beneficial policies and also evaluating the impact of government actions

Policy Implementation

Policy implementation means the process of converting an order or proposal etc. into action or

implementing them. This means that it is the art of implementing a decision in the right manner at

the right time and right place.

It is a process of negotiation; it is a dynamic process of transforming policies and

plans into specific programmes and projects. Thomas Dye

Policy ActionDifferent Views of Investment


This approach is based on policy In this perspective the goal is achieved

This approach is for those selected it Viewpoint Co-holder,

who understands whose Analysis, Organizational Government

Principal and function
of innovation This is useful for
Procedures used for A nice treat to faceShelter or through peace etc.
Selection of Administrative Form

and establishment of technology

within the political system mutual agreement between multiple stakeholders
This includes doing.

I have to do it.
what is the solution By finishing the head right

I am searching for it. we have to make a common consensus

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public policy action

key stages of development

This is an important step in the process, the relevance of which is as follows –


1. Information :It makes the citizens aware about the policy.

2. Temptation :Helping people and government adopt new perspectives

Do it.

Favour Temptation
No :To demand compliance by the people with the legal process.
3. Predator

4. Favor:It benefits those people who are careful in their political behavior
It is Delhi and gives permission to implement the policy and complies with the policy

I have tried to find out.

worthy of attention

It must be ensured that policies are given adequate flexibility and autonomy to meet the appropriate

This can be implemented. WorkThe effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation depends on its design and do

Yes, many times the policies do not give the expected results.


In this way it can be said that Nisi Sanmath Policy Function in the Process of Loan value proposition of administration

There is slavery in which Nisi-Sanmaath isVarious parties involved in the process and policy work The implementation is successful

proper establishment of their goals, proper allocation of resources and good use of money and

depend on the approval of the people I have to do it.

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Information about advanced budget system in ancient India Kaustulya

by RaschiArdethologyIt includes revenue, capital and

- Colonial Period
Information regarding the management of receipts and expenditure

I am included.

After the British arrival the Indian financial system became East India

Colonial Era It was under the Company,The Revolution of 1857After the financial

The administration came under the full control of the government,Indian government

act 1935Under this there was a change in financial power.

Important changes in financial administration after independence did not happen,


Important facts :-

Until 1833, the Presidencies of Calcutta and Madras were independent in financial matters.

The first formal budget in India was presented in 1860james wilsonWas done by.

The budget process in India follows the provisions given in Articles 112 and 117 of the Constitution.

budget figure

Based on the four major steps of the Jet Cycle, this can not be done, if
Budget of the budget

It is like this-
ryari enactment
1. Budget preparation,Jit Sanmath in India Formal Process of Loan
Budget Cycle
Firstly, on receipt of a circular from the Ministry of Finance
of the budget
It starts in September/October. implementation

Analysis of budget estimates made by Ministries and Departments as per classification Treaty Financial Advisor

This is done by the Government of India in consultation with the Policy Commission under the scheme of the Central Budget. based on plan

It can be provided in an arbitrary form.

Demands for Grants appropriation bill Finance Bill

budget presentation General Discussion
vote on to peddle to peddle

Income by the Government, After discussion, the question arose Indian Constitution Of Money collected by the government
after presenting the budget

Ans.-114 according to, to make arrangements for

Expenses, and Sanish's After the budget is different
processing of grants on demand

"By law
Various schemes by the Government of India

presented the plan I am starting, dear. of Sisnay G

On philosophical initiatives
do, Shalluk and so on Of
I have to go. The discussion is ongoing, discussion
Propose a grant Sena is the Irrigation Fund of India
Description K included Tax
which are of 3 types I did not withdraw any money
At the end of the Finance Minister
Sitt Siddhayek a presentation
Get the part in the mind
yes it is policy deduction, for whose use
of general answer It can be done, the number is 75
I am in the past - Rail
a deduction, a token
helpless for the purpose of
I have the right. could pass inside the house
Jet and General Jet.
Cut the machine. This can be passed. I must go.

assistance by an independent agency to make the release

Dues Agreement whose expenditure accounts are to be audited

The allocation of funds to various government agencies is done by law by keeping records of transactions.

Has gone

Conclusion,In this way, there is huge demand for JIT in India There is a long process of this process and its regulation,

Through which financial arrangements are made to solve the national problems This cannot be done.

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(iv) Railway Budget in India


Railway Budget is an important and best act in India

of the government and management of the railway transport services of the country

This budget is for the countryrecurringA situation,


social needs, and national development goals

along with the development of railway services

Meaning of important policies and schemesI have to make it.

Railway Budget

Railway BudgetIt is a financial document in which the income, expenditure, and investments are planned and

determined for the upcoming financial years of the railway.

rail budget in india

The annual financial statements of Indian Railwaysrailway budget of indiaIt is said that it is a public sector

enterprise owned by the state.

• The Indian Ocean's Triangle starts in the middle of February. The Indian Ocean is divided into two parts:

I know it,Railway Budget and General Budget.

, रेल ि◌जट में रेिल की आय और िउके व्यय का ब्यौरा ह ि◌ा ह और िइ रेल मतं◌्री द्वारा पशे सकया

It is known. Apart from general budget train, all the demands of other departments are also connected. In this world

This can be done by the Finance Minister.

As per the recommendation of the Ekwathi Committee headed by British Railway economist William Ekwathi

in 1920-21,

normalize finances

was announced, this practice continued until 2016.

, Every year Railway Budget 2016 Central Budget Some House Initiatives

This could be asked. The government has announced the next date of hearing on 21 September 2016.

The proposal for railways and general budget has been approved, said Sajjan

The 92 year old practice of separate budget came to an end.

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Main objectives of railway budget in India

The Railway Budget in India has several important objectives, namely, to develop and develop the rail transport sector of the country.

Some of the main objectives are as follows:-

1. Safety and security protection,The main objective of the Rail Budget is to make the railways safe and secure.

It is made of travel and work New provision for mandating protection of the state and

Technological advancement is taken into account.

2. Development of infrastructure,Government of India's base of railways through Rail Budget and

Modernization is being done. New railway line is being constructed repair, upgradation of stations, and technological advancement

The quality of the services is enhanced through this.

3. Expansion of travel facilities,The objective of the Rail Budget is to expand even one of the travel facilities

Yes, so that the passengers can experience more comfortable and convenient journey.

4. Awards
a. Efficiency and Excellence,Benefit of railway services through rail budget a visionary treaty

This can be done. The height of this rail's height and its meaning An attempt to maintain the art

This can be done.

Shelter Protection,Travel through Rail JetRadiation protection is taken into consideration.

5. Payad

Pollution control, energy conservation, and green work The order can be encouraged.

With these objectives the Railway Budget is important for strengthening Indian Railways and for the governance of the country.

This is an attempt to provide donation.

Conclusion,This type of

The 92 year budget was to be presented separately, but in September 2016 it was merged with the general budget,

It is very important for the organization of railway sector in Jit India.

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(v) Case Study: Digital India Mission


In this era of modernization the world is becoming more and more reliant on digital facilities.

And the fire is increasing, different countries of the world are going digital

The heart is functioning as a basic structure,India is also digital

is trying to adopt this format, for which India

InDigital India Missionwhat is the workthrough the order

DigitalTechnology and ElectronicsFeatures

Efforts are being made to promote digitalization, which is helping in spreading the fire of digitalization in India.

, This mission was launched by the Indian Prime Minister01 July 2015was launched, whose main objective is to

Digital form of country, education, society and knowledge There needs to be a change in the system.

, this workpaper work in the country through orderThe target is to remove the vehicle.

Digital India WorkViewpoint of the US

for everyone

I get the money from the bank and the money Government File or Cloud Platform Its meaningneed of a citizen

Moreover, all Indian citizens through and in the real time and fulfilling your aspirations digitally

Paid high-speed internet and a Non-accessible handLet's play Jinik and i circumstance
the path to do not doDashath
no mercy

there is access to secure wifi, which civil rights (i.e., documents, should be done in a digital way

their presence in the digital and financial sector I am implementing the certificate. To guarantee civic education

Participation is facilitated. Digital Empowerment of Citizens Empowered about Digital Technology

It is happening. It is impossible to do so.

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Key areas of Digital India's vision

law and order Structure,

for all count

technology Ry's
IT for

Major initiatives taken by Government of India under Digital India Mission

Uidrank forestry Mother Health Card Government Electronics Prime Minister Rural
VerziLocker E-Grade
System Plan Marketplace Literacy Campaign

1. UIDRock and Roll D K Dai,

Earn money by finding money from gold and other semi-precious stones the height of the building is 45 cm

shall be done.

2. Mother Health Card Scheme,its beginningin 2015 for the same use of chemicals

The aim was to encourage the promotion of the cultural element of the country through this.

3. Government Electronic Marketplace,This industry

It is hosted by the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal (DGS&D) of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India

It is a purchasing centre for commonly used products and services.

4. VerziLocker,This is a platform where knowledge and meaningThe provision of digital peace in the system

There is a need for facility to issue and transfer documents and certificates in digital form

Arrangements have been made for this.

5. Prime Minister

Awareness Activities

An attempt will be made to make the person capable.

6. E-Graphite,National Centre for Geosciences Electronics and Geosciences Government of India

In collaboration with the Ministry, a digital platform called e-Graphy has been established.

Conclusion: In this way, the Government of India is taking steps to develop the country's technology sector under the Digital India Mission.

It has been adopted for government, which will give significant contribution in the government of different areas of the country.

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(vi) Right to education


India is a welfare state where the government of the citizens

and try to improve the quality of life

yes, to empower the people in India”of education

“Right”it has been arranged, this right is available in the world

An important and essential part of human rights

It is important in human development and harmony.

I have to make this donation.

right to education

of educationThe meaning of the right is the fundamental human right for the development and empowerment of all

aspects of a person or society. This right should be available to all those citizens who are eligible for it.

Article 26 of the Human Rights Act of the United Nations So give priority to all

of the ConstitutionArticle 21-A in the 86th Amendment Act, 2002It was attached, decorated

Important provisions regarding education could be made by“Rahi6 to 14 years old

Providing free and compulsory education to all children of all income groups,

education issues

• Time for implementation of this fundamental right2009

“Right to Free and Compulsory Child Education

"Act" 01 April 2009It could be implemented in.

• Provides free education to every child in India

The country that does not do this has been destroyed.

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Right to Education Act, 2009

Right to Education Act, 2009through the6-14 year old income

Children of 50 years of age should be admitted in classes appropriate to their age and free primary

There is provision for providing education, after taking admission in government school the child

No fees of any kind will be levied and no fees will be levied on this account.

And study material will be provided, but after its comprehensive evaluation,

The quality and access to education is very different in urban and rural areas.

Due to which the old education policy in India was reviewed by the experts of UNIFE.

failure, which results in more labour, more poverty City

And remaining trapped in the cycle of poverty, India remained backward in the field of education.

Bha right to education

could not be used properly, to resolve these situations by Indian Governmentnew education


National/New Education Policy-2020

New Education Policy-2020 is the education policy of India, released by the Government of India

The year 2020 was declared, which is a new change after the education policy of 1986. No
Yes, the main objective of the New Education Policy(NEP) is vocational education,

Individual's empowerment with creative outcomes and flexible curriculum

The aim is to focus on building the country's education system, NEP-202

Emphasis has been given on giving respect to the medium and educational authority.

The importance of the right to education was highlighted through the system, New education of this right in Mann

An effort is being made to make it more practical through policy.

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(vii) National Health Mission


India is a developing country where there are different sectors in the health sector.

types of problems are involved,Various Epidemics

diseases are generated and millions of deaths occur,

Respiratory problems such as heatstroke and irritantsof the disease

Poverty in India is a responsible factor for growth, because of this

ि◌ Y
National Health Mission

National Health MissionIt represents both the National Rural Health Mission and the National Urban Health

Mission, initiated by the Central Government2005was done in whose primary objective was to Strengthening

Reproduction-Maternal-Newborn-Child and Adolescent HealthAndFighting various diseasesIs

Bh ◌ी
a R


National Urban Health Mission


tertiary care work I am


Human Resources for Health and Medical Education (Government of India, National
Health Mission 2005)

Vision and Objective of the Mission

Mission's Vision Village Donate less

Awaaz on developed states

• Its primary objective to add fuel to the fire

Addressing chronic and non-chronic diseases and health at district and sub-district levels

Facilities and infrastructure need to be developed.

• The second main goal is to reduce the mortality rate and malaria, a disease caused by15-49 years old

The problem is to deal with problems related to diseases like anemia.


mi 2018
Ayushman Bharat Act

Ayushman BharatThere is a new proposal which includes health insurance, which

divided into primary, secondary and secondary medical care, this was introduced in 2018

It was done. Which has two main components –

1. Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY), the first national health protection scheme

It was known.

2. Health Wellness Centre(HWC)

Their main objective is to establishTo provide benefits in health care to the citizens

yes he is a nagar

I will complete it

Conclusion,An effort to improve the health care system in India through the National Health Mission

was done, resulting in improvement in the access and quality of health services in rural and urban areas.

A lot of work has happened, it is a difficult situation There are still challenges in the field of health in India, for which health

Treaty Policy and FunctionsThere is a need to make the facilities practical through sequence.

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(viii) Right to food security


Basic requirement for life GeneBread, clothes and

Houseyes, this is the central conflict situation of the society yes it is, dusunya

In the developed country, there are many challenges like hunger and poverty.

is available on the map, which also includes India, India is a

It is a country with a huge population, whereRight to Food Security

This is an important social and legal issue which is mainly

and protection of civil life and provision of nutritious food for the poor and weak sections of society.

Access and reduction relations are extremely important.

Right to food security

Right to food securityIt means that every person should get safe and nutritious food in sufficient

quantity, so that their health and standard of living can be protected. Its objective is to ensure

that no person sleeps hungry and everyone can get food according to their need.

• Right to food is considered as the right to human life of earthly conflictunsolicited25

It is recognized by.(Nation, the land of human rights Bhoomi Declaration 1948)

• Its properties, meaningIn 2015, the government also received the second prize in the National Highways Commission's target

as an objective in the aim of doing'Zero Bhimari'has been envisaged. (Rahir,

(Division Government Goals 2015)

The United Nations has three main goals regarding food security:

1. Older Year

2. Small money

3. Zero damage or waste of food given. (nation, man

authority Bhoomi Declaration 1948)

• Before independence, India faced many famines and droughts, of which India is a big example.

This is the story of the Bengal famine of 1943 during the British Raj, in which millions of people died of starvation and peace.


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• After independence, India faced a big problem of starvation, to solve these problems

by the Indian Government forgreen manThe policy adopted, increased the production of organic food

Whatever happened, the Sankranti journey also remained a serious issue for the people.

, After 2006 various activities were started by Indian Government for food supply. The sequence was started, the gym

The direct and indirect causes of malnutrition have been identified and action has been taken by the Government with creative motivationNational

Food Safety Act 2013brought into.

Food security means that all citizens of the country should have water in their bags at all times. ि◌
Have a meal.

Food Safety Food availability

the main element in
access to food
I am included.

Food Use (Government of India National Food Security Act 2013)

Food Safety Act (NFSA), 2013

In order to meet the food requirement of the people, the Government of India

enacted the National Food Security Act, 2013 in September 2013 with the main

objective of ensuring food security by making available food items at affordable

price for livelihood. This act provides food facilities to the urban and rural

population in all the States and Union Territories. Under this act, Some-Day-Meal

Scheme (MDMS), along withDistribution System(PDS) and Integrated Drugs Services(ICDS)


Etc. are included.

NFSA, 2013a

It is appropriate, Sajim

There is availability of good quality food everywhere.A permanent solution to this problem is needed.

Conclusion,Hence the Right to Food Security plays an important role in ensuring food security to the citizens of India.

It is the Sun which gives the promotion of all the facilities, even the Shanti Yatra also causes starvation, malnutrition in India.

There are still serious problems like under-nutrition for which more power of food security right is required.

There is a need to make it effective and practical.

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India's independence initiative and its subsequent civil Factors

responsible for povertyIn form ofEmploymentििि◌ has been an

important issue, and creating awareness about welfare has been

central to the welfare state across the world, why Unemployment

is an important measure against poverty, therefore, to eradicate

poverty and society, the need for employment


MNREGA(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act)

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA)It is an important social welfare

programme started in India in 2005 with the objective of providing the right to 100 days of guaranteed

employment to the residents of rural areas.

According to the Policy Commission,“Severe underemployment”There is more work for the country

It is a serious problem as it is leading to short duration of low paying jobs for skilled workers.

that there is no need for that. Its meaning is such a situation in which the person's skill and
Nilat Aayog
There is no gap in education and employment.

Main Goals/Objectives of the Team

1. Employment generation, infrastructure for agricultural labour during low production season

of the government.

2. In rural areas

To promote fear.

3. To reduce migration of workers from rural to urban areas.

4. Providing guaranteed employment of 100 houses to rural unskilled labourers

to do.

5. To tap the natural resource base of rural areas.

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Key Features of MNREGA

1.Roadway Warranty,Every rural family should have at least one financial100 House of

It guarantees to provide employment. This job is based on demand, every willing person can get it.

Right to work is included.

2. Timely employment,to apply15 There is a guarantee of employment within the House, if employment is

It cannot be provided, instead wages allowance has to be given.

3. Women Empowerment,This Act provides for reservation in the field of employment.

It has been done to promote empowerment of women.

4. Payment of wages,Payment of minimum wages to the workers working under the scheme

Wages are paid directly into the worker's bank or post office account,

Civil TransparencyThis is definitely certain.

5. Rural development,Important activities under MNREGA include rural infrastructure, water conservation,

भि-ूरंक्षण, और कृसर् ि◌ िि◌ंसंिध ह ि◌ हैं। यह य जना ग्रामीण िसिका क भी प्र त्सासिह किरी ह।◌ै

This scheme helps in increasing wages and reducing the gender gap of the workers.

Due to migration of people from rural areas to cities in search of employment,

Listen to important facts, only100 days of daily wagesBiography of a person

it did not work, therefore by the governmentMGNREGAA was turned andin 2012MGNREGA

2.0A rural employment scheme called was brought,30 new acts by the government added imo

and Delhi


Conclusion: In this way it can be said that MNREGA scheme plays an important role, through which

An attempt was made to develop the area of Jagatsinghpur. But even today India has a huge population.

Currently, there are problems of over employment and under employment in the country which is a major factor in the development of the country.

It is included in the form of MNREGA scheme, for which MNREGA schemes are to be made effective at the ground level.

I want it.

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(x) Right to information


Sleep is an important part of daily life and it

different sannath an essential role in the process of taking action

Isright to informationCitizens' interference in government work

transparency and a means to ensure accountability

It provides powerful tools. Its use is only for

Citizens Government Policy and Agreement by affecting the

and play an important role in the fight against corruption.

right to information

Right to Information (RTI)There is an important law that gives citizens the right to obtain

information from government institutions. In India, this right was implemented in 2005 and

under this law,"The Right to Information Act, 2005"It is known as (Right to Information Act,


➢ History of the Right to Information

• Regarding the right to freedom of speechThe Official Secrets Act, 1923 was repealed in 2001

The tax was given to the government which gave the right to keep any document confidential.

• Uttar Pradesh State name Raj Narayan Yadav,In 1975 cases with the citizens of the country janak karya

The right to know the status of the case was raised.

In 1994 during the government of GP Singh, in the 20th conference of the Chuna Mantri

The Independence Act was introduced, passed in 2002 and ratified in 2005

In 1976, giving it a comprehensive form, the Human Rights Act was enacted.
GP Vasanth

Right to Information Act, 2005

Right to Information Act, 2005one in india

The main objective of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is to“With the citizen Jasnak

To ensure access to the site under the control of the Authority, the right to the site is exercised.

A practical arrangement has to be established."

a K

• Inspecting documents and records.

• Obtaining certification process of relevant documents.

• Obtaining certified samples of the material.

• Any electronic device or stored in

Obtaining information through printouts of information.

➢ Under the right to informationdiscount

Section 8 of this Act prescribes certain limits for the presentation of the draft. has been cancelled,

With which some special types of information are provided.which cannot be said, is- National

Safety, privacy, commercial privacy and privacy of foreign governments etc.

➢ Saad
Jwanak Pra

withJasnak Pvt
it is inevitable, ifOrganization, details of functions, number of officers, staff Charryo's

Kayid Process of collection, categories of documentsEtc.

, Vannad

Conclusion,Right to Information (RTI) Brings Transparency in Government Working in India Yes, responsibility and citizen

It is meant to promote participation, but its act also provides for national security, commercial property and

Personal interest is included in this exception, but overall it is the main reason of the Indian Constitution.

And it makes an important contribution in the construction of the river.

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