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Adulterate (verb)
Hindi Meaning: बिगाड़ना
English Meaning: Render something poorer in quality by adding
another substance
Usage: Saffron is very expensive, and is often adulterated with
other plants.

Synonyms: Alloy, dilute, impure, polluted, weakened, unrefined,

Alloy (verb)
to mix a metal with one or more other metals to form a new substance:
They alloyed tin with copper to make bronze.

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Antonyms: Pure, unadulterated, unpolluted, filtered, sterilize
Sterilize (verb)
1st to make something completely clean and free from bacteria:
All equipment must be sterilized before use.
2nd to perform a medical operation on someone in order to make
them unable to have children:
After having five children, she decided to be sterilized.

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Apathy (noun)
Hindi Meaning: उदासीनता
English Meaning: Lack of interest or concern

Usage: There is a growing sense of apathy among students and a

feeling that there are no opportunities.

Synonyms: Emotionlessness, impassiveness, insensibility, phlegm,

callosity, obduracy, unconcern

Impassiveness (noun)/ Impassive(adj.)

not showing or feeling any emotion: Nick kept his face impassive

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Phlegm (noun)
the ability to stay calm and not get emotional or excited about things even in
a difficult or dangerous situation

callosity (noun)
lack of feeling

obduracy (noun)
the quality of being very determined to act in a particular way despite what
anyone else says:
The failure of the peace talks was caused by the obduracy of both leaders.

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Antonyms: Emotion, sensibility, empathy, sympathy,

Empathy (noun)
the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what
it would be like to be in that person’s situation:
He loves children and has a certain empathy with them.

Receptiveness (noun)
willingness to listen to and accept new ideas and suggestions:
the government's receptiveness to reform

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Succinct (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: संक्षिप्त
English Meaning: Briefly and clearly expressed
Usage: You should keep your answer succinct and to the point.

Synonyms: Aphorism, compact, concise, elliptical, laconic, pithy,

crisp, thumbnail

Aphorism (noun)
a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment :
the high-minded aphorism, "Let us value the quality of life, not the

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concise (adj.)
short and clear, expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words:
Make your answers clear and concise.

Elliptical (adj.)
Elliptical language has parts missing, so that it is sometimes difficult to understand:
His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.

Laconic (adj.)
using very few words to express what you mean:
“I might,” was the laconic reply.

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Pithy (adj.)
expressing an idea cleverly in a few words: a pithy remark
crisp (adj.)
A crisp way of speaking, writing, or behaving is quick, confident, and effective:
a crisp reply

Antonyms: Circuitous, prolix, rambling, repetitious

Circuitous (adj.)
not straight or direct:
a circuitous route/path

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prolix (adj.)
using too many words and therefore boring or difficult to read or listen to:
The author's prolix style has done nothing to encourage sales of
the book.
Rambling (adj.)
too long and confused:
a long rambling speech
repetitious (adj.)
filled with unnecessary and boring things expressed or happening in the same
way many times:
The movie got a little repetitious after the third car chase.

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Tempestuous (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: तफ ू ानी
English Meaning: Full of strong emotions, sudden or violent
Usage: They got divorced in 2018 after a tempestuous marriage.

Synonyms: cyclonic, ferocious, turbulent, stormy, violent,

tumultuous, fierce

Ferocious (adj.)
frightening and violent: a ferocious dog

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turbulent (adj.)
involving a lot of sudden changes, arguments, or violence:
a turbulent marriage

tumultuous (adj.)
very loud, or full of confusion, change, or uncertainty:
The former president appeared to tumultuous applause

Fierce (adj.)
physically violent and frightening:
Two men were shot during fierce fighting last weekend.

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Antonyms: Non-violent, calm, pacific, serene, halcyon
Pacific (adj.)
peaceful or helping to cause peace

serene (adj.)
peaceful and calm; worried by nothing:
She has a lovely serene face.

Halcyon (adj.)
Halcyon days: a very happy or successful period in the past:
She recalled the halcyon days of her youth.

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Pungent (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: सख़्त, तीखा
English Meaning: Spoken or written that has a strong effect,
smelling/tasting sharp
Usage: He is very good at writing pungent dialogue.

Synonyms: Tangy, acrid, bitter, piquant, peppery, putrid, rancid,

acute, gingery
Acrid (adj.)
An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in
the throat:
Clouds of acrid smoke issued from the building.

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Piquant (adj.)
1st Meaning
interesting and exciting, especially because of being mysterious:
More piquant details of their private life were revealed.
2nd Meaning
having a pleasant sharp or spicy taste:
a piquant mixture of spices

peppery (adj.)
1. having a spicy flavour like pepper:
This salad has a sharp peppery flavour.
2. easily annoyed:
He was a famously peppery lawyer.

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Putrid (adj.)
having an unpleasant smell:
What's that putrid smell?

Rancid (adj.)
tasting or smelling unpleasant because of not being fresh

acute (adj.)
If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage:
The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.

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Antonyms: Mild, smooth, mellow, ripe, dilute, watery
Mellow (adj.)
smooth and soft, or not too sharp, bright, new, or rough:
mellow flavours, mellow sounds
ripe (adj.)
completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten:
Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.

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