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DentalCare Pro

Submitted by:
Adeela Begum

Amal Maryam

Wajiha Bushra

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

University of Chakwal
Final Year Project Proposal

"In a world increasingly driven by technology and innovation, 'DentalCare Pro' emerges
as a pioneering solution to address a critical aspect of healthcare in Pakistan – oral well-
being. This visionary mobile application seeks to revolutionize the way individuals
manage their dental health by harnessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence, image
processing, and data-driven insights.

Oral health is a fundamental component of overall well-being, yet it remains an area

where accessibility to reliable and immediate care is often limited. Recognizing this
challenge, 'DentalCare Pro' is designed to bridge the gap between modern technology and
dental healthcare, making it accessible to every smartphone user in Pakistan.

This groundbreaking app has two primary objectives: accurate diagnosis and informed
care. By simply capturing an image of their teeth using their smartphone, users can
receive a rapid and precise diagnosis of their dental condition. 'DentalCare Pro' employs
advanced image analysis algorithms to detect and classify a wide range of dental
diseases, from common issues like cavities and gum disease to more complex conditions.

However, 'DentalCare Pro' doesn't stop at diagnosis. It's not just a diagnostic tool; it's a
comprehensive dental care companion. Upon diagnosing a condition, the app offers
tailored recommendations for home remedies and treatments. These recommendations are
based on a vast database of dental knowledge, keeping users informed and proactive in
managing their oral health.

Furthermore, 'DentalCare Pro' doesn't overlook the importance of professional care. In an

effort to connect users with the finest dental practitioners and facilities in Pakistan, the
app employs services to suggest the best dentists and hospitals in their vicinity. This
feature ensures that individuals receive top-notch, timely care, facilitating a seamless
transition from diagnosis to treatment.

The significance of 'DentalCare Pro' transcends convenience; it's about democratizing

dental healthcare. We believe that every person in Pakistan, regardless of their location or
economic background, deserves access to quality dental care. 'DentalCare Pro' stands as
an emblem of this belief, ushering in a new era where technology meets healthcare to
enhance the lives and smiles of millions.

 Provide accurate dental disease diagnosis from images of teeth.

 Classify a wide range of dental diseases, including common and rare
 Offer personalized home remedies and treatment recommendations.
 Provide easy access to dental knowledge and resources.
 Develop an intuitive and user-friendly app interface.
 Implement robust data privacy and security measures.
 Increase dental health awareness through educational content.
 Collaborate with dental professionals for validation..
 Promote dental health equity by offering affordability or free access.
 Invest in ongoing research and development for app enhancement.

Problem Description:
In Pakistan, a multitude of challenges plague the field of dental healthcare, affecting
the well-being of countless individuals within the community. The foremost issue lies
in the inadequate access to professional dental care, particularly for those residing in
remote or underserved areas. This lack of accessibility results in untreated dental
problems that often worsen over time, impacting not only oral health but also overall
well-being. Moreover, a significant deficit in dental health awareness is evident, with
many individuals lacking access to reliable information about common dental
conditions, their symptoms, and appropriate home remedies. This knowledge gap
contributes to delayed diagnosis, another pervasive problem, as individuals often fail
to recognize the symptoms of dental diseases until they reach a critical stage, leading
to more complex and expensive treatments. Furthermore, concerns related to privacy
and cultural barriers prevent many from seeking timely dental care. Furthermore,
concerns related to privacy and cultural barriers frequently deter individuals from
seeking timely dental care. Many people hesitate to share their dental problems due to
privacy concerns or societal stigmas associated with oral health issues. These concerns
not only lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment but also contribute to the perpetuation
of dental health problems.
These problems collectively create a substantial burden on individuals and the
healthcare system as a whole. The 'DentalCare Pro' application is designed to tackle
these challenges head-on by providing a solution that offers accessible, educational,
and early diagnostic resources, all while respecting privacy and convenience,
ultimately working to improve dental healthcare in Pakistan..

Existing Work:
Existing work in the field of dental health and diagnosis encompasses a variety of
technologies and initiatives. Dental professionals rely on specialized software for
processing and analyzing dental images and X-rays, aiding in the identification of
conditions like cavities and periodontal diseases. Digital dental records systems are
increasingly common, improving the organization and accessibility of patient
information. Teledentistry platforms allow remote consultations, while oral health apps
promote hygiene and offer reminders for dental appointments. 3D printing technology
enhances the precision of dental treatments, and artificial intelligence is making strides
in dental imaging for more accurate disease detection. Online dental education portals
provide information, and community dental clinics extend care to underserved
populations. Ongoing dental health research spans materials, dental implant
techniques, and orthodontics. Some healthcare systems integrate dental care with
general healthcare services. Your 'DentalCare Pro' application can build upon these
existing efforts, offering a comprehensive solution for dental health and diagnosis in
Functional Requirements:
 User Registration and Authentication:
Users should be able to create accounts with unique usernames and passwords.
Users must log in securely to access personalized features and data.

 Image Capture and Upload:

Allow users to capture and upload dental images for analysis. Advanced image
processing and AI algorithms for accurate diagnosis.

 Dental condition classification:

Comprehensive database of dental conditions for accurate classification. Real-
time classification of dental diseases from uploaded images.

 Personalized Recommendations

Provide customized home remedies and treatment recommendations based on

the diagnosed dental condition.

 Educational Resources:
Information and resources about to educate users about dental disease. Tips on
prevention and early intervention.

 Hospitals and Doctors recommendations:

Search and retrieve information about dentists and hospitals across Pakistan.
Information such as specialties, contact details, and patient reviews.

 User-Friendly Interface:
Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation and
quick access to key features. Ensure compatibility with both iOS and Android
platforms for a wide user base.

 Security and Privacy:

Implement robust data security measures to safeguard user information and
images from unauthorized access. Ensure compliance with data privacy
regulations and standards, protecting user privacy.

Non-Functional Requirements:
 Performance
The app should provide quick and responsive recognition, with minimal
latency, to ensure a smooth user experience.

 Reliability
The system should be highly reliable, ensuring that it consistently provides
correct disease identification.
 Scalability
The app should be designed to handle an increasing number of users and a
growing database of recognized items without compromising performance.

 Security
Implement robust security measures to protect user data and maintain user

 Compatibility
Ensure the app is compatible with a wide range of devices, screen readers, and
assistive technologies.

 Availability
The app should be available to users 24/7, with minimal downtime for

We are following the Software Engineering Process and according to these
following phases will be covered:

1.1 Requirements Gathering:

In this phase we noted the functional and non functional requirements

1.2 Design Documentation:

First, we create the UI of all screens on sigma, designing UML diagrams and flow
charts based on the functional requirements.
We will follow the water fall model. If short of time we can shift to RAD (Rapid
application development model)
1.3 Data Flow Diagram:

1.4 Implementation:
Practical implementation of design and functional requirements using backend
and front-end technologies. Mainly, we will talk about programming/coding
in this phase.
1.5 Testing:

We will design test cases and pass the application through them in order
to test all modules, integrate all modules and then test the whole

Project Scope:

 Dental diagnosis from teeth images using image processing and AI.
 User friendly app to diagnose the disease.
 Classification of various dental conditions for accurate identification.
 Personalized recommendations for home remedies and treatments.
 Search functionality to find dentists and hospitals in Pakistan.

Solution Application Areas:

 Individuals seeking dental health diagnosis and care recommendations.
 Users looking for information on dental conditions and treatments.
 Dentists and dental professionals verifying diagnoses and providing care.
 Users interested in finding reputable dentists and hospitals in Pakistan.
 Those with a general interest in oral health and dental aware.
 Dental condition diagnosis.
 Dental health education and awareness.
 Providing a platform for users to access home remedies and care
 Offering users find the best dental care providers in Pakistan.

 Front end:
 Android Studio
 Java
 Python
 Machine Learning
 TensorFlow
 Firebase

Software requirements:
 Window 10 OS (development phase)
 Intel core i5

Expertise of the Team Members

Adeela Begum
 Artificial Intelligence

Wajiha Bushra
 App development

Amal Maryam

 Figma (UI/UX)

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