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Arrogant (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: अभिमानी
English Meaning: unpleasantly proud
Usage: I found him arrogant and rude.

Synonyms: Cavalier, Haughty, chesty, imperious, lofty,

presumptuous, pretentious, supercilious, uppity

Cavalier (adj.)
not considering other people's feelings or safety:
That's a rather cavalier attitude.

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Chesty (adj.)
proudly or arrogantly self-assertive OR marked by a large or well-
developed chest
imperious (adj.)
unpleasantly proud and expecting to be obeyed:
She sent them away with an imperious wave of the hand.
Lofty (adj.)
1st If you have a lofty way of behaving or talking, etc., you act as if
you think you are better than other people:
a lofty attitude/air/tone
2nd high: a lofty ceiling/mountain/wall

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presumptuous (adj.)
A person who is presumptuous shows little respect for others by
doing things they have no right to do:
It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter.
Uppity (adj.)
An uppity person behaves in an unpleasant way because they think
that they are more important than they really are:
He got/became very uppity when his fashion designs were

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Antonyms: Humble, lowly, modest, acquiescent, compliant, meek,
demure, introverted
Lowly (adj.)
low in position and importance, or not respected:
His first job in the hotel was as a lowly bellboy.
Acquiescent (adj.)
willing to do what other people want:
Usage: She has a very acquiescent nature.
Compliant (adj.)
willing to do what other people want you to do:
a compliant child

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meek (adj.)
quiet, gentle, and not willing to argue or express your opinions in a
forceful way:
She seemed so very meek and mild.
Demure (adj.)
quiet and well behaved: She gave him a demure smile.

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Austere (adjective)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: Very simple with limited things, serene or strict
in manner, no comforts
Usage: Conditions in the parison could hardly be more austere.

Synonyms: Rigid, severs, stern, strict, tough, ramrod, adamant,

callous, immovable, ascetic
Severs (verb)
1st to end a connection with someone or something:
The company has severed its connection/links/relationship/ties
with its previous partners.
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2nd to break or separate, especially by cutting:
Her foot was severed from her leg in a car accident.
Ramrod (noun)
a long, thin rod used for pushing explosives,
bullets, etc. into old types of gun
Ramrod (adj.)
not flexible : very strict

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adamant (adj.)
impossible to persuade, or unwilling to change an opinion or
I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant
that she's coming.
Callous (adj.)
unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people:
It might sound callous, but I don't care if he's homeless. He's not
living with me!
Ascetic (adj.)
avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for
religious reasons: They live a very ascetic life.
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Antonyms: Clement, Gentle, indulgent, tolerant, lax, benign

Clement (adj.)
Clement weather is pleasant or not severe:
It's very clement for the time of year.
Indulgent (adj.)
allowing someone to have or do what they want, especially when
this is not good for them:
He had been a strict father but was indulgent to/towards his

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Lax (adj.)
not severe or strong enough:
He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax
Benign (adj.)
pleasant and kind: a benign old lady

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Tranquil (adjective)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: Free from disturbance, calm
Usage: I lay on the desk under a tranquil blue sky.

Synonyms: Placid, serene, quiescent, muffled, limpid, sedate,

Placid (adj.)
having a calm appearance or characteristics:
She was a very placid (= calm and not easily excited) child who
slept all night and hardly ever cried.

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Serene (adj.)
peaceful and calm; worried by nothing:
She has a lovely serene face.
Quiescent (adj.)
temporarily quiet and not active:
The political situation was now relatively quiescent.
Muffled (adj.)
A muffled sound is quiet or not clear:
I could hear muffled voices next door but couldn't make out any

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Limpid (adj.)
clear and transparent OR clearly expressed and easily understood
a limpid pool
sedate (adj.)
avoiding excitement or great activity and usually calm and
The fight against a chemical storage site has transformed a
normally sedate village into a battleground.

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Antonyms: Clamorous, boisterous, clattery, loud, perturbed,
Clamorous (adj.) making a lot of noise:
clamorous, excited voices
boisterous (adj.)
noisy, energetic, and rough: boisterous children
clattery (adj.)
A rattling sound as of hard things striking together. “a clattery
Perturbed (adj.)
He didn't seem unduly/overly perturbed by the news.
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Contentious (adjective)
Hindi Meaning:
English Meaning: Causing or likely to cause disagreement and
Usage: He has some very contentious views on education.

Synonyms: Controversial, bellicose, belligerent, combative,

quarrelsome, feisty, militant, pugnacious, truculent, gladiatorial
Combative (adj.)
eager to fight or argue:
The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the
opposition of gross incompetence.
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Feisty (adj.)
active, forceful, and full of determination: a feisty lady
militant (adj.)
active, determined, and often willing to use force:
militant extremists
The group has taken a militant position on the abortion issue and
is refusing to compromise.
Gladiatorial (adj.)
relating to violent fighting in which only one person or group can

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Antonyms: Pacific, affable, benevolent, amicable, cordial, genial,
conciliatory, gracious, tranquil
Benevolent (adj.) kind and helpful:
He was a benevolent old man and wouldn't hurt a fly.
Amicable (adj.)
relating to behaviour between people that is pleasant and friendly,
often despite a difficult situation:
His manner was perfectly amicable, but I felt uncomfortable.
Conciliatory (adj.)
showing willingness to end a disagreement, or trying to make
someone less angry: a conciliatory gesture/remark

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gracious (adj.)
behaving in a pleasant, polite, calm way: a gracious smile
Tranquil (adj.)
calm and peaceful and without noise, violence, worry, etc.:
She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.

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Usage: I do not need your fatuous
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