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The United States in Prophecy—Extra No.


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Vol. 93 Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. No. 23

Not only does the Papacy assume and In his notes on the thirteenth of Reve-
exercise supreme power over the Roman lation, prepared in 1714, Mr. Wesley said of
Catholic Church in things spiritual and the second beast of this chapter: " He is not
ecclesiastical, but the Pope claims likewise yet come, though he cannot be far off; for
as the vicar of Christ, to be the ruler of the he is to appear at the end of the forty-two
whole earth, the governor of kings. This months of the first beast." Beyond question
political phase of the Papacy is described in the "forty-two months" ended in 1798, sig-
Rev. 17: 18 as "that great city, which reign- nalized by the culmination of one phase
eth over the kings of the earth." of the French Revolution.
Inasmuch as Rome in her various phases
embraces so much, no one symbol could The Deadly Wound of the Beast
properly describe that wonderful system of France had long been the chief supporter
religious doctrine, of ecclesiastical rule, and of the spiritual and political pretensions of
of political domination; hence in Rev. 1.3: the papal power. It was a French king,
1-10 where all these phases are summed up Pepin, son of Charles Martel, who, in A. D.
in a single system, the symbol used has some 754, made the Pope a temporal ruler by the
of the features of each of the beasts that pre- gift of territory wrested from the Lombards.
ceded it, and instead of being named for This is known as "the donation of Pepin."
some one known creature, it is called simply As one result of the Revolution fully launched
"the beast." in Paris July 14, 1789, not only was the sup-
The Beast Defined port of the French nation entirely withdrawn
from the papal government, but about the
It is difficult to define the beast in few middle of February, 1798, acting under
words, but for the purposes of this article, orders from the French Directory, General
let us understand that the beast is a spiritual Berthier entered Rome at the head of a
and ecclesiastical system dominating political formidable army, took the Pope prisoner,
systems and using civil power for the further- declared the Papacy abolished and the papal
ance of its ends. And for the purpose of government dissolved, and proclaimed a
this study we shall use the terms " the beast," republic in the Eternal City. Thus in a very
"the Papacy," and "the papal church" marked manner were fulfilled the words of
more or less interchangeably, though, as the prophet: "He that leadeth into captivity
already explained, these terms, so closely shall go into captivity: he that killeth with
and necessarily related, are, not in all re- the sword must be killed with the sword."
spects truly synonymous. Here was the culmination of a series of
As described in the thirteenth of Reve- events and influences, extending, it is true,
lation, the beast is Rome as a whole, but over more than two and a half centuries, but
with its papal phase especially emphasized. bringing finally the definite result described
By the papal phase of Rome we mean Rome in the prophecy as "the wound by a sword."
dominated by the papal hierarchy backed up Rev. 13: 14.
and supported by the whole body of the
Roman Church. From as early as the sixth The United States Seen "Coming Up"
century of the Christian era, this has been At this era, namely, about the time of the
the situation in a large part of Europe; culmination of the events that resulted in
TDB PROPTIETIC BYMPOLS OF REVELATION 13 hence we may say that, roughly speaking, this attempted destruction of the previously
the beast operates in and dominates not only greatly weakened Papacy, the prophet is
the Old World, or at least the major part of represented as seeing "another beast coming
The United States in Prophecy Europe, but also a large part of the New up out of the earth; and he had two horns
World; while the papal spirit, working like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."
By C. P. Bollman through other false systems, such as the Greek Verse 11.
Church in Russia and Siberia, and Moham- This second power, styled in the prophecy
History in Advance Medo-Persia; a leopard with four wings of a medanism in Turkey, holds practically the "another beast," is, we fully believe, the
fowl represents Grecia; while Rome is de- rest of the Old World in chains of spiritual United States. In 1798 the new republic
PROPHECY has been aptly defined as picted as a nondescript beast having teeth and political servitude.
"history in advance." All Biblical expos- of iron, nails of brass, and ten horns, repre- was not yet a quarter of a century old, reckon-
itors and all students of the Word agree that senting the ten kingdoms that should arise The Second Beast a New World Power ing from the signing of the Declaration of
we have in the Bible not merely a single com- Independence; while the national Constitu-
prehensive prophecy giving in brief the his- and that did subsequently arise out of the All this being plainly true, we necessarily tion was not framed until 1787, and did not
tory of the leading nations to the end of the Western Empire. look to the New World for the second beast; become effective until two years later, only
world, but a number of such outlines. The Papacy in Prophecy and it becomes a matter of paramount im- nine years before the wounding of the first
Would it not be strange indeed if our own portance to us not only to know what is beast. Thus as the events occur leading up to
nation, in many respects the greatest in the Reading the prophecy of the seventh of meant by the beast of Rev. 13: 1-10. but to and culminating in the deadly wound given
Western world, were not mentioned in some Daniel, we find that for a time this non- comprehend also the meaning of the expres- to the first beast, the United States as the
way in the inspired Scriptures? descript beast had ten horns, "there came sion "another beast," in verse 11; and to second, or "another beast," is seen coming up
In prophetic outlines, as in other brief up" presently "another little horn, before understand likewise the work that he does, in previously unoccupied territory, and taking
historical sketches, only the most prominent whom there were three of the first horns and to know what is meant by "the image its place among the powers of earth.
events are noted. As the general secular plucked up by the roots." "In this horn
historian condenses volumes into chapters, were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth
and chapters into paragraphs, so in the speaking great things."
Scriptures the divine Spirit has given us in a This little horn has been repeatedly
few verses, or sometimes even in a few lines, identified by Protestant commentators as
the history of mighty empires during cen- the Papacy, which in its essential features is
turies of time. seen to be the resultant of all the false
religio-politieal systems that had preceded
Symbolic Prophecy it, even from the days of Babylon. The re-
A. striking feature of prophecy is its use maining chapters of the book of Daniel
of symbols. For instance, in the second simply draw out and enlarge upon what is
chapter of the book of Daniel we find the given very briefly in the second and seventh
history of the leading nations from the time chapters.
of Nebuchadnezzar down to the end of this Turning to the New Testament, we find
world, represented by a great image of a man. this same little-horn power variously de-
In the seventh and eighth chapters kingdoms scribed. In the second chapter of Second
are symbolized by beasts and horns, while in Thessalonians it is called "the man of sin,"
the same connection days stand for years. "the son of perdition;" and to him are at-
This is true also of some of the visions of tributed acts and words of blasphemy sim-
John recorded in the Revelation. Every ilar to those attributed to the little horn
one recognizes at once the fitness of such of the seventh of Daniel. Protestants are
symbols, for even today, we ourselves fre- agreed that prophet and apostle are both
quently use like symbolism; for instance, we describing the papal apostasy.
speak of the lion, meaning thereby Great
Britain, or of the bear when we refer to Called Also " the Beast"
Russia, or of the crescent when we mean the In the book of Revelation we find many
Turkish Empire, and of the eagle, alluding references to this same power, which is va-
to Germany. riously characterized as "a beast" or "the THE POPE TAKEN PRISONER BY REMITTER IN 1798
The Kingdoms of This World in beast" (Rev. 13: 1, 2, 4), a "whore" (17: 1),
"a woman " or "the woman," and "that of the beast," which he causes the people to The first beast of Revelation 13 is described
Prophecy . great city, which reigneth over the kings of make and then to worship. as rising "up out of the sea." Verse 1. As
In the second chapter of Daniel the king- the earth" (verse 18). For many centuries, An important clue to the identity of the we learn from Rev. 17: 15, the sea is a symbol
dom of Babylon is represented by the golden and especially since the Reformation, dissent- other beast of this chapter is given in verse of many peoples. "The waters which thou
head of the great image. Medo-Persia is ers from the errors and abuses of Romanism 11, for this second beast is seen coming upon sawest," said the angel, "are peoples, and
symbolized by the breast and arms of silver; have been agreed in applying these different the stage of action, or emerging from the multitudes, and nations, and tongues."
Grecia by the belly and thighs of brass; names, descriptive titles, and designations to veil of obscurity, evidently about the time the Hence we understand that this first beast, or
Rome, united and strong, by the legs of iron, the Roman apostasy in its various phases, first beast receives his deadly wound and goes power, arose in a part of the world already
but when divided and comparatively weak, and especially to the Roman hierarchy, com- into captivity. In fact, it would seem that thickly populated, or from nations already
by the feet and toes, "part of potters' clay, monly known as the Papacy, which is not the misfortunes of the first beast are the established in fully occupied territory.
and part of iron." wholly identical with the Roman Catholic opportunity of the second beast; and that But the second symbol, described as
In the seventh chapter the figure changes Church, but is that phase of the Roman it is by the good offices of the second that "another beast," is seen by the prophet
from a great image to wild beasts. A lion Church which makes the Pope the visible the first is again restored to something at "coming up out of the earth," The original
with eagle's wings symbolizes Babylon; a, head of the whole visible church, and its least approximating his former prestige and word avabaino, translated "coming up,"
bear with three ribs in its mouth stands for supreme ruler. power. is defined in Strong's Concordance as mean-
ing "arise, ascend (up), climb (go, grow, for the accomplishment of her ends. Thus church to some religious festival, they
rise, spring) up, come (up)." "We want state and religion, and we are
were supplied in the course of a few years proved a great hindrance to the devotion of going to have it. It shall be that so far as
The second beast comes up out of the the essential later features of the first beast of Christians, though chiefly, it must be allowed,
earth, not in the sense in which a burrowing the affairs of state require religion, it shall
the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. to those whose Christianity was the least an be religion—the religion of Jesus Christ.
animal emerges from the earth when he comes affair of the life and of the heart."—Id.,
forth from his hole or den, but in the sense Rome and the United States The Christian oath and Christian morality
p. 300. shall have, in this land 'an undeniable legal
of growing or springing up, as a plant grows We have said that the second beast of this Enlarging upon this same subject, Neander
up or springs forth from the earth. A basis.' We use the word 'religion' in its
chapter is a symbol of our own government. tells us that "church teachers . :were, in proper sense, as meaning a man's personal
writer in the Dublin Nation nearly three Let us see if we can trace a parallel between truth, often forced to complain that in such
quarters of a century ago, having no knowl- relation of faith and obedience to God."—
Rome and the United States. competitions the theater was vastly more Proceedings of the (18:8) Motional Convention
edge presumably of any such application In the first place each began as a number frequented than the church." They ap-
of this prophecy, speaks of the United States to Secure the Religious Amendment to the Con-
of self-governing colonies, which later united, pealed to the state therefore "in order that stitution, p. 60.
as a wonderful empire which "amid the si- forming a strong central government. Each the devotions of the faithful might be free Another prominent National Reformer,
from all disturbance." "Every faculty of Prof. C. A. Blanchard, in a speech in Pitts-
the mind," argued they, "should be occupied burgh in 1874, said: —
with the worship of God." By suchTappeals, "Constitutional laws punish for false
supported by such convincing reasons, "the money, weights, and measures, and of course
church received help from the state for the Congress establishes a standard for money,
furtherance of her aims." See Id., p. 301. weights, and measures. So Congress must
Another writer thus states the argument establish a standard of religion, or admit
by which the bishops justified their appeal anything called religion."—Proceedings of
to governmental force: — the Fifth National Reform Convention, p. 71.
"It is, indeed, better," says he [Augustine), These words are particularly significant
"that men should be brought to serve God in view of this from Rev. Mr. Edwards
by instruction than by fear of punishment, referred to above: —
or by pain. But because the former means "Now, we are warned that to ingraft this
are better, the latter must not therefore be doctrine upon the Constitution will be op-
neglected. . . . Many must often be brought pressive; that it will infringe the rights of
back to their Lord, like wicked servants, by conscience; and we are told that there are
the rod of temporal suffering, before they atheists, deists, Jews, and Seventh-day Bap-
attain to the highest grade of religious devel- tists who would be sufferers under it."
opment."—Scluzff's Church History, Vol. II, "These all are, for the occasion, and so far
sec. 27. as our amendment is concerned, one class.
"It was by Augustine," remarks Neander, They use the same arguments and the same
"that a theory was proposed and founded, tactics against us. They must be counted
which . contained the germ of that whole together, which we very much regret, but
system of spiritual despotism, of intolerance which we cannot help. The first named is
and persecution, which ended in the tri- the leader in the discontent and in the out-
bunals of the Inquisition."—Neander's Church cry—the atheist, to whom nothing is higher
History, Vol. II, p. 217. or more sacred than man, and nothing sur-
In theory the Reformation of the six- vives the tomb. It is his class. Its labors
THE LANDING OF THE PILGRINSS teenth century challenged the right of the are almost wholly in his interest; its success
church to appeal to the state to enforce her would be almost wholly his triumph. The
fence of the earth" was daily adding to its guaranteed universal religious liberty: Rome dogmas and religious observances, but we rest are adjuncts to him in this contest.
power and pride. by the Edict of Milan, the United States by presently find the Reformers and their They must be named from him; they must
In his work, "The New World Compared the First Amendment to the Federal Con- successors doing this very thing; and in this, be treated as, for this question, one party."
with the Old," page 635, Mr. G. A. Town- stitution. We have seen how the guaranty Sunday enforcement soon came to have a "What are the rights of the atheist? I
send says: -- of freedom of conscience was gradually ren- prominent place, especially in England. would tolerate him as I would tolerate a poor
"In this web of islands [the West Indies) dered void in Rome as a result of the action The English colonies inherited Sunday lunatic; for in my view his mind is scarcely
began the life of both Americas. There of the Christians themselves in appealing to laws from the mother country. It is perhaps sound. So long as he does not rave, so long
Columbus saw land; there Spain began ber the civil authorities to settle religious dis- not surprising that these statutes were re- as he is not dangerous, I would tolerate him.
baneful and brilliant Western Empire; thence putes, and we shall see that similar influences tained when the colonies became States, sad I would tolerate him as I would a conspira-
Cortez departed for Mexico, De Soto for the are at work in the United States. this notwithstanding the fact that all the tor. The atheist is a dangerous man."
Mississippi, Balboa for the Pacific, and Pi- In Rome, that which led up to a complete State constitutions contain seemingly ample "Tolerate atheism, sir? There is nothing
zarro for Peru. The history of the United union of the state with the church was the guaranties of freedom of conscience. out of hell that I would not tolerate as soon(
States was separated by a beneficent provi- seeming necessity of deciding authoritatively But while Sunday laws are avowedly The atheist may live, as I have said; but,
dence far from the wild and cruel history of what was Christian and who were Christians. religious in England, in this country they God helping us, the taint of his destructive
the rest of the continent, and like a silent seed It will be readily seen that like questions are are styled "police regulations," and are de- creed shall not defile any of the civil insti-
we grew into empire." (Italics ours.) arising in our own land. fended and maintained on so-called civil tutions of all this fair land! Let us repeat,
Thus secular writers, describing the rise The first step in the change from paganism grounds. Atheism and Christianity are contradictory
and development of this country, uncon- to Christianity was toleration. This step Sunday Laws the Link Connecting terms. They are incompatible systems.
sciously use the very symbolism of the pro- had been taken in the edict of toleration by They cannot dwell together on the same
phetic scriptures. Galerius, before Constantine became em- Church and State continent."—Proceedings of the National
peror. The second step was by the Edict of It is not, however, in the action of the Reform Convention (1873), pp. 60, 62, 63.
Civil and Religious Liberty Milan, which put Christianity as nearly as May 21, 1888, in an article in the Chris-
several States that we may expect to find
This second beast has "two horns like a possible upon a legal par with paganism. the fulfilment of the inspired predictions tian Statesman, the official organ of the
lamb," but speaks "as a dragon." The The next step was due to appeals to the concerning the second beast_of Revelation National Reform Association, Rev. E. B.
Scriptures employ the dragon as a symbol of emperor to become the arbiter of disputes, not 13. It is the nation that in its profession Graham said: —
that which is evil and despotic. In appear- between pagans and Christians, but between resembles a lamb: it is therefore to the nation If the opponents of the Bible do not like
ance, then, and in early profession this power the various Christian parties. The acceptance that we must look for the fulfilment of the our government and its Christian features,
is lamblike, but later it develops a different of this office by the emperor made Christian- specifications of the prophecy; and here, as let them go to some wild, desolate land, and
character and enacts oppressive laws, for it ity a ward or child of the empire equally in Rome, we shall find that Sunday is the in the name of the devil, and for the sake of
is by its legislative acts chiefly that a nation with paganism, with the result that it soon point of contact, the link connecting church the devil, subdue it, and set up a government
speaks. It also instigates and encourages became equally with paganism a religion of and state. It is by recognizing and. enforc- of their own on infidel and atheistic ideas; and
the making of an image to the first beast. the state. ing Sunday keeping that this government then if they can stand it, stay there till they
"The first beast," the papal phase of chiefly denies its earlier professions of liberal- die."
Rome, was a development. Step by step, The Origin of Sunday._Laws ity, and allies itself with "the beast, which Reenforced by Strong Organizations
little by little, pagan Rome became papal Sunday was a sacred day with both neo- had the wound by a sword, and did live."
Rome. The first important act of govern- paganism, that is, of Mithraisrm or Eastern During the last half century there have Much more of a similar nature might be
mental recognition of Christianity was the sun worship, and of Western or Latin Chris- sprung up in this country a number of asso- quota, but these utterances must suffice;
edict of toleration by Galerius, A. D. 311. tianity. Seizing upon this fact, Constan-
This was issued, not in recognition of a prin- tine, A. D. 321, promulgated his first Sunday
ciple, but as a matter of policy. It was fol- law, using the neopagan designation and
lowed two years later by the Edict of Milan, descriptive title of the day, but making it a
issued by Constantine and Licinius. This rest as well as a festival day, thus clothing
edict was more ample in its provisions, but it with one of the distinctive features of
like that of A. D. 311, reiterated by implication Christianity; namely, the observance of a
the claim of the empire to the right to super- weekly day of rest.
vise the religion of its subjects; upon its face We find in the history of Roman political
it was a matter not of right but of "our religion that this link between neopaganisra
bounty," and of "our gracious purpose in and apostate Christianity was not only
securing the public tranquillity." strengthened in after-years, but from that
The Edict of Milan not only decreed time to the present the Sunday institution
religious liberty,—equal rights of worship has in various ways furnished an important
for all as a grant,—but in it was ordered the point of contact between church and state.
restoration to the Christians of the church One of our most frequently quoted church
property confiscated under the edicts of historians says of the very era to which we
Diocletian, This soon raised the question have alluded: —
as to the parties entitled to receive and hold "There had in fact arisen in the church
this property. . . . a false theocratical theory. . . . This
This question was first raised in Africa, theocratical theory was already the prevailing
and Constantine sought to settle it by a one in the time of Constantine; and . . the
letter to Anulinus, the royal governor of that bishops voluntarily made themselves depend-
province. In his first letter the emperor ent on him by their disputes, and by their
explained that the property was to be re- determination to make use of the power of
stored to "the Catholic Church of the Chris- the state for the furtherance of their aims."
tians." See Eusebius's Ecclesiastical His- —Neander's "History of the Christian Reli-
gion and Church," Torrey's translation, Vol.
As there were factions in the church then, II, p. 132.
as there have ever been, this instruction did elation having for their chief object the pro- and coupled with the fact that the National
not prove to be sufficiently definite; and in One of the first appeals to this power in motion of governmental religion. Chief and Reform Association has during the last quar-
March, 313, we find Constantine writing behalf of the church was to the end "that first among these in point of time is the ter of a century been heavily reenforced by
another letter to his "most esteemed Ann- the public shows might be transferred from National Reform Association, organized in other numerically stronger organizations,
lines," in which he made it plain that the the Christian Sunday and from feast days 1863 for the avowed purpose of securing they are ample. Among these may be men-
property was to be restored to "the Catholic to some other days of the week."—Id., p. "such an amendment to the Constitution tioned the Woman's Christian Temperance
Church over which Ccecilianus presides." 300. of the United States as will declare the Union, the Young People's Society of Chris-
See Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History, book The reason for this request was not far to nation's allegiance to Jesus Christ, and its tian Endeavor, and, strongest of all, the Fed-
10, chap. 7. seek; lit was for the reason, as stated by the acceptance of the moral laws of the Christian eral Council of the Churches of Christ in
One result, therefore, of the edict of tol- bishops themselves, "Populi ad circum snagis religion, and so indicate that this is a Christian America, the latter embracing thirty denom-
eration by Galerius and of the Edict of quami nd ecclesiain conveniunt" (The people nation, and place all the Christian laws, inations, with a combined membership of
Milan, both of them proper enough and even collect more at the circus than at the church). lsstitutions, and usages of our government more than eighteen millions.
commendable as far as they went, was a —Id., note 5, on an undeniable legal basis in the funda- A Lobby in Washington
flood of appeals by Christian bishops to The historian himself amplifies the reason mental law of the land."—National Reform
pagan emperors for the decision of questions in these words:— Constitution, art. 2. To the weight of other immensely influ-
affecting in various ways the Christian church "Owing to the prevailing passion at that What this means is best told in the words ential organizations must be added the va-
and Christian doctrine. That which grew time, especially in the large cities, to run of Rev. Jonathan Edwards, D. D., in a rious "Sabbath unions," local, State, and
out of it ultimately was a complete union after the various public shows, it so happened speech delivered before a National Reform national. The Federation of the Churches
of church and state, the church finally domi- that when these spectacles fell on the same convention held in New York City, Feb. of Christ in America alone claims a constit-
nating, controlling, and using the civil Dower days which had been consecrated by the 26, 27, 1873; Dr. Edwards said: — uency of fourteen million. The National
Bureau of Reforms maintains a lobby at the all more or less closely united with a cor- earth by the means of those miracles which he progress of political atheism, we will gladly
national Capitol for the furtherance of reli- rupt. ()initiating religious power. had power to do in the sight of the beast." join hands with them in a world's conference
gious legislation; and as might be expected, • • early the image to the beast is a gov- Rev. 13: 14, first part. for the promotion of national Christianity,
we find Roman Catholics allied with Prot- ernment, or system of states, more or less 7. What will this power propose that the which ought to be held at no distant day.
estants for the destruction of the Constitu- closely united with and dominated by apos- people shall do?
tional safeguards of religious liberty. Many countries could be represented only by
tate religion. Who cannot see that the de- "Saying to them that dwell on the earth, Roman Catholics."— Christian ,Statesman
tails of the prophetic picture are being rap- that they should make an image to the beast, (official organ of the National Reform Asso-
Hastening on to the Fulfilment of idly filled out in our own land? which had the wound by a sword, and did live." ciation), Dec. 11, 1884.
Prophecy Verse 14, latter part.
With the Papacy bending all its vast en- 11. What has the Pope commanded all
And now today we stand as a nation, not ergies to the task of making America Cath- Nora.—The beast "which had the wound Catholics to do?
indeed at the parting of the ways, so to speak, olic, and with almost every Protestant body, by a sword, and did live," is the Papacy. " All Catholics should do all in their power -
but well started upon the highway that leads for a little temporary advantage, proving That was a church clothed with the civil to cause the constitutions of states and legis-
straight to all that is foretold of this nation untrue to the very foundation principles of power. In other words, it was a union of lation to be modeled on the principles of the
in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation. Protestantism, what may we not expect? church and state, and enforced
The government has begun to bend under The inspired Word says that here shall be its religious dogmas by the civil
the combined weight of immense religious formed an image to the papal beast, and that power, under pain of confisca-
combinations and influences called into be- by the example of this country the world tion of goods, imprisonment, and
ing for the express purpose of effecting a and they that dwell therein shall be caused death. An image to this beast
political object; namely, the subversion of to worship the beast that had the wound by would be another ecclesiastical
that part of the Constitution which says the sword and did live, and today we find organization clothed with civil
that "Congress shall make no law respect- ourselves well along on the road leading di- power— another union of church
ing an establishment of religion, or prohibit- rectly to this once seemingly impossible but and state — to enforce religious
ing the free exercise thereof," and encouraged now rapidly approaching consummation. dogmas by law.
by their success thus far these same combi- Under the influence of apostate Protestant-
nations and influences are working most per- Organized Efforts in Fulfil-
ism the once lamblike beast is even now be-
sistently for the total subversion of every ginning to exhibit the characteristics of the ment of This Prophecy
principle of religious liberty. dragon, the enemy of all good, the oppressor 8. Is there any evidence that
The beast is a: political system dominated of all who would follow and obey that which such an image will be made?
in whole or in part by an apostate church. is good. Large and influential organ-
In its inception the beast was one united But in that day, when the last earthly izations, such as the National
nation dominated by an apostate church. safeguard is swept away, when every human Reform Association, the Inter-
Later, in its ten-horn stage, it became, and refuge fails, God will be the hope of his national Reform Bureau, the
still remains a number of nations or states, people. Lord's Day Alliance of the
United States, and the Federal
Council of the Churches of
Christ in America, have been
The Beast and His Image formed by professed Protestants,
and for years have been per-
A BIBLE STUDY sistently working to that end.
Many Roman Catholic societies
The Wounding of the Papal Beast fulness, innocence, gentleness. A lamb is a recently formed in the United
1. WHEN was the papal head of the first symbol of Christ or of Christian principles. States, such as the Knights of
beast of Revelation 13 wounded? John 1:29. Columbus and the American
February 10, 1793. Federation of Catholic Societies,
Making an Image to the Beast are looking to a like end,— that
Norz.—This wound was inflicted upon the
papal head of this beast when the French, , 4, Notwithstanding the lamblike preten- of making America Catholic.
in 1798, entered Rome and took the Pope sions oft this power, what is it ultimately The National Reform .-z.----- -- ---
•- , ',,•4 ''' ••''i.'":
prisoner, and for a time, it seemed, abolished to do? Association
the Papacy. But in 1800 another Pope was "He spake as a dragon." Rev. 13: 11.„, _ ,.,;VW Ik• .
placed upon the papal throne, and the deadly NOTE.—The voice of the dragon is the 9. What, according to its con- ' ov,.
wound began to be healed. Temporal do- voice of intolerance and persecution. This stitution, is the avowed object
minion was taken away from the Papacy in
1870, but its power and influence among the
indicates that this nation, which for more
than a century has stood as a beacon light
of the National Reform Associa-
-7---"'1".‘ '' ''.....* ;GiOUS''
nations have been increasing since then, of liberty to all the world, will repudiate its "To secure such an amend-
nevertheless. "In that year," says Mr. mild and lamblike professions of civil and ment to the Constitution of the
Guinness, "the Papacy assumed the highest religious liberty. This is why, in Rev. 19: United States as will . . . indi- TILE FOOTSTEPS OF ROUE
exaltation to which it could aspire, that of 20, it is called the "false prophet." Though, cate that this is a Christian na-
infallibility."—"Romanient and the Reforma- as Bancroft says, "chief heir of the Refor- tion, and place all the Christian laws, in- true church, and all Catholic writers and
tion," p.156. To such a position of influence mation in its purest form," it will repudiate stitutions, and usages of our government on journalists should never lose sight, for an
Over the nations is the Papacy finally to at- Reformation principles. an undeniable legal basis in the fundamen- instant, of the view of the above prescrip-
tain, that just before her complete overthrow tal law of the land."—Article II of Con.stitu- tion."—Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, 1885.
and destruction she will say, "I sit a queen, 5. How much power will this beast exer- don. NOTE.—The prophecy says that this power
and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." cise? Nuns.— Upon the question of making will make an image to the Papacy. In the
Rev. 18:7. See Isa. 47: 7-15; Rev. 17: 18. "He exerciseth all the power of the first this a "Christian nation," Bishop Earl days of Constantine and his successors, the
beast before him, and cattseth the earth and Cranston, D. D., of the Methodist Episcopal church made use of the civil power to carry
Another Beast Seen Corning Up them which dwell therein to worship the Church, in an address delivered in Foundry out her aims: through this means the Papacy
2. What did the prophet see coming up first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington, was developed. In our own day the same
at this time? Rev. 13: 12- D. C., March 13, 1910, made the following theory is advocated, and prominent men in
"I beheld another beast coining up out of the NOTE.—The "first beast before him" observation: — the nation, in both church and state, are
earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and (papal Rome) exercised the power of per. "Suppose this were to be declared a Chris- doing all they can to bring about the same
he snake as a dragon." Rev. 13: 11. scouting and putting to death all who differed tian nation by a Constitutional interpre- result, which, when their work is completed,
NOTES.— Mr. Wesley, in his notes on from it in religious matters. The only way tation to that effect. What would that cannot fail to fulfil the specifications of the
Revelation 13, written in 1754, says of the the earth can be made to worship is by caus- mean? Which of the two contending defi- prophecy. The climax will be an image of
two-horned beast, "He is not yet come, ing work to cease on it through voluntary nitions of Christianity would the word the Papacy.
though he cannot be far off'; for 'Christian' indicate?—The Protestant idea,
he is to appear at the end of the of course, for under our system majorities The International Reform Bureau
forty-two months of the first rule, and the majority of Americans are 12. What is the object of the International
beast." Protestants. Very well. But suppose that Reform Bureau?
The previous beast came up by the addition of certain contiguous terri- "The Reform Bureau is the first 'Christian
out of the "sea," which indi- tory with twelve or more millions of Roman lobby' established at our national capital to
cates its rise among the peoples Catholics, the annexation of a few more speak to government in behalf of all denomi-
and nations of the world islands with half as many more, and the nations."—"History of the International Re-
in existence (Rev. 17: 15); while same rate of immigration as now, the major- form Bureau," by its founder and super-
this one comes up out of the ity some years hence should be Roman Cath- intendent, Rev. W. F. Crafts, p. 2.
"earth." This would indicate olics,— who doubts for a moment that the Norn.—The securing of compulsory Sun-
that the latter beast would arise reigning Pope would assume control of legis- day legislation is one of the chief objects of
where there had not before been lation and government? He would say, this and other like organizations. See pages
"peoples, and multitudes, and with all confidence and consistency, 'This 61 and 65 of the work just mentioned.
nations, and tongues." In 1798, is a Christian nation. It was so claimed
when the papal power received from the beginning and so declared many The Lord's Day Alliance
its deadly wound, the govern- years ago. A majority defined then what
Christianity was, the majority will define 13. What are the objects of the Lord's Day
ment of the United States, lo- Alliance of the United States?
cated in the Western continent, now what Christianity now is and is to be.'
That 'majority' would be the Pope."— "(1) To preserve the Lord's day [Sunday]
was the only great and inde- for America; (2) to secure an active Alliance
pendent nation then coming into " The Church and the Government," p. 7.
in every State not yet organized; (3) to in-
prominence in territory not pre- It is a fact worthy of note that in a decision duce the general government as far as pos-
viously occupied by peoples. rendered in 1892, the Supreme Court of the sible to set the example of Sabbath observ-
multitudes, and nations, Only United States did declare this to be " a Chris- ance; (4) to press the rest-day feature of
nine years preceding this (1789), tian nation," and that much use has been the fourth commandment until every toiler
the United States adopted its made of this declaration by the National Re- in the land has guaranteed unto him fifty-
national Constitution. formers and by the advocates of a union of two full rest days a year."—From leaflet
To what extent the United religion and the state and of religious legis- published by the Alliance.
States has "come up" since its lation in this country generally. Non.— By all this is meant the securing,
rise as a nation may be seen In a sermon at the centenary of the estab- as far as possible, of compulsory State and
from the following facts: The lishment of the Roman Catholic hierarchy national Sunday legislation,— the very means
conceded domain of the United in the United States, in 1889, Archbishop by which the church gained control of the
States, in 1776, at the time of Ireland said, "Our work is to make America state and by which church and state were
the adoption of the Declaration Catholic. . . . Our cry shall be, ' God wills united in the fourth and fifth centuries of
of Independence, was only half it,' and our hearts shall leap with crusader the Christian era.
a million square miles; in 1913 enthusiasm."
its area, including all its pos- The theory of the National Reformers is The Federal Council of the Churches
sessions, amounted to 3,742,155 thus expressed: "Every government by 14. What is the purpose of the Federal
square miles: Its population equitable laws is a government of God; a
republic thus governed is of him, and is as Council of the Churches of Christ in America?
then was only three million; "That the great Christian bodies of our
now it is over one hundred mil- ta.RURCIC TTPRELD BY LaVit. POWER truly and really a theocracy as the common- country should stand together" in dealing
lion. Its total wealth is now wealth of Israel."—Report of Cincinnati with "questions like those of marriage and
estimated to be $130,000,000,000, making it or enforced rest, or sabbath keeping. "As National Reform Convention, p. 28. divorce, Sabbath desecration, social evils,"
the richest nation in the world; its commerce long as she [the land) lay desolate she kept The Roman Catholic Church etc.—Report of Federal Council (1908), pp.
is world-wide; and as a military power it has sabbath." 2 Gluon. 36: 21. Since, as has 5, 6.
for years been ranked among the "great been shown, the keeping of a counterfeit 10. How does this association regard the 15. How does it propose that the matter
powers" of the world. sabbath is the great mark of apostasy, the Catholic Church on this point? of "Sabbath desecration" shall be dealt with?
3. What do the "two horns like a lamb" service by which the beast is worshiped, it "We cordially, gladly recognize the fact "That all encroachments upon the claims
represent? seems clear that it is by enforced Sunday that in South American republics, in France and the sanctities of the Lord's day should
Republicanism and Protestantism: civil and rest that even the inanimate earth' is,made and other European countries, the Roman be stoutly resisted through the prime, the
religious liberty. to join in that worship. Catholics are the recognized advocates of Lord's day associations and alliances, and
Nom—A horn represents a kingdom, or 6. What means will be employed to lead national Christianity, and stand opposed tie by such legislation as may be secured to protect
a component part of a kingdom. Dan. 7: the people back into this false worship? all the proposals of secularism. , . . Whenever and preserve this bulwark of our American
7, 8, 23, 24. Lamblike horns indicate youth- He "deeeivetla them that dwell on the they are willing to cooperate in resisting the Christianity."—Id., p. 108.
NcerE.-Thus it will be seen that the se- enforce the observance of Sunday as a "civil "They [the Catholics) allege the Sabbath "He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh
curing of laws for the enforcement of Sunday sabbath," by requiring only the cessation of changed into Sunday, the Lord's day, con- fire come down from heaven on the earth in the
observance is a prominent feature in all these labor, business, and trade on that day, trary to the decalogue, as it appears; neither sight of men." Rev. 13: 13.
organizations in their efforts to "Christianize" would be to enforce the mark in the hand; is there any example more boasted of than NOTE.- In the time of Elijah, in the con-
the nation. In doing this many fail to see to enforce it as a religious institution, or day the changing of the Sabbath day. Great, troversy over Baal worship, this was the test
that they are repudiating the principles of of worship, would be to place the mark in the say they, is the power and authority of the as to who was the true God,- the God that
Christianity, of Protestantism, and of the forehead. church, since it dispensed with one of the ten answered by fire. 1 Kings 18: 24. Now,
United States government, and playing di- Let the reader note this twofold aspect of commandments."-Augsbury Confession, Art. as a counterfeit test, fire will be made to
rectly into the hand of that power which the Sunday sabbath, as expressed by one of XXVIII. come down from heaven to confirm men in
originated the Sunday sabbath, and gained the most ardent and active Sunday-law ad- "It [the Roman Catholic Church] has re- an idolatrous and false worship.
control of the civil power through Sunday vocates in the United States: "We, the Sab- versed the fourth commandment, doing away
legislation - the Papacy. bath Union, W. C. T. LI, all the churches, with the Sabbath of God's Word, and insti- Religious Persecution
American Federation of Catholic and the Y. M. C. A., are laboring with all tuting Sunday as a holy day."-N. Summer- 28. To what length will the effort to en-
our might to carry the religious sabbath with bell, in "History of the Christians," p. 418. force this worship be carried?
16. What action of the American Federa-
tion of Catholic Societies indicates that
Catholics will gladly "join hands" with Prot-
estants in enforcing Sunday observance by
"Our societia, ai the various parts of the
United States have been urging the aboli-
tion of Sunday labor, and have indorsed
and assisted the movement of closing the
post office on Sunday."- Report of Tenth
Annual Convention of American Federation
of Catholic Societies, Columbus, Ohio, Aug.
20-24, 1911.
Novas.-The movement to close the post
offices in the United States on Sunday by
law was inaugurated by the Lord's Day Al-
liance of the United States, a Protestant
organization. A national law closing all
first- and second-class post offices on Sunday
was secured Aug. 24, 1912.
The following resolution was adopted by
the Boston Archdiocesan Federation of
Catholic Societies: -
" We are unalterably opposed to any re-
day of rest to be devoted to the praise and
service of God. We hold the safest public our right arm, and the civil sabbath with our 21. Why were the ancient Sunday laws "He had power to give life unto the image
policy at present is to adhere to the rigid left. Hundreds of thousands will receive it demanded? of the beast, that the image of the beast
observance of the laws now eafeguarding as a religious institution, and all the rest will "That the day might be devoted with less should both speak, and cause [decree) that
the sanctity of the Lord's day."- Boston receive it as a civil institution, and thus we interruption to the purposes of devotion." as many as would not worship the image of
Pilot (official organ of Cardinal O'Connell), will sweep in the whole nation."-Rev. W. F. "That the devotion of the faithful might be the beast should be killed." Rev. 13: 15.
March 16, 1912. Crafts, in the Sunday Union Convention, free from all disturbance."-Neander's Church 29. What deliverance will God finally
Wichita, Kans., Sept. 20, 1889. History, Vol. II, pp. 297, 301. bring to his people in this controversy?
Laws to Enforce the Observance 19. What means will be employed to com- "I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled
of Sunday • NOTE.- In short, it was to secure the with fire: and them that had gotten the victory
pel all to receive this mark? enforced observance of the day, and through
17. What complaint is made against Sun- "That no man might buy or sell, save he that this means church attendance, and control over the beast, and over his image, and over his
day trains and Sunday newspapers? had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the over the people in religious things. mark, and over the number of his name, stand
"They get a great many passengers, and number of his name.". Rev. 13: 17. on the sea of glass, having the harps of God."
so break up a great many congregations." Nova.- That is, all who refuse to receive Reason for Demanding Sunday Rev. 15:2.
"The laboring classes are apt to rise late on this mark will be boycotted, or denied the 30. What song will they sing?
Sunday morning, read the Sunday papers, rights and privileges of business and trade, Laws Now "They sing the song of Moses the servant
and allow the hour of worship to go by un- or the ordinary means of gaining a livelihood. 22. Why are Sunday laws demanded now? of God, and the song of the Lamb." Verse 3.
heeded"-Report of Elgin (Ill.) Sunday-Law Already this spirit has begun to manifest "Give us good Sunday laws, well enforced 31. What was the song of Moses?
Convention, November, 1887. itself in the movement to enforce Sunday by men in local authority, and our churches A song of deliverance from oppression.
NOTES.- In the fourth century, Sunday observance. In a sermon preached in Bur- will be full of worshipers, and our young men See Exodus 15.
games and Sunday theaters, it was com- lington, Kans., Sunday, Jan. 31, 1904, Rev. and women will be attracted to the divine
plained, "hindered" the "devotion" of the Bascom Robins said: - -0- -4- -4-
service. A mighty combination of the
"faithful," because many of the members "In the Christian decalogue the first day churches of the United States could win
attended them in preference to the church was made the Sabbath by divine appoint- from Congress, the State legislatures, and Joining Hands with the Papacy
services. The church, therefore, demanded ment. But there is a class of people who municipal councils, all legislation essential IN its issue of Dec. 11, 1984, the Christian
that the state should interfere and enforce will not keep the Christian eabbath unless to this splendid consummation."-Rev. S. V. Statesman said editorially: -
Sunday observance by law. "In this way," they are forced to do so. But that can be Leech, D. D., in Homiletic Review, November, "Whenever they (the Roman Catholics)
says Neander, "the church received help easily done, We have twenty million of men, 1892. are willing to cooperate in resisting the prog-
from the state for the furtherance of her besides women and children, in this country, 23. Who is responsible for the present ress of political atheism, we will gladly join
ends." In this way church and state were who want this country to keep the Christian State Sunday laws of the United States? hands with them."
united, and the Papacy was placed in power. sabbath. If we would say we will not sell "During nearly all our American history Five years later, Nov. 10-12, 1889, in a
The same course pursued now will produce anything to them, we will not buy anything the churches have influenced the States to congress of Catholic laymen held in Balti-
the same results. from them, we will not work for them, or hire make and improve Sabbath laws."-Rev. more, Md., this response was made to Prot-
It is proper and right for the church to them to work for us, the thing could be wiped W. F. Crafts, in Christian Statesman, July, estant proffers of cooperation: -
teach Sabbath observance, and to decry out, and all the world would keep the Chris- 3, 1890. "'There are many Christian issues on which
Sabbath desecration; but it should not at- tian sabbath." NOTES.-"These Sunday laws are a Catholics could come together with non-
survival of the complete union of church Catholics and shape legislation for the public
and state which existed at the founding of weal. In spite of rebuff and injustice, and
the colony."-Boston Post, April 14, 1907. overlooking zealotry, we should seek affiance
"Such laws [as the Maryland Sunday law with non-Catholics for proper Sunday ob-
of 1723) were the outgrowth of the system of servance."- Chicago Inter-Ocean, Nov. 13,
religious intolerance that prevailed in many 1889.
of the colonies."-Decision of Court of Ap- The same report adds that "the planks
peals of the District of Columbia, Jan. 21, 1908. of education, labor, and Sunday observance
The first Sunday law in America, that of were received with the greatest demonstra-
Virginia, in 1610, required church attendance, tions."
and prescribed the death penalty for the
third offense. See "American State Papers,"
ed. 1911, p. 33. THE BEREAN LIBRARY
24. Why is a national Sunday law de- Ar.r. who desire to study further the impor-
manded? tant Bible subjects presented in this series of
"The national law is needed to make the Extras should order from this list of valuable
State laws complete and effective."-Chris- books put up in paper covers, postpaid, at the
tian Statesman, April 11, 1889. following very low prices : -
Homage in Religious Matters Steps to Christ, 244 pages $ .25
Thoughts on Daniel, 345 pages .30
25. Since the Sunday sabbath originated Thoughts on Revelation, 430 pages .35
with the Roman power (the beast), to whom Religious Liberty in America, 448 pages .35
will men yield homage, when, knowing the His Glorious Appearing, 724 pages .15
facts, they choose to observe Sunday instead The Sabbath in the Scriptures, 276 pages .25
of the Bible Sabbath, in deference to com- The Sabbath in History, boo pages .50
pulsory Sunday laws? Capital and Labor, 208 pages .25
"Know ye not that to whom ye yield your- Here and Hereafter, 36o pages .30
selves servants to obey, his servants ye are to Bible Footlights, 320 pages •35
whom ye obey?" Rom. 6: 16. Our Paradise Home, 728 pages .15
NOTES,-"The observance of Sunday by Order from the publishers, whose
DESTROYING ova CHARTERS OF LIBERTY the Protestants is an homage they pay, in address is given below
spite of themselves, to the authority of the
tempt to secure Sabbath observance through The Original Authority for the Observ- [Catholic) Church."-"Plain Talk about the
compulsory legislation; nor should it seek to ance of Sunday as Sabbath Protestantism of Today," p. 218.
fasten upon the people by any means the ob- 20. By what authority was Sunday-sab-
servance of a day which God has never en- bath keeping instituted?
The conscientious observance of Sunday as
the Sabbath on the part of those who hitherto
The Advent Review
joined, and for which, as is admitted by all,
there is no Scriptural command.
By the authority of the Catholic Church. have supposed it to be the Sabbath, has,
Novas.-" You may read the Bible from without doubt, been accepted of God ast
and Sabbath Herald
The Mark of the Beast Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find Sabbath keeping. It is only when light Msy 8, 1916
a single line authorizing the sanctification of comes that sin is imputed. John 9:41;
18. What does the prophet say the two- Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious 15: 22; Acts 17: 30. ISSUED EACH THURSDAY 8Y THE
horned beast will attempt to enforce upon observance of Saturday, a day which we never 26. What does Christ say about our duty
all the people? sanctify."- Cardinal Gibbons, in "The Faith to the state? Review & Herald Publishing Assn.
"He causeth all, both small and great, of Our Fathers," ed. 1892, p. 111. "Render therefore unto Ccesar the things
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a "Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its which are Casar's; and unto God the things Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
mark in their right hand, or in their fore- claims to observance can be defended only on that are God's." Matt. 22: 21. Terms: in Advance
heads." Rev. 13: 16, Catholic principles. . From beginning to Norm- The Sabbath belongs to God. Its One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00
NOTES.- This mark is the mark of the end of Scripture there is not a single passage observance, therefore, should be rendered Three Months $ .50
beast, or the false sabbath. See Rev. 14:9, that warrants the transfer of weekly public only to him.
10. The hand is the symbol of labor; the worship from the last day of the week to the 27. What special miracle is finally to be [Entered as second-class matter, Aug. re. mos, at the
forehead of the mind, or that with which we first."- Catholic Press (Sydney, Australia), performed to deceive men, and fasten them post office at Washington, D. C.. under the act of Con-
guess of March 3, Msg.)
worship. See Eccl. 9: 10; Rom. 7:25. To Aug. 26, 1900. in deception?

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