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Fusion Interview Questions


AR Commercial Invoice Print report

AR Sales Invoice histoy report

GL chart of accounts details report

Fatt Yoon Wong

Kok Teck Fong

mogan kerishnamorty

How many types of reporting tools available in Oracle Fusion?

1. BI Publisher Reporting

2. OTBI Analysis

3. Financial Reporting Studio(FRS - For GL Module)

4. Smart View (Excel based tool for GL)

What are the types of parameters in BIP?

1. Bind Parameter

2. Lexical Parameter

What is Data Model?

Data model is nothing but a SQL Query.

What is Layout?

Layout can be a rtf or excel based .xls file.

How to attach the layout to datamodel?

We need to click on create report then cancel the wizard then search the data model and

select the data model then upload/create layout.

What is style template in BIP?

Style template is also rtf file which we will design comapany logos or watermarks for the

reporting purpose. We can desing it one time and use it in multiple reports as required.

How to attach the Style template to Layout?

Once you create the style template, click new in BIP menu select style template then upload

to cataloge and save .xsm file.

Go to layout click on show as list then search the stylesheet

then select it and then click on activate check box.

How to create the parameters in BIP?

Write the query normally in where clause use ':' bind symbol prefix with parameters

Ex. :P_ORG_ID then system will prompt to create the parameter

How to attach list of values to parameter?

Create the list of values under list of values section then go to parameter section

select the parameter type as Menu then select lov name which you created.

How to create bursting in BIP?

In BIP there is section called Bursting there you have to write bursting code based on

delivery channel type.

How many delivery channels are available in BIP?







What are the bursting code parameters?


SELECT trx_number KEY,

'XXmulti Lang' TEMPLATE,

'en-us' LOCALE,


'' parameter1,

'' parameter2,

'' parameter3,

'Ar Invoice'|| trx_number parameter4,

'Please Find the attached Invoice.

Thanks & Regards,

XXabc Company' parameter5,

'true' parameter6,

'' parameter7



distinct b.trx_number

from ra_customer_trx_lines_all a,

ra_customer_trx_all b

where a.customer_trx_id= b.customer_trx_id

and a.customer_trx_id in (1002,1))

Delivery Channel PARAMETER Values

Email PARAMETER1: Email address

PARAMETER5: Message body
PARAMETER6: Attachment value ('true' or 'false'). If your output format is PDF, you must set this parameter to "true" to attach the PDF to the e-mail.
(PARAMETER 9-10 are not used)

Printer PARAMETER1: Printer group

PARAMETER2: Printer name or for a printer on CUPS, the printer URI, for example: ipp://
PARAMETER3: Number of Copies
PARAMETER4: Sides. Valid values are:

 "d_single_sided" for single-sided

 "d_double_sided_l" for duplex/long edge

 "d_double_sided_s" for tumble/short edge

If the parameter is not specified, single-sided will be used.

PARAMETER5: Tray. Valid values are:
 "t1" for "Tray 1"

 "t2" for "Tray 2"

 "t3" for "Tray 3"

If not specified, the printer default will be used.

PARAMETER6: Print range. For example "3" will print page 3 only, "2-5" will print pages 2-5, "1,3-5" will print pages 1 and 3-5
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)

Fax PARAMETER1: Fax server name

PARAMETER2: Fax number
(PARAMETER 3-10 are not used)

WebDAV PARAMETER1: Server Name

PARAMETER2: Username
PARAMETER3: Password
PARAMETER4: Remote Directory
PARAMETER5: Remote File Name
PARAMETER6: Authorization type, values are 'basic' or 'digest'
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)

File PARAMETER1: Directory

(PARAMETER 3-10 are not used)

FTP and SFTP PARAMETER1: Server name

PARAMETER2: Username
PARAMETER3: Password
PARAMETER4: Remote Directory
PARAMETER5: Remote File Name
PARAMETER6: Secure (set this value to 'true' to enable Secure FTP)
(PARAMETER 7-10 are not used)

*PURPOSE: SQL Query to get Org Structure along with LE, BU, Ledger and
Flex *
*AUTHOR: Shailender Thallam *
SELECT enterprise
, horg.organization_id enterprise_id
, xep.legal_entity_id
, legal_entity
, glev.flex_segment_value
, ledger_name
, gll.ledger_id
, xr.registered_name
, xr.alternate_registered_name
, xr.registration_number
, xr.place_of_registration
, xr.effective_from
, xr.effective_to
, xep.legal_entity_identifier
, hou.organization_id "BU_ID"
, hou.short_code "BU_SHORT_CODE"
, hou.date_from "BU_FROM_DATE"
, hou.date_to "BU_TO_DATE"
, hou.set_of_books_id
xle_entity_profiles xep
, xle_registrations xr
, hz_parties hzp
, hr_operating_units hou
, hr_organization_units horg
, gl_legal_entities_bsvs glev
, gl_ledger_norm_seg_vals glnsv
, gl_ledgers gll
xep.transacting_entity_flag = 'Y'
AND xep.party_id = hzp.party_id
AND xep.legal_entity_id = xr.source_id
AND xr.source_table = 'XLE_ENTITY_PROFILES'
AND xr.identifying_flag = 'Y'
AND xep.legal_entity_id = hou.default_legal_context_id
AND horg.organization_id = hou.business_group_id
AND glev.legal_entity_id = xep.legal_entity_id
AND glnsv.legal_entity_id = xep.legal_entity_id
AND gll.ledger_id = glnsv.ledger_id

1. What is program name to Load FBDI Files data into Interface tables?

Ans. Load Interface file for Import

It will trigger another 2 jobs called " Transfer File" to transfer the csv file

UCM (Universal Content Management) and "Load file to Interface".

2. What is Payable Invoice Interface FBDI Program Name?

Ans. Import Payables Invoice

3. How can we place a hold on invoice?

Ans. Go to invoice options and set Hold Unmatched Invoices

Supplier Site level in Invoicing tab we can check hold invoices.

4. Cross currency payment process?

Ans. Go to Bank Account and enable allow multi currency check box and load the

conversion rate through FBDI. Set up the Cross currency account at

Specify Ledger Options.

5. Payable Invoice Aging Periods.

Ans. We can create aging periods as per the requirement in set up called create

aging periods and then go and submit "Payable Invoice Aging Periods" program

with the created aging period name.

6. Can we process 3rd party payments in Supplier invoicing module?

Ans. Yes, we need to create 3rd party as a supplier and authority to receive the payments

on behalf of the actual supplier.

7. How to compare the roles?

Ans. Go to Security console and select any two role and compare.

8. What type of roles we have in Fusion?

Ans. Job Role - is nothing but kind of responsibility in EBS like Accounts Payable Supervisor

and etc..

Duty Role - Inside job role we have tasks those are called Duty roles ex: invoice creation

Abstract Role - Related to HCM roles.

Other Roles - Some common roles not related to any of the above roles.

Aggregate Privileges- Some specific report submission or an action kind of roles.

9. Can we modify seeded roles/pre defined roles?

Ans. No, but we can copy them and create custom roles as per your requirement.

10. What job you need submit to synchronise the roles to user?

Ans. "Import User and Role Application Security Data" job we need to submit if the roles

not synchronise automatically.

11. Can we assign duty roles to user?

Ans. No, we can assign duty role to job role and then assign Job roles to user.

12. How to prepare supplier refund?

Ans. There is no standard functionality for supplier refund in Fusion.

We need to create some manual approach for the same.

13. What is the approval process we will use in Fusion.

Ans. We will use BPM (Business Process Management)

13. What is the mandatory step we need to use an account in Payable reconciliation?

Ans. We need to set up account category as account payables in the

chart of account structure account value set up.

14. Period Close process in Payables.

Ans. Reports need to be run

1. Validate Payable Invoices - to validate all the invoices

2. Create accounting - to create the accounting entry and post to GL.

3. Mass addition Report - to post the fixed asset invoices to FA.

4. Bills payable for Maturity - to pay post date checks.

Set Financial Category for Accounts Payables

Run " Prepare Payables to General Ledger Reconciliation"

Run " Payables to Ledger Reconciliation Report" this report will give the variance if any

we can correct them according to the which part you have variance and close the period.

15. How to use MOAC in Fusion?

Ans. We can create security profile by using "Manage Security Profile for Organization"

and assign business unit to it, then create job role and assign this security profile.

16. What do you need to create a supplier?

Ans. To create a supplier you need have the "Supplier Manager" role and data set access

for the Business unit and you should be setup as Procurement agent for the BU.

17. What are the Supplier types available

Ans. Spend authorise and Prospective



18. What are the mandatory steps to create inventory org?

Ans. We need to create Facility Shifts, Facility workday patterns, create Facility schedules

and attach the facility shift to it.

19. What account type for Charge and Accrual accounts?

Ans. Charge account must be Expense type and Accrual should be Liability type (not mandatory).

20. What is PO TAB?

Ans. PO TAB is a set up called as PO Transaction Accounting Builder.

21. What are mandatory accounts in PO TAB?

Ans. Accrual, Charge and Variance accounts are mandatory. Destination Charge and destination

are optional.

22. What is the mandatory setup for creation of an Item?

Ans. Item class, where we set up item number

23. Is Sub inventory must?

Ans. Yes, without sub inventory for each inventory org we cannot receive the items.
24. What is Payon Receipt concept?

Ans. Payon receipt is nothing but as soon we create the receipt system will create the invoice

automatically. For that we need to set up the supplier site level under purchasing tab

enable payon receipt check box and select "Invoice summary level" (Pay
Site/Receipt/Packing Slip)

and run the job called "Send Pay on Receipt".

25. What is the job name to synchronise the BI report to Security Console?

Ans. Import User and Role Application Security.



27. What is Earned and Un Earned discount in AR?

Ans. If customer is paying the amount within the due date is called earned discount

If customer is paying the amount after the due date is called un earned discount.

28. What are the pre requisites to load the AR transaction data through FBDI?

Ans. We need to configure the

1 . Auto Accounting Rules for all the transaction types.

2. Need to create the transaction source as "Imported"

3. Create Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfield Structure.

29. Receivable to General Ledger Reconciliation process.

Ans. Step1: Set financial account category account as "Account Receivables" in Chart of account
structure value set values.

Step2: Go to Schedule Process and run the job called as "Prepare Receivable to General Ledger
Reconciliation" with appropriate parameter values.

Step3: Go to Account Receivables task name "Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation" to see any
Interview topics/areas

I believe browsing through common Interview questions will help learn more about Fusion Apps.
Listed below are couple of questions.
Generic Questions:

 Have you worked on any Cloud implementation/Support project?

if yes please explain about the project

 How many modules were implemented?

 Which version?

 Explain your role

 Elaborate on Phases and Duration of the project

 Elaborate on the documentation

 How big was the team and what was the team composition
 Were you involved in data migration, reporting, configuration, testing, integration,
management, security, requirements gathering, design, documentation, user training, post go
live support, upgrades, interacting with Oracle support etc.
Architecture related:

 Explain architecture of Cloud ERP

 Elaborate on Product Family, Offerings, Features, Options

 Explain FSM, Implementation Project, Task List, Tasks

 Explain Rapid Implementation

 Explain configuration migration from one instance to another

Security related:

 Explain the security model in Oracle Fusion Apps/Cloud ERP

 How many types of Roles have you worked on?

 Explain Function security and Data Security

 Why do we need Custom Roles?

 Have you created any? and Explain the Custom Role creation process

 How do you create users?

 How do you assign roles to Users?

 How do give access to Data in GL/AP/HCM?

 Have you used Data Roles?

 What are Privileges?

 What is Auto Provisioning?

 Explain how do you achieve giving access to invoice creation but

 restrict invoice payment access

 Explain BIP related security/roles

 How different it is from R12/11i

 What are the default users created by Oracle?

 is SYSADMIN user available in Fusion?

General Ledger module related:

 Have you configured GL module?

 Explain GL module configuration

 How different it is from R12/11i

 Is there Business Group setup in Fusion?

 Elaborate Enterprise Structure in Fusion

 Explain Accounting structure instance

 Explain segment labels, segment attributes (third party control account)

 How many balancing segments can you define in Fusion

 Explain BSV

 Explain ledgers and creation process

 What are Essbase cubes?

 Name the seeded GL Job Roles

 How do you grant access to a ledger to a user?

 Explain segment level security rules

 Explain Cross Validation Rules (filter, condition)

 Explain Hierarchies (audit, row flattening)

 What is use of maintaining versions of hierarchies?

 Explain the need for having multiple hierarchies

 Explain hierarchy publishing (when we should not publish? multiple child assignments)

 Elaborate Accounting calendar. explain start date and translation process relation

 Explain period frequency, adjusting period concept

 Explain calendar period and fiscal period

 Explain Currency related processes (conversion, revalvation, translation)

 Explain STAT

 Explain rate type (spot, corporate, user)

 Explain Cross country rate rules

 Explain Secondary ledgers, Reporting currency ledger, conversion levels

 Explain ledger set

 Balance cube dimensions (period, ledger, COA segments, scenario, balance amt, amt type,
currency, currency type)

 Close status monitor

 Allocations – calculation manager

 Consolidation methods – Reporting, balance transfer, financial management con – hyp,


 Budgeting

 Data migration

 Journal entry (entry page, spreadsheet, fbdi, webservice)

 Financial Reporting Center

 Account Monitor, inspector

 Smart view



Hope it helps! Please don’t forget to leave your comments. Thanks

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