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Sweeter Than Revenge (I guess?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Hermione
Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom/Theodore Nott, Millicent
Bulstrode/Parvati Patil
Character: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Hermione
Granger, Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom, Theodore Nott,
Millicent Bulstrode, Parvati Patil
Additional Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Gryffindor/Slytherin Inter-House Relationships,
Hogwarts Inter-House Friendships, Hogwarts Inter-House Unity,
Sharing a Room, Everyone Is Gay, Revenge gone wrong, Summary
looks like angst but its not, its fluff, fluff!!!, and crack!, Crack Treated
Seriously, Humor, Attempt at Humor, Introducing: The Potter Jar, ITS
JUST A REALLY HAPPY STORY, but there might be angst, also smut,
supportive slytherins, Whipped Gryffindors, Light BDSM, Dom/sub
Undertones, Sub Draco Malfoy, Dom Harry Potter, Subspace
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of STRIG Universe
Stats: Published: 2023-07-01 Completed: 2023-07-05 Words: 30,208
Chapters: 10/10

Sweeter Than Revenge (I guess?)

by saratinearchive


Draco never liked Potter, really, he doesn't. So he makes a plan to get revenge on the
Golden Boy. With the help of his Slytherin Gang, A little bit of Inter-house Unity, Harry's
guitar, and his so-called 'crush' on Potter, will he finally gets the revenge he badly wants?
Or will he just fall in love with the stupid obnoxious savior prat?

"Oh, then what is it you want to talk about then?" Millie said a grin, challenging the
Malfoy. Draco huffed, shuffling from one feet to another.

"Well, Potter—"

"Okay! Accio Potter jar!" Theo said with a grin, a glass jar, almost filled with galleons
came flying towards Theo's hand.

hello hello!

First and foremost, ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. :( But please, do

continue and read my nth drarry fic. And guess what? I've finally motivated myself to write
everyday so expect frequent updates for this story. This has very strong mentions of
seme/uke roles, maybe some feminization, dramatics (bec slytherins duh) and a very
protective and possessive Harry Potter, but what's new aye? Hope you all enjoy and I would
defnitely love to hear/read your thoughts about this. <3

- jels.
Introducing the Potter Jar

Draco didn't know what was happening, really he didn't, first he was walking to the south
courtyard to exchange notes with Pansy's cousin, Ahyeon, a Ravenclaw, for their Arithmacy class,
he was minding his own business, literally, when he was flagged down by two Hufflepuffs? Smith
and McLaggen. They both had sadistics smirks on their faces when they pushed him down to the
ground, yelling things about how he shouldn't be back at Hogwarts, how he should be in Azkaban,
dying mentally from the Dementor's torture. He really couldn't hear any more of their words, they
were too loud. Draco hated that, he hated shouting.

McLaggen pressed the tip of his wand against Draco's throat, he would spur them on, but the fist
that wrapped around his throat constricted his speech.

Come on, finish me already, you cowards. Draco mentally snapped at them.



The two Hufflepuffs scrambled to their feet when they saw the Golden Trio, led by Harry Potter at
the end of the hallway towards the intersection of the south and west wing of the castle. The savior
looked livid, angry, like he would snap someone's neck in the next few seconds.

"What were you two doing?!" Granger snapped, her looks disapproving, disappointed, and
downright mad.

"It's not like he doesn't deserve it! He deserves to rot in Azkaban or die like the other death eaters!"
Smith spat out venomously.

Potter raised a brow, over the summer of their last year at Hogwarts, the chosen one grew bigger,
taller, tanner and had gotten fit. But, he was scarier, much more intimidating than his last 7 years at
Hogwarts. He is the vanquisher of the Dark Lord, who wouldn't be scared of a powerful wizard
like him?

"And who the actual fuck are you to say what others deserve?" Potter drawled out, the man was
known to be nice, he was the Golden Boy after all, but one thing that was public knowledge to
anyone, even Draco who hated Potter's guts was, the speccy git never tolerated bullying or violence
over the people who had chosen the wrong side of the war or anyone for that matter.

See the fucking mentality of Harry Potter here?

He, not only protects those who sided with the dark, but fucking defends them as well. Speaking of
bullshit like they were only children, scared, lost, coerced. Draco hated that shit, he hated it, fuck,
he hates it so much because, he would never admit it, because it held some truth. Slytherins, his
batch, were all coerced by their Pureblood families to support the motherfucking Dark Lord
because of power and amnesty. Look where they were now, at the bottom of the ditch. Even if they
were the sacred 28.

"And you of all people believe that he deserves to fun free?! He almost killed Dumbledore!"
McLaggen retaliated at Potter's statement, his fists clenched.

"But he didn't , did he? Name a person Malfoy killed. Come on, give me names." Potter
challenged, there was a pause, as if they were thinking, "Anytime now, before I turn into bones."
Potter continued, the Weasel who leaned against the stone walls of the courtyard, snorts.

"But he's still a death eater!" Smith cried out, furious, shaking with anger and humiliation as
students began looking, stopping to see the commotion, trying to see what was happening.

Weasley scoffed, "Look, Malfoy's a git, and he did some pretty shitty stuff that I won't be able to
list down because we'll probably end up camping here for the night, but listen lads, it takes more
than a mark to be a death eater." He drawls out, looking at his nails.

Draco blinked, did the weaselbee just insulted and defended him at the same time?

"Ron's right, just because they have marks or has sided with the dark doesn't mean they deserve
this treatment. We fought this war for all of you, for you to wake up without the fear of Voldemort
looming over your heads, for you to have bright futures and great memories that the war has
paused. We fought the war for the betterment of our lives. And this? Bullying? Violence? I didn't
sacrifice my life 6 fucking times just for this." Potter sneered at them, the git actually grew a
backbone over the war.

"I'm reporting this to the Headmistress. You know the new rules, it's inter-house unity year for all
of us 8th years, you've violated numerous rules, and I won't let this slide." Granger said,
approaching Draco, holding her hand out.

"Well, Malfoy? Either you take my hand and get up or lay there like a deer caught in headlights."
Granger asked again, raised brows. Draco huffed, taking her hand before inclining his head in
thanks to the three, like he'll ever verbally say thanks to them, there's just so much his Malfoy pride
can take.

He sprinted off, not looking back, he didn't even think about the Arithmacy notes anymore. He
mutters the dungeon password before barreling towards the dorms where he knew his friends
would be in, true to his thoughts as he opened the door, there they were.

Blaise occupied his bed, reading some book about curse-breaking, his back against his headboard,
long legs stretched against the green satin bedsheets of Slytherin. Pansy was seated on the floor
with Millicent, they were painting their nails. Theo was writting on the far side of the room,
probably an essay on their Charms classes that was due tomorrow.


"You'll never know what Potter did today!" Pansy started with a smirk, her voice badly mimicking

"Potter didn't look at me when I told him he had a nice face!" Millie continued, smirking.

"Oh Saint Potter! Can't even get to the Great Hall without someone proposing to him!" Theo
mimicked dramatically as he put down his quill, the back of his hand pressing against his forehead
to guise himself as a damsel in distress.

"Potter this! Potter that!" Blaise finished with a teasing grin, his eyes never leaving the book he
was reading.

Draco stood there, red, and angry. "I hate you all!" He snapped, stomping his foot as he held his
nose high as if he wasn't just bullied a few minutes ago.

"Oh, then what is it you want to talk about then?" Millie said a grin, challenging the Malfoy. Draco
huffed, shuffling from one feet to another.
"Well, Potter—"

"Okay! Accio Potter jar!" Theo said with a grin, a glass jar, almost filled with galleons came flying
towards Theo's hand.

Draco groaned, why did he even agreed to this? Why was there even a fucking Potter Jar to begin

The other slytherins cackled as they watch Draco pull out one galleon from his pouch, dropping it
at the jar.

"That's your 2nd jar this week alone, Draco." Blaise commented with a sly smirk, "I don't if I
should be worried about you."

The blonde could only huff as he stomped his way to his bed, crossing his arms against his chest as
he sat down on the side, crossing his legs.

"Ugh, spit it out." Pansy said, finally taking pity on her friend. Draco sighed in relief, "Well, Potter
kind of saved me from Smith and McLaggen…"

Blaise stiffened, "What did they do Draco?" He asked, "Fuck, this is why we always go out in
pairs?! Why are you so fucking stubborn?!"

"Nothing, they just said ugly words when the Golden Trio found us, then Potter got to be all
righteous and selfless spewing nonesense." Draco said with a shrug, Pansy raised a brow, "And,
what of it?"

"I hate him." Draco finally spat out.

Millie snorts, "Yeah, you don't."

"I really fucking do. I want to fuck him up, ruin him, deciminate him, break him…"
"Bloody hell, Draco. That's some graphic shit you're spitting out." Theo commented with wide eyes
as he placed the Potter Jar next to almost 8 jars filled with Galleons.

"Is this a sexual way or-"

Draco shrieked at Blaise's statement, "In a very violent way and non sexual way, thank you very
much." He snapped.

"Just checking." Blaise said with a grin.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Millie asked, finally finishing Pansy's nails, casting a drying
charm on them.

"I'm going to make him fall madly in love with me."

The Slytherins raised a brow at his absurd idea.

"And then I will fucking break his heart and his neck." Draco said with a smirk, physical pain was
too mundane, he thinks, there's a better way, far better, emotional pain was the way to go.

"Well, are you expecting us to jump into this plan of yours?" Blaise asks, as he finally put down
his book. Raising a brow.

Draco smiles, "Of course, I need all the help I can get. And what better way to do this than to have
inter-house unity spirit right?" He said with a grin, evil, vengeful, excited.

"So this is just an immensely curated revenge plot to emotionally scar and fuck up Potter for the
rest of his life?" Millie asked for confirmation.

"Yes." Draco said with a smirk.

"And what if you fall in love with him?" Theo asks, raising a brow. Draco rolled his eyes, "I will
never like Potter. Not in this lifetime."

They thought about it, pondered, re-assessing the situation.

"Well, I think I'll do this just for you to get properly laid, not because of some revenge plot." Pansy
says, shrugging.

"Aye." Theo.

"Aye." Millie.

"Aye." Blaise.

The Malfoy pursed his lips together, "Fine! Whatever! As long as you help me!" He said,
exasperatedly as he threw his arms up in surrender.

"So, what's your first plan?" Blaise asks.

"Well, to get to Potter, I need to get through his friends first." Draco said thoughtfully.

"Start with Granger, I'll help you." Pansy said, "She usually studies at the library every free period
after lunch and she has this study group for lower years every Saturday." She informs Draco.

Draco raises a brow, "How do you know that?"

Pansy blinks rapidly, "I observe."

Draco doesn't believe her but he lets it slide.

"Okay, Granger it is then."


The next day came like a blur, Draco's morning classes were boring, History, Ancient Runes,
Divination, really boring. He finished up lunch quickly as he Pansy made their way towards the

They spotted the muggle-born instantly, at the far corner of the library, away from prying eyes as
she scribbled notes and annotations on her parchment and books. Pansy nudged Draco to move, so
he did.

Gracefully, he took a seat at Granger's table, sitting across her, Pansy took it upon herself to sit
down beside the surprised looking Gryffindor.

"Do you mind if we study with you?" Draco asked, oh, he was definitely a great actor. Granger
smiled, she actually smiled at them as she looked back and forth from Draco to Pansy.

"Yeah, that's okay! We have Ancient Runes and Arithmacy together, Malfoy. And we have Charms
and Divination together, Parkinson." She said in glee, probably enjoying the fact that the Slytherins
might be joining the Inter-house Unity shit she organized with McGonagall.

They threw out all of their books and notes on the table, exhanging ideas, and opinions, Draco was
actually enjoying studying with Granger, even Pansy who never fancied the idea of actually
studying looked like she was having the time of her life learning more about reading one's fate.

All in all, Draco felt like Granger was an easy person to get along with, despite her ugly hair and
low sense of fashion, she seemed like a good person and definitely a bright witch.

As they were packing their things, "Would you like to attend my study group this Saturday? I
would like some help in handling the group of 2nd years with their potions, and I know you're the
top of Potions, the one class I can never outdo you." Granger asked with a polite smile, wow,
Gryffindors sure trust too easily.

"Sure, I don't have anything on my Saturdays anyway." Draco agreed.

"You can come too Pansy, there's just me and Neville there, we could use some other 8th years'
help." She shyly added, Pansy looks taken aback from the invitation but nevertheless gave an
honest smile.

"Sure, Hermione. " Pansy said.

They left the library together before parting ways, Pansy had Charms with Granger while Draco
had Potions with none other than Harry fucking Potter.

"Okay, I have key information on Potter's schedule." Millie said as she plopped, gracefully, into
Draco's bed, suddenly, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy crowded the bed as Draco shifted his position to
accomodate all of them.

Classes and dinner was done, McGonagall had announced that there will be changes by next week
to officially kick off this year's Inter-house Unity Brigade. They were now settled in the cool
dorms of the Slytherins before preparing for bed.

"And pray tell, where did you get this so called key information?" Draco drawled out, raising a fine
brow at the brunette. Millie rolled her eyes.

"I got it from Parvati, see? I am befriending a Gryffindor for you to finally get laid."

"Excuse you? This is a revenge plot."

"Yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night. Now, would you like to here it or not?" Millie asked.

Blaise smirked, Millie can be a spit-fire when she wants to be. Theo shifted his position, sprawling
on Draco's bed as he postioned his head on Pansy's lap who was leaning against the foot bedpost.
Blaise on the other hand, occupied the other bedpost, leaning against it, his one knee bent over the
bed while his other feet was planted on the floor. Millie was sitting down beside Draco who had
his back against the head board, ankles crossed over the other in an Indian seat.
"Fine, spit it out." Draco grumbled, flicking Theo's bare toes teasingly.

"Well, Parvati told me that Potter's an early riser, every Saturday he does Auror training drills with
Longbottom in the morning, like really early, around 5 am at the open field by the Great Lake?"
Millie informed them, "So maybe, you can accidentally see him while taking an innocent morning
stroll while doing his drills and you can finally talk to him without fighting. You can maybe start
seducing him then." She finished with a proud grin, proud of herself and her plan, looks like it.

Theo scoffed, "He already started seducing Potter."

The other's eyes widened in surprise.

"No fucking way! When?" Pansy exclaimed.

Blaise chuckled, finally realizing what Theo has been talking about.

"I did not seduce him!" Draco shrieked in embarrasment.

"Oh, what then? You accidentally bent over the potion's table when Potter was incidently behind
you? And you accidentally pushed your arse back into his bloody crotch then?" Blaise cackled.

Draco was red now.

" Bloody hell, Draco!" Millie exclaimed in glee while Pansy giggled.

"You should've seen Potter's face, he stiffened, not only his body, mind you." Theo added,
laughing at the memory at how the golden boy stiffened when Draco did his trick. Or Potter
simply nodded when Draco apologized through his lashes.

"I'll use the key information you've given me Millie. See, be like Millie, she's useful." Draco
commented, Millie only rolled her eyes.

"Hey! I helped with Granger!"

"See this is why girl friends are better."

"Too bad we're all gay."

"Aye!" They all agreed together.

You're up to something...
Chapter Notes

surprise, told yah there's gonna be regular updates for this story. Enjoy some ron,
blaise, theo, neville action mixing with our ult pair drarry. <333


The next day, Draco found himself walking towards the north open courtyard of Hogwarts with
Blaise, where, they found out from Theo who found out from Neville, that the Weaselbee spent his
free time away from Granger and Potter playing a solo game of Wizarding Chess. There were
rumors that the ginger was master at it, undefeated at the Gryffindor Dorms. Well, Draco was not
going to brag but he is highly inclined at wizarding chess.

And so, they have arrived to the scene where Ron Weasley was hunched over a table, while
watching the chessboard. He was definitely winning, as Draco assessed the movements and pieces
left on the board.

"So, heard you were the master at Wizard's chess, maybe we can put that to the test?" Draco finally
drawled out as he sat across Weasley, Blaise sitting down beside him.

The Weasley raised a brow, before smirking, "Think you can beat me, Malfoy?" He challenged.

Oh, how Draco loves challenges.

"Oh, I know I can beat you."

"I don't know how you play Weasley, but no one's ever beaten Draco at our house." Blaise said
simply, Weasley's eyes shot to the slythering, "Really then?" He asks, a smirk still plastered on his

"What can I say? I am a man of many hidden talents." Draco drawled out lazily as the chessboard
began restarting itself.
"I see, you also have a great talent of bending over don't you Malfoy?"

Malfoy gasped indignantly while Blaise snickered at the Weasley's statement.

"I beg your pardon?!"

"Oh, come on, anyone who has eyes, clearly saw your display with Harry yesterday at Potions."
Weasley said, murmuring a first move. Draco rolled his eyes, cheeks still red while Blaise just
looked back and forth from the two men who were playing, clearly amused.

"It was an accident. I didn't know that Potter was there! Salazar, he's always in my way!" Draco
snapped, murmuring his second move as Weasley finished his. The ginger cackled, he fucking
cackled at Draco.

"Look, I don't bloody know what you're up to right now Malfoy but please please, if you have
some crush on Harry, keep it PG-13. None of us want to see you grinding your arse on his cock,
which by the way, and for your discretion and fair warning, is fucking huge."

Draco coughed at the words of the Weasley, was he seriously saying that Potter has a huge cock?!
He murmured his 5th move.

"Nor do we want to hear Harry going on and on about how you have a nice arse and robes should
be banned so he can ogle you." He says again, "We're getting tired of it, his pining, it's like 6th
year all over again."

"Excuse me but what happened in 6th year exactly?" Blaise asked, curious.

Ron murmured his 7th move, clearly reassessing his moves as he gazed on the chessboard.

"Yeah, I mean, I know we fought and I may have broken his nose then but apart from that I don't
know." Draco said, murmuring his 7th move.

"Blimey, he was obessessed with you! Practically stalked you. Well, given that you were up to
something then, it was kind of understandable. But bloody hell , he picked up almost everything
about you! And he talked about you non-stop! For example, you always wear black socks, long
ones, stopping inches away from your ankles. You never wear ankle socks nor colored socks."
Weaselbee says, murmuring his 9th move.

Draco's jaw dropped, how the hell did Potter pick up that habit he had?! Blaise snorted, "Draco's
worse, we have this thing we call the Potter Jar, where Draco deposits 1 galleon everytime he
opens a topic about Potter. We already have 8 of them." He informs the Weasley.

"Blaise!" Draco hissed.

"Wow, maybe we should have a Malfoy Jar for Harry as well, but he might beat the 8 jars though."
Weasley retaliated, murmuring another move. The chessboard was clearing up.

"8 jars since the term started, and what? We've started a week ago." Blaise said smugly, while
Draco scowled at the man.

Weasley spluttered, "Malfoy that's some feat you got there."

Draco smirked, "I have a better feat," he murmurs, a piece moves, Weasley's eyes widened, "Check
fucking mate, Weasley."

"Bloody hell, why didn't I see that move?" Weasley asked, Draco pointed at a piece, "Should've
moved that one to H3, you could've checked me first."

"Damn, you two are good at chess." Blaise commented as the two men began exhanging opinions
on each other's moves and mistakes throughout the game.

"That was a good game, Malfoy. Rematch next time?" Weasley clips, stretching out his arm, for a

Draco blinks at the hand, before, after much deliberation for his revenge plot, took it, firmly, and
shaking the ginger's hand. He saw Weasley smirk.

"Well, I need to go see Theo for our charms, I'll see you when I see you, Weasley." Draco stood up,
"You go on first, I have to talk to Weasley about something." Blaise supplies, Draco raises a brow
but shrugs, leaving him behind with the Weasley.

He shoves his hands into his pockets, Weasley was not so bad after all, he might be academically
dim but his strategies were on point, he'd make a great auror.

Speaking of auror, where the fuck was Potter anyway? Not that Draco wants to see that
insufferable prat, he just wanders what would the man do at his free time.

"—foy! Malfoy!"

Draco felt himself being yanked away from his thoughts when he was forcefully manhandled by an
oaf by the same man that occupied his thoughts.

"What the— unhand me Potter!" Draco shrieked as Potter yanked him towards an empty
classroom. Draco huffed, as he yaked his elbow back, straightening his robes and his hair that was
tousled from the way Potter pulled him.

"We need to talk." Potter snapped.

"Well, talk!" Draco clipped back, "I have you know that I still have charms in a few—"

"What are you up to, Malfoy?" Potter finally supplied, eyeing the blonde from head to toe, looking
for something, anything , that might be out of the ordinary.

Draco scoffs, "For your information, I am not up to anything at all, Oh Great Savior Prat!" He
snaps, oh no, this wasn't the best way to seduce someone. He'll fail his revenge plot!

To Draco's surprise, Potter laughs, "That's new, Great Savior Prat, you never fail to amaze me with
all the colorful names you throw at me, Malfoy."

"Well, glad you find me amusing then. Now, if you—"

"Why are you studying with Hermione? And why were you playing chess with Ron?" Harry asks
again, staring him down with those electrifying emerald green eyes.

Draco sighed, time to act. Merlin, he was so going to swallow his pride right now.

"You caught me." He surrenders.

Potter raised a brow.

"Even if you're an obnoxious savior prat, you have good points ."

" Good points?" Harry quipped.

Draco nodded, avoiding the golden boy's eyes.

"You were right, about us, about the slytherins, and I'm grateful for what you're doing. That's why
I want to uh, call truce. Get to know you brave but stupid gryffindors." Draco finally spats out.

"You're really trying your best to be nice aren't you?" Harry asks, clearly amused. Draco scoffed.

" Nice? Nice?! I am not fucking nice."

Harry chuckles, the fucking oaf chuckles.

"Well, thank you, Malfoy. For trying. And yes, I would like it if we call a truce, let's put everything
behind us, start new." Harry puts out a hand, "Potter, Harry Potter."

Draco squints at the extended hand, before taking it in his, he felt a jolt, when their palms

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." Draco drawls out, "You finally figured out who the wrong sort out now,
Potter?" He adds, smirking at the taller man. Harry gives him a blinding smile, at least to Draco it
was blinding.

"You sure do know how to hold a grudge." Potter said in a teasing tone, Draco just rolled his eyes,
"May I now be excused, you pompous pain in the ass prat?"

"Why be my guest, pretty boy." Harry said a grin, Draco blushed before flipping him off and
sauntering out the abandoned classroom.

Potter called him a pretty boy!

He still hated Potter though.

It was Saturday, the weekdays past like blur, Draco had studied with Granger from the first day;
Tuesday to Friday, and surprisingly, he'll be having some study groups with younger students with
Granger by 10 am at the old Defense classroom. He had also had 2 games with Weasley, his first
was last Wednesday then another rematch just this Friday. Weasley lost, again. He wouldn't admit
to himself but, he seemingly liked their presence. He'd never admit it, to be honest.

He groaned, gracefully, as he trudged with Theo, to the open field where Potter does his auror
training drills with none other than Neville Longbottom. Sweet sweet revenge will soon be in his
hands, but he needs to sacrifice his weekend beauty sleep to get Potter's attention.

By the time they got to the open field near the Great Lake, Draco and Theo froze as he watched
two shirtless men running laps as they transfigured the open field into an auror training ground,
complete with obstacles like pipe slider, jumping bars, quad steps, rope junctions and more.

"Draco pinch me, I must have gone to heaven and Longbottom's the one who'll bring me up to
Merlin." Theo said with wide eyes, now fully awake, as he ogled at Longbottom who barrelled
through the rope junctions with practice and ease, his muscles rippling and sweat dripping from his

Draco on the other hand, might have short circuited. Potter put no effort into going through the
pipe slider, his biceps flexing at the raw power he's demonstrating. And Draco was an inch away
from dumping the plan away and just throw himself at the wizard, he might even beg and get on
his knees so he could lick those pearls of sweat that cascaded down his body.

"We should retreat, Theo. Now." Draco whimpered at his friend, he would not survive this. He
was absolutely bloody sure that he will beg Harry to destroy him instead of Draco destroying
Harry's heart.

"Theo!" Longbottom.

Holy shite.

Theo froze as Longbottom stopped in the middle of his drills to shyly fucking shyly wave at Theo.
Draco blinked rapidly when Harry finally slowed down from his drills, still sweaty, slightly
panting, but still looked heavenly. When the Chosen one finally dropped his eyes on Draco, he
grinned, the fucking bastard.

"Draco!" Potter.

Draco cleared his throat, "Hey, we didn't know you'd be here." Lies, pretty little white lies.

Longbottom scratched his nape as he signaled Potter to walk towards the two Slytherins.

Gay gods above, Merlin of Arthur, Rupaul of Muggles, give Draco strength to carry on to his
revenge and not fall astray to Potter's abs, thighs, arms, and cock. Amen.

"We were just taking a walk!" Theo reasoned, voice high-pitched. Potter raised a brow, casting a
tempus. "At 5:45 in the morning?" He asked, confused, but amused.

Draco shrugged, nonchalantly as if he wasn't having an internal crisis because Potter was fucking
closer now. Draco could smell him. The sweat, the musky aftershave, the grass, and the cologne
that shouted yes I can fuck you to the next tuesday.

"Yeah, been having weird dreams lately." He lied smoothly, it wasn't a lie. Draco has been having
weird dreams, of him being under Potter, of him being bent over by Potter, of him being split open
by Potter, and oh, the list can go on.

"Weird dreams?" Longbottom asks, curious, "Like nightmares? But, what is Theo doing with you
then?" He asks, taking a muggle flask from his duffle bag, taking large gulps of water before
shamelessly dumping the remaining contents over his head.

Draco prays Theo was still breathing.

"Oh, Theo's my morning walk buddy, we always take walks, just that we decided to go another
route today. Right, Theo?" Draco clipped, elbowing Theo who might have just had an internal
orgasm from Longbottom's salacious display.

Theo squeaked, "U-uh yes!"

"Well, you're both on time then." Potter supplies to them, Draco raises a brow.

"Well, Nev here has some study group by 10 am, so we decided to change our drills a bit. We were
actually going to transfigure some back body weights for our reps of push-ups. You think you and
Nott here can be our weights instead?" Potter asks, getting the same colored muggle flask that
Neville had, Gryffindor Red, only his had an H in golden yellow color and bold font.

"Excuse me, what?" Theo asked, voice cracking at the end. Neville chuckled shyly, "We were
going for a 50-60kg weight, half of both our weights."

Draco paled, "I'm only 45kg, I can't possibly sit on you while you do your push ups, Potter."

"I'm 47kg, we're not actually that heavy enough for your reps, sorry lads." Theo said with an
apologetic tone, but he's not sorry. There was no way in bloody circe's tits was he going to sit on
Neville fucking fit with a sword Longbottom.

"We can do the lower weights, Nev. Better than nothing, right?" Potter shrugs, "Come on, you're
both all for house unity, yeah? Isn't this the perfect opportunity to help us Gryffindors?" The
fucking prat says again, Draco's eyes flicked over to Theo who seriously looked like he was
thinking about it.
"Scared, Malfoy?" Potter suddenly whips out. Draco hears Theo snort, he also hears Neville

Draco's upper lip twitched in annoyance.

"You wish." He snaps before tying his hair back into a messy ponytail, waiting for Potter to get
into position.

"Well, any time now, Potter? Before I die of old age!" Draco snarks. He saw that Longbottom
already got into position, Theo settling on his back, his arse planted on Longbottom's tailbone, as
he sat in an Indian seat.

The bastard just laughs. Draco was being his 1000000 prat self and the fucking nuisance just

Potter gets into position, doing a plank, his body supported by his elbows and toes. Draco huffs,
toeing off his trainers and socks before gracefully getting on Potter's back.

Mother Morgana, Draco could feel the muscles flex against his arse. He shifts, getting into a more
comfortable position. His arse pressed against the wizard's mid-back. His long, soft and dainty
fingers digging into the muscle of Harry's trapezius.

"Merlin, Malfoy, do you even eat?" Harry asks carefully, not wanting to offend him. Draco rolls
his eyes, "Not everyone wants to be some neanderthal who has muscles as skin, Potter."

Harry chuckles again as he began his reps, without fucking destitution.

"Guess you're right about that."

"I'm always right." Draco puffs out, ignoring every flex he could feel from Harry's muscles. Why
did working out look so sexy when Harry does it?

Draco kept digging his nails on Harry's skin, he didn't know why, but whenever he felt like he was
going into some sort of other lateral universe, he'd flex his nails over the heated muscles of Potter.
"96, 97, 98, 99, 100, Bloody hell! I did it." Harry said, Draco scrambled off of Harry's back as he
silently murmured a concealing charm on his crotch, popping a boner whilst Potter was working
out, wasn't something Draco wanted the other wizard to know about.

"Anyway, thank you for both of your help." Neville said gently, Harry nodded in agreement, "Life
savers, that you are both." He adds.

Theo blushed, "I can help you with reps again next week, Neville. We can go back here next week,
right Draco?" His friend asks, "Yeah sure! As long as it doesn't conflict with my study group."
Draco says.

They did agree on having the two as spotters for their next drills.

As he showered to be fresh and alert for their study group, it was safe to say that he had the longest
orgasm in his life when he pulled himself to the thought of Harry fucking him up until he was

Revenge Plot - 2 Getting Laid - 2

And the scores were now fucking tied.

You're beautiful...
Chapter Notes

tw: mentions of bullying, verbal abuse, and food deprivation.

cw: gay panics, lots of it.

Draco arrived at the old defense classrooms just 2 minutes before 10 am, he had to elegantly
shovel down food as fast as he can since he took his time in the showers, weirdly enough, Draco
didn't catch a glimpse of the Chosen One at breakfast, not that he was looking for Potter. Why the
fuck would he?

"Draco! Just in time!" Hermione said with a grin, dressed in horrendous muggle clothing, a tattered
brown cardigan that swallowed her whole figure, over a white shirt, jeans that were ripped, Draco
didn't know if it was ripped for fashion statement or it just was simply falling apart.

"Granger, can I just say that you look like a fashion disaster right now." Draco acknowledges her,
Hermione rolls her eyes, "Comfort over style."

"You can be comfortable with style." Draco argues as he takes out his old potion's book that had
notes and several annotations for brewing 2nd year potions.

Hermione huffs, "Does it really hurt your pride to be nice?"

"I'm never nice." Draco clips. Pansy strode in donning black neat trousers, white turtleneck, under
a moss green knitted sleeveless vest.

Draco gestures Pansy to Hermione, " See? Comfort and style." He says with a smirk as if he
proved a point.

Neville comes barrelling in next, fresh from showers, with a hideous taste of clothes. God, this man
hid all the assets he had in those fugly vests and non-fitting trousers.

Hermione then gestures Neville, " See? Always comfort over style." She argues haughtily. Draco
was the one to roll his eyes at this point. Neville looks confused, "What about my style?"

"It's horrendous and foul to the eyes, Longbottom." Pansy quips, "Theo is a great stylist, maybe he
could give you some tips and other things." She says cryptically.

Neville just blushes, the sod of a man who looked like a Greek God like Potter, blushes at
compliments. What the actual fuck was wrong with these Gryffindors?!

Before Neville could reply, younger students began piling in, Hermione dutifully introduced the
new members of their study group, before they all broke down into smaller groups. As Granger
had said, Draco handled the 2nd years with their potions, taught them about how important the
methods of stirring, heating, cutting can affect the potion. He then gladly gave a demonstration on
how to cut a diagonal incision for the bat spleens and how they'll affect the potion.

"As you see here, if you cut through your bat spleens in a straight direction, your swelling potion
might take long for it to take effect, hence, I have experimented back in my 2nd year to cut them
diagonally, the swelling potion me and my partner brewed took effect immediately." Draco informs
the wide eyed 2nd years who listened and took notes carefully.

"So that's why it took urgent effect!" Hermione snips from the other side of the room.

A brunette Ravenclaw, as he remembers, Veronica, raises her arm for a question. "Yes, Veronica?"
Draco acknowledges.

"If you said that it would take much urgent effect when cut diagonally, then why did the book
instructed to cut it the straight way?" She asks, brows furrowed, testing Draco.

"Well, if a book says burn yourself, would you do it?" Draco asks, raising a brow.

Draco heard Neville snort but closes his palm against his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

Veronica blinked rapidly, "I-I beg your pardon, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Please, just Draco. I repeat, if the book told you to burn yourself, would you do it because it's
what's instructed?" He repeats.

"I-I wouldn't?" Veronica asks, unsure.

"Now ask me my question." Draco drawls, gesturing the girl to get on with it. She clears her throat,
"if a book says burn yourself, would you do it?"

"Yes," He says not missing a beat, everyone's eyes widened, even the other groups stopped from
their essays, debates, exchanging of thoughts to hear out Draco.

"But not before I find a better solution for me not to be burned all the way." He says after a
dramatic pause. "A good potions master doesn't only rely on what the book says, they twist it, they
reconstruct it, they better it. So if a book were to say that I should burn myself, I would first spray
myself with gypsum plaster, a fire retardant material, then I would proceed to burn myself, but , I
have outsmarted the book, because I bettered the instruction." He drawls out, slowly, letting the
information sink in.

By the time the students understood, they were in awe at Draco's unreserved display of wit and
knowledge. Hermione, a book-smart witch, turned to Pansy, "How the bloody hell am I the top of
our year and not Malfoy?" She asks, Pansy chuckles.

"Darling, Draco is not book smart. He hates memorizing, although he loves to read, but never
academic books. He said so himself, books can be bettered, altered. So why would he waste his
time on that? Our grades are based on our book smarts, but if it were not, then Draco would run
you over like a stick. No offense, Hermione." Pansy explains.

Hermione's jaw slacks, because there was no offense taken at all. She was amazed.

"None taken."

"And we wonder why Harry pines for him, don't we?" Neville whispers to Hermione, the muggle
born chuckles.

Pansy raises a brow, "Care to share?"

Draco continued his explanation and demonstration as he tuned out the other three eight years. By
12 pm, everyone was hungry and ready to be dismissed. Veronica approached Draco, blushing.

Oh no, Draco knew that looked. Knew it very well.

"Thank you for your time, Draco. I know I'll enjoy these study sessions more now that you'll be
tutoring us in Potions." She says shyly, tucking a hair behind her ear. Draco was too gay for this

The blonde clears his throat, "Well, Hermione offered and I know I couldn't refuse. Thank you for
thinking highly of me." Draco says, nothing more, nothing less.

But the Ravenclaw blushed even more, he hated this, he wanted to shout at her, telling her that he
also wants dick. But that would be too crass and inappropriate.

"You were really great with explaining and you were patient with us even if we had hundreds of
questions." She continues.

You had hundreds of questions, he mentally snides. He could see hearts forming in her eyes as she
continues to praise him.

Oh, Draco was so close to vomitting.

"And, uh, you're really very handsome, Draco." She finally, confidently says, her bright blue eyes
wide with adoration.

Fuck, he was screwed, and not in a good way.

He chuckles nervously, suddenly throwing an emergency look at his friends, he needed help, he
wanted to get away from this adoring girl, because he was definitely and irrevocably too fucking
gay for this kind of shit.

Draco Malfoy was never awkward, never in his whole fucking life, but fucking fuckidy fuck, why
did this 12 year old girl develop an insatiable crush on him when he was just clearly explaining and
teaching them for their next potions practicals.

Pansy finally stepped up, feeling sorry for his gay ass.

"Draco, darling, we're about to head for Hogsmeade for some lunch, join us?" She called out,
prettily, flirty. Oh, this, this Draco can tolerate. He knew that Pansy would never trade her love for
cunt for dicks, so he was comfortable with her pet names and tones.

Veronica gave her an evil eye, "Excuse me, but I was talking to Draco?" She huffed, Draco just
chuckles, "It's okay, Veronica. I'll see you when I see you." He says, not wanting Pansy to get into
a fight. He saw Hermione held Pansy by the elbow, so he relaxed.

The 12 year old let out a mad grumble before smiling back at Draco sweetly as she turned her heel
and left the classroom with a thud. Granger being the smart witch that she is, puts up silencing
spells on the door as fast as she can.

Draco exploded.



Neville guffawed, Pansy smirked while Hermione looked like she was about to faint from keeping
her mouth shut. Draco's face was red.

"Do I look like a straight man to you?!" Draco snapped at Neville.

Neville blinked, "Uh, no? I mean for the record, we kinda saw you bend over for Harry so I don't
think our opinion matters."

Hermione gasped, "You've already bent over for him and he hasn't told me anything?!" She says,
feeling betrayed.
Draco rolls his eyes, "Again, it was a fucking accident! Can we all get over it now?!" He snaps,
Pansy chuckles wickedly, "No one will get over that little show you put on. Not even Potter."

Draco groans, grabbing a chair, elegantly draping himself over it before slumping, folding his arms
against the table and shoving his face into his arms.

"I hate it here." He mumbles.

After the lunch at Hogsmeade, without the sight of Potter once again, Draco found himself
wandering about the castle. He was far too energized to laze about the slytherin dungeons, he
wanted to do something. Anything that will keep his mind preoccupied. As if the worlds answered
his prayer, Potter came sauntering into the hallway, his duffle bag propped on top of his shoulder,
freshly showered. Draco frowned, has the wizard been training all morning? Without food into his

"Potter." Draco drawls, Potter stops, grinning, "Hey, Malfoy."

"Have you been training all morning?" He asks, Potter shot his two brows up, "Yeah, kind of my
weekend routine since Robarbs gave me, Ron and Neville the go to self-train before the actual
Auror Program." The chosen one says, like it was no big deal, that despite of Harry has not taken
his NEWTs, he already has a position waiting for him at the auror program.

"And Weasley doesn't train with you and Longbottom because?"

"He wants to work with the strategist, the minds, not the physical aspect of the Aurors." Harry said,
shrugging as he leant against the wall.

"Have you not eaten anything since you've woken up?" Draco asks, he was not worried, how is he
expected to extract his revenge if Potter dies from exhaustion and hunger?

"Nah, just water."

"And you're not planning to eat at all?"

The golden boy shook his head, "Not really hungry, just want to take a short nap before finishing
some homework."

Draco rolls his eyes, he grabbed Harry's wrist before dragging the bigger man to the secret
passageway of the kitchens.

"You need to eat, you've been using way too much of your stamina, you'll catch your death if you
keep up this kind of routine." Draco snaps as they enter the kitchens, he asks Bennie, one of
Hogwarts' house elf to prepare a light snack, sandwich perhaps with chicken, tomatoes, parmesan
cheese and balsamic oil.

He pushes Harry to sit on the stall by the enormous kitchen counter.

"How did you know that there was another way to the kitchens?" Harry asks, raising a brow. Draco
fiddles with his fingers, before taking a seat beside Harry.

"When we all got back from the war, I couldn't eat at the Great Hall, everyone wanted me gone,
hexed me, called me names, everything," Draco starts, maybe if he can't seduce Potter as he
undress physically, then he'll try to seduce Potter as he undress all of his trials ever since the war
was fought.

"I-It went on for about 3 weeks, without proper food, because I can't step into the Great Hall,
Blaise and the other Slytherins weren't back yet, said their families were putting off their time at
Hogwarts. So, I had no one." He continues, he sees Harry stiffen but then realization comes across
his face.

"You grew thin, the first month of being back after the war. I'd see you biting your nails and
drinking lots of water." Harry slowly says, trying to point out if this was the situation Draco is
telling him about.

Draco nods, "Three weeks without food, just water." He said, "Then Bennie, bless his beautiful
heart, took my hand and led me through their passage. He told me to eat here, every breakfast,
every lunch, every dinner. He told me that humans were cold, they didn't know how to forgive.
But the elves, they were kind, never told me off to be a death eater, never told me to kill myself
because that's what I deserve. They might just be slaves to other wizards, but they have the biggest
hearts. Ever since then, I began eating right again." Draco smiles, he saw Harry blush as the bigger
man stares at him.

"You look beautiful." Harry whispers.

Draco blinked rapidly, "W-What?"

Harry smiles gently, looking straight into Draco's eyes.

"You look beautiful, smiling like that." Potter repeats.

Draco doesn't know how to respond, how the hell does one person respond to a fucking genuine
compliment?! Before he could formulate a come-back, Bennie was there, handing two well crafted
sandwiches and a tall pitcher of lemon water.

Harry eats.

Draco smiles.

Draco enters the Slytherin common room with a light feeling, he was greeted by the sight of Theo
bleaching Millie's hair, Pansy re-doing her nails, and Blaise reading, again .

"Guess what?" Draco saunters to the unoccupied couch as he sinks down on the plush leather

" Accio Potter Jar." Theo whisped his wand.

Draco's jaw dropped, how could they?!

This was treason! Blasphemy! Insubordination!

"Come on, Draco. Don't be shy." Millie teased as the final coating of her bleach was applied by
Theo. The Potter Jar wisped through the wind of the dungeons and lands gracefully on Theo's

Pansy shook her head in disbelief as Draco puts another galleon into these so called Potter Jars.

"Now, can I finally talk?" Draco grouses, annoyed that he had to pay up before he could talk about
Potter, not that he wanted to talk about Potter every day.

"Go right ahead, Draco." Blaise said teasingly.

"I think I am on my way to making Potter fall for me." Draco announces, pride blossoming in his

"Oh, why is that?" Pansy asks.

"He called me beautiful."

"Oh for Merlin's sake!"

"Just fuck already!"

"I am so done with this."

"You know what? No, put another galleon in the Potter Jar, now!"
You're my room mate?!
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Monday came too quickly, Draco wanted to sleep more, especially since he was sleep deprived
because a certain Weasley had to barge into the common room of Slytherin suddenly asking him
and Theo about what it's like to be gay. Bloody hell, he didn't even know why he asked them in the
first place, until Weasley says who he's been eyeing since returning back to school.

Blaise motherfucking Zabini.

And that's what kept him, Theo, and Weasley up at the common rooms with silencing charms and
privacy charms around them as they educated the recently turned bisexual Weasley with as much
knowledge they can thrust into his mind in a short period of time.

Vaguely, he recalls the mentions of blowjobs, fingering, handjobs, rimming, prostate orgasm,
submission and other fucked up sex terms that they can think of as they violently shoved it up front
into Weasley's face. He really wanted to fall back asleep, he really fucking did. Draco raises his
eyes to scan the Slytherin table to see Theo with his back straight, trying not to fall asleep on his

When Draco looked for Weasley, he instantly rolled his eyes, the Weaselbee was fast asleep,
snoring with his head against the Gryffindor tables. He didn't even try to stay awake.

"Why was Weasley in the common room's last night?" Blaise suddenly asks, "Weasley was in our
common rooms?" Pansy asks, furrowed eyebrows.

"He had a problem." Draco drawls out sleepily.

"So he came to you?" Millie asks, raising a brow.


"And why is that?" Pansy this time.

"What is it today? Ask Draco questions day?" Draco huffs, he was angry, because of the lack of
sleep, lack of food, lack of wanks, and lack of Potter. Because fucking bloody Merlin's tits, Potter
was nowhere to be seen.

"What's got your knickers in to a twist?" Blaise asks, ignoring how Theo finally succumbed to the
sleep that was trying to take him.

"Potter's not here." Pansy answered, "You know how Draco is, he needs to see his nemesis first
before he can fully function." She adds as she sips her tea.

"Even Granger's not there, maybe they are talking to McGonagall about the inter-house unity shit
they've been trying to promote?" Blaise says.

As if on cue, Potter and Granger entered the Great Hall with big grins, Draco hated those kinds of
grins. Those kinds of grins meant big announcements. Big announcements meant big changes. And
Draco was not a fan of big chances.

"Wake Theo up, it looks like the Headmistress will announce something first before they serve
breakfast." Draco grunts out, he really hates mondays.

Turns out, Draco was right. Then again, when was he ever wrong? The Headmistress made her
way to the middle of the platform for the faculty of Hogwarts.

"Everyone, may I have your attention please? Especially to our graduating 8th years." She starts,
"As everyone has been informed a week ago, this year will mark our first ever Inter-house Unity
Brigade. This program allows all students to finally get over the unjust system of bullying and
violence towards certain houses. The war is finished, ladies and gentlemen! Let's not have our little
wars here at Hogwarts as we want this place to become their safe escape for everyone. And when I
say everyone, I mean everyone. No wizard left behind. Now, one of the biggest announcements
will be for the 8th years."

She shifted her attention as she gazed every table to see the 8th years faces, from 11 year olds to
grown 18 year olds, Draco could see that she was fighting back the emotions, the pride, and the
happiness she was feeling.

"You've been through a lot my precious 8th years, I've seen you grow, year by year, as you first set
your foot here at Hogwarts, until you'll finally take your last exit-" Draco fights the overwhelming
emotion, the Headmistress looks like she was about to spill tears, "I am so very proud of all of you,
all of you. To the patience and loyalty of the Hufflepuffs, to the creativity and wisdom of the
Ravenclaws, to the ambitious and cunning Slytherins, and to the brave and chivalrous Gryffindors.
I am so very proud of you. To my slithering snakes of Slytherin, it's okay."

Pansy couldn't stop it, she sobbed. Millie sobbed, all of the remaining eight years in Slytherin
cried. Draco clenched his fists, Blaise bowed his head while Theo looked at his nails.

"The war is over, children. No more, I beg, no more wars." McGonagall said softly, "As part of the
inter-house unity brigade, all 8th years will no longer belong to any of their Houses. Instead, we've
built a new house. The House of Wulfric, which shows power, intelligence and strength."

A purple banner with the grim as its animal covered the center of the Great Hall. It was
magnificent. The Great Hall erupted with loud, boisterous and happy claps and yelps from all of
the houses.

"This is the start of a new era!" McGonagall announces, proud, happy. "And a new beginning for
all of our 8th years."

A new beginning? Draco thinks, his heart clenches at his revenge. But no, he will push through.
He will break Harry Potter. He just needs to repeat it, every time, until he himself, finally believes

"Oh, and 8th years, all of you will leave your dorms, there will be a new dorm for your new house,
and your house will be allowed to play for the Hogwarts quidditch cup ." And that's it, all of the 8th
years screamed, fists pumping into the air.

Draco smiles gently, Potter would look so good catching the snitch, but then he frowns, he hated
Potter , he hated how he would grin crookedly when he catches the snitch. Draco hates Potter. He
hates him.

Then he looks over to the Gryffindor table where Potter and the rest of his comrades, they were
patting his shoulders, he could see Finnigan whooping, Thomas grinning, Weasley was actually
alive now, as he put the chosen one into a headlock, rubbing his knuckles against the already
messy hair. Draco could see Longbottom smiling at his friends. Then he turns back to Potter,
wrong move, Potter was already looking at him.
Potter smiles at him.

Fuck, did he really hate Potter?

McGonagall leads the 8th years to the new wing that has been installed and had just finished
recently. She lifted her hand, " Revelio !"

There was a portrait of Albus Dumbledore, smiling at the 8th years. "Well, if it isn't my band of
knights, soldiers, kings and poets." He says in a warm tone, McGonagall smiles, "that's your
password, Knights, Soldiers, Kings and Poets."

The portrait opened, revealing a beautiful common room washed with rich purple hues and black
undertones. It shouted royalty and perseverance.

"Welcome to the House of Wulfric. I trust that you will be settled in today, classes has been
canceled for all 8th years to give way for all of you settling into your new house. And, as part of
our inter-house unity, you will not be rooming with housemates. Two students per dorm room all
equipped with their restrooms & showers. Now," McGonagall clears her throat as she pulls out a
parchment from her sleeve.

"Parkinson and Granger, Parvati P and Bulstrode, Abott and Padma P, Turpin and Bones, Jones
and Li, and Greengrass and Kellah."

The girls have shuffled together, before McGonagall gave them a signal to prepare their rooms.

Draco's heart was beating so fast, he could feel the adrenaline crashing towards his body, clawing
from the anxiety and excitement.

"Longbottom and Nott, Fletchy and Corner, Macmillian and Boot, Goyle and Goldstein, Malfoy
and Potter, Weasley and Zabini, Thomas and Hopkins, Finnigan and Travers."

He was frozen solid, Draco Malfoy, was going to share a fucking room with Harry fucking prat
Potter. How the fuck was this possible?! This has to be a fucking prank.

Harry shyly shuffled closer to Malfoy, "I'm messy." Was the first thing he said. Draco, who was
having an existential crisis couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't expect anything other than that,

The taller man grins, "And I might disturb you from time to time because I tend to play guitar."

Holy salazar's saggy balls, can't he be anymore perfect.

"Please don't say you sing too." Draco groaned out as they trudged over to the men's dormitories.
The third door to the right; H. Potter - D. Malfoy , great, it wasn't a prank, it's real.

Harry chuckles, "Well, I do but I don't think I'm good. Me and Nev play sometimes together but
we're in need of a bassist. Nev is a talented drummer."

"Oh, Blaise , he plays the bass. He's quite brilliant." Draco suggests, Harry grins as they enter their

"You reckon he'd say yes?" Harry asks.

"Well, you'll never know until you try." Draco clips as he takes the bed near the window, "I'm
staking claim." He announces, Harry nods, "Quite alright with me, never liked being near
windows. My muggle family used to put bars on them."

Draco's eyes widened, he had heard of Harry's nasty muggle family, but hearing it coming from
Harry made Draco's heart clench.

"Well, they can sod off for all they want." Draco breathes out in annoyance. Harry chuckles again,
"Never find that one day Draco Malfoy would defend my honor."

"We already called a truce , didn't we?"

"We did."

But why was Draco's brain fighting against him? Telling him no he's your nemesis, you must break

An hour later after settling all of their things down, He and Potter decided to go to the common
rooms to see if anyone of their friends were already there, probably Blaise, since the obnoxious
golden prat was really excited to talk to the Slytherin about playing the bass for their 'band' as what
Potter calls it.

Luckily when they got to the common rooms, they saw Blaise and Weasley sitting comfortably on
the couch right in front of the fire place. Theo was sitting on the floor talking to Longbottom about
clothes, there were no signs of the girls anywhere. They were still probably finishing organizing
their things. Potter jumps over the back of the sofa with ease, settling himself beside Blaise.

"So, a little bird told me you could play the bass." Potter quips, Blaise raises a brow.

Did this chosen prat just called Draco a bird?!

"A little bird huh?" Blaise says with a smirk, eyeing Draco who wore a scowl on his face, taking a
seat on floor beside Theo with perfect posture.

"Yeah, well, how true is it?" Potter asks again, "Why?" Blaise asked back.

"Are you recruiting Blaise?" Neville asks from where he is. "Recruiting?" Theo, curious with what
was happening.

"You play the bass?" Ron suddenly asks.

Blaise chuckled as all of the attention was shifted to him, the interested throws a look to Draco, he
just shrugs.
"I do, why of it, Potter?" Blaise supplies, before nodding at Ron, silently answering the ginger's
curious question.

"Me and Nev do some song session, could we invite you one of these days?" Potter asks, genuine.
Blaise ponders before fucking giving a genuine smile back.

"Sure, my parents didn't approve of me with my music but I guess fuck them and their idealogies
now." Blaise said with a smirk, Potter smirks back, "Welcome to the band then."

"Why am I hearing about a band?" Granger suddenly asks, as the ladies finally appeared.

"Potter wants to form a band with Blaise and Longbottom." Draco says, casually.

"Blaise?" Pansy asked curiously, "How did you know that Blaise plays an instrument?" She asks

"Apparently, a little bird told him." Blaise said with an undertone emphasizing the word bird.
Draco's fingers twitched, wanting to punch, but stopped himself.

"What? But only me and Pansy know about Blaise playing?" Millie argued frowning.

Harry chuckled, "None of that, anyway, maybe we can make Friday nights our music nights? For
the whole house. We can have like a few sets of muggle music then we'll have party games, food
and alcohol." He suggests, shrugging.

"Brilliant idea, mate!" Ron agrees without second thought, "I'd agree, but no alcohol." Hermione
says, the lot groaned.

" Fine. " Granger finally agrees.

Friday nights will certainly become more interesting .

Chapter End Notes

And that concludes our fourth chapter everyone, see another opening for harry and
draco to bond? And I seriously love the idea of Harry being able to sing while he
developed a love for guitar because of Sirius. Also, Friday nights = Music nights!

Let me know what y'all think.

You're perfect
Chapter Notes

cw: nightmares, mentions of unforgivable abuse (imperio, crucio), kissing.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

There was fire, a big one, ready to burn him alive. The heat was making him choke, drying out his
throat, his skin vibrating with fear and trepidation. He couldn't breathe, the smoke too potent, too
thick, his lungs would die, he would die.

Then suddenly, he felt his other friend slip away, into the roaring fire. It ate him up, like he was

He was going to die, he could feel it. Until there was something holding his elbow, someone was
holding his elbow, he was being pulled, pulled away from the fire.

"-co! Draco! Wake up!"

Draco snapped his eyes opened, he was breathing heavily, his cheeks wet from tears, Potter's eyes
were heavy with concern, Draco sobs, Potter pulls him into his chest, hugging him.

"Hey, hey, you're safe. It's just a dream." Potter whispers, he sat on the edge of Draco's bed, as he
pulled the sobbing blonde closer. Draco scrambled to get on Harry's lap, burying himself further
into Harry's embrace.

He could still feel the heat, he could still smell the embers, he could still hear the roars, orange and
red flickers through Draco's closed lids as he shook in fear.

Potter tightened his embrace.

"Breathe with me, Draco. Feel my breathing, in— out, in— out, a few more," Potter repeats the
breathing exercise as he began calming Draco down. Draco's sobs reduced itself into small
whimpers and sniffs, as he calmed down on Harry's lap.
He could feel the cool air that was coming from cooling charms, he could smell bergamot, pepper,
grass, it was musky yet citrusy, his eyes steadied on the dim dorm room, only illuminated by a
wand that was charmed by lumos, he felt safe.

Potter gently pushed Draco back, away from the comforting hug, Draco almost struggled, but
Potter cupped his cheek, the savior's thumb brushing away the tears, their eyes connecting,
everything was muted. All Draco could hear was the other's breathing. He realizes that he was on
top of Potter's thighs, he was straddling the other. But he didn't have it in himself to panic, he felt
utterly and wonderfully safe as he can make out the feel of one of Potter's strong arm around his
waist, their lower bodies connected intimately, Draco involuntarily buried his fingers into the
thickness of Potter's hair.

Potter let out a soft groan when Draco tugged, gently.

"Just a dream." Draco sighs out, finally calm.

"Yes, just a dream." Potter agrees, his eyes still on Draco's face, "Are you okay now? Do you want
to talk about it?"

Draco only shakes his head, before leaning forward, he didn't know why , but he pressed his
forehead against Potter's forehead.

" T-thank you." He says, shyly, almost inaudible.

Potter smiles gently, Draco suddenly feels the other's hand gently caressing his back. This felt nice,
comforting, wonderful.

"For waking you up?" Potter asks, his tone gently teasing, wanting to liven up the air of the room.
Draco looks into the other's eyes, even with those fugly glasses, his intense emerald eyes still held
so much power in them.

"No," Draco starts, "For saving me." He tells the truth, because he really doesn't know what he
feels for Potter anymore. He doesn't even know if he still wants revenge. It's been 2 weeks since
they've started being roommates, it has been pleasant, Draco thought it would be awkward but it
wasn't, it was comfortable, and instead of being disturbed by Potter and his music and his singing
like the other warned Draco about, he likes it. He likes Potter's music. He sometimes fall asleep to
Potter playing the guitar, to his humming, to his singing.

Potter is one hell of a singer. He can actually fucking sing.

Draco had also found friends in the Gryffindors, he can finally admit it to himself. He liked the
feeling of studying with Hermione . He liked sharing his non-book knowledge with her while she
shared her book knowledge with him. It was a great dynamic to be honest. And he knows, he
absolutely knows that there was something going on between her and Pansy. He could feel it. And
he liked the idea, Hermione was low-maintenance in a good way, small things matter to her, she
likes small things. Pansy on the other hand, was high-strung, privileged, loves the great things in
life. They were different from each other but they would also be perfect for eachother.

Then, Weasley— or Ron, as he finally calls the weaselbee by his first name after countless games
of chess and numerous gossip sessions with him and Theo. The ginger was a great friend. He, Theo
and Ron actually clicked , they were like another band of trio that surprised the whole house of
Wulfric. They would also talk about muggle products, muggle technology, and anything about
muggles. They were all pure-bloods, they knew nothing about the joys of tell-a-vision until
Finnigan somehow illegally smuggled and coerced his mum to mail him one, his dad, shrunk it
down, and mailed it to him the next day. And that was the day, House of Wulfric did something
together again, they watched a movie together. Fridays were music nights, Saturdays were movie
nights. Theo and Ron, Draco can finally say, were definitely two of his closest friends.

With the amount of sexual fantasies Theo throws and the amount of terrifying but curious
questions Ron throws, their trio was indeed chaotic but too gay at the same time. Draco likes it,
having a fellow chaotic gay best friends.

"Saving you?" Potter asks, after a minute of silence, "The bullying?" He asks again, unsure of what
Draco was referring to.

Draco smiles, genuinely, he hears Potter have a sharp intake of breath.

"From the fiendfyre."

Potter's eyes widened, "The nightmare, it's about that?" He asks, a terrified look in his eyes. Draco
nods, clutching the other's nape, anchoring himself so that he won't drown from the fear that was
clawing up again.
"Fuck, when did these nightmares start?" Potter asks, Draco shrugs, "I don't know."

"I have them too, nightmares, guess that's why I'm an early riser, but not this bad. You were
thrashing on your bed, crying, yelling. I-It sounded like someone casted an unforgivable on you."

Draco whimpers at the word, unforgivable.

Potter pales at the reaction.

"D-Did someone try to—"

"Crucio, Imperio." Draco supplies, he felt Potter's hold tighten around him.


Draco stills, unsure.

"Who, Draco? Tell me. Please."

He likes it, he likes Potter saying please.

"B-Bellatrix, Greyback, V-Voldemort. Father ." Draco sobs at the end.

"Fuck." Potter swears, Draco starts crying again, he doesn't like crying, but Potter feels too
comfortable for him. He shows everything, his weaknesses, his trauma.

He doesn't know how but, he was on his back in a few seconds, Potter on top of him whispering
sweet nothings, trying to calm him down. He wants to thank Potter, he doesn't know how, so he
raises his head, and presses lips against Harry's.

Harry grunts, before melting into the kiss. Draco opens his mouth, wanting to deepen the kiss, the
feel of Harry mouth slotted against his felt like warm blanket on a snowy evening, it was warm,
comforting, and it felt like it completed every part of Draco's soul. He hears Harry groan, the other
shifts his position, Draco opens his legs, letting Harry settle in between them, Harry presses his
mouth eagerly on to Draco's, before swiping his tongue against Draco's opened mouth.

Draco whimpers.

He knew Harry liked it, he felt the other grip his hips, tightly, possessively. Potter delves deeper,
sucking on Draco's tongue, swiping every tooth, every corner, claiming Draco's mouth. Draco
could only whimper and moan, letting Harry have his way with him. His nails digging into Harry's
clothed shoulder. He could feel the weight of Harry's hard dick against his inner thigh, Harry was
hard because of him.

But it ended too soon, Potter sucked his bottom lip once more before breaking the kiss. They were
both panting. Harry buried his nose into Draco's collarbone, he felt the other breathe, against his
skin, as if memorizing the scent.

"I- fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't, I shouldn't have kissed you— fuck you were crying for fuck's sake and

"Hey, i-it's okay, I-I was the one who kissed you." Draco cut him off, the noble golden prat was
too self-righteous and much of a gentleman that it made Draco choke.

"Fuck, what if I didn't control myself? Shit." Potter swears against Draco's skin. Draco could still
feel the heavy arousal on his thigh, he didn't want it to stop. But he couldn't find himself to do
more because he was too emotionally tired.

"It's okay, I'm not mad." Draco supplies, relaxing in Harry's arms. Potter sighs, shifting his
position, before landing beside Draco, he closes his legs instantly, willing his own hard dick to

Harry shyly takes Draco's hand in his while they both lay on their backs looking up at the deep
purple canopy.

"Can you sleep here?" Draco squeaks out, biting his lip from the absurd request. "I-I mean if it's o-
okay with you, b-but, you know what? Forget I asked."
"Yeah, I'll sleep here. For as long as you want me to." Potter agrees, turning to his side, facing
Draco's body. Draco blushes, before mimicking the obnoxious but amazing man, turning on to his
side, facing Potter.

"How about we do a secret handshake?" Harry asks, Draco furrows his brows, confused.

"If you want me to lay beside you, we'll do the handshake, so there's no need for verbal consent.
No one will know what it means." Harry explains, Draco likes the idea. Having a secret with

Draco nods, licks his lips, "Okay, h-how? I don't know the first thing about secret handshakes."

"How about, we do it like this…" Potter teaches him, they bumped their fists together, before
slapping their palms together, then the back of their palms, before bumping their fists again, ending
it with a handshake.

"Simple right?" Harry asks, Draco smiles, likes the feel of his hand in Harry's.

"Yes." He simply answers.

"Simple, but has a deeper meaning." Harry says, with a grin. He likes it. Harry grinning at him.

They both doze off, looking at each other. Comfortable in each other's warm presence.

Draco didn't have any more nightmares that night.

"What the bloody merlin are you doing?" Millie asks with wide eyes as she watches Draco, a pure-
blood spoiled to rotten wizard, cook in the Hogwarts kitchens. Draco scowls at him as he flipped
the pancakes with ease, he has been secretly learning how to cook with the help of Thomas, Dean
Thomas was a great cook, they found out when he offered to cook absurd amount of foods for their
Saturday night movie, Draco being curious, helped him out. And that was the start of a great
"I am cooking, have you lost both your eyesight and common sense?" Draco drawls out in
annoyance as he scooped up another serving of batter of the pancake before dumping it cleanly on
the pan.

"Rude," Millie snides, "But why are you cooking and what is that flat round thing?!"

Draco sighs, "It's pancakes , muggle food. Potter's stomach is hurting from whatever he,
Longbottom and Blaise ate last night while they were practicing for tomorrow night's event. I've
already given him some of Madam Pomfrey's potion but he needs to eat so I volunteered to get him
something to eat." He explains, before wandlessly turning off the hob, he takes three of the stacked
pancakes, stacking it on another plate before drizzling some heated honey over it and adding some
cinnamon powder on top.

"Bring those up to the common rooms will you, Millie? The others would appreciate a snack whilst
they are studying." Draco says leaving the room, Millie just stood there, stupefied at her friend's
new demeanor. She shrugs and smiles, maybe it was for the better anyway, she thinks as she copies
what Draco did with the honey and cinnamon before skipping to the Wulfric common rooms to
feed the other eight years.

Harry eyes the pancakes once Draco arrives at the hospital wing of Hogwarts, he places the plate of
pancakes on the table, Harry, who finally, doesn't have that dreadful ache of his stomach thankfully
due to the potion, scarfs it down without stopping to breathe.

Draco rolls his eyes, "Drink some water, you'll choke." He says as he hands a glass of cool water to
Harry. Potter grins, swallowing, then drinking half of the glass.

"The kitchens are getting better with muggle food, these pancakes taste divine." Harry praises,
Draco blushes and looks away.

"Of course they're divine, I made them." Draco drawls, looking at an empty bed like it was an
interesting piece of art.

"You did?" Potter asks with wide eyes, "Fuck, Draco. Can you be anymore perfect?" The golden
prat praises again before returning to his pancakes as if he didn't just call Draco perfect.
Draco had clenched fists, not because he was angry, but because Harry's praises, directed towards
him, made him feel funny. His stomach felt like it was going to explode in a very beautiful way,
and his heart was pounding very fast like it wanted to win some marathon.

"Just finish your food so we can go back to the common rooms already, you golden nuisance."
Draco spats, before crossing his arms as he sat on the foot of the bed watching Harry eliminate the
pancakes without preamble.

After the meal, Harry looked re-energized as he kicked his feet off the bed, wandlessly fixing the
bed and plate as it was neatly placed on the bedside table with the clean glass. Draco watched as
the other put on his socks before shoving his feet into those ugly black converse, Potter wasn't
wearing his trainers today, Draco comments mentally.

"Alright, let's go back to the common rooms." Harry said with a grin as he slung an arm around
Draco's shoulders.

" Potter!" Draco shrieks as he flinched at the heavy weight of Potter's arm, but doesn't reject the
idea. The prat just gives himna wolfish grin as he says his farewell and thanks to Madam Pomfrey
before pulling him away.

"We're going to play an original song tomorrow." Harry says, they fell into a synchronized walk,
Draco nods, "It means you made the song right?" He asks, unsure of what an original song meant
to muggles. The taller hums in agreement.

"Yeah, but I'm still missing some points, we're going to finish it tonight."

Draco nods, "You'll be sleeping late then?"

"Yeah, don't wait up for me. You need to sleep." Harry scolds, Draco just scoffs.

"I don't think I'll be sleeping early. Ron and Theo wanted to talk about something." Draco supplies,
Harry groans, "Why do the three of you always end up talking for hours ?!" He asks, genuinely
"We have topics." Draco argues.

"How many topics do you need for you to go to sleep at 4 in the morning?" Potter asks, probably
pertaining to the time where Draco climbed into Potter's bed at 4 am fresh from gossip induced talk
about Blaise and Ron's progressing relationship.

"Oh shut up." Draco weakly argues.

Harry shakes his head as he chuckles, "I'll never understand you three." He comments.

Draco smirks, of course he won't, Potter definitely wouldn't understand their conversations. And it
was a good thing.

"Good, that's the point." He says with a grin.

"Holy shit, are you saying bad things behind my back?"

Draco doesn't answer, his smirk is still there though.

"You do?!"


"Draco, answer me!" Harry wails.

Chapter End Notes

Our draco and harry finally kiss!!! *pops confetti*

You're mine
Chapter Notes

cw: sex, explict sex, rimming, praise kink, submissive behavior, subspace(?),
possessive marking, biting kink, aftercare just raw unbeta-ed filthy sex. :)

note: cupid's chokehold is such an amazing song, let's just imagine that Harry wrote it
for draco.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Draco crawls into Potter's bed after neatly taking off his socks, he buried his nose into the pillows,
relaxing when he was surrounded by Harry's warm and addicting scent. His bed has been unused
ever since they started sleeping on one bed, he saw that it made a big difference for the both of
them. Draco never had nightmares anymore and Potter, surprisingly, began sleeping more. And the
other was sometimes late to his morning routines, which made Draco proud that he has a good
influence on Potter's sleeping routine.

Even Hermione commented on it, telling the golden boy that he looked healthier without his dark
circles. Harry would just chuckle and throw a secretive smile towards Draco as if thanking him in a
non-verbal way. He shifted again as he laid on his stomach, he already told the Slytherins that the
revenge plot would be tuned out for the time being. They just shrugged saying they never
supported his revenge, they supported his crush on Potter. Which opened the topic of Potter and
Draco just had to rant about him.

His pouch three galleons lighter as he deposited it to the infamous Potter Jar, to which a number of
Gryffindors know, it was now ten! For heaven's sake, only a month and two weeks into term,
Slytherins were already rich as fuck thanks to Draco.

It was 2 in the morning, Ron was knackered from Quidditch training that morning so he was the
first one to retire to their beds, next was Theo, then Draco. The conversation was lighthearted,
Theo telling them that he might confess to Neville one of these days, to which the other two
completely agreed and supported Theo. Ron had also opened the fact that Blaise hugged him one
time before he went off to Music practice with Neville and Harry. While Draco just told them
about how he cooked for Harry and Harry calling him perfect. He didn't want to open up the fact
that they shared a bed, it was a secret he'd like to keep to himself for now.

"Draco?" Potter calls out as he hears the door opening and closing, a shuffle and soft thud of his
guitar being placed on the stand in the corner of Potter's space.
Draco just hums in reply.

"Did you just finish talking with Theo and Ron?" Harry asks as he walks to the bed, sitting on the
edge as he took off his shoes and socks, before sliding beside the blonde.

"Yeah, just finished. How is the original song going?" Draco asks, voice already rough since he
was also getting sleepy.

Harry smiles at him, "It's good, finished already. Come on, you should sleep." He coaxes the
blonde into his arms. Draco obliges, he shifts closer, laying his head on Harry's shoulder, his whole
body pressed against Harry's side.

"I like the music you play," Draco states randomly, probably already sleepy but he wanted Harry to
know. He feels Harry grin.

"Oh, thank you, t-that's", Harry clears his throat, "That's wonderful, coming from you."

Draco sleepily scoffs, "I didn't compliment you. I just appreciate good music when I hear one."

Harry chuckles before wrapping both of his hands around Draco, pressing his clothed chest against
Draco's face.

Draco smiled.

"Hey, Malfoy?"

Draco hums, "Yeah?"

"We're okay right?" Harry asks, Draco shifts, "Yeah, we are. What's wrong?"

"Just wanted to ask. Curious." Harry says with a small smile. Draco rolls his eyes, "Then I'll ask
you a question as well."
"Yeah sure, go ahead."

"If you had to choose, me or the sun?" Draco asks, it was the first question that came to mind.
Harry shifts, wrapping his arms around Draco again.

"Then I'll choose to be nocturnal."

Draco smirks.

"Sleep already you, pillock." Harry argues.


"That's not a word." Potter says.

"It is."

"Really? Then what is it?"

"In two words?" Draco asks, Harry raises a brow, Potter can feel that his 'Draco is about to insult
me' senses are going off.

"Harry Potter." Draco says with a smirk before cuddling closer into Harry's side to avoid any more

Harry just laughs before dropping a soft, barely-there kiss on Draco's temple as he shifted even
more closer if it was physically possible as they dozed off into a comfortable sleep.

No nightmares, no insomnia. Just a really good sleep.


Everyone was already perched on theirs with drinks in their hands as Longbottom, Blaise and
Potter set up their instruments. It was all muggle, even the speakers and microphones. Draco sat
with Theo, Ron, Pansy, Hermione, and Millie. The common room was transformed into a pub with
tables and chairs as they enjoyed firewhiskey and food cooked by Thomas and Draco.

"So, we want to tell you guys something." Hermione says shyly. They all perked up at the muggle-
born's tone. It was rare for Hermione to be shy, she was an outspoken and confident young woman,
so this has to be big news.

"Shoot!" Millie says, a word she picked up from Patil, as she leans over, closer to get a good
hearing position.

Draco can see how Pansy reddens, and he smirks, so he was right. Something has been going on
between these two.

Pansy clears her throat and nudges Hermione, the brunette nods, "Ron, I know we never really
talked about why we broke up, we just told each other that we were better off as friends, and we
were right. But, I wasn't really honest with you." She starts, Ron nods, a gesture for her to go on.

"I realized that— that I might not like boys at all." She says, Ron smiles, takes Hermione's hand in
his, "It's okay, I guess, I wasn't completely honest too. When Harry came out to the family, it made
me question my sexuality too. I love you Hermione, I really do, but I guess that's just it. I love you
as someone I can trust, someone I can confide in, but not someone I'd like to be with romantically.
Maybe, maybe that's why we never felt those sparks when we kiss or those magical feelings when
we hug. Because we were just friends in a relationship."

Hermione smiles, "It's Blaise right?"

Ron sputters, reddens, and nervously laughs.

"Ah, what is it with Gryffindors falling for Slytherins?" Hermione laments. Pansy laughs. That's
when Ron's eyes widened, "Holy shite, Parkinson?!" He asks Hermione.

Hermione nods.
Draco holds a palm out to Theo.

"Pay up, you gobshite."

Theo groans, takes out a galleon and deposits it on to Draco's awaiting palm.

Pansy glares at Draco, "How did you know???"

Draco scoffs, "Please, you look at Hermione the way Blaise looks at Ron. I'm not daft."

Ron sputters, again.


"Good evening, you dolts!" Harry's voice roared through the common rooms.

"Boo!!!" Seamus shouted, all of the eight years laughed. Harry laughed into the mic.

Draco sighs dreamily, Ron elbows him snickering.

"The song we'll be playing tonight is an original song. Its title is Cupid's Chokehold." Harry clears
his throat before looking straight at Draco, the prat smiles at him, Draco blushes. "This is for you,
Malfoy." He says with a proud smirk. Blaise and Neville looked like proud parents as they started
the beat of the song.

Everyone goes wild.

Draco blushes even more.

Ba ba da da

Ba ba da da

Ba ba da da

Ba ba da da

Ba ba da da

Take a look at my boyfriend

He's the only one I got (ba ba da da)

Not much of a boyfriend

I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)

It's been some time since we last spoke

This is gonna sound like a bad joke

But momma I fell in love again

It's safe to say I have a new boyfriend

And I know it sounds so old

But cupid got me in a chokehold

And I'm afraid I might give in

Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin'

I mean he even cooks me pancakes

And give me meds when my tummy aches

If that ain't love then I don't know what love is

We even got a secret handshake

And he loves the music that my band makes

I know I'm young but if I had to choose him or the sun

I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun

Draco was shaking, he wanted to cry, Harry was singing, about him. Harry called him his

"Holy shit, you're boyfriends?!" Theo yells at Draco, their table was looking at him, " N-no! I don't
know!" He yells back, shy, confused, loved.

Hermione frowns, "You didn't talk about anything? He wrote a song for you! " She says as the
band continues with the song.

"Well, whatever they are, I'm happy for you, Draco." Millie says with a grin.

Harry and Draco entered their room quietly, they weren't that drunk. They only get drunk on Movie
nights since every eighth year had obligations during Saturdays. So, Hermione limited everyone's
drinking every Friday. For which everyone was thankful for.

Draco shuffled on his feet, it was so awkward. They didn't even get to talk since after the first set,
Hermione had pulled Harry and Ron aside to talk about her relationship with Pansy. They finished
right in time for the band's second set, to which Blaise had dedicated a muggle song to Ron, Neville
also dedicated a drum solo of a song entitled Fallen to Theo. By the end of the night everyone was
tipsy and tired. So they all retired to their rooms after cleaning up, a rule that everyone had agreed
to, no one sleeps until the common room is spick and span.

"I'll shower first." Draco says, Harry nods mutely.

After showering, he dried his hair up with a muggle blow-dryer, it definitely took up more time
than a simple drying spell but it made Draco's hair look stunning, so he stuck with it. At first he
kept on borrowing Hermione's, until one day, he found a paper bag on top of his bed with a note;
'bought you one and returned mione's, hope u like it. -h' Yes, ladies and gentleman, Harry had
bought him a blow dryer, and according to Hermione, it was an expensive brand, considered to be a
luxury and high-end brand.

Draco sighs, remembering that memory again. It was nice, for Potter, to do that for Draco. He likes
Potter's attention. But he never knew what they were exactly. Sure, they cuddled, slept on the same
bed, borrowed clothes ( no this was just Draco borrowing Harry's tshirts to sleep in, Harry can't fit
in Draco's clothes), they ate together, went to Hogsmeade together, studied together, — wow, they
almost do everything together. Had they been this codependent all this time?

Even Harry cut his Auror Training Time just so he could attend their study group every Saturday,
to which Hermione found ridiculous, since Harry doesn't even study, he just watches Draco babble
and discuss potions.

It struck Draco like lightning, they were indeed boyfriends! But then again, Harry never asked!
How would he know?! Draco sighs again before putting the hair dryer back in its place. He exited
the showers and went straight to his bed. He really wasn't sure about sleeping arrangements
tonight. Harry eyes him warily before trudging to the bathroom.

Draco bites his lip, he slips under his covers, it was so unnatural for him to smell his own scent,
like he was used to Harry's scent all over him. He wants to cry right now, why did everything have
to be complicated?!

He hears the bathroom door opening then closing, the faint smell of Harry's shampoo and after-
shave permeating the room, Draco doesn't know where Harry went, he doesn't look for him, he
doesn't want to see him climb in his own bed. But Draco's overthinking stopped when he felt his
bed dip, the covers being lifted up, and the familiar mass of Harry's body pressing against his back.
Harry's arm wraps around his waist, pulling him closer, his back against Harry's chest.

"Did I do something wrong?" Harry finally asks. Draco wants to cry.

"No, of course not."

"You haven't talked to me since I've sung the song I wrote for you." The other says gently, a song,
written for him. Draco should really cry right now.

"I-I never knew that you considered me as your boyfriend…" Draco says softly, scared he might
scare Harry away, that was the last thing he wanted. He really wanted Harry .

"But, I kissed you, didn't I? D-did I not really tell you how I feel?" Harry asks, Draco shakes his
head, before turning around in Harry's arms as he faces the bigger man.

"I like you, Draco. I really do. Maybe it's the way you twist your hair on your index finger
whenever you are in deep thought, or your habit of drinking a glass of water before you eat so
you'll be half full and eat less of the serving, or the way you'd put on perfume on your sternum and
wrists but never your neck, or your habit of pressing your thumb against your knees when you try
to remember something, god, your quirky mannerisms are just a cherries on top of a beautifully and
deliciously curated sundae that I very much want to claim and own and possess." Harry finally
breathes out, every word embedding itself into Draco's chest.

"I like you and I would like to make you mine, if you would let me." Harry whispers, leaning into
Draco's personal space, their lips almost touching.

Draco whimpers.

"Yours," He finally says, "Always yours, Harry. Never anyone else's."

Harry groans before delving his lips against Draco's, the other swipes his tongue across Draco's
lips urging him to open his lips wider, Draco obliges, accommodating Harry's tongue as it glides
against it, Harry was devouring him, it was raw, unfiltered and filthy. Draco loves it.

Draco moans again, his arms wrapping around Harry's neck as he tugs on Harry. The other rolls
Draco onto his back, hovering over him as Draco opens his legs for Harry. Harry doesn't waste
time, he positions himself in between Draco's legs before pressing their crotches together.

"H-harry!" Draco shrieks as he breaks the kiss, breathless, high, and debauched from Harry's
kisses. Harry ruts his crotch against Draco again, Draco moans wantonly.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful like this, all red, all wet, all hard, all mine. " Harry growls out, " Say my
name again." The chosen one grounds out as he pushes his hard dick against Draco's perineum.
Draco whimpers.

"H-Harry. H-harry, please, oh please, Harry. Harry , please, touch me please. " Draco begs.

Harry moans, " Fuck , you even beg beautifully. Touch you, where do you want me to touch you,
darling?" The other taunts, his large hands, gliding up and down against Draco's sides.

Draco wants to sob, they were just kissing and frotting but fuck he was so aroused! So needy!
"Anywhere, please!" Draco wails out as he feels Harry's left hand go under his jumper. Harry
hums, the palm of his hand felt rough and heavy and fucking perfect against Draco's skin.

"You're such a good boy for me, aren't you Draco?" Harry teases, Draco moans, yes, he was, he
wants to be good, he'll be so good for Harry.

Harry pulls the jumper over Draco's head.

"This alright, darling?" Harry asks, Draco nods, "Yes, yes, it's perfect." He consents.

Harry dives back into Draco's lips, sucking, licking, tasting and memorizing every part of Draco's
mouth. The weight of Harry on top of him didn't feel oppressive nor suffocating, he felt anchored,
safe, complete.

Harry lowers his lips, to Draco's chin, jaw, nips on it, before burying his nose against Draco's neck,
he inhales.

"Good fuck, you smell fucking divine." Harry moans as he sucks on his jugular, Draco's toes curl
into the mattress as he grips Harry's shoulders, he is so hard, so sensitive.

Harry left so many marks on his neck, before pressing so many gentle kisses against the marks.
Draco reaches for the hem of Harry's shirt.

"Off, please. " Draco says. Harry grunts.

"My darling is so polite. Such a good boy." Harry praises again, Draco whimpers at Harry's words,
his dick twitches against his pants, it was so wet already.

Harry pulls off his shirt with one hand, before lowering his body on top of Draco again, his weight
anchored by his elbow.

"You're so beautiful, Draco. Such a piece of art when you're like this, almost naked, under me."
Harry compliments before kissing down his neck again, his lips met Draco's hardened nipples, and
Draco almost screams when Harry licks his left nipple. Draco's hand flies into Harry's thick curls as
he moans.

Harry smirks, the bigger man blew on his nub, Draco shuts his eyes as he throws his head back in
pleasure. He never knew it would be this pleasurable. Sure, he had boys in between his legs, but
Harry, fuck, Harry is different.

The golden boy swipes his tongue on the nipple again, before fully closing his lips on the nipple,
he sucks as his tongue works around the hardened nub. Draco moans, cries, oh God, tears were
now falling from his eyes, then he feels Harry's thumb and index finger work his neglected nipple,
rolling it on his fingers.

"Hah, hah, H-Harry, oh, fuck, yes, please, more." Draco incoherently moans out as he raises his
hips to grind against Harry's. He could feel Harry smirk against his nipple before changing sides,
he sucks on the other while thumbing and rolling the wet nipple.

Draco could feel something bubble against his stomach, something was rising, his bollocks

"H-Harry please stop, please. I'm, I'm going going to cum please oh Oh! Please!"

Harry doesn't listen, his lips working harder against Draco's nipples. Harry wants Draco to cum
untouched. Draco whimpers, his dick wildly twitching in his pants, his nails digging into the skin
of Harry.

"H-Harry! So close! So—" Draco couldn't finish, he wailed out a moan as he cummed in his pants,
he saw white, stars, and other magical beings. But Harry didn't stop. He lowered his kisses,
pressing his lips against Draco's flat and soft stomach, there was a small curve on Draco's waist,
down to his wider hips.

Draco was so sexy.

Harry pulls down Draco's pants, the blonde moans as the cool wind hits his soft and sensitive cock.
He pressed his thighs together, so milky and shapely. So soft and supple.
"Fuck , honey, you're so fucking gorgeous. Look at these curves. And these hips. " Harry grounds,
his eyes wide with appreciation as he shamelessly drinks in the masterpiece in front of him.

Draco whimper shyly, his cock twitching at Harry's words as his finger's grip the sheets under his

Harry smirks wickedly when he sees it.

"You love that don't you? You like it when I praise you?" Harry asks Draco. Draco shakes his

"Really, but you're so wonderful, my love. I can't wait to fuck you stupid." Harry mouths, he sees
Draco's cock hardening.

"On your knees." Harry commands gently, Draco scrambles to his elbows and knees, presenting his
arse to Harry.

"Fuck, I've been dreaming of this arse since you pressed it against my cock when we were in
potions." Harry takes one globe into his palm before giving an experimental squeeze. Draco moans
pushing his arse back into Harry's hold.

Harry pulls the two white cheeks apart to reveal the golden treasure in between Draco's legs, fuck,
Draco was pretty everywhere.

Draco doesn't know what's Harry's plan, he moans when he feels both of the other's hands massage
his ass cheeks.

Harry delves in, his tongue flat as he licks his way from Draco's perineum up to the blonde's tiny
puckered hole. Draco's thigh shakes in pleasure, he moans, whimpers as Harry continues his
mission, sucking on the hole before stretching it wildly with his tongue.

Draco wails again, he was never eaten out by anyone, he never liked the feeling, but with Harry,
everything felt perfect. Harry groans at the taste that infiltrated his taste buds, the taste of Draco.
Draco feels Harry lower his mouth, the blonde gasped as he gripped the sheets when Harry took his
bollocks into his warm mouth, his other hand began tugging on his hard cock.
"Oh, H-harry! Please yes! Oh mer lin yes!" Draco moans out, Harry groans, "You taste godly,
love." He says against his perineum, before going back to the blonde's hole, licking and sucking his
way in. Draco was lost now, he didn't even know if he was breathing. Everything was making
Draco hazy from the pleasure he was receiving.

He thought Harry could no more, but Draco arched his back and let out a moan when Harry finally
breaks through his entrance with his tongue, Draco moaned out incoherently as he felt Harry's
tongue fuck his hole. He feels his bollocks tightening again, and he knew he was about to cum.

"H-Harry, I-I can't, uh, ngh, ha! Ah! H-Harry! Please, I-I cumming! H-Harry almost, a-almost! "

Harry doesn't stop.

Draco sobs and wails when his orgasm ripped through his body like a hard stinging hex, he was
breathless, boneless even, he couldn't feel anything besides the kisses being dropped on his spine.
He was shaking, it was a feat that he was still upright on his elbows and knees.

"Come on, baby , on your back now." Harry instructs, Draco obeys, tiredly rolling into his back,
not minding the mess on his sheets.

Harry hums in appreciation, his emerald eyes glazed with lust as he takes in the debauched Draco.
He stands up, by the foot of the bed, before taking off his jeans and pants, his cock bobbing,
pressing against his stomach.

Draco whimpers when he sees it.

Harry was hung. Draco would salivate if he still had the energy but fucking hell, his dick was
probably 11 inches and thick , Draco doesn't even know if he could wrap his fingers around it.

He watches as Harry tugs on himself, moaning as he looks at Draco. Draco bites his lip, before
lowering his eyes, submitting unconsciously , as he opens his legs for Harry, he hooks his elbows
behind his knees, pulling his legs widely apart, presenting his wet hole.

His cock was hurting, two orgasms, he didn't know if it would still get hard, but fuck, he wouldn't
let this night finish without Harry getting that cock inside of Draco's arse.

Harry moans at the display, he crawls back on to the bed, on top of Draco who still held his legs
apart. Draco moans when Harry lays his cock against his softening one. Good godric, his dick was
bigger up close.

"I really, really want to fuck and make love to you, Draco." Harry rasps out as he began moving his
hips, grinding against Draco who, surprisingly, gets hard again.

Draco moans out at the oversensitivity he feels on his cock, his eyes glazed with a hazy film of
submission and lust. He just wants to please Harry.

"Fuck me, Harry. Claim me. Own me." Draco drawls out, his eyes lowered, lashes fanning out
against the well defined cheekbones.

" What did I do to deserve you?" Harry moans out as he murmurs a lubricant spell, lubricating his
fingers as he begins wetting Draco's entrance.

Draco moans when he feels a finger inside him, curling, poking, caressing.

"Save the wizarding world, perhaps?" Draco answers, then lets out a moan as he feels another
finger entering him slowly, carefully, lovingly.

Harry chuckles, moving his fingers inside Draco, scissoring and curling.

"Then, I'd gladly go to war again for you." Harry says, before curling his finger against the nub
inside Draco, Draco's eyes shot wide as he arched, he squirts.

Harry groaned as he watched Draco squirt, he continued, he slammed the tips of his fingers against
the nub.

"H-Harry ah! C-can't! C-can't cum!" Draco moans out, the line between pain and pleasure begins to
blur. Harry grunts in reply as he leans forward, kissing Draco's lips as he withdraws his fingers.
Harry coats himself with more lubricant, before lining the head of his cock against Draco's hole.
Draco whimpered again. He opens his legs wider as he accidentally dropped them when he

Harry thrusts in, he lets out a pained moan at the tightness that choked his cock.

"Love, relax for me." Harry coaxes Draco, the blonde nods, as he lets out small noises of mewls
and whines.

Harry thrusts in and out, the head of his cock the only thing inside, as he tries to pry open Draco's
heated arse. Draco was tight, he felt like heaven and hell at the same time.

"T-that's right, love. Oh fuck, you're taking me so well." Harry moans out as he finally delves into
Draco's hole deeper. Draco moans at the feeling, he felt so full, and so contented because Harry
said he was taking him so good.

That's what Draco wants.

He wants to be so good for Harry.

"Fuck, you're so tight for me, darling. Feels so amazing to be inside you, like you were made for
me. "

Draco moans again.

Then Harry starts, slowly, the tug was making him needy and the push was making him selfish.
Harry felt so good inside him.

Harry moans when he buries himself all the way to the hilt, Draco was full on crying as he throws
his head back into the pillow. It felt like it was a completion of Draco's life, like a part of him had
been returned.
"By God, you look so gorgeous when you cry for my cock, darling." Harry praises, Draco whines,
he gets hard again and it was painful.

Harry kisses him again, their lips slotted as Harry begins to thrust in and out of Draco's squelching

" More, Harry. More please. Fuck me ha rder fuck!" Draco whines out as Harry groans at the
feeling of Draco's arse around his dick.

"You feel so good for me, darling. You're my pretty darling aren't you?" Harry coaxes out again, as
he pants and mewls when he thrusts into Draco's pliant body.

" Yes! Yes! Yours! Only yours!" Draco whines out again, his nails digging, scratching Harry's back.
Harry growls, as he grips Draco's hips, harshly, oh that will bruise. But Draco loves the thought,
god, he'd bruise for Harry any day!

Harry grunts as he laps Draco's nipples, to his sternum up to his neck, before opening his mouth
and biting the juncture between Draco's shoulder and neck.

Draco's eyes roll to the back of his head as he squirts again at the feeling of Harry digging his teeth
into his skin. Harry groans at the wetness, before licking the bite and went higher, to his pulse,
sucking, before biting again, his teeth almost breaking the skin.

Draco was probably stupid now.

His mind was blank from all the pleasure he was feeling.

"I'm not going to last if you keep on being so beautiful, darling. " Harry whispers to Draco, his
thrusts were faster, deeper.

Draco arches his back even more as Harry went even deeper than before, the head of Harry's cock
forming a bulge under Draco's navel. Harry pants as he watches it with wide eyes glazed with
possessiveness. His rough palm presses against it as he felt his own cock under his palm.
"Fuck, Draco, I'm so fucking close."

Draco moans as he nods, he doesn't know what he's nodding at, he's too far gone, his dick
twitching, he doesn't know if he can cum again.

"Cum for me, honey." Harry goads.

Draco shakes his head, adamantly.

"I-I can't. I can't Harry." He sobs out.

"You can, honey. One more time, together with me." Harry moans out, he's near.

Draco whines, tears still flowing down his eyes. Harry's thrusts were directed against his sensitive

"With me now, come on, love. I'm cumming, cum with me, love. Cu-" Harry lets out a deafening
moan as he emptied himself inside Draco, Draco shrieks, as a violent wave rips his orgasm out like
a demonic spirit being exorcized. His cum sputtered against their skins, the bed was wet, and the
room smelt like sex.

Draco was panting, his head light, like he was floating. He couldn't hear Harry, he could only smell
him. He feels Harry pull him into his arms before carrying him to the bathroom. He hears the
shower, then he feels the heat from the showers, he can hear Harry say something, but he couldn't
respond verbally, he nods.

He'll do whatever Harry wants to do.

He feels the warm water caressing his skin, the smell of his body wash, then his shampoo, then his
conditioner. Harry was cleaning him up and Draco felt his heart swell in love. He smells the faint
aroma of Harry's shampoo and body wash. He hears the shower being turned off and he is wrapped
in a fluffy towel. He was being carried again, he was sat down on the counter of the sink, then he
hears a loud sound, a hair dryer, his hair was getting dried up by Harry.
After a few minutes they exited the bathroom, Harry wandlessly opens the window and casts
cooling charms, airing the room out. He sets Draco on his bed, before pulling out a glass from his
bedside table, filling it with water with an incantation.

Harry presses the glass against Draco's lips, he drinks, drinks and drinks. Harry kisses him, he
kisses back.

"I like you so much." Harry whispers against Draco's lips. Draco smiles, it was weak, but it was

"I like you too." Draco rasps out, his voice cracks, too tired, his body thinks.

Harry smiles at him, pulling the comforter up as he helps Draco on the bed before tucking him in.

"Where are you going?" Draco asks, his hands gently wrapping around Harry's wrists.

"I'm just going to remove your sheet, darling. Then call a house elf to take it to the laundry so you'll
have fresh sheets tomorrow." Harry says as he takes Draco's hand, kissing his palm.

Harry takes off the bedsheets and Bennie appears on a summon, he takes the bedsheets before
saying good night as he disappeared with a crack of apparition.

Harry goes over to his bed, the air was now color, lighter. He goes under the covers and wraps his
arms around Draco.

Draco hums in appreciation before succumbing to a restful sleep.

Chapter End Notes

*hands a glass of water* drink, please.

You're the only man for me
Chapter Notes

cw: explict sexual content, rimming, fingering, squirting, classroom sex.

Draco wakes up to a sore body, he was sore everywhere, from the tips of his fingers to the fucking
tips of his hair. He doesn't even know how that was physically possible. He shivers from a cool air
that entered their room, he spots the window was open and the skies were still dark, he felt Harry's
heavy arm on top of his hips. He casts a tempus, 4:53 am, He needs to wake Harry up. Draco shifts
in Harry's arms, he lets out a pained whine, fuck, did Harry manhandle him last night?

He gently moves away from the other's embrace as he gets out of the bed with difficulty. He tries
to test out the waters as he stands, his hand gripping the bedpost as he struggles to stay upright. He
chanted a gentle healing incantation, something to lessen the pain. He wouldn't be able to get
through the day if he felt like he was run over by the night bus.

Draco tried again, taking a step, there was still pain, but it had lessened, enough for him to be
upright and walk over to the bathroom for a shower. He felt clean, so Harry probably bathed him.
After a warm and relaxing shower, his muscles softened and the aches began to dull down, he
walked over to the countertop as he put up a silencing spell so the sound of the hair dryer didn't
wake Harry up. He wipes the fogged up mirror, and freezes at his reflection. Draco's wide eyes
roamed his own body, his face was glowing, nothing wrong with that, but his neck, oh God, his
neck looked like he was mauled by a werewolf! He had two bite marks, with fucking teeth marks,
one on his jugular, the other near his shoulder. It was turning into a possessive color of purple and
red. There were numerous hickeys, all over his body , a bite mark around his pink areola, another
bite mark on his shoulder, a hickey on his wrist, he gazes down on the hand prints on his hips, to
the hand prints on his inner thighs, he turns around, a hand print was also present on his ass cheek,
he had a bite mark on his inner thigh and dozens of hickeys on his thighs and calves.

Harry marked him up real good.

Draco doesn't have the will to complain, he likes the marks, he likes the bruises. It screamed that
Draco was taken, taken by Harry, the beautiful man with gorgeous eyes who sings so wonderfully
and burps loudly. He loves it. Harry owning him.

He smiles before he turns on the hair dryer as he dries up his hair, once dry, he brushes through it
before walking out the bathroom starkers, he enters the bedroom and Harry is still fast asleep.
Draco hastily puts on some pants, sweatpants, before going over to Harry's trunk, taking a hoodie
that was gryffindor red, pulling it over his body. He wore some socks then slipped on his trainers.

He shakes Harry as he sat down on the edge of the bed on Harry's side.

"Harry, wake up. You have drills with Longbottom today. It's already 5:30." Draco says, Harry lets
out a sleepy grunt before opening his eyes, Draco takes the glasses that were placed on the
nightstand before handing them to the drowsy raven haired man.

"Hey, good morning, love. How are you? Are you sore?" Harry asks, worried.

Draco shakes his head, "No, I already did some minor numbing incantations. If I feel some pain,
I'll ask Madam Pomfrey for some potion." He says as he pulls the bigger man up into a sitting

"Did, did I go overboard last night?" Harry asks again. Draco blushes.

"N-no, it was, it was amazing Harry. I l-loved it." Draco says, shy, pliant.

"Can I see? My marks?"

Draco nods, taking off the hoodie, Harry inhales sharply as his eyes roam Draco's exposed body.
"I-I'd show you my thighs but I already have shoes on." He says shyly, before getting up, pushing
the elastics of his pants and sweatpants down to his hips just to show Harry's hand prints.

Draco shifted on his feet as Harry's eyes were intense with possessiveness and lust.

"You look so gorgeous with my marks."

Draco blushes under the intense gaze of Harry. But he knows that they don't have time right now,
and he wasn't ready to be fucked into oblivion again so he reluctantly tugs his bottoms up and
wears his hoodie again.

"You have training with Longbottom, go on and shower already." Draco says, taking Harry's hand
and pulls on him gently.

Harry pouts, the big man who can disintegrate the whole wizarding world if he wants to, pouts.

"Can't I just stay here and stare at you all day?" He asks, eyes wide with mischief. Draco rolls his

"No, you were already late last saturday. You have to get ready already."

Harry sighs, "Fine," the other gets out of the bed, and Draco gasps when his eyes land on Harry's
back. "What's wrong?" Harry asks in worry, turning over to face Draco.

"Harry, your back !" Draco shrieks, Harry furrows his eyebrows before walking to the bathroom,
Draco follows, he watches Harry admire his back through the mirror, there were countless
nailmarks, long, some were deep, enough to scab when they will heal, there was a dark bite mark
on his shoulder, teeth marks present, if Draco looked like he was mauled by a werewolf, Harry
looked like he was scratched up by a feral kitten.

"I-I'm sorry…" Draco says shyly, blushing. Harry chuckles, "No need to say sorry about these
kinds of things, love. This is just the start." He says with a wicked grin.

Draco huffs, tugging on the hem of the sleeves of Harry's hoodie.

"Can I ask for a gift, darling?" Harry drawls out, looking hopeful as he opens the shower and waits
for it to heat up.

Draco perks up from the word gift, of course he'd give anything to Harry.

"Anything." Draco breathes out, wanting to please the man.

"Can you wear a shirt instead? I want to show off your marks, show everyone you're mine." Harry
says, possessively. Draco blushes, grips the hem of the hoodie, biting his lip.
"Only if you want to, love." Harry says, "Don't do it for me, if you don't want to, don't force
yourself." The raven haired man says.

Draco wants to, he really does, wants to show everyone he'd owned. So he nods, "Okay, I'll wear a
shirt, do you mind if I wear one of yours?" He asks, Harry beams, walking towards the door of the
bathroom where Draco leant, he cups the blonde's face before pressing a soft innocent kiss.

"Yes, what's mine is yours. " Harry says.

Draco smiles pushing Harry away.

"Shower, we need to be at the field in 10 minutes." He says to Harry, Harry chuckles and nods as
he enters the shower.

Draco walks to Harry's trunk and pull out a black Canon's t-shirt, he takes off the hoodie before
pulling the t-shirt on. He fixes his tousled hair and goes over to his body mirror at his side of their
dorm. With Harry's shirt, every bruise, hickey and bite mark was visible, he blushes as he runs his
fingers towards every mark, they feel sensitive, raw, and fucking fantastic. Feeling even braver, he
grabs one of his hair ties, as he pulls his shoulder length hair into a low bun, exposing everything .

As he gives himself once over, he just shrugs at what the other's will say.

Theo gapes at him as he and Harry walk over to the transfigured training grounds. They walked
slowly, due to Draco's barely there limp. Even Longbottom looks worried.

"What in bloody salazar happened to you? Were you mauled by a hippogriff?!" Theo blanches as
his eyes were big and wide from worry. Harry guffawed, while Draco just sent Harry a glare.

"No, not a hippogriff, but a wild Potter." Draco drawls, annoyed at Harry. Theo's jaw dropped.

"Hey, that's not a nice word to say about your boyfriend." Harry teases, he takes off his shirt.
Longbottom yelps, "What the hell happened to your back, mate?!"

Harry smirks, "My kitten got feral last night." He says innocently before shrugging as he starts his
morning laps.

Draco groans.

Theo raises a brow.

"You're telling me and Ron later." Theo says in his mom voice as he strutted towards Longbottom
to spot him for his chest press.

"What the hell?! " Pansy shrieks quietly as her eyes land on Draco. Hermione blushes at the sight
of her best friend and his boyfriend.

Draco and Harry showered after the drills and wore more suitable clothing for the study group.
Draco donned a silk green button down short sleeve shirt tucked into khaki trousers and white
trainers, the buttons of his shirt undone until his sternum, it showed off his marks from Harry.

Harry on the other hand just wore a black fitted shirt that clings into his body like second skin
showing off those muscles, he also wore jeans and black converse.

"God, you're going to scare the kids away with those marks, Draco!" Hermione wails, "Does that
not hurt at all?!" She asks exasperated. Draco just shrugs before meeting his group from potions,
the kids stared openly at Draco, even Veronica looks at him with wide eyes.

Harry just sighs dreamily as he sits beside Longbottom.

"Make yourself useful, Harry. Teach the third years about those defense spells." Pansy shoos the
big man to the group of third years. Harry shrugs, before greeting the third years and starting his

Ron was eating his crisps as he stared intently at Draco, Theo also had a calculating look on the
blonde, seizing him up like a parent who wants to know the truth from a lying child. Blaise,
Longbottom and Harry went out to Hogsmeade to buy some take out for their movie night since
Thomas couldn't cook because of his cold.

"So, tell us what happened!" Ron almost yells out. Theo nodded in agreement.

"Nothing, we just talked and well, had sex." Draco whispers the last part as he blushes.

"Wow if sex looks like that, I'm scared." Ron says as he looks at Draco's marks again. "I've had
sex before but fuck I never came out looking like this. " Theo comments, " Did you cum? " He
asks again with a mischievous glint.

Ron leant forward, excited to hear the details.

Draco nods shyly, "4? 5? Times, I forgot, I squirted at the end." He says with a shy but proud

Theo's jaw dropped, "He made you squirt ?!"

Ron blinks rapidly, "W-What's a squirt???"

"Oh my oh my, my dear poor virgin Ronald," Theo says sympathetically, "Squirting is like
cumming but better because it only happens when you can't cum anymore but your partner fucks
you up so good your body produces this reaction where it's like peeing but it's squirting! I myself
have never experienced it, but by God Draco, how are you alive?"

"Wow, that… that sounds painful ." Ron comments.

"It is," Draco confirms, "It's borderline pain then pleasure then pain again." He says as he shudders
as he remembers the feeling.

"Maybe Neville can make me squirt." Theo says dreamily.

"Theo!" Draco and Ron reprimands as Theo cackles at the two.

Draco walks over to the unused classroom by the East Wing of the castle as Blaise told him that
Harry was waiting for him there. He opened the door and was greeted by the sight of the room
being gently lit by warm fairy lights. Standing in the middle of the room was Harry, smiling as he
held a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, do you like it?" Harry said with a soft smile as he closed the distance between him and
Draco, pulling the other into a hug. Draco smiled, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck to
reciprocate the hug without second thoughts. "Yes, I love it, but what is the occasion?" Draco asks
softly. Harry smiled at Draco before breaking the hug, handing the flowers over, "To celebrate me
finally having the most beautiful man I will ever have in my life."

Draco raised a brow, "Why? Are you still planning on looking for another man, huh?" He asked
teasingly. Harry smirked, wrapping his arms around Draco's midsection before lifting him up with
ease. Draco yelps when he was placed on the table, Harry stood in between Draco's legs. "I don't
think I'll ever find a man who moans my name better than you, honey ." Harry whispered, before
sucking on the spot just below Draco's neck. Draco whimpers at the sensation, not until he realized
where they were in the first place. "H-Harry, n-not h-here please— mhp ."

Before Draco knew it, his button down was already opened up and his mouth was being licked and
sucked on by Harry. Draco felt light-headed from all the passion that Harry was giving him. Draco
couldn't help but tighten his grip on Harry's sturdy shoulders before breaking the kiss, Harry didn't
stop his tirade as his lips began traveling down Draco's milky neck to suck on those marks he left
last night to those pink perky nipples. Draco let out a soundless moan as he felt Harry bite, suck and
nibble at his buds while the twin was getting rolled over Harry's thumb and pointer finger.

It feels amazing to be touched by a person who understood Draco in every way, by a person who
knows his flaws yet stayed and continued to love his soul. It made Draco light-headed, the passion
and the pleasure making him dazed from every move Harry made. He could feel his pants being
pulled down, instinctively, he helped Harry out of his. He was bent over a table and he could feel
his ass cheeks being spread apart, a flat tongue began gliding over his puckered hole which made
the Draco moan in delight, his hips bucking backwards to create more pleasure. His nails are
digging on the table beneath him.

He can hear Harry hum in appreciation as he begins rimming Draco's hole while pumping his
erection. The blonde gripped the edge of the table from the pleasure, the double stimulation was
making him dizzy and disoriented. He could feel that Harry's tongue was replaced by two fingers,
deliciously curling inside him, caressing his walls and scissoring him for something bigger. Holy
mother Morgana, he could feel something build up inside him.

"God, baby , you're always so tight for me." Harry groaned out as he pulled out his fingers, before
spitting into his palm, lubricating his hard, throbbing length. Draco whimpered when he felt the
head of Harry's dick circling his rim, he jutted his butt out, "P-please, H-harry, hmp, please. "
Draco moaned out lewdly.

Harry didn't need to be told twice.

Draco let out a sensual moan when he felt the familiar stretch of Harry's length inside him, Harry
pulled him up by his hair, pressing Draco's back against the Harry's chest, their lips tangled into a
sinful dance as Harry began rocking his hips against Draco's. His cock was so deep inside Draco, it
felt sinful and wonderful. This was an act that was fueled by love and passion, it was the ability to
feel so connected and so comfortable with the other, it made Draco feel like Harry was a part of

" Harder, Harry please, more!" Draco whines out as he felt like he was going to explode, Harry
hums in as he digs his teeth against Draco's skin. The other's hand cupped Draco's pecs as he began
rolling his nipples while thrusting against his tightening hole.

The double sensation Draco was feeling was too much. He still hasn't recovered from their last
night's love making. His stomach was tightening painfully.

" H-harry, I'm so close, so close, please, can I cum? Want to cum." Draco pleads, cries. Harry
groans at Draco's pleadings.

"I'm cumming too, sweetheart. Darling, my Draco, Cum with me." Harry groans out, his thrusts
wilder, rougher, deeper. Hitting that sweet spot over and over again as Draco arched his back,
pressing his ass into Harry's crotch as he let out a mewl, his dick twitching, cumming untouched,
squirting and spurting out cum.

He hears Harry let out a guttural moan, before burying his dick deeper into his ass, breeding him.
Harry kisses his mouth.

"You're amazing, my love." Harry praises. Draco blushes, but smiles. Harry pulls out with a groan
before casting a cleaning spell.

"We'll take a shower when we get to the dorms. I bet everyone has started movie night already."
Harry says as he helps Draco with his clothes.

Draco smiles, "Okay, let's go back then."

Draco feels wonderful and he hopes nothing will ruin this beautiful relationship he was with Harry.
You're a slytherin!
Chapter Notes

This is the angst everyone.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Draco, can we talk?"

Draco raises a brow at Ron's tone, it was guarded, high, like it was uncomfortable and hurt. He
blinks at the ginger. Before nodding, putting his things back into his satchel. He was studying
alone at the library since Harry has quidditch training, which is why it's a surprise to see Ron since
he was Wulfric's keeper. The 1st term's exams are coming up as the Christmas hols are just around
the corner. He couldn't believe that he and Harry had started dating for almost 4 months already.
Draco wasn't excited about Christmas break though, he didn't want to go home. He was just going
to stay here with the rest of his Slytherin gang.

Draco latches his bag on to his shoulder as they walk out of the library, it was quiet, and not the
good kind. He was getting nervous.

They enter an empty classroom before Ron looks at him dead in the eye.

"What's your plan, Malfoy?" He suddenly days.

Draco's heart shatters.

"W-what do you—"

Ron inhales sharply before looking at Draco, their eyes connecting, the ginger's blue eyes hazed
with hurt, betrayal, and disappointment.

"Your revenge plot, does that ring any bells?" Ron snaps, Draco flinched, his fists clenching.
"There's no revenge plot , Ron." Draco answers, Ron scoffs.

"Oh please, Malfoy. Stop pretending! Zabini accidentally told us about your revenge plan! To
befriend us! And to hurt Harry!"

Draco's mind stops registering any words that Ron throws at him, " W-Where's Harry?" Draco
panics, "Where is he? Please, Ron. Let me talk to him. "

"So what? So you can manipulate him again? I can't believe I trusted you! I thought you've
changed!" Ron yells at him. Draco starts crying.

" Please," Draco begs, "I didn't go through it. I stopped! I couldn't do it! I love Harry! I love you!"
Draco says as he tries to walk over to Ron, but Ron backs away, his eyes tearing up.

"You don't get to love me, especially Harry. He doesn't fucking deserve a snake like you! I can't
believe that I pushed you to him! You slytherins will never change." Ron rips out before he runs
out the room. Leaving Draco standing there, his knees shaking as sobs began to rack through his

But he won't give up. He ran out, as fast as his weak legs could carry him, towards the quidditch
field, he knew they would still be there. He runs and runs.

He gets to the field, he sees Blaise with a bloodied nose, Pansy protectively in front of him, Theo
and Millie crouched on his side, Millie trying to stop Blaise from crying, Theo trying to heal the
broken nose as he cried as well.

Harry was there, being pulled back by Neville and Hermione, his face was contorted into hundreds
of emotions, but betrayal was the most fervent. Draco sobs, all of their eyes snap towards him.

"H-Harry, please."

Harry inhales sharply.

Neville grips Harry's elbow.

"Don't listen to him, he's just fucking with you. He just wants revenge, remember? Zabini said so
himself!" Neville shouts.

"I did! But I fucking told you that Draco never went through with it! He loves Harry! Fuck, we
love everyone of you!" Blaise argues!

"Oh fuck you, Zabini!" Ron shouts, throwing his broom away as he saunters towards them. Draco
just stands there.

"Yeah? Fuck me? Sure! Go ahead! Come on, Weasley! I slipped up one time! About a fucking
stupid revenge plan and you lot won't listen to us?! Is that how low you think of us?!" Blaise
screams back.

"You're slytherins!" Neville hisses.

"Oh, why thank fucking you, Longbottom!" Theo snaps out as he stood up and pushes Pansy out of
the way squaring up against Ron. " Thank you for reminding us that there's no room for
redemption for us snakes! Because what are we? We're fucking traitors right? Manipulators!"
Theo says, his voice higher. His tears flowing.

Ron cries.

Theo stares back at him.

" You, of all fucking people, I couldn't fucking even believe that you'd still think bad about us after
all those nights and days we've spent together." Theo juts his index finger at Ron's chest.

"Blaise was going to tell you that it didn't even pushed through, that Draco told us that he didn't
want to get revenge anymore! Because we never really supported his idiotic plan! We supported
his feelings for Harry!" Theo continues.

Pansy holds Theo back.

"Theo, please, calm down." She comforts Theo, "Please, don't shout."

"No! They need to hear this! We didn't spend almost every waking hour with all of you just to
betray you! We wanted to be your friend, we wanted to be part of a family! Because we don't have
one anymore! You think we're happy?! Think again you bunch of idiotic judgemental gryffindors!
Don't think that everyone is against you! We're never against you!"

Theo was mad. He was shaking.

He points to Neville.

" And who the fuck are you to call my best friend a manipulator? I may have feelings for you but
you shouldn't accuse someone of something they're not because you don't know what Draco has
been through!"

"Theo, stop please. "

Everyone stops.

Theo freezes before he looks at Draco.

"Please, no more. No more shouting. No more war." He pleads, he was shaking. He hates shouting,
he remembers his father, shouting at him, casting an unforgivable at him, then the dark Lord
shouting, crucio-ing everyone in his path, it was dark, musky, stale, the smell of the Manor wafted,
the smell of death.

Theo runs over to Draco, hugs him, Blaise stands up, running over to Draco, cupping his face.

"Draco, hey, y-you're here, with us, safe. Safe with us, Draco. You're not at the manor." Blaise
calms him down, Theo was running his palm up and down the blonde's back. Pansy and Millie
stands in front of the three.

The Gryffindors looked like death.

They were the ones who promoted unity, friendship, loyalty, but they were the ones who broke it.

Neville lets go of Harry.

Harry runs to Draco.

Pansy glares.

"You've done enough, Potter. You've all done enough." Pansy hisses at him.

"Pansy, please, I-I was angry. I—"

Blaise glares at him.

" Leave us alone." He grits out before he carries Draco bridal style out of the field.

Harry falls to his knees.

What have they done?

Draco cries in Blaise's arms, he feels Theo hugging him. He feels so bad, so down, like he couldn't
breathe anymore. He wants to disappear. Never be seen again.

"Draco, you've been crying the past hour already." Pansy says gently, "Come on, darling. Drink
some water." She hands a water to Draco, Draco drinks, his eyes hurting.

"They won't leave." Millie says, "They're outside." She continues.

Pansy scoffs, "Like we'll talk to them."

Draco shifts in Blaise's arms.

"It's okay," he says quietly, "Go talk to them, it's my fault we're in this shit. I shouldn't have started
that revenge plot anyway." Draco says weakly.

"They didn't listen, I was just opening how stupid you were for even thinking about revenge, but
they already thought bad about you. Potter knocked me off the broom before punching me in the
face telling me that what I said was not true, that you love him, I was about to agree, but Weasley
and Longbottom began spewing out nonsense." Blaise says, explaining what transpired before the

Millie sighs, "I think, this is just a very big misunderstanding and miscommunication. " She
supplies, "You guys need to talk this out."

"We do," Blaise agrees, "But not right now."

Theo nods mutely.

"Grab Ron's trunk, I'll have Bennie exchange our stuff. I'll sleep here for the meantime, to give
Harry space." Draco says as he straightens, Blaise lets go of him.

"Can you ask Bennie to get my trunk too? I don't want to see Longbottom right now." Theo says,
Draco nods. "I'll ask him to bring some food as well."

The house elf appears with a tray of light meals and lemon water. Bennie takes Ron's trunk before
apparating away with a crack. Before returning a minute later with two more trunks, Draco's and
Theo's, they thank the elf before he apparates back to the elf's quarters.

The slytherins takes small bites, not really having an appetite. Suddenly, Theo laughs. They all
stare at him, questioning. Theo drinks some water before smiling gently as he breathes out.
"We really love them, don't we?" He asks.

Blaise groans.

"They grew on us, even if they are idiots." Blaise agrees, Millie, Pansy and Draco smiles sadly.

Millie was about to agree when a loud banging of the door disrupts him.

" Draco! Draco, I know you're listening! Open this door please! I can't sleep without you! You
know that! I can't live without you!" They hear Harry shout through the door. Draco stiffens.

"Go away, Potter!" Theo answers for Draco.

" Theo, please, I'm sorry for what I said, come out please, let's talk!" It was Neville this time. Theo
hisses in annoyance as he grips the sheets tightly beneath his palm.

Pansy looks at Theo, nodding towards the door. Theo shakes his head.

"I don't want to talk to you, Longbottom. Leave me alone!" Theo shouts at the door. Draco flinches,
"I'm sorry." Theo apologizes instantly.

"Draco, please let's talk, yeah? Love, come on, open the door. Please talk to me." Harry begs
again. Millie sighs, "Just let them calm down, they'll talk to you soon, not now." She says through
the door.

There was silence.

"Not even a word from Weasley." Blaise spats out, Theo scoffs, "You won't hear from him, he has
his stupid pride."

Draco agrees.
"Ron doesn't like being proven wrong. But he'll come around." He says, before standing up and
going over to his trunk, taking a pair of pajamas.

"I'll shower first." Draco says before trudging towards the bathroom.

It's been a week, a week of awkward tensions at Wulfric. The exams were done and next week will
be the start of Christmas hols. It was Friday and the gryffindors announced that there will still be
Music night. Blaise rolls his eyes at it.

Draco looked like shit, he didn't eat well, didn't sleep well. He felt like shit. He doesn't know if he
wants to be in the same room as Harry. The week blew by with Draco and the other slytherins
avoiding Harry's group. Draco doesn't study with Granger anymore, he doesn't play chess with Ron
anymore, he didn't go to the last study sessions. Draco knew he hurt them, but he was hurt too.
They didn't trust him. And even if Harry did trust him, he didn't reign in his band of gryffindors.
Harry let everyone doubt Draco and his friends.

He was silently and secludedly studied at the far corner of the library when he hears Bones and Li

"Harry and Neville don't train anymore, they just… stay in their rooms." Bones say sadly.

"They say it's because Draco and Theo broke up with them. Have you seen Draco and Theo? They
look like shite! And those two are known to be drop dead gorgeous." Li comments back.

"Ron always stays at the common room, he just stares at the fireplace." Bones says again, Li sighs.
"You know that it was their place."


"Theo, Ron and Draco. The holy trio. They'd always stay up and gossip in front of the fireplace.
And me and Boot saw him and Blaise always playing chess there." Li says softly.
"Gosh, this fallout is so bad . I rarely see Pansy with Hermione anymore."

Li sighs again, "I wish they'd just make up, Wulfric was amazing when they led the activities.
Christmas is coming for Merlin's sake!"

Draco sighs as he drowns out their conversation. It was true, their house was now dull and lifeless,
the loud boisterous laughter died down, no one hardly stays at the common room anymore, no
more heated debates from Granger and him, no more impromptu music sessions between Harry,
Longbottom and Blaise, it was the day the music died in Wulfric.

He packs his books and carries his satchel as he walks away from the library, heart so heavy,
longing , and lonely.

Then he bumps into someone.

"Oh, sorry— Draco…"

Draco raises a brow, "Weasley." He says quietly. He saw Weasley's eyes tear up. Draco moves
away, wanting to walk away but Ron holds his wrist.

"C-can we talk?" He asks, brows meeting at the middle of his forehead.

"Nothing to talk about." Draco argues, retching his wrist from Ron's hold before sprinting away.

Missing the hurt and longing expression Ron wore as he hung his head low, defeated.

They sat on their own table, away from the Gryffindors, they didn't even know why they came to
this music night in the first place. Draco downs down his third shot of firewhiskey. His friends
don't stop him. The gryffindors keep looking at their table.

"If they don't stop looking, I'll hex them." Theo curses as he downs a shot himself. Pansy just refills
their glass, Millie sighs as Blaise just stared at the makeshift stage.

Harry takes the stage, he looks dreadful, he had bags under his eyes and he didn't have his beautiful

He stands on the stage, the mic in front of him, he clears his throat. "I'm sorry for this song, I just
want you to hear it. I know I'm shit at feelings, I get angry easily, I'm impulsive, and I've made so
many mistakes. But, losing you was my biggest mistake. Because I didn't just lose you, Draco. I
lost my friends too. I was stupid, and I just, just, hear me out please. "

Draco grips his glass as he just stares at it. The music starts.

I'm in my bed

And you're not here

And there's no one to blame but the drink in my wandering hands

Forget what I said

It's not what I meant

And I can't take it back, I can't unpack the baggage you left

Harry's voice was raw, emotions filled the song. Everyone stopped to listen. Their eyes darted from
Harry, to the table of Gryffindors, to Draco and the Slytherins.

What am I now? What am I now?

What if I'm someone I don't want around?

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

What if I'm down? What if I'm out?

What if I'm someone you won't talk about?

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

Draco stills out a sob, he feels what Harry feels . It was a mutual heartbreak. He grips the glass
tighter as he remembers Theo's collection of Potter Jars that were now abandoned, he hadn't talked
about Potter for a week now. It was unnatural.
You said you care

And you missed me too

And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you

And the coffee's out

At the Beachwood Cafe

And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say

Theo takes Draco's hand, giving a soft squeeze, a comforting squeeze.

What am I now? What am I now?

What if I'm someone I don't want around?

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

What if I'm down? What if I'm out?

What if I'm someone you won't talk about?

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

Harry sobs, his voice cracking.

Before he looked directly at Draco as he sang the next line.

And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again.

Draco's heart broke even more, he'll never not need Harry. He needs Harry everyday.

What am I now? What am I now?

What if you're someone I just want around

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

What if I'm down? What if I'm out?

What if I'm someone you won't talk about?

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling

Harry ends the song, he puts down his guitar and smiles sadly. The common room was deadly
quiet. No one knew what to say. Harry just bared his heart out. He told everyone in this common
room that he was down and out without Draco. He couldn't live without Draco.

"He doesn't deserve me." Draco says to Theo quietly when the other gives him an encouraging

"You deserve each other honey. Please talk to each other." Pansy says.

Harry walks over to their table.

Draco looks at him, their eyes connect and a tear escapes Harry's eye.

"Come back to me, love. I'll be better. I'll be the man you deserve." Harry says, before going over
to Draco's side of the table, he kneels.

Draco's eyes widened.

Everyone was at their feet, they wanted to see.

Harry pulls out a box, he opens it, the box held a gold band, a viridian emerald diamond sat in the
middle hugged by several smaller white diamonds and emerald diamonds around it.

"It's a new Potter Heirloom that starts with me, Draco. I know I'm shit most of the time but I can't
see myself with anyone else but you. It might be too early or some might say we're too young but
it's not my fault that I met the one I want to spend my whole life with back when I was 11. It's not
yet marriage, think of it as a promise of forever, for both of us. I-I just want to have you forever
Draco, if you let me, I'll give you everything, my name, my body, my heart, and my soul."

Draco was crying.

Harry wants to spend his whole life with him.

Draco falls to his knees in front of Harry, he cups the other's cheeks before pressing their lips
together. Harry smiles against his lips as they slotted their lips like they were made for each other.

Draco breaks the kiss.

"Yes, Harry." Draco answers without missing a beat as he presents his hand out for the other, Harry
was shaking as he takes out the ring and slides it perfectly on Draco's ring finger.

The common room goes wild.

And Draco couldn't help but feel like he was home again.

Chapter End Notes

Hello, everyone.

First, I want to point out that Harry and Draco's relationship didn't run through only
'weeks', they've been together 'without' labels and finally putting a label for months or
throughout the 1st term. (Hence, christmas hols) Everyone might get the wrong idea at
the end, but it's 'not just about marriage' or anything like that, Harry says so, he knows
they're young and its too early but he just wants a promise of 'forever' with Draco. It
was an 'impulsive' response over 'almost' losing Draco. It IS a hurried teenage decision
but they won't regret it. ;)

If there are inacuracies, then I am sorry. I'm still learning and I appreciate all your
comments. I'll try to improve more. <333

The next chapter is about the slytherins opening up about their families. :)

I hope you'll stick around.

You're sweeter than revenge
Chapter Notes

cw: childhood abuse, neglect, trauma bonding, howlers, explict sexual content,
rimming, blowjobs, biting, multiple orgasms.

- basically an ending but not really an ending.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Who knew these Potter Jars would come in handy?" Theo says with a grin as they entered
Grimmaulds, 5 of the Potter Jars well spent on Wallpaper, Rugs, Furnitures and Muggle

Draco scoffs as they levitate all of their purchases inside while Harry and Neville prefer to do
manual labor to make up for their lost time from training and drills. After the proposal of Harry,
everyone talked out their feelings, Hermione and Pansy, Millie and Parvati, Theo and Neville,
Blaise and Ron, and of course the holy trio. Ron was crying, Theo was crying, heck Draco was
crying. Their group were just awkwardly watching the three of them communicate in broken
sentences whilst they sobbed and they still understood each other.

"It's like I paid for our stuff." Draco argues, after saying their apologies to each other, Harry finally
brings up the topic that they should all move in together at Grimmaulds after Hogwarts. But, they
can already start this Christmas hols since Harry generously told the whole house of Wulfric that
he will host a New Years party for their house.

So here they were, hauling up furnitures, their trunks, and their other stuff.

"Don't worry, Draco. Next time we need some other things, we'll open the Malfoy jar." Neville
says teasingly. Harry sputters as he throws the troll umbrella stand at him.

"Boys, please, no violence. We need to finish fixing at least all our personal rooms today."
Hermione says as she helps Theo and Draco from levitating all of their stuff up to the rooms.

"Where is Ron and Blaise, by the way?" Millie suddenly asks.

"Went home to the Burrow to get his other stuff with Blaise." Draco answers before he yelps when
Harry surprises him with a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Ew, affection." Pansy comments as she casts a charm on the fireplace, warming the living room
up, the snow outside made the house colder even if it's 2 in the afternoon.

Draco goes up the stairs as he shudders at the elf bones displayed on the walls of the staircases, he
does a vanishing spell on them, summoning them to the attic of the house. Harry speeds up the
stairs and grabs Draco's hand, "Come on, I want to show you our room." He says with a big grin.
Draco smiles as he allows himself to be pulled through a number of doors before stopping at the
3rd door to the left of the North Wing.

Harry opened the door and it was large, it was probably the master's bedroom. It was still covered
with dust and needed some airing out but other than that the bedroom was easy to clean and

"Here's ours, what do you think? It has its own bathroom too." Harry says with a proud grin.

Draco nods and smiles, "I like it, Harry. I'll start cleaning up then, if you don't mind?" He asks,
Harry presses a kiss on Draco's forehead.

"If you need help, you can summon Kreacher. He'll serve you well, you're a Black after all." Harry
says gently, Draco nods in understanding.

"You'll tell me soon, right? About what Theo meant?" Harry opens up, Theo's words that day at the
field stuck with him. The blonde sighs before nodding, "We'll talk about it later. I'll clean up first
then make dinner for us."

"You'll get tired." Harry huffs.

Draco rolls his eyes.

"No, I won't."
"Once you become my wife, you won't need to lift a single finger again." Harry says with pride.

Draco blushes at the word, ' wife', it does some things to his body.

"Sod off." Draco retaliates weakly.

Harry just chuckles, "I'll help Nev with the other stuff, you'll be alright here?"

The blonde hums as he pushes Harry away. Harry grins as he bolts out the door to help the other
Gryffindor. Draco pulls out his wand and starts doing diverse cleaning spells, he opens the curtains,
letting the soft light of snowy London enter the room, the magic he casted begins blowing away
the dust and grime. He takes off the sheets of the bed and casted a cleaning spell on the mattress,
scourgifying away the dust.

An hour and a half later, the room was spick and span, Draco pats himself on the shoulder for a job
well executed. He accio-s his stuff and Harry's from the living room before pulling out fresh sheets
from the bag they had purchased from a muggle store. He casts another round of Magic on his
trunk and Harry's arranging their clothes in the walk-in closet before putting away the trunks. The
bed was made, the room was clean and it smelt like warm chocolate and vanilla as he did this
household charm where the room's scent would turn into a peaceful and calming scent.

"Wow, this room is huge!" Ron compliments, his clothes disheveled and cheek had a floo powder
stain on it. It seems like they used the floo to travel instead of apparating.

"You're a mess, Ron. Take a bloody bath." Draco says as he gestures the ginger's state. Ron rolls
his eyes as he leans against the door frame.

"We haven't talked, the two of us." Ron starts as he enters the room, settling himself on the floor
by the big bed, Draco shrugs as he sits down beside the other.

"I don't know if there's anything to talk about…" Draco says, unsure.

"I love you too, you know?" Ron blurts out.

Draco smiles, "I know."

"And I was wrong for the words I've said to you that day. Harry deserves you, but I don't think I do.
I should've been a better friend to you, Draco. I should've listened to you first before I got angry."

"It's all of your traits, you lot, you get angry before you think. You have a conclusion before you
can get through the whole paper. I won't lie, Ron. I got hurt. I got hurt because you didn't trust me,
you didn't believe me. But I got hurt even more because I know you love, trust and believe in me
yet you still fight yourself sometimes. You fight your feelings too much." Draco says gently, Ron
was the closest thing he had to a brother, he didn't want to ruin their relationship.

"I'm sorry, Draco. I'll be a better friend, not just to you, to everyone, but especially to you." Ron
says, opening his arms, gesturing for a hug. Draco chuckles before wrapping his arms around Ron
for a warm and tight hug.

"Careful there Ron, if you weren't snogging Blaise, I might think you're stealing Draco from me."
Harry comments as he enters the room with a teasing grin as he holds out two glasses of cold
lemon tea for them.

"Well, I might snatch him from you if you don't take care of him." Ron teases back.

Draco scoffs, "I love you, Ron. I do. But please, two bottoms won't make a top."

Ron spurts out the lemon tea through his nose.

Harry bursts out into a big laugh.

While Draco just rolls his eyes.

Draco, Ron, Theo and Neville were almost finished with cooking when Pansy and Hermione
offered to set the table since Millie already left to spend some time with Parvati. It was their first
night and meal as housemates, it still felt like a very beautiful dream that Draco was so scared to
wake up from.

The six of them were laughing as Draco insulted the way they set the table, Hermione arguing that
it was just dinner and there was no need for fancy cutlery.

Their loud laughs were interrupted by Blaise entering the dinning parlor with Harry.

Ron raises a brow at the nervous and on the edge expression of Blaise.

"What's wrong, Blaise?" Ron asks as everyone's attention was on Blaise, Blaise sighs shakily as he
shows what he held behind his back.


Draco and the other slytherins stiffened.

"You don't need to open them." Neville said as he wrapped an arm around Theo's waist who looked
like he was on the verge of fainting.

Pansy straightened her back before walking towards Blaise, "I'll go first, darling. Where's mine?"

Blaise wordlessly hands Pansy her howler.

Harry walks over to Draco, "In my arms, now. It's going to yell the moment Pans opens it." He
says, not wanting Draco to have a panic attack because of the shouting.

They held their breath.

Pansy opens her Howler.


"Incendio!" Pansy burns the howler without second thought. She could do with her own flesh and
blood telling her that she was a disgrace and a fag but she couldn't hear that word from them to
describe her sweet, intelligent and beautiful Hermione.

Hermione knows it, she's a smart witch, she goes over to Pansy and she pulls her into a tight hug.

Blaise hands Theo his howler.

Theo shakily opens it as Neville grips him harder.


shreds. Theo was silent.

Draco was still in Harry's arms, he felt dizzy from all the shouting.

Blaise opened his.


"Reducto!" Blaise blows the howler into pieces. He was holding one last howler, it was Draco's .
Blaise looked at Harry, Harry grits his teeth as Blaise hands over the howler to Harry.

"Love, I'm going to open it okay?" Harry says gently, calmly, trying to make sure that Draco was
in the right headspace for this. Draco nods mutely. Harry opens the howler.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, do not ever come home. We do not know you anymore." Then it was ripped
to shreds. It was calm, but it was threatening. It scared Draco to hear his Father's voice again after
months of absence from it. He realizes that he never wants to hear him again.
"Oh god, we're really free. " Pansy suddenly points out.

Theo lets out a shudder and Blaise finally smiles.

"Yeah? We're free?" Theo asks.

"We are." Blaise says with a grin, finally realizing the weight of the situation.

Draco chokes out a laugh.

"Oh god, we're not heirs anymore." Draco says, "We're finally free." He repeats, still unsure if he
was right, that they were indeed free from their pure-blood families.

Harry loosens his hold and Draco.

"Are you okay, love?" Harry asks worriedly.

Draco beams, his eyes tearing up.

"I'm wonderful, Harry."

"Fuck, Harry, thank you." Blaise suddenly says, Pansy and Theo nod in agreement.

"Thank you, Harry." Pansy says gently.

"If you didn't offer, we would be homeless now." Theo says jokingly before smiling, "Thank you,
Harry. For saving us."

Ron, Neville and Hermione smiles at the scene.

"You should thank Draco, he saved me first. I wouldn't be here without him." Harry says gently,
"We're family now. And family sticks together." He says, smiling at everyone in the room.

"Fuck this is too soppy can we just hug it all out?!" Ron whines who was also on the verge of

They all burst out laughing as they did hug it out.

After dinner, they were all gathered in the living room, the fire made everyone warm as they all
had tea in their hands. The first day of break seemed like a new page for everyone. Draco shifted in
Harry's lap as they occupied the end of the large sofa.

"We haven't talked about family much, but I wanted to open this up to you. Since I was the one
who brought it up in the first place when we fought." Theo says gently as he places his tea cup
down on the low table in front of the sofa, he was seated on the floor in between Neville's legs, his
back pressed against the gryffindor's chest.

They waited for Theo to continue.

"The Nott family has always been in the muted shadows, we weren't that known sure we were at
the Sacred 28, but they feared the Zabinis even more than us. And Zabinis were not sacred, they
are Italian wizards who owns a vast amount of investments on the underground mafia of both Asia
and Europe. So my Father wanted me to make sure that the Notts get known again. He wanted to
make sure that the Notts are worthy to be one of the sacred. He started pushing me to every Pure-
blood daughter he can invite to our family gatherings, bloody hell, he even tried to marry me off to
Pansy! " Theo shrieks Pansy's name.

"I'm offended." Pansy scoffs.

"Darling, you're pretty and wonderful but cunts aren't just for me." Theo said teasingly as he tried
to liven up the mood. The group chuckles at Theo's retort.
"Anyway, one time, there was this pureblood girl who really fancies me. Father saw it and struck a
deal with her family. But I couldn't go through with it without being honest so I told Father what I
really am, that I'm gay and I don't want a woman. He was furious. Beat me up physically, did
unforgivables, broke my bones then healed them so he could break them again, then he'd ask if that
straightened me up, I said no, I still liked men. It went that way, until the Dark Lord came, he
forced me to take the mark. Then he'd force me to do some of the Dark Lord's bidding."

Draco shudders at Theo's story. Neville was livid, he was stiff like he wanted to kill someone,
Harry was gripping Draco, before he leans down and whispers, "Please tell me you didn't go
through that too."

Draco doesn't answer right away but then he leans back and whispers, " All of us here, including
you , have childhood trauma we all want to forget. This is our first step to finally free ourselves
from it."

"I guess that's mine." Theo says, relaxing as Neville wrapped him in a protective hug.

"He'll never get to you ever again." Neville promises. Theo just smiles.

Pansy clears her throat as she leans on Hermione's shoulder, they sit on the couch opposite of
Draco and Harry.

"Mine… mine's not that bad, it was just a lot of neglect and emotional manipulation from my
mother. My mother is part Asian, she's strict and ruthless. She was more of a passing shadow that
commanded and never a parent. She'd make me kneel on coarse salt until my knees bled, she'd
make me squat with a book on top of my head, then if I let the book fall off, she'd beat the back of
my thighs with a thin stick." Pansy starts, gripping Hermione's hand.

Ron looks so sick and terrified, he never knew what these Slytherins went through. He simply
thought they were spoilt and had everything on a silver platter.

"They would starve me if I gained even a pound, they strived to make a perfect pureblood wife out
of me. She'd manipulate me into thinking that I am not enough. It was a whole lot of expectations
and abuse." Pansy ends, she looks like she unloaded a heavy weight on her shoulder.

Blaise smiles gently.

"Nothing much from me, just the usual you're the heir so you need to marry and get someone
pregnant bullshit." He says honestly.

Draco shifts off Harry's lap. It was his turn.

"You know my Father." He starts, he saw everyone look away, of course they did. His father
housed the fucking Dark Lord, he feels Harry take his hand before lifting it up, feeling Harry's lips
pressing against his knuckles as a sign of comfort.

"Ever since I was child, he had always told me that everyone was beneath us, especially muggle-
borns. I was expected to behave like the heir I was. Posture straight, hair neat, clothes ironed, and
manners mattered. I never had a childhood, there were always numerous tutorials of all subjects,
endless piano, ballet, violin, french, italian lessons. I was being cultured into a perfect, talented and
smart pureblood heir that every mothers would want for their daughters. If I made mistakes, Father
would hit me with his cane, he'd lock me in my room, he'd sometimes put magic siphoning spells
so I could be weak."

"Fuck, Draco. Magic siphoning is dangerous!" Hermione exclaims, "It's against DMLE's law!" She
said with a terrified expression.

"Father works with the Ministry, he has money, he can work through a law without him lifting a
finger." Draco says shrugging, Harry's hand tight around his hand.

Hermione frowns.

"It got worse when Voldemort came, he'd torture me, crucio, imperio, made me torture other
people, but I couldn't, so I would ask them to scream, as if I was torturing them. I couldn't be what
my father wanted me to be. When they found about how I lied when Harry was taken in by the
snatchers, I was chained to a wall while the chains had magical siphoning enchantments on them."

Harry inhaled sharply, the windows began rattling with his magic. Draco leans into Harry. Calming
the other down.

"I never got to eat properly, my weight dropped, my sleeping patterns turned shit, and I was just so
unhealthy that I wanted to disappear." Draco finally says, "But, Harry happened. And fuck, I thank
all the powers in the universe for giving me Harry."
Harry presses a kiss on Draco's temple.

"We… never knew." Ron said softly.

Theo shrugs, "We never said anything, we're snakes, we know how to hide things for our own self

"Don't call yourself that." Neville reprimands. "You know we didn't mean it."

Pansy chuckles, "We're used to being called snakes."

Hermione was still struggling to understand why and how and fuck, everything they went through
was shite.

"That's why I'm amazed by Harry," Draco suddenly says, they all look at him, "He went through
serious shit yet he still finds the good in people, he stills wants to save people, he still protects
people." He says, proudly.

Harry tears up as he hugged Draco closer to him. Scared that if he lets go of Draco, the other might

Draco and Harry were freshly showered as they leaned against the headboard of the bed. They sat
beside each other enjoying the comfortable silence. Draco thumbs the ring on his finger.

"Do you really mean it?" He asks.

Harry hums, "What do I mean?"

"That you will marry me in the future?" Draco asks, Harry takes his hand as he kisses the finger
with the ring on it.
"I would marry you now if I could but I know we still have a long way to go. We're still trying to
figure things out, we still have a future together waiting for us, dreams we can achieve together, I
said this back then and I'll say it again, marriage can wait, but I just want you to know that we both
have a promise of eternal life and love together when you said yes to me. I was scared that you
were going to leave me, I'm far from perfect, Draco. I'll get angry, I'll make mistakes, I might hurt
you, not intentionally, and I might say the wrong words, but I want us to work. I want us to last."
Harry says, baring his heart out.

Draco takes the initiative, he gracefully swings his knee over Harry's thighs as he straddles the
bigger man.

"I could've left you, but I know I would still come running back to you. That's what happens when
you love someone, Harry. You won't leave the moment it starts to get ugly, you breathe, you settle
your thoughts, then you stay and fix it. And then you learn from it. Trust will always be our
biggest foundation, so please trust me. I'm not leaving. I'm staying. For as long as you want me

"Say it to me Draco, please, say it."

Draco smiles, leans down and presses a soft kiss on Harry's lips.

" I love you."

Harry gasps before letting a tear escape his eye, he cups Draco's cheek as his thumb gently traces
those defined cheekbones.

"I love you too, fuck, I love you so much." Harry rasped out as he pulled Draco into a searing kiss.

Draco moans into the kiss, he feels Harry's hand running under his jumper caressing his spine,
Harry pulls him closer, their crotches grinds against each other. Draco breaks the kiss as he lets out
a breathy moan. Harry puts his lips back on to Draco's jaw, sucking, nipping, down to his neck,
Harry inhales as he moans at Draco's scent.

"Fuck, you smell so fucking good honey."

Draco moans as he grips Harry's shoulders, he loves it when Harry praises him . Harry tugs on the
hem of Draco's jumper, Draco gets the message, he pulls off his jumper without any disagreements.
Harry throws off his jumper as well. They pull each other close again their lips hungry for each
other. Draco was panting as Harry sucks on his bottom lip. He whimpers when he feels Harry's
hard dick pressing against his bollocks.

"I want to suck you off, please." Draco whines, Harry groans and nods, Draco slides off of Harry's
lap as he helps the bigger man out of his jeans and pants. Draco drinks in the sight of Harry naked
on their bed.

Draco gives off kitten licks on Harry's inner thighs, sucking, and biting leaving marks along the
way before he reaches Harry's twitching cock. He moans as he licks Harry from his bollocks to the
tip of his head before burying his nose on the other crotch, savoring the smell of musk and Harry.

Harry moans at the contact his fingers twitching at the sight of Draco on his crotch.

The blonde doesn't stall anymore, he lets the head of Harry's cock push through his mouth, before
sucking salaciously on the weeping head of the cock. Harry throws his head back against the
headboard, his fingers flying to Draco's hair, gripping harshly. Draco moans at the treatment as he
begins bobbing his head, finding a steady rhythm for Harry's pleasure.

" Ah, fuck, baby, yes, you're so good baby." Harry moans out. Draco takes Harry in his mouth
deeper, he opens his mouth wider as he relaxes his throat, deep throating Harry. He hears a deep
grunt from the other, Harry's fingers gripping his hair tightly.

Harry moans out again when Draco takes his bollocks into his mouth, sucking on it.

Draco looks so beautiful right now.

"Honey, enough, take off your pants for me." Harry grunts out, Draco blushes and nods, he slides
off his trousers and his pants, his cock slapping against his flat stomach.

He straddles Harry again.

Harry turns them over, with him on top of Draco. His lips find Draco's in an instant as he begins
kissing him again with so much fervor as he grinds his hips against Draco's.
Draco mewled in delight, the feeling of Harry's heavy cock against his made his body hotter than it
already was. He feels Harry lower his lips to his neck then to his chest as he finally closes his
mouth around Draco's nipples.

Draco snaps his eyes wide as he opens his mouth for a silent cry, he sputters when he felt the
amazing pain and pleasure from Harry's teeth biting into his nipple, he felt his cock twitch in
delight, he came. An orgasm from a bite left Draco panting and needy, his cock still hard.

"Mm, fuck, baby, you always cum so hard from your tits don't you?" Harry whispers.

Draco mewls at Harry's words.

"Come on, baby. Say it. Say you like cumming from your tits being played." Harry whispers.

Draco whimpers.

"I -I like c-cu mming from my t-tits being played. " Draco moans out, shyly, his body reacting to
Harry's words as he felt himself getting wet.

Harry hums, "Such a good girl."

Draco's eyes rolled to the back of his head when he felt Harry play with his nipples again.

"Let's play a game, my love. You'll be a good girl for me and cum as much as I want, okay?" Harry
says against Draco's skin. Draco nods, "Words, darling." Harry warns.

"Y -yes, Harry."

"Give me a safe word."

" Buckbeak ."

Harry nods as he kisses Draco again, fervently as if he wants to devour him whole. Draco's dick
was twitching their lower bodies slick from the blonde's cum. Harry lowers his kisses, Draco

He steadies his hand on Harry's hair as the bigger man begins kissing down his stomach, to his
hips, biting down hard. Draco moans, pushes his hips up, his dick already on the verge of
cumming again.

Harry hums in delight as he pushes Draco's legs apart, he hooks both of his palms against the back
of Draco's thighs pushing them widely, showing the blonde's pink hole. Harry doesn't take his
time, he sucks eagerly on Draco's entrance, licks and nips, before poking the tight channel with his

Draco throws his head back, his stomach tightening almost painfully.

" Harry please, Harry, I -I'll cum!"

Harry doesn't stop, he murmurs a lubricating spell and inserts his middle finger into Draco as he
mouths the blonde's bollocks, sucking on it. The double stimulation racked throughout Draco's
body as he curled his toes against the sheets, he arched his back and he cums.

Draco pants.

Harry doesn't stop, he still fingers Draco, brushing his prostate. Draco whines, sobs, cries at all the
pleasure he's feeling.

Harry straightens his back as he spits on his hard cock.

Draco whimpers at the sight of Harry in between his legs tugging on his magnificent cock.

Harry straddles Draco's left leg as he throws the right over his shoulder, the head of his cock
already lined against Draco's twitching hole. Harry sucks on Draco's toe before biting the side of
his feet. Draco mewls in pleasure bucking his hips as a sign for Harry to penetrate him.
Draco feels Harry enter him slowly. The blonde opens his mouth for a breathy moan, the feeling of
Harry inside him made him feel like he could conquer the whole world.

" You feel so amazing for me, My Love."

Draco moans again, Harry grips his hips tightly ang begins ramming into his hole rapidly,

" Ha-harry! Uh! There!" Draco moans out as he reaches his third orgasm from his oversensitivity.

"You look so divine when you cum for me darling. I love it. " Harry praises.

"So close, honey. Cum for me again, love." Harry coaxes Draco, Draco sobs, he couldn't anymore.
He swears he can't.

"You can do it, honey. Just one more."

Draco moans and moans and moans as Harry's thrusts deeper then shallower chasing his orgasm.
Draco knew Harry was close, he was twitching inside, getting bigger.

" I'm cumming, my Draco. Fuck, cum with me. I love you fuck, I love you so much!" Harry lets out
a guttural moan as he ejaculates deep into Draco's body.

Draco arched his back as he silently screamed from a violent whiplash of orgasm that felt like
waves of the sea trying to drown him.

"I love you so much." Harry whispers breathily as he presses different types of kisses on Draco's

Draco can barely register what was happening but he hums in delight.
"I love you too." He says back weakly, sated, happy to be in Harry's arms again.

This is where he belonged, Harry was his home, his earth, his sun, his universe. Love and life with
Harry was definitely sweeter than revenge.

Chapter End Notes

Hello everyone! *Gives out water*

We've already reached the end and just a last chapter which is an epilogue! I've said it
in the last chapter and I'll say it again, if I have any short-comings for the story, I
apologize. I don't mean to give off any wrong ideas for the story. But I do hope that
you still enjoyed this story.

On with the epilogue!

Epilogue: You're my forever
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

6 years later

Draco wakes up to someone pressing soft kisses on his bare shoulders, he sighs gently as he smiles
at the feeling of being in the bed with this man, he never expected his life to turn for the better after
the war, but the man who had his arms wrapped around Draco changed his life since then. He feels
the other bury his nose on the juncture where his neck met his shoulder, inhaling and sighing

“Potter, ” Draco starts, “I’m trying to sleep.”

Harry chuckles, “Wow, it’s been a while since I heard that, Potter.” he says teasingly, Draco
groans, knowing he can’t actually call Harry Potter now since he was also a Potter. He was Harry's

He was Harry's husband.

“Merlin, how I hate not being able to call you that anymore.” Draco grouches. Harry laughs as he
presses a kiss on Draco’s jaw.

“I have to go in a while.” Harry says, Draco nods knowing his husband has been on a very
important task with Neville and Ron regarding a mystery hex that has been targeting teens ages 16-
19 year olds.

“I’ll make you something light before you go, you can shower already.” Draco says as he swings
his feet off the bed, he flinched when he feels the familiar pain at the end of his tailbone, nothing
to worry about, it was a beautiful reminder that he belonged to Harry, for the last 6 years.

“Was I too rough last night?” Harry asks worriedly as he stands up from the bed, going over to
Draco’s side of the bed, helping him up. Draco rolls his eyes, “No, Harry. Don’t flatter yourself too
much.” He huffs, Harry chuckles, cupping Draco’s cheek before leaning down to kiss the blonde,
deeply and lovingly.
Draco hums into his husband's mouth, the kisses they've shared all throughout their relationship
were intense and livid, there was no vanilla kisses, every kiss was filled with intensity that set fire
to Draco's soul in a dreadfully loving way.

Harry breaks the kiss, before pressing lighter kisses on his lips. Draco smiles as he pushes Harry

"Go on and take a bath already."

The bigger man laughs before he saunters off to the bathroom. Draco grabs a silk robe and throws
it on as he exits the room and walks towards the kitchen. He takes out some ingredients from the
fridge before whipping up a sandwich as he makes Harry his protein shakes as muggles call them.

It's been over 2 years since they got married, they took their time on getting know each other, they
still had petty fights that would split their friend group into two, but that's it, all were just petty
fights. The Grimmaulds is now quiet ever since the last couple, Blaise and Ron, moved out a year
ago as they decided to get a place of their own. Blaise worked as a freelance cursebreaker.

The first couple to move out was Pansy and Hermione, they lived near the Ministry, where
Hermione works as an Undersecretary to Minister Shaklebolt. Pansy works as the editor in chief at
Witch Weekly, it fed her love for gossip and trends. The next to move out was Millie, deciding to
travel with her cursebreaker wife Parvati Patil. Then, Theo and Neville, after the death of Neville's
gran, the Longbottom Manor was left to his will, Theo helped Neville restore the whole place and
brighten the once sad and dark Longbottom Manor, they got married a year before Harry and
Draco. Theo owns his own Robes boutique that rivaled Madam Malkin's since Theo had
incorporated his style with both traditional and muggle robes. And not to mention the wizarding
world's savior future Head Auror Harry Potter was his model and face of the shop.

Neville works with Harry and Ron at the ministry, Senior Aurors, the best squad in the ministry
right now.

Harry was already promised the title of Head Auror, he was even offered the Minister title but he
knew Hermione would be a better Minister than him who knew nothing about delegating with
other witches and wizards around the globe. Harry knew he was better off in the DLME. Draco on
the other hand took up potions as his masters right after Hogwarts for two years before opening up
his own apothecary, Lions et Serpents. The public loved his potions, even his two competitors Slug
& Jiggers & The Apothecary wanted to hire him as their shops Potions Master.

They've all come so far from what they were back at Hogwarts.
Harry enters the kitchen with his black auror uniform, he smiles at Draco.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as he picks up a sandwich, biting into it.

"Why do you think I am thinking of something?" Draco drawls out as he raises a brow.

"I know you, Draco. I've spent every waking moment with you for almost 7 years, I would be a
total clotpole if I can't tell your resting bitch face from your I'm thinking about something nice

"You are a clotpole , though." Draco argues with a smirk as he hands a freshly prepared protein
shake to him.

Harry just grins.

"That's why you love me."

" Obviously. " Draco drawls before continuing, "Oh, Ron is going to come here this Wednesday."

"I know, love. "

Draco was enjoying his weekly afternoon wizarding chess sessions with one of his unexpected
enemies turned best mate Ron Zabini, the game was intense, but Draco was clearly winning by the
looks on the ginger's face. The said ginger was about to make his move when Harry burst into the
room, without properly knocking or announcing his presence.

He looked mad.

Ron threw Draco a what did you do now look.

Harry looked like he was going to break everything that stood his way. His angry magic rattled the
windows of the parlor.

"Harry, why are you interrupting my afternoon with Ron?" Draco asked, his eyebrow raised to the
nines, while Ron calmly sat back on the seat, his back hurting from hours of being hunched over, it
was already their 3rd game and the ginger had only won one time.

"I have a financial statement from Gringotts." Harry states, his green eyes wide with unnamed
emotion. Draco just stares at Harry as he raises a fine brow.

"Yes, and? I believe you are not bankrupt right, Harry? Because that would be impossible ." Draco
drawls as he turns his body towards the fuming Auror, still his reasons for barging into the parlor
unknown. It was disturbing his chess sessions.

"Of course, I am not bankrupt, Draco. That's the point!" Harry his beloved prat of a husband
exclaims, before continuing his tirade. "I've seen you purchase new cosmetics, new shoes, new hair
products, you go out with Mione every Monday, you have lunch with Ron every Tuesday, you visit
Theo for new robes every Wednesday, you have dinners with your slytherins every Thursday, and
you spend your Friday at Muggle Establishments to get your skin and nails done!" Harry
continued, Draco wants to strangle his husband from all the things he was spatting out.

While Ron looked amused, Merlin, Harry never grew out his stalker tendencies.

"And your point is?" Draco drawled out in annoyance, his head was now starting to hurt from his
husband's hysterics.

"And yet, there are no statements about those here! Draco Malfoy Potter why the bloody hell are
you not spending my money!?" Harry asked in desperation, he knelt in front of Draco, taking his
two hands, "Is it not enough? Have I wronged you in some way? Are you cross with me? What did
I do for you to be this way?"

Ron had to bite his lip from laughing, oh this was gold. He couldn't believe his best friend.

While Draco just looked at Harry like the other had grown another head, "Am I hearing this right?
Y-you're mad because... Because I don't spend your money?!" He asked with wide eyes and
confusion, Harry nodded, fervently, clutching the blonde's hands. "Do I not provide the needed
galleons? Please tell me, darling. I need to know."

Draco wanted to crucio his husband there and then.

"You do know that I can provide for myself right, Harry? You know I own a blasted apothecary
that sells galleons every week right?"

" But you are a married man!"

Draco stands up and glares at Harry.

"Just because I am a married man doesn't mean that I am to leech off galleons from you !" Draco
finally shouted, "I did not marry you because of your endless vaults Harry Potter! I married you
because you were awkward, stupid, idiotic, messy, and insufferable obnoxious golden savior prat
!" He sneers, Harry of all people knew that he didn't like being dependent on anyone, specially
Harry .

Harry flinches at Draco's tone, he didn't want Draco to get the wrong idea.

Ron cleared his throat and shifts on his seat, "But that would be bad publicity, Draco. I mean, what
would Rita Skeeter say when she finds out that you still spend your own bloody money after being
married to The Chosen One, I can see the headlines now; 'Savior can't even provide for his Potion
Masters Husband'. You know how she is with headlines, I would never forget the headline she
used when you became public after Christmas Hols back in 8th year." The ginger commented,
raising his brow at Draco as he smiles innocently, Draco just glared and gave a you-are-not-
helping-me stare at the ginger.

"See, even Ron gets it!" Harry shrieks.

"Harry…" Draco starts as he sits down on the chair again, facing Harry who was still knelt on one

"Darling, I just... I want to provide for you yeah? I want you to spend my money not because you
are leeching off of me, I want you to spend it because technically, it's not my money anymore, it's
ours . You're my husband , my one true love, I want to spoil you !" Harry says softly, pressing soft
kisses on Draco's knuckles.
Draco sighs defeatedly, he wasn't even going to win this argument anyway.

"Okay, I will spend from your vaults from now on. Thank you, Harry." He said gently, coaxing the
bigger man to stand up from kneeling. Harry beamed, his eyes glistened with happiness, Draco
can't help but return the smile.

"Thank you, Draco. I love you so much." Harry said gently, pressing a kiss on the other's lips.

"And I love you too." Draco said, "Now off you pop, I am about to win this game." He said
gesturing the auror out of the parlor.

Ron burst out laughing, "I can't believe Harry got angry because of that." Shaking his head in

" Not a word, Ronald Weasley Zabini. I should've called treason." Draco snaps at the laughing

Ron just guffaws.

A month later, Harry had a pleased smile on his lips as he saw his financial statements were now

Harry would definitely do anything for Draco.

Harry and Draco walked towards the private rooms of the muggle restaurant Pansy had reserved
for them, they could hear booming laughters and clinking of beers. "They started without us."
Draco pouted. Harrt just chuckled and opened the door to see their friends drinking their hearts out,
well Ron and Pansy were singing their hearts out.
"Drarry is here! Finally!" Ron shouted over Pansy's sloppy singing. Draco felt his heart being filled
with love. They do this every week but it can never change the feeling of happiness whenever they
are together. This was his family. He had grown up with these men (& Pansy and Hermione ). And
he was so lucky to have them by his side.

He doesn't know where sentiments came from but he was pulled into the room as they all sang and
danced merrily to different muggle songs.

"Harry, come on! Sing a song for Draco!" Ron slurs as he hands Harry the mike. Harry grins and
nods as he looks at the songbook.

Draco likes these muggle places, karaoke bars, as Hermione told him.

The beat started and Harry smiles at Draco before starting to sing.

Maybe, it's the way you say my name

Maybe, it's the way you play your game

But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you

But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you

Draco smiles, listening to Harry's voice. It was calming, wonderful, and so serene. He'll never
forget how Harry wrote him a song the first time and all the songs that came next.

And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime

And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine

"Harry's so in love with you." Hermione whispers, happy. "You both deserve each other."

Draco smiles as a tear escapes his eye.

"I'm in love with him too."

Hermione smiles as she wraps her arms around Draco to pull him into a hug as Harry continues to
sing to him.

"And I see forever in your eyes. I feel okay, when I see you smile, smile."

Draco smiles.

Harry smiles back.

Chapter End Notes

And, we're done! :) I hope you liked this story! I hope I can continue to grow as a
writer for drarry. <333

You can follow me on tiktok, I post aus, fanfic ideas, and drarry content.

I also accept drarry fic recs (which are free btw) because I want to better my writing
style. :)

Tiktok: @saratinearchive_

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