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Implementation of Electromagnetic Pole and

Field Strength Instrument Device

LAWAL, Onimisi Abdulhameed FPN/SET2019/2020/HEET/0945

IPEMIDA, Victor Ayionete FPN/SET/2019/2020/HEET/0924


JUNE, 2021

Implementation of Electromagnetic Pole and
Field Strength Instrument Device




LAWAL, Onimisi Abdulhameed FPN/SET/2019/2020/HEET/0945

IPEMIDA, Victor Ayionete FPN/SET/2019/2020/HEET/0924

We hereby declared this project is all our own work and has not been copied in part or

in whole from any other sources. All previous project work, publications, books,

journals, magazines, internet sources have been adequately referenced within the main


Name: Signature: Date:

LAWAL, Onimisi Abdulhameed

IPEMIDA, Victor Ayionete

Project Supervisor: Signature: Date:


External Examiner: Signature: Date:


Head of Department



Letter of Transmittal

School of Engineering Technology

Department of Electrical/Electronic

Engineering Technology

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa

P.M.B 001

Nasarawa state.

The Head of Department

Electrical/Electronic Technology

Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa


Dear Sir,


In compliance with the policy of the institution, which stipulates that every student at

the end of his//her programme in the school is expected to carry out a supervised

project on design and construction/implementation, we hereby submit our project

titled “Implementation of Electromagnetic Pole and Field Strength Instrument

Device” in partial fulfilment for the award of Higher National Diploma in

Electrical/Electronic Engineering in the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

Yours faithfully
LAWAL, Onimisi Abdulhameed FPN/SET/2019/2020/HEET/0945
For the group..................

Our profound gratitude goes to Almighty God, the giver of life, strength, health,

wisdom and understanding who in his mercy has made it possible for us to witness the

completion of this research work. We say may His name be praise forever more.

Our profound appreciation goes to our supervisor Engr. C.A. Amlabu for his

patience, advice and guidance towards the completion of this project. We say may

God increase you in all ramification of your life.

We as well appreciate the Head of Department, Engr. Y. S. Mohammed and Our

project chief coordinator Engr. Patrick Ayuba, Avong, and also all the staff

member in Electrical engineering department for their contribution throughout our

staying in this great institution.

We are greatly indebted to our lovely parent for their financial and moral support

during the course of the programme. May God reward them abundantly and enable

them to enjoy the fruit of your labour in good health. We also appreciate the effort of

our Aunty and our Uncle who gave their support immensely in the course of the


Finally, we also appreciate course mates, friends and well wishers, God bless you all

Table of Contents

Item Page

Cover page...........................................................................................................i
Title Page............................................................................................................ ii
Declaration.......................................................................................................... iii
Letter of Transmittal........................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgement............................................................................................... v
Table of Content.................................................................................................. vi
List of Figures.....................................................................................................viii
List of Tables.......................................................................................................ix
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................. x

Chapter 1 - Introduction1
1.1 Background of the Study............................................................................... .1
1.2 Problem Statement...........................................................................................2
1.3 Aim and Objectives of Project.........................................................................2
1.3.1 Aim...........................................................................................................2

1.3.2 Objectives.................................................................................................2

1.4 Justification of the Study.................................................................................3

1.5 Significant of the Study...................................................................................3
1.6 Scope and Limitation of project......................................................................3
1.7 Structure of the Project....................................................................................4
Chapter 2 - Literature Review
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................5
2.2 System’s theory of Operation...........................................................................5
2.3 Historical Background of the Project..............................................................6
2.4 Modern trend and Remarks.............................................................................7
Chapter 3 - Methodology and Implementation
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................15
3.2 Data Collection and Material.........................................................................15
3.3 Implementation Analysis...............................................................................15
3.3.1 Description of the System’s Block Diagram..........................................15

3.3.2 Description of System Circuit Diagram.................................................17

3.4 System Coding (Optional)............................................................................23

3.5 Soldering and Assembly Procedure...............................................................23
3.6 System Operational Guide.............................................................................24
3.7 Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation........................................25
Chapter 4 - Test and Result Analysis
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................26
4.2 Tests...............................................................................................................26
4.3 System’s subunits test/measurement..............................................................26
4.4 Analysis of Results........................................................................................28
Chapter 5 - Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Introduction...................................................................................................29
5.2 Summary and Conclusion..............................................................................29
5.2.1 Summary................................................................................................29

5.2.2 Conclusion..............................................................................................29

5.3 Recommendations.........................................................................................29
List of Figures
Figure Page

Figure 2.1 Magnetic field generated by passing a current a current through a coil......8
Figure 2.2
Magnetic field around a conductor ...................................................9
Figure 2.4 The right hand screw action..............................................................11
Figure 2.5 Left hand rule.............................................................................................11
Figure 2.6 Electromagnetism Around a loop..............................................................13
Figure 2.7 Lines of force Around a loop.....................................................................13
Figure 3.1 The Block Diagram............................................................................15
Figure 3.2 Atmega328p physical architecture.............................................................15
Figure 3.3 49E pin diagram.........................................................................................18
Figure 3.4 49E internal architecture...........................................................................18
Figure 3.5 49E linear characteristic............................................................................18
Figure 3.6 49E internal circuit....................................................................................19
Figure 3.7 U1881 internal architecture.......................................................................19
Figure 3.8 U1881 operation characteristics.................................................................19
Figure 3.9 U1881 interface circuit..............................................................................20
Figure 3.10 U1881 characteristics................................................................................20
Figure 3.11 OLEDSH1107 Display.............................................................................21
Figure 3.12 OLEDSH1107 back panel.......................................................................22
Figure 3.13 ACS712 interface circuit..........................................................................23
Figure 3.14 User case diagram....................................................................................24
Figure 3.15 System Sequence Diagram.....................................................................24
List of Tables
Figure Page

Table 1 Bill Of Engineering And Measurement and evaluation 25

Table 2 Sensitivity Test Table ...27
Table 3 Operational Test Table ... ...27
Definitions of Terms:

DC -- Direct Current
DOF --- Degree Of Freedom
DSP-- Digital Signal Processor

Quantity Unit Symbol

Voltage Volt V
Current Ampere A
Temperature Degree Celsius C

This work is implementation of electromagnetic pole and field strength instrument

device, which can as well detect the polarity (NORTH AND SOUTH POLE) of
electromagnet. It is electromagnet that produces a good and sometime very strong
static magnetic field. Also the strength of this magnetic field is still too weak which
there is need to control the amount of magnetic flux that is present by using coils of
wire rapped or wound around a sort magnetic material such as iron coil which can
produce a very strong electromagnet for used in different electricity and magnetism
which give rise to electromagnetism. The way in which the electromagnetic pole
works basically is for electricity experiment and the objective was able to determine
the basic components, sensors and processing unit (CPU) for the job.
EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study

An electromagnet produces a good and sometimes very strong static magnetic field,

in some applications the strength of this magnetic field is still too weak or we need to

be able to control the amount of magnetic flux that is present. So in order to produce a

much stronger and more controllable magnetic field we need to use electricity by

using coils of wire wrapped or wound around a soft magnetic material such as an iron

core we can produce very strong electromagnets for use in many different types of

electrical applications. This use of coils of wire produces a relationship between

electricity and magnetism that gives us another form of magnetism called

Electromagnetism. [1]

Electromagnetism is produced when an electrical current flows through a simple

conductor such as a length of wire or cable, and as current passes along the whole of

the conductor then a magnetic field is created along the whole of the conductor. The

small magnetic field created around the conductor has a definite direction with both

the “North” and “South” poles produced being determined by the direction of the

electrical current flowing through the conductor. [2]

In basic or elementary experiments, introducing students to principle of

electromagnet, there issues relating to practically demonstrating the theory and

experiment. It is proven theoretical, the direction of wire wound and the number of

turns in the magnet core affect the polarity of the magnet and the magnetic field

Strength respectively. Currently, this theory cannot be illustrated during laboratory

exercises. [3]

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
This project therefore seeks to design and implement a device which can detect

polarity of electromagnet and as well measure the field strength of the magnet. When

completed, it can be used in laboratory to demonstrate and verify the theoretical

concept of electromagnet. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a relationship

between current flowing through the conductor and the resultant magnetic field

produced around it by this flow of current allowing us to define the relationship that

exists between Electricity and Magnetism in the form of Electromagnetism. [4]

1.2 Problem Statement

Electric field discharge is rampant in our present society due to advancement in

technology, telecommunication transmitters such as in Television, radio broadcasting

stations, telephones etc; hence the strength of field released is high. With these in

mind, it is therefore important to design a field strength meter which determines the

amount of electric field strength around a location. Field strength meter is a measuring

device which measures the signal strength caused by a transmitter. The need for field

strength measurement is essential when designing and building transmitters. [5]

1.3 Aim and Objectives of Project

1.3.1 Aim

The main aim of this project is to design and implement device that can measure

magnetic field strength and also detect polarity (NORTH AND SOUTH POLE) of the


1.3.2 Objectives
- To study the relationship between current flowing through the conductor and

the resultant magnetic field produced around it.

- To understand the electricity flow with magnetic

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

- To verify by experiment, the current I and magnetic field strength produced by

electromagnet equation.

- To study and understand the application of Left Hand Rule.

1.4 Justification of the Study

Electromagnetic pole and field strength instrument device is a device designed to

track the polarity of a magnetic field in an current carrying conductor and to

measure the strength of the electromagnetic field around it. It can be able to show

state of the field strength as well as display polarity and using digital read-out

interface to the user. [6] The design of this device utilizes discrete electronics

components and intelligent devices such as MPU/MCU. Analogue sensor

Incorporated measure the magnet field strength and current sensor can be used to

measure the amount in electromagnet.

1.5 Significant of the Study

This research work will throw more light on the techniques for generating electricity

with magnet. This study will also be designed to be of immense benefit to all

electrical engineering students. It will also serve as a guide to whoever that wants to

learn how electricity is generated.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of project

This study is on how electromagnetic field is produced around us. The system

provides signal strength values and allows us to compare and estimate the efficiency

of a transmitter and its expected range. The system describes here, incorporate the use

of coil, transistor, diodes, capacitors and resistors to achieving the aim of this project.

The field strength meter automatically response to varying field by sensing or

detecting the strength of the field radiated or transmitted around, to which digital

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
meter is used to indicate the presence electric field in a particular area, be it an

electronic device such as mobile phone or radio equipment etc,

1.7 Structure of the Project

This section will discuss the layout of the report; the chapters are;

- Chapter 2 literature review, it consists introduction, system theory of opera-

tion, historical background of the project and modern trend and remark.

- Chapter 3 methodology and implementation, it consists data collection and

material, implementation analysis, system coding, soldering and assembly pro-

cedure, system operation guide and bill of engineering measurement and evalu-


- Chapter 4 it consists of test and result analysis, introduction, tests, and result


- Chapter 5 conclusion and recommendations, it consists summary, conclusion

and recommendation.

Chapter 2 - Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

An electromagnet is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an

electric current. Electromagnets usually consist of wire wound into a coil. A current

through the wire creates a magnetic field which is concentrated in the hole, denoting

the center of the coil. The magnetic field disappears when the current is turned off.

The wire turns are often wound around a magnetic core made from a ferromagnetic
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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
material such as iron; the magnetic core concentrates the magnetic flux and makes a

more powerful magnet. [7]

The main advantage of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet is that the

magnetic field can be quickly changed by controlling the amount of electric current in

the winding. However, unlike a permanent magnet that needs no power, an

electromagnet requires a continuous supply of current to maintain the magnetic field.

Electromagnets are widely used as components of other electrical devices, such as

motors, generators, electromechanical solenoids, relays, loudspeakers, hard disks,

MRI machines, scientific instruments, and magnetic separation equipment.

Electromagnets are also employed in industry for picking up and moving heavy iron

objects such as scrap iron and steel. [8]

2.2 System’s theory of Operation

The detecting unit consists of an antenna and a tune circuit which also comprises of a

coil and a capacitor. The circuit picks up RF energy on its 5cm antenna and passes it

to the tune circuit where all the frequencies, except one are lost in the coil. The only

frequency to appear at the output of the tune circuit is the one that is equal to the

natural resonant frequency of the tune circuit. This signal is passed to the RF amplifier

stage where it is amplified. The coil for the tune circuit was chosen so that it is known

for its fixed value of inductance. This allows us to further use a trimmer capacitor and

put a scale around it on the casing so that you can read and select the frequency range.

Even though the coil does not have a very good “Q ” factor it will be ok in this case as

the Q is not important. In other words the tuning will be fairly broad and you will

have to find the “centre spot” to get the exact frequency. Even then, the frequency will

not be exactly as the scale has not been individually calibrated. It was only design to

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
give you an approximate value, and the display give the value in decibel of what was

detected. The way in which the tune circuit works is quite amazing. The entire signal

from radio stations, taxis, bugs, TV stations, cellular phones etc are picked up by the

antenna and passed to the tuned circuit where they will set into operation.

2.3 Historical Background of the Project

Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted discovered in 1820 that electric currents create

magnetic fields. British scientist William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in

1824. His first electromagnet was a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that was wrapped

with about 18 turns of bare copper wire (insulated wire didn't exist yet). The iron was

varnished to insulate it from the windings. When a current was passed through the

coil, the iron became magnetized and attracted other pieces of iron; when the current

was stopped, it lost magnetization. Sturgeon displayed its power by showing that

although it only weighed seven ounces (roughly 200 grams), it could lift nine pounds

(roughly 4 kilos) when the current of a single-cell power supply was applied.

However, Sturgeon's magnets were weak because the insulated wire he used could

only be wrapped in a single spaced out layer around the core, limiting the number of

turns. [9]

Beginning in 1830, US scientist Joseph Henry systematically improved and

popularized the electromagnet [10]. By using wire insulated by silk thread, and

inspired by Schwinger’s use of multiple turns of wire to make a galvanometer, [10] he

was able to wind multiple layers of wire on cores, creating powerful magnets with

thousands of turns of wire, including one that could support 2,063 lb (936 kg). The

first major use for electromagnets was in telegraph sounders. [11] The magnetic

domain theory of how ferromagnetic cores work was first proposed in 1906 by French

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
physicist Pierre-Ernest Weiss, and the detailed modern quantum mechanical theory of

ferromagnetism was worked out in the 1920s by Werner Heisenberg, Lev Landau,

Felix Bloch and others.

2.4 Modern trend and Remarks

A portative electromagnet is one designed to just hold material in place; an example is

a lifting magnet. An attractive electromagnet applies a force and moves something

[12]. Electromagnets are very widely used in electric and electromechanical devices,


 Motors and generators

 Transformers

 Relays

 Electric bells and buzzers

 Loudspeakers and headphones

 Actuators such as valves

 Magnetic recording and data storage equipment: tape recorders, VCRs, hard disks

 MRI machines

 Scientific equipment such as mass spectrometers

 Particle accelerators

 Magnetic locks

 Musical instrument pickups

 Magnetic separation equipment, used for separating magnetic from nonmagnetic

material, for example separating ferrous metal from other material in scrap.

 Industrial lifting magnets

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
 magnetic levitation, used in a maglev train or trains

 Induction heating for cooking, manufacturing, and hyperthermia therapy

The magnetic field generated by passing a current through a coil

An electric current flowing in a wire creates a magnetic field around the wire, due to

Ampere's law (see drawing below). To concentrate the magnetic field, in an

electromagnet the wire is wound into a coil with many turns of wire lying side by

side. The magnetic field of all the turns of wire passes through the center of the coil,

creating a strong magnetic field there. A coil forming the shape of a straight tube (a

helix) is called a solenoid [13].

The direction of the magnetic field through a coil of wire can be found from a form of

the right-hand rule. If the fingers of the right hand are curled around the coil in the

direction of current flow (conventional current, flow of positive charge) through the

windings, the thumb points in the direction of the field inside the coil. The side of the

magnet that the field lines emerge from is defined to be the North Pole.

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
Much stronger magnetic fields can be produced if a "magnetic core" of a soft

ferromagnetic material, such as iron, is placed inside the coil. A core can increase the

magnetic field to thousands of times the strength of the field of the coil alone, due to

the high magnetic permeability μ of the material [14]. This is called a ferromagnetic-

core or iron-core electromagnet. However, not all electromagnets use cores, and the

very strongest electromagnets, such as superconducting and the very high current

electromagnets, cannot use them due to saturation


A simple way to determine the direction of the magnetic field around the conductor is

to consider screwing an ordinary wood screw into a sheet of paper. As the screw

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
enters the paper the rotational action is CLOCKWISE and the only part of the screw

that is visible above the paper is the screw head. If the wood screw is of the pozidriv

or Philips type head design, the cross on the head will be visible and it is this cross

that is used to indicate current flowing “into” the paper and away from the observer.

Likewise, the action of removing the screw is the reverse, anticlockwise. As the

current enters from the top it therefore leaves the underside of the paper and the only

part of the wood screw that is visible from below is the tip or point of the screw and it

is this point which is used to indicate current flowing “out of ” the paper and towards

the observer. [15]

Then the physical action of screwing the wood screw in and out of the paper indicates

the direction of the current in the conductor and therefore, the direction of rotation of

the electromagnetic field around it as shown below. This concept is known generally

as the Right Hand Screw Action.


June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

A magnetic field implies the existence of two poles, a north and a south. The polarity

of a current carrying conductor can be established by drawing the capital letters S and

N and then adding arrow heads to the free end of the letters as shown above giving a

visual representation of the magnetic field direction. Another more familiar concept

which determines both the direction of current flow and the resulting direction of the

magnetic flux around the conductor is called the “Left Hand Rule”

Left Hand Rule of Electromagnetism The recognised direction of a magnetic field is

from its north pole to its south pole. This direction can be deduced by holding the

current carrying conductor in your left hand with the thumb extended pointing in the

direction of the electron flow from negative to positive. The position of the fingers

laid across and around the conductor will now be pointing in the direction of the

generated magnetic lines of force as shown. If the direction of the electron flowing

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
through the conductor is reversed, the left hand will need to be placed onto the other

side of the conductor with the thumb pointing in the new direction of the electron

current flow. [16]

Also as the current is reversed the direction of the magnetic field produced around the

conductor will also be reversed because as we have said previously, the direction of

the magnetic field depends upon the direction of current flow.

This “Left Hand Rule” can also be used to determine the magnetic direction of the

poles in an electromagnetic coil. This time, the fingers point in the direction of the

electron flow from negative to positive while the extended thumb indicating the

direction of the North Pole. There is a variation on this rule called the “right hand

rule” which is based on so-called conventional current flow, (positive to negative).

Consider when a single straight piece of wire is bent into the form of a single loop as

shown below. Although the electric current is flowing in the same direction through

the whole length of the wire conductor, it will be flowing in opposite directions

through the paper. This is because the current leaves the paper on one side and enters

the paper on the other therefore a clockwise field and an anticlockwise field are

produced next to each other across the sheet of paper. [17]

The resulting space between these two conductors becomes an “intensified ” magnetic

field with the lines of force spreading out in such a way that they assume the form of a

bar magnet generating a distinctive north and south pole at the point of intersection.


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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

Lines of Force around the Loop

The current flowing through the two parallel conductors of the loop are in opposite

directions as the current through the loop exits the left hand side and returns on the

right hand side. This results in the magnetic field around each conductor inside the

loop being in the “SAME” direction to each other. The resulting lines of force

generated by the current flowing through the loop oppose each other in the space

between the two conductors where the two like poles meet thereby deforming the

lines of force around each conductor as shown.

However, the distortion of the magnetic flux in between the two conductor ’s results in

intensity of the magnetic field at the middle junction was the lines of force become

closer together. The resulting interaction between the two like fields produces a
June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor
EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
mechanical force between the two conductors as they try to repel away from each

other. In an electrical machine this repelling of these two magnetic fields produces

motion. However, as the conductors cannot move, the two magnetic fields therefore

help each other by generating a north and a south pole along this line of interaction.

This results in the magnetic field being strongest in the middle between the two

conductors. The intensity of the magnetic field around the conductor is proportional to

the distance from the conductor and by the amount of current flowing through it. [18]

The magnetic field generated around a straight length of current-carrying wire is very

weak even with a high current passing through it. However, if several loops of the

wire are wound together along the same axis producing a coil of wire, the resultant

magnetic field will become even more concentrated and stronger than that of just a

single loop. This produces an electromagnetic coil more commonly called a Solenoid.

Chapter 3 - Methodology and Implementation

3.1 Introduction
The chapter 3 presents procedure adopted to design and implement an Electromagnet

pole and field strength instrument. The aim of the project is to design and develop a

tool that can be used for basic electricity experiments. The object was able to

determine the basic components, sensors and processing CPU for the job.

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

3.2 Data Collection and Material

In the literature review, data were collected of types of sensors, and final decision was

taken. Since the internal computation requirement is not intense, an 8-bits

microcontroller was selected. The secondary data extracted (collated) of these most

critical electronics components’ datasheet are presented. Other non-critical

components such as resistors, capacitors and buzzer connection are very common and

the analysis will not cover them except where necessary.

3.3 Implementation Analysis

3.3.1 Discreption of block diagram
The Atmega328P microcontroller is the central management unit, it coordinates

communication with OLED display over I2C protocol to update the status of sensors.

The microcontroller interfaced with linear 49E using internal input analogue to digital
converter (ADC 10-bits). It also read the status of U1881 sensor using pin configured
digital input. Another digital input pin is attached to a button. The button is been used
to select page of the display show in figure 3.1 below.

Figure 3.1 The Block Diagram

3.3.2 Discreption of circuit diagram
1. i. Major Feature of ATMEGA328P Microcontroller:


High Performance, Low Power AVR 8-Bit Microcontroller Family

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
Advanced RISC Architecture

Up to 20 MIPS Throughput at 20MHz

High Endurance Non-volatile Memory Segments 32KBytes of In-System Self-

Programmable Flash program memory

1KBytes EEPROM and KBytes Internal SRAM

Write/Erase Cycles: 10,000 Flash/100,000 EEPROM

ii. Peripheral Feature

Two 8-bit Timer/Counters with Separate Pre-scaler and Compare Mode

One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Pre-scaler, Compare Mode, and

Capture Mode

6 PWM Channels

6-channels 10-bit ADC

Temperature Measurement

6-channel 10-bit ADC in PDIP Package

Temperature Measurement

Programmable Serial USART

Master/Slave SPI Serial Interface

Byte-oriented 2-wire Serial Interface (Philips I2C compatible)

Interrupt and Wake-up on Pin Change

Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection

External and Internal Interrupt Sources

6 Sleep Modes: Idle, ADC Noise Reduction, Power-save, Power-down,

Standby, and Extended Standby.

I/O and Packages 23 Programmable I/O Lines

28-pin PDIP and 32-lead TQFP

Operating Voltage: 1.8 - 5.5V

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

Speed Grade:

0 - 4MHz @1.8 - 5.5V,

0 - 10MHz@2.7 - 5.5.V,

0 - 20MHz @ 4.5 - 5.5V

Active Mode: 0.2mA

Power-down Mode: 0.1μA

The microcontroller is power using 3.3V stepped down by AMS1117 linear regulator.

The Atmega328P microcontroller is the central management unit, it coordinates

communication with OLED display over I2C protocol to update the status of sensors.

The microcontroller interfaced with linear 49E using internal input analogue to digital

converter (ADC 10-bits). It also read the status of U1881 sensor using pin configured

digital input. Another digital input pin is attached to a button. The button is been used

to select page of the display. There are three (3) pages in the whole display system.

Page 1: This is the default page, it is loaded at every power recycled. The page

shows only output of the linear sensor 49E. It also indicate the polarity of the


Page 2: The page 2 only report status of digital sensor (North Pole or South


Page 3: The page 3 displays the current measured from the ACS712 sensor.

2. 49E Hall Effect Linear Sensor

Good linearity and high sensitivity(1.4 ~3.0mV/GS optional)

Miniature construction

Power consumption of 4 mA at 5 Vdc for energy efficiency

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
Low-voltage operation down to 2.3Vdc

Single current sourcing output

Linear output for circuit design flexibility

Low noise output virtually eliminates the need for filtering

Temperature range of -40 °C to 100 °C [-40 °F to 212 °F]

Responds to either positive or negative gauss

Figure 3-2 49E Pin Diagram

Figure 3-3 49E Internal Architecture

Figure 3-4 49E Linear Characteristic

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

Figure 3-5 49E Interface Circuit

From figures (3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5) are internal architecture, characteristics, and
interfacing circuit of linear 49E sensor.

1. Features of US1881 Digital Sensor

Figure 3-6 U1881 Internal Architecture

Figure 3-7 U1881 Operation Characteristics

2. Features of U1881 Sensor

Wide operating voltage range from 3.5V to 24V

High magnetic sensitivity – Multi-purpose

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
CMOS technology

Chopper-stabilized amplifier stage

Low current consumption

Open drain output

Figure 3-8 U1881 Interface Circuit

Figure 3-9 U1881 Characteristics

3. Features of OLED Display (I2C)

SH1107 is a single-chip CMOS OLED/PLED driver with controller for

organic/polymer light emitting diode dot-matrix graphic display system. It consists of

128 segments, 64 commons maximum display resolution. SH1107 embeds with

contrast control, display RAM oscillator and efficient DC-DC converter, which

reduces the number of external components and power consumption. The basic

features of SH1107 are presented.

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
RAM and Screen Resolution

Support maximum 128 X 64 dot matrix panel

Embedded 128 X 64 bits SRAM

Operating voltage:

Logic voltage supply: VDD = 1.65V - 3.5V

DC-DC voltage supply: AVDD = 2.4V -3.5V

OLED Operating voltage supply: Vpp=7.0V - 16.5V

Maximum segment output current: 500mA

Maximum common sink current: 64mA

Communication Interface

8-bit 6800-series parallel interface, 8-bit 8080-series

Parallel interface, and 3-wire & 4-wire serial peripheral interface.

400KHz fast I2C bus interface

Programmable frame frequency and multiplexing ratio

Figure 3-10 OLED SH1107 Display

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EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

Figure 3-11 OLED SH1107 Back panel

4. Features of ACS712 Current Sensor

This is a linear current sensor, the output has a positive slope (V OUT) when an

increasing current flows through the primary copper conduction path (from pins 1 and

2, to pins 3 and 4), which is the path used for current sampling. The general features

of the device is presented.

5μs output rise time in response to step input current

80 kHz bandwidth

Total output error 1.5% at TA = 25°C

Small footprint, low-profile SOIC8 package

1.2mΩ internal conductor resistance

2.1kVRMS minimum isolation voltage from pins 1-4 to pins 5-8

5.0V, single supply operation

66 to 185mV/A output sensitivity

Output voltage proportional to AC or DC currents

Factory-trimmed for accuracy

Extremely stable output offset voltage

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation
Nearly zero magnetic hysteresis

Radiometric output from supply voltage

Figure 3-12 ACS712 Interface Circuit

3.4 System coding (optional)

3.5 Hardware Soldering and Assembly Procedure

The circuit diagram was developed in Proteus ARES.

The Gerber file was send to a china company www.PCBWAY.com for

industrial development.

The printed board was returned after two (2) week.

The component were soldered on the board using the followings tools.

Soldering Paste.

Soldering Workstation.

Soldering Iron.

Soldering Flux.

Soldering lead.

After component, continuity test was carried out, the assembled board is presented


June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

3.6 System Operational Guide

The firmware is the real-time operating system, it was developed to coordinate the

entire process of the system. The firmware was developed in Arduino IDE. The user

case scenario is presented in figure 3.13. The procedure of system initialisation and

process management is presented in figure 3.14.

Figure 3-13 User Case Diagram

Figure 3-14 System Sequence Diagram

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Methodology and Implementation

3.7 Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation

S/N Description Quantity Rate Amount
N/Unit (N)
1 Printed Circuit Board PCB+ 10 53,400 53,400
Fed-Ex –IP shipping cost+ Bank
Processing Fee
2 Atmega328p (SMD) 1-Lots 9,260 9,260
3 49E Hall Effect Sensor(Linear) 1Lots (10) 4,000 4,000
4 U1881 Hall Effect Sensor (Digital) 1 Lots (10) 5,500 5,500
5 OLED Display (64x128) 5 2,200 11,000
6 D882 Transistor (SMD) 1-Lot 3,400 3,400
7 3.3V Active Buzzer 10 500 5,000
8 3.3V Regulator 1-Lots 3842.4 3,842.4
9 Current Sensor (ACS712) 1-Lots 2532.1 2,532.1
10 Crystal Oscillator (16MHz) 1-Lots 1,190.04 1,190.04
11 Double Pole-Single Power Switch 1-Lots 1800 1,800
12 Soldering Paste I Cup 1200 1,200
13 Resistors Assorted Assorted Lots 500 5,00
14 Capacitors Assorted Lots 500 5,00
15 18650 Battery Holder 5 1200 1,200
16 18650 4800mA Battery 3 1000 3,000
17 Soldering Lead 60/40 1 roll 1500 1,500
18 Heater Element for Workstation 1 2500 2,500
Grand Total N 110,324.54

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EMT Pole and FSID Test/Measurement/Analysis

Chapter 4 - Test and Result Analysis

4.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the test that was carried out during the study and result that was

gotten at the end of the whole study.

4.2 Tests

The system circuit operate with 3.3voh supply to make it power and to display

all the necessary test, measurement and the polarity of the magnet on the display

screen of the circuit.


The analogue sensor is more sensitivity compare to the digital sensor. The analogue

sensor is used to measure both digital and the magnetic field strength in mT, the

digital sensor is use to detect the north and the south pole of the magnet, meanwhile

the current sensor is used to measure the magnetic field strength.


- Sensitivity test


Poles Field Strength (mT)

1 Bar magnet 26mm N -0.93mT S

Bar magnet 25mm S 0.97Mt N

2 Solenoid 20mm N -1.67Mt N

Solenoid 17mm S 0.97Mt S

3 Bar magnet (unknown) 25mm N -0.85Mt N

Bar magnet (unknown) 20MM S 0.62Mt S

4 Bar magnet (known) 8mm N -6.03Mt N

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EMT Pole and FSID Test/Measurement/Analysis
Bar magnet (known) 8mm S 2.63Mt S



Poles Field Strength (mT)

1 Bar magnet N -1.08Mt N

“” S 19/17Mt S

2 Solenoid S -18.7Mt S

“” N -12.06Mt N

3 Bar magnet (unknown poles) S 2.63mT S

“” N -6.03Mt N

4 Bar magnet (known poles) S 2.01Mt S

“” N -0.93Mt N



The analogue sensor effect is more sensitive to that of the digital sensor. The initial

reading of the analogue sensor is -0.8mt, immediately when the analogue sensor

sensed the magnet it will start it reading. And these reading depend on the polarity of

the magnet that is been sensed by the sensor i.e north pole or south pole.

If it is a n-pole it will read a positive value and display south pole on the display



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EMT Pole and FSID Test/Measurement/Analysis
It shows all the output of the circuit, which is capable of detecting the polarity of a

magnet and also to measure the magnetic field strength of the magnet in mT.

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EM Field Instrument Appendices

Chapter 5 - Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes and concludes the whole work that was carried out.

5.2 Summary and Conclusion

5.2.1 Summary
This work demonstrates a project of Field Strength Device in detail. In general, the

field strength device is a signal receiver. In terms of efficiency and performance, field

strength device is used in many places. This system is reliable and user friendly as it is

easy to operate, the developed system is very helpful in saving valuable time of

human at large.

The system can both operate on digital and analogue device respectively to show the

polarity of a magnet and as well display the field strength this can also be practically

be done when this is been treated as a course.

5.2.2 Conclusion
At the end of this work an electromagnetic pole and field strength device was

implemented. The field strength is a valuable device to detect the NORTH AND

SOUTH POLE of a magnet that can be practically displayed.

5.3 Recommendations
The device (implementation of electromagnetic pole and field strength instrument

device) has been designed, tested and system was able to respond to its operation.

This work was built with quality wiring and contains many connections, I recommend

that if failure occur, it should be troubleshoot by a qualify personnel along with the

circuits diagram.

Working on this topic (implementation of electromagnetic pole and field strength

instrument device) as my project is a good idea and it comes at the right time. I am
June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor
EM Field Instrument Appendices
suggesting that this particular topic should also be given to other students both in

higher and lower class.

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Appendices

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EM Field Instrument Appendices


The practical picture of the project

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Appendices


The practical picture of the project

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

EM Field Instrument Appendices

June 2021 Abdulhameed, Victor

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