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The 2300 Days Extra No.


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Vol. 92 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 50

The Captivity in Babylon Foretold from the blood of bulls and of goats
ABOLIT six centuries before Christ,
because of individual and national
backsliding, God's chosen people were
A Great Prophetic Period to the blood of the Son of Gcd shed
upon the cross of Calvary, the blood
"that speaketh better things than
given into the hands of the Chaldeans, that of Abel."
by whom they were carried to Baby-
lon, where they remained in exile sev- The 2300 Days A Connecting Link
But leaving the subject of the sanc-
enty years. Shortly before the expira- tuary and its cleansing, let us trace
tion of -their captivity the dynasty The Master Key of Prophecy : Its Lesson for Our Day briefly the 2300 days. This period, it
changed. The Chaldeans went down may be observed, forms the connecting
in defeat, and the Medes and Persians, By C. P. Bollman link between the shadow and the sub-
younger and more sturdy peoples, bore stance, between the typical sanctuary
rule in Babylon. successful military leadership. Indeed, it is a volume might be written. But it seems on earth and the true sanctuary in heaven,
The prophet Jeremiah had not only fore- believed that the Jews, many of whom were necessary for the information of the reader between the calling of God's ancient people
told this captivity, but through him the Lord in the Babylonian army, welcomed Cyrus as who may be unfamiliar with the subject, to from physical bondage in Chaldea and the
had made known its length. "This whole a deliverer, instead of opposing him as an say briefly that by the sanctuary the Jew final calling of the remnant church from
land," wrote the prophet, "shall be a deso- enemy. would understand primarily that part of the the errors, the darkness, and the sins of
lation, and an astonishment; and these na- Whatever the real reasons for the easy temple at Jerusalem answering to the most spiritual Babylon. Babylon on the Euphra-

THE TEMPLE. EZRA 7 : to BLOUS TIMES.: DAN. q : 25 NEH. 2: /2-15

tions shall serve the king of Babylon seventy conquest of Babylon by Cyrus, the fact re- holy place in the tabernacle erected by the tes, while fair to behold, was second only to
years." Ter. 25: 1 t. mains that it was in fulfillment of divine children of Israel in the wilderness. Sodom in its unbridled wickedness and re-
As the period of their captivity drew to- prophecy. The gates were not shut. But • But inasmuch as the writer of the epistle bellion against God. Divine inspiration has
ward its close, the devout among the Jews that which more particularly interests us at to the Hebrews, a man thoroughly familiar chosen it as the. prototype, the symbcl, of
began to prepare for the deliverance they this time is the further fact that in this very with every detail of the Levitical law, tells the aggregation of all false systems of wor-
understood was coming speedily. The Lord, connection the Lord gave through his serv- us (Heb. 8:1-5) that the earthly sanctuary ship and all forms of apostasy. As in that
too, was preparing by his providence for the ant Daniel a prophecy which, beginning 457 and its service were merely types, or shadows, olden day God called his people out of the
return of his people to their own land. The B. c., reaches' to our own day, revealing to of the real sanctuary and of its service in Babylon that then was, but which was
change of empire would facilitate the prom- us the very time when Christ, our great High heaven, we must conclude that the intelli- shortly to perish, so in these latter days the
ised restoration. The Medes and Persians, Priest, entered upon his closing work in our gent Jewish worshiper understood the typ- Lord sends to Ids creed- and error-bound
while not worshipers of the true God, were behalf, preparatory to his second advent and ical nature both of his offerings and of the people, the message: —
much less corrupt than the Babylonians; and the scenes incident thereto. We refer to the service of the priests. It is evident from the "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and
the Lord made them at once the scourge of a prophecy of Dan. 8: 14: "Tinto two thousand book of Hebrews, especially from the eighth is become the habitation of devils, and the
people who had filled up the cup of their and three hundred days; then shall the sanc- and ninth chapters, that the Jewish converts hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every
iniquity, and the instrument for the deliver- tuary be cleansed." to Christianity so understood it; therefore unclean and hateful bird. For all nations
ance of Israel from bondage. we need not be surprised if, in studying the have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
The Sanctuary Service in Type and prophecy of the 2300 days, we find our minds fornication, and the kings of the earth have
Cyrus in Prophecy and History Antitype carried away from the typical ministry of committed fornication with her, and the mer-
More than two centuries before Cyrus was It is not the purpose of this article to com- the Jewish priests to the antitypical ministry chants of the earth are waxed rich through
born, the Lord foretold through the prophet ment at length. upon the cleansing of the of our Lord Jesus Christ; away from the the abundance of her delicacies. . . Come
Isaiah something of his reign and work: — sanctuary. That is something upon which earthly sanctuary to the heavenly; away out of her, my people, that ye be not par-
"Thus saith the Lord, takers of her sins, and
thy Redeemer, . . . that that ye receive not of her
saith to the deep, Be dry, plagues." Rev. 18: 2-4.
and I will dry up thy UNTO 2,300 DAYS; THEN SHALL THE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED'. Looking forward to the
rivers: that saith of Cyrus, 2,300 YEARS time of making final
He is my shepherd, and award, of deciding for
shall perform all my pleas- eternity the destiny of
ure: even saying to Jeru- "70 WEEKS set pETERMINED UPON THY pEOPLE . souls; the time when the
salem, Thou shalt be built; 490 YEARS Lord returns to "dis-
and to the temple, Thy cern," or judge, " between
foundation shall be laid. the righteous and the
Thus saith the Lord to ant A.D. A.D. All wicked, between him that
7 908 27 31 34 1844
his anointed, to Cyrus, serveth God and him that
whose right hand I have 3A1'32's serveth him not," a celes-
holden, to subdue nations tial messenger said to the
before him; and I will 7 weeks,ar 3 score and 2 (62) weeks,or I weekar prophet, "Unto two thou-
4,810 years
loose the loins of kings, to 49 yearS 434 years ?years sand and three hundred
open before him the two- days; then shall the sanc-
leaved gates; and the gates tuary be cleansed."
shall not be shut." Ise. THE 2300 DAYS These words are part
44: 24-28; 45: 1. of a prophecy recorded in
This prophecy was lit- The heavy line represents the full 2300 year-day period, the longest prophetic period in the Bible. Beginning in H. c. 457, verses 2-12 of the eighth
erally fulfilled, when, upon when the decree was given to restore and build Jerusalem (Ezra 7: 11-26; Dan. 9: 25), seven weeks (49 years) are measured off chapter, an exposition a
that fatal night of Belshaz- to indicate the time occupied in this work of restoration. These, however, are a part of the sixty-nine weeks (483 years) that which is begun in verses
zar's impious feast, the were to reach to Messiah, the Anointed One. Christ was anointed in 27 A. D., at his baptism. Matt. 3: 13-17; Acts 10: 38. 19-26, and is concluded in
gates were left open so the latter part of the ninth
that the army of Cyrus In the midst of the seventieth week (31 A. n.), Christ was crucified, or "cut off," which marked the time when the sacrifices and chapter.
gained easy access to the oblations of the earthly sanctuary were to cease. Dan. 9: 26, 27. The remaining three and one-half years of this week reach
The Prophetic Symbols
beleaguered city, on ly to 34 A. n., or to the stoning of Stephen, and the great persecution of the church at Jerusalem which followed. Acts 7:59;
weakly defended by its of Daniel 8
8: 1. This marked the close of the seventy weeks, or 490 years, allotted to the Jewish people. In the first part of the
drunken soldiers and its
overconfident and not less But the seventy weeks are a part of the 2300 days; and as they (the seventy weeks) reach to 34 A. D., the remaining eighth chapter the prophet
abandoned officers. It is 1810 years of the 2300-day period must reach to 1844, when the work of judgment, or cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary, tells.of seeing, first, a ram
probable, too, that a con- was to begin. Rev. 14: 6, 7. Then special light began to shine upon the whole sanctuary subject, and Christ's mediatorial with two horns, one of
siderable part of Belshaz- which came up after the
or priestly work in it. other one, and became
zar's army held but slack
allegiance to a ruler who Four great events, therefore, are located by this great prophetic period,— the first advent, the crucifixion, the rejection of higher than the first horn;
seems to have lacked those the Jewish people as a nation, and the beginning of the work of final judgment. then a "he goat" with a
"notn blehorn he-
qualities so essential to

tween his. eyes." The goat was moved became king of Babylon 555 B. c., and sired so to do to return and to build the house (July, 465 H. C., to July, 464 B. c.)." Some-
with anger against the ram "and smote the reigned seventeen years. Had this been true, of God. Under this decree 1,754 of the ex- where, then, between these dates Xerxes was
ram, and brake his two horns," and "cast Belshazzar's third year would have been 553 iles returned to Jerusalem, and soon 'began murdered by Artabanus, captain of the king's
him down to the ground, and stamped upon a. c., or fifteen years before the fall of Baby- the work of restoration. guard, who then reigred for seven months.
him." lon. But the cuneiform inscriptions dis- But the enemies of the Jews were alert, and Artaxerxes, the son of Xerxes, then took the
Then the goat "waxed very great: and closed the fact that Belshazzar was the son sent accusations to the king, representing throne. Adding seven months to even the
when he was strong, the great horn was of Nabonidus, and began to reign jointly that the people were rebellious and were pre- earliest date for Xerxes' death would bring
broken; and for it came up four notable ones with his father only the third year before the paring sedition. Then the king wrote a let- the beginning of Artaxerxes' reign into the
toward the four winds of heaven." Out of fall of Babylon; therefore his third year was ter saying, "Give ye now commandment to early part of 464 B. C., thus making his seventh
one of these four horns there was seen to his; and probably only a short time cause these men to cease, and that this city year begin in the early part of 457 n. e., the
come forth "a little horn, which waxed ex- elapsed between Daniel's vision of the eighth be not builded, until another commandment date assigned to it in Usher's chronology.
ceeding great, toward the south, and toward chapter of his prophecy and the supplemen- shall be given from me." Ezra 4:21. Ptolemy, who wrote in the second century
the east, and toward the pleasant land." tary of the ninth chapter. This was in 534 B. c., only two years after of the Christian era, not only made a list of
It is not necessary for us to go outside of In that part of the interpretation recorded the first decree. Then, fifteen years later, ancient kings, but also compiled "The Alma-
the chapter itself to learn the meaning of in the eighth chapter, the meaning of the that is, in 519 H. c., Darius Hystaspes, who gest," a record of astronomical observations
these symbols. In verses 20-22, the prophet two beasts and of the horn had been made had come to the throne in the meantime, is- covering the same period of time. This has
is told plainly: "The ram which thou sawest clear, but the time had not been explained. sued a supplemental decree putting into effect made it possible for modern astronomers to
having two horns are the kings of Media and When, therefore, the angel returns to com- again the original decree of Cyrus, under verify his record.
Persia. And the rough goat is the king [or plete his unfinished work, he does not repeat which building was resumed. Touching Ptolemy and his work, Dr. H.
kingdom] of Grecia; and the great horn that what he had previously said, but, beginning But for various reasons the work moved Grattan Guinness (London), Fellow of the
is between his eyes is the first king. Now just where he had left off, he introduces the slowly. The enemies of the Jews were ever Royal Astronomical Society, quotes this from
that being broken, whereas four stood up subject by the words, "Understand the mat- alert, and the Persian kings, ever suspicious. James B. Lindsay's "Chrono-Astrolabe:"—
for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of ter, and consider the vision." Verse 23. Little was accomplished, therefore, until the " The `Syntaxis' of Ptolemy contains an
the nation, but not in his power." Having thus directed the mind of the seventh year of Artaxerxes, when that king account of many historical events, and
Alexander the Great was the first king of prophet to the vision, the unexplained part issued a third decree, 457 B. C., according to blended with them is a multitude of astro-
Grecia. He died suddenly, at the very ze- of which is now to be made clear, the angel Usher's chronology. This decree is recorded nomical observations. The astronomic and
nith of his power. His kingdom was pres- tells the prophet that of the 2300 days, or in the seventh chapter of Ezra, and for sev- historic cannot be separated, and they must
ently divided into four kingdoms, ruled by years, 70 weeks, or 490 years, are allotted to eral reasons is very generally held to be the both stand or fall together. The astronomic
his four principal generals. Cassander had his people, that is, to the Jews. completion of the threefold "commandment can he rigidly verified, and the truth of
Greece and the surrounding territory; Ly- to restore and to build Jerusalem." the historic is a legitimate deduction."—
simachus had Asia Minor; Seleucus had Seventy Weeks "Cut Off" for the Jews The first and best reason for believing the "Creation Centered in Christ," London, 1896,
Syria and Babylon, including Palestine; "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy date of the decree made by Artaxerxes in the page 293.
Ptolemy had Egypt. people and upon thy holy city, to finish the seventh year of his reign, to be the time from Sir Isaac Newton, the great philosopher
transgression, and to make an end of sins, which to reckon the 2300 days, or years, is and Bible expositor, demonstrated mathe-
The Little Horn and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and that inspiration itself indicates this by these matically that Artaxerxes' seventh year was
Out of one of these divisions the prophet to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to words recorded in Ezra 6: 14: "They builded, 457 B. c., figuring by the Greek Olympiads.
saw another Nosier emerging, described as seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint and finished it [the temple], according to the Thus, by two separate and distinct records,
"a little horn. Verse 9. This "little horn" the Most Holy." Verse 24. commandment of the God of Israel, and ac- involving different chains of chronology,

MARK / :9-II; ACTS to: 38 DAN. 9: 26, 27; LUKE 23: 33 MATT. 27: 51

was seen to wax "exceeding great, toward the Strong's "Exhaustive Concordance' de- cording to the commandment of Cyrus, and mathematicians have arrived at the same
south [Egypt], and toward the east [Syria], fines chathak, the Hebrew word rendered Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia." result in determining the seventh year of
and toward the pleasant land [Palestine]." "determined" in the King James, and "de- Thus from both the divine and the human the reign of the king who issued the third and
"And it waxed great, even to the host of creed" in the Revised Version, as properly standpoint the three decrees are regarded as final decree for not only the restoration of
heaven; and it cast down some of the host "to cut off," "to decree." We shall there- a single commandment, "the commandment Jerusalem, but for local self-government by
and of the stars to the ground, and stamped fore get the real meaning of the text if we to restore and to build Jerusalem." the Jews, thus undoing as fully as possible
upon them. Yea, he magnified himself even read, "Seventy weeks are cut off, or deter- thht which had been done by Nebuchadnez-
to the prince of the host, and by him the daily mined, upon thy people," etc. The Reliability of This Date, 457 zar nearly one hundred and fifty years before.
sacrifice was taken away, and the place of But from what were they to be deter- B. C.. Examined Observe, the angel did not say, From the
his sanctuary was cast down. And an host mined, or cut off?—Evidently from the end of the captivity, but, "From the going
The only element of uncertainty here is a forth of the commandment to restore and
was giveh him against the daily sacrifice by longer period, the "twenty-three hundred discrepancy of one year in the date of the
reason of transgression, and it cast down the days" of the previous chapter. Then hav- to build Jerusalem." The captivity began
seventh year of Artaxerxes, some authorities 606 B. c., with the fall of Jerusalem, and ended
truth to the pound; and it practiced, and ing summarized briefly the work to be ac- putting it 457 a. c., and others making it one
prospered." Dan. 8:10-12. complished during the.70 weeks, or 490 years with the decree of Cyrus, 536 B. c.; while the
year earlier, 458 a. c. complete restoration of the city, temple, and
So terrible was the work of this little-horn allotted to the Jewish people, the angel gives It is shown by the canon of Ptolemy that
power l antigt haLllintoioiLis
ew tIlo e vteze 13, in verse 25; an event from which the 70 weeks local government was rounded out and fin-
the seventh year of Artaxerxes and 457 a. C. ished under the decree of Artaxerxes, issued
and consequently the 2300 days, or years, were coincident. Some have made the mis-
How long shall this wicked power hold sway were to be reckoned:— in the seventh year of his reign, 457 B. C.
take of assuming that the seventh year of
and be permitted to persecute God's people? "Know therefore and understand, that Artaxerxes was 458 B. c. Ptolemy begins Sixty-Nine Weeks, or 483 Years,
Then cornea the answer, "Unto two thousand from the going forth of the commandment to his canon with the year of the accession of to Messiah
and three hundred days; then shall the sanc- restore and to build Jerusalem, unto the Nabonassar, 747 B. c. He dates the begin-
tuary be cleansed." This refers not to the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and Having now definitely located the begin-
ning of the reign of each of the kings in his ning of the 2300 days, or years, in 457 B. C.,
earthly, typical sanctuary, but to the real threescore and two weeks: the street shall be canon from the Thoth, or Egyptian New Year,
sanctuary, the finished cleansing of which built again, and the wall, even in troublous let us find if possible the event to which the
preceding his accession. In the case of Nab- "seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks,"
will mean the end of the reign of sin. times. And after threescore and two weeks onassar this was February 26, according to
From,Num. 14: 34 and Eze. 4: 6, we learn shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: of Dan. 9:25 were to bring us. "Seven
our modern reckoning. Ptolemy places the weeks" plus "threescore and two weeks"
that in symbolic prophecy a day stands for and the people of the prince that shall come first year of Artaxerxes on the two hundred
a year. "Two thousand three hundred" shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and make sixty-nine prophetic weeks; or 483 lit-
and eighty-fourth of the Era of Nabonassar.
prophetic "days" would be, therefore, that the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto If the Egyptian year had been the same as
eral years. This period of time was to reach
number of literal years. But where do they the end of the war desolations are determined. to "the Messiah the Prince."
ours, this would have made the first year of "Messiah" is the Hebrew equivalent of
begin? This is an important question; for And he shall confirm the covenant with many Artaxerxes begin Feb. 26, 464'a. c. But the
without a starting point, some definite date for one week: and in the midst of the week "Christ," a Greek word meaning "anointed,"
Egyptian year had only 365 days, so that the and is so translated in some of our English
or event from which this period:of time may he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation Thoth moved back about one day every four
be reckoned, the prophecy would be without to cease, and for the overspreading of abom- versions. In Acts 10:38 Peter speaks of
years. Thus the two hundred and eighty- "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with
meaning. inations he shall make it desolate, even until fourth year would find it falling on Dee. 17,
As appears from Dan. 8:25, one of the the consummation, and that determined shall the Holy Ghost and with power." This
465 a. C. But as Ptolemy dated the reign of anointing, which made Jesus the Anointed
great acts of wickedness of which this little be poured upon the desolate." Verses 25-27. each king from the Thoth preceding his acces-
horn was guilty was standing "up against the Here we have the first 70 weeks, or 490 One, occurred on the banks of the Jordan,
sion, this only means that Artaxerxes actually when "Jesus also being baptized, and pray-
Prince of princes," or, in other words, the years, of the 2300 years fully accounted for, began to reign sometime between Dee. 17,
crucifixion of the Son of God. Seeing this in and a definite event to mark the beginning ing, the heaven was opened, and the Holy
465 is. c., and Dec. 17, 464 B. C. Now we Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a
vision was such a shock to the prophet that of both the 70 weeks and the longer period; should remember that Ezra knew nothing of
he "fainted, and was sick certain days." for evidently both begin together, inasmuch dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven,
Ptolemy's canon (which was compiled in the which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in
Verse 27. As recorded in verse 16, Gabriel as the shorter period is a part of the longer first half of the second century of the Chris-
had been commanded to make the prophet One. thee I am well pleased." Luke 3:21, 22.
tian era), and of course reckoned Artaxerxes' This was in A. D. 27.
"to understand the vision;" but because reign from the time he actually became king;
Daniel was unable to bear it, the explana- The Beginning of the Period 457 B. C. But it may be asked, What is the signifi-
tion was not completed at that time. so that his seventh year according to Ezra, cance of this date? Simply this: 483 full
We have now only to learn the time of the would not begin at the same time as his sev- years from any point in 457 B. C. would bring
Daniel Prays for Light on the Time going forth of "the commandment to restore enth year according to Ptolemy's reckoning. us to the same time in A. D. 27. ' The 69
and to build Jerusalem," and we shall then Let us now find at what point between weeks, or 483 years, were to reach "to the
Period of 2300 Days have the date from which to reckon the 2300 Dec. 17, 465 B. C., and Dec. 17, 464 mc., Messiah the Prince," and here at exactly the
Passing over, however, to the ninth chap- days, or years, of this prophecy. Artaxerxes actually began to reign. An Eng- right time Jesus of Nazareth is not only
ter, we find the prophet praying for addi- Turning for information to the book of lish writer on Greek history, W. W. Lloyd, anointed with the Holy Ghost, but is by a
tional light upon this very question, and in Ezra, we find a record of three command- in "The Age of Pericles," 'Vol. I, page 356, 'vole from heaven declared the Son of the
verses 20-27 we leal'n that in answer to his ments, or decrees, concerning the return of says than "the date of the death of Xerxes is everlasting King, and einsequently himself
prayer the interrupted explanation was com- the Jews to their own land, and the restora- one of the most happily [satisfactorily' certi- "the Prince."
pleted shortly. tion of the city and temple and local govern- fied points in the chronology Cl those times,
Until the first half of the nineteenth cen- ment. The first of these was issued 536 H. C. and supplies a limit for the dates of several The One Week Explained
tury, it was supposed that "Belshazzar" was It is recorded in Ezra 1: 1-4, and was little events in Greek history proper. Diodortis But there still remains one week of the
only another name for "Nabonidus," who more than royal permission to such as de- assigns it to the archonship of Lysitheus seventy which were cut off, or determined,

upon Daniel's people, the Jews. What about menu, they thought they were escorting him And he was speechless. Then said the king of heaven. These decisions are made in the
the events of that week? Said the prophecy: to a throne; but lie was on his way to the to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary. As in
"After threescore and two weeks shall Mes- cross. The fact that men misunderstand take him away, and cast him into outer dark. the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary all who
siah he cut off, but not for himself. . . . And and misapply a divine message does not ness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of did not have a part in it were cut off from
he shall confirm the covenant with many prove that it is not of God. teeth. For many are called, but few chosen." among the people, so in the antitype all who
for one week: and in the midst of the week he The Lord did not come to earth at the end When the Lord comes, the righteous dead are not found to have overcome will have
shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to of the 2300 days, but he did come to that are raised to immortal life, and the righteous their names blotted from the book of life,
cease." Dan. 9: 26, 27. judgment described in Dan. 7:9, 10, the living are changed to immortality. Thus and they will be cut off from among God's
Christ's personal ministry, as all authori- judgment that decides who from among the each ease is decided either for life or for death people. Eternal issues are at stake. Is
ties now agree, covered a period of three and living shall be translated at his coming, and before the Lord actually appears in the clouds Christ your advocate?
one-half years. He attended four Passovers, who from among the dead shall be raised to
at the last of which he was crucified—"cut immortality and endless felicity.
off," in the midst of the last week of the The Disappointment Foretold
seventy weeks of years, not for himself, but
for others. "He was wounded for our trans- in Prophecy The 2300 Days of Daniel 8
gressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: The work and disappointment of those who
the chastisement of our peace was upon him; in all the churches expected the coming of A Bible Study
and with his stripes we are healed." Isa. the Lord about 1844 was foreshadowed in
53 : 5. Hab. 2: 1-4; Hell. 10:32-39; and Rev. 10: 1. IMMEDIATELY after the vision of Daniel kingdom of the Medes and Persians, the era
But if his personal ministry lasted only 5-H. This is especially true of the latter 8, what did Daniel learn from his study of of the restoration of the Jews to their own
half of a prophetic week, or three and one- scripture, which not only foretold their bit- the prophecy of Jeremiah? land. In the absence of any instruction to
half years, what is the meaning of the words, ter disappointment, but clearly indicated "In the first year of Darius . . . I Daniel the contrary, this would be the natural time
"fie shall confirm the covenant with many also in the last verse a further world-wide understood by books the number of the years, in which to locate the beginning of the pe-
for one week"? The new covenant, like the work, saying, "Thou must prophesy again whereof the word of the Lard came to Jeremiah riod of 2300 days; and this is the very time
old, was made "with the house of Israel, and before many peoples, and nations, and the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy given for the beginning of the 70 weeks,
with the house of Judah." Jer. 31: 31. tongues, and kings." That work is now years in the desolations of Jerusalem." Dan. which are clearly a part of the 2300 days, and
Christ's personal labors were almost exclu- being done, and there is every reason to 9: 1, 2. thus determine the time of their commence-
sively among his own people. By his min- believe that it is well-nigh finished. NOTE.— The first deportation to Babylon, meet.
istry and death lie confirmed the covenant when Daniel and his companions were carried e. The 70 weeks, or 490 years, extended
Hastening On to the End captive, was in 606 a. c., and the 70 years of from the restoration of literal Jerusalem and
with them, that is, with "the house of Israel,
and with the house of Judah," for three and We are now in "the time of the end" spo- Jeremiah's prophecy would therefore expire in the literal temple to the preaching of the
one-half years. Then through his disciples ken of by the angel when he said to the 536 n. c. The first year of Darius was 538 gospel to all the world. See Acts 15: 14-17.
and by his Spirit, that ministry was con- prophet, "But thou, 0 Daniel, shut up the D. c., and the restoration period was there- This special preaching of the gospel was
tinued to the Jews another three and one- words, and seal the book, even to the time fore only two years distant from that time. completed in one generation, and was fol-
half years, thus completing the last week of of the end: many shall run to and fro, and Daniel's Prayer for Light lowed by the destruction of Jerusalem.
the seventy. This brings us to A. D. 34, when knowledge shall be increased." Dan. 12:4. f. The 2300 prophetic days, or 2300 literal
occurred the martyrdom of Stephen, followed We are living in a far more wonderful age 2. What did this nearness of the time of years, begin at the same time as the 490
by the bitter persecution of the church at than the days of the Renaissance. The re- restoration from captivity lead Daniel to do? years, or 70 weeks, or in 457 n. c., when the


Jerusalem. It was at this time Saul made vival of learning, which began in the four- "And I set my face unto the Lord God, to commandment to restore and to build Jeru-
"havoc of the church, entering into every teenth century, and the Reformation of the seek by prayer and supplications, with fast- salem went forth; and extend from the resto-
house, and haling men and women committed sixteenth century which it made possible, ing, and sackcloth, and ashes." Verse 3. ration of literal Jerusalem and the typical
them to prison. Therefore they that were prepared the way for what we see in our own 3. What urgent petition of the prophet temple service after the captivity in ancient,
scattered abroad went everywhere preaching day. Wonderful light has been shed upon connects this prayer with the vision of the Babylon, in the time of the Medes and Per-
the word." See Acts 7 and 8:1-14. It was the Scriptures as a whole, and especially taking away of the continual mediation and sians, to A. D. 1844, the time for the restora-
at this time the exclusive work for the Jews upon the prophecies. Nothing is today done the desolation of the sanctuary recorded in tion of spiritual Jerusalem and of the knowl-
ceased, and the gospel began to be preached in a corner. Rapid transit and rapid means Daniel 87 edge of the mediation of Christ in the heav-
to the Gentiles as it had not previously been of communicating intelligence have made it "Now therefore, 0 our God, hear the enly sanctuary, taken away by the little horn.
preached to them. possible to reach quickly and with compar- prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, after the captivity in modern Babylon. This
ative ease peoples altogether inaccessible a and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary work of restoration is to be accomplished in
The Great Advent Movement of 1844 generation ago. Every man can now have that is desolate, for the Lord's sake." Dan. one generation by preaching' the gospel to
the Scriptures in his own language. The 9: 17. all the world (Rev. 14: 6-12), and this will be
We have found that from 457 B. c., 490 church, formerly apathetic as to foreign mis- followed by the destruction of the world, or
years brings us to A. D. 34. But these 490 Gabriel Sent to Explain the Vision
sions, has within a score of years adopted as the fall of all nations, of which the destruc-
years did not stand alone; they •were cut off its slogan, "The gospel to all the world in this 4. At the conclusion of Daniel's prayer, tion of Jerusalem was a type.
from the 2300 years; therefore we have still generation." what assurance did Gabriel give him?
1810 years, which, added to 34, brings us to Associate this fact with our Saviour's dec- "And he informed me, and talked with me, The Seventy Weeks
A.D. 1844, the climax of the great advent move- laration, "This gospel of the kingdom shall and said, 0 Daniel, I am ?LOW conic forth to
ment which stirred so mightily not only the give thee skill and understanding." Verse 22. 8. What portion of the 2300 days (years)
be preached in all the world for a witness mentioned in the vision, was allotted to the
United States but also a large part of the Old unto all nations; and then shall the end 5. What previous instruction connected
World. In the United Kingdom alone the with the vision of Daniel 8 was thus being Jews?
come," and the effect is electrifying. Stu- "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy
message, "Fear God, and give glory to him; pendous truth! By it we are caused to stand more fully carried out?
for the hour of his judgment is come" (Rev. "And I heard a man's voice between the people and upon thy holy city." Verse 24,
face to face with the coming of the Lord first clause.
14:7), was proclaimed by more than seven and the end of the world. Mighty agencies banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel,
hundred ministers. The number of ministers are at work to bring about this grand con- make this man to understand the vision." NOTES.— "As both the 2300 years of chap-
giving the same message in this country was summation. For while the Son of God is Dan. 8:16. ter 8 and the 'seventy weeks' of chapter 9
about three hundred and fifty. In printed doing his work in the heavenly sanctuary, he 6. Why was further instruction concerning start from the Persian period of Jewish his-
form the proclamation was sent everywhere, is by his Spirit and his providence stirring up this vision necessary? tory, in other words, as they both date from
so that it reached every mission station the hearts of his people to finish speedily the "And I Daniel fainted, and was sick cer- the restoration era which followed the Baby-
throughout the world. According to his own work of warning the world of impending tain, days; afterward I rose up, and did the lonian captivity, their starting points must
journal, Joseph Wolff, D. D., LL. D., the judgment. king's business; and I was astonished at the he either identical or closely related throne-
noted linguist, between the years 1821 and The solemn situation is moat strikingly vision, but none understood it." Verse 27. logically."—"Light for the Last Days," by
1845, proclaimed to all denominations the and impressively described in Ezekiel 9, under 7. To what did Gabriel now direct Dan- H. Grattan Guinness. London, Hodder A
Stoughton, 1893, page 188.
Lord's speedy advent, preaching during that the figure of six men, "every man with his iel's attention?
time in the United States, England, Scotland, destroying weapon in his hand. . . . And "At the beginning of thy supplications the "There is plainly a close correspondence
Ireland, Holland, Tibet, Hindustan, Egypt, one man among them was clothed with linen, commandment came forth, and I am come between the two visions [of Daniel 8 and 9].
Palestine, Mesopotamia, the Crimea, Persia, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they to show thee; for thou art greatly beloved: The 70 weeks are said to be cut off for certain
Transcaucasia, throughout the Ottoman Em- went in, and stood by the brazen altar." therefore understand the matter, and consider distinct objects; and this implies a longer
pire, Greece, Austria, Afghanistan, and Kash- Then the Lord said to the man with the writ- the vision." Dan. 9: 23. period from which they are separated, either
mir, and along the shores of the Red Sea. er's inkhorn, "Go through the midst of the NOTES.— There is abundant evidence that the course of time in general or some period
Not a single country only, but the world was city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set the instruction in the ninth chapter of Daniel distinctly revealed. Now the previous date
stirred by the message. a mark upon the foreheads of the men that supplements and interprets the vision of the [the 2300 days] includes two events,—the
sigh and that cry for all the abominations eighth chapter. Note the following facts: — restoration of the sacrifice, and the desola-
The Mistake and Disappointment that be done in the midst thereof. And to a. Daniel did not understand the vision tion. The first of these is identical in char-
But it is said, The Lord did not come in the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye concerning the treading down of his people acter with the 70 weeks, which are a period
1844, nor has he yet come. It is true that after him through the city, and smite:. . and the sanctuary, and therefore searched of the restored polity of Jerusalem; and hence
the Lord did not come at the time and in the slay utterly . . . but come not near any the prophecies anew concerning the period the most natural of the cutting off is that
manner those who gave the message ex- man upon whom is the mark." of captivity. which refers to the whole period of the for-
pected him to come, but neither did Jesus of The same impressive lesson is taught by b. He evidently made a connection be- mer vision."—"First Elements of Sacred
Nazareth take the throne of David and re- the figure of a royal wedding, in Matt. 22:2- tween the period of 70 years mentioned by Prophecy," by T. R. Birks, London, 1848,
establish the kingdom of Israel at his first 13. Here a certain king is represented as Jeremiah and the 2300 days of the vision, pages 369, 860.
advent as the whole nation expected the Mes- making "a marriage for his eon." Accord- and-he at once began to pray earnestly for 9. What was to be accomplished at the
siah to do, and as his disciples believed he ing to the ancient custom, each guest is the restoration of the city and the sanctuary. close of the 70 weeks?
would do, even up to the very time of his provided with an appropriate wedding gar- c. The angel Gabriel, who appeared to him "To finish the transgreasitin, and to make
ascension. When the joyous multitude es- ment. But by and by, when the time comes at the first and interpreted all the vision an end of sins, and to make reconciliation
corted. the Prophet of Nazareth into Jerusalem for the king to go in to see the guests, he finds with the exception of the 2300 days, now for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting right-
and to the temple with silents of "Hosanna" one without the wedding garment. "AIM appears, and again directs his attention to eousness, and to seal up the vision and
and with the waving of palm branches, even he said unto him, Friend, how earnest thou the vision. prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy."
carpeting the path before him with their gar- in hither not having a wedding garment? d. The events of the vision begin with the el re 24, latter part.

NOTE.— For "the Most Holy," the Douay The Full Period of 2300 Days heavenly sanctuary involves the investigative from its long period of captivity in ancient
Version reads, "the Saint of saints." judgment, which will be followed by the Babylon, and when Jerusalem, the capital
16. What question was asked in the vision plagues and by Christ's coming. This pe- city of the Jewish kingdom, was again restored
10. What portion of this period was to of Daniel 8?
reach to Christ, the Messiah, or Anointed riod, therefore, determines the time of resto- to its position of power. The long period of
"Then I heard a holy one speaking; and ration and of judgment. 2300 years commencing in this era (457 B. c.),
One? another holy one said unto that certain one
"Know therefore arid understand, that extends to A. D. 1844, which, in view of the
which spoke, How long shall be the vision CM- prophecies limiting the work of the Papacy,
from the going forth of the commandment coning the continual burnt offering, and the
to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the or modern Babylon, may be termed as an-
transgression that maketh desolate, to give both. The Time Prophecy Pointing to other era of restoration when the people of
Messiah the Prince shall be seventy weeks, and the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under-
threescore and two weeks." Verse 25, first foot?" Dan. 8: 13. Both the First and the Sec- Gad will be delivered from a long period of
part. captivity in modern Babylon. Thus this
NOTES.— Literal Jerusalem was given into ond Advent of Christ long measuring line of prophecy has a marked
Nom—The word Messiah means anointed, the hands of ancient Babylon, and the typical
and Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit service in the earthly sanctuary was thus IN addition to the significance which at-
significance in that it unites the two great
(Acts 10: 38) at his baptism, in A. n. 27. taches to the period of 2300 days of Dan. eras of restoration in the history of God's
taken away. Dan. 1: 1, 2. This was pro- people,—the restoration of ancient Israel
Matt. 3:16. phetic of the experience of spiritual Jerusa- 8:14, considered as an undivided whole, it
11. At the end of this time, what was to is important to note the application of the from the captivity in ancient Babylon, and
lem in modern Babylon, foretold in the the restoration of modern or spiritual Israel
he done to Messiah? prophecies of Daniel and John, and of the two portions of this long period as it is divided
"And after threescore and two weeks shall taking away of the mediation of Christ in in the book of Daniel. from a much longer period of captivity in
Messiah be cat off." Verse 26, first part. When Christ, after his baptism, entered spiritual or modern Babylon.
the heavenly sanctuary. Dan. 7:25. 8:13. This application of the period of the 2300
12. How was the destruction of Jerusalem These two visions expose the work of mod- upon his public ministry, we find him making
and the sanctuary by the Romans then fore- ern Babylon, the Papacy, and determine the this announcement: — days, or years, confirms in a marked manner
told? limit of its permitted power over the people "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of the correctness of that interpretation of the
" And the people of the prince that shall of God, and of its perversion of the gospel God is at hand." Mark 1:15. prophetic scriptures which makes the Roman
come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; The time to which reference is here made Church to be the Babylon of the Apocalypse,
of Christ in substituting another mediato- and which calls for a special message against
and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and rial system for the work of Christ in the is the period of 69 weeks, or 483 years, men-
unto the end of the war desolations are de- heavenly sanctuary. tioned in Dan. 9: 25, which was to cover the the beast and his image, to be given to the
termined." Verse 26, last part. time from the going forth of the command-
world in connection with the announcement
The general theme upon which the book of the near approach of the second advent.
The One Week of Daniel treats is Babylon, both ancient and ment -to restore and build Jerusalem until
modem. Chapters 1-6, inclusive, present the anointing of the Messiah, or the baptism -•- -4- -4- '
13. What was Messiah to do during the certain historical facts leading up to the fall of Christ; but this is the first great division Tire second coming of Christ is the hope of
seventieth week? of ancient Babylon, and an attempt to de- of the 2300 days, or years. To this prophecy the church. Then will life be triumphant.
"And he shall confirm the covenant with stroy the prophet Daniel himself, and, the Christ himself appealed for proof that the Then will appear Christ, who is our life, and
many for one week." Verse 27, first clause. final attempt to destroy the people of God,— time had come for the manifestation of the then shall we appear with him in glory. God
See Matt. 26:26-28. a brief historical outline which is in itself a kingdom of God in his own person; and, in- has promised it. It was to this end that
14. What was he to take away in the midst prophecy of modern Bahylon. Chapters 7- deed, all the Jews interpreted this prophecy Jesus both died and rose again. Holy men
of this week? 12, inclusive, contain prophecies relating espe- as indicating the time of the first advent, of God in all ages have looked forward to this
"And in the midst of the week he shall cially to modern Babylon, which supplement and they were, therefore, in a state cf ex- greatest of all-events. Enoch, Job, Isaiah,


cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease." the historical prophecy of the previous chap- pectancy when John the Baptist made his Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and all the minor prophets
Verse 27, next clause. ters, and enable us to draw a very exact announcement of the Coming One. Thus foretold that glad day. The psalmist sang of
NOTE.— Ancient Babylon took away the and striking parallel between ancient and Daniel's statement concerning this first por- it, and in every age it has been the hope of
typical service by the destruction of the tem- modern Babylon. A brief outline of this tion of the 2300-year period became the the church, the blessed hope, longed and
ple at the capture of Jerusalem. This serv- parallel may be stated thus:— fundamental prophecy which justified the prayed for as nothing else has been in all the
ice was restored at the rebuilding of Jerusa- a. In the religion of ancient Babylon, im- message of the first advent of Christ: ages since the fall.
lem, but was perverted into mere formalism age worship found a prominent place. The But the 2300-year period expired in A. D.
by the Jews, and was taken away by Christ same is true of modern Babylon. 1844, which marked the beginning of the
at the first advent, when he blotted out the b. Ancient Babylon affirmed that the gods judgment hour and the near approach of the RELIGIOUS LIBERTY IN AMERICA
handwriting of ordinances, and "took it out (or God) dwelt not in the flesh. By the second advent. Thus we have this longest Tins book deals with the growth of the
of the way, nailing it to his cross." Col. dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the prophetic period in the Bible divided into principles of religious and civil liberty from
2: 14. He then became "a minister of the Virgin Mary (that is, that she herself was two parts in Daniel's prophecy. Upon the the beginning- of the Christian era down to
sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which born without the taint of original sin), mod- first portion — the 69 weeks, or 483 years — our own time. The planting of the two prin-
the Lord pitched, and not man." Heb. 8: 2. ern Babylon teaches that God, in the person special emphasis was placed in determining ciples — religious liberty and religious op-
Thus he- estalolishal the service in the heav- of his Son, did not take the same flesh with the time of the first advent, and the genu- pression — on the shores of America, and the
enly sanctuary. The little horn, the Pa- us; that La, sinful flesh. ineness of the message which announced it. struggle between them for dominance, is pic-
paey, as far as was within its power, took c. Ancient Babylon persecuted those who Upon the second portion of this period (men- tured in interesting detail. 436 pages, fully
away from the people the mediation of Christ refused to accept her dogmas and worship ac- tioned by Daniel in three different parts), illustrated, cloth covers, $1.
in the heavenly sanctuary, and substituted cording to her laws. Modern Babylon has special emphasis should be placed in connec-
for it the Roman priesthood, with the Pope done the same. tion with the fulfillment of the whole period
as Pontifex IVISUICIMUS, or high priest. Power d, The king of ancient Babylon set him- in determining the time of the second advent THE BEREAN LIBRARY
over this truth of the gospel and over the self above God, and attempted to make his and the genuineness of the message announc-
people of God was allowed to the Papacy be- kingdom an everlasting kingdom. So does ing it. ALL who desire to study further the impor-
calm of transgression (Dan. 8: 12, It. V.), modern Babylon. In these significant facts we have another tant Bible subjects presented in this series of
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sanctuary and the people of God.
15. How are the judgments upon Jerusa- and impending. The Historical Field of the His Glorious Appearing, r.c4 pages.......15
lem again foretold? f. The fall of ancient Babylon came just at The Sabbath in the Scriptures, sit pages .25
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tions he shall make it desolate, even until the contempt of all its enemies, and its confidence Farms° to take a comprehensive view of Capital and Labor, sag pages .25
consummation, and that determined shall be in its own permanence. This experience will the prophecies of Daniel, some have raised Here and Hereafter, 360 pages .25
poured upon the desolate." Remainder of be repeated in the history of modern Babylon, an objection to the interpretation and appli- Bible Footlights, 300 pages .35
verse 27. 17. What prophetic period, therefore, ex- cation of the 2300 days of Dan. 8: 14, as set Our Paradise Home, r28 pages .15
NOTE.— Seventy weeks would be 490 days; tends to the deliverance of God's people from forth in this paper, on the ground that this The Coming King, 305 pages .50
and as e day in prophecy represents a year captivity in modern Babylon, and the resto- long period is made to apply to the work of Order front the publishers, whose
(Num. 14:34; Eze. 4:6), this period would ration to them of the mediation of Christ? a power — the Papacy — which arose sev- address is given below
be 490 years. The commandment to restore "And he said unto me, Unto two thousand eral centuries after the time designated for
and build Jerusalem was brought to its com- and three hundred days; then shall the sanc- the commencement of this period. The
pletion by Artaxerkes Longimanus in the tuary be cleansed." Verse 14. query runs something like this: If the work
seventh year of his reign (Ezra 6: 14; 7: 7, 8), NOTE.— The earthly sanctuary was a type
of the heavenly sanctuary (Heb. 9: 23, 24;
of the Papacy is described in the prophecy
of the eighth chapter of Daniel, and if the
The Advent Review
which, as already noted, was 457 u. c. From
this date the 69 weeks, or 483 years, would
extend to the baptism of Christ, in A. D. 27,
Lev. 16:29, 30, 33); the cleansing of the
earthly sanctuary was typical of the cleansing
limit to the time of the vision is said to be
"unto two thousand and three hundred days,"
and Sabbath Herald
and the whole period to A. D. 34, when the in the heavenlyeanctuary; and this cleansing how can it be possible that this period com- October 11, IBIS
martyrdom of Stephen occurred, and the of the sanctuary accomplished on the great menced in 457 B. c., at least six or seven cen-
gospel began to be preached to the Gentiles. day of atonement is the closing work of Christ turies before the Papacy became an active ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE
Before the end of that generation, Jerusalem in his mediation for sin. And the commence- power in the world's history? The answer
was destroyed by the Romans, A. D. 70. The ment of the cleansing of the heavenly sanc- to this query is found in the facts which Review & Herald Publishing Association
2300 years would extend from 457 B. c. to tuary marks the beginning of a new era in follow. Takoma Park, Washington, It. C.
A. a. 1844, when began the great second ad- the experience of the-people of God on earth•, The historical field covered by the vision Terms: in Advance
vent movement, which calls upon all to come namely, the deliverance from the power of in the eighth chapter of Daniel begins with $2.00 Six Months $1.00
out of modern Babylon, and to prepare for modern Babylon, the restoration to them of the Medo-Persian power, that power under One Year
the knowledge of the mediation of Christ which the threefold decree went forth for the Three Months $ .50
the next great event, the coming of Christ
and the destruction of the world by fire. for them in the heavenly sanctua.v, and a restoration and building of Jerusalem. This [Entered as second-class matter, August .4. .903, at
" Nevertheless we, according to his promise, cleansing from sin in preparation for the sec- time might, therefore, be called the restora- the post office at Washington, D. C., under the act of
look for new heavens and a new earth." ond advent of Christ. The cleansing of the tion era when ancient Israel was delivered Congress of March 3, 1879.)

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