LEC6. Scheduling Examples

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What is Network

The network dealing with project planning is “network
A network usually referred as network diagram or
network technique, is a symbolic representation of main
features of project. The two most widely used network
techniques are PERT and CPM.

3 4
In almost all the projects by public
sector, private or government,
there are significant delays due to
lack of proper planning, scheduling
and controlling. PERT/CPM helps
in functioning systematically to
complete the job in the shortest
possible duration.
Network Fundamentals
• Project : refers to a set of various activities which are
correlated and sequenced in a specified order
• Activities: represent project tasks or operations to be
conducted. Every activity consumes time and
resources. Head of Arrow

Tail of Arrow

Dummy Activity
1 2
Completion event
successor 4
Predecessor Activity Starting event
Types of Activities
1. Predecessor
Activity that must be completed immediately prior to
the start of another activity are called predecessor
‫فعالیت ایکه باید قبل از آغاز فعالیت دیگر تکمیل گردیده باشند‬

2. Successor
Activity that cannot be started until/one or more of
other activities are completed, but immediately
succeed then are called successor activities.
‫به فعالیت های اطالق میگردد که قبل از اجرای آنها یک و یا چندین‬
‫فعالیت های دیگر باید اجرا گردیده باشند که در نتیجه این فعایت ها‬
‫بعد از انجام آنها صورت گرفته بتوانند‬
3. Concurrent
Activities that can be accomplished simultaneously (concurrently)
are know as concurrent activities.
‫به نوع فعالیت های اطالق میگردد که میتوانند همزمان به اتمام برسند‬

4. Dummy
It doesn’t consume any kind of resources but merely depicts the
technological dependence and is used when,
• Two or more parallel activities in a project have the same head
and tail events
• Two ore more activities have some of their immediate
predecessors activities in common
‫این نوع فعالیت ها فاقد هر نوع منابع بوده و فقط وابستگی ها و روابط تکنالوژیکی را‬
:‫نشان میدهند و در حاالت ذیل مورد استفاده قرار میگیرند‬
‫• دو فعالیت و یا بیشتر از آن در یک پروژه که بشکل موازی دارای نقطه آغاز و ختم مشترک‬
‫داشته باشند‬
‫ باشند‬predecessor ‫• دو و یا بیشتر از دو فعالیت ایکه دارای فعالیت های مشترک قبلی یا‬
Events represents the start or the completion of an activity
(task) and occur at a particular instant of time at which
some specific part of the project has been or is to be
achieved .
A circle is used to represent events (also called nodes or

Types of Events
1. Merge
2. Burst
3. Merge and Burst
Types of Events
Rules for Constructing Network Diagram
Fulkerson’s Rule
1. Every Activity should be denoted by only one arrow
‫هرفعالیت باید توسط یک وکتور نشان داده شود‬
2. No two activities can be identified by the same End
Event. Under such circumstances, in order to have one
end event to both the activities, a dummy activity
should be introduced. ‫دوفعالیت ایکه دارای انجام مشابه باشند‬
‫ تحت این رخداد میتوان از فعالیت های‬.‫یکجا نشان داده شده نمیتوانند‬
‫ساختگی یا (دمی) استفاده بعمل آورد تا بتوانیم یک انجام بوجود بیاوریم‬
3. An Arrow diagram needs to process a sequential
relationship. ‫یک دیاگرام وکتوری ضرورت به روند روابط پی‬
.‫در پی میداشته باشد‬
1. Draw a network diagram corresponding to the
following information. Obtain the early and late start
and completion times. Also determine the critical path
and duration of the project .

Activity A B C D E F G H I
Predecessor - - A B C,D B E E F,G
Duration (weeks)
4 7 2 9 6 5 2 10 4
4 14

16 16 22 22
32 32
0 0 1 4 E 6 H 7
D 6 10
B 7 9 2 G 4
3 5 5
7 7
F 24 28

Critical path = 1 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7
Duration = 32 weeks

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