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The geology and mineralogy of the Pilgangoora lithium-tantalum pegmatite


Chapter · September 2017


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6 authors, including:

Marcus Sweetapple
University of Western Australia


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The geology and mineralogy of the Pilgangoora

lithium-tantalum pegmatite deposit
Marcus T Sweetapple1, John Holmes2, John Young2, Mike W Grigson3, Lauritz Barnes4,
Stuart Till2
Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia, Stirling Highway Crawley WA 6009;
Pilbara Minerals Ltd, 130 Stirling Highway, North Fremantle WA 6159; jholmes@pilbaraminerals.com.au;
jyoung@pilbaraminerals.com.au; stuarttill1@bigpond.com
Arc Minerals, 70 Higgins Rd, Gidgegannup, WA 6083; arcmin@tpg.com.au
Trepanier, PO Box 587, Subiaco WA 6904; laurie.barnes@bigpond.com

The Pilgangoora pegmatite Li-Ta deposit is located in the Archean Pilbara Craton, approximately 97km
south southeast of Port Hedland, centred at latitude 21.0586°S, longitude 118.9050°E. It is located in the
East Strelley greenstone belt of the Archean East Pilbara Terrane. The Pilgangoora deposit lies
approximately 78 km south southeast of Port Hedland. The pegmatites constituting the Pilgangoora deposit
constitute a globally significant Li-Ta deposit, with a global resource of 128.6 million tonnes @ 1.22% Li2O.


The Pilgangoora pegmatite intrusions crop out in a well exposed greenstone belt, with little weathering at
surface. Pegmatites bearing columbite-tantalite at Mt. York were first described in government geological
surveys in 1906 (Miles et al., 1945). Subsequent interest in the pegmatites focussed on their tin and tantalum
mineral potential, with small scale hardrock, eluvial and alluvial mining, chiefly in the period 1947-1978 (Ellis,
1950; Blockley, 1980). Larger scale alluvial and eluvial mining of tin-tantalum was carried out over 1978-
1982 and 1992-1996 by a number of junior companies.
The first modern exploration for lithium was carried out by Electrolytic Zinc Co. Ltd. in 1968, who defined a
pre-JORC reserve of 1.6 Mt at 1.2% Li2O, at the southern end of the current Pilgangoora project area.
Further exploration, including drilling, of the pegmatites for tantalum was undertaken by Pancontinental
Mining Ltd. in the 1980s. Resource drilling was carried out by Talison Lithium Ltd. and Global Advanced
Metals (GAM) Ltd. from 2007-2012, again targeting tantalum potential. The project was acquired by Pilbara
Minerals Ltd. from GAM in June 2014. Previous drilling by GAM enabled Pilbara to calculate a maiden
inferred resource of 10.4 Mt @ 0.024% Ta2O5 and 8.6 Mt @ 1.01% Li2O. Subsequent resource drilling by
Pilbara has resulted in the delineation of the resource listed in Table 1 (in compliance with JORC 2012).
Table 1: Pilgangoora project resource estimate (as of July 2016).

Million Li2O Ta2O5 Li2O Ta2O5

tonnes (%) (ppm) (tonnes) (tonnes)

Measured 18.0 1.36 150 245,000 2,676

Indicated 65.6 1.24 131 812,000 8,618
Inferred 45.0 1.15 144 515,000 6,441
TOTAL 128.6 1.22 138 1,572,000 17,781
Mineral Resources reported are inclusive of Ore Reserves

Little detailed geoscientific information has been published on the Pilgangoora Li-Ta deposit, except for
mines department reports in the period 1935-1950, mainly in relation to tin and tantalum potential. Previous
studies have focussed almost exclusively on mineralogy (e.g. Miles et al., 1945). Detailed description of a
small number of pegmatites (#1-#4) within the project area was provided by Ellis (1950). More recently, the
characteristics of the pegmatites of the Pilgangoora district were reviewed by Sweetapple (2000) and
Jacobson et al. (2007) in association with field reconnaissance visits.

The Pilgangoora Li-Ta deposit is located on the western flank of the East Strelley greenstone belt, in a
sequence of highly deformed, fault bounded mafic dominated supracrustal rocks, which protrude into the
Carlindi Batholith. These units have been assigned by Blewett and Champion (2005) to the Euro Basalt of
3350-3335 Ma, which form the lower half of the Kelly Group. The eastern edge of the project area contains
schistose sheared talc-chlorite-carbonate ultramafics of the Dalton suite of ~3185 Ma, which host the nearby
Iron Stirrup Au deposit (Fig. 1; Baker et al., 2002).
Within the project area the dominant lithology is tholeiitic metabasalt, with thin interflow metasedimentary
units (typically 5-25 m thick) consisting mostly of lithic wacke or siltstones, but also quartzite, greywacke and
conglomerate. The facing direction of the metabasalt sequence is broadly to the west. Within the centre of
the project area is an intrusive sequence of layered meta-ultramafic sills, with subordinate metamafic units,
up to 500 m thick (Fig. 1). This ultramafic sequence is comprised of peridotite, pyroxenite and Mg- and Fe-
rich varieties of dolerite, with gradational contacts between units.
Four phases of deformation (D1-D4) are recognized in the project area, involving faulting, shearing and
folding. The D3 event involved ductile deformation and metamorphism, including shearing along earlier
strike-slip faults. Metamorphic grades in the project area are typically actinolite-Na plagioclase-chlorite (-
epidote), with amphibolite facies hornblende-Ca plagioclase-quartz being documented close to the batholith
contacts (Baker et al., 2002).
The D3 event was also associated with 2890-2830 Ma magmatism of the Split Rock Supersuite (Van
Kranendonk et al., 2004) and accompanying pegmatite emplacement (Sweetapple and Collins, 2002).
Dating of the Pilgangoora pegmatites by Kinny (2000) using a secondary ion mass spectrometry Pb-Pb
method on columbite-tantalite gave a date of 2879 ± 5 Ma, confirming the Pilgangoora district as being part
of a Neoarchean epoch of rare metal pegmatite mineralisation. The pegmatites breach D2 fault structures,
by hydraulic fracturing in response to magmatic overpressure, with a local preference for exploitation of the
ultramafic rock package (Fig. 1).
Poorly exposed metamonzogranite of the Carlindi Batholith lies to the northwest of the project area (Figs. 2,
3). These units are identified by Hickman (2012) as belonging to the Motherin Monzogranite (ca. 3475 Ma.)
of the Callina Supersuite. However, mapping of the monzogranite contact has shown evidence of intrusive
contact features with the greenstones, and a lack of foliation in the monzogranite. Additionally a plug of
syenogranite containing megacrystic microcline has been identified along the contact (Fig. 1). It is inferred
from these observations that at least some of the monzogranite adjacent to the contact is considerably
younger than the Callina Supersuite. There is also an earlier generation of pegmatites of simple mineralogy
(quartz-muscovite-feldspar) within the project area, which relate to an earlier magmatic event, possibly the
Sisters Supersuite of 2933-2927 Ma.


Classification and global context of the deposit
In comparison with classical models of sequential mineralogical zonation around a quartz core (e.g.
Simmons et al., 2003), the Pilgangoora pegmatites are quasi-homogenous, characterised by anisotropic
mineral assemblages including very coarse or megacrystic spodumene elongated sub-perpendicular to the
wallrock contacts, aplitic layering, and the development of narrow, locally distinct border units. These
features are hallmark characteristics of the albite-spodumene type of pegmatite of Černý and Ercit (2005),
belonging to the LCT (Li-Cs-Ta) petrogenetic family. Typically these pegmatites occur as sequences of en
echelon dykes or sills. The albite-spodumene pegmatite type is considered the only pegmatite type that
combines high degrees of rare element fractionation with a quasi-homogenous internal structure. Other
examples of albite-spodumene pegmatites of economic interest are the pegmatites of the Paleozoic tin-
spodumene belt of the Carolinas, USA (e.g. Swanson, 2012), and the Mesozoic Little Nahanni group, NWT,
Canada (e.g. Groat et al., 2003).

Structure, and morphology of the pegmatite
The distribution of the Pilgangoora pegmatites is shown in Figure 2. Three principal pegmatite groups are
identified in the centre of the project area – Eastern, Western and Central, with two outlying pegmatite
groups, Monster and Southern. Pegmatites of the three principal groups have a strike length of up to 1.4 km,
and range in thickness from 1-70 metres. Drilling has shown that the pegmatites occur as sheets dipping to
the east at 20-60° (Fig. 2), striking parallel to sub-parallel to the dominant NNW trending schistose (D3)
fabric within the greenstones. Pegmatites of the three principal pegmatite groups typically breach earlier
Internal texture, units and mineralogy of the pegmatites
The principal units comprising the Pilgangoora pegmatite sheets are listed in Table 2. The two spodumene
units are estimated to comprise more than 85% of the volume of the pegmatite dykes. This common
occurrence of spodumene is represented by consistent grades (> 1.5 wt% Li2O) throughout the pegmatites
(Fig. 3).
Spodumene is typically randomly orientated, but may locally display a weak to moderate preferred
orientation, sub-orthogonal to wallrock contacts. Spodumene generally occurs in quartz dominated matrices,
with subordinate albite. Spodumene may locally vary in colouration, with grey being the most common, but
also with lilac and green tints. These colour tints arise from Mn and Fe substitution in the spodumene lattice
and/or coloured mica inclusions.
The fine grained albite units are mostly located along the wallrock contacts. Alteration of spodumene may
occur along these contacts, typically to muscovite ± chlorite ± prehnite assemblages. Generally, alteration of
spodumene within the sheets is minimal, chiefly occurring in association with wallrock xenoliths and cross
cutting fractures.
Microcline ranges in size from coarse to megacrystic (up to 75 cm in size). It is commonly perthitic, and may
vary in colour from black to white, with mottled colourations being common. It is almost invariably altered,
and crosscut by late stage feldspar veinlets.
Compared with the Central and Western groups, the Eastern pegmatite group is generally more texturally
and mineralogically distinct than the other two groups. It contains more lepidolite (purple coloured micas of
uncertain composition) than the other two groups, as well as more grey spodumene and discrete albitic units.
An example of the generalised mineralogy and textural variations within the pegmatite are presented in
Figure 4. This intercept displays a high degree of consistency of Li2O grade, although grades decrease at the
contacts, and where mafic xenoliths and K-feldspar are abundant, and where lithium is likely to be hosted in
other minerals, particularly micas. Tantalum and tin grades are somewhat increased toward the footwall and
hanging wall. Tantalum and niobium are below detection in adjoining wallrocks, but SnO2 may be present at
levels of 100 ppm or more.
Accessory minerals (mostly < 1% of the pegmatite) are garnet (typically spessartine-rich), Mn-rich apatite,
white beryl, and lepidolite. Columbite-tantalite is the major Ta-Nb mineral present, typically < 150 µm in
grainsize, mostly hosted in albite. Cassiterite commonly occurs as inclusions (of < 25 µm grainsize) in
Minerals present in trace quantities are wodginite (or disordered ixolite, MnSnTa2O8), bityite (late stage Li-Be
mica), galena, sphalerite, pyrite, thorite, uranophane(?), microlite and lithiophilite (LiMnPO4). These minerals
mostly have grainsizes of < 50 µm.

Table 2: Mineralogical units of the Pilgangoora pegmatites.

Unit Li grade Description and mineralogy Comments

Coarse (> 1 cm in maximum dimension, The principal ore unit.
Coarser in places > 10 cm long) spodumene Coarser spodumene
spodumene laths in a fine grained matrix, typically may comprise up to
comprised of quartz > albite 50% of these units.
Finer grained (< 1 cm in maximum May also occur as
Finer dimension) spodumene laths in a fine interlocking masses of
spodumene grained matrix, typically comprised of finer grained
quartz > albite. spodumene and quartz
Fine grained Fine grained albite, subordinate quartz. “Sugary albite” unit;
albite May have <1-10% mica content. more common adjacent

to wallrock contacts
Cream to black mottled coarse grained May contain included
to megacrystic microcline, cut by albite spodumene laths
Low to
K-feldspar and secondary feldspar veinlets.
Hosted within a fine grained albite-
quartz matrix

Genesis and mineralisation model

The largest and most close spaced pegmatites are present in the Central group, which suggests that this
group was the locus for magma emplacement. This group was also likely to have experienced the most
significant crustal thickening, where deformation is most concentrated. This zone of concentrated
deformation is interpreted to be the pathway and trap site for the fractionated pegmatite magma. It is also
possible that cyclic melting and crustal recycling of granitoid magmas in the lower part of the overthickened
crust underlying this zone was the source of increasingly fractionated magmas (Sweetapple and Collins,
Although the Pilgangoora pegmatite district has been previously linked with the Kadgewarrina and
Poocatche Monzogranites of the Split Rock Supersuite lying to the north of the East Strelley Greenstone Belt
(Sweetapple and Collins, 2002), the indication of a later monzogranite by recent mapping suggests a linkage
to a previously unidentified monzogranite on the western flank of the East Strelley greenstone belt. Alluvial
and colluvial cover obscures much of the adjacent granitoids, precluding identification of potassium rich
monzogranites of the Split Rock Supersuite by radiometric surveys.

Baker, D E L, Seccombe, P K and Collins, W J, 2002. Structural History and Timing of Gold Mineralisation in
the Northern East Strelley Belt, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Economic Geology 97: p. 775-785.
Blewett, R S and Champion, D C, 2005. Geology of the WODGINA 1:100,000 sheet. Geological Survey of
Western Australia. (Department of Industry and Resources, Perth) 40 p.

Blockley, J G, 1980. The Tin Deposits of Western Australia, with special reference to related granites.
Mineral Resources Bulletin 12 (Geological Survey of Western Australia) 184 p.

Černý, P, and Ercit, T S 2005. The classification of granitic pegmatites revisited. Canadian Mineralogist 43:

Ellis, H A, 1950. Some Economic Aspects of the Principal Tantalum-Bearing Deposits of the Pilbara
Goldfield, North-West Division. (Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth) 93 p.

Groat, L A, Mulja, T, Mauthner, M H F, Ercit, T S, Raudsepp, M, Gault, R A and Rollo, H A, 2003 Geology
and mineralogy of the Little Nahanni rare-element granitic pegmatites, Northwest Territories. Canadian
Mineralogist 41: p. 139-160.

Hickman, A H, 2012. Wodgina 2nd edition WA Sheet 2655 1: 100 000 Western Australia Geological Survey
Geological Series map

JORC, 2012. Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves
(The JORC Code). Available from: <http.//www.jorc.org>

Kinny, P, 2000. U-Pb dating of rare-metal (Sn-Ta-Li) mineralised pegmatites in Western Australia by SIMS
analysis of tin and tantalum bearing minerals. In New Frontiers in Isotope Geoscience Conference. (Lorne,
Victoria, University of Melbourne).

Jacobson, M I, Calderwood, M A, Grguric, B A, 2007. A Guidebook to the Pegmatites of Western Australia.

(Hesperian Press, Perth, Western Australia) 356 p.

Miles, K R, Carroll, D and Rowledge, H P, 1945. Tantalum and Niobium. Bulletin 3 Mineral Resources of WA
(Perth, Western Australia) 150 p.

Simmons, W, Webber, K L, Falster, A U and Nizamoff, J W, 2003. Pegmatology: Pegmatite Mineralogy,
Petrology and Petrogenesis. (Rubellite Press, New Orleans) 176 p.

Sweetapple, M T, 2000. Characteristics of Sn-Ta-Be-Li-industrial mineral deposits of the Archean Pilbara

Craton, Western Australia. Australian Geological Survey Organisation Record 2000/44 (Canberra), 54 p.

Sweetapple, M T, and Collins, P L F, 2002. Genetic Framework for the Classification and Distribution of
Archean Rare Metal Pegmatites in the North Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. Economic Geology, vol. 97,
p. 873-895.

Swanson, S E, 2012. Mineralogy of spodumene pegmatites and related rocks in the tin–spodumene belt of
North Carolina and South Carolina, USA. Canadian Mineralogist 50, p. 1589-1608

Van Kranendonk, M J, Smithies, R H, Hickman, A H, Bagas, L, Williams, I R, Farrell, T R, 2004. Event

stratigraphy applied to 700 million years of Archean crustal evolution, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia,
Geological Survey of Western Australia Annual Review 2003-04, p. 49-61

FIG 1 – Simplified geological map showing the distribution of the pegmatites by group within the Pilgangoora
project area (adapted from Hickman, 2012). Dashed line shows the position of the cross section for Figure 2.
FIG 2 – Schematic cross section showing pegmatite morphology and high grade lithium intercepts (as Li 2O)
for the Central pegmatite group at 7669900 mN (as per Figure 1).
FIG 3 – Detailed graphic log of the pegmatite intercept at 106-121m from diamond drillhole PLS197M with Li,
Ta, Nb and Sn assays.




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