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Piety (noun)

Hindi Meaning: धार्मिकता, ईश्वर भक्तत

English Meaning: Strong belief in a religion/god that is shown in
the way someone lives
Usage: The man was noted for his piety to the church.

Synonyms: Devotion, faith, religion, piousness, adoration,

reverence, veneration
Devotion (noun)
loyalty and love or care for someone or something:
He inspired respect and devotion from his pupils.

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Piousness (noun) Pious (adj.)
strongly believing in religion, and living in a way
that shows this belief:
She is a pious follower of the faith, never missing her prayers.
Adoration (noun)
very strong love or worship for someone:
her complete adoration of her brother
reverence (noun)
a feeling of respect or admiration for someone or something:
She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professors.

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Veneration (noun)
the feeling or act of venerating (= very much respecting) someone or
I cannot find words to express the veneration I feel for those men.

Antonyms: Atheism, apostasy, disbelief, unfaith

Atheism (noun)
the fact of not believing in any god or gods, or the belief that
no god or gods exist:
Atheism as we know it did not exist until modern times.

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Apostasy (noun)
the act of giving up your religious or political beliefs and leaving a religion or
a political party:
In those days apostasy was punishable by death.

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Bequeath (verb)
Hindi Meaning: वसीयत करना
English Meaning: To leave something to a person or other
beneficiary by a will
Usage: Picasso bequeathed most of his paintings to Spain and
Synonyms: Leave, will, hand down, pass down, devise, bestow,
grant, entrust
Leave (verb)
If you leave something that you own to someone, you say they
should receive it when you die:
He left his nieces all his money./He left all his money to his nieces.

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Will (noun)
an official statement of what a person has decided should be done
with their money and property after their death
Have you made a will yet?

hand down (Phrasal verb)

pass something on to a younger person or a successor.
"songs are handed down from mother to daughter"

hand-me-down (NOUN)
a piece of clothing that someone has given to a younger person because
they no longer want it:
I got fed up with having to wear my sister's hand-me-downs.

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pass down (Phrasal verb)
to teach or give something to someone who will be alive after you
have died:
His is a family trade, passed down from generation to generation.

Devise (verb/noun)
1st to leave someone money or property in a will
He made specific devises of various items of furniture.
2nd to invent something, esp. with intelligence or imagination:
He devised a new way to treat mental depression.
Bestow (verb)
to give something as an honor or present:
The country’s highest medal was bestowed upon him for heroism.
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Grant (verb)
to legally or officially give or allow something:

entrust (verb)
to give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible:
He didn't look like the sort of man you should entrust your luggage to.

Antonyms: Take, receive, keep

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Inimitable (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: अनोखी
English Meaning: Very unusual or of very high quality and
therefore impossible to copy
Usage: He was describing in his own inimitable way, how to write
a book.

Synonyms: Unique, matchless, incomparable, unparalleled,

extraordinary, rare, unsurpassed
Unsurpassed (adj.)
better than anyone or anything else:
His knowledge of the subject is unsurpassed.

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Antonyms: Frequent, common, familiar, ordinary, ubiquitous
Ubiquitous (adj.)
seeming to be everywhere:
Leather is very much in fashion this season, as is the ubiquitous denim.

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Deplore (verb)
Hindi Meaning: ननिंदा करना
English Meaning: To say or think that something is very bad or
condemn or to express grief or sorrow for something.
deplore the death of a friend
Usage: The attitude of the minister is to be deplored.
The editors deplore the lack of attention given to climate change.

Synonyms: Bemoan, bewail, lament, grieve, mourn, regret, rue

Bemoan (verb)
to complain or express sadness about something:
Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.

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Bewail (verb)
to express great sadness or disappointment about something:
He bewailed his misfortune and the loss of his most treasured possessions.

Lament (verb)
to express sadness and feeling sorry about something:
The poem opens by lamenting (over) the death of a young man.

Lament (noun)
a song, poem, or other piece of writing that expresses sadness about
someone's death:
The whole play can be interpreted as a lament for lost youth.

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Grieve (verb)
to feel or express great sadness, especially when someone dies:
He is still grieving for/over his wife.
Mourn (verb)
to feel or express great sadness, especially because of
someone's death:
Queen Victoria mourned Prince Albert/Prince Albert's death for
40 years.
Rue (verb)
to feel sorry about an event and wish it had not happened
It has happened and many are ruing it.

Antonyms: Delight, exult, glory, rejoice, cheer, laugh

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Exult (verb)
to express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone
else's defeat or failure:
They exulted at/over their victory.
Glory (noun)
praise and thanks, especially as given to God:
He dedicated his poetry to the glory of God.
Rejoice (verb)
to feel or show great happiness about something:
Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.

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