Advent Review and Sabbath Herald _ June 7, 1915

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The Millennium - Extra N .

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Vol. 92 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., June 7, 1915 No: 28

Armageddon Comes On should deceive the nations no more, until the

Near the close of this period of God's thousand years should be finished: after this
wrath upon a disobedient world-while the he must be loosed for a little time." Rev. 20:
plagues are doing their work - Armageddon 1-3 A. II. V.
comes on. The kings of the East, and also Jeremiah thus describes the condition of
of the West, marshal their armies upon the the earth at this time: "I beheld the earth,
ancient battle fields of Palestine. What is to and, lo, it was without form, and void; and
be the apparent occasion for this assembling, the heavens, and they had no light. I be-
politically or otherwise, we are not told) but held the mountains, and, lo, they trembled,
several of the prophets speak of this assem- and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld,
bling of the nations. Space permits of only and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds
one or two texts: "I will also gather the na- of the heavens were fled. I beheld, and,
tions, and will bring them down into the val- the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all
the cities thereof were broken down at the
ley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them
there." Joel 3:2. "For by fire and by presence of the Lord, and by hie fierce anger."
sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and Jer. 4:23-26.
the slain of the Lord shall be many." Isa. The revelator tells us what causes all this
66: 16. desolation: "The seventh angel poured out
his vial into the air [the last one of the seven
. Jesus Comes to Reap the Harvest of last plagues previously referred to, which is
the Earth; the "First Resurrection" poured out just prior to Christ's personal
appearing]; and there came a great voice out
While mighty nations are engaged in mor- of the temple of heaven, from the throne,
tal combat on the field of Armageddon, saying, It is done. And there were voices,
earth's rightful King appears in power and and thunders, and lightnings; and there was
great glory, accompanied by the angelic host, a great earthquake, such as was not since men
"THE BOORS WERE OPENED: . . : AND THE DEAD WERE JUDGED OUT OF THOSE THINGS to reap the harvest of the earth. Rev. 19: were upon the earth, so mighty an earth-
WHICH WERE WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS." REV. 20: 12. 11-21. That scene no pen can portray, no quake, and so great. . And the cities of
tongue describe. Every face is turned up- the nations fell," Rev. 16:17-19.
ward; some gather paleness, some the black-
Events Clustering About the Millennium ness of despair. The event so long looked
forward to, about which every prophet in the
It is the mighty voice of God (Heb. 12:
26, 27) that shakes the earth from center to
circumference, making the proud cities ruin-
Sacred Scroll has written, is at hand. The ous heaps. No more forever are they to be
The Unfolding of God's Plan in the King of kings and Lord of lords is about to inhabited or rebuilt. "For thou Mist made
claim his own. of a city an heap:. of a defensed city a ruin:
"Day of the Lord " When Jesus comes, he calls forth the mil- a palace of strangers to be no city; it shall
By T. E. Bowen lions of sleeping saints, shut up in Satan's never be built." lea. 26: 2.
prison house,-the grave,-and with his
living saints, saved out of every nation, they Satan Loosed for a Little Season
Soma of the moat thrilling events of all described by the prophet Daniel: "I eaw in are "caught up together" "to meet the Lord
ages occur in connection with that period the night visions, and, behold, one like the For one thousand dreary years Satan views
of time referred to in Rev. 20: 1-5, and in the air," evermore to be with him, 1 with dismay the results of his wicked devis-
Son of man came with the clouds [angels] of These. 4: 14-17. Gloriously delivered is every
generally spoken of as "the millennium," heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, ings against God, compelled as he is to live
one whose name is found "written in the among these ruins. At the close of the thou-
though that term itself does not occur in the and they brought him near before him. And book." Dan. i2:1: -But how different at
Bible. The Scriptures do, 'however, un- there was given him dominion, and glory, sand years Jesus descends to earth, followed -
this time the lot of the wicked) "The slain by the New Jerusalem,' . the glorious capital
doubtedly teach the fact of "the millennium;" and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and of the Lord shall be at that day from one end
and, ftuther, that this one-thousand-year pe- languages ehould serve Trim." Dan. 7: 13, city of his kingdom, peopled by the nations
of the earth even unto the other end of the of the saved. Rev. 21:2, 3. His feet touch
riod is soon to dawn. But the Word of God 14. This takes place in heaven, not on earth. earth: they shall not be lamented, neither
also makes it plain that before the millen- the same mountain from which he ascended
Every Person's Destiny Sealed for gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon to his Father. "His feet shall stand in that
nium begins, there are some very important the ground." Jer. 25:33.
events to take place, events which involve Weal or Woe day upon the Mount of Olives, which is be-
the destiny of every living person. Coincident with, or just prior to, the event The Millennium Begins fore Jerusalem on the east," says the prophet,
It should be borne in mind that in the reve-
of Jesus' receiving his kingdom in heaven, "and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the,
lation of his Son to this world, the Creator is
the destiny of every soul on earth is deter- Here the millennium - the one thousand midst thereof toward the east and toward the
dealing with the problem of sin. This con- mined. This event in very fact brings the years - begins. And here is the binding of west, and there shall be a very great valley."
troversy, which originated in heaven, even end of the world, in the sense of fixing human Satan. Confined to earth, bound here by Zech. 14:4.
before the world was, has come down to destiny, although taking place a little time a chain of circumstances, with no saint to The capital of Christ's glorious kingdom,
earth, involving the destiny of every human prior to the visible, personal appearing of the annoy, no soul to tempt, no living man or a great city approximately three hundred
soul. Here the Son of God became also the Son of man to reap the harvest of the earth.
Son of man, and here he lived as a man. See Rev. 14:14-16.
Here his cross was uplifted. Here, too, This event, the Son's reception of the
Satan, the originator of sin, does his work, kingdom in heaven, marks the beginning of
and here he is to be punished, with all his the day-of-the-Lord, period, when the Al-
confederates -both angels and men. mighty shall arise ';`to shake terribly, the
A Time Appointed for Every Purpose earth" (Isa. 2:19), and to "destroy the sin-
ners thereof out of it" (Isa. 13:9). And this
"To everything there is a season," wrote comes suddenly. We understand that Jesus
Solomon, " and a lime to every purpose under refers to this very important event when he
the heaven." Keel. 3: 1. There is a "day Bays: "Of that day and hour knoweth no
of salvation," a time when sinners may turn man, no, not the angels which are in heaven,
to the Lord and be saved. That day has an neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye
end. The Lord has appointed a day,- a heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when
time,- spoken of in the Word as the "day the time is." Mark 13:32, 33.
of the Lord," in which he will deal in a very At the close of Christ's work as priest in
definite manner with transgressors,-those heaven, this decree recorded in Rev. 22: 11,
who have spurned his love, refused his mercy, 12, goes forth: "He that is unjust, let him
rejected his Son. be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him
Every Scripture Will Be Literally be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let
Fulfilled him be righteous still: and he that is holy,
let him be holy still. And, behold, I come
"The day of the Lord will come as a thief quickly." This ushers in the day of the
in the night; in the which the heavens shall Lord. Joel 3: 9-13; Zeph. 1:14-18.
pass away with a great noise, and the ele-
ments shall melt with fervent heat, the earth God's Vials of Wrath Poured Out
also and the works that are therein shall be Following this decree the vials of God's
burned up." 2 Peter 3:10. One might wrath are poured out upon the earth by
gather from reading this text alone that all seven angels whose work is described in Rev-
these wonderful events take place in a elation 16. The language is literal, not
twenty-four-hour day, or at one time, whereas symbolic, and tells us in plain words what the
from first to last they embrace a thousand wrath of God is. Read the whole chapter.
years. The coming "as a thief" takes place There are seven plagues, each distinct from CHRIST'S SECOND COMING DESCENT OF THE HOLY CITY
when Jesus receives his kingdom in heaven, the others,- a plague of sores; the sea turned
an event just before us. -Luke 19: 11-27; to blood; fountains turned to blood; the sun
Mark 13: 32-37. The heavens "pass away scorching men as with fire; a great false woman upon earth to lead into sin, he who and seventy-five miles on each side, descends
with a great noise" at his second appearing church punished, its world light going out in rose up in heaven itself before the world was, and rests upon this "great valley," conse-
(Rev. 6:14-17), while the elements melt awful darkness; Armageddon comes on; great saying, "I will be like the Most High," is crated by the feet of King Jesus.
with "fervent heat" a thousand years later hailstones devastating portions, at least, of left with his angels to contemplate for ten The Second Resurrection
(Rev. 20:7, 8). the earth. The prophet Daniel describes this long centuries the resdlt of his wicked plot-
Let us study briefly the events occurring as "a time of trouble, such as never was tinge against God. The Son of God now calls to life again the
since there was a nation even to that same The -beloved disciple John describes the untold millions upon millions who have gone
in this day-of-the-Lord period. down to their graves sinning against God.
time." Dan. 12: 1. binding of Satan in the following impressive
Jesus Receives His Kingdom in These scenes are just before us. And there symbolic language: "I saw an angel coming Rev. 20:7. "For as in Adam all die, even
Heaven down out of heaven, having the key of the so in Christ shall all be made alive. But
is but one way of escape-by now making every man in his own order." 1 Cor. 15:22,
abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he
The time spoken of as the "day of the Jesus our personal Friend and mighty De- laid hold on the dragon; the old serpent, which 23. These sleeping millions hear the voice
Lord" begins with the close of Christ's liverer, while merry lingers. This must be is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a of the Son of God, and live. "Marvel not
priestly work in the heavenly sanctuary, at done, too, before the beginning of the Millen- thousand years, and cast him into the abyss, at this: for the hour is coming, in the which
which time he receives from his Father his nium, before this day of trouble "such as and shut it, and sealed it over him, that be all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,
kingdom - the earth. This scene is thus never was" begins.
and shall come forth; they that have done great chain in his hand. And he laid hold
good, unto the resurrection of life; and they
that have done evil, unto the resurrection of
The Millennium on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the
devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
damnation." John 5:28, 29. The hour A Bible Study years, and cast him into the bottomless pit,
comes for the righteous to hear that voice at and shut him up, and set a seal upon him,
the beginning of the millennium; at its close that he should deceive the nations no more,
the hour comes for the rest of Adam's chil- A Time of Judgment The Destruction of the Wicked
till the thousand years should be fulfilled."
dren to hear that same voice calling them 1. WHAT text definitely brings the millen- 8, What becomes of the living wicked Rev. 20: 1-3.
forth to condemnation. nium to view? when Christ comes? NOTE.-The word here translated "bot-
Some time must elapse-we know not "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon "As it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be tomless pit" is translated in Gen. 1: 1 "deep"
how long - between this second resurrec- them, and judgment was given unto them: . . also in the days of the Son of man. They -" darkness was upon the face of the deep."
tion and the final destruction of the impeni- and they lived and reigned with Christ a thou- did eat, they drank, they married wives, A more literal translation would be "abyss."
tent; for we read of Satan that "he must be sand years." Rev. 20:4. they were given in marriage, until the day It is a term applied to the earth in its deso-
loosed a little season." Rev. 20:3. As he 2. Whom does Paul say the saints are to that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood late, waste, chaotic, dark, uninhabited con-
is bound by a chain of circumstances at the judge? came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also dition. In this condition it will remain dur-
beginning of the millennium, so at the end " Dare any of you, having a matter against as it was in the days of Lot; . . . the same ing the one thousand years. This will be
of this thousand-year period he is loosed by another, go to law before the unjust, and not day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained the dreary prison house of Satan during this
the descent of the city, the return of the before the saints? Do ye not know that the fire and brimstone from heaven, and de- period. Here, in the midst of the moldering
saints, and the resurrection of the wicked. saints shall judge the world? . . . Know ye stroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in bones of the wicked dead slain at Christ's
And again he goes forth to deceive and de- not that we shall judge angels?" 1 Cor. 6: 1-3. the day when the Bon of man is revealed." second coming, the broken-clown cities, and
stroy. This is only for "a little season," but Nov.-E From the Scriptures it is plain Luke 17:26-30. the wreck and ruin of all the pomp and power
long enough for Satan "to deceive the na- that the saints of all ages are to be engaged of this world, Satan will have opportunity to
tions," and to gather them together to bat- with Christ in a work of "judgment" during 9. What does the apostle say concerning reflect upon the results of his rebellion against
tle, and they go "up on the breadth of the the millennium, or one thousand years. this? God. But the prophecy- of Isaiah says,
earth" and compass "the camp of the saints 3. What prophecy had Paul upon which to "When they shall say, Peace and safety; "After many days shall, they be visited."
about, and the beloved city." Rev. 20: 7-9. base his statement? then sudden destruction cometh upon them,
Mighty giants before the flood, power- "I beheld, and the same horn made war . . . and they shall not escape." 1 Thess. The ResUrrection of the Wicked
ful Babylonian warriors, Medes, Persians, with the saints, and prevailed against them; 5-13.
Greeks, Romans, as well as the best-equipped until the Ancient of days came, and judgment 13. The righteous, dead are raised at
armies of today, with their knowledge of was given to the saints of the Most High." Nosy.- When Christ comes, the righteous Christ's second coming. When will the rest
modern engines of warfare, are marshaled Dan. 7:21, 22. will be delivered and ,taken to heaven, and of the dead, the wicked, be raised?
into one vast army. Legion upon legion, all the living wicked will be suddenly de- "The rest of the dead lived not again until
they march to what appears it, them to be The Two Resurrections . stroyed, as they were at the time of the flood. the thousand years were finished." Rev..20 : 5.
an easy victory over this golden city, which For further proof see 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. NOTE:- From this we see that the begin-
has come down to adorn the earth. Its un- 4. How many resurrections are there to be? 6. 14-17, 19. 11-21, Jer. 25. 30-33. There ning arid the close of the millennium, or one
told wealth of gold and silver, its gates of " Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, will be no general resurrection of the wicked thousand years, are marked by the two es-
pearl, they covet. And they determine to in the which all that are in the graves shall until the end of the one thousand years. turwroecLtiaotns in.w.TrhdHe, wordmill
possess it. Rev. 21: 10-27. hear his voice, and shall come forth; they This will leave the earth desolate and with- mills,
that have done good, unto the resurrection of out human inhabitant during this period. :,and anvils, year -a thousand years. It
Sin's Climax Reached - ...severs the time during which Satan is to be
hound and wicked mdri and angels are to be
But as Satan moves that mighty host judged. This period is bounded by distinct
against the Son of God, lo, that terrific storm events. Its beginning is marked by the close
of fire from heaven, so vividly foretold in of probation, the pourmgout of the seven lest
the Scriptures, bursts upon him and upon plagues, the second coming of Christ, and the
his army, with withering, blighting fury. resurrection of the righteous dead. It closes
This flame shall not be quenched. It will with -the resurrection of the wicked, and their
fully accomplish God's purpose. In this sea final destruction in the lake of fire.
of fire all workers of iniquity, together with
fallen Lucifer, "son of the morning," and all The Loosing of Satan
his angels, perish in sight of the home of the
saved, which all, including Lucifer himself, 14. What change is made in Satan's con-
might have enjoyed had they been obedient dition at the close of the one thousand years?
and faithful in their appointed, "reasonable "After that he must be loosed a little sea-
service" to God and his only begotten Son. son." Verse 3.
But, instead, the offers of mercy were spurned, NOTE.- At the close of the one thousand
the exceeding great reward despised, and years, Christ, accompanied by the saints,
now all have received the "wages of sin," comes to the earth again, to execute judg-
eternal death; and this in sight of the be- ment upon the wicked, and to prepare the
loved city. "This is the second death," earth, by a re-creation, for the eternal abode
even "the lake of [hell] fire." Rev. 20: 14. of the righteous. At this time, in answer to
the summons of Christ, the_wicked dead of
Iniquity Not to Rise Up the Second all ages awake to life: This is the second
Time resurrection, the restirrection unto damna-
tion. The wicked come forth with the Barrie
The death in the lake of fire is final. The rebellious spirit which possessed them in this
earth, as well as the universe of God, is rid life: Then Satan is loosed from his long
of every rebel against the law of the kingdom. period of captivity and inactivity.
Sin is rooted out of the universe of God. 15. As soon as the wicked are raised, what
Mal. 4: 1-3. doeS Satan at once proceed to do?
The psalmist wrote of this hour: "Wait "When the thousand years are expired,
on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and
exalt thee to inherit the land: when the shall go out to deceive-the nations which are
wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it." Ps. in the four quarters of the earth, Cog and
37:34. Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek: Magog, to gather them together to battle: the
for they shall inherit the earth." Matt. 5: 5. number of whom is as the sand of the sea."
But they do not inherit it in its present sin- Verses 7, 8.
cursed condition. The apostle Peter, after •
speaking of the destruction of the earth by The Destruction of the Wicked
fire, when all the evil "works that are therein 16. Against whom do the wicked go to
shall be burned up," adds, "Nevertheless make war, and what is the outcome?.
we, according to his promise, look for new "They went up on the. breadth of the
heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth earth, and compassed the ramp of the saints
righteousness." 2 Peter 3:13. ThiS "king- about, and the beloved city; and fire came down
dom and dominion, and the greatness of the from God out of heaven, and devoured them."
kingdom under the whole heaven;" of which Verse 9.
Daniel wrote, is soon to "be given to the NOTE-This is the lest act in the great
people of the saints of the Most High." controversy between Christ. and Satan.
Only the willing and obedient shall eat the The whole human race meet here for the first
good. of the land. and last time. The eternal separation of the
Come to the Saviour Now "ALL TFIE CITIES TEIERE6E WERE BROKEN DOWN" righteous from the wicked here takes place.
At this time the judgment of God is executed
These are not fables, but facts. Eternal upon the wicked in the lake of fire. This is
issues are at stake. How shall we relate our- life; and they that have done evil, unto the The Desolation of the Earth the second death. This ends the great re-
selves to them? Jesus ,graciously waits to resurrection of damnation." John 5:28, 29. 10. What description does the prophet hellion against God and IDS government.
receive all who come to hire. The glories of 5. What class only have part in the first Jeremiah give of the earth during this time? Now is heard the voice of God as he sits upon
his coming kingdom we may all share. His resurrection? "I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without his throne, speaking to the saints, and saying,
heart yearns for every souL Why not turn "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in form, and void; and the heavens, and they "Behold, I make all things new; " and out of
to him now, giving him loyal, loving serv- the first resurrection: on such the second had no light. I beheld the mountains, and., the burning ruins of the old earth there
ice? "All that the Father giveth me shall death hath no power." Rev. 20:6. lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved spring forth, before the admiring gaze of the
come to me; and him that eometh to 6. What will Christ do with' the saints lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, millions of the redeemed, "a new heaven
me I will in no wise cast out." "In this when he comes? and all the birds of the heavens were fled. I and a new earth," in which they shall find
was manifested the love of God toward ms, "I will come again, and receive you unto beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wil- an everlasting inheritance and dwelling place.
because that God sent his only begotten Son myself; that where I am, there ye may be derness, and all the cities thereof were broken The millennium is a great sabbath of rest,
into the world, that we might live through also." John 14:3. down at the presence of the Lord, and by his both for the earth and for God's people.
him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, NOTE.- In other words, Christ will take fierce anger." Jer. 4: 23-26. For six thousand years the earth and its in-
but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be them to heaven, there to live and reign with habitants have been groaning under the curse
him during the one thousand years. NOTE.-. At the coming of Christ the earth
the propitiation for our sins." "He that hath is reduced to a chaotic state-to a mass of of sin. The millennium, the seventh thou-
the Son hath life." "I am the door; by me 7. Where did John, in vision, see the saints? ruins. The heavens depart as a scroll when sand, will be a sabbath of rest and release;
if any man enter in, he shall be saved.' "After this I beheld, and, Io, a great mul- it is rolled together, mountains are moved for, says the prophet concerning the land,
titude, which no man could number, of all out of their places, and the earth is left a "as long as she lay desolate she kept sob-
"Yet there is room; the.Lamb's bright hall nations, and kindreds, and people, and dark, dreary, desolate waste. See Isa. 24: bath." 2 Chron. 36:21. "There remaineth
of song ongues, stood before the throne, and before the 1-3; Rev. 6:14-17. therefore a rest ["keeping of a sabbath," mar-
With its fair glory beckons thee along. Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms 11. How does Isaiah speak of the wicked gin] to the people of Heb. 4: 9. This
n their hands." Rev. 7:9. at this time? precedes the new-earth state.
"Yet there is room; still open stands the gate, Nom.- This scripture shows plainly that
The gate of love; it is not yet too late." he righteous are all taken to heaven imme- "It shall come to pass in that day, that
the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones The Restoration of the Earth
-4- -4- -4- diately after the first resurrection. This ac-
cords with the words of Christ in John 14: 1-3, that are on high, and the kings of the earth 17. After this destruction of the earth and
upon the earth. And they shall be gath- of all sin and sinners upon it, for what may
When the King Shall Claim His Own where be says, "I go to prepare a place for ered together, as prisoners are gathered in the saints then look?
you. And if I go and prepare a place for
IN the glad time of the harvest, you, I will come again, and receive you unto the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and
"Nevertheless we, according to his prom-
In the grand millennial year, myself; that where I ant, there ye may be also." after many days shall they be visited." ise, look for new heavens and a new earth,
When the King shall take his scepter, Peter desired to accompany Christ to those Isa. 24: 21, 22. wherein dwelleth righteousness." 2 Peter
And to judge the world appear, mansions; but Jesus answered, "Thou cant The Binding of Satan 3:13.
Earth and sea shall yield their treasure, not follow me now; but thou shalt follow me 18. How does the prophet Isaiah describe
All shall stand before the throne; afterwards." John 13: 36. This makes it 12. How long is Satan imprisoned on this this restoration?
Just awards will then be given, clear that when Christ returns to earth to earth? "For, behold, I create new heavens and a
When the Ring shall claim his own. receive his people, he takes them to the Fa- "I saw an angel come down from heaven, new earth: and the former shall not be re-
- L. D. Santee. ther's house in heaven. having the key of the bottomless pit and a membered, nor come into mind." Isa. 65: 17.
19. What is the apostle John's testimony lasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain shall all the tribes of the earth mourn." The Hope of the Church
concerning the new earth? joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing Matt. 24:30. It is difficult to see what need
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: shall flee away." Isa. 35: 10. there can be of such mourning if the various sr REV. SOHN MC N/COL, B. A., B. R.
for the first heaven and the first earth were 21. What prophesy will then be fulfilled? moral and religious agencies shall have ac- Principal of the Toronto Bible Training School
passed away; and there was no more sea." " And thou, 0 tower of the flock, the strong- complished their purpose. The same great
Rev. 21:1. hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall truth is found almost everywhere in the book Tim attitude of the New Testament church
20. What reward awaits the righteous? it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom of Revelation. Rev. 1:7; 6: 15-17; 11: 15- is represented by the apostle John in the
"And the ransomed of the Lord shall re- shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem." 18. The last passage is particularly note- closing words of the Apocalypse. Visions of
turn, and come to Zion with songs and ever- Micah 4: 8. worthy, for the time referred to is when heavenly glory and millennial peace have
"the kingdom of the world is become the passed before him. He has seen the new
kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ." heaven and the new earth, wherein dwelleth
But it proceeds to say, "The nations were
The Lord's Coming Premillennial wroth." Here again the anger is incredible,
and also the reference to those who "de-
righteousness, and the holy city, New Jeru-
salem, whose fight was like a stone most pre-
cious. But, at the end of it all, the longing
By Rev. W. H. Griffith Thomas, D. D. stroy the earth," if there has been a gradual of the aged apostle is not for these things to
improvement in the state of mankind. . come. Greater than all these glories, dearer
Tan evident interest concentrated just Moreover, Scripture represents the close Two chief objections to this view remain to than all these dear things, is the Master him-
now on the coming of Christ is most welcome. of this dispensation as a time of special aetiv- be considered. It is sometimes said that to self, and the prayer that rises from his heart
It is true that the study of eschatology in 'ity of evil. Evil is predicted as everywhere favor the literal fulfillment of these prophe- as he closes his wondrous book is simply,
the hands of modern criticism is marked by increasing. Christ spoke of iniquity abound- cies is to materialize them and to involve "Come, Lord Jesus."
many misconceptions and errors, but the ing (Matt. 24:3, 6, 12, 21), and with this us in insuperable difficulties. But it is sub- The hope of the church, then, is the personal
ultimate result, it is hoped and believed, will agree the words of the apostle Paul about mitted that even though difficult, the literal return of her Lord. As Dr. David Brown
be increased attention to the New Testa- perilous times in the last days (2 Tim. 3: 1-5). fulfillment is the most natural. The prophe- stated in his book on the second advent,
ment teaching on the coming of our Lord. Indeed, he goes further and describes what cies relating to Christ's first coming were all sixty years ago, "The Redeemer's second ap-
Now, while it must be admitted that there he calls "the mystery of iniquity," which is literally fulfilled, and no one is at all per- pearing is the very polestar of the church."
are differences of opinions on the subject to reach its climax in the "man of sin," who plexed by the thought of a divine incarna- Let us see how this hope lies upon the pages
between Christian men, it may fairly be is to be destroyed by Christ at his coming. tion or a literal crucifixion. . . . of the New Testament revelation, and how
said that only one of these is really funda- 2 These. 2: 1-10. Even the professed church Since, therefore, we have already experi- it influenced the life of the New Testament
mental. This, however, is certainly vital, is spoken of in terms that imply departure enced the literal fulfillment of the prophecies church.
because if one view is right the other must be from God, such expressions being found as ref siring to Christ's humiliation, there is no
wrong. The reference is, of course, to the "the love of many shall wax cold," "having reason why we should not believe in a sim- Christ Taught His Disciples to Expect
question whether Christ will come before or a form of godliness," and "because thou art ilar literal fulfillment of the prophecies relat- His Return
after the millennium, by which term is usu- lukewarm." All these indicate not a. state ing to his glory.. .
ally understood a period of peace and almost of improvement but of growing degeneracy, It is sometimes said that two parables, the This was the last of the stage through which
total freedom from evil. It is obvious that and a climax of evil at the end. . mustard seed and the leaven, indicate a grad- his teaching about himself advanced. In the
both these views cannot be right; for if he According to the postmillennial view, the ual conversion of the world. It may be early part of his ministry he seems to have
comes before or after this period (be it a rule of Christ through the period of his king- pointed out that these parables must some- kept his personality in the background; he
thousand years in duration or not), the dom remains indirect, a spiritual rule in indi- how or other be harmonized with the teach- forbade those whom he healed to tell about
whole perspective of teaching is necessarily vidual hearts, which will not interfere with ing of the others uttered at the same time. him. Then there came a time when he
affected. As it is the opin- asked the disciples,)" Who
ion of the writer that the do men say that I am?"
and led them to think of
plainly the coming of UST COMOIC 0 BOVIIII TANEN CITY MASONS DEAD 1403. Banns his divine origin. After
FOAMS Of INSIST RA5a 10 IICANY0 sisal., OHM sAl SS that he began to instruct
Christ as premillennial,
the present paper is ad- them about his approach-
dressed ter the proof of '14 ing death and resurrec-
this contention. tion, his departure which
All evangelical Chris- he was about to "accom-
tians believe that Christ plish at Jerusalem." Luke
is coming again, and that SAINTS 9: 31. In the last days of
this coming is personal. Mt Wk... his ministry his return to
While spiritually he has the world largely occupied
never left his people, he CHRISTIAN AGE 1,000 YEARS BETWEEN, THE TWO RESURRECTIONS (EARTH DESOLATE) ETERNITY his own thoughts, and he
has still to make a per- kept it prominently before
sonal appearance from LAST DAYS the minds of his disciples.
heaven. Acts 1: 11; 1 .., •
. .• . -
During his last journey to
These. 4: 16; Hell. 9: 28; Jerusalem he foreshad-
John 14:3. This coining The millennium is the closing period of Ged'igiontiiveek of One— a groateShbath of rest to the earth and to the people owed his own history in
has been the hope and the 'parable of the noble-
cheer of the church for It follows the close of the gospel age, and? Preeedes tleirilettMg up of the eYerhiating kingdom of God on earth. man who went into a far
centuries, and the supreme It comprehends what in the Scriptures is frequently sPOkenrif as "'the day of the Lord,'! country to receive a king-
object of anticipation and dont, promising to return,
effort. It is bounded at each end by a resurrection. , •, andleaving with his serv-
Those who believe that Its beginning is marked by the pouring out of the seven lait' plagues, Hisser-end coming of Christ, the resurrection of ants the command, "Oc-
Christ will come first, that the righteous dead, thehinding of Satin; and the translation of Ilhe saints to heaien; and Hankie, hi,' the of the New cupy till I come." Luke'
is, before the time of right- Jerusalem, with Christ and the saints, from heaven, the resurrection of the wicked dead, the loosing of Satan, and the final 19: 12, 13. .
eousness, are called pre- One evening during the
millennialists. . . destruction of the wicked. ' !esti week he sat on the
On the other band, During the one thousand years the earth lies deeolatS;Aatan and hia'angeis are confined here; and the saints, with Christ, 'Mona of Olives, looking
many Christians believe sit in judgment on the wicked, preparatory to their final punishment. •- do*, no doubt, upon the
that the whole world is The wicked dead are then raised; Satan is lonied fora little season, and he and the host of the wicked encompass the massive buildings of the
to be brought into alle- temple, the total destruc-
giance to Christ gradually camp of the saints and the holy city, when fire comes clown from God out of heaven and devours them. The earth is cleansed tion of which he had just
during this dispensation, by the same fire that destroys the wicked, and, renewed, becomes the eternal abode of the saints. foretold. The disciples
and that as the world be- The millennium is one of " the ages to come." Its close will mark the beginning of the new earth state. gathered about him with
comes more thoroughly then request, "Tell us,
Christianized there wi be when shall these things
peace, improved social be? and what shall be the
condition, a diffused knowledge, elevated human government exercised by ordinary The teaching of the parables of the sower, the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the
standards, and many other beneficial changes. men. . But it is submitted that the teaching. tares, and the dragnet is beyond question. world?" Matt. 24: 3. It is evident from
All this is to be the result of the spread of of Scripture concerning the kingdom of They foretell good and evil as existing and the form of this question that his coming was
Christ's kingdom. His rule will be a spiritual Christ is that of a direct and definite rule, growing side by side. It is hardly likely, no new thought to them. It was occupying
one in individual hearts and communities. manifested in the person of Christ, and de- then, that the mustard seed and the leaven their minds already. They. knew that he
And when the happy time, usually called the stroying and displacing human governments. teach anything inconsistent with Christ's was coming again, and they wished to know
millennium, has run its course, Christ will This seems to be the clear teaching of pas- own interpretation of the first two para- how to recognize the approach of that event.
return to judge the living and the dead and sages in the Psalms and the prophets. Ps. bles.. . . In answer to the question, the Lord un-
to bring earth's story to a conclusion. Those 2:6-8; 22:27, 28; 72:7-11; Ise. 9: 6; Jer. 23: For these reasons it is submitted that the folded a panorama of intervening history,
who hold this view are called postnaillen- 5, 6; Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14. To the same premillennial view is most in harmony with emphasizing the need of watchfulness because
nialista. effect is the teaching of the New Testament. Scripture, proving that the expectation of the the time of his coming would be uncertain:
That the former view seems more in har- The parable of the nobleman who went into gradual conversion of the world till the mil- "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour
mony with Scripture is urged from the follow- a far country to receive a kingdom and to lennium is reached, is really opposed to your Lord doth come. . . . Therefore be ye
ing considerations:— return, suggests a kingdom that shall be Scripture.— The Bible Magazine, May, 1915. also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not
If the millennium is to be reached by the established on his return. Luke 19: 11-27. --4- -4- -4-
the Son of man cometh." He enforced this
gradual regeneration of the world, it is clear There are also other references to the setting teaching with two striking illustrations of the
that the coming of Christ must be in a very up of Christ's kingdom. Luke 1: 31-33; 22: twofold kind of preparation needed on the
remote future; and this being so it is difficult 29, 30. The apostle Peter had the same gen- Joy to the World part of the disciples,— the inward prepare-
if not impossible to see how Gthristians can eral truth in his mind when he associated the JOY to the world, the Lord will come! tion of spiritual life set forth in the parable
"watch" and "wait" for an event which it restoration of all things mentioned in the Let earth receive her King; of the virgins, and the outward preparation
is certain cannot occur for at least a thousand Old Testament with the coming of Christ Let every heart prepare him room, of diligent service in that of the talents.
years. The various passages which press from heaven. Acts 3:19-21. All this ar- And heaven and nature sing. Then he closed his discourse with a graphic
home the duty of watching and waiting seem gues for a definite personal coining which picture of the changed conditions in which he
to be impossible of any such interpretation. will result in the establishment of his king- Joy to the earth, the Lord will reign! would appear when he came the second time
Mark 13:35-37; Luke 12:35, 36; 1. These. dom. . . . Let men their songs employ; as the Son of man, sitting upon the throne of
1:10; Phil. 3:20. The question has often One of the clearest Scriptural proofs of While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains, his glory.
been asked whether such statements as this position is that according to the New Repeat the sounding joy. " I Will Come Again"
these would have any point for us if the Testament the establishment of Christ's king-
divine plan were that Christ is not to come dom follows, not precedes, his second coming. —Isaac Watts. Through the sad and dark hours of the
again until after the millennium. Our Lord's teaching of the future speaks of -4- very last night, his thoughts were occupied
The Scriptures do not appear teach that his appearance "immediately after' a trib- with his return. In the upper room, when
the world is to become increasingly better ulation, thereby suggesting that no universal DR. Devil) BROWN once said that "pre-. the faithful little band were grouped about
during this dispensation. On the contrary, peace will be the immediate precursor of his millennialism is no barren speculation; . . him in sorrow for the parting which all
good and evil are said to exist and grow side coming. Matt. 24: 21-24, 29-31. Indeed, when suffered to work its unimpeded way, it vaguely felt was near, he began his farewell
by side till the end. Without pressing the Scripture describes the condition of the earth stops not till it has pervaded with its own words to them with this comforting assurance:
metaphors of the parable of the sower, at the coming of Christ as one of terrible genius the entire system of one's theology "Let not your heart be troubled.. . . I go
wherein there are three failures to one suc- wickedness, not of millennial blessedness and the whole tone of his spiritual character." to prepare a place for you. And if I go,
cess, the teaching of the parable of the taxes Luke 17: 26-32. There does not seem any This is true. Belief in premillennialism . . . I will come again." John 14: 1-3. A
and of the dragnet seems to indicate that room here for a period of holy peace prior to affects with vital and transforming influence few hours afterward he was in the midst of
there will be no universal victory of Chris- the coming of Christ. The passage from the every part of our faith and practice. Not the shameful scenes of his trial. Mark his
tianity before Christ's return. If good and first Gospel just mentioned is sufficient to only is it in harmony with the truest view answer to the high priest, when he calmly
evil are both to "grow together until the settle the truth of the doctrine that Christ's of God as revealed in Scripture, but it hon- acknowledged the claim to be the Christ, the
harvest," it will be impossible for the gospel coming must be premillennial. It is, there- ors the Word of God, it exalts the person of Son of God. "Nevertheless I say unto you,
to meet with universal acceptance in the fore, impossible to believe in any universal Christ, it glorifies the redemptive work of Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting
present dispensation. Judging from what sway of righteousness on this side of the coin- our Saviour, provides the moat powerful in- on the right hand of power, and coming in
we know of nearly nineteen centuries of ing of Christ, and in agreement with this the centive to holiness, and is the constant in- the clouds of heaven." Matt. 26: 64. He
church history, and especially keeping in New Testament associates that coming with spiration of Christian missions. It is well did not look like the Messiah at that moment
view the present condition of the world, it the establishment of Christ's kingdom. Matt. known that - most of the leading evangelists as he stood there with bound hands before
is impossible to contemplate a process in 25:31; Luke 19:15; 2 Tim. 4: 1 . . . and missionaries of the last half century have his accusers. His appearance seemed to
which all evil is gradually overcome until at Christ's own testimony is not less definite been whole-hearted believers in the premil- belie his words. But the time would come
last the earth is covered with righteousness and distinctive. "Then shall appear the lennial corning of Christ.— The Bible Maga, when they would see that his claim was true.
as the waters cover the sea. . . . sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then rine, May, 1915. This was what was in his thoughts, Through

all the shame of those awful hours, the vision Their acts of worship, as, for example, of the Reformation, wrote, "I ardently hope tive standard as our own,— commerce, so
of his return in glory to the world that was their observance of the Lord's Supper, have that, amidst these internal dimensions on the debased with greed of gold; science, preach-
rejecting him now, shone like a beacon upon the same end in view. "Aa often as ye eat earth, Jesus Christ will hasten the day of his ing its doctrine of "dust thou art;" and
his soul; and he "for the joy that was set this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show coming." Christian dogmatics, often darkening hope
before him endured the cross, despising the the Lord's death till he come." 1 Cor. 11:26. The acute and learned Calvin saw that this with its eschatology of death! The face of
shame." Thus, whatever aspect of the church's life was the church's true hope. "We must hun- present-day religion is to such degree prone
and work we consider, we find it to be a ger after Christ," he said, "till the dawning downward that, if some Joseph appears, with
• This Same Jesus of that great day when our Lord will fully his visions of the sun, moon, and stars, men
stream which moves on toward one glorious
At his ascension the same truth was future. The appearing of the Lord Jesus manifest the glory of his kingdom. The exclaim: "Behold, this dreamer eometh."
brought again to the minds of the disciples. himself fills the whole horizon. whole family of the faithful will keep in view But they that say such things plainly declare
As they stood gazing in wonder toward the that day." that they do not " seek a country."
place where the Lord had disappeared from The Joy of the Lord The intrepid soul of John Knox was nerved There is a tradition that Michelangelo, by
their view, two angels were sent to remind Think of what this crowning act of re- by this hope. In a letter to his friends in his prolonged and unremitting toil upon the
them of his return. "This same Jesus, demotion will mean for the Redeemer him- England he wrote: "Has not the Lord Jesus, frescoed domes which he wrought, acquired
which is taken up from you into heaven, shall self, when, attended with heavenly glory, he in despite of Satan's malice, carried up our such a habitual upturn of the countenance
so come in like manner as ye have seen him prepares to descend to the very world that flesh into heaven? And shall he not return? that, as he Walked the streets, strangers
go into heaven." Acts 1:11. It wan this witnessed his suffering, sorrow, and shame. We know that he shall return, and that with would observe his bearing, and set him down
thought that sent the disciples back to Jeru- What will it mean to him when the multi- expedition." as some visionary or eccentric. It were well
salem with the joy which Luke describes in tudes of the redeemed gather about him, and John Wesley believed this same truth, as is if we who profess to be Christians of the apos-
the closing verses of his Gospel. at last he sees of the travail of his soul, and shown by his comment on the closing verses tolic school had our conversation so truly in
It is very clear, therefore, that when Jesus is satisfied? of Revelation: "The spirit of adoption in the heaven, and our faces so steadily set thither-
departed from this world after his first corn- Is it not reasonable that there should be bride in the heart of every true believer says, ward, that sometimes the "man with the
ing, he left his disciples radiant with the joy- such a manifestation of the Redeemer to the with earnest desire and expectation, 'Come muckrake" should be led to wonder at us;
ful assurance of his coming again. world? Is it reasonable that the despised and accomplish all the words of this proph- and to look up with questioning surprise from
The Apostles Taught Their Converts to Man of Nazareth should be the only view the ecy.", his delving for earthly gold and glory.
world would have of him who is to be the It formed the burden of Milton's sublime Massillon declares that, "in the days of
Wait for the Coming of the Lord heir of all things? Is it likely that God supplication: "Come forth out of thy royal primitive Christianity, it would have been
All the New Testament churches have the would allow his Son's retirement from the chambers, 0 Prince of all the kings of the deemed a kind of apostasy not to sigh for the
expectant attitude. No matter in what part world in apparent defeat without any subse- earth! put on the visible robes of thy impe- return of the Lord." Then, certainly, it
of the world'or in what stage of development quent vindication? If the prophetic vision rial majesty; take up that unlimited scepter ought not now to be counted an eccentricity
they are found, they have this characteristic of the suffering Servant had an actual per- which the Almighty Father bath bequeathed to "love his appearing," and to take up with
in common. The converting of the Thessa- sonal fulfillment, surely the prophetic vision thee. For now the voice of thy bride calls new intensity of longing the prayer which he
Ionians is described as turning "to God from of the conquering King will also have a per- thee, and all creatures sigh to be renewed." has taught us: "Even so, come, Lord Jesus."
idols to serve the living and true God; and to aonal fulfillment. As the world was aston- It was the ardent longing of the seraphic Amid all the disheartenment induced by
wait for his Son from heaven." 1 Thess. 1: 9, ished at him when he came the fast time, be- Rutherford: "0, that Christ would remove the abounding iniquity of our times; amid
10. The Corinthians "come behind in no cause " his visage was so marred more than the covering, draw aside the curtains of time, the loss of faith and the waxing cold'of love
gift; wailing for the coming of our Lord Jesus any man, and his form more than the sons and come down! 0, that the shadows and within the church; and amid the outbreak-
Christ." 1 Cor, 1:7. To the Galatians of men," so it will be astonished when he the night were gone!" ing of lawlessness without, causing men's
Paul writes, "We through the Spirit wait for comes the second time, and the prophet's vi- It was the prayer of Richard Baxter in the hearts to fail them for fear, and for looking
the hope of righteousness by faith" (Gal. sion breaks upon its view: "Who is this that "Saints' Everlasting Rest:" "Hasten, 0 my after those things that are coming on the
5:5); and to the Philippians, ?Our conver- cometh from Edom, with dyed. garments Saviour, the time of thy return! Send forth earth,— this is our Lord's inspiring exhorta-
cation [citizenship] tion: "Look up, and lift up your heads; for
is in heaven; from your redemption draweth nigh."
whence also we look
for the Saviour, the Eager Expectation
Lord Jesus Christ." We remember sailing over a beautiful lake
Phil. 3: 20, In the in Switzerland, journeying to the village that
epistle to the He- lay at its opposite end. Again and again, as
brews, the same the encircling hills shut in about us, the fur-
attitude is dis- ther shore seemed close at hand, and our
closed, for there destination nearly reached. But, rounding
we read: "Christ a projecting point, the aspect would change,
was once offered to the mountains would part once more, and
bear the sins of another broad expanse of water would lie
many; and unto stretched out before us. Thus, by a singular
them that look for peculiarity of the landscape, the journey's end
him shall he appear seemed always imminent, and yet constantly
the second time receding. It was striking to observe how
without sin unto this feature of the journey affected the voy-
salvation." H e b agers. Not a passenger was found at the
9: 28. It is evident ship's stern gazing backward. Every ode
that the early was on the lookout. All eyes were bent for-
Christians not only ward in eager expectation, till at last the des-
looked back to a tined harbor was reached.
Saviour who had Now all the commands and promises of
died for them, but Christ put us on the outlook, mid every great
forward to a Sav- juncture of fulfilling history sets us watching
iour who was to to discern whether the daydawn is not ap-
come. There were proaching, whether the eternal hills are not
two poles in their closing in to bring the end of the age.
conversion. Their The impulse which inspires us to watch, to
faith was anchored expect, to be ready to disembark, however
in the past in the vain it may seem to men, has both the au-
facts of the death thority of God's Word and the admonitions
and resurrection of of all the history of the church for its support.
the Lord, and also And, more than this while none can know
in the future in the the day or the hour of the advent, we carry
assured hope of his THE ETERNAL HOME with us a chart of the church's history to
return. It is man- tell us approximately where in our stormy
ifest, therefore, that thine angels and let that dreadful, joyful and perilous voyage we are. Its weird, mys-
the second coming of the Saviour occupied a from Bozrah? this that is glorious in his ap- terious pages contain the whole map and de-
most important place in the gospel-which the parel, traveling in the greatness of his trumpet sound- Thy desolate bride saith, lineation of the church's career from the as-
apostles preached, and which these Chris- strength?" Ise.. 63:1. Come. The whole creation saith, Come. cension to the return of the Lord; but it was
tians received. 'Even so, come, Lord Jesus.'" left for time to break the seals of this book
The Marriage of the Lamb And if we follow in the steps of these men,
The Whole Life and Work of the New and to discover its meaning. This it has
And what will this event mean for the re- we will retina to the simple, unmistakable been doing; and as, corresponding to this
Testament Church Has the Corn- deemed? There will be, of course, the happy New Testament type of experience, and, with chart, headland after headland of the pro-
ing of the Lord in View reunion of all the saints when the dead are faces uplifted toward the veil, within which phetic history has been descried, these have
raised and the living are changed; for, when the Lord of glory waits, and with hearts all
All the lines of her activity and experience the Lord descends from heaven with a shout, aglow with a personal love for him, we will
been recognized by the students who have
lead to this event. The sanctification of the been searching diligently what and what
disciple is a preparation for the coming of the "the dead in Christ shall rise first: then we carry on through all our life and service the manner of time the Spirit did signify in pen-
which are alive and remain shall be caught same apostolic prayer.—"The Fundamentals," ning this prophecy.
Lord. Vol. V I, pages 116-127 .
Paul writes to the Thessalonians, "The up together with them in the clouds, to meet
very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I the Lord in the air." But glorious as
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