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Long Answer Type Questions:

1. The Rattrap is a story where a good deed or an act of kindness changes a person’s view
of the world. Discuss with reference to the theme.
Ans. ‘The Rattrap’ is an entertaining and philosophical story that reveals the theme of the
human tendency to redeem oneself from dishonest ways. The tramp proves the idea that
the essential goodness of human beings can be awakened through understanding and love.
Circumstances had forced the peddler to indulge in petty crimes. Even though he used to
sell rattraps made from scrap metal, his poverty had brought out the worst in him, making
him bitter and killing his conscience. The tramp’s view of the world was a cynical one: he
envied those who were better off than him. He believed the world to be like a rattrap that
offered temptations like shelter and food for entrapping victims. The peddler did not
hesitate to steal money from the crofter even though he enjoyed his hospitality and warm
welcome. Pangs of guilt troubled him when he lost his way in the forest. His bitter and
hardened temperament received a chance for repentance when he encountered the
ironmaster and his daughter. The author brings an effective twist in the story to show that
innate goodness exists in all human beings. It takes a little love, understanding and an act of
friendship to bring it to the fore. The iron master’s daughter showed him sympathy, honour
and respect and gave him a sense of dignity. This touched a chord in the heart of the
peddler who at once felt that he was no longer the nameless tramp that he had been all his
life but somebody with an identity. He redeemed himself by returning the stolen money as
he had felt motivated by Edla’s kindness.
2. The story ‘The Rattrap’ exemplifies the notion that the emotional needs of human beings have
a direct bearing on their behaviour. Elucidate.
Ans: No doubt it is the emotional needs of the human beings that have a direct bearing on their
behaviour. In fact, our emotions govern our actions and behaviour. In the story, all the
characters depict the same. The peddler’s behaviour is all due to the atrocities he had faced in
his life. He is treated badly. Starving and feeling cold, with no food and shelter, has made him
emotionally very weak and negative. As a result, when the tramp saw the money of the crofter,
he stole it. Similarly, the crofter being lonely with no wife or children, welcomed the peddler
and became overfriendly with him and, as a result, was cheated. Even the ironmaster lived a
lonely life. His wife is dead and his sons are abroad. He has no family except his daughter or
friends. Consequently, he invited the peddler to his house, mistaking him to be his old friend.
Finally, it is Edla’s emotional need to serve and make someone happy on Christmas. Her
kindness and empathy made her treat the tramp with respect and kindness which brought out
the goodness in the peddler.
Questions for Practice:
1.Greed is the greatest evil force that has tempted man into doing a lot of misdeeds. It is greed
that has led to so much corruption and violence in the world. The peddler in ‘The Rattrap’ is not
conscientious nor does he think twice before robbing a crofter. Bearing these thoughts in mind,
write an article discussing the qualities that are required for overcoming the evil of greed.
Value Points: Greed is the greatest evil that paralyses the goodness of man. It spreads like
wildfire and makes a man immune to goodness and kindness. Money, fame, power and
property acquired by unfair means is like a vicious cycle never lets anyone rest in peace. The
consequences of greed are deep and never-ending. Meditation, consultations, keeping the
company of good and honest people can keep the bridle on such men It is most important that
the desire to overcome greed should come from within.
2. The story ‘The Rattrap’ focuses on human loneliness and the need to bond with others.
Value Points: As normal human beings, we always like to share something with others,
be it joy or sorrow. Humans do not want to be lonely and they want company of others.
The peddler is lonely, and to overcome this, he sells rattraps. The crofter is lonely, so he
welcomes the peddler to have a conversation with him. The ironmaster and his daughter
are also lonely. They are rich and have a big house, but they do not have anybody to give
them company. Hence, they request the peddler to spend Christmas Eve with them. The
author has very subtly focused on the loneliness of humans and how they strive hard to
get a good companion

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