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List of Tables...................................................................................................(ⅱ)


Chapter 1. Introduction.....................................................................................1

1.1 Context of the Study...................................................................1

1.2 Need and Significance of the Study............................................5

1.3 Aim of the Study.........................................................................6

Chapter 2. Review of Literature........................................................................7

2.1 Theoretical Review.....................................................................7

2.2 Review of Related Literature......................................................9

2.3 Research Gap..............................................................................11

2.4 Research Question......................................................................11

Chapter 3 Method.............................................................................................12

3.1 Objectives...................................................................................12

3.2 Variables and Operational Definitions.......................................12

3.3 Hypotheses.................................................................................14

3.4 Sample........................................................................................14

3.5 Assessment Tools.......................................................................15

3.6 Research Design.........................................................................15

3.7 Data Collection...........................................................................16

3.8 Statistical Techniques.................................................................16

Chapter 4. Result and Discussion.....................................................................18

4.1 Result .........................................................................................18

4.2 Discussion...................................................................................19

Chapter 5. Summary and Conclusion................................................................23

5.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................23

5.2 Implications...................................................................................23
5.3 Limitations......................................................................................24

5.4 Suggestions.....................................................................................25



Table No. Title of the Table Page No.

1 Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient Between 18

Comprehensive Thinking Styles and Altruism


Young adulthood is a time of many transitions, including choices on school, careers, and

relationships with others. It becomes more and more important to maintain good mental

health during this period of transition. The prime focus of this study was to examine the

association of comprehensive thinking styles and altruism among young adults in Kerala.

A sample of 200 young adults were selected using the convenience sampling technique

from various colleges in Kottayam and Pathanamthitta district in Kerala. The data

collected was analyzed based on a correlational research design using SPSS. Self report

Altruism Scale (SRT and Comprehensive thinking Questionnaire (CTSQ) were used

among young adults respectively. Although there is no statistical significance between any

of subscales with altruism there is a slight correlation will intuitive thinking.Further

studies with a bigger sample size are needed. This study provided a new avenue for

understanding the relationship between comprehensive thinking styles and altruism young

adulthood population in Kerala.

Appendix-A: Consent Form

I am BlessonSabu, final year student, pursuing B.Sc. Psychology at KristuJyoti College of

Management and Technology, Changanacherry. As a part of my academic purpose, I Am

conducting a research study among young adults under the guidance of Asst. Professor

Ms.Nandana V.S.

I would like to collect some of your datas, and I am grateful in having your time. Please

proceed with the questionnaire only if you are aged between 18 to 25. Please make sure that

you fill this form with utmost sincerity. Please make sure that you respond to all questions. I

assure you that all your responses will be kept confidential and would be used only for

academic purposes. Your participation will be a great help in the successful completion of

my research study.

Thank you.


I hereby declare that all the information that are shared here are true to my knowledge and I

give full consent to fill in this questionnaire.



Appendix-B: Socio-Demographic Details

Age :

Gender :

Educational Qualification :
Appendix-C: Comprehensive thinking styles

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements. On

a scale of 1-6. Place a tick mark in the corresponding box that aligns with your response to

each statement.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Questions Strongly Disagree Slightly Slightly Agree Strongly
Disagree Disagree Agree Agree

1. It is important to be loyal
to your beliefs even when
evidence is brought to bear
against them.

2. Whether something feels

true is more important than

3. Just because evidence

conflicts with my current
beliefs does not mean my
beliefs are wrong.

4. There may be evidence

that goes against what you
believe but that does not
mean you have to change
your beliefs.

5. Even if there is
concrete evidence against
what you believe to be
true, it is OK to maintain
cherished beliefs.

6. Regardless of the topic,

what you believe to be true
is more important than
evidence against your
7. I think there are many
wrong ways, but only one
right way, to almost

8. In my experience, the
truth is often black and

9. Truth is never relative.

10. The truth does not


11. Either something is true,

or it is false; there is nothing
in between.

12. There is no middle

ground between what is true
and what is false.

13. I like to rely on my

intuitive impressions.

14. I believe in trusting my


15. When I make decisions,

I tend to rely on my

16. Using my "gut-feelings"

usually works well for me in
figuring out problems in my
17. Intuition is the best
guide in making decisions.

18. I often go by my
instincts when deciding on a
course of action.

19. I’m not that good at

figuring out complicated

20. Thinking is not my idea

of an enjoyable activity.

21. I try to avoid situations

that require thinking in
depth about something.

22. I am not a very

analytical thinker.

23. Reasoning things out

carefully is not one of my
strong points.

24. Thinking hard and for a

long time about something
gives me little satisfaction.

Appendix-D: Altruism

Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements from

a rating scale of 1 to 5. Place a tick mark in the corresponding box that aligns with your

response to each statement.

1 2 3 4 5
Questions (Never) (Rarely) (Sometimes) (Frequently) (Always)
Q1) I have given money to a

Q2) I have donated goods or

clothes to a charity.

Q3) I have done volunteer

work for a charity.

Q4) I have helped carry a

stranger’s belongings.

Q5) I have made change for

someone I did not know.

Q6) I have helped an

acquaintance to move houses.

Q7) I have let a neighbour I

did not know well borrow an
item of some value to me.

Q8) I have offered to help a

disabled or elderly stranger
across a street

Q9) I have offered my seat to

a stranger who was standing.

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