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July-August 2024 Criminologist Licensure Examination

Prepared by: Prof. Al-Nashrin Mindug, 5th Placer, June 2022 CLE

Instructions: Read carefully. Choose the best answer for each question. Shade the correct letter in the separate
shading sheet provided. Do not forget to write your name and the subject of your test questionnaire in your shading


1. Attempts at a scientific analysis of the conditions c. Communism
under which penal/ criminal laws develop as a process d. Capitalism
of formal social control. e. Socialism
a. Criminal etiology
b. Sociology of law 7. It is the thing we consider real because we have
c. Penology been told they are real and everyone else seems to
d. Victimology agree they are real.
a. Science
2. Study of causation of crime is not stable and varies b. Theory
from one time and place to another, it connotes that c. Agreement reality
criminology is d. experiential reality
a. Not a pure science
b. An applied science 8. We believe in God, because our parents said God
c. Universal exists and others believed it too even though no one
d. Multidisciplinary has seen God. This is an example of..
a. Science
3. The criminologists who are interested in this subfield b. Theory
of criminology try to create valid and reliable c. Agreement reality
measurements of criminal behavior and also develop d. experiential reality
techniques to identify the victims of crime and to
establish accurate indicators of the "true" number of 9. It is the thing we know from direct experience.
criminal acts. a. Science
a. Criminal statistics b. Theory
b. Sociology of law c. Agreement reality
c. Theory Construction d. experiential reality
d. Criminal Behavior System
10. We know fire can burn us, maybe because at some
4. In this sub-area, some criminologists have point of our lives we were burned by fire. This is an
psychological orientations and view crime as a function example of..
of personality, development, social learning, or a. Science
cognition. Others investigate the biological correlates b. Theory
of anti-social behavior c. Agreement reality
a. Criminal statistics d. experiential reality
b. Sociology of law
c. Theory Construction 11. It is unselfish regards for a devotion to the welfare
d. Criminal Behavior System of others.
a. Altruism
5. In this sub-area, some criminologists have b. Nepotism
psychological orientations and view crime as a function c. Egoism
of personality, development, social learning, or d. Communism
cognition. Others investigate the biological correlates
of anti-social behavior 12. According to Rafael Garofalo, these are acts that
a. Criminal statistics violate basic "altruistic sentiments“.
b. Sociology of law a. Natural Crimes
c. Theory Construction b. Pity
d. Criminal Behavior System c. Mala in se
d. Probity
6. The idea of this is an extraordinary important part e. Police Crime
of the enlightenment philosophy that people invest in
the laws of their society, with the guarantee that they 13. An altruistic sentiment which is a revulsion against
will be protected from others who violate such rules. the involuntary infliction of sufferings on others.
a. Social solidarity a. Natural Crimes

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b. Pity 22. Tony wounds Frank in a knife fight. Being macho,
c. Mala in se Frank attends to the wounds himself. Three weeks
d. Probity later, the wounds become severely infected and results
e. Police Crime in his death. Can Tony be charged of murder?
a. Yes
14. An altruistic sentiment which refers to respect for b. No
the property rights of others. c. True
a. Natural Crimes d. False
b. Pity e. It depends
c. Mala in se
d. Probity 23. In relation to question above, the wounding led to
e. Police Crime Frank's death is the ______while Frank's disregard for
the seriousness of his injury was the ________
15. These do not offer altruistic sentiments but are a. Ultimate cause : proximate cause
called crimes by law. b. Proximate cause : direct cause’
a. Natural Crimes c. Direct cause : ultimate cause
b. Pity d. Direct cause : proximate cause
c. Mala in se
d. Probity 24. It means that the act (actus reus) and the mental
e. Police Crime state (mens rea) concur in the sense that the criminal
intention actuates the criminal act.
16. It is an intentional act or omission in violation of a. Actus reus
criminal law committed without defense or justification b. Mens rea
and sanctioned by law as a felony or misdemeanor. c. Concurrence
a. Crime d. Causation
b. Deviancy e. Harm
c. Delinquency
d. Sin 25. It refers to whether or not the suspect had a
wrongful purpose in mind when carrying out the actus
17. An act which is in violation of a law forbidding it. reus.
a. crime of commission a. Actus reus
b. Crime of omission b. Mens rea
c. Mala in se c. Concurrence
d. Mala prohibita d. Causation
e. Harm
18. An act which happens when a person failed to
perform an that is commanded by law. 26. John and Mary are friends who habitually visit each
a. crime of commission other's apartment unannounced. One-day John
b. Crime of omission decides to visit Mary, finds her not at home, forced his
c. Mala in se entry through the window and once inside suddenly
d. Mala prohibita decides that he could sell Mary's VCR for drug money.
John cannot be charged with robbery because he did
19. It refers to the elements of an act that must be not enter her apartment by force or fraud, the crucial
present in order to legally define it as a crime. element needed to satisfy such a charged. What best
a. Corpus delicti explains this?
b. Actus reus a. Actus reus
c. Mens rea b. Mens rea
d. Concurrence c. Concurrence
e. Causation d. Causation
e. Harm
20. It refers to the negative impact a crime has either
on the victim or on the general values of the 27. Some men have been socialized to be aggressive
community. with women and believe the use of violence or force is
a. Actus reus legitimate if their sexual advances are rebuffed.
b. Mens rea a. Evolutionary or Biological Factor
c. Concurrence b. Male Socialization
d. Causation c. Hypermasculinity
e. Harm d. Psychological Abnormality

21. It refers to the necessity to establish a causal link 28. Men typically have a callous sexual attitude and
between the criminal act and the harm suffered. believe violence as manly. They perceive danger as
a. Actus reus exiting and are overly sensitive to insult and ridicule.
b. Mens rea a. Evolutionary or Biological Factor
c. Concurrence b. Male Socialization
d. Causation c. Hypermasculinity
e. Harm d. Psychological Abnormality

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29. This perspective suggests that rape may be c. It is prescribed by legitimate authority
instinctual developed over the ages as a means of d. It is ordained for the common benefit
perpetuating the species.
a. Evolutionary or Biological Factor 37. It means that the law was made by persons who
b. Male Socialization are given the power to make it. An authority entitled
c. Hypermasculinity to have its decisions and rules accepted and followed
d. Psychological Abnormality by others.
a. It is just
30. A high proportion of serial rapists and repeated b. It is obligatory
sexual offenders exhibited psychopathic personality c. It is prescribed by legitimate authority
structures. d. It is ordained for the common benefit
a. Evolutionary or Biological Factor
b. Male Socialization 38. Which of the following is not a source of criminal
c. Hypermasculinity law?
d. Psychological Abnormality a. RPC
b. Special law
31. This sexual aggression may be learned through c. Ordinance
interaction with peers who articulate attitudes d. Presidential decree
supportive of sexual violence.
a. Social Learning 39. Acts and omissions punishable by law are _______
b. Sexual Motivation a. Felonies
c. Hypermasculinity b. Crimes
d. Psychological Abnormality c. Misdemeanor
d. Offenses
32. It suggests that older criminals may rape for
motives of power and control. 40. A law promulgated by man to regulate human
a. Social Learning relations.
b. Sexual Motivation a. Divine Law
c. Hypermasculinity b. General or Public Law
d. Psychological Abnormality c. Constitutional Law
d. Administrative Law
33. These are the basic Elements of Criminal Law e. Human law
1. There must be a law or statute promulgated
by the State; 41. It is superior to other laws. It is binding to the
2. The law or statute must specifically define whole world, in all countries and at all times.
what act or conduct is criminal; a. Divine Law
3. The law or statute must have a penal b. General or Public Law
sanction. c. Constitutional Law
4. The law must be prescribed by legitimate d. Administrative Law
authority e. Human law
a. 124
b. 234 42. A law which governs the relations between human
c. 134 beings as citizens of a state and the governing power.
d. 123 a. International Law
e. 1234 b. Constitutional Law
c. Administrative Law
34. It means that the law must be fair; treats every d. Criminal Law
person the same and based on the values and ethics e. Religious Law
held by the majority of society.
a. It is just 43. A law which governs the relations between nations
b. It is obligatory or states, that is between human beings in their
c. It is prescribed by legitimate authority collective concept.
d. It is ordained for the common benefit a. International Law
b. Constitutional Law
35. As stated in a Latin Maxim, "SALUS POPULI EST c. Administrative Law
SUPREMA LEX" - the welfare of the people is the d. Criminal Law
supreme law. e. Religious Law
a. It is just
b. It is obligatory 44. A law that which guarantees the coercive power of
c. It is prescribed by legitimate authority the law so that it will be obeyed.
d. It is ordained for the common benefit a. International Law
b. Constitutional Law
36. It means that the law must be enforced, if not the c. Administrative Law
purpose of its creation will not be served. d. Criminal Law
a. It is just e. Religious Law
b. It is obligatory

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45. A law that governs the relations between officials 54. They refer to those who commit criminal acts as a
and employees of the government. result of unforeseen and unanticipated circumstances.
a. International Law a. Professional Criminals
b. Constitutional Law b. Accidental Criminals
c. Administrative Law c. Habitual Criminals
d. Criminal Law d. Situational Criminals
e. Religious Law
55. Those who perpetrate crime in an impulsive
46. A law which regulates the relations of individuals manner usually due to the aggressive behavior of the
with other individuals for purely private ends. offender.
a. Individual or Private Law a. Active aggressive criminals
b. Civil Law b. Passive inadequate criminals
c. Mercantile Law c. Socialized delinquents
d. Procedural Law d. Criminal by passion
e. Acute criminal
47. A law which provides for the means by which
private rights may be enforced. 56. Those who commit crimes because they are urged
a. Individual or Private Law and pushed to it by means of inducement, by reward
b. Civil Law or promise without considering its consequence.
c. Mercantile Law a. Active aggressive criminals
d. Procedural Law b. Passive inadequate criminals
c. Socialized delinquents
48. A law which regulates the special relations d. Criminal by passion
produced by commercial transactions. e. Acute criminal
a. Individual or Private Law
b. Civil Law 57. Those persons who are normal in their conduct and
c. Mercantile Law behavior but merely defective in their socialization
d. Procedural Law processes.
a. Active aggressive criminals
49. It means the person has more incentive, outside b. Passive inadequate criminals
the act itself, for committing a crime. c. Socialized delinquents
a. Instrumental motivation d. Criminal by passion
b. Expressive motivation e. Acute criminal
c. Malice
d. Deceit 58. It is defined as a violation of the criminal law by a
person of the upper socioeconomic class in the course
50. It includes acts done out of emotion. The crime of his occupational activities.
itself is the desired result. A. Rational crime
a. Instrumental motivation B. Irrational crime
b. Expressive motivation C. White collar crime
c. Malice D. Blue collar crime
d. Deceit
59. Its major is attaining a direct financial profit from
51. They are those who make and earn their living engaging in the crime.
through criminal activities. A. Mercenary organized crime
a. Professional Criminals B. In-group oriented organized crime
b. Accidental Criminals C. Syndicate crime
c. Habitual Criminals D. Public order crime
d. Situational Criminals
60. It refers to sexual relations between an adult and
52. Those who are not usually considered as criminals a child, the latter usually defined as a person under the
but constantly in trouble with legal authorities. age of 12 or one who has not yet reached the age of
a. Professional Criminals puberty.
b. Accidental Criminals A. Voyeurism
c. Habitual Criminals B. Fetishism
d. Situational Criminals C. Pedophilia
D. Pornography
53. Those who continue to commit criminal acts for
such varied and diverse motive due to deficiency of 61. He is a person 'whose psychic organization is
intelligence and lack of self-control. similar to that of the normal individual, except that he
a. Professional Criminals identified himself with criminal prototypes'.
b. Accidental Criminals A. Neurotic criminals
c. Habitual Criminals B. Normal criminal
d. Situational Criminals C. Criminality
D. All of the above

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62. In 1887, he is a French anthropologist who used it 71. It involves for or more victims in one location
for the first time in French (criminologie). during a period of time that lasts anywhere from a few
A. Jeremy Bentham minutes to several hours.
B. Edwin H. Sutherland A. Serial murder
C. Rafael Garofalo B. Spree murder
D. Paul Topinard C. Mass murder
D. Professional crimes
63. He believed that crime provides some pleasure to
the criminal. 72. It is the business or practice of engaging in sexual
A. Cesare Beccaria relations in exchange for payment or some other
B. Jeremy Bentham benefit.
C. August Comte A. Prostitution
D. Cesare Lombroso B. Fornication
C. Sodomy
64. It includes a positive self-concept, tolerance for D. Exhibitionism
frustration, and the ability to set realistic goals.
A. Inner containments 73. They are individuals who use violence as a means
B. Outer containments of accomplishing a criminal act, such as robbery.
C. All of the above A. Culturally violent offenders
D. Nota B. Subculture of violence
C. Criminally violent offenders
65. Its an act committed or omitted, in violation of a D. Pathologically violent offenders
public law, either forbidding or commanding it.
A. Punishment 74. They lack organization to avoid arrest and
B. Crime conviction.
C. Omission A. Ordinary criminals
D. Mens rea B. Organized criminals
C. Professional criminals
66. These are felonies which the law punishes with D. Accidental criminals
penalties which in their maximum period are
correctional. 75. It a type of norm which are generally understood
A. Grave felonies but is not precisely recorded.
B. Less grave felonies A. Formal
C. Light felonies B. Informal
D. Crimes Mala in se C. Material
D. Immaterial
67. Who is the chairman of the committee created by
Administrative Order No. 94 of the Department of 76. It includes lawbreaking acts committed by those
Justice, dated Oct. 18, 1927? who, due to their position in the social structure, have
A. Alex Reyes obtained special kinds of occupational slots and/or
B. Mariano de Joya skills essential for the commission of these offenses.
C. Anacleto Diaz A. Upperworld crimes
D. Nota B. Crimes of the underworld
C. Crimes by fashion
68. He relies on skill and planning rather than direct D. Crimes of imitation
force or intimidation to achieve an illegal objective.
A. Acute criminal 77. It includes within its scope the process of making
B. Chronic criminal laws, of breaking laws and reacting to the breaking of
C. Ordinary criminal laws.
D. Professional criminal A. Criminology
B. Psychology
69. He is an Italian law professor who coin the term C. Jurisprudence
"Criminologia". D. Victimology
A. Cesare Lombroso
B. Rafael Garofalo 78. It is the study of the views, thoughts, intentions,
C. Enrico Ferri actions and so reactions of criminals and all that
D. Jeremy Bentham partakes in the criminal behavior.
A. Criminal psychology
70. He believed that feeblemindedness was caused by B. Criminal psychiatry
the transmission of a single recessive gene. C. Victimology
A. Paul Topinard D. Criminal physical anthropology
B. Emile Durkheim
C. William Bonger 79. It is when the crime is committed by means of dolo
D. Henry Goddard are considered performed voluntarily or with deliberate
A. Intentional felonies

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B. Unintentional felonies C. Sodomy
C. Grave felonies D. Exhibitionism
D. Light felonies
88. They are those " who are mentally ill or have
80. It is a criminal offense that is committed for the suffered brain damage.
purpose of material or financial gain. A. Culturally violent offenders
A. Acquisitive crime B. Situational violent offenders
B. Destructive crime C. Criminality violent offenders
C. Seasonal crime D. Pathologically violent offenders

81. They were described as one who approaches crime 89. He is a physician who evaluates the competence of
in a businesslike manner, expecting to earn his/her dependants to stand trial.
living from it. A. Immunologist
A. Professional criminals B. Nephrologist
B. Situational criminals C. Podiatrist
C. Habitual criminals D. Alienist
D. Accidental criminals
90. It is the scientific study of the causes of crime in
82. The two features of this stage of the emergence of relation to man and society who set and define rules.
criminology combine the rational spirit of investigation A. Psychology
with the scientific method, emphasizing empiricism or B. Jurisprudence
experimentation. C. Criminology
A. Metaphysical stage D. Victimology
B. Scientific stage
C. All of the above 91. His book contains almost all modern penal reforms
D. Nota but its greatest contribution was the foundation it laid
for subsequent changes in criminal legislation.
83. It refers to criminal activity which committed for a A. Cesare Beccaria
ediological puspose. B. Jeremy Bentham
A. Occupational crimes C. August Comte
B. Organizational crime D. Cesare Lombroso
C. Political crime
D. Organized crime 92. He proposed a precise psuedo mathematical
formula for this process, which he called "felicific
84. It is a sexual disorder that involves viewing some calculus" .
form of nudity or sexual activity, accompanied by A. Cesare Beccaria
sexual arousal. B. Jeremy Bentham
A. Voyurism C. August Comte
B. Fetishism D. Cesare Lombroso
C. Pedophilia
D. Pornography 93. He discovered that the Juke Family ( from the name
of the family of illegitimate girls that a dutch
85. Those who commit criminal acts as a result of an immigrant's son had married) had criminals in it for six
anticipated circumstances. generations.
A. Ordinary criminals A. Henry Goddard
B. Organized criminals B. Charlea Goring
C. Professional criminals C. William Herbert Sheldon
D. Accidental criminals D. Richard Louis Dugdale
D. Situational crime
94. They/He was/were described as they " Great
86. He attempted to formulate a sociological definition founders of criminal statistics".
of crime that would designate those acts which can be A. Emile Durkheim
repressed by punishment. These constituted " Natural B. Gabriel Tarde
Crime" and were considered offenses violating the two C. Adolphe Quetelet and Andre Michael Guerry
basic altruistic sentiments common to all people, D. Sigmund Freud
namely, probity and pity.
A. Cesare Lombroso 95. It refers to the amount of time that an individual
B. Rafael Garofalo spends pursuing conventional, or noncriminal,
C. Enrico Ferri activities.
D. Jeremy Bentham A. Attachment
B. Commitment
87. It is the voluntary sexual intercourse between two C. Involvement
unmarried persons or two persons not married to each D. Belief
A. Prostitution 96. It is when all the elements necessary for its
B. Fornication accomplishments and execution are present.

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A. Attempted felony d. Psychogenics
B. Frustrated felony
C. Consummated felony 5. It is the study of crime in order to find ways to
D. Impossible crime prevent, detect and solve crimes ethically and with
regard to the broader social implications of
97. It took effect on July 1, 1972. interventions.
A. RA No. 11131 a. Criminology
B. RA No. 6506 b. Crime science
C. RA No. 6975 c. Criminal justice
D. RA No. 9592 d. Criminal justice system

98. He hypothesized that the pattern of bumps found 6. Human behavior belongs to groups and play a part
on an individual's head would indicate criminal in group against the interest of another group. One
tendencies. faction continuously struggle to defend and maintain
A. Peter Renizel themselves against another group. They are like
B. Aguste Comte soldiers in times of war.
C. Johann Kaspar Lavater a. Social conflict theory
D. Franz Joseph Gall b. Cultural deviance theory
c. Culture conflict theory
99. This refers to crimes committed by groups, such as d. Group conflict theory
motorcycle gangs and some adolescent gangs, whose e. Gang conflict theory
major goals are psychological gratification, "kicks",
"rep", "highs", "bopping", and "trashing", rather than 7. Crime rates are function of neighborhood conditions,
financial profit. cultural forces, and norm conflict.
A. Mercenary organized crime a. Classical Choice Perspective
B. In-group oriented organized crime b. Structural Perspective
C. Syndicate crime c. Process Perspective
D. Public order crime d. Conflict Perspective
e. Biological / Psychological Perspective
100. It refers to erotic or sexual in stimulating
literature or materials. 8. Crime is a function of competition for limited
A. Voyurism resources and power.
B. Fetishism a. Classical Choice Perspective
C. Pedophilia b. Structural Perspective
D. Pornography c. Process Perspective
d. Conflict Perspective
THEORIES OF CRIME CAUSATION e. Biological / Psychological Perspective
1. A belief that all actions are pre-established in time
and that free will is only an illusion. 9. Crime is a function of chemical, neurological,
a. Positivism genetic, personality, intelligence, or mental traits.
b. Determinism a. Classical Choice Perspective
c. Utilitarianism b. Structural Perspective
d. Hedonism c. Process Perspective
d. Conflict Perspective
2. A study related with heredity it deals with how to e. Biological / Psychological Perspective
arrange reproduction within a human operation to
increase the incidence of heritable traits regarded as 10. Is a criminological theory that states that visible
desirable. signs of crime, anti-social behavior, and civil disorder
a. Eugenics create an urban environment that encourages further
b. Positive eugenics crime and disorder, including serious crimes.
c. Negative eugenics a. Social disorganization theory
d. Psychogenics b. Theory of anomie
c. Imitation theory
3. Advocating the idea that healthy, high achieving d. Broken window theory
people should have children, or have larger families.
a. Eugenics 11. This theory focuses on the quality and context of
b. Positive eugenics the child’s environment. He states that as a child
c. Negative eugenics develops, the interaction within these environments
d. Psychogenics becomes more complex.
4. It included immigration restriction based on b. HUMAN ECOLOGY THEORY
assumed undesirable characteristics, including race, c. CHIVALRY OR PATERNALISM THEORY
nationality and ethnicity. d. SIGMUND FREUD’S THEORY OF “PENIS
a. Eugenics ENVY”
b. Positive eugenics
c. Negative eugenics

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12. It argues that in a patriarchal society, women are a. CRIME PATTERN THEORY
treated more leniently than men because women are b. IDENTITY FUSION THEORY
believed to born biologically inferior and in need of c. INSTITUTIVE-CONSTITUTIVE THEORY
protection from men. d. POSTMODERN THEORY
b. HUMAN ECOLOGY THEORY 19. Crime may be viewed as an attempt to claim,
c. CHIVALRY OR PATERNALISM THEORY reclaim, or prove the very qualities that make one a
13. In egalitarian families, in which the husband and c. MASCULINITY THESIS
the wife share similar positions of power at home and d. LIBERATION HYPOTHESIS
in the workplace-daughters gain a kind of freedom that e. PATERNALISM
reflects reduced parental control.
a. OPPORTUNITY THEORY 20. This view states that as men and women become
b. MARGINALIZATION THEORY more equal in society in terms of family, politics, and
c. CRITICAL FEMINIST THEORY education, their crime rates will begin to equalize as
14. When more women get access in labor market as b. MASCULINITIES
skilled labor and possess highly specialized position in c. MASCULINITY THESIS
the job sector they commit more employment related d. LIBERATION HYPOTHESIS
property crime like men. Some women take the e. PATERNALISM
advantage of these opportunities, just as some men do
before. 21. The belief that chivalry in the criminal justice, ie
a. OPPORTUNITY THEORY lenient sentencing, is extended primarily to women
b. MARGINALIZATION THEORY who commit crimes consistent with the stereotypical
c. CRITICAL FEMINIST THEORY view of women, and to women who can still be viewed
d. POWER-CONTROL THEORY as “feminine”
15. This argues that women are motivated to commit b. SELECTIVITY HYPOTHESIS
crime as a rational response to poverty and economic c. TYPICALITY HYPOTHESIS
uncertainty that they perceive. d. CHIVALRY HYPOTHESIS
b. MARGINALIZATION THEORY 22. The belief that chivalry in the criminal justice, ie
c. CRITICAL FEMINIST THEORY lenient sentencing, is extended primarily to white,
d. POWER-CONTROL THEORY middle class, privileged women.
16. It is particularly important in developing an b. SELECTIVITY HYPOTHESIS
understanding of crime and place because it combines c. TYPICALITY HYPOTHESIS
with rational choice and routine activity theory to help d. CHIVALRY HYPOTHESIS
explain the distribution of crime across places. It
exposes the interactions with their physical and social 23. It envisions the ideal society as one in which
environments that influence offenders’ choices of people-naturally creative and freedom-loving-- are able
targets to do as they please in going about their peaceful
a. CRIME PATTERN THEORY business, without interference by anyone--especially
b. IDENTITY FUSION THEORY those claiming or representing some presumed higher
d. POSTMODERN THEORY a. Rightist radicalism
b. Leftist radicalism
17. This argues that people who are defined as c. Radicalism
committing criminal acts are at the same time being d. All of the above
made unequal or “disrespected”; they are rendered
powerless to maintain or express their humanity. 24. It emphasizes moral deterioration, reflected in
a. CRIME PATTERN THEORY crime rates, as the forerunner of society’s political and
b. IDENTITY FUSION THEORY economic collapse into war among racial and other
c. INSTITUTIVE-CONSTITUTIVE THEORY groups fighting to survive.
d. POSTMODERN THEORY a. Rightist radicalism
b. Leftist radicalism
18. If one of the members of the gang was killed and c. Radicalism
the other members knew who killed their co-member d. All of the above
then; there is a possibility that this gang will join forces
to revenge against the killer. Because each member of 25. It assumes that the ideal society is one in which
the gang feels that they are one family within the authority is unquestioned. Criminals are predators, and
group. They have sense of oneness within the group. their crimes are the results of pathologies of mind and
What theory best explains this? body. Fear of crime is promoted by focusing attention

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on heinous crimes and emphasizing the “failures” of d. DRAMATIZATION OF EVIL
rehabilitation, probation, and parole.
a. Liberalism 33. This is less concern about accumulating wealth and
b. Conservatism instead gain pleasure from practicing traditional
c. Radicalism ceremonies regardless of whether they have a real
d. LEFT REALISM purpose or goal.
a. Conformity
26. It assumes that the ideal society is one in which b. Innovation
there is equality of opportunity and a general c. Ritualism
consensus to accept differences in rewards as the d. Retreatism
outcomes of fair competition. e. Rebellion
a. Liberalism
b. Conservatism 34. This is the mode of adaptation followed by those
c. LEFT REALISM law violators because the success of those criminal
d. SOCIAL REALITY OF CRIME shows that criminal means work better and faster than
conventional one.
27. This theory argues that street criminals prey on the a. Conformity
poor, thus making the poor doubly abused, first by the b. Innovation
capitalist system and then by the members of their c. Ritualism
own. Their equation is very simple: relative deprivation d. Retreatism
equals discontent; discontent plus lack of political e. Rebellion
solution equals crime.
a. Liberalism 35. It explains that predatory street crime by showing
b. Conservatism how human nature develops from the interplay of
c. SOCIAL REALITY OF CRIME psychological, biological, and social factors. Its main
d. LEFT REALISM concept is that the interaction of genes with
environment that some individuals form the kind of
28. Sociologist Richard Quinney embraced a conflict personality likely to commit crimes.
model of crime who integrated his beliefs about power, a. Integrated theory
society, and criminality into a theory he referred to as b. Biopsychosocial model of crime causation
d. SOCIAL REALITY OF CRIME 36. It explains the ways in which children growing up
in a violent family learn violent roles and subsequently,
29. People who have been negatively labeled because may play out the roles of victim or victimizer in their
of their participation or alleged participation in deviant own adult families.
or outlawed behaviors maybe socially outcasted wo a. Integrated theory
may be prevented from enjoying a higher education, b. Biopsychosocial model of crime causation
well-paying jobs, and other social benefits. c. EYSENCK’S CONDITIONING THEORY
d. DRAMATIZATION OF EVIL 37. All but one (except) are the atavistic stigmata to be
considered as Born Criminal by Lombroso.
30. A child who has been treated by his family as stupid a. Symmetry of the cranium
may live life assuming that he is stupid. b. Lips protruding
a. STIGMATIZATION c. Ears of unusual size
b. SELF-LABELING d. Excessive dimensions of jaw and cheekbone
d. DRAMATIZATION OF EVIL 38. Family problems and work related problems is what
component under Biopsychosocial
31. A wife who keeps on saying that her husband is a a. Biological
cheater although it is untrue, there is a chance that the b. Psychological
husband would fulfill the statements made by her wife. c. Sociological
a. STIGMATIZATION d. Biosocial
c. SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY 39. Many employees exert their best effort because
d. DRAMATIZATION OF EVIL most of their supervisors and employers impose
penalties for not following the rules. Just like in deviant
32. Transforms the offender’s identity from a “doer of and criminal acts, the possibility for repeating the
evil” to “an evil person”. deviant act is very highly if no corresponding penalties
a. STIGMATIZATION are imposed Which theory espouses social
b. SELF-LABELING reinforcement by using reward and punishment?
c. SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY (differential reinforcement theory)

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a. Social Learning on their psychological equivalents. Which of the
b. Cognitive following espouses this theory?
c. Attachment a. Moral reasoning
d. Behavior b. Anomie
c. Moral anomalies
40. In a certain geographical location where all d. Abnormalities
residents are exposed to hazardous environment (i.e.,
informal settlers) located near polluted industrial sites, 47. What theory focuses on the genetic factors as
the likelihood that children born there may be inclined causes of crime?
to criminal activities. Which explains criminal acts are a. Classical
caused by environmental pollutants? b. Psychological
a. Biopsychosocial c. Biological
b. Biosocial d. Sociological
c. Biochemical
d. Biopsychological 48. Which of the following explains the biological and
psychological theories of crime?
41. A famous movie plot is for the anti-hero to sow A. The labeling of an individual and relating the
crime and discord in order for the human population to label to criminality.
be reduced by murders. Those who survive must learn B. The way society is organized which results to
to be cohesive and law-abiding thus, improving social is being conducive to criminality.
integration and social regulation. Which of the C. The physical characteristics and mental
following embraces this idea? qualities of man are conducive to criminality.
a. Culture conflict theory D. The influence of society to crime commission.
b. B. Structural functionalism
c. C. Strain theory 49. This way of life is based on mutual help. When
d. D. Social disorganization theory there ls abundance all are fed, when food it scarce all
are hungry. Furthermore, a person is subordinate to
42. In the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx, he nature and becomes materialistic and selfish. Which is
explained that society is divided into two classes the being referred to in this situation?
workers and capitalists. Which term did he use in a. Socialism
describing the workers? b. Altruism
a. Bourgeoisie c. Communism
b. Proletariat d. Anomie
c. c. Laborer
d. Middlemen 50. Which of the following DOES NOT characterize
43. What is the criminological approach that believes a. It is the ability to adjust easily to changing
in the symbiotic relationship of man his behavior and norms.
his society as causes of crime? b. It is a conflict within the norms itself.
a. Radical c. It is the Inability to adjust on changing norms.
b. Environmental d. It is the failure of the individuals to internalize
c. Functionalist the norms of the society.
d. Ecological
51. Which of the following choices does not relate to
44. Freda Adler describes female criminality as both the characteristics of classical theory in criminal law?
women's liberation movement and new feminism. A. The basis in criminal liability is human free will
Taking into account Adler's premise which of the and the purpose of penalty is retribution
following will be the trend of crimes committed by B. It has endeavored to establish a mechanical
women? and direct proportion between crime and penalty
a. Will be extinguished C. That man is essentially a moral creature with
b. Will be higher than male an absolutely free will to choose good and evil
c. Will be equal to male D. That man is occasionally subdued by a
d. Will still be lower strange and morbid phenomenon

45. Which approach is applied when the government 52. The following are assumptions of "social learning
strategy on crime prevention is punishment and theory" with respect to the criminal behavior of man ,
retribution of crime rather than the rehabilitation of except _____.
offender? A. Humans are basically a creation of social
a. Eclectic structure
b. Classical B. Reinforcement for the maintenance of
c. Positivism behavior whether good or bad is provided by the
d. Sociological society
C. Social environment is the most important
46. Rafaelle Garofalo's theory explains that the roots of factor in the acquisition of most human behavior
criminal behavior are not on the physical features but D. People do things solely to receive rewards and
avoid punishment

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53. Marga has a poor relationship with her parents, has A. When two behavior patterns clash, one may
no goals for the future, and participates in few take the place of the other, as when guns largely
extracurricular activities; hence, this can lead to replaced knives as murder weapons
deviance. Which theory explains assumption? B. Individual imitate others in proportion to the
A. Conflict intensity and frequency of their contacts
B. Labeling C. A breakdown of social order is a result of loss
C. Self-control of standards and values and if plagued by anomie,
D. Social control disintegration and chaos replace social cohesion
D. Inferiors imitate superiors - that is, trends on
54. Identify the correct statement of Richard Dugdale from town to country and from upper to lower classes
about the Juke Family Tree.
A. Criminals in general were different from non- 61. What physique characterized by lean, slightly build
criminal and narrow shoulder?
B. Heredity as a source of criminality based on A. Asthenic
studies of generations of criminals in relations to B. Pyknic
degeneracy and depravity C. Athletic
C. Crime is a result of social conflict D. Dysplastic
D. Criminality was a product of physical
stigmata 62. Which body type of depiction committing theft and
could be committing in narrow places?
55. Which of the following is not component of social A. Dysplastic or mixed
structure theory ? B. Ectomorphic
A. Poor social control C. Mesomorphic
B. Conflicting social values D. Endomorphic
C. Deteriorated neighborhood
D. Frustration 63. What is this theory which holds that crime is a
function of the conflict between the goals people have
56. Among the following statements, which best and the means they can use to legally obtain them? It
describes the founding of Charles Goring after argues that it is the inability to obtain these goals,
analyzing 3,000 English convicts? usually materials goals that trigger the commission of
A. Crime prone people can be seen through their crimes because members of the lower class are unable
features to achieve these goals which come easy for members
B. There is no such thing as anthropological of the upper class.
criminal type A. Social disorganization theory
C. There were no significant physical or mental B. Cultural deviance theory
abnormalities among the criminals C. Social learning theory
D. Criminals are born D. Strain theory

57. The _____ is a broad analysis of the relationship 64. Which of the following is the approach that is using
between personal and social controls. This theory is a the perspective of heredity in explaining the cause of
form of control, which suggets that a series of both crime?
internal and external factors contributes to criminal A. Geographical approach
behavior. B. Biological approach
A. Anomie theory C. Psychiatric application
B. Strain theory D. Psychological application
C. Containment theory
D. Differential Association theory 65. Which views suggest that males such as judges,
police officers and prosecutors tend to have traditional
58. Hydraulic model is also referred to as _____ theory. views on women thus; they are more lenient to them
A. Passive-aggressive as compared to their male counterparts?
B. Psychodynamic A. Paternalism
C. Social learning B. Chivalry hypothesis
D. Darwinian perspective C. Masculinity
D. Power control theory
59. Who expounded the idea and belief that movies,
television, reading material, and printed media greatly 66. What criminological theory states that the external
affect young people to lurk into delinquency and crime? cranial characteristics dictates which areas of the brain
A. Gabriel Tarde control physical activity?
B. Edwin Sutherland A. Physiognomy
C. Karl Marx B. Phrenology
D. Richard Dugdale C. Sociology
D. Psychology
60. The following are explanations of the imitation
theory of Gabriel Tarde, except ____. 67. The prosecution service is made up of Provincial
City Public Prosecutors under the National and

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Prosecution Service (NPS). The following are the terms of family, school or church are weak and mess
functions of the Prosecutors, EXCEPT _____. up, what theory are we referring to?
A. File corresponding information or criminal A. Social disorganization theory
complaints in the proper courts on the basis of their B. Social learning theory
evaluation of the proofs at hand C. Development theory
B. Evaluate the police findings referred to them, D. Cultural deviance theory
or other complaints filed directly with them by
individual persons 75. What is this THEORY puts the focus on the process
C. Issue warrant of arrest or search warrant of naming behaviours and the people that perform
upon the determination of probable cause them.
D. Prosecute the alleged offenders in court, in A. Functionalist
the name of the People of the Philippines B. Rational choice
C. Anomie
68. In human personality which of the following can D. Labelling
differentiate reality from fantasy?
A. Id 76. Among the following choices, this describes a
B. Ego radical criminological approach to the explanation of
C. Superego crime that sees the conflict and inequality present in
D. Super id society as being based primarily on gender.
A. Peacemaker criminology
69. Which theory states that juveniles sense a moral B. Left-realist criminology
obligation to be bound by law wherein such bind C. Radical criminology
between a person and the law remains in the place D. Feminist criminology
most of the time when it is not in place, delinquents
will drift? 77. The 3 stages of theory development are _____
A. Societal reaction theory a. Deductive, abductive, and inductive
B. Control theory b. Speculative, descriptive and constructive
C. Situational theory c. Problem, conclusion, and solution
D. Neutralization theory d. Idea, knowledge, and proof.

70. In psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wish for 78. According to him, crime is as old as mankind and
death is called ____. is inevitable to growing society. He maintains that
A. Eros crime is not only normal for society but that it is
B. Mortem necessary. Without crime there could be no evolution
C. Thanatos of law.
D. Ethos a. Cesare Beccaria
b. Cesare Lombroso
71. Which theory argues that children learn deviant c. Abrahamsen
behavior socially through exposure to others and d. Emile Durkheim
modeling of other's action?
A. Cultural Deviance Theory 79. In ICAP theory, ________ is a person’s risk or
B. Structural Functionalism Theory propensity to engage in crime and cognition is the
C. Rational Choice Theory thinking process that turns potential into actual
D. Routine Activities Theory behavior.
a. Criminal tendency
72. What are the three existing factors to develop b. Antisocial potential
criminal and anti-social behavior? c. Antisocial behavior
A. Biological, psychological and environment d. Antisocial propensity
B. Biological, cultural and environment
C. Sociological, psychological and education 80. This theory identifies critical points in the life-
D. Socio-economic, political and cultural course that produce crime; in childhood, family factors
are critical; in adulthood, marital and job factors are
73. What is this theory of TRAVIS HIRSCHI states that key to show how crime is a developmental process that
members in society from bonds with other members in shift in direction over the life course.
society or institution in society such as parents, pro- a. Interactional theory
social nfriends, churches, schools, teachers and sports b. Age-graded theory
team? c. Latent trait theory
A. Social control theory d. Life-course theory
B. Self-control theory
C. International theory 81. Robert Agnew identified 5 life domains that
D. Self-derogation theory contains possible crime-generating factors, except:
a. Personality
74. This emphasizes that crime-ridden environs as b. Peers
those in which residents are uninterested in community c. Behavior
matters, therefore, the common sources of control in d. Work

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82. This theory suggests that while most people age 89. Narda is an SK chairman and a model student in
out of crime, small segments are not removed from a his barangay. What do you think her bond that inhibits
criminal path and continue crimes into adulthood. her from committing or at least involving in crime?
a. Developmental theories a. Commitment
b. Life-course theory b. Attachment
c. General theory of crime c. Involvement
d. Latent trait theory d. Belief

83. In this theory includes that in egalitarian families, 90. The develop sense of powerlessness which
in which the husband and the wife share similar increases levels of mistrust. Some residents become so
positions of power at home and in the workplace – suspicious of authority that they directly develop a
daughters gain a kind of freedom that reflects reduced _____. It often results in an expanding mistrust of
parental control. social institutions, including law enforcement,
a. Marginalization theory business, government and schools.
b. Adler's theory of masculinity a. Crab mentality
c. Power control theory b. Brain drain
d. Critical feminist c. Siege mentality
e. Opportunity theory d. Focus lang sa goal, iwan pati pamilya
84. This theory claims that the cause of criminality
originates with the onset of male supremacy and the 91. Kardo keeps his composure and patiently
efforts of males to control female sexuality. disregarding his classmate provocation to involve in
a. Critical feminist fight because he knows that it could lead to his
b. Feminist criminology suspension in school. He really wants to become a
c. MARGINALIZATION THEORY policeman someday that inhibits him from any trouble.
d. Power control theory a. Internal Pushes
b. External Pressures
85. It is about the role of the social relationships that c. external containment
bind people to the social order and prevent antisocial d. internal containment
a. Containment 92. It refers to the state where youths are incapable of
b. Social bond achieving their legitimate goals in life because of the
c. Social control social conditions that they are into.
d. Social restrictions a. Frustration
b. Strain
86. You get involved with antisocial group but you c. Status frustration
decided to avoid your group members because of your d. Siege mentality
family. You do not want to bring pain and
embarrassment to your parents because you love 93. It is the most common response to middle-class
them. Based on social bond theory, this indicate that rejection. He is not a chronic delinquent but may be a
you have strong… truant who engages in petty or status offenses, such
a. Commitment as sex before marriage and recreational drug abuse.
b. Attachment a. The Corner Boy
c. Involvement b. The College Boy
d. Belief c. The high School Boy
d. The Delinquent Boy
87. Kardo does not want to cheat while taking the
board examinations because he believes it is not right. 94. A female student got pregnant in her third year of
He believes that if he wants to pass the board, he must college and eventually stopped by her parents from
do his best and never rely on the inappropriate means going to school. After delivering the baby, the student
of achieving it. had no intention anymore of going back to school
a. Commitment instead she’s now more concerned on joining her
b. Attachment friends wherever they go, letting her parents took care
c. Involvement of her baby.
d. Belief a. Life course theory
b. Routine activity theory
88. Kardo has never been involved in crime because he c. Lifestyle theory
does not want to lose everything, he has like being a d. Latent trait theory
dean’s lister and afraid that he may not be able to e. Age graded theory
achieve his dreams if he shall be convicted.
a. Commitment 95. These are the turning points referred in Age-graded
b. Attachment theory that cause a man to change his criminal
c. Involvement behavior.
d. Belief a. Realization and actualization
b. Marriage and career
c. Achievement and self-respect

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d. Belongingness and self-esteem 3. Where there is complete loss of consciousness and
general contraction of the muscles.
96. Kardo, because of poverty, forced to steal from a. Epilepsy
convenience store to satisfy his hunger. What source b. Grand Mal
of coercion is this? c. Petit Mal
a. Interpersonal coercion d. Jacksonism type
b. Impersonal coercion
c. Personal coercion 4. There is localized contraction of muscles with or
d. Economic coercion without loss of consciousness.
e. Two sources of coercion. a. Epilepsy
b. Grand Mal
97. It is carried out by women whose office jobs can c. Petit Mal
be characterized as being set on a low to medium level, d. Jacksonism type
or more simply speaking, at a position as accountants
etc. That is, women who may not have carrying, main 5. Seated in the gall bladder and associated with anger
functions, but still have enough powers and and bad temper.
opportunities to commit fraud or theft at their jobs. a. sanguine (blood)
a. Blue collar crime b. choleric (yellow bile)
b. White collar crime c. melancholic (black bile)
c. Feminist crime d. phlegmatic (phlegm)
d. Women crime
e. Nota 6. Seated in the liver and associated with courage and
98. This strength of the theory is that it can explain the a. sanguine (blood)
pattern and trends of female crime in first world b. choleric (yellow bile)
nations and it explains the involvement of women in c. melancholic (black bile)
property crime. d. phlegmatic (phlegm)
a. Marginalization theory
b. Adler's theory of masculinity 7. Seated in the brain and lungs and associated with
c. Power control theory calmness and lack of excitability.
d. Critical feminist a. sanguine (blood)
e. Opportunity theory b. choleric (yellow bile)
c. melancholic (black bile)
99. it suggests that a subpopulation of men has d. phlegmatic (phlegm)
evolved with genes that incline them toward extremely
low parental involvement. 8. Seated in the spleen and associated with depression,
a. Cheater theory sadness, and irritability.
b. Biosocial theory a. sanguine (blood)
c. Deterrence theory b. choleric (yellow bile)
d. R/K selection theory c. melancholic (black bile)
d. phlegmatic (phlegm)
100. This theory implicates that minor or primary
deviance must be given much coordination and must 9. A psychopath is calloused, unemotional, and morally
be deterred immediately before it could be imitated by deprived. Which is the central or cardinal feature of
others or be continued by the author. psychopaths?
a. Labelling theory a. Impulsivity
b. Imitation theory b. Success
c. Broken window theory c. C. Cunning ability
d. Nota d. Kind hearted

HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND VICTIMOLOGY 10. A mental problem that is often linked or associated
1. This is an illness and condition characterized by with memory loss in some cases, such as Alzheimer’s
compulsive seizures and a tendency to mental disease or other forms of dementia.
deterioration. a. Amnesia
a. Epilepsy b. Paranoia
b. Grand Mal c. Dementia praecox
c. Petit Mal d. Dissociative
d. Jacksonism type
11. The following are socially weak and are likely to be
2. It may be evident by mild or complete loss of victimized due to their social status and inability to
consciousness and contraction of muscles. activate assistance in the community.
a. Epilepsy a. The young, the old, and females
b. Grand Mal b. Immigrants, minorities, and dull normals
c. Petit Mal c. Immigrants, minorities
d. Jacksonism type d. he mentally defective or deranged

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12. Amie travelled to a place where the inhabitants 19. Johnny is found to be persistently misbehaving at
have a culture different from his own. This causes home, school and community. He is ever displaying
communication gap and misunderstanding between coercive and threatening behavior in dealing with other
him and the residents of the place. As a result, Amie people. Such display of behavior is known as
can be an easy victim of a crime. Which refers to the a. Minimal Brain Dysfunction
status of Amie? b. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
a. Immigrant c. C. Conduct Disorder
b. Female d. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
c. Senile/old
d. Minorities 20. Manuel's condition deprives him of freedom of
choice, manifested by actions which deviate from
13. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is normal conduct. Such condition requires treatment and
characterized by intense disturbing thoughts, and medication. Which condition Is Manuel suffering from?
feelings. related to a terrifying event that a person has a. Mental illness - brain
experienced, and lasts for a long time after such event b. Mental retardation
has occurred. PTSD may be experienced after the c. Mental depression
following events. EXCEPT___ d. Mental disorder
a. military combat
b. momentous events 21. Juancho is suffering from “split personality” where
c. sexual assaults he seems to have several distinct personalities. Which
d. natural disasters condition is Juancho suffering from?
a. Borderline Personality
14. A person actually does something that incites b. b. Dissociative
another person to commit an illegal act. c. Anxiety
a. Victim precipitation d. Obsessive Compulsive
b. Victim provocation
c. Victim facilitation 22. Insanity is an abnormal mental or behavioral
d. All of the above pattern which is an exempting circumstance in a
criminal case aside from the insane who can invoke
15. A person attempted to mug a man who was exempting circumstances?
walking home from work and the man, instead of a. neurotic
willingly giving the offender his wallet, pulled out a gun b. schizophrenic
and shot the mugger. The offender in this scenario c. c. imbecile
ultimately is a victim, but he would not have been shot d. epileptic
if not for attempting to mug the shooter. What best
describes the scenario? 23. Motorists sometimes forget to lock their vehicles or
a. Victim precipitation may unintentionally leave their cellular phones behind.
b. Victim provocation In doing so, they become victims of a crime. Which
c. Victim facilitation refers to a situation where a victim unintentionally
d. All of the above makes it easier for an offender to commit crime?
a. Victim provocation
16. A woman who accidentally left her purse in plain b. Victim administration
view in her office while she went to the restroom and c. C Victim precipitation
then had it stolen would be a victim who_____ d. Victim facilitation
a. Provoke the criminal to victimize her
b. Facilitated her own victimization 24. To date, several branches of Victimology started to
c. Blameworthy for she caused his own grow. When a criminologist focuses on advocating for
victimization the victims and their rights in relation to certain types
d. Are not responsible for her own victimization of prosecutions. this branch is referred to as
a. General Victimology
17. It acknowledges that crime victimization involves b. B Victimology
at least two people an offender and a victim- and that c. C Penal Victimology
both parties are acting and often reacting before, d. Forensic Victimology
during, and after the incident.
a. Victim precipitation 25. Which refers to a behavior of a lawbreaker that
b. Victim provocation leads to the commission of an illicit act?
c. Victim facilitation a. Immature behavior
d. All of the above b. Psychopathic behavior
c. Deviant behavior
18. Who is the professional in the forensic system d. Criminal behavior
qualified to moderate between the mental health and
legal expert? 26. This personality is said to be that of a human being
a. Psychiatrist who possesses consciousness of the self and of the
b. Clinical Criminologist world. Which DOES NOT constitute the personality of
c. Pathologist man
d. Psychologist a. Mental state

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b. Temperament competition unless they are certain to win because it
c. Soul hurts them too much when they lose?
d. Emotion A. Superiority complex
B. Maladjusted personality
27. A defendant in a criminal case must have the C. Anti-personality disorder
mental capacity to understand the charges against D. Inferiority complex
him/her. Who is a competent defendant?
A. One who has been diagnosed with psychosis. 34. In the Mendelsohn's victim types, who is the victim
B. One who has poor performance on with minor guilt?
psychological tests specifically designed to assess A. No provocation or facilitating behavior
legally relevant functional abilities of the defendants. B. Victim provokes or instigate the casual act
C. One who has been diagnosed with psychosis C. Victim was engaging in vice crimes and was
D. One who has good performance on hurt, suicide victim
psychological tests specifically designed to assess D. Victim inadvertently places himself in
legally relevant functional abilities of the defendants. compromising situation

28. Janine could not conform to the social norms, rules, 35. What occurs when a victim unintentionally makes
and regulations. She is manipulative, deceitful, and it easier for an offender to commit a crime, a victim
reckless, and does not care for the feelings of other may, and in this way be a catalyst for victimization ?
people. Which disorder is Janine suffering from? A. Victim precipitation
a. Antisocial Personality B. Victim provocation
b. b. Depressive C. Victim facilitation
c. Schizophrenia D. Victim instigation
d. Delusional
36. Which of the following conditions is characterized
29. Which statement describes behaviorism as a by a cluster of behavioral and emotional features that
method of science? were often shared by women who have been physically
A. Belief that all behaviors is at the mercy of and psychologically abused over a period of time by
stimuli in the environment the dominant male figure in their lives?
B. Behavior can be broken down into more A. Intimate partner violence
simple behavior B. Munchausen syndrome by proxy
C. Human behavior can be best advanced if C. Same sex domestic violence
scientists use referents with physical basis and D. Battered women syndrome
D. Behavior of humans follows the same basic 37. Which of the following is the true psychopath?
natural laws as that of all animals A. Secondary psychopath
B. Dyssocial psychopath
30. What is that common human tendency to discount C. Neurotic
the influence of the situation and explain behavior by D. Primary psychopath
referring to the personality of the actor instead?
A. Self-serving bias 38. They display aggressive, antisocial behaviour
B. Crime of obedience learned from their subculture like gangs, terrorist
C. Frustration-induced situation groups, and families
D. Fundamental attribution error A. Secondary psychopath
B. Dyssocial psychopath
31. People do not make objective situational or C. Neurotic
personal attributions for their own behavior, though D. Primary psychopath
they tend to attribute their successes to dispositional
factors and their failures to situational factors. 39. What is the false interpretation of external stimulus
A. Self-serving bias which manifested through sight, hearing, taste, smell
B. Crime of obedience and touch?
C. Frustration-induced situation A. Hallucination
D. Fundamental attribution error B. Illusion
C. Delusion
32. What is the disorder that has been linked to brain D. Mania
disfunction and damage, neurological immaturity, and
genetic predisposition? 40. In Sigmund Freud's psychosexual development, in
A. Attention-deficit hyperactivity phallic stage, the libido focuses on what?
B. Learning A. Bowel and bladder control
C. Post-traumatic stress B. Mouth area
D. Obsessive-compulsive C. Genitals
D. Sexual interest
33. Which describes traits of people who will often try
to justify their faults often think that any criticism is 41. What kind of crime victim does these people who
directed at them; loves praises because it gives them experience the harm intensely through media publicity
temporary self-confidence; and they do not like as their source of information?

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A. Specific crime victim actions include changes in muscular tension,
B. Tertiary crime victims perspiration etc.
C. direct crime victim a. JAMES-LANGE THEORY
D. indirect crime victim b. CANON-BARD THEORY
42. Is a process in which a progressive series of d. Nota
changes occurs as a result of maturation and
experience of a person. 50. According to Dr. Daniel Goleman, it is a person’s
a. Development ability to manage his feelings so that those feelings are
b. Human development expressed appropriately and effectively.
c. Innovation a. Intelligence
d. Maturation b. Emotion
c. Emotional intelligence
43. A perspective in studying human behavior that d. Intelligence quotient
focuses on the subject’s experiences, freedom of
choice, and strong motivation to achieve self- 51. They derive sexual satisfaction from watching
actualization. people undress, seeing them nude, or observing them
a. Behavioral during sexual acts without their knowledge or consent.
b. B. Cognitive A. Fetishism
c. C. Humanistic B. Transvestism
d. Neurological C. Voyeurism
D. Exhibitionism
44. It refers to the person’s knowledge of a given
stimulus which largely helps to determine the actual 52. It is the erotic interest in being or seeming to be
behavioral response in a given situation. an amputee.
a. Perception A. Apotemnophilia
b. awareness B. Coprophilia
c. Sensation C. Frotteurism
d. Learning D. Klismaphilia

45. Part of moral development theory; individual's 53. It is a Latin term used to described individuals or
moral rules and moral values consist of do's and don'ts animals whose lives were destined to be sacrificed to
to avoid punishment young children. please a deity.
a. Preconventional level A. Victimal
b. Conventional level B. Victimale
c. Postconventional level C. Victima
d. Nota D. Nota

46. Exhibit a pervasive pattern of excessive 54. A person who has been harmed by a perpetrator.
emotionality and attempt to get attention in unusual A. Complainant
ways, such as bizarre appearance or speech. B. Victim
a. Histrionic personality disorder C. Offender
b. Avoidant Personality Disorder D. Nota
c. Narcissistic personality disorder
d. Borderline personality disorder 55. It is the study of the relationship between the
victim and the perpetrator.
47. A person with mental defectiveness of such a A. Victima
degree that he is unable to guard himself against B. Victimology
common physical dangers. C. Restorative Justice
a. Feeble–Minded D. All of the above
b. Idiot
c. Imbecile 56. The outcome of deliberate action taken by a person
d. Morally defective or institution to exploit, oppress, or harm another, or
to destroy or illegally obtain another's propery or
48. The two-factor theory was known as the best possessions.
formulation of explaining the existence of emotion. It A. Victimization
is comprised of cognitive factor and ______. B. Crime
A. physiological changes C. Victimology
B. physiological arousal D. Nota
C. physiological factor
D. physiological response 57. A theory that views victimology from the standpoint
that the victims themselves may actually initiate, either
49. This suggests that people feel emotions first then passively or actively, the criminal act that ultimately
act upon them. This is a theory that emotion and leads to injury or death.
psychological reaction occur simultaneously. These A. Lifestyle theory
B. Deviant place theory

Amici Review Center 17 | P a g e

C. Victim precipitation theory 66. It is an umbrella term that includes any non-
D. General strain theory consensual sexual activity that is committed by force
or fear or mental or physical incapacitation, including
58. A woman kills her husband due to a prolonged through the use of alcohol or drugs.
history od regular domestic violence is an example of A. Sexual harassment
____? B. Sexual touching
A. Lifestyle C. Sexual misconduct
B. Active precipitation D. Sexual abuse
C. Passive precipitation
D. Nota 67. Taking advantage of a non-consenting person or
situation or personal benefit or gratification or for the
59. Any behavior that violates social norms, and is benefit of anyone other than the alleged victim.
usually of sufficient severity to warrant disapproval A. Sexual exploitation
from the majority of the society. B. Sexual harassment
A. Crime C. Sexual abuse
B. Deviance D. Sexual touching
C. Misconduct
D. Violators of law 68. Any unwelcome sexual conduct or behavior that
creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or
60. This theory states that greater exposure to educational environment.
dangerous places makes an individual more likely to A. Sexual harassment
become the victim of a crime. B. Sexual exploitation
A. Perpetrators C. Sexual touching
B. Differential D. Nota
C. Deviant place
D. Nota 69. It is the most recognizable form of domestic
61. Lifestyle theory in criminal justice focuses on crime A. Emotional abuse
victims rather than ____? B. Psychological abuse
A. Perpetrators C. Physical abuse
B. Differential D. Financial abuse
C. Control
D. Deviant 70. A catcall term for intimidating, threatening, or fear-
causing behavior.
62. This theory purports tha individuals are targeted A. Financial abuse
based on their lifestyle choices, and that these lifestyle B. Emotional abuse
choices expose them to criminal offenders and C. Physical abuse
situations in which crimes may be committed. D. Psychological abuse
A. Active precipitation
B. Labeling 71. Actions that use information and communication
C. Lifestyle technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and
D. Passive precipitation hostile behavior by an individual or group that is
intended to harm another.
63. Mainly a macro theory of victimization. It tells us A. Cyber bullying
who is more likely to be victimized. B. Digital abuse
A. Anomie C. Cyber crime
B. Labeling D. All of the above
C. Routine activity
D. Lifestyle 72. Refers to a variety of crimes carried out online,
using the internet through computers, laptops, tablets,
64. This approach argues that deviant behavior plays internet-enabled televisions, games consoles and
an active, constructive role in society by ultimately smart phones.
helping to cohere different populations within a A. Digital abuse
particular society. B. Cyber crime
A. Strain C. Cyber bullying
B. Routine activity D. All of the above
C. Conflict theory
D. Structural functionalism 73. _____ is when someone takes something from you
with violence or threats- usually in the street or
65. A person who suffers nervous shock without another public place.
himself being exposed to danger. A. Burglary
A. Primary victim B. Harassment
B. Secondary victim C. Robbery
C. Related victim D. Nota
D. Nota

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74. The act of harassing playfully or maliciously ( period in terms of women's and men's formation of
especially by ridicule). healthy, non-violent relationships later in life .
A. Threatening behavior A. Delinquency
B. Verbal and physical abuse B. Misconduct
C. Teasing C. Adolescence
D. Bullying D. Ignorance

75. ____ is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take 83. Case histories from battered woman often mention
the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves the extreme ____ displayed by their batterers and
an imbalance of power. extreme sexual jealousy is a common motive of man
A. Bullying who kill their wives.
B. Threatening behavior A. Laziness
C. Physical abuse B. Sexual jealousy
D. Teasing C. Material jealousy
D. House chores
76. This is any bully that is done with the intent to hurt
somebody's reputation or social standing. 84. Studies of the personalities of incarcerated rapists
A. Physical bullying and court-referred batterers are ____, these men are
B. Verbal bullying typically poorly educated and from low-status
C. Social bullying occupations.
D. Nota A. Indigents
B. Jealous
77. An intentional behavior which would cause a C. Problematic
person of ordinary sensibilities fear of injury or harm. D. Poverty
A. Threatening behavior
B. Threat of harm 85. Criminologist recognize that one social
C. Actual bodily harm consequence of crime that affects many people beyond
D. Threat of use force those who have been directly victimized is ____.
A. Fear of death
78. Is a communicated intent tp inflicts or impose harm B. Victim of crime
or damage or loss or injury on another or on another's C. Suspect of crime
property and that might diminish a person's freedom D. Fear of crime
to act voluntarily or with lawful consent.
A. Threat of harm 86. A woman is more likely to be injured if she is
B. Threat of use force victimized by an intimate than by a stranger.
C. Actual bodily harm A. Deviance
D. Life threatening injury B. Gangs
C. Intimate stranger violence
79. The following are signs of bullied child, except D. Intimate partner violence
A. Avoids discussions or is secretive about computer or
cellphone activities 87. When victims do not receive the appropriate
B. Appears anxious when receiving a text, IM, or email support and intervention in the aftermath of the crime,
C. Shows enjoyment with his family and friends they suffer ___ injuries.
D. Suffers an unexpected drop in grades A. Secondary
B. Primary
80. Refers to the concept of dividing people into C. Menace
population or groups on the basis of various sets of D. Fatal
physical characteristics.
A. Race 88. It is common for victims to feel ___ following a
B. Ethnicity crime that involved a threat to one's safety or life, or
C. Traits to someone else a victim care about.
D. All of the above A. Anger or rage
B. Guilt or self-blame
81. The following are common reactions of victims, C. Fear or terror
except D. Frustrate
A. Confusion about what to do or how to respond to
the robbers' demands 89. Victims of crimes may become ___ if they are
B. Voluntarily surrender money or goods upon demand unsure of what actually happened, as crimes often
by his parents occur quickly and are chaotic.
C. Helplessness about being unable to do anything A. Confuse
D. Fear of one's personal safety or the safety of B. Shame
colleagues C. Frustrate
D. Grief
82. Among the children youth perhaps the most
rationale for 'starting young' is that ____ is a crucial 90. It is when the victims are faced with a situation
beyond their control, and some may almost

Amici Review Center 19 | P a g e

immediately go into shock and become disoriented for B. Finding it hard to believe what was happened, and
a while. feeling numb
A. Shame and humiliation C. Physical symptoms such as 'the shakes',
B. Anger or rage sleeplessness or crying all the time
C. Shock and numbness D. Feeling that your life is completely out of control
D. Nota
99. The effects of victimization hit particularly the
91. The following are the minor physical injuries that following, except:
result from crime except: A. The powerless
A. Bumps B. Hard on the poor
B. Scratches C. The law enforcers
C. Bruises D. The disable
D. Stabbing
100. The following are emotional bad effects of
92. It was first applied to military veterans wjo substance abuse, except:
experienced psychological trauma while serving in A. Anxiety
combat. B. Depression
A. Posttraumatic stress disorder C. Humiliation
B. Emotional trauma D. Glorified
C. Physical pain
93. ___ may directle increase the risk of victimization 1. I will never act _______ or permit personal feelings,
cognitive and motor impairment that prevents women prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my
from recognizing, scaping, or resisting sexual decisions.
aggression. a. Judiciously
A. Tea b. Officiously
B. Alcohol c. Subjectively
C. Coffee d. objectively
D. Smoking
2. Generally, the discipline that deals with what is good
94. It a group norm that are stronger than among and bad as well as our moral duties and obligations is
adults and they may exaggerated dominant definitions referred to as?
of masculine and feminine behavior. a. Values
A. Classmate b. Philosophy
B. Priority c. Ethics
C. Peer d. Morals
D. Majority
3. What is the primary responsibility of registered
95. The following are symptoms of posttraumatic criminologist?
stress disorder (PTSD) except: a. Improve their effectiveness by diligent study
A. Memory trouble b. To bear faithful allegiance to the Republic of
B. Extreme tension and anxiety the Philippines and be loyal to his profession
C. Nausea c. To know its bounds upon him, be aware of
D. Irritability limitations and prescriptions and recognize the system
of government
96. It is common for survivors to experience their d. be just, impartial and reasonable, never
assault again and again, often through nightmares, according anyone more preferential treatment than
flashbacks, or uncontrollable thoughts. another.
A. Avoiding triggers or reminders
B. Re-experiencing the traumatic event 4. The findings of Registered criminologists can very
C. Extreme vigilance well get an innocent man free or convict those who are
D. Nota guilty. Which Is NOT a criterion that must guide
criminologist in the formulation of their findings?
97. What are some of the post victimization fators that A. It must conform with the goals and objectives
cause victims to abuse drugs and alcohol? of the prosecution.
A. Fear of repeat victimization B. It shall be derived from a fair and impartial
B. Anger and no way to express it examination personally performed by them
C. Expectation by others that victims "get over" the C. It must be done personally or with the aid of
victimization and "be happy" the legally authorized criminology practitioners
D. All of the above D. It shall be based solely and entirely on logical
and scientific deductions and conclusions
98. Many people find it hard to deal with the feeling of
being powerless when they threatened. The following 5. The Registered Criminologist must be mindful of his
are other common feelings, except? special identification by the public as an upholder of
A. Feeling deeply happy the law. For achieve this, what should be done?

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a. He must never be lax in conduct or manner in 11. Aside from self-studying, Cardo decides to enroll in
private life, express disrespect for the law, nor seek to a review center to gather more tips on how to top the
gain special privilege that would be reflective upon the criminology board exam.
profession a. Wish
b. develop and maintain complete support and b. Intention
cooperation of the public c. Consent
c. deal with individuals of the community in a d. Election
manner calculated to instill respect for its laws and
their profession. 12. Cardo felt so happy after he seeing his name in the
d. encouraging complete cooperation of top-notcher list of the Criminology Licensure
members for their mutual benefit. Examination
a. Consent
6. Peter, a questioned document expert, was employed b. Election
to determine the authenticity of a testator’s c. Use
holographic will. In determining his remuneration, d. Fruition/realization
which canon of professional ethics of registered
criminologist should be applied? 13. Cardo uses his eyes to read, ears to listen to review
a. Canon 7. Limitation of Authority discussions, and mouth to ask questions and
b. Canon 8. Practice of Profession clarifications, and brain to recall lectures.
c. Canon 10. Decorum a. Consent
d. Canon 9. Malpractice of the Profession b. Election
c. Use
7. John included in his resume that he is an expert in d. Fruition/realization
Dactyloscopy although his only training was when he
was taking up Criminology as an undergraduate 14. Cardo, a criminology student, is day dreaming of
course. Which canon of professional ethics of being a famous police officer after he tops the board
registered criminologists did he violate? exam.
A. Prohibition against self-laudatory or unfair a. Wish
statement or claim regarding to his qualifications of b. Intention
services. c. Consent
B. Prohibition against delegation to any d. Election
unqualified person the performance of any task.
C. Prohibition against the use their position or 15. Acts done by the body through the command of
rank in the law enforcement and other government the will
services for self-interests. a. External Acts
D. Prohibition in engaging directly or indirectly in b. Mixed Acts
any corrupt practices. c. Internal acts
d. Elicited acts
8. Socrates held that virtue is a form of knowledge and
that the cultivation of virtue is the most important 16. These are those performed by will and are not
human obligation. Which ethical tenets was developed bodily externalized.
by Socrates? a. External Acts
a. No man is deliberately corrupt and all evil b. Mixed Acts
activities come from ignorance c. Internal acts
b. Spiritual and sensual enjoyment are d. Elicited acts
associated with greatest freedom from displeasure and
pain 17. Acts done by the mind through the command of
c. Joy and cheerfulness as the highest good the will
d. Justice, temperance and fortitude very well a. External Acts
constitute the harmony of human activities. b. Mixed Acts
c. Internal acts
9. Cardo disciplines himself to study to achieve his goal d. Elicited acts
in topping the board exam.
a. Wish 18. Two siblings of opposite sex, who got separated
b. Intention when they were infants, eventually ended up marrying
c. Consent each other not knowing that they were related by
d. Election blood.
a. Ignorance
10. Cardo aims to top the criminology board exam. b. Invincible ignorance
a. Wish c. Vincible Ignorance
b. Intention d. Affected Ignorance
c. Consent
d. Election 19. A police officer helps a murderer escape after
knowing it was his brother.
a. Ignorance
b. Invincible ignorance

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c. Vincible Ignorance d. Virtue
d. Affected Ignorance
29. Duty is a moral obligation incumbent upon a person
20. A student heard a rumor regarding a new school of doing, omitting or avoiding
policy but he is unaware whether it is true or not. This a. Subjective
made him aware of his ignorance and with due b. Objective
diligence by asking proper school authorities, he will be c. Conditional
able to overcome his ignorance d. Simple
a. Ignorance
b. Invincible ignorance 30. Right is a moral power to be respected by others.
c. Vincible Ignorance a. Subjective
d. Affected Ignorance b. Objective
c. Conditional
21. Refers to the quality which makes an act good or d. Simple
bad, good or evil, right or wrong.
a. Ethics 31. This is necessary to the sensual need and
b. Moral fulfillment.
c. Morality a. Value
d. Virtue b. Biological value
c. Social Value
22. This accompanies an act or situation which is a d. Rational value
mere result of a directly willed act.
a. Direct voluntariness 31. This is necessary to the functions and fulfillment of
b. Indirect voluntariness intellect and will.
c. Perfect voluntariness a. Value
d. Imperfect voluntariness b. Biological value
c. Social Value
23. It is primarily intended by the doer, either as an d. Rational value
end in itself or as means to achieve something.
a. Direct voluntariness 33. The virtue that attracts the intellect to choose the
b. Indirect voluntariness most effective means for accomplishing what is morally
c. Perfect voluntariness good and avoiding what is evil
d. Imperfect voluntariness a. Prudence
b. Temperance
24. It is when person who act without fully realizing c. Fortitude
what he means to do or intending the act. d. Justice
a. Direct voluntariness
b. Indirect voluntariness 34. Regulates those actions that involve the rights that
c. Perfect voluntariness exist between one and another, violation of which calls
d. Imperfect voluntariness for reparation and restitution
a. Justice
25. When person fully knows and fully intends an act b. Commutative Justice
a. Direct voluntariness c. Distributive Justice
b. Indirect voluntariness d. Legal Justice
c. Perfect voluntariness
d. Imperfect voluntariness 35. Regulates those actions which society may justly
require of the individual for the common good
26. It is when person is force by circumstances beyond a. Justice
his control. b. Commutative Justice
a. Perfect voluntariness c. Distributive Justice
b. Imperfect voluntariness d. Legal Justice
c. Conditional
d. Simple 36. Regulates those actions that involve the rights that
an individual may claim from society.
27. It is when person doing an act willfully, regardless a. Justice
of whether he likes it or not. b. Commutative Justice
a. Perfect voluntariness c. Distributive Justice
b. Imperfect voluntariness d. Legal Justice
c. Conditional
d. Simple 37. A practical science that treats the principle of
human morality and duty as applied to law
28. It is a concept that describes the beliefs of an enforcement
individual or culture. a. Ethics
a. Religion b. Special ethics
b. Faith c. Law enforcement code of ethics
c. Value d. Legal ethics

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e. Police ethics 46. I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of
38. Police officers are not exempted from obeying the a. Public trust
laws they are enforcing. b. Public faith
a. Primordial Police Responsibility c. Public service
b. Limitation of Police Authority d. Public truth
c. Knowledge of the Law and other
Responsibilities 47. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example
d. Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger,
39. They shall endeavor to discourage wrong a. worthless or despicable;
perceptions of their roles as dispensers or peddlers of b. Annoyed and irritable
undue patronage. c. Calamity and disaster
a. Commitment to public interest d. Scorn or ridicule
b. Professionalism
c. Non solicitation of patronage 48. Officers authorized to administer oaths are not
d. Justness and sincerity obliged to administer oaths or execute certificates save
e. Responsiveness to the public in matters of official business, except _________
1. members of the judiciary
40. Police officers shall provide service to everyone 2. clerks of courts
without unfair discrimination and regardless of party 3. House of the Congress of the Philippines
affiliation or preference. 4. Notaries public
a. Political neutrality 5. municipal judges
b. Non partisanship a. 123
c. Political patronage b. 1 and 3
d. Equality in the service c. 3 and 5
d. 245
41. PNP members must be observed for their local e. 4 only
executives in their respective areas of responsibility.
a. New Year’s Call 49. In relation to question above, the officer
b. Christmas Call performing the service in those matters shall charge no
c. Promotion Call fee, except ______
d. Exit Call 1. members of the judiciary
2. clerks of courts
42. Mutual bargaining behavior engage in between 3. House of the Congress of the Philippines
officer and criminals. 4. Notaries public
a. EXTORTION 5. municipal judges
c. NEGOTIABLE GRAFT b. 1 and 3
d. Mooching c. 3 and 5
e. Chiseling d. 245
e. 4 only
43. All official papers and documents must be
processed and completed within a reasonable time 50. We, the Registered Criminologists of the Republic
from the preparation thereof and must contain, as far of the Philippines, beseech the Almighty God, subscribe
as practicable, __________ to the Philippine Constitution, the general tenets of
a. Not less than 3 signatories Law, Ethics, Morality, Science, and Scholarly work.
b. Not more than signatories What best links with the underlined word?
c. Not less than 7 signatories a. Implore
d. Not more than signatories b. Request
c. Praise
44. In relation to question above, in the absence of d. Calling
signatories, the ________ shall sign for and in their
behalf. 51. What is this regular program of the PNP designed
a. Officer in charge to harmonized and extend support between police and
b. Notarial community?
c. Next in kin A. Psychology
d. Nex in line B. Public information
C. Civil information
45. The registered criminologist shall recognize the D. Public relation
system of government that gives no one or group
absolute power. 52. Which statement refers to a conduct that a public
a. Canon 3. attitude towards the profession servant, especially members of the uniformed services,
b. CANON 7. Limitation of Authority must strictly observe social decorum?
c. CANON 8. Practice of Profession A. A formal act or set of formal acts established
d. CANON 10. Decorum by customs or authority as proper to special occasion

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B. A set of norms and standards practiced by A. Provides guidance towards the
members during social and other functions internalizations of moral values and service dedication
C. Bodies of unwritten beliefs, stories, customs B. Provides guidelines for the placement and
and usages handed down from generation to promotions of PNP personnel
generation C. Serve as an effective instrument in the moral
D. A manifestation or expression of values internalization in the PNP
consideration and respect to others D. Gives moral and ethical guidance to all PNP
53. Peter was walking down the street when he heard
several boys catcall a lady who was wearing mini skirt. 59. Which PNP ethical standard mandates that PNP
Peter told the group to stop what they are doing since members are public servant and not the masters of the
it was wrong. Select which best describes Peter's people and they shall perform their duties without
action. arrogance?
A. Moral decision A. Obedience
B. Moral issue B. Discipline
C. Courtesy C. Courtesy
D. Moral judgment D. Humility

54. Choose the level of care that is required of PNP 60. Which of the following choices exemplifies that PNP
members to exercise in the protection and care of members shall provide services to everyone without
public property like a " good father of the family". discrimination regardless of party affiliation?
A. Degree of diligence exercised by regulatory A. Non-partisanship
institutions B. Non-solicitation of political patronage
B. Degree of diligence exercised by banks and C. Devotion to duty
financial institutions D. Secrecy discipline
C. Duty of extraordinary care, vigilance and
precaution 61. Which course of action exemplifies respect for
D. Reasonable care required of an ordinarily authority?
prudent person A. Obey any and all orders from superior officers
B. Recognize the right of superior officers to
55. The PNP instill the value of Makalikasan to all its disallow conduct of strikes
personnel. Which of the following organizational C. Promote candidacy of incumbent elective
activity exemplifies this value? officials running for office
A. Conduct of Scubasurero D. Uphold and respect the constitution
B. Conduct of Squad Weekly Interactive Meeting
C. Conduct of Human Rights Seminars 62. Identify the basic mission of the police.
D. Conduct of Flag raising and lowering activities A. Public approval
B. Cooperation from the public
56. Which explains the concept of the Performance C. Respect for the police
Evaluation System in the police force? D. Crime prevention
A. Foster the improvement of individual
efficiency as well as the promotion of organizational 63. The PICE program is intended to enhance police
effectiveness skills and to promote work ethics. The acronym P.I.C.E
B. Overhaul the organizational structure and stands for?
implement measures which promote gender sensitivity A. Police Investigations Corrections Education
C. Ensure fairness and objective rating during B. Police Information and Continuing Education
promotions C. People's Initiative for Corrective Education
D. Ensure the just and equitable payment of D. Police Investigation and Correctional
Performance Based Bonus Engagement

57. Which of the following exemplifies the core value 64. Patrolman Kardo hosted a birthday party in a hotel
of Makatao? which provided him with one free room. When he was
A. PNP members and their family members shall in the room, he found out that he lost several pieces of
be actively involved in religious, social and civic jewelry and cash. Suspecting that the program
activities coordinator is the perpetrator, Patrolman Kardo frisked
B. PNP members shall not inflict, instigate or him in front of the guests. Which is the basis of the civil
tolerate any act which will violate human rights liability of Patrolman Kardo, if any?
C. PNP members shall not avoid attendance to A. Abuse of a right
seminars or lectures on human rights B. Doctrine of vicarious liability
D. PNP members shall perform their duties with C. Doctrine of self help
dedication and efficiency D. Performance of duty

58. Which is not an interpretation of the purpose of the 65. The PNP is characterized as an agency which is
formulation of the PNP core values based on PNP civilian in character and national in scope. What is the
Manual? source of this provision?
A. RA 8551

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B. 1987 Constitution Section 6 Article XVI B. Word of honor
C. 1987 Constitution Section 16 Article VI C. Delicadeza
D. RA 6975 D. Trustworthiness

66. SPO2 Jack Chan, an active member of PNP General 73. Which of the following doctrine states that
Santos City, cohabited with Mrs. Ashley Conrado immediate commanders shall be responsible for
knowing her to be legally married. What virtue as PNP supervision the effective supervision and control of
member SPO2 Chan did not possess? their personnel?
A. Integrity A. Chain of command
B. B. Honor B. Span of control
C. Charity C. Command responsibility
D. Valor D. Leadership

67. Which of the following means service, refers to the 74. PNP members shall perform their duties with
commitment, dignity and attitude of an individual dedication, thoroughness, efficiency, enthusiasm,
towards work and his integrity and practice of the core determination and manifest concern for public welfare
moral value principles? is called ____.
A. Competence A. Loyalty
B. Efficiency B. Perseverance
C. Professionalism C. Devotion of duty
D. Integrity D. Morality

68. Police officer Cardo Dalisay is assigned in one of 75. When these public officials and employees remains
the streets in Pasay to patrol and he do his daily routine true to the people at all times, what norm of conduct
as a police officer, upon patrolling police officer Cardo they are emphasizing?
see a suspicious person who wants to go inside a store A. Professionalism
that night. What will be the response or action of B. Responsiveness to the public
Ricardo Dalisay? C. Commitment to public interest
A. He will shoot immediately the person to D. Justness and sincerity
prevent him from committing a crime
B. He will arrest the person in a clandestine 76. What is being emphasized under the new rule
manner and extract confession during the conduct of anti-illegal drugs operation?
C. He will ignore the person and continue his A. All cops to wear body cameras in operation
daily routine B. Respect for human rights shall always be
D. Ricardo Dalisay uses his wise own judgment strictly observed at all times
C. Implement the one strike policy in addressing
69. Which core values of the BJMP concern on the the problem
strong sense of dedication to the ideals of the D. Police to focus on high value targets
organization and to the public that is serve?
A. Commitment 77. Which of the following is not a principle of police
B. Cooperation community relation?
C. Competence A. Public support must be maintained
D. Teamwork B. Public resentment must be encouraged
C. Public goodwill must be developed
70. Which of the following is the key to D. Keep the public informed
professionalism, and its improper implementation will
greatly prejudice the personnel professionalization 78. Which of the statement best suits on the phrase
process as regard to procurement, promotion, "Ignorance of the law excuses no one"?
assignment, placement, and training awards and A. Kardo a crazy person shouting that the mall is
retirement? on fire
A. Police professionalism B. Kardo skills another person just to save
B. Police management himself from danger
C. Career management C. Kardo did not renew his driver's license while
D. Management ethics driving a vehicle
D. Kardo violated an offense because he was not
71. The PNP shall endeavor to promote a lifestyle for informed
every member of the organization that is ____ in the
eyes of the public. 79. The unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in
A. Respectable and adorable effecting arrest or abuse in the manner of conducting
B. Disciplined and professional search and seizure.
C. credible and respectable A. Disloyalty
D. Efficient and competent B. dishonesty
C. Incompetency
72. Which of the following refers to the state of affairs D. Oppression
requiring tact to protect the integrity of a person?
A. Dedication

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80. Public officials and employees shall provide service duty. If Cardo shall be caught in the said regulation, he
to everyone without unfair discrimination and shall be facing administrative case. What type of duty
regardless of party affiliation or preference. is the above mentioned?
A. Police neutrality A. Natural duties
B. Political neutrality B. Positive duties
C. Professionalism C. Confirmative duties
D. Commitment to public interest D. Negative duties

81. What does it presents if Patrolman Kardo and his 88. An old woman approached PO2 Cardo Dalisay
immediate family members were actively involved in asking the police officer to run after an unidentified
the religious, social and civic activities which somehow young man who allegedly snatched her mobile phone.
enhance the image of the Police Organization even PO2 Cardo Dalisay declined claiming that the man was
without affecting Patrolman Kardo official duties? already a block away from them and besides the police
A. Non-partisanship officer alleged that he is rushing home for an urgent
B. Physical Fitness matter at home. The officer's refusal to help the old
C. Table manners woman is an example of?
D. Social awareness A. Neglect of duty
B. Malfeasance
82. A person who is a unique professional who can C. Misconduct
broadly practice the works of a criminologist, function D. Misfeasance
of a criminalist and the role of a criminal justice
practitioner. 89. What is this ability to go on despite the tremendous
A. None of these adversity?
B. Criminal Justice Practitioner A. Endurance
C. Criminologist B. Patience
D. Criminalist C. Perseverance
D. Prudence
83. The PNP members shall actively involved in all civic,
religious and other social activities with the end 90. P/Supt. Kardo Dalitay went to Criminal Justice
purpose of increasing ____ awareness. College and punched Prof. Tango Ol in the stomach
A. Business after berating the professor for scolding the police
B. Camaraderie official's son who is a Criminology student. P/Supt.
C. Religious Kardo Dalitay’s act should be condemned because it is
D. Social an act
A. Of irregularity in the performance of duty
84. What social norm provides direction for people in B. Of malfeasance
their dealings with one another, as a standard against C. Of misconduct
which actions are evaluated, and as a prescription or D. Of incompetence
requirement that people act justly?
A. Justice 91. This provides the basis for judgments about what
B. Conduct is important for the organization to succeed in its core
C. Ethics business.
D. Commandment A. Habits
B. Customs
85. What is the most supreme CORE VALUES of the C. Moral values
Philippine National Police? D. Practices
A. Respect for sanctity of marriage
B. Respect for women 92. Primary attribute for effective leadership.
C. Respect for authority a. Be a born leader
D. Love of God b. Have acquired the techniques of handling
86. It was observed by the public through media and c. Have enough experience and training
news print outs that Police Chief Dalisay was exercising d. Have normal intelligence and sincere desire to
proper legitimate use of authority in the performance serve
of his duty to avoid critiques from the oppositions,
Police Chief Dalisay is performing what ethical 93. Design to bridge any communication between the
standard? police and people
A. Police discretion a. Public information program
B. Public service b. Civic action program
C. Justice c. Mass communication program
D. Judicious use of authority d. Public relations program

87. During Local and National elections, the 94. Designed to influence public opinion in favor of the
Commission on Election requires Ricardo "Cardo" police force.
Dalisay not to carry firearms and other form of a. Public information program
explosives even if he is a law enforcer unless he is on b. Civic action program

Amici Review Center 26 | P a g e

c. Mass communication program JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE
d. Public relations program JUSTICE SYSTEM
1. What do you call a child who repeatedly undergoes
95. Consist of moral and legal precepts which govern the process of arrest, prosecution, court and
the relationship of man in all aspects of life. correction.
a. Public relations A. Recidivism
b. Human relations B. Quasi-Recidivism
c. Police community relations C. Repeat Offending
d. Civic action program D. Chronic Offending

96. The most important medium to determine public 2. A type of delinquency that is characterized by
attitudes between the police and the public attitude is chronic law-breaking (repeatedly), a habit which this
the: type cannot avoid or escape from
a. Radio and television a. Gang delinquents
b. Print mass media b. Environmental Delinquent
c. Individual policeman c. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquent
d. Police public relation officer d. Maladjusted delinquents

97. The PNP core values provide a solid anchor for the 3. In 2019,UN-ECOSOC, the guidelines for the
organization as it develops and strengthens itself. The Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency.
following are the core values of the PNP. A. Tokyo Rules
EXCEPT?__________. B. Beijing Rules
a. Makatarungan C. Riyadh Guidelines
b. Makadiyos D. Havana Guidelines
c. Makakalikasan
d. Makatao 4. Which of the following best explains the neglected
98. Pat Kardo was conducting beat patrol when he a. A child whose basic needs have been
found a bag with no apparent owner in a sidewalk. deliberately unattended.
When he opened the bag, it was full of money. He was b. When the child is malnourished, ill clad and
faced with a moral issue between appropriating the without proper shelter. Physically neglected child
bag or returning it to its rightful owner. This situation c. when children are maltreated, raped or
is called seduced; when children are exploited, overworked or
a. Moral judgment made to work under conditions not conducive to good
b. Moral dilemma health
c. Moral decision d. one who has no proper parental care or
d. Moral issue guardianship, or whose parents or guardians have
deserted him
99. Kardo was a bus driver. As he was driving near a
bridge, he noticed a couple riding a motorbike. When 5. In case of doubt as to the age of the child, it shall
he applied the brakes, it did not respond. The only way be resolved in favor of the _____.
he could avoid the couple is to ditch the vehicle into A. Child
the river which will possibly kill numerous passengers B. The investigator
or run over the couple. This situation which calls for C. DSWD
choosing between, two evils is called D. Court
a. Moral judgment
b. Moral dilemma 6. What is the minimum age of criminal responsibility
c. Moral decision under Presidential Decree 603?
d. Moral issue A. 8 years
B. 9 years
100. Maria Osaka, a fourth-year criminology student C. 7 years
was approached by the school janitor who claimed that D. 15 years
he has a photocopy of the final examination. The latter
offered to give her a copy in exchange for PhP1,000. 7. Who has the jurisdiction over a child at-risk who,
Maria Leonor declined saying that she would rather fail immediately after initial intervention of the case, said
the exam than cheat. She was placed in a situation and child at-risk is found to be a non-resident of a particular
confronted by the choice of what act to perform. This city or municipality?
is called A. The local social welfare development officer if
a. Moral judgment the child is non-resident of the municipality or city
b. Moral dilemma B. The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
c. Moral decision of the city or municipality
d. Moral issue C. The barangay council for the protection of
children if residing in that barangay
D. The PNP detention facility in the city or

Amici Review Center 27 | P a g e

8. Which of the following pertains to Restorative C. Child custody
Justice? D. Adoption
A. Implementation of punishment
B. Concentrating more on the crime itself than 16. What is the legal doctrine granting custody to the
on the people involved parent whom the child feels the greatest emotional
C. Focuses on restoring damaged relationships attachment to?
between the victim, offender and community A. Psychological parent
D. Retribution and punishing the offender B. Tender years doctrine
C. Joint parental authority
9. Which trend in the juvenile welfare system where D. Family immunity doctrine
Bahay Pag-asa is a component thereof?
A. Non-residential community treatment 17. What is the legal doctrine preventing un-
B. Institutionalization emancipated child from suing their parents?
C. Deinstitutionalization A. Parens Patriae Doctrine
D. Community treatment and residential B. Equal protection
treatment C. Family Immunity Doctrine
D. Poisonous Tree Doctrine
10. The following are the differences between the
juvenile and adult justice system, except _____. 18. This is the institution necessary in transforming the
A. Juvenile court procedures are generally unrefined mind of child. They used instruments to
informal and private, those adult court are formal and achieve goals and objectives in the development of
open to the public child?
B. Juvenile proceedings are not considered A. Church
criminal B. Family
C. Court's duty to release information to the C. DSWD
press about juvenile cases D. School
D. Juveniles can be detained for acts that would
not be criminal if they were committed by an adult ( 19. When it comes to rules, they believe “it’s their way
status offenses) or the highway.”
a. Indulgent parents
11. What is the legal doctrine holding parent liable for b. Authoritarian parents
injuries caused by a child's negligent driving or other c. Authoritative parents
actions? d. Indifferent parents
A. Family Purpose Doctrine
B. Family Immunity Doctrine 20. The goal of any juvenile justice system is _____.
C. Parens Patriae Doctrine A. Punish the children
D. Nota B. Save children from becoming criminals
C. Remove children from streets
12. Which of the following statement best describes D. Ensure that children are in school
the concept of guardian ad litem?
A. For the proceeding 21. If a youthful offender has a good conduct while in
B. Protection of child by the law custody of DSWD or training institution and has shown
C. Guardians of the little children his capability to be useful member of the community,
D. Legal authority his case shall be _____.
A. Remanded to the court
13. Teachers, administrators and babysitters who are B. Remanded to the fiscal's office
viewed as having some temporary parental rights and C. Decided with finally the court
obligations are considered as ____. D. Dismissed and offender finally discharged
A. Guardianship
B. Order of authority 22. Jose is a student of one university, one time, the
C. In loco parentis University Administrator saw him smoking inside the
D. Parens patriae campus, while the Administrator telling him not to do
so because it is in violation to University's regulation,
14. What do you call to a parent who provided an egg Jose violently uttered bad words and resent the
or sperm with intent of giving the child up for adoption Administrator. In what type of delinquent youth Jose
to specific parties? belong?
A. Step parent A. Neurotic
B. Foster parent B. Asocial
C. Surrogate parent C. Social
D. Parent-in-law D. Accidental

15. The apprehension or taking into custody of a child 23. Petra Mercado is a kind of hunchback girl, every
in conflict with the law by law enforcer officers or time she will go out with her friends; she always felt
private citizen is called _____. that she is a normal person because her friends make
A. Arrest her feel it. What approach towards delinquency is this?
B. Initial contact A. Neurogenic

Amici Review Center 28 | P a g e

B. Sociogenic
C. Biogenic 31. In the absence or death of the parents of the child,
D. Psychogenic who shall continue to exercise authority over the child?
1. Surviving grand parents
24. A twenty-four hour child-caring institution 2. Elder brother and sister at least 21 years of
providing short-term residential care for children in age
conflict with the law, who are awaiting court disposition 3. Surviving parents of child
of their cases or transfer to other agencies or 4. Actual custodian of the child over 21 years of
jurisdiction, is known as _____. age
A. Youth rehabilitation center A. 1, 2 and 4 only
B. Youth detention home B. 1 and 2 only
C. Orphanage C. 1, 2, 3 only
D. DSWD D. All of the above

25. Restricting or prohibiting the child to mingle with 32. As a general rule, children below 15 years old shall
other persons as a means of depriving his/her liberty _______
for socialization is an example of ____. a. Shall not be employed
A. Emotional abuse b. Shall be employed provided that he is under
B. Psychological abuse responsibility of his parents
C. Physical abuse c. Shall be employed provided that his employer
D. Mental abuse obtained permit from DOLE
d. Nota
26. In case of separation between parents of the child,
a child of what age is given by the court the preference 33. Kardo, a minor has been found guilty of an act
to choose between either parents? committed without knowingly that the act committed
A. Under nine (9) years of age is wrong. Now he must undergo ____.
B. Seven (7) years of age A. Intervention program
C. Ten (10) years of age B. Diversion
D. Five (5) years of age C. Diversion program
D. Counselling
27. What do you call a child who is vulnerable to and
at the risk of committing criminal offenses because of 34. The best interest of the child shall be paramount
personal, family and social circumstances? _____ in all actions concerning them, whether
A. Child in conflict with the law undertaken by public or social welfare institution,
B. Youthful offender courts of law administrative authorities and legislative
C. Child in conflict with the law enforcer bodies, consistent with the principle of first call for
D. Child at risk children.
A. Consideration
28. What should be the proper action for all the records B. Attention
and proceedings involving children in conflict with the C. Precaution
law from initial contact until final disposition of the D. Measure
A. Place in the dockets of court which forms part 35. Dagul is a child star in Going Damulag. His parents
of the public record must set up a trust fund for ____ of his earnings.
B. It can be open to the public a. At most thirty percent (30%)
C. Considered restricted b. at least twenty percent (20 %)
D. Nota c. at least thirty percent (30%)
d. at most twenty percent (20%)
29. What should be the proper action for all the records
and proceedings involving children in conflict with the 36. In relation to questions above, Dagul’s income
law from initial contact until final disposition of the that______may be used for the collective needs of the
case? family
A. Place in the dockets of court which forms part a. At most thirty percent (30%)
of the public record b. at least twenty percent (20 %)
B. It can be open to the public c. at least thirty percent (30%)
C. Considered restricted d. at most twenty percent (20%)
D. Nota
37. A multi-disciplinary team compose of the following
30. Turf in the parlance of gang members refers to shall operate the ‘Bahay Pag-asa’, except:
____. 1. Psychologist/mental health professional
A. Territory where a gang operates 2. Social worker
B. Activities of gang in a certain condition 3. Principal of public school
C. Rituals and practices honored by a gang 4. Medical doctor
members 5. Educational/Guidance councilor
D. Form of discipline imposed to erring members 6. BCPC member
of gang 7. Member of IBP

Amici Review Center 29 | P a g e

a. 1 and 7 custody over the child. If the parents, guardians or
b. 2 and 7 nearest relatives cannot be located or if they refuse to
c. 3 and 7 take custody, the child may be released to any the
d. none of these following;
1. duly registered NGO
38. Under RA 9344, JJWC is hereby created ________ 2. Duly registered religious organization
a. Under the DSWD for administrative 3. barangay official
supervision 4. BCPC member
b. Attached to the DOJ under its administrative 5. LSWDO
supervision 6. DSWD
c. Under DOJ for administrative supervision a. 1, 2, 3, and 4
d. Attached to DSWD under its administrative b. 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6
supervision c. 1, 3, 4, and 5
d. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
39. An anti-social behaviour of the youth is a direct
result of internal conflict and pre-occupation with his 45. In relation to the section 6 of RA 10630 that
own emotion and mood. Therapy and counselling is amended sec. 20 or RA 9344, if the child has no
necessary to control this type of delinquency. parents or guardians or if they refuse or fail to execute
A. Asocial the written authorization for voluntary commitment,
B. Accidental the proper petition for involuntary commitment shall be
C. Social immediately filed by the DSWD or LSWDO, provided
D. Neurotic that the minimum age for children committed to a
youth care facility or ‘Bahay Pag-asa’ shall be
40. The kind of family structure that could influence a ________
person to criminal behavior, characterized by non- a. 9 years old
satisfaction of one or both parent from the relationship b. 12 years old
that may express feeling of frustration refers to _____. c. 15 years old
A. Anti-social Families d. 17 years old
B. Disturbed Families
C. Disrupted Families 46. Under RA 10630, Serious Crimes refer to the
D. Inadequate Families following, except:
a. Homicide
41. a child committed drug related offense punished b. Parricide
with______imprisonment shall be deemed a neglected c. Infanticide
child and shall be committed to intensive intervention d. Murder
a. reclusion temporal 47. The child with age ______ shall be committed to
b. more than 12 years intensive intervention if she/he committed serious
c. 12 years and more crimes.
d. More than 6 years a. 12 to 15
b. More than 12 but less than 15
42. A parent who only abuses the child when he/she c. 12 but not exceeding 18
is confronted with a particular situation. One who is d. More than 12 to 15 years old
usually non-abusive but "fly off the handle" when some
circumstances develops. 48. A child committed a crime in violation of RA 9165
A. Accidental abuser with more than 12 years imprisonment shall deemed
B. Institutionally prescribed abusers _______ and be committed to intensive intervention.
C. Parentally incompetent abuser a. Serious criminal
D. Situational abuser b. Child at risk
43. Part of the features of a Bahay Pag-asa is an/a d. Neglected child
_______. This will cater to children in conflict with the
law in accordance with sections 20, 20-a and 20-b as 49. Under this law "A child is deemed to be fifteen (15)
amended. years of age on the day of the fifteenth anniversary of
a. Intensive Juvenile Intervention Support his/her birthdate.
Center a. Pd 603
b. Intervention for Juvenile in Intensive Support b. Ra 7610
Center c. Ra 9344
c. Intensive Juvenile Intervention and Support d. Ra 10630
d. Intensive Juvenile Intervention and Service 50. A child committed an offense for the 2nd time or
Center oftener shall be deemed a neglected child provided
that _______
44. The LSWDO shall determine the appropriate a. he previously subjected to diversion program
programs for the child who has been released in but failed to rehabilitate
consultation with the child and the person having

Amici Review Center 30 | P a g e

b. he previously subjected to intensive D. Biosocial theory
intervention program but failed to reform
c. previously subjected to a community-based 59. They are called "miniature adult" because they
intervention program began to work and accept adult roles at an early age
d. he previously tried by court but not qualified and was treated with great cruelty.
for diversion A. Modern youth
B. Medieval child
51. The view that kids who begin engaging in antisocial C. Liberated youth
behaviors at a very early age are the ones most at risk D. Conservative child
for a delinquency career.
A. Life course persistent 60. Early legal designation of youths who violate the
B. Pseudomaturity law because of their minority status.
C. Early onset A. Wayward minors
D. Adolescent-limited B. Status offense
C. Common crimes
52. The person adopting or petitioning for the D. Minor crimes
adoption of child.
A. Respondent 61. It suggests that delinquent acts are the product of
B. Adopter personal problems and conditions.
C. Adoptee A. Trait theory
D. All of the above B. Rational delinquent
C. Classical criminology
53. It is a crime committed when a person, agency, D. Choice theory
establishment or child-caring institution recruits
women or couples to bear children for the purpose of 62. Sexual experimentation in early adolescence.
child trafficking. A. Liberal feminism
A. Child prostitution B. Critical feminism
B. Child trafficking C. Power-control theory
C. Attempt to commit child prostitution D. Precocious sexuality
D. Attempt to commit child trafficking
63. Homes in which one or both parents are absent due
54. It is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, to divorce or separation. Children in such an
harboring or receipt of a child for the purpose of environment may be prone to antisocial behavior.
exploitation. A. Broken homes
A. Prostitution B. Youth detention homes
B. Forced labor and slavery C. Receiving homes
C. Trafficking in persons D. All of the above
D. Sexual exploitation
64. It includes throwing, shooting, stabbing, burning,
55. No child below fifteen (15) years or age shall be drowning suffocating, biting or deliberately disfiguring
allowed to work between ___ o'clock in the evening a child.
and ____ o'clock in the morning of the following day. A. Emotional neglect
A. Seven : seven B. Physical abuse
B. Eight : six C. Emotional abuse
C. Eight : seven D. Physical neglect
D. Seven : eight
65. It refers to the exploitation of children through
56. It refers to acts that include bodily or physical rape, incest, or molestation by parents, family
harm. members, friends, or legal guardians.
A. Physical violence A. Emotional neglect
B. Psychological violence B. Abandonment
C. Economic abuse C. Sexual abuse
D. All of the above D. Emotional abuse

57. It refers to actual or simulated bestiality. 66. They are involved in few delinquent activities and
A. Explicit sexual activity little drug use other than alcohol and marijuana.
B. Child pornography material Members are more interested in social activities.
C. Child pornography A. Social gang
D. Child exploitation B. Party gang
C. Serious delinquent gang
58. The idea that a strong self-image insulates a youth D. Organized gang
from the pressures and pulls of criminogenic influences
in the environment. 67. It explains the relationship between child abuse
A. Age-graded theory and delinquency. May be used to clarify the link
B. Containment theory between school problems and delinquency.
C. Attachment theory A. Biochemical theory

Amici Review Center 31 | P a g e

B. Neurological theory D. RA No. 9366
C. Genetic theory
D. Nota 76. It refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or
adjudged as, having committed an offense under
68. The process of passing on deviant traditions and Philippine laws.
delinquent values from one generation to the next. A. Child at risk
A. Transitional neighborhood B. Child in conflict with the law
B. Social disorganization C. Best interest of the child
C. Social control D. Deprivation of liberty
D. Cultural transmission
77. Every child in conflict with the law shall have the
69. It asserts that criminal behavior is learned primarily following rights, including but not limited to:
in interpersonal groups and that youths will become A. The right to be treated with humanity and respect,
delinquent if definitions they learn in those groups that for the inherent dignity of the person, and in a manner
are favorable to violating the law exceed definitions which takes into account the needs of a person of
favorable to obeying the law. his/her age
A. Cultural deviance theory B. The right to prompt access to legal and other
B. General strain theory appropriate assistance, as well as the right to challenge
C. Differential association theory the legality of the deprivation of his/her liberty before
D. Social control theories a court or other competent, independent and impartial
authority, and to a prompt decision on such action
70. It is a view that looks at the onset, continuity, and C. The right to bail and recognizance, in appropriate
termination of a delinquent career. cases
A. Developmental theory D. All of the above
B. General strain theory
C. Critical theory 78. The exemption from criminal liability of a child
D. Social control theories fifteen (15) years of age or under:
A. Does not include exemption from civil liability
71. It asserts that females are less delinquent than B. Does include exemption from civil liability
males because their social roles provide them with C. Does not include exemption from administrative
fewer opportunities to commit crimes; as the roles of liability
girls and women become more similar to those of boys D. Does include exemption from administrative liability
and men, so too will their crime patterns.
A. Liberal feminism 79. The following factors shall be considered in
B. Critical feminism formulating a diversion program for the child, except
C. Precocious sexuality one:
D. Power-control theory A. The child's feelings of remorse for the offense
he/she committed;
72. Under this concept, discipline is one of the parental B. The parents' or legal guardians' ability to guide and
duties given to the school system. supervise the child;
A. Parens Patriae C. The victim's view about the propriety of the
B. In Loco Parentis measures to be imposed;
C. Patria Protestas D. The availability of institutional-based programs for
D. Pater Noster rehabilitation and reintegration of the child.

73. It results from parents' failure to provide adequate 80. Whenever detention is necessary, where should a
food, shelter, or medical care for their children, as well child be detained?
as failure to protect them from physical danger. A. BJMP
A. Emotional neglect B. DSWD
B. Physical abuse C. Youth detention homes
C. Physical neglect D. Youth rehabilitation center
D. Emotional abuse
81. It is one that provides temporary protection and
74. Concentrates on drug use and sales but forgoes care to children requiring emergency reception as a
most delinquent behavior. Drug sales are designed to result of fortuitous events, abandonment by parents,
finance members' personal drug use. dangerous conditions of neglect or cruelty in the home,
A. Social gang being without adult care because of crisis in the family,
B. Party gang or a court order holding them as material witnesses.
C. Serious delinquent gang A. Detention home
D. Organized gang B. Shelter-care insitution
C. Receiving homes
75. It is an act establishing a comprehensive juvenile D. Child caring institution
justice and welfare system.
A. RA No. 9344 82. Who are mentally retarded children?
B. RA No. 9333
C. RA No. 9355

Amici Review Center 32 | P a g e

A. Socially incompetent, that is, socially inadequate and 90. It refers to the socio-legal process of adopting a
occupationally incompetent and unable to manage Filipino child by a foreigner or a Filipino citizen
their own affairs permanently residing abroad where the petition is filed,
B. Mentally subnormal the supervised trial custody is undertaken, and the
C. Retarded intellectually from birth or early age decree of adoption is issued outside the Philippines.
D. All of the above A. Domestic adoption
B. International adoption
83. It focuses on the harm caused by crime, repairing C. Intercountry-country adoption
the harm done to the victims and reducing future harm D. Foreign-national adoption
by preventing the commission of crime.
A. Procedural justice 91. It is where children, whether male or female, who
B. Retributive justice for money, profit, or any other consideration or due to
C. Restorative justice the coercion or influence of any adult, syndicate or
D. Distributive justice group, indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious
84. It explains that crime and delinquenxy occur A. Child prostitution
because the individual suffers from brain impairment B. Child trafficking
or abnormality in the structure of the brain. C. Attempt to commit child prostitution
A. Biochemical theory D. Attempt to commit child trafficking
B. Neurological theory
C. Genetic theory 92. It means harm to a child psychological or
D. Psychodynamic theory intellectual functioning which may be exhibited by
severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or outward
85. It views delinquent acts and criminality products of aggressive behavior.
stigma and labeling. A. Sexual abuse
A. Social reaction theory B. Physical injury
B. Social conflict theory C. Psychological injury
C. Social structure theory D. Neglect
D. Social process theory
93. It refers to any representation, through publication,
86. In U.S., it protected the property rights and welfare exhibition, cinematography, indecent shows,
of minor children who could not care for themselves. information technology, or by whatever means, of a
A. American system person engaged in real or simulated explicit sexual
B. Chancery courts activities or any representation of the sexual parts of a
C. Child savers person for primarily sexual purposes.
D. Child saving movement A. Debt bondage
B. Pornography
87. Who has legal custody of a legitimate child under C. Trafficking in persons
seven (7) years of age? D. Sexual exploitation
A. Father
B. Mother 94. When can an illegitimate child may use the
C. Grandmother surname of their father?
D. Grandfather A. When the father gives money to the child
B. Recognition of filiation
88. He is one whose parent(s), known or unknown, has C. When the child acknowledge that he is the father
been permanently and judicially deprived of parental D. All of the above
authority due to abandonment; substantial,
continuous, or repeated neglect; abuse; or 95. Which shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction
incompetence to discharge parental responsibilities. over cases of violence against women and their
A. Voluntarily committed child children under RA No. 9262?
B. Involuntarily committed child A. Municipal Trial Court
C. Abandoned child B. Regional Trial Court
D. A child legally available for adoption C. Court of Appeals
D. Supreme Court
89. The following may be adopted, except for one:
A. Any person below sixteen (16) years of age who has 96. It refers to the act of preparing a child or someone
been administratively or judicially declared available for who the offender believes to be a child for a sexual
adoption; activity or sexual relationship by communicating child
B. A child whose adoption has been previously pornography. It includes online enticement, or
rescinded enticement through any other means.
C. A child whose biological or adoptive parent(s) has A. Primarily sexual purposes
died B. Luring
D. The legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the C. Grooming
other spouse; D. Pandering

Amici Review Center 33 | P a g e

97. The path to a criminal career that begins with early b. A skilled and trained negotiator
stubborn behavior and defiance of parents. c. need to live on the part of the hostage taker
A. Covert pathway d. A mutual understanding between the
B. Age-graded theory offender and the victim
C. Authority conflict pathway
D. Overt pathway 6. Prevention capability, is essential for physical
security. For man-made incidents, which of the
98. A disturbing form of domestic violence by children following courses of action Is NOT an appropriate
and other relatives with whom elderly people live. measure?
A. Child abuse a. Warning and alert systems to minimize the
B. Battery effects of terrorism attacks.
C. Elder abuse b. Alertness to signs and manifestations of
D. Nota suspicious looking individuals.
c. Peace negotiations among warring parties.
99. This marks the end of childhood and the start of d. Active and passive security measures.
A. Age of majority 7. There was a hostage-taking incident and the
B. Puberty Philippine National Police responded to address the
C. Emancipation situation. In man-made incidents like this, which
D. All of the above operational procedure must guide the actions of the
police personnel?
100. They are nineteenth-century reformers who a. Incident Command System
developed programs for troubled youth and influenced b. PNP Manual on Anti-Illegal Drugs Operation
legislation creating the juvenile justice system; today and Investigation
some critics view them as being more concerned with c. Critical Incident Management
control of the poor than with their welfare. d. Police Operational Procedures
A. Child protectors
B. Child savers 8. Natural calamities and disasters are the
C. Child movement responsibilities of the ________ while PNP shall act as
D. All of the above the _________
a. National and Local Peace and Order Council :
MANAGEMENT b. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction
1. Here, the neutral third party will be asked by the and Management Council : First Responder
parties to provide them with a non-binding settlement c. National and Local Peace and Order Council :
proposal. First Responder
a. Mediation d. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction
b. Conciliation and Management Council : Support Personnel
c. Arbitration
d. Litigation 9. Who is designated as Cabinet - Officer Primarily
Responsible (C-OPR)for threats to peace and order
2. What is the ultimate goal of mediation such as civil disturbance, violent labor strikes, riots,
a. To help the disputants to come to a anarchy, disorderly mass demonstrations.
consensus of their own. a. President
b. To render a peaceful resolution b. SILG
c. Both a and b c. Vice President
d. Nota d. Secretary of DND

3. Preparation for effective response, except: 10. The PNP Directorate for Operations has issued an
a. Plan alert bulletin that there is a strong possibility that a
b. Organize man-made critical Incident may occur within a short
c. Train period of time. Which is its equivalent critical Incident
d. Reassign alert level?
a. Level 1 (Low)
4. An essential element of crisis management that b. Level 4 (Extreme)
focuses on mitigating the adverse effects that may be c. Level 2 (Moderate)
brought about by an incident. d. Level 3 (High)
a. Incident management
b. Consequence management 11. Which is an incident or event whether human-
c. Risk management Induced or natural disaster that requires the
d. A and b implementation of special tasks by one or more
government agencies?
5. In hostage taking situation, to successfully a. Disaster incident
negotiate, there must be b. Critical mass rally
a. A highly disciplined and secured chain of c. Critical incident
command d. Crisis management

Amici Review Center 34 | P a g e

12. In critical task of CMC, this refers to crisis 19. A law abiding people, however they commit
management as a political communication. terrorist acts during a period of psychiatric disturbance.
a. Sense making A. Mentally Deranged Individuals
b. Decision making B. Political Terrorists
c. Meaning making C. Religious Extremists
d. Terminating D. Economically Motivated Individuals
e. Learning
20. This is a power-oriented mode in which you use
13. In order to provide speedy disposition of justice whatever power seems appropriate to win your own
and to unclog the courts. Republic Act No. 9285 was position—your ability to argue, your rank, or economic
enacted. Which Is the title of this law?? sanctions.
A. Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004 a. Avoiding
B. Bayanihan Act b. Competing
C. Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Law c. Accommodating
D. The DILG Law d. Collaborating
e. Compromising
14. The highest ranking field commander should not
also be the chief negotiator because _____. 21. It means digging into an issue to pinpoint the
A. Hostage takers will be afraid underlying needs and wants of the two individuals.
B. He is not authorized to grant concessions a. Avoiding
C. There shall have a conflict of interest a b. Competing
mediator and decision maker c. Accommodating
D. Hostage takers will not trust him d. Collaborating
e. Compromising
15. When the parties in dispute are involving actual
residents of different barangays within the same city or 22. It falls intermediate between competing and
municipality where will be the venue of amicable accommodating.
settlement? a. Avoiding
A. Barangay where the respondent resides b. Competing
B. Barangay where the complainant resides c. Accommodating
C. Barangay where the punong barangay resides d. Collaborating
D. Barangay where the witness resides e. Compromising

16. What type of hostage-taker who is viewed as 23. It falls intermediate between competing and
psychopath with a cause. What caught, many of them accommodating.
rationalize their behavior by claiming to be a. Avoiding
revolutionaries who are merely seeking social justice? b. Competing
A. Fanatic hostage-taker c. Accommodating
B. Psychopathic hostage-taker d. Collaborating
C. Criminal hostage-taker e. Compromising
D. Terrorist hostage-taker
24. There is an element of self-sacrifice in this mode.
17. Refers to a period of disorganization, period of a. Avoiding
upset during which people attempts at arriving at b. Competing
solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive point or c. Accommodating
situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in d. Collaborating
political, social or economic. It is a state provokes when e. Compromising
a person faces obstacles or hazards to an important life
goals. 25. Is a short-term disagreement that can result in the
A. Crisis management disputants reaching some sort of resolution, and it
B. Crises Negotiation involves issues that are negotiable.
C. Crises a. Conflict
D. Crisis b. Dispute
c. Problem
18. Refers to a period of disorganization, period of d. Solution
upset during which people attempts at arriving at
solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive point or 26. Which of the following is not an advantages of
situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in negotiation?
political, social or economic. It is a state provokes when a. Parties engage in verbal interaction
a person faces obstacles or hazards to an important life completely in their own terms
goals. b. Parties can choose their mediator
A. Crisis management c. Outcome is whatever the parties agree to.
B. Crises Negotiation d. Decision is made by the parties
C. Crises
D. Crisis

Amici Review Center 35 | P a g e

27. Another among the types of mediation, a trained, d. To accept donations, grants and other
neutral third party hears disputants’ evidence and assistance from local and foreign sources.
testimony in an arbitration; writes an award but keeps e. Nota
it from the parties; attempts to mediate the parties’
dispute; and unseals and issues her previously 34. As a Rule, ADR act __________that a mediator
determined binding award if the parties fail to reach shall have special qualifications by background or
agreement. profession.
a. Med-Arb a. Requires
b. Arb-Med b. Does not require

28. JDR is a process whereby the judge employs 35. A mediator shall refrain from giving legal or
conciliation, mediation or early neutral evaluation in technical advice and otherwise engaging in counseling
order to settle a case at the ___________. or advocacy.
a. Arraignment a. IMPARTIALLY
29. Here, the neutral third party will be asked by the
parties to provide them with a non-binding settlement 36. A mediator shall make reasonable efforts to ensure
proposal. that each party understands the nature and character
a. Mediation of the mediation proceeding.
b. Conciliation a. IMPARTIALLY
c. Arbitration b. CONFIDENTIALITY
30. The Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution COUNSELING AND LEGAL ADVICE
(OADR) is as an agency attached to the Department of
Justice. It shall have a Secretariat and shall be headed 37. A mediator shall recognize and put in mind that the
by ___________ primary responsibility of resolving a dispute and the
a. Sec of justice shaping of a voluntary and uncoerced settlement rests
b. President with the parties.
c. Secretary a. IMPARTIALLY
d. Executive director b. CONFIDENTIALITY
31. Shall be charged with the establishment and d. SEPARATION OF MEDIATION FROM
maintenance of a central repository of ADR laws, rules COUNSELING AND LEGAL ADVICE
and regulations, jurisprudence, books, articles, and
other information about ADR in the Philippines and 38. It is not required that a mediator shall have special
elsewhere. qualifications by background or profession unless the
a. Secretariat special qualifications of a mediator shall, except:
b. Public information and Promotion Division a. Maintain the continually upgrade his/her
c. Training Division professional competence in mediation skills.
d. Nota b. The mediator does not have the
qualifications, training and experience to enable
32 . Members of Advisory Council of Office for him/her to meet the reasonable expectations of the
Alternative Dispute Resolution of shall be appointed by parties.
the _____________ c. Ensure that his/her qualifications, training
a. President and experience are known to and accepted by the
b. DOJ Secretary parties.
c. Executive Director d. Nota
d. Secretary
39. A mediation service provider may determine such
33. The following are the powers of OADR, except: mediation fee as is reasonable taking into
a. To act as appointing authority of mediators consideration the following factors, among others,
and arbitrators when the parties agree in writing that except.
it shall be empowered to do so. a. The social class or standing of both parties
b. To certify those who have successfully b. The complexity of the case.
completed the regular professional training programs c. The number of hours spent in mediation.
provided by the OADR. d. The training, experience and stature of
c. To charge for services rendered such as, mediators.
among others, for training and certifications of ADR
provider. 40. As a general rule, a mediator, after having been
engaged and having acted as mediator of a dispute

Amici Review Center 36 | P a g e

between the parties, following a failed mediation d. Focuses on the future to determine the
______________ matters to be considered so that the crime will not be
a. Shall not act as arbitrator of the same dispute repeated.
b. May also act as arbitrator of the same dispute
c. May also act as arbitrator of the same dispute 48. Restorative justice is an approach focused on
if the parties expressly authorized determining the following, except:
d. Nota a. What is the harm resulted from the crime
b. What law was broken
41. A stage wherein the neutral third party focuses on c. What needs to be done to repair the harm
the interest, improve cooperation, minimizing impact d. Who is responsible for repairing the harm
of problems and eliminating adversarial attitude of
both parties. 49. Natural calamities and disasters are the
a. Preventive And Cooperation Stage responsibilities of the ________ while PNP shall act as
b. Dispute De-escalation Control and Real Time the _________
Resolution Stage a. National and Local Peace and Order Council :
c. Facilitated Resolution Stage Support Personnel
d. Binding Resolution Stage b. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Council : First Responder
42. What is the ultimate goal of mediation c. National and Local Peace and Order Council :
a. To help the disputants to come to a First Responder
consensus of their own. d. National and Local Disaster Risk Reduction
b. To render a peaceful resolution and Management Council : Support Personnel
c. Both a and b
d. Nota 50. An essential element of crisis management that
focuses on mitigating the adverse effects that may be
43. Hostage has ______ value to the hostage taker. brought about by an incident.
a. Indispensable a. Incident management
b. Important b. Consequence management
c. Timely c. Risk management
d. No d. A and b

44. The main strategy for settling disputes in 51. It is a plan during a hostage situation resorted to
Katarungang Pambarangay. when the hostage-takers change plans in the middle of
a. To provide a venue for the disputing parties the execution.
to search for a solution that is mutually acceptable. A. Delivery plan
b. To assist the parties in discussing the possible B. Surrender plan
amicable settlement of their disputes. C. Hostage reception
c. To promote autonomy among parties in D. Collection plan
settling their disputes.
d. All of these 52. He will act as referee in a hostage situation.
A. Assault team
45. The primary role of the Katarungang Pambarangay B. Support personnel
System. C. Ground commander
a. To provide a venue for the disputing parties D. Mediator
to search for a solution that is mutually acceptable.
b. To assist the parties in discussing the possible 53. What are the duties and responsibilities of
amicable settlement of their disputes. negotiators in hostage situation.
c. To promote autonomy among parties in A. Communicate with perpetrator/s and /or hostages;
settling their disputes. B. Coordinate to the SWAT commander and the
d. All of these security commander all actions including deliveries,
collection, evacuation, surrender and other activities to
46. How shall the vacancies in the Pangkat be filled up? avoid cross fire;
a. Shall be chosen by the parties to a dispute C. Record all messages, information, statements of the
b. shall be chosen by chairman of Lupon hostage-takers, and other pertinent data brought to
c. shall be chosen by secretary of Lupon the attention of the negotiating cell. Preserve all these
d. shall be chosen by chairman of pangkat to include tapes for evidentiary purposes
D. All of the above
47. Retributive justice focuses on the past by
determining the person to be blamed for the crime 54. He is an individual or group of persons who hold
committed, while restorative justice ______ another person(s) against his/her/their will as
a. Requires that the punishment fit the crime bargaining chips for purposes of demanding certain
and that like cases be treated alike. amount of money, self-protection, thwarting any police
b. Wrongdoers deserve blame and punishment action, or pursuing personal interest or that of the
in direct proportion to the harm inflicted general public.
c. Focused on determining the following what A. Incident commander
law was broken. B. Inside agent

Amici Review Center 37 | P a g e

C. Hostage C. Intelligence liaison/recorder
D. Hostage-taker D. Negotiation team leader

55. It is a short debriefing conducted by negotiating 63. He/She ensures that the negotiating cell is properly
team prior to turn-over to another set of negotiating run and accurately reflects the incident/on-scene
team. commander's strategy.
A. Hostage-taking A. Primary negotiator
B. Hot debrief B. Secondary negotiator
C. Intermediary C. Intelligence liaison/recorder
D. Crisis intervention D. Negotiation team leader

56. It means to communicate on a matter 64. He provides a communication link between the
disagreement between two parties, with a view to first negotiators and the remainder of the police command
listen to the other party's perspective and then attempt structure.
to arrive at a resolution agreed by consensus. A.Board negotiator
A. Pay-off B. Secondary negotiator
B. Negotiation C. Intelligence liaison/recorder
C. Stockholm syndrome D. Negotiation team leader
D. Tactical interrogation
65. It is a close and harmonious relationship in which
57. It refers to the act of questioning or eliciting the people concerned understand each other's feelings
information from a suspect to produce information of or ideas and communicate.
tactical or operational value. A. Empathy
A. Negotiation B. Building rapport
B. Tactical interrogation C. Influence
C. Crisis intervention D. Sympathy
D. Victimology
66. It is a process whereby the judge employs
58. The key word in any negotiation is ____. conciliation, mediation or early neutral evaluation in
A. Argument order to settle a case at the pre-trial stage.
B. Evidence A. Judicial dispute resolution
C. Compromise B. Court annexed mediation
D. Proof C. Pre-trial
D. Hearing
59. It is a stage in negotiation in a hostage situation
wherein the negotiator identifies the other party's 67. It is a voluntary process conducted under the
underlying demands and needs through active listening auspices of the court by referring the parties to the
and probing through asking questions. Philippine Mediation Center (PMC) unit for the
A. The preliminary stage settlement of their dispute, assisted by a mediator
B. The opening stage accredited by the Supreme Court.
C. The exploratory stage A. Judicial dispute resolution
D. The conclusion or the closing stage B. Court annexed mediation
C. Pre-trial
60. It is a stage in negotiation in a hostage situation D. Hearing
that the negotiator ensure that what has been agreed
upon is enacted or implemented as planned using the 68. When should the court refer the parties for
appropriate form such as a contract or a memorandum mandatory court-annexed mediation.
of agreement. A. After pre-trial
A. The preliminary stage B. Before pre-trial
B. The opening stage C. During pre-trial
C. The exploratory stage D. During hearing
D. The conclusion or the closing stage
69. The period for court-annexed mediation shall not
61. Negotiation should be conducted primarily for the exceed ____ calendar days without further extension.
following objectives: A. 20
A. The safe release of the hostage B. 30
B. The safe hand over of the perpetrators C. 40
C. Arrest of the perpetrators D. 60
D. All of the above
70. The judicial dispute resolution shall be conducted
62. He assists the primary negotiator by offering within a non-extendible period of ___ calendar days
advice, monitoring the negotiations, keeping notes, from notice of failure of the court-annexed mediation.
and ensuring that the primary negotiator sees and A. 10
hears everything in the proper perspective. B. 5
A. Board negotiator C. 15
B. Secondary negotiator D. 30

Amici Review Center 38 | P a g e

71. It is known as "Alternative Dispute Resolution Act A. Mediation
of 2004." B. Commercial arbitration
A. RA 9825 C. Conciliation
B. RA 9528 D. Nota
C. RA 9205
D. RA 9285 79. It means any information, relative to the subject of
mediation or arbitration, expressly intended by the
72. It means any process or procedure used to resolve source not to be disclosed, or obtained under
a dispute or controversy, other than by a judication of circumstances that would create a reasonable
a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a expectation on behalf of the source that the
government agency in which a neutral third party information shall not be disclosed.
participates to assist in the resolution of issues, which A. Privilege communication
includes arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early B. Confidential information
neutral evaluation, mini-trial or any combination C. Arbitral award
thereof. D. Nota
A. Court annexed mediation
B. Alternative dispute resolution system 80. Confidential information in ADR law includes:
C. Judicial dispute resolution A. Communication, oral or written, made in a dispute
D. Both A and C resolution proceedings, including any memoranda,
notes or work product of the neutral party or non-party
73. It means institutions are persons accredited as participants
mediator, conciliator, arbitrator, neutral evaluator, or B. An oral or written statement made or which occurs
any person exercising similar functions in any during mediation or for purposes of considering,
Alternative Dispute Resolution system. conducting, participating, initiating, continuing of
A. Non-government organization reconvening mediation or retaining a mediator
B. Judiciary C. Pleadings, motion manifestation, witness
C. International party statements, reports filed or submitted in an arbitration
D. ADR provider or for expert evaluation
D. All of the above
74. It means to sign, execute or adopt a symbol, or E. Nota
encrypt a record in whole or in part, intended to
identity the authenticating party and to adopt, accept 81. It means a foreign arbitral award made in a
or establish the authenticity of a record or term. Convention State.
A. Authenticate A. Convention award
B. Record B. Non-convention award
C. Verify C. Decision
D. Award D. Treaty

75. It means a voluntary dispute resolution process in 82. It means a State that is a member of the New York
which one or more arbitrators, appointed in accordance Convention.
with the agreement of the parties, or rules A. Non-convention state
promulgated pursuant to the alternative dispute B. Convention state
resolution law, resolve a dispute by rendering an C. Non-participating state
award. D. Member state
A. Mediation
B. Conciliation 83. It means any mediation process conducted under
C. Arbitration the auspices of the court, after such court has acquired
D. Compromise jurisdiction of the dispute.
A. Court-referred mediation
76. It means the person appointed to render an award, B. Court-annexed mediation
alone or with others, in a dispute that is the subject of C. Arbitration
an arbitration agreement. D. Trial
A. Mediator
B. Mediation parties 84. It means mediation ordered by a court to be
C. Judge conducted in accordance with the Agreement of the
D. Arbitrator Parties when as action is prematurely commenced in
violation of such agreement.
77. It means any partial or final decision by an A. Court-referred mediation
arbitrator in resolving the issue in a controversy. B. Court-annexed mediation
A. Award C. Arbitration
B. Judgment D. Trial
C. Resolution
D. Compromise agreement 85. It means an Alternative Dispute Resolution process
wherein parties and their lawyers brought together
78. It covers matter arising from all relationships of a early in a pre-trial to present summaries of their cases
commercial nature, whether contractual or not. and received a nonbinding assessment by an

Amici Review Center 39 | P a g e

experienced, neutral person, with expertise in the C. Mini-trial
subject in the substance of the dispute. D. Investigating
A. Arbitration
B. Mini-trial 94. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Act is not
C. Early neutral evaluation applicable to the following, except:
D. Mediation A. Criminal liability
B. Validity of marriage
86. It means a voluntary process in which a mediator, C. Labor dispute
selected by the disputing parties, facilitate D. Nota
communication and negotiation, and assist the parties
in reaching a voluntary agreement regarding a dispute. 95. Information obtained through mediation shall be
A. Arbitration privileged and ___ .
B. Conciliation A. Public knowledge
C. Compromise B. Confidential
D. Mediation C. Part of public record
D. Known
87. It means a person who conduct mediation.
A. Mediator 96. Where to conduct mediation?
B. Arbitrator A. Philippines Mediation Center
C. Judge B. Court
D. Fiscal C. Place agreed by the parties
D. Barangay hall
88. It means a person who participates in a mediation
and whose consent in necessary to resolve the dispute. 97. The arbitration proceedings, including the records,
A. Victim evidence and the arbitral award, shall be considered
B. Mediation party confidential and shall not be published except:
C. Lawyer A. With the consent of the parties
D. Mediator B. For the limited purpose of disclosing to the court of
relevant documents in cases where resort to the court
89. It is a step dispute resolution process involving is allowed
both mediation and arbitration. C. All of the above
A. Court-referred mediation D. Nota
B. Court-annexed mediation
C. Mediation-arbitration 98. Where to conduct arbitration?
D. Mini-trial A. Philippines Mediation Center
B. Court
90. It means a structured dispute resolution method in C. Place agreed by the parties
which the merits of a case are argued before a panel D. Barangay hall
comprising senior decision makers with or without the
presence of a neutral third person after which the 99. It is known a
parties seek and negotiated settlement. s "The Arbitration Law".
A. Trial A. RA No. 867
B. Hearing B. RA No. 786
C. Promulgation C. RA No. 876
D. Mini-trial D. RA No. 687

91. It means a foreign arbitral award made in a State 100. Know person appointed to served as an arbitrator
which is not a Convention State. shall be related by blood or marriage within the ___
A. Non-convention award degree to either party to the controversy.
B. Convention award A. Third
C. Treaty B. Fourth
D. Convenant C. Fifth
D. Sixth
92. It means a person, other than a party or mediator,
who participates on a mediation proceeding as a CRIMINOLOGICAL RESEARCH 1 AND 2
witness, resource person or expert.
A. Party participant 1. In APA format of In-text citation, it shall be used
B. Non-party participant when citing multiple authors of idea, words and saying.
C. Mediation parties a. Ibid
D. All of the above b. etc.
c. i.e.
93. It means a judicial, administrative, or other d. Et al.,
adjudicative process, including related pre-hearing
motions, conferences and discovery. 2. An in-text citation that uses the author’s name and
A. Proceeding the publication year in parentheses to indicate the
B. Trial source.

Amici Review Center 40 | P a g e

a. End notes B. A research on the factors which cause the
b. Foot notes retirement of PNP personnel upon reaching 20 years in
c. Note citation the service
d. author-date citation C. A research on the effect of yearly unit
performance evaluation rating on the overall
3. It is a systematic method of collecting and performance of provincial offices
measuring data gathered from different sources of D. A research on the problems encountered by
information in order to provide answers to relevant the pioneering Criminology class of a university who
questions. graduated 25 years ago
a. Literature review
b. Data collection 10. Jose found out that the scope of his research is too
c. Data analysis broad which requires great investments in time, effort
d. Interpretation of data and money. In order to conduct his study within his
means, which is his best course of action?
4. It is a strategy for answering the research question A. He must only utilize descriptive statistics
using empirical data. It constitutes the blueprint /Plan B. He must simplify his theoretical framework
for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data. C. He must change his research problem
a. Research method D. He must set the delimitation of the scope of
b. Research design his study
c. Research framework
d. Statement of the Problem 11. Harry is writing his research paper. There are
numerous literatures which deal with his research
5. It guides the collection, measurement and analysis topic. In order to prevent the commission of
of data. plagiarism, he must observe which of the following
a. Research Design guidelines?
b. Research problem A. Check the validity of the research instruments
c. Research framework B. Obtain permission of the respondents
d. Methodologies C. Citing the authors of the literature used in the
6. The survey shows that 6 out of 10 Filipinos D. Cite all ideas and information's that are not
(quantitative data – descriptive) are against the the words of the researcher
Jeepney Modernization Program. If you would like to
know why they are against it, what kind of research 12. Which data gathering method will be used by a
you should conduct? researcher if he or she verbally communicates with the
a. Descriptive respondents about the study?
b. Explanatory A. Observation
c. Exploratory B. Interview
d. Cause and effect research/ explanatory C. Information dissemination
research D. Survey questionnaire

7. Androcentric research design is a type of research 13. Which of the following choices is the rationale as
that evaluates individuals and cultures based on male to why controversial issues are discouraged as
perspectives, standards, and values. In order to avoid research topic?
this bias, what you should do? A. It can provide comprehensive information
A. Include both male and female regarding the respondents of the study
B. Include only males B. It prevents an in-depth analysis of the
C. Exclusion of females problem
D. Focus only on males C. It is hard to adopt an objective attitude
toward controversial topics
8. Psgt. Daniel, a graduate school student, wanted to D. It involves specialized equipment
determine the acceptability of the 50/50 work scheme
among uniformed personnel of Maliksi Police Station. 14. A person was considered to be a serial killer for
This work scheme entails that only half of the having been proved beyond reasonable doubt of killing
personnel will report to work in any given day. Which 9 persons. He came from a respected family and was
is the most appropriate research method that he will well- educated. A criminologist would like to conduct a
use? study to determine the reason behind the killings
A. Correlational committed by the convict. To achieve this objective,
B. Explanatory which is the most appopriate research method to use?
C. Descriptive A. Phenomenology
D. Exploratory B. Ethnography
C. Biography
9. Which research problem is not researchable due to D. Case study
insufficient data or that data cannot be obtained?
A. A research on the conduct of morning 15. The following are approaches to quantitative
meetings and afternoon meetings on the crime research, except ______.
solution efficiency of police stations A. Survey research

Amici Review Center 41 | P a g e

B. Grounded theory B. Research framework
C. Experimental research C. Intervention research
D. Casual-comparative research D. Descriptive research

16. Which is an advantage of qualitative research 24. Ryan Benoit conducted his study without posing
design where the researcher is allowed greater any danger, embarrassment, hurt or any risk to his
spontaneity and adaptation in interacting with the research respondents. What problem has been solved
research respondents? in the case?
A. Flexibility A. A research problem must be ethical
B. Subjectivity B. A research problem must be feasible
C. Labor-intensive C. A research problem must be clear
D. Unreliability D. A research problem must be relevant

17. Which of the following choices is not an importance 25. In research, such as a questionnaire or a measuring
of statistics in criminological research? device, like a weighing scale or a thermometer is
A. Interpret crime data changed during the study period between the pretest
B. Cover up a crime and the post test, the change could result in an effect
C. Predict the occurrence of crime that is independent of the intervention and yet, may be
D. Draw conclusions about crime incidence attributed to it.
A. History
18. Law enforcement planning officers determine the B. Selection
potential returns on investment of specified policies C. Instrumentation
and strategies which is known as ______. D. Testing
A. Benefit-cost simulation
B. Pain aversion 26. Research is being undertaken within a framework
C. The law of supply and demand of a set of ______ which means approaches either
D. Reward and punishment qualitative, quantitative and the academic discipline in
which you have been trained.
19. The title of s research must have ________ words. a. Validity
a. 10-30 words b. Philosophies
b. 10-20 words c. Research instrument
c. 10-50 words d. Research design
d. 10-20 characters
27. Means that correct procedures have been applied
20. A criminologist studies an offender not only to to find answers to a question.
establish the motives and other extraneous factors that a. Philosophies
impel him to commit the crime but also to gain a b. Validity
general understanding of the offender's specific case c. Reliability
and apply this knowledge to a group which is made of d. Unbiased and objective
similarly situated individuals. This is a characteristic of
qualitative research known as _____. 28. It is a type of social science research that answers
A. Specificity to generalization that questions about the social world designed to study
B. Contextualization the incidence, forms, causes and consequences of
C. Human understanding and interpretation crime, as well as social and governmental regulations
D. Internal analysis and reaction to crime.
a. Social research
21. Among the following variables which of the b. Statistical research
following is usually the problem itself? c. Research
A. Intervening variables d. Criminological research
B. Antecedent variables
C. Dependent variables 29. It is one of the legal basis of research that says
D. Independent variables “Science and technology are essential for national
development and progress. The State shall give priority
22. Headings serve an important purpose in research to research and development, invention, innovation,
papers – they organized your paper and make it simple and their utilization; and to science and technology
to locate different pieces of information. In APA format, education, training, and services. It shall support
there are ________of headings.. indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and
a. Three levels technological capabilities, and their application to the
b. Four levels country’s productive systems and national life.”
c. Five levels a. Section 14 Article X of 1987 Philippine
d. Six levels Constitution
b. Section 10 article XIV of 1987 Philippine
23. What kind of research describes a condition or a Constitution
given state of affairs in terms of specified aspects or c. Section 4 Article X of 1987 Philippine
factors? Constitution
A. Correlation research

Amici Review Center 42 | P a g e

d. Section 10 Article IV of 1987 Philippine c. Research
Constitution d. Research review

30. This is the primary focus of crime research wherein 38. It can be used to guide the reader with tips,
information is collected without changing the suggestions or modes of action that the reader can
environment, that is, nothing is manipulated. follow.
Sometimes these are referred to as “correlational” or a. Interpretation of data
“observational” studies. b. Conclusions
a. Evaluation research c. references
b. Explanatory research d. Recommendations
c. Descriptive research
d. Evaluation research 39. Itshould provide a brief background in present
tense to establish context, relevance, or nature of the
31. This method of data collection used in exploratory problem, question, or purpose (what is known).
research has the idea to produce a sense of synergy a. First paragraph of introduction
among the participants, which should in theory, result a. Second paragraph of introduction
in a richer and more fruitful discussion. b. Last paragraph of introduction
a. Focus group interviews c. Introduction and its rationale
b. Depth interviews
c. Either a or b 40. This referencing is used widely for academic
d. Neither a nor b writing, particularly in the humanities.
32. It is one of the classification of research according b. Modern Language Association (MLA)
to the type of analysis in which the researcher begins c. American Psychological Association (APA)
with the total situation. Focusing attention on the d. Nota
system first and then on its internal relationships.
a. Analytical research 41. When to start reviewing related literature?
b. Holistic research a. When research problem is still being
c. Action research conceptualized
d. Evaluation research b. when research problem is still on data
33. The term "thesis" comes from the Greek meaning c. when research problem is being defined
__________, and refers to an intellectual proposition. d. when research problem is partially over
A. something put forth
B. discussion 42. A research problem can only be investigated if
C. to discuss resources like time, money, and personnel are
D. to prove available.
a. A research problem must be feasible
34. A written work resulting from original research, b. A research problem must be clear
especially one submitted for higher degree in a c. A research problem must be ethical
university. d. A research problem must be appropriate
A. Research
B. Thesis 43. this format of thesis writing is most commonly used
C. Dissertation to cite sources within the social sciences.
D. A or b a. HARVARD
b. Modern Language Association (MLA)
35. The definition of terms must be arranged ________ c. American Psychological Association (APA)
A. In order d. Nota
B. Chronologically
C. Alphabetically 44. An author’s statement recognized his use of the
D. From earliest to recent works of other authors or a declaration or avowal of
one’s act of a fact to give it legal validity.
36. It may also refer as an art form, can also include a. Dedication
works in various non-fiction genres, such as biography, b. Abstract
diaries, memoir, letters, and the essay. c. Introduction
A. Literature d. Acknowledgment
B. Studies
C. Story 45. As per the APA research paper format, the title
D. Information should be between _________and should reflect the
essence of the paper.
37. It is a complete analysis of scholarly sources on a a. 10-30 words
selected topic of study. It is crafted to give an overview b. 10-20 words
of the current knowledge, to help the researcher know c. 20-30 words
the methods, theories, and gaps that exist in research. d. Unlimited words
a. Research studies
b. Literature review

Amici Review Center 43 | P a g e

46. Your abstract should be a single paragraph, 55. The last paragraph of introduction should state that
double-spaced, and typically be ____________ ________
a. no more than 250 words. a. what is known
b. no less than 250 words. b. what is unknown
c. no more than 200 words. c. why the study was done
d. no less than 200 words. d. how the study was done

47. In this section, you could describe how you 56. this will mainly focus on the question " who will
analyzed the data and explain your findings. benefit from the study"?
a. Introduction a. Significance of the study
b. Methods b. Statement of the problem
c. Results c. Writing good introduction
d. Discussion d. Conceptual framework

48. Results are interpreted and understood in this 57. This study was conducted at the University of
section. It helps understand the research hypothesis Manila and limited only to the currently enrolled
better and places the results in the broader context of students of the College of Business Administration in
the literature in the area. their practicum course. The range of study was from
a. Introduction Nov. 2010 to March 2011", this is the best example of
b. Methods :
c. Results a. Scope of the study
d. Discussion b. Delimitation of the study
c. Significance of the study
49. This type of comma is placed before the words AND d. Statement of the problem
and OR or in a series of three items.
a. Webster comma 58. The definition of terms must be arranged ________
b. Oxford comma a. In order
c. APA comma b. Chronologically
d. MLA comma c. Alphabetically
d. From earliest to recent
50. In presenting a table for your research, this
sequence must be observed. 59. It may also refer as an art form, can also include
a. Title, table number, table, and note. works in various non-fiction genres, such as biography,
b. Table number, title, table, and note. diaries, memoir, letters, and the essay.
c. Note, table, title, and table number a. Literature
d. Title, note, table number and table. b. Studies
c. Story
51. The term "thesis" comes from the Greek meaning d. Information
__________, and refers to an intellectual proposition.
a. something put forth 60. It is a complete analysis of scholarly sources on a
b. discussion selected topic of study. It is crafted to give an overview
c. to discuss of the current knowledge, to help the researcher know
d. to prove the methods, theories, and gaps that exist in research.
a. Research studies
52. A written work resulting from original research, b. Literature review
especially one submitted for higher degree in a c. Research
university. d. Research review
a. Research
b. Thesis 61. It can be used to guide the reader with tips,
c. Dissertation suggestions or modes of action that the reader can
d. A or b follow.
a. Interpretation of data
53. He was the first philosopher to define the term b. Conclusions
thesis. c. references
a. Hippocrates d. Recommendations
b. Aristotle
c. Socrates 62. What is the specific title of Chapter 3 in a thesis
d. Plato book?
a. review of related literature
54. This is to prove that the authors have passed the b. methods, procedure and source of data
requirements needed for the thesis. c. methods and source of data
a. Approval sheet d. the introduction and it setting
b. Dedication
c. Title page 63. Itshould provide a brief background in present
d. Methodology tense to establish context, relevance, or nature of the
problem, question, or purpose (what is known).

Amici Review Center 44 | P a g e

a. First paragraph of introduction 72. An author’s statement recognized his use of the
b. Second paragraph of introduction works of other authors or a declaration or avowal of
c. Last paragraph of introduction one’s act of a fact to give it legal validity.
d. Introduction and its rationale a. Dedication
b. Abstract
64. The conduct of the study should NOT pose any c. Introduction
danger, embarrassment, hurt or any risk to the d. Acknowledgment
research respondents or subjects or anyone.
a. A research problem must be feasible 73. It is a brief summary of a research article, thesis or
b. A research problem must be clear any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is
c. A research problem must be appropriate. often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the
d. A research problem must be ethical papers' purpose.
a. Dedication
65. This referencing is used widely for academic b. Abstract
writing, particularly in the humanities. c. Introduction
a. HARVARD d. Acknowledgment
b. Modern Language Association (MLA)
c. American Psychological Association (APA) 74. This is the document that shows your panel has
d. Nota approved the content of your thesis or dissertation,
and a copy of it will remain in your official records.
66. When to start reviewing related literature? a. Approval sheet
a. When research problem is still being b. Abstract
conceptualized c. Title page
b. when research problem is still on data d. Acknowledgment
c. when research problem is being defined 75. In research, such as a questionnaire or a measuring
d. when research problem is partially over device, like a weighing scale or a thermometer is
changed during the study period between the pretest
67. Major variables of the study should be measurable and the posttest, the change could result in an effect
and should be specified in the problem statement; the that is independent of the intervention and yet, maybe
used of ambiguous terms must be avoided. attributed to it.
a. A research problem must be feasible a. Selection
b. A research problem must be clear b. Instrumentation
c. A research problem must be ethical c. Testing
d. A research problem must be appropriate d. Maturation

68. A research problem can only be investigated if 76. It refers to the consistency, stability and
resources like time, money, and personnel are dependability of the data. A reliable measuring device
available. is one which, if used for the second time, will yield the
a. A research problem must be feasible same results as it did the first time.
b. A research problem must be clear a. Validity
c. A research problem must be ethical b. Statistics
d. A research problem must be appropriate c. Reliability
d. Variable
69. In doing a research, what is the first thing a
researcher does for the problem to be studied. 77. As per the APA research paper format, the title
a. enumerating the first problem should be between _________and should reflect the
b. determining the cause of the problem essence of the paper.
c. research the problem a. 10-30 words
d. identify and clearly define the problem b. 10-20 words
c. 20-30 words
70. When were we going to define a problem? d. Unlimited words
a. when the solution is already done
b. when the problem is partially solved 78. It is a factor that works between the independent
c. when the problem is already identified and dependent variables. It can weaken (decrease) or
d. when the solution is already discovered strengthen (increase) the effect of the independent on
the dependent variables.
71 this format of thesis writing is most commonly used a. Dependent variable
to cite sources within the social sciences. b. Independent variable
a. HARVARD c. Antecedent variable
b. Modern Language Association (MLA) d. Intervening variable
c. American Psychological Association (APA)
d. Nota 79. This part presents the course of action suggested
by the literature. Based on the state of knowledge
revealed by the literature, the researcher could further
justify the need for his study.

Amici Review Center 45 | P a g e

a. Summary/synthesis b. Instrumentation
b. Introduction c. Mortality
c. Body d. Maturation
d. Conclusion
88. This enables the researcher to learn how to
80. A variable that is “assumed effect” of another conceptualize a research problem and properly identify
variable. It is the change that occurs in the study and operationally define study/research variables.
population when one or more factors are changed or a. Literature
when an intervention is introduced. b. Methodology
a. Dependent variable c. Related study
b. Independent variable d. Hypothesis
c. Antecedent variable
d. Assumption variable 89. These are expressed in measurable items.
a. Special objectives
81. this refers to publications where authors cite the b. Specific objectives
work of others. The most common are books, reviews, c. Variables
yearbooks and encyclopedias. d. Immediate/ general objective
a. Secondary sources
b. Glossary 90. This suggests the type of analysis to be done.
c. General reference a. Special objective
d. Primary sources b. Specific objective
c. Important objective
82. A type of sources which results of many research d. Immediate/general objectives
studies that are published in journals or monographs.
These articles or reports are generally written by those 91. may also used to explain the possible Confounding
who conducted the study. (Confusing) influence of other variables on the
a. Glossary assumed relationship between the major variables of
b. General reference the study…
c. Primary sources a. Competing theory
d. Secondary sources b. Theory
c. Assumptions
83. Your abstract should be a single paragraph, d. Dependent variables
double-spaced, and typically be ____________
a. no more than 250 words. 92. In presenting a table for your research, this
b. no less than 250 words. sequence must be observed.
c. no more than 200 words. a. Title, table number, table, and note.
d. no less than 200 words. b. Table number, title, table, and note.
c. Note, table, title, and table number
84. In this section, you could describe how you d. Title, note, table number and table.
analyzed the data and explain your findings.
a. Introduction 93. A _________ gives a person a feeling of
b. Methods discomfort. It could be a situation that needs to be
c. Results changed or anything that is not working as expected.
d. Discussion a. Problem
b. Analysis of the problem
85. Results are interpreted and understood in this c. Research problem
section. It helps understand the research hypothesis d. Critical problem
better and places the results in the broader context of
the literature in the area. 94. ___________ are statements of what the
a. Introduction researcher intends to do.
b. Methods a. Alternative hypothesis
c. Results b. Research objectives
d. Discussion c. Null hypothesis
d. Research hypothesis
86. This type of comma is placed before the words AND
and OR or in a series of three items. 95. The act of officially saying that something was
a. Webster comma created for a particular purpose or to remember or
b. Oxford comma honor a particular person.
c. APA comma a. dedication
d. MLA comma b. abstract
c. introduction
87. In studies that take a long time to finish, say, one d. acknowledgment
year or more, the cohort studies where the subjects
(the same people) are followed-up overtime, some 96. It is a written work of the page or near the front
cases may drop out, thus resulting in a loss of cases. page which displays as the title.
a. Selection a. Approval sheet

Amici Review Center 46 | P a g e

b. Abstract
c. Title page
d. Acknowledgment

97. People and things change over time and this

change can threaten the validity of conclusions…
a. Selection
b. Instrumentation
c. Testing
d. Maturation

98. Variables can be classified as, except…

a. Dependent variable
b. Independent Variable
c. antecedent variable
d. assumption variable

99. It is a factor or a characteristics which is found

before (ante) the variable.
a. Dependent variable
b. Independent variable
c. Antecedent variable
d. Intervening variable

100. Headings serve an important purpose in research

papers – they organized your paper and make it simple
to locate different pieces of information. In APA format,
there are ________of headings..
a. Three levels
b. Four levels
c. Five levels
d. Six levels

Amici Review Center 47 | P a g e

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