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Pliable (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: लचीला
English Meaning: Flexible (for things), easily influenced (for
Usage: He wants a sweet and pliable wife.

Synonyms: Flexible, pliant, limber, lithe, ductile, alterable,

malleable, adaptable
Pliant (adj.)
Pliant people are easily influenced or controlled by other people:
Usage: I don't think it's a good thing for children to be too pliant.

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Limber (adj.)
able to bend and move easily and smoothly
lithe (adj.)
young, healthy, attractive, and able to move and bend smoothly:
Usage: He had the lithe, athletic body of a ballet dancer.
Ductile (adj.)
A ductile metal can be bent or stretched easily.
Malleable (adj.)
A malleable substance is easily changed into a new shape or
easily influenced, trained, or controlled:
Usage: Lead and tin are malleable metals.

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Antonyms: Constant, steady, brittle, fragile, inelastic, unyielding
Brittle (adj.)
delicate and easily broken:
Usage: As you get older your bones become increasingly brittle.
Fragile (adj.)
A fragile object is easily damaged or broken:
Usage: Some of the more fragile items are kept in a locked case.
Unyielding (adj.)
completely unwilling to change a decision, opinion, demand, etc.:
Usage: He is unyielding in his demands for it.

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Ingratiate (Verb)
Hindi Meaning: अनुग्रह प्राप्त करना
English Meaning: To take someone like you by praising or trying
to please them

Usage: He always tries to ingratiate himself with his boss.

Synonyms: Appease, flatter, assuage, conciliate, console, cajole,

mollify, gratify, adulate, quench

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Appease (verb)
to prevent further disagreement or fighting by letting the opposing
side have something that they want
Usage: They were given a small pay rise but this was not enough to
appease them.
Flatter (verb)
to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important
I knew he was only flattering me because he wanted to borrow some money.
Assuage (verb)
to make unpleasant feelings less strong:
Usage: The government has tried to assuage the public's fears.

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Conciliate (verb)
to end a disagreement or someone's anger by acting in a friendly way
Usage: These changes have been made in an attempt to
conciliate critics of the plan.
Console (verb)
to make someone who is sad or disappointed feel better, usually by
giving them comfort or sympathy:
Usage: Her friends tried to console her, telling her "Everything will be fine."
Cajole (verb)
to persuade someone to do something they might not want to do,
by pleasant talk and (sometimes false) promises:
Usage: He really knows how to cajole people into doing what he wants.
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Mollify (verb)
to make someone less angry or upset:
Usage: I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers.
Gratify (verb)
to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need:
Usage: He was gratified to see how well his students had done.
Adulate (verb)
to admire or praise someone very much, especially when this is
more than is deserved:
Usage: The boxer was convicted of a crime, and yet is still adulated
by many.

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Quench (verb) satisfy a need or wish:
Usage: Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.
2. to use water to put out a fire:
Usage: The flames were quenched by heavy rain.
3. to drink liquid so that you stop being thirsty:
Usage: When it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water.

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Antonyms: Annoy, antagonize, vex, irritate, affront
Antagonize (verb)
to make someone dislike you or feel opposed to you:
Usage: It's a very delicate situation and I've no wish to antagonize him.
Vex (verb)
to cause difficulty to someone, or to cause someone
to feel angry, annoyed, or upset:
Usage: This issue looks likely to continue to vex the government.
Affront (noun/verb)
a remark or action intended to insult or offend someone or
to insult or offend someone:
Usage: I was most affronted by his comments.
Usage: He regarded the comments as an affront to his dignity.

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Hedonist (noun)
Hindi Meaning: सुखवादी
English Meaning: A person who believes that the most important
thing is to enjoy yourself

Usage: He is living the life of a committed hedonist.

Synonyms: Selfish, decadent, debauchee, sybarite, sensualist,

voluptuary, glutton

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Decadent (adj.)
A decadent person or group has low moral standards:
Usage: a decadent society
debauchee (noun)
a debauched person (= one who drinks too much alcohol, takes drugs, etc.):
He gave a convincing stage performance as the unpleasant young debauchee.
Sybarite (noun)
a person who loves expensive things and pleasure
sensualist (noun)
a person devoted to physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
Voluptuary (noun)
a person devoted to luxury and sensual pleasure.

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Glutton (noun)
a person who regularly eats too much:
Usage: What a glutton – he ate a whole pizza by himself.

Antonyms: Ascetic, prude, fuddy-duddy, killjoy

Ascetic (adj.)
avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often
for religious reasons:
Usage: They live a very ascetic life.
Prude (noun)
a person who is easily shocked by rude things
Usage: Don't be such a prude.
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fuddy-duddy (noun)
a person who has old-fashioned ideas and opinions:
Usage: They think I'm an old fuddy-duddy because I don't approve of tattoos.

Killjoy (noun)
a person who does not like other people enjoying themselves
Usage: Those of us who speak in such terms, do not wish to be


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