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Expurgate (verb)
Hindi Meaning: छााँटना, परिशोधन किना
English Meaning: To remove objectionable material

Usage: The book was expurgated to make it suitable for children.

Synonyms: Clean, censor, purge, abbreviate, expunge, repress,

denounce, shorten

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Censor (verb) to prevent part or the whole of a book, film, work of
art, document, or other kind of communication from being seen or
made available to the public, because it is considered to be
offensive or harmful
Usage: The book was heavily censored when first published.
Purge (verb)
to get rid of people from an organization because you do not agree
with them:
Usage: They are expected to be purged from the administration.
Abbreviate (verb)
to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the first letters of
each word:
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Usage: abbreviate something as "Chief Executive Officer" is
abbreviated as "CEO".

Expunge (verb)
1st to rub off or remove information from a piece of writing:
be expunged from His name has been expunged from the list of

2nd to cause something to be forgotten:

expunge something from your memory She has been unable to
expunge the details of the accident from her memory.

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Repress (verb)
1st to not allow something, especially feelings, to be expressed:
He repressed a sudden desire to cry.
2nd to control what people do, especially by using force

Denounce (verb)
to criticize something or someone strongly and publicly:
The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides.

Antonyms: Approve, authorize, sanction, permit, allow

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Pious (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: धर्मननष्ठ, धार्र्मक
English Meaning: Strongly believing in religion and living in that
Usage: She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her

Synonyms: Dedicated, devout, loyal, reliable, intent, resolute,


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Devout (adj.)
believing strongly in a religion and obeying all its rules or
principles: Usage: a devout Christian
intent (adj.)
giving all your attention to something:
Usage: She had an intent look on her face.
Inveterate (adj.)
someone who does something very often and cannot stop doing it:
Usage: I never trust anything he says - the man's an inveterate liar.

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Antonyms: Disloyal, fickle, perfidious, traitorous, inconstant
Fickle (adj.)
likely to change your opinion or your feelings suddenly
Usage: She's so fickle - she's never been interested in the same man
for more than a week!
Perfidious (adj.)
unable to be trusted, or showing no loyalty:
Usage: She described the new criminal bill as a perfidious attack
on democracy.
Traitorous (adj.)
not loyal to your own country, social group, beliefs, etc.:
Usage: You're a traitorous coward, and you're going to pay the price for it.

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Tangential (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: ऊपिी तौि से, स्पशम-िे खीय
English Meaning: Not directly connected what you are doing, of or
along a tangent
Usage: Since I am short of time, tangential remarks are not

Synonyms: Peripheral, extraneous, impertinent, irrelative, inane,

useless, incidental, immaterial

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Peripheral (adj.)
Something that is peripheral is not as important as something
Usage: The book contains a great deal of peripheral detail.
Impertinent (adj.)
rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone older or
in a higher position than you:
Usage: I hope he didn't think I was being impertinent when I asked
him about his private life.
Inane (adj.)
extremely silly or with no real meaning or importance:
Usage: He's always making inane remarks.
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Incidental (adj.)
less important than the thing something is connected with or part
Usage: Try not to be distracted by incidental details.
Immaterial (adj.)
not important, or not relating to the subject you are thinking
Usage: immaterial (to) Whether the book is well or badly written is
immaterial (to me) - it has an important message.

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Antonyms: Sensible, pertinent, relevant, apt, significant
Pertinent (adj.)
relating directly to the subject being considered:
Usage: a pertinent question/remark
apt (adj.)
suitable or right for a particular situation:
Usage: an apt comment/description

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Carp (verb)
Hindi Meaning: दोष ढूं ढना, आलोचना किना, तालाब की र्छली,
English Meaning: 1st To complain all the time about matters not
2nd a large fish that lives in lakes and rivers and can be eaten

Usage: I cannot stand the way he is always carping.

Synonyms: Complaint, lament, wail, plaint, grievance, bleat

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Lament (verb)
to express sadness and feeling sorry about something:
Usage: The poem opens by lamenting (over) the death of a young man.
Wail (verb)
to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:
Usage: "My finger hurts," wailed the child.
Plaint (noun)
an official legal complaint against someone that is used in a court
of law:
Usage: Once the particulars of the claim have been filed, the judge
must enter a plaint in the court record.

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Grievance (noun)
a complaint or a strong feeling that you have been treated
Usage: A special committee has been appointed to handle
prisoners' grievances.
Bleat (verb)
to complain in an annoying way:
Usage: She's always bleating (on) about how badly she's been treated.

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Antonyms: Plaudit, applause, praise, endorsement, acclaim
Plaudit (noun)
Usage: She's received plaudits for her work with homeless people.
Acclaim (noun)
public approval and praise:
Usage: Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.

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Usage: I do not need your fatuous
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