17 06 20 CIVL543 Final Spring 19 20-1

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EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY Name Surname: .............................................


CIVL543- FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Number: .........................................................
Final Exam Spring 2019/2020
17/06/2020 Duration: 135 minutes Start:10:00 am End:12:15 pm

1. (32 pts.) A rod fixed at its ends is subjected to a 8 units

Y concentrated force as shown. Use the Rayleigh-Ritz
method with an assumed displacement field
E=1, A=1
8 X u a0 a1 x a2 x 2 a3 x 3 to determine displacement u
at X=2.5.
2.5 2.5

2. (15 pts.)
F16 A two dimensional plate is shown in the figure.
F15 Determine the equivalent point loads at nodes 6, 7 and
F14 8 for the linearly distributed pressure load acting on the
4 Mpa edges 6-7-8. Thickness of the plate is 16 mm.
F13 Coordinates of the nodes are:
F12 6(70,35)
3 Mpa F11 8(30,60)
2 Mpa

3. (53 pts.) Consider the continuous beam and loading as

4 kN shown in the figure. E=200x106 kN/m2 and
9 kN/m I=5x10-5 m4.
a) Calculate stiffness matrix of member 1 and
1 2 3 member 2. (4 pts.)
b) Assemble the structure stiffness matrix (Do
1 2 not decrease the size). (7 pts.)
4m 5m c) Assemble the structure load vector. (5 pts.)
d) Consider boundary conditions for the
structure stiffness matrix and structure load
vector. (11 pts.)
e) Calculate displacements by using
(Submit input and
outputs of the Skyline with your
single PDF file. All the solutions of the
exam will be submitted as a single PDF) (7
f) Determine the support reaction at joint 2.
(7 pts.)
g) Determine the vertical deflection at the
mid-point of the member 1 using hermite
shape functions. (12 pts.)
CIVL543 Final Exam Important Notice:
- During solutions notations of the course must be used. Details of the solution must be shown.

- After the deadline system will be closed. Therefore, any late submission will not be accepted by the
system. No late submission.

- Assignments

- Please upload your solution in PDF format, as a single file. (Warning: If you complete the upload
process you will not be able to upload another file.)

- File Name will be as follows:

Student Number FE Name Surname.PDF

- Do not forget to write your name on to your solutions.

- Examinations of students who attempt to take the exam for the place of another student or have
somebody taking the exam for their place are considered invalid and a disciplinary process is initiated
within the framework of the Student Disciplinary Regulations of Eastern Mediterranean University.

- If there is a one-to-one similarity between the responses that the students upload to the system,
disciplinary process is initiated within the framework of the Eastern Mediterranean University Student
Disciplinary Regulations with the suspicion of cheating.

- It is mandatory to check the identity of students under registration prior to the start of the exam.
Therefore 10 minutes before the exam identity of students will be started to check. Also during exam
students camera will be recorded.

Assoc. Prof.

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