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Volume 51, Issue 2, April 2024

Cite this article as: PETROL. EXPLOR. DEVELOP., 2024, 51(2): 262–278. RESEARCH PAPER

Geological characteristics and exploration

breakthroughs of coal rock gas in Carboniferous
Benxi Formation, Ordos Basin, NW China
ZHAO Zhe1, XU Wanglin1, *, ZHAO Zhenyu1, YI Shiwei1, YANG Wei1, ZHANG Yueqiao1, SUN Yuanshi1,
ZHAO Weibo2, SHI Yunhe2, ZHANG Chunlin1, GAO Jianrong1
1. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Research Institute of Exploration and Development, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi’an 710018, China

Abstract: To explore the geological characteristics and exploration potential of the Carboniferous Benxi Formation coal rock
gas in the Ordos Basin, this paper presents a systematic research on the coal rock distribution, coal rock reservoirs, coal rock
quality, and coal rock gas features, resources and enrichment. Coal rock gas is a high-quality resource distinct from coalbed
methane, and it has unique features in terms of burial depth, gas source, reservoir, gas content, and carbon isotopic composi-
tion. The Benxi Formation coal rocks cover an area of 16104 km², with thicknesses ranging from 2 m to 25 m, primarily con-
sisting of bright and semi-bright coals with primitive structures and low volatile and ash contents, indicating a good coal qual-
ity. The medium-to-high rank coal rocks have the total organic carbon (TOC) content ranging from 33.49% to 86.11%, averaging
75.16%. They have a high degree of thermal evolution (Ro of 1.2%–2.8%), and a high gas-generating capacity. They also have high
stable carbon isotopic values ( 13C1 of –37.6‰ to –16‰;  13C2 of –21.7‰ to –14.3‰). Deep coal rocks develop matrix pores such
as gas bubble pores, organic pores, and inorganic mineral pores, which, together with cleats and fractures, form good reservoir
spaces. The coal rock reservoirs exhibit the porosity of 0.54%–10.67% (averaging 5.42%) and the permeability of
(0.001–14.600)103 m2 (averaging 2.32103 m2). Vertically, there are five types of coal rock gas accumulation and dissipation
combinations, among which the coal rock-mudstone gas accumulation combination and the coal rock-limestone gas accumula-
tion combination are the most important, with good sealing conditions and high peak values of total hydrocarbon in gas log-
ging. A model of coal rock gas accumulation has been constructed, which includes widespread distribution of medium-to-high
rank coal rocks continually generating gas, matrix pores and cleats/fractures in coal rocks acting as large-scale reservoir spaces,
tight cap rocks providing sealing, source-reservoir integration, and five types of efficient enrichment patterns (lateral pinchout
complex, lenses, low-amplitude structures, nose-like structures, and lithologically self-sealing). According to the geological
characteristics of coal rock gas, the Benxi Formation is divided into 8 plays, and the estimated coal rock gas resources with a
buried depth of more than 2 000 m are more than 12.331012 m3. The above understandings guide the deployment of risk ex-
ploration. Two wells drilled accordingly obtained an industrial gas flow, driving the further deployment of exploratory and ap-
praisal wells. Substantial breakthroughs have been achieved, with the possible reserves over a trillion cubic meters and the
proved reserves over a hundred billion cubic meters, which is of great significance for the reserves increase and efficient de-
velopment of natural gas in China.

Key words: coal rock gas; coalbed methane; medium-to-high rank coal; cleat; Ordos Basin; Carboniferous Benxi Formation;
risk exploration

Introduction Zizhou and Yulin, have been successively discovered in

The Ordos Basin is the largest natural gas production the basin [1]. By the end of 2021, the geological reserves of
base in China. Guided by the sedimentary model of gentle 6.9×1012 m3 had been submitted, supporting the energy
slope delta, some large gas fields such as Sulige, Mizhi, security of China. The tight sandstone gas reservoir in the

Received date: 28 Jun. 2023; Revised date: 26 Feb. 2024.

* Corresponding author. E-mail:
Foundation item: Supported by the PetroChina Science and Technology Major Project (2023ZZ18-03); Changqing Oilfield Major Science and Technology
Project (2023DZZ01).
Copyright © 2024, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development Co., Ltd., CNPC (RIPED). Publishing Services provided by Elsevier B.V. on
behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

Paleozoic Carboniferous–Permian is an unconventional erated within medium- to high-rank coal rocks or mi-
gas reservoir predominantly sourced from coal measures. grated from other gas sources and stored within coal rock
Thus, it is significant to directly take the coal-bearing reservoirs. It can be rapidly and commercially exploited
source rocks as the target of exploration and development. through reservoir stimulation. Coal rock gas typically
The coal measures in the Ordos Basin exhibit a wide exhibits the characteristics of high burial depth, high coal
distribution range and significant variations in burial rank, high reservoir fracture density, high temperature,
depth [2]. Earlier coalbed methane development was pri- high pressure, high in-situ gas content, high gas satura-
marily limited to the eastern margin [3], including areas tion, high free gas content, high gas density, high gas
such as Baode, Fugu, Linxing, Liulin, Wubu, Shilou, carbon isotopic values, and high total hydrocarbon values
Daning–Jixian and Hancheng. This region spans appro- from gas logging.
ximately 500 km from north to south and 30–60 km from Coal rock gas is generally buried at depths exceeding
east to west, predominantly consisting of medium to 2 000 m. The change in burial depth brings changes in the
shallow formations [4]. Recently, it has achieved promis- characteristics of coal rock gas reservoirs, especially the
ing results in the exploration of deep coal measures with gas source, reservoir, gas content and gas isotopic com-
burial depths exceeding 2 000 m in the Daning–Jixian positions. Coalbed methane mainly refers to the natural
area of the Ordos Basin and in the Junggar Basin. This gas adsorbed predominantly in shallow coals [12–13]. As
indicates more optimistic outlook in deep coal rocks com- revealed in Table 1, deeper coal rocks have higher ranks
pared to the medium to shallow formations. Academia and stronger gas generation capacities. At large burial
attributes this breakthrough to the enrichment of free gas depth, the geostress is high, promoting the development
in coal rock reservoirs, which differs from the predomi- of fractured coal rock reservoirs with high brittleness and
nant enrichment of adsorbed gas in medium to shallow low compressive strength. Large burial depth also results
coal beds [5–6]. The coal rock reservoirs exhibit relatively in high temperature and pressure in coal rock reservoirs,
unique geological characteristics and distinct gas en- high total gas content, gas saturation, free gas content
richment modes. Thus, separate research on natural gas and gas density in coal rocks, and high carbon isotopic
within deep coal rocks is meaningful. Some scholars’ ef- values of natural gas extensively generated in medium- to
forts in this regard [7–10] have suggested that deep coal high-rank coal rocks.
rocks are notably different from medium to shallow ones, Firstly, coal rock gas may be originated from single
in not only burial depth, but also geological characteris- source and mixed sources. In the Ordos Basin, coal rock
tics that were not recognized in previous studies. gas was primarily generated by deeply-buried medium- to
In the Ordos Basin, multiple sets of coal rocks are de- high-rank coal rocks. In the Junggar Basin, coal rock gas
veloped in the Benxi Formation, Taiyuan Formation and in the Jurassic Xishanyao Formation of Baijiahai area,
Shanxi Formation. Especially, the #8 coal rock of the was partially contributed by highly matured natural gas
Benxi Formation is distributed stably across the basin [11]. from the underlying Carboniferous strata. On one hand,
However, the exploration operations have always focused the low-rank coal of the Xishanyao Formation limits its
on the coalbed methane in medium to shallow forma- gas generation capacity. On the other hand, the underly-
tions, instead of natural gas in deep coal rocks, because ing fault-communicated Carboniferous source rocks with
the former is considered more economical under similar a strong hydrocarbon generation capacity provide sup-
output. Recent practices demonstrate significantly higher plemental gas source for the fractured coal rock reser-
natural gas yields from deep coal rocks, spurring a boom voirs in the Xishanyao Formation. Such multi-source
of research and exploration of deep coal rock gas. Based natural gas in coal rocks like the Xishanyao Formation is
on available drilling, core, logging and seismic data in the newly defined as “coal rock gas” [5] to emphasize the
Ordos Basin, this paper makes extensive research and storage characteristics of coal rocks.
comprehensive analysis to address key geological issues, Secondly, fractured reservoirs are developed in deeply
such as the differences between coal rock gas and coalbed buried coal rocks. Coal rock gas in the Baijiahai area of
methane, and the gas storage capacity, resource potential the Junggar Basin is supplied by multiple sources, and
and preservation conditions of deep coal rocks. New in- more importantly, is enriched in free gas state within
sights are derived into the coal rock gas in the basin with dense large pores and microfractures. The deep coal
respect to resources, reservoir characteristics, accumula- rocks of the Benxi Formation in the Ordos Basin, with
tion-dissipation combinations, and enrichment mecha- high thermal maturity, are dominated by bright and
nisms. Furthermore, the exploratory well deployment semi-bright coals, with well-developed cleats. Moreover,
strategy is proposed. the high stress in deep strata results in highly brittle coal
rocks with fractures. Thin section analysis shows that the
1. Overview of coal rock gas
density of fractures with aperture greater than 5 μm is
Coal rock gas is a type of hydrocarbon gas that is gen- 10–19 fractures/9 cm2, while fractures with aperture less

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ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

Table 1. Comparison of coal rock gas and coalbed methane

Geological characteristics


Gas type

Gas source


Trap types






fractures with aperture
Cleats/fractures de- μm: 10–19 fractures/9

94–308 fractures/9 cm2

Caprock lithology has

weak hydrodynamics
sealing; deep burial,
including mudstone,
Fractures with aper-

(diffusion flow), sec-

amplitude structures, cro-amplitude struc-

16.0%; permeability

(buoyancy, van der

limestone and tight

ture greater than 5

Trap and pressure

significant impact,
Primary migration

ondary migration

Free, absorption
Gentle areas or
external source

less than 5 μm:

logical trap, mi-

Porosity 0.1%–
structural belts
Self-source or
Coal rock gas

Waals force)
2 000–4 000

(Darcy flow)

tures locally
within basin

10−3 m2


Caprock lithology has

shallow burial, strong

Porosity 0.1%–8.0%;
permeability (0.001–

fluenced by atmos-
hydrodynamics, in-
logical trap, micro-

pheric fresh water

Coalbed methane

Primary migration
Structural belts or

Pressure sealing,
der Waals force)
0.500)10−3 m2
uplifted areas at

Absorption (van

minimal impact
(diffusion flow)
Few hundreds
basin margins

shallow coals

veloped in


About 40
to 1 500

Geological characteristics Development characteristics

Gas type

In-situ Predicted
Reservoir Gas Gas
gas Free gas Gas-logging Carbon Development Production ultimate
pressure/ satu- content/
density/ 3 1 content peak value isotopes technology characteristics recovery/
MPa ration (m t )
(kgm3) 104 m3
Gas-logging Well produces
Coal rock gas

Up to Up to total hydrocar- δ13C1: −37.6‰ gas immediately

130– 34.0 m3/t, 45%, bon peak to −16.0‰, Vertical well, after it is opened, 4 000–
22–33 up to
210 average average greater than δ13C2: −21.7‰ horizontal well showing a bi- 6 000
21.8 m3/t 24.48% 90%, or even to −14.3‰ or high-angle modal production
up to 100% horizontal well profile [6]
Rela- Relatively light volume frac- Long production

tively Relatively δ13C1: turing period, showing a
4–8 About 60 8–12 Low less than
large low −70.50‰ to monomodal pro-
[14] [6] 2 500
change −36.19‰ duction profile

than 5 μm can reach 94–308 fractures/9 cm2, leading to Fourthly, coal rock gas has high carbon isotopic values.
an overall permeability of up to 14.6×10−3 μm2. It is evi- Due to the considerable burial depth, coal rock gas is
dent that in deeply-buried medium- to high-rank coal hardly affected by near-surface geological processes. This
rocks, there are extensive matrix gas pores due to large- results in relatively high carbon isotopic values for
scale hydrocarbon generation and also dense microfrac- methane and ethane. Analysis of coal rock gas samples
tures, which provide excellent storage conditions for the from five wells with depth of 2 427.27–3 227.00 m indi-
enrichment of free gas. In well-developed reservoirs, gas cates methane carbon isotopic values ranging from
migrates as diffusion flow and also Darcy flow, and it −37.6‰ to −16.0‰ and ethane carbon isotopic values
accumulates under the driving of the van der Waals force ranging from −21.7‰ to −14.3‰. In contrast, coal rock
on the coal rock surface and also the buoyancy. gas in the shallow eastern part of the Ordos Basin is in-
Thirdly, deep coal rocks exhibit high gas content. Deep fluenced by biogenic gas mixing [14–15], underground hy-
coal rocks generally possess higher coal ranks, with larger drodynamics [16], and structural uplift and desorption
coal grain Langmuir volumes. Under high temperature fractionation [17], resulting in generally lighter methane
and pressure, high-density supercritical natural gas is carbon isotopic values ranging from −55.52‰ to
stored in large pores and microfractures, resulting in −46.52‰ and even −70.50‰ to −36.19‰ [14].
high gas content and gas saturation. Particularly the Lastly, coal rock gas production curves exhibit a "bi-
proportion of free gas can reach up to 45%, primarily modal" feature. Initially after hydraulic fracturing, free
stored in large pores and extensively developed cleats and gas stored in large pores and microfractures within coal
structural fractures. Thus, local structural traps, litho- rocks is rapidly produced. High production and early gas
logical traps with reservoirs developed, and caprock breakthrough occur, forming the first peak in gas pro-
sealing conditions control the formation of high-yield duction. After a period of stable production, as pressure
sweet spots. decreases, adsorbed gas is gradually desorbed. A second

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ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

peak in gas production or a sustained stable production sandstone and mudstone. The Taiyuan Formation pri-
phase appears. Overall, free gas and absorbed gas are marily consists of #6, #6-Lower, #7, and #8-Upper coal
produced sequentially. rocks, occurring between the Beichagou sandstone at the
base of the Shanxi Formation and the Dongdayao lime-
2. Geological setting and coal rock
stone, Xiedao limestone, Maoergou limestone, and Mi-
aogou limestone of the Taiyuan Formation. The Benxi
2.1. Geological setting Formation mainly includes #8, #9, and #10 coal rocks,
where #8 and #9 coal rocks are often merged into one
The Ordos Basin is a secondary tectonic unit of the
North China Platform. With an area of 25×104 km2, the unit, commonly referred to as the #8 coal rock, which is
basin is divided into six primary tectonic units, namely situated above the Wujiayu limestone of the Benxi For-
the Western Marginal Thrust Belt, Tianhuan Depression, mation and below the Miaogou limestone of the Taiyuan
Weibei Uplift, Yishaan Slope, Yimeng Uplift and Jinxi Formation. At the bottom of the Benxi Formation are the
Flexure Belt (Fig. 1a). Coal rocks are primarily distributed Pangou limestone and iron-aluminum rock, overlying the
in the Yishaan Slope and the Tianhuan Depression in the unconformity at the top of the Majiagou Formation (Fig.
west. The Upper Paleozoic strata in the basin, from bot- 1b). The #8 coal rock at the top of the Benxi Formation is
tom to top, include the Upper Carboniferous Benxi For- generally 2–15 m or up to 25 m thick. It is shallowly bur-
mation, Lower Permian Taiyuan Formation, and the ied (500–1 500 m) along the eastern margin of the basin
coal-bearing strata in Shanxi Formation, showing a and deeply buried (2 000–4 000 m) within the basin (Fig.
gradual transition from marine-continental to continen- 2a). It exhibits the most stable distribution throughout the
tal sedimentary environments. The Shanxi Formation basin, and represents as the most potential target for coal
mainly comprises #1 to #5 coal rocks interbedded with rock gas exploration and also the target layer in this study.

Fig. 1. Tectonic units of the Ordos Basin (a) and composite stratigraphic column of the Benxi Formation–Shanxi Formation
(b) (modified from references [18–19]).
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ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

Fig. 2. Coal rock thickness map (a) and Ro contour map of the Benxi Formation (b) in the Ordos Basin (Fig. a is modified
from Reference [19]).

2.2. Coal rock distribution and coal quality of the shallow in the northeastern part of the basin, and gradu-
Benxi Formation ally thinning towards the west and south (Fig. 2a), with
increased occurrences of tonsteins and bifurcation.
2.2.1. Coal rock deposition and distribution
2.2.2. Coal quality
During the deposition of the Benxi Formation, the Ordos
Basin belonged to the nearshore delta and barrier coast Coal quality is an important parameter for character-
tidal flat–lagoon depositional system, receiving the wide- izing coal rocks. It mainly involves coal macerals, proxi-
spread deposits of coal rocks up to 16.08×104 km2. The mate analysis, and macrolithotypes features.
basin sequentially developed delta plain, delta front and In terms of microscopic composition, the Benxi For-
shallow marine lagoon deposits, from north to south [20–21]. mation coal rocks are composed of vitrinite (19.86%–
In the northern part, swamp deposits developed in the 91.28%, avg. 68.48%), exinite (0–30.99%, avg. 2.94%),
delta plain interchannel bays, with abundant vegetation. inertinite (0–73.16%, avg. 19.50%), and minerals
Lateral channel migration led to extensive peat deposits, (0.57%–20.20%, avg. 9.31%). Apart from the relatively
evolving into thick coal rocks up to 25 m thick. In the high proportion of vitrinite, other groups exhibit signifi-
central part, branch channels developed stably and con- cant variability, indicating strong heterogeneity of coal
sistently in the delta front, forming shallow water near- rocks.
shore swamps in interchannel bays, which evolved into In terms of proximate analysis, the Benxi Formation
thick superimposed coal rocks ranging from 4 m to 16 m. coal rocks are found with ultra-low to low volatile matter
Southward, in the Jingbian–Zhidan–Yan'an areas, under a content, low to moderate ash content, and extremely low
barrier coast–lagoon depositional system, the abundant moisture content, indicating good coal quality. Specifi-
shallow-water coal-forming plants were developed and cally, the fixed carbon content ranges from 51.12% to
evolved to form widespread and extensive coal rocks. Due 86.93%, with an average of 72.68%; the volatile matter
to frequent changes in sea level, the duration of the en- content ranges from 7.64% to 12.75%, with an average of
vironment conducive to coal formation was relatively 10.58%; the ash content ranges from 3.81% to 38.89%,
short. Only thin coal rocks (2–12 m) were formed, with with an average of 16.19%; and the moisture content
abundant tonsteins. Overall, coal rocks are thick and ranges from 0.40% to 1.09%, with an average of 0.61%.
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In terms of coal macrolithotypes, the Benxi Formation

coal rocks are mainly composed of semi-bright and bright
coals, followed by sub-dull and dull coals. Overall, the #8
coal rock exhibits good coal quality with low clay content
in the upper part, but slightly higher clay content and
presence of tonsteins in the lower part.
In terms of coal structure, the Benxi Formation coal
rocks as a whole are dominated by primary coal, with
cataclastic coal and granulated coal locally. Generally,
bright and semi-bright coals with primary textures con-
tain well-developed microfractures and cleats, indicating
good storage conditions.

3. Conditions for coal rock gas accumulation Fig. 3. Carbon isotopic composition of natural gas in
typical formations in the Ordos Basin.
in the Benxi Formation
3.1. High gas generation capacity of high-rank coal rocks while those of ethane are generally higher than −21.7‰
and can reach the maximum of −14.3‰, distinct from the
The rank of coal rock controls its hydrocarbon genera- natural gas in the Shanxi Formation, He 8 Member and
tion capacity. Generally, lignite can generate less methane, Ordovician in the basin (Fig. 3). Relatively heavy carbon
while anthracite is highly capable of methane generation isotopes of coal rock gas reflect the strong gas-generating
(up to 590 m3/t) [22–26]. In the late Early Cretaceous (107– capability of high-rank coal rocks.
138 Ma) of the Ordos Basin, the mantle plume rose in the
asthenosphere and thinned in the lithosphere, triggering 3.2. Development of coal rock reservoirs
tectothermal event in the basin to increase the geother- Coal rocks, as natural gas reservoirs, have the storage
mal heat flux and geothermal gradient [27–28]. This led to space mainly consisting of matrix pores and fractures.
enhanced coal rank and hydrocarbon generation capacity. Matrix pores, by genesis, mainly include gas pores, re-
For thermal maturity, the Benxi Formation coal rocks sidual plant tissue pores and mineral pores, with their
generally reach medium to high ranks (Ro of 1.2%–2.8%), developments dependent on the macerals, minerals and
except for those in the northeastern part of the basin ranks of coal rocks. Fractures mainly include endogenous
where the maturity is relatively low (Ro of 0.6%–0.8%), as cleats and exogenous microfractures, with their devel-
shown in Fig. 2b. The distribution of gas coal and fat coal opments under the control of coal rank, coal structure,
is limited, while coking coal, lean coal, meagre coal and tectonic stress and other factors.
anthracite are predominant, indicating a strong gas gen-
3.2.1. Storage space types of coal rock reservoirs
eration capacity [29–31]. In the high to over-mature coal
rocks, most of the residual soluble organic matter and Deep coal rocks are generally dual-porosity media
pyrolyzable organic matter have been expelled, resulting constituted by matrix pores and fractures. In the #8 coal
in generally low values of chloroform bitumen "A" and rock of the Ordos Basin, gas pores, residual plant tissue
pyrolysis hydrocarbons. The total organic carbon (TOC) pores, and inorganic mineral pores such as intercrystal
values of coal rocks in the basin range from 33.49% to pores, intergranular pores and intragranular pores are
86.11%, with an average of 75.16%. predominant in the matrix (Fig. 4). Additionally, exten-
In the early stage of thermal evolution, Type III organic sive cleats and microfractures are observed.
matter primarily experienced side-chain group detach- (1) Gas pores. In the coal-forming process, as tempera-
ment reaction, leading to relatively poor gas-generating ture and pressure increase, vitrinite becomes soft and
capability, with the generated gaseous hydrocarbons be- plastic, with organic functional groups and side chains
ing 12C-enriched and thus with relatively low carbon iso- progressively breaking according to the activation energy
topic values. In the late stage of thermal evolution, exten- sequence. With thermal evolution, large molecular hy-
sive aromatization, cyclization, and aromatic ring disin- drocarbons gradually decompose to produce meth-
tegration of organic matter became the main drivers of ane-rich gas. The gas aggregates to form gas pores, rep-
gaseous hydrocarbon generation, leading to increased resenting the products and traces of gasification during
isotopic values [32] and gas yield. The stable carbon iso- coalification [35]. When the pressure of the gas formed by
topic values of coal rock kerogen range from −24.5‰ to thermal evolution is less than the encapsulation resis-
−22.5‰ [33–34], inducing generally higher carbon isotopic tance of the plastic mass in the coal rock, closed gas pores
values of the generated gaseous hydrocarbons. The car- are formed. Conversely, when the gas pressure exceeds
bon isotopic values of methane of coal rock gas typically the encapsulation resistance, open gas pores are formed.
exceed −37.6‰ and can reach the maximum of −16‰, The gas pores formed in the coal rocks of the Benxi
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Fig. 4. Microscopic characteristics of coal rock reservoirs in the Benxi Formation of Ordos Basin. (a) Well QI85, 2 629.23 m,
tensile fracture with aperture of 363 nm, gas pores with diameter of 680–788 nm, SEM; (b) Well QI85, 2 631.40 m, intra-
granular pores in kaolinite, with diameter of 270–280 nm, SEM; (c) Well QI85, 2 629.34 m, gas pores, with diameters ranging
from tens to hundreds of nanometers, SEM; (d) Well QI85, 2 629.15 m, clay-filled fusinite pores, cleats and microfractures in
desmocollinite; (e) Well MI115, 2 901.40 m, clay-filled fusinite cell cavity pores, SEM; (f) Well JIN26, 3 101.24 m, dendritic
cleats/fractures; (g) Well JIN26, 3 103.40 m, coal vitrinite in dominance, microfractures, SEM; (h) Well JIN26, 3 103.40 m,
microfractures and gas pores, SEM; (i) Well JIN26, 3 103.40 m, locally magnified, gas pores, with diameters ranging from
nanometers to hundreds of nanometers, SEM. Cl—clay; DC—desmocollinite; F—fusinite; Sf—semi-fusinite.

Formation when thermal evolution is densely clustered, pores, intercrystalline pores and intergranular pores in
appearing elliptical or tubular, with pore diameters minerals. These pores are more developed in coal rocks
ranging from several nanometers to several hundred na- with thin tonsteins and low-rank coal rocks (Fig. 4b).
nometers. They are most developed in the vitrinite com- (4) Cleats are formed from the gelatinization during
ponent (Fig. 4a, 4c, 4h, 4i). Shallow coal rocks generally coalification, as plastic to semi-plastic coal materials ex-
have lower coal ranks and lower gas production. They pel fluids such as natural gas and water, under the
developed less gas pores than deep coal rocks. shrinkage-induced internal tension within the coal ma-
(2) Residual plant tissue pores, which are inherited trix. Cleats are classified into face cleats and butt cleats.
from the preserved structure of plant tissues in coal rocks. Face cleats generally extend long, several meters or even
During coalification, some plant tissue cells are preserved, tens of meters in vitrain or clarain. Butt cleats are typi-
forming cell cavity pores, which are more common in cally orthogonal to face cleats, with their length con-
fusinite and semi-fusinite. The pore diameters range from trolled by the spacing of parallelly developed face cleats.
tens of nanometers to several micrometers, and these The development of cleats is closely related to coal
pores may be filled with clay minerals (Fig. 4d, 4e). thickness, type, and composition. At the microscopic
(3) Mineral pores refer to the pores formed in coal scale, cleat lengths range from tens of micrometers to
rocks by mineral particles such as carbonate and clay several millimeters, while cleat widths range from hun-
during the coalification and the geological processes after dreds of nanometers to several micrometers (Fig. 4d, 4f,
coalification. They include intragranular dissolution 4g and Fig. 5).
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Fig. 5. Core photographs of the Benxi Formation in the Ordos Basin. (a) Well MI115, 2 089.20 m, bright coal in dominance,
with face cleats and butt cleats; (b) Well QI32, 3 260.20 m, bright coal in dominance, arrows indicating deformed clay min-
erals between bright coal blocks, with unfilled microfractures; (c) Well SD1H, 2 358.84 m, bright coal, with face cleats and
butt cleats, as well as some fractures filled with calcite; (d) Well QI32, 3 265.36 m, bright coal in dominance, with dendritic
and reticular fractures, filled with minerals; (e) Well LIAN133, 3 864.20 m, bright coal in dominance, with cleats, microfrac-
tures dominated by shear fractures due to tectonic stress, as well as vertical fractures.

(5) Fractures are tensional, shear, and tensile-shear that micropores (pore diameter less than 2 nm) consti-
fractures formed in coal rocks under geological stress (Fig. tute 42% to 57% of the total volume, macropores (pore
5), generally not restricted by coal type. As the result of diameter greater than 50 nm) constitute 28% to 45%, and
tectonic stress, features such as striations and steps are mesopores (pore diameter of 2–50 nm) constitute 13% to
visible on fracture surfaces. Fractures are often filled with 15%, indicating a predominant presence of micropores
minerals such as calcite and clay (Fig. 5d). Although and macropores in the coal rocks. Physical properties
cleats and fractures have different origins, local cleats differ between centimeter-scale block samples and plug
and microfractures are not easily distinguishable. They samples. Analysis of centimeter-scale coal blocks shows
both possess good storage and transport capabilities. that porosity ranging from 1.937% to 9.116%, with an
Fractures of different scales require different study average of 5.329%, and permeability is (0.005–1.192)×10−3
methods. Fractures with nanometer to micrometer μm2, with an average of 0.350×10−3 μm2. Analysis of plug
widths are observed and analyzed using electron mi- samples shows that porosity ranging from 0.540% to
croscopy. Fractures with micrometer to millimeter widths 10.670%, with an average of 5.466%, and permeability is
can be studied through core observations. Larger frac- (0.001–14.600)×10−3 μm2, with an average of 3.438×10−3
tures causing coal core fracturing require imaging log- μm2 (Table 2). Clearly, the porosity values are generally
ging data. Coal intervals with well-developed fractures equivalent or slightly lower in block samples than those
exhibit clear fracture characteristics from imaging log- in plug samples, while the permeability values are sig-
ging data, with fractures primarily characterized by high nificantly lower. When laboratory physical property
angle and enriched free gas, with total hydrocarbons of analysis is conducted on centimeter-scale coal blocks, it
around 80% (Fig. 6). reflects only the properties of local microscale blocks.
Then it is difficult to assess the storage and transport
3.2.2. Physical properties of coal rock reservoirs
capabilities of fractures. Analysis of 3 cm-scale plug sam-
The coal rock reservoirs in the Ordos Basin exhibit fa- ples may reflect the storage and transport capabilities of
vorable physical properties with variations at different small- to medium-sized fractures with better physical
scales. Pore structure characterization through combined properties. Microscale, core-scale, and imaging logging
analysis of CO2 and low-temperature liquid nitrogen ad- results of fracture characteristics also exhibit differences.
sorption and high-pressure mercury intrusion reveals Statistical data from microscopic fracture analysis (Table
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ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

Table 2. Physical properties of coal rock reservoirs in

Benxi Formation
Permeability/ Sample
SN. Well Depth/m Porosity/%
10−3 m2 type
1 MI115 2 087.78 0.540 0.001 Plug
2 MI115 2 090.32 1.610 0.001 Plug
3 MI115 2 105.32 3.570 0.155 Plug
4 MI172 2 425.20 10.670 3.470 Plug
5 MI172 2 425.45 4.770 0.802 Plug
6 MI172 2 427.64 8.480 0.673 Plug
7 MI172 2 427.89 7.700 1.537 Plug
8 MI172 2 428.39 5.630 0.743 Plug
9 MI172 2 428.65 6.610 1.162 Plug
10 MI172 2 428.99 1.200 0.001 Plug
11 MI172 2 429.29 8.470 2.096 Plug
12 JIN26 3 101.33 5.333 14.600 Plug
13 JIN26 3 102.46 6.551 12.000 Plug
14 JIN26 3 103.48 4.992 10.900 Plug
15 MI109 2 373.93 5.947 0.048 Block
16 MI109 2 374.80 3.708 0.005 Block
17 MI109 2 375.80 1.937 0.020 Block
18 MI109 2 376.30 2.491 0.158 Block
19 QI36 2 805.34 6.370 0.942 Block
20 QI36 2 806.78 9.116 0.096 Block
21 QI36 2 807.62 7.929 0.338 Block
22 QI36 2 808.57 5.136 1.192 Block
Average 5.398 2.315

Table 3. Statics of microscopic cleats in the coal rocks

Microscopic cleat density/[cleatsꞏ(9 cm2)−1]
A-Type B-Type C-Type D-Type Total
JIN26-2 3 10 62 160 235
JIN26-5 2 10 20 74 106
JIN26-8 7 12 52 92 163
QI85-1 3 12 48 260 323
QI85-5 2 14 32 220 268
QI85-8 2 8 30 214 254

to the high brittleness, low compressive strength and

high geostress conditions.

3.3. Coal rock gas accumulation and dissipation

Fig. 6. Electrical imaging log of #8 coal rock in Well
SHG128 (arrows indicate effective open fractures). Coal rock reservoirs are rich in both adsorbed and free
gases, and the gas accumulation characteristics vary un-
3) show fewer A-type (length greater than 10 mm) and der different geological conditions. As depicted by the
B-type (length less than 10 mm) cleats with the apertures nearly N-S sections in Fig. 7, the total hydrocarbon values
of both larger than 5 μm, while there are more C-type at different locations are different, controlled by the coal
(length greater than 300 μm) and D-type (length less rock gas accumulation and dissipation conditions.
than 300 μm) cleats with apertures smaller than 5 μm. In the delta front of the Taiyuan Formation, which
This indicates a low density of larger-scale cleats and a represents a transitional zone between marine and con-
high density of smaller-scale cleats. Thin sections (Fig. 4f ) tinental deposits with relatively thick mudstones, coal
provide better insights into the development of micro- rock-mudstone gas accumulation combination is pre-
scopic fractures. Observation of core samples (Fig. 5e) or dominantly formed. The overlying mudstone layers have
imaging logging analysis allows for the direct observation thicknesses ranging from 2 m to 5 m, providing good
of larger fracture features. Fig. 6 depicts the development sealing conditions. In Fig. 7, the peak total hydrocarbon
of effective open fractures of coal rocks in Well SHG128. values of wells SH79 and SH114 reach 64.66% and 76.87%,
These fractures are difficult to obtain through analysis of respectively, indicating high levels of free gas content and
centimeter-scale coal blocks and small plug samples. The favorable gas accumulation conditions. In the Heng-
characterization is best achieved through imaging or shan–Zizhou–Mizhi areas, the Taiyuan Formation shows
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging. The forma- a shallow marine depositional environment, with the Mi-
tion of large fractures in deep coal rocks is closely related aogou limestone at the bottom. Coal rock-limestone gas
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ZHAO Zhe et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2024, 51(2): 262–278

Fig. 7. Sections of the Benxi Formation coal rocks and the overlying and underlying strata of in the Ordos Basin (section
location in Fig. 1a).

accumulation combination is formed in areas with high sical properties of the overlying Taiyuan Formation. Over-
limestone density, where overlying limestone layers with all, coal rock-limestone combination in the southern re-
thicknesses ranging from 2 m to 22 m effectively act as gion and coal rock-mudstone combination in the central
seals. Typical examples are wells LT1 and MI138 shown in region exhibit better sealing conditions. They generally
Fig. 7, with peak value of total hydrocarbon exceeding show higher peak values of total hydrocarbon, primarily
85%. This indicates high free gas content within such indicating gas accumulation combinations. Conversely,
combination. If the geological factors such as pores and coal rock-sandstone combination in the northern region
fractures that make Miaogou limestone less dense, coal exhibits poorer sealing conditions, with lower peak total
rock-limestone dissipation combination may appear, with hydrocarbon values, primarily indicating gas dissipation
low total hydrocarbon values, indicating reduced free gas combination. However, fractured or porous zones are
content in the coal rocks. possibly present within the limestone cap layer of the
In the northern part of the basin, including the Shenmu Taiyuan Formation due to geological changes, and leading
area and northward, the Taiyuan Formation is primarily to coal rock gas dissipation. Similarly, in areas where
characterized by delta plain with well-developed sand- sandstones are prevalent, extremely dense cemented sand-
stones. This environment leads to coal rock-sandstone
stones may form sealing layers. In summary, the combina-
dissipation combination, where sandstone layers have
tions of coal rock gas accumulation and dispersion can be
thicknesses ranging from 3 m to 12 m. Generally, sand-
classified into the aforementioned five types (Fig. 8). Gas-
stones exhibit good permeability, allowing for the poten-
logging total hydrocarbon of wells serves as a direct in-
tial migration and dispersion of free gas from coal rocks
dicator for assessing coal rock gas accumulation and dis-
to sandstones where the gas accumulates to form sand-
sipation combinations. Generally, higher total hydrocarbon
stone gas reservoirs or directly dissipates. The peak value
values in coal sections indicate favorable conditions for
of total hydrocarbon of the coal section in Well SH36, as
coal rock gas accumulation, while lower values suggest
shown in Fig. 7, is only 31.17%, indicating a low free gas
increased gas dissipation and poorer sealing conditions.
content. However, it is also possible to be the case that
overlying sandstones are cemented and dense, forming 3.4. Coal rock gas accumulation and enrichment
coal rock-tight sandstone gas accumulation combination. models
In the eastern part of the basin, there are regular varia-
3.4.1. Coal rock gas accumulation
tions in the coal rock gas accumulation and dissipation
combinations, mainly controlled by the lithology and phy- The formation of coal rock is controlled by the burial
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Fig. 8. Coal rock gas accumulation and dissipation combinations of the Benxi Formation in the Ordos Basin. (a) Coal
rock-limestone gas accumulation combination; (b) Coal rock-mudstone gas accumulation combination; (c) Coal
rock-sandstone gas dissipation combination; (d) Coal rock-limestone gas dissipation combination; (e) Coal rock-tight
sandstone gas accumulation combination.

history and thermal evolution history (Fig. 9). After the formed during coal-rock contraction and the microfrac-
deposition, the Benxi Formation in the Ordos Basin un- tures formed under tectonic stress. After the Cretaceous,
derwent a burial and coalification process for approxi- with slight uplift of the strata, slight reductions in tem-
mately 150 Ma. In this process, the paleo-geothermal perature and pressure occurred. However, the medium-
temperature rose gradually to over 160 °C, and the coal to high-rank coal rocks continued to generate methane
rank progressed to coking coal, lean coal, meager coal gas under high temperature, which provided abundant
and even anthracite. During the late Early Cretaceous, gas sources for the tight reservoirs in the Upper Paleozoic
tectothermal events led to an increase in the geothermal but also maintained the continuous charging and accu-
gradient to around 4.5 °C/100 m. After the Late Creta- mulation of natural gas.
ceous, the strata gradually uplifted, resulting in a gradual
3.4.2. Coal rock gas enrichment models
decrease in geothermal temperature, with the geothermal
gradient evolving to approximately 2.8 °C/100 m. Pres- The natural gas enrichment zones within coal rocks are
ently, the geothermal temperature increases gradually not only related to the sealing capacity of the surround-
from east to west, ranging from 65 °C in the eastern part ing rocks, but also to the distribution and reservoir
to approximately 135 °C in the Tianhuan Depression. property of the coal rocks. The coal rock gas in the Ordos
The gas generation capacity of coal rock is controlled Basin belongs to self-generation and self-storage natural
by coal rank. Generally, hydrocarbon generation is minimal gas, primarily charging into the micropores and cleats in
in lignite and long-flame coal ranks. Mainly light oil, con- coal rock matrix under specific temperature and pressure.
densate, and wet gas are generated in gas coal, fat coal, Within the coal rock intervals, five coal rock gas enrich-
and coking coal ranks. Methane gas production begins on ment models are recognized according to the coal rock
a large scale in the coking coal rank (equivalent to Ro of morphology and its relationship with surrounding rocks
1.2%–1.3%). In the lean coal, meager coal, and anthracite (Fig. 10): (1) Lateral pinchout complex enrichment: The
ranks, the generation of liquid hydrocarbons and heavy coal rock thins and pinches out in the up-dip direction,
hydrocarbon gases gradually decreases, while methane and transforms into tight mudstone to serve as good seal.
gas production continues on a large scale with the gas The internal pores and fractures are relatively developed,
generation capacity continuously strengthened [22–25]. resulting in localized enrichment of coal rock gas. (2)
During the period from coking coal to anthracite (Ro of Lens enrichment: Coal rock bodies formed in local
1.2%–2.4%), large-scale methane gas generation is cou- swamps gradually thin outwards, and are sealed by
pled with tectothermal events, and also matches the mudstones. The natural gas generated by the coal rock
formation of fractured reservoirs under the action of accumulates in the coal rock reservoir. (3) Low-amplitude
tectonic stress during the Yanshanian and Himalayan structures and (4) nose-like structures enrichment: These
(Fig. 9). During the continuous generation, methane gas important coal rock gas enrichment models are formed
first accumulates in the gas pores formed in the plastic locally within the basin under the influence of tectonic
and soft vitrinite, and then accumulates in the cleats stress in multiple periods. First, during the Indosinian
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Fig. 9. Coal rock gas accumulation process in the Ordos Basin.

Fig. 10. Types and models of coal rock gas enrichment in the Ordos Basin.

period, due to the north-south compression caused by the Asian continental plate, there was a principal stress
Siberian and Yangtze plates, the Qinling Ocean was scis- compression from northwest to southeast in the cen-
sor-closed, resulting in a nearly S-N compressional stress tral-eastern basin. Third, during the Himalayan period,
which deformed the strata. Second, during the Yansha- under the combined effects of the Neo-tethys tectonic
nian period, due to the remote tectonic effect induced by dynamic system and the present-day Pacific tectonic dy-
the collision between the ancient Pacific plate and the namic system, the collision between the Indian plate and
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the Eurasian plate formed a stress compression from of coal rock in the Ordos Basin is determined as 1.42 t/m3.
northeast to southwest [36]. These three periods of tectonic The gas content of an air-dry basis of coal rock is esti-
stress promoted the development of joint fractures in mated using the information such as coal rank, Ro value,
coal rocks with low compressive strength. (5) Self-sealing and burial depth of each unit. Among the above parame-
enrichment: In localized reservoir zones formed by lat- ters, the area and thickness of each unit are determined
eral variations in coal rock properties in gentle parts of according to the coal rock thickness map, with relatively
the strata, self-sealing enrichment zones of coal rock gas high accuracy. The parameters of coal rock density and
are formed, with surrounding tight coal rocks as seals. gas content are preliminary estimated and need to be
The coal rock gas in the Benxi Formation exhibits modified in future work.
characteristics of source-reservoir integration, wide- Based on the above calculations, it is preliminarily es-
spread distribution of medium-to-high rank coal rocks timated that the coal rock gas resources in the Carbonif-
continually generating gas, matrix pores and cleats/frac- erous Benxi Formation #8 coal rock of the CNPC explora-
tures in coal rocks acting as large-scale reservoir space, tion area (excluding the coalbed methane mining area) are
tight cap rocks providing sealing, and five efficient en-
richment patterns.

4. Comprehensive evaluation and target

4.1. Resource assessment and exploration potential
Previous studies have conducted multiple evaluations
of coalbed methane resources [37–38], mainly in medium
and shallow layers. There have been no reports on the
assessment of coal rock gas resources with depth ex-
ceeding 2 000 m in the central part of the Ordos Basin. In
this study, a preliminary estimation of the #8 coal rock
gas resources in the exploration area of China National
Petroleum Corporation was carried out to delineate the
overall potential and distribution of coal rock gas re-
sources in the basin, aiming to support the coal rock gas
exploration and development. Due to the lack of relevant
standards for resources/reserves estimation, this study
divided the evaluation of coal rock gas resources in the
basin into eight plays, based on data such as coal rock
thickness, thermal evolution degree, and the relationship
between coal rock and overlying rocks (Fig. 11 and Table
4). The volumetric method was used for estimating the
resources as per the formula:
G=0.01AHDC (1)
The calculation unit area is measured according to the
coal rock thickness map. The effective thickness of coal
rock is calculated based on the weighted average thick-
ness of each unit on the coal rock thickness map. Refer- Fig. 11. Comprehensive evaluation of coal rock gas in
ring to the available drilling and logging data, the density Benxi Formation of the Ordos Basin.

Table 4. Division and geological resources of coal rock gas evaluation plays in the Benxi Formation of the Ordos Basin
Play Weighted coal rock Geological
Play Ro/% Coal rank Depth/m Area/km2
code thickness/m resources/108 m3
Yulin I-A 1.2–1.6 Medium 2 000–3 000 7 322.4 8.02 15 010.4
Wushen Banner I-B 1.6–2.4 Medium to high 3 000–3 800 9 386.0 4.85 13 574.7
Mizhi–Suide II-A 1.6–2.4 Medium to high 2 000–3 000 6 841.1 6.87 14 014.8
Hengshan II-B 1.8–2.4 Medium to high 3 000–3 500 3 522.1 5.19 5 451.0
Ordos III-A 0.8–1.2 Medium to high 1 000–2 500 9 811.9 8.57 11 940.5
Wushen Ju III-B 1.0–2.0 Low 2 500–3 700 8 361.7 6.83 16 219.3
Dingbian–Huachi–Zhidan IV-A 1.4–2.8 Medium to high 3 500–4 000 27 800.0 4.00 28 422.7
Ansai–Qingjian–Huanglong IV-B 1.8–3.0 Medium to high 1 500–4 000 18 300.0 4.00 18 709.9
Total/Average 91 345.0 6.04 123 343.3

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Table 5. Comprehensive evaluation of coal rock gas in the Benxi Formation of the Ordos Basin
Play Depositional Caprock Thickness of Peak value of total Well
Play Combination type
code environment thickness/m coal seam/m hydrocarbon/% deployed
I-A Yulin 4–14 Coal rock-mudstone gas 91 JN1H
Delta front 2–13
I-B Wushen Banner 2–19 accumulation combination 80 NL1H
II-A Mizhi–Suide Barrier– 4–16 100 SD1H
Coal rock-limestone gas
lagoon in 30–50
II-B Hengshan 2–10 accumulation combination 80
delta front
III-A Ordos 4–20 Coal rock-sandstone gas accumula- 30
Delta plain 8–26
III-B Wushen Ju 2–12 tion and dissipation combination 48
Dingiban–Huachi– Shallow Coal rock-mudstone gas accumula-
IV-A 2–6 40
Zhidan marine– tion combination
Ansai–Qingjian– lagoon in Coal rock-limestone gas accumula-
IV-B 2–6 58
Huanglong delta front tion combination

approximately 12.33×1012 m3, which is conservative rela- m in the Jidong mining area of southern Jiaxian County.
tive to the estimated resource abundance (approximately Well NL1H targeted the coal rock gas characteristics of
1.35×108 m3/km2). Nonetheless, the abundant resources the coal rock-mudstone gas accumulation combination at
lay a solid foundation for the exploration of coal rock a depth exceeding 3 300 m in southern Wushen Banner.
gas. Well SD1H aimed to explore the gas reservoir character-
istics of the coal rock-limestone gas accumulation com-
4.2. Play evaluation and risk target determination
bination with significant coal-rock thickness at a depth of
Division and evaluation of coal rock gas plays in the 2 200 m within the Suide County.
basin were conducted based on the geological conditions
of coal rocks, such as depositional environment of cap 4.3. Exploration breakthroughs and implications
rock, thickness, coal rock-cap rock combination, thermal 4.3.1. Exploration breakthroughs in risk exploration and
maturity and burial depth. The coal rocks of Benxi For- evaluation
mation in the Ordos Basin were divided into eight plays,
Both wells NL1H and JN1H were drilled, fractured and
belonging to classes I, II, III, and IV. Each class was sub-
divided into plays A and B based on the internal geo- tested by the end of 2022. Well NL1H, with a horizontal
logical conditions (Fig. 11 and Table 5). Classes I and II section length of 1 500 m, encountered coal rocks of 760
plays are dominated by mudstone and tight limestone m with a drilling penetration rate of 50.7% and the peak
cap rocks developed in the delta front and pro-delta value of total hydrocarbon of 78.5%. After sand-fracturing,
sedimentary environments. They have thick coal rocks, it witnessed gas breakthrough immediately after flow-
which are predominantly medium to high ranks and back, and revealed a production rate of 5.4×104 m3/d
deeply buried, with peak values of total hydrocarbons through a 12 mm nozzle. As of November 21, 2023, the
exceeding 80%. They represent the most favorable coal well achieved a stable production rate of 2.7×104 m3/d,
rock gas accumulation plays in the basin. Class III plays and a cumulative production exceeding 1 120×104 m3.
are mainly distributed in delta plains in the northern Well JN1H, with a horizontal section length of 2 211 m,
part, with thick coal rocks, and predominant sandstone encountered coal rocks of 1 556 m with a drilling pene-
cap rocks, suggesting moderate preservation conditions. tration rate of 70.38% and the peak value of total hydro-
Moreover, the coal rocks exhibit relatively low peak val- carbon of 99.9%. After sand-fracturing, it showed gas
ues of total hydrocarbon, and increasing burial depth and flow immediately after flowback, and revealed a produc-
gas content from east to west. Class IV plays are mainly tion rate of 8.162×104 m3/d through a 12 mm nozzle. As of
deposited in delta front intertidal and subtidal shallow November 6, 2023, the well achieved a stable production
marine environments, characterized by relatively thin rate of 4.4×104 m3/d and a cumulative production ex-
coal rocks, good sealing conditions with mudstone and ceeding 1 200×104 m3.
tight limestone cap rocks, high thermal evolution degree, From 2022 to 2023, Changqing Oilfield had successfully
deep burial depths, and large area coverage. drilled 32 horizontal wells in classes I and II plays, re-
Based on various factors such as coal rock thickness, vealing high-yield gas flow in testing. Five wells had
coal rank, total hydrocarbons of wells, accumulation and production rate exceeding 10×104 m3/d. Typically, Well
dissipation combinations, and burial depth, three risk HT8 demonstrated a test production rate of 18.2×104 m3/d,
exploration wells, JN1H, NL1H, and SD1H, were deployed and an appraisal well with horizontal section length ex-
in plays I-A, I-B, and II-A, respectively, in 2022 (Fig. 11). ceeding 2 000 m contributed a test production rate of
Among these, Well JN1H focused on exploring accumula- 28.9×104 m3/d. In November 2023, Changqing Oilfield
tion characteristics of the coal rock-mudstone gas accu- submitted predicted reserves exceeding a trillion cubic
mulation combination at a depth of approximately 2 300 meters and proven reserves exceeding 1 200×108 m3.

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These recorded strategic breakthroughs in coal rock gas merous microfractures under the tectonic stress during
exploration. the Yanshanian and Himalayan, which together with the
gas pores, organic matter pores and inorganic mineral
4.3.2. Insights and significance of exploration
pores in the coal rock matrix, form a favorable three-di-
mensional pore-fracture storage space. Five types of coal
Through systematic evaluation on the Benxi Formation rock gas accumulation and dissipation combinations are
coal rocks in the Ordos Basin, risk exploration wells were recognized. Typically, the coal rock-mudstone and coal
successfully deployed depending on accumulation and rock-limestone gas accumulation combinations are the
dissipation combinations and burial depths. These most important with good sealing conditions and high
achievements have far-reaching implications. (1) Coal peak values of total hydrocarbon. The Benxi Formation
rock gas in the Ordos Basin possesses immense explora- coal rocks are characterized by source-reservoir integra-
tion potential. Breakthroughs in exploration indicate tion, widespread distribution of medium-to-high rank
favorable geological conditions for coal rock gas accu- coal rocks continually generating gas, matrix pores and
mulation, laying the foundation for new areas of natural cleats/fractures in coal rocks acting as large-scale reser-
gas exploration in the Ordos Basin. (2) Geological under- voir space, tight cap rocks providing sealing, and five
standing of coal rock gas is correct. The quantitative types of highly efficient enrichment models (lateral pin-
change in coal rock burial depth leads to a qualitative chout complex, lenses, low-amplitude structures,
change in coal rock gas reservoir characteristics. Coal nose-like structures and lithologically self-sealing).
rock gas reservoirs with burial depth exceeding 2 000 m Eight coal rock gas plays were identified for evaluation,
exhibit unique characteristics of "one-deep, ten-high" in with estimated coal rock gas resources of over 12.33×1012
terms of coal quality, storage capacity, accumulation and m3 at depth exceeding 2 000 m. Successful risk explora-
dissipation combination, gas content, gas occurrence tion has led to the submission of predicted reserves ex-
mode, and geochemical characteristics. The enrichment ceeding a trillion cubic meters and proven reserves ex-
mechanism of coal rock gas was discussed from a com- ceeding one hundred billion cubic meters. These results
pletely new perspective, preparing for the exploration of hold significant implications for the increase in natural
various types of coal rock gas reservoirs. (3) Engineering gas reserves and efficient development in China.
technologies were developed for coal rock gas exploration The coal rocks of the Benxi Formation of the Ordos
and development. In exploration practices, technologies Basin, with extensive distribution, rich coal rock gas re-
for coal rock gas reservoirs were developed, including sources and favorable enrichment conditions, represent a
coal rock geological modeling and seismic prediction, new strategic target for natural gas development. Al-
steering drilling of coal-rock horizontal wells, large-scale though a certain understanding of the enrichment
volume fracturing and pressure-controlled coal rock gas mechanism of coal rock gas has been obtained at present,
production. These technologies will support the subse- there are still many issues that need to be explored from
quent evaluation and development. (4) The break- both theoretical and practical perspectives. Such issues
throughs can promote coal rock gas exploration in other include hydrocarbon generation processes in deep coal
coal-bearing basins in China. The success of coal rock gas rocks, reservoir formation mechanism, mechanisms of
exploration in the Ordos Basin has triggered the deploy- high-content free gas under high-temperature and
ment of risk exploration wells in coal-bearing basins such high-pressure, coal rock gas accumulation processes and
as Sichuan, Bohai Bay, Songliao and Hailar. These results differentiated enrichment laws.
will drive the rapid development of coal rock gas industry
in China and produce significant economic and social
benefits. The authors would like to express their sincere grati-
tude to experts such as Du Jinhu, Zhang Yijie, Guo Xujie,
5. Conclusions
and Yang Fan for their careful guidance and assistance in
Coal rock gas is a type of efficient natural gas following this study.
the mechanism of self-generation and self-storage in me-
dium- to high-rank coal rocks, and it exhibits the char- Nomenclature
acteristics of "one-deep, ten-high". The Benxi Formation
coal rocks in the Ordos Basin are promising to explore for A—area of calculation unit, km2;
their widespread distribution, stable thickness, good coal C—gas content of an air-dry basis of coal-rock, m3/t;
quality, high evolution degree, strong gas generation ca- D—density of coal rock, t/m3;
pacity and large quantity of resources. G—coal rock gas resources of calculation unit, 108 m3;
The coal rocks of the Benxi Formation developed nu- H—effective thickness of coal rock, m.

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