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We source the freshest, and the best quality products, directly from farm.

MAKAHANA-The Elixir of Life

What is Makhana/Fox Nuts?

Makhana – the global food really needs no introduction. This popular super food has travelled
the globe and forms a part of daily lives of all health freaks. From the humble beginnings in
our Madhubani district in the Indian state of Bihar. Also known as lotus seeds, Gorgon nut with
the botanical name Euryale ferox Salisb, this is an aquatic crop, belonging to the family of
Nympheaceae. This commercially grown and used plant is commonly found and naturally
grows in stagnant water bodies including ponds, certain land depressions, oxbow lakes,
swamps and ditches. It is a plant that naturally grows and flourishes in tropical and subtropical
climatic conditions.

Makhana-Tasty yet healthy snack

Makhana/Fox Nuts is a perfect answer to mid-day

or evening snacks or hunger pangs between
meals. High in taste and nutrition, various forms
including makhana seeds and makhana flakes
have become extremely popular.

Eating other unhealthy options like potato chips,

wedges, high salty snacks only lead to obesity.
They neither provide any nutrition nor help in
reducing weight. Makhana flakes are an excellent
snack for people who do not have time and intent
to cook food. Regularly eating Makhana seeds
and Makhana flakes during evening snacks and
mid-day time help in helping reduce the waistline
and reduce weight with other benefits like
controlling blood pressure and sugar.
Known for its miraculous benefits, Makhana is seen as an Elixir of Life. Phool makhana or
lotus seeds are crunchy, crispy, full of fibre and loaded with nutrition. No wonder it is an all-
rounder snack, meal, dessert. This any time food is loaded with all the right nutritional elements
that is required by the human body.
Medicinal Purpose: -
Makhana & Ayurveda - Makhana seeds have also been referred to as “Shaka varga” meaning
an aquatic vegetable variety in the famous “Charaka Samhita” – The most renowned Ayurvedic
book ever written.
o Anti-Ageing- Makhana seeds have naturally occurring anti-ageing enzymes and
o Improving Sexual Performance- Fox nuts or makhana is widely used in Ayurveda
for improving vigour and acts as an aphrodisiac. It helps in improving the sexual
performance. This property of makhana is referred to as “Vrushya” in Ayurveda.
These seeds also ensure a safe pregnancy, also known as “Garbha Sansthapaka”.
o Reduces Fatigue- In Ayurvedic treatment, Makhana seeds are often prescribed for
reducing fatigue. The seeds have a couple of characteristics which help in increasing
the energy levels of the body.
o Good Digestion- Makhana Seeds have a cold potency or a ‘Sheeta Veerya”, it is
heavy in nature, also known as “Guru” and is oily or “Snigdha”. This beneficial
plant balances Vata and Pitta dosha because of these properties.
Makhana In Chinese Medicine – Fox nut or Makhana or Qian Shi as it is locally called in
China is one of the very popular plants that is used in Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to
manage and cure a number of diseases.
• Stability and Binding Agent- In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), foxnut or
makhana seeds are belong to the category of herbs of plants have naturally occurring
‘Stabilizing and binding’ properties.
• Neutral in Nature- Fox nuts or makhana find a lot of use in traditional Chinese
medicine or TCM as they are neutral in nature. This essentially results in a balance and
harmony in the human body.
• Primary conditions or symptoms for which foxnut seeds may be prescribed by TCM
o Leukorrhea
o Diarrhea
o Premature Ejaculation
o Urinary infections
o Spermatorrhea
Nutrition Value: -

• Fox nut has a low Glycemic Index (GI) , which means that is slowly absorbed by the
body and does not shoot the sugar level in human beings.
• High Fibre Content: High fibre acts as an absorbent and is helpful for the body, in
heart management, keeping the body fit and fine.
• Low in Calories, fox nuts can be eaten daily in different forms to regulate normal body
• High in Potassium and contains Vitamin B1, carotene, iodine, iron, and phosphorous
in addition to calcium.
• Makhanas are gluten-free, protein rich and high in carbohydrates.


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