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The Law and the. Gospel-Extra No.


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Vol. 93 Takoma Park Station. Washington, D. C. No. 2

Christ. When there wes no power in ourselves the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy
to keep us from sin, no power in us to save us will, 0 my Cod: yea, thy law is within my heart."
from the consequences of sins already commit- Ps.40:7, 8. See Heb. 10:5, 7.
ted, no power in us to achieve righteousness by 8. Who did he say would enter the kingdom
the deeds we might do, then came the gospel of heaven?
of Christ, "the power of God unto salvation." "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord,
Then came Christ, bearing "our sins in his own Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
body on the tree;" "made . . . sin for us," but he that cloak the will of my Father which is
that he might pay the penalty of the broken in heaven." Matt. 7: 21.
law for us, and confer upon us an inheritance
9. What did he say of those who should
in the kingdom of righteousness. break one of God's commandments, or should
teach men to do so?
The Law Fulfilled in Christ
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these
Thus we see that them is no conflict between least commandments, and shall teach men so,
the law and the gospel. The one reveals sin, the he shall be called the least in the kingdom of
other reveals the remedy. The one reveals the heaven." Matt. 5:19, first part.
character of God, the other reveals the only 10. Who did he say would be called great in
arrangement whereby we can have bestowed the kingdom?
upon us the likeness of that character. The "But whosoever shall do and teach them, the
TIIE GIVING OF THE LAW one reveals heaven's rule of government, the same shall be called great in the kingdom."
THE CROSS OF CALVARY other reveals the only arrangement God has Same verse, last part.
made to counteract the effect of Satan's rebel- 11. For what did Christ reprove the Phari-
lion against that government. Thus do the sees?
two work together, and thus will they continue
The Law and the Gospel to work together until sin and all the results of
sin have been eradicated from the universe.
"But he answered and said unto them, Why
do ye also transgress the commandment of God
By C. M. Snow Then will the gospel roses, for salvation will by your tradition?" Matt. 15:3.
have been completed; but the law will never 12. In consequence of this, what value did
Perfect Harmony good." Rom. 7:12, A. R. V. James calls it cease. "The sum of thy word is truth; and Christ place upon their worship?
the perfect law, the law of liberty." James every one of thy righteous ordinances endureth "But in vain they do worship me, teaching for
Gon's work is not self-destructive. forever." Ps. 119:160. doctrines the commandments of men." Verse 9.
Free salvation does not put a license on sin. 1: 25. Did Christ come to the world to abolish
Therefore the gospel does not abolish the law. that which was holy and righteous and good -.- -4-
The Apostles' Teaching
The law of God came into the world for a defi- and perfect? - Nay, verily; for those are
the very qualities of his own character. Be- 13. What is sin declared to be?
nite purpose- that man might know the char- A BIBLE STUDY "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also
acter of God and the principles that underlie cause his character was in perfect harmony the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."
his government. There must be the utmost with that law, he was holy and righteous and The Law of God 1 John 3:4.
harmony between the character of God, the law good and perfect. The law of God being the 14. By what is the knowledge of sin?
of God, and those who are accounted worthy expression of his character, God could not abol- 1. WREN God brought his people out of "For by the law is the knowledge of sin,"
of eternal life. "We shall be like him," says ish it without abolishing his own attributes. Egypt, how did he republish his law? Rom. 3:20. See Rona. 7: 7.
the apostle John, "for we shall see him as he The conflict in heaven never was between right- "And the Lord snake unto you out of the 15. How many of the commandments is it
is." When the universe is freed from the dis- eousness and righteousness,-between perfec- midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, necessary to break in order to become a trans-
ease of sin, there will be one unbroken harmony tion and perfection,- but between righteousness but saw no similitude; only ye heard a voice. gressor of the law?
of life and character through all the realm of God. and unrighteousness, perfection and imperfec- And he declared unto you his covenant, which he For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and
The apostle says, "I am not ashamed of the tion. So Christ says: "Think not that I cares Commanded you to perform, even ten cconmand- yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For
gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not ments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone." he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also,
salvation." Sin made salvation necessary. to destroy, but to fulfill.' 'Matt. 5: 17. On Dent. 4:12, 13. See also Neb. 9: 13, 14. Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery,
"Sin is the transgression of the law." That the other hand, we read, "To this end was the 2. Where are the ten commandments re- yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor
salvation which the gospel brings to light is Son of God manifested, that he might destroy corded? of the law." James 2:10, 11.
salvation from sin and its consequences - death. the works of the devil." If he abolished the In Ex. 20: 2-17. Nora.- This shows that the ten command-
The necessity of salvation proves the existence law, the inevitable conclusion would be that the 3. How comprehensive are these command- ments are a complete whole, and together con-
of sin; and the existence of sin proves the exist- law was of iniquitous origin, a part of the works ments? stitute but one law. Like a chain of ten links,
ence of the law, for "sin is the transgression of the devil. Thus we see what dishonor it "Fear God, and keep his commandments: for all are inseparably connected. If one link is
of the law." brings upon God to claim the abolition of his law broken, the chain is broken.
through the mediatorial work of Christ. The this is the whole duly of man." &el. 12: 13.
The Law and the Gospel Must-Stand devil had sinned and caused many other of the
or Fall Together angels to sin. When the angels sinned, they
transgressed the law of God. "For if God
If, then, we assert the abolition of the law spared not angels when they sinned, . . . the
because of the existence of the gospel, we take Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of
away the very necessity for the existence of the temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under
gospel. If the law is abolished, there is no sin, punishment unto the day of judgment." 2 Peter
for "sin is not imputed where there is no law." 2: 4-9. For God to abolish the law which they
If there is no sin, there is no need of salvation, transgressed would be to acknowledge that the
no need of a Saviour, no need of a gospel. Take law and the giver of the law were in the wrongs;
the law of God out of this world, and God could and Satan and all his angels were in the right:
not condemn any man for any act he might do. It would palliate the sin, excuse the sinner, and
There would be no sin then, for we cannot trans- declare the law imperfect and unjust. Satan
greens a law that does not exist. There would be would indeed have cause to exult if that were
no salvation then, for we cannot be saved from done. It would be the proof of all his accusa-
a condition that does not exist. There would be tions against God and his government. As
no gospel then, for God will never proclaim long as men are being judged righteous or un-
the "good news" of a salvation for which there righteous, worthy of eternal life or meriting
is no need. eternal death, God cannot abolish the law, for
The Existence of Sin Proves That the that is his only standard of righteousness.
Moral Law Is Binding Christ a Commandment Keeper
The Word declares, "If we confess our sins, Christ declares of himself: "I have kept my
he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and Father's commandments, and abide in his love."
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Again: John 15: 10. Because he did that, the Word
"All have sinned, and come short of the glory calls him "Jesus Christ the righteous." Again:
of God." The Bible, in both the Old and the "Be ye holy; for I am holy." What is the test
New Testament, recognizes the presence of sin in of holiness? - The law, there is no other. "Ye
the earth, It must therefore recognize the ex- therefore shall be perfect, as your Heavenly
istence of the law of which sin is the transgres- Father is perfect." Matt. 5:48. The standard
sion. As the forgiveness of our sins depends of perfection is the law -"Whoso looketh into "THINK NOT THAT T AM COME TO DESTROY THE LAW OR THE PROPHETS."-JESUS
upon the confession of our sins, and as the fact the perfect law of liberty." Looking into that
of our being sinners proves the existence of the law, we see revealed the defects of our charac- 4. What inspired tribute is paid to the law 16.What will be the standard in the judgment?
law of God, we see at once that the forgiveness ter. If we are faulty, it reflects our faults; if of God? "So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be
of our sins depends upon our recognition of the righteous, it witnesses to that righteousness. "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the judged by the law of liberty." Verse 12.
existence of the law of God. soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making 17. How do those with renewed hearts and
The Law Points Out Our Sins
A Perfect Law wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are minds regard the commandments of God?
But that law, perfect as perfection itself, can- right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of "For this is the love of God, that we keep his
If that law were abrogated by the death of not confer perfection upon us. It can reveal the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes," Ps. commandments: and his commandments are not
Christ while we still live in him, then we should it, or the lack of it, in us; but the very test of 19:7, 8. grievous." 1 John 5: 3.
be driven to the conclusion that the trouble was its perfection is that it can reveal our every im- 5. What blessing does the psalmist say at- 18. What is said of one who professes to know
with the law rather than with us who had broken perfection. The remedy for our imperfection tends the keeping of God's commandments?' the Lord, but does not keep his commandments?
it. It would mean that the law was imperfect is not in the law, but in something outside of "Moreover by them is thy servant warned: "He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not
or unjust, or both, and that the only way to get the law. It is found in the gospel of Jesus and in keeping of them there is great reward." his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is
rid of it and save our Uwe was for Christ to be Christ. We cannot be saved in our sins-but Verse 11. not in him." 1 John 2: 4.
slain under its condemnation, that he might we can be saved. Jesus Christ was "mani- 19. What promise is nude to the willing and
thereby, in some unexplainable way, remove fested to put away sin by the sacrifice of him- Christ's Teaching Concerning the Law obedient?
the faulty code from the realm of God. self." Heb. 9:26, "The blood of Jesus his 6. What did Christ state as a condition of "If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the
Son cleanseth us from all sin." 1 John 1: 7. entering into life? good of the land." Isa. 1:19.
Christ Did Not Come to Abolish a "If thou wilt enter into life, keep the amunand-
Holy Law Christ Takes Away Our Sins The Testimony of the Psalmist
ments." Matt. 19:17.
But what is the word of Inspiration in refer- That righteousness, that perfection in the eye 7. When Christ oame to this earth, what was 20. What is said of those who love God's law?
ence thereto? "So that the law. is holy, and of the law, comes to us through Christ; and the his attitude toward God's will, or law? "Great peace have they which love thy law: and
the commandment holy, and righteous, and "good news" of that feet is the gospel of Jesus "Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of nothing shall offend them." Ps. 119: 165.

21. What is another blessing attending the The Moral and Ceremonial Laws 44. What is the nature of the moral law? foolishness; but unto them which are called,
keeping of God's commandments? "The law of the Lord is perfect, converting both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God,
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- 36. Sy whom was the ten-commandment
dom: a good understanding have all they that do law proclaimed? the soul." Ps. 19:7, "For we know that the and the wisdom of God." 1 Con 1:23, 24.
law is spiritual." Rom. 7:14. 56. What was foretold concerning Chri-t's
his commandments." Ps. 111: 10. "And the Lord spoke unto you out of the midst attitude toward the law of God?
22. In what done the man delight whom the of the fire: ye heard the voice of the words, but 45. Could the offerings commanded by the
ceremonial law satisfy or make perfect the con- "Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the
psalmist describes as blessed? saw no similitude; oily ye heard a voice. And book it is written of me, I delight to do thy wilt,
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the he declared unto you his covenant; which he com- science of the believer?
counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way manded you to perform, even ten commandments; 0 my God: yea, thy taw is written within my heart."
"Which was a figure for the time then present, Ps. 40: 7, 8.
of sinners, nor aitteth in the seat of the scornful. and he wrote them upon two tables of stone." in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices,
But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in Deut. 4:12, 13. that could not make him that did the service perfect, Faith and the Law
his law cloth he meditate day as pertaining to the conscience." 57. Does the faith which brings righteousness
and night." Ps. 1:1, 2. See Heb. 9: 9. abolish the law?
Rom. 7:22. "Do we then make void the law through
The Ceremonial Law Abol-
The Perpetuity of the Law ished by Christ faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law,
23. What is said of the sta- The Law of God 46. How did Christ's death
Rom. 3: 31.
NOTE.-The law reveals the perfection of
bility of God's character?
"For I am the Lord, I
I affect the ceremonial law? character required, and so gives a knowledge of
Thou shalt have no other gods before me. "Blotting out the handwriting sin; but it is powerless to confer the character
change not" Mal. 3: 6. of ordinances that was against demanded. In the gospel, the law, first written
24. How enduring are his II us, which was contrary to us, in the heart of Christ, becomes "the law of the
commandments? Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or and took it out of the way, Spirit of life in Christ Jesus," and is thus trims-
"The works of his hands are any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is neiliee it to his cross." Col. ferred to the heart of the believer, in whose
verity and judgment; all his in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the 2: 14. "Having abolished in heart Christ dwells by faith. Thus the new
commandments are sure. They earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve his flesh the enmity, even the covenant ponds,' is fulfilled that the law shall
stand fast forever and ever, and them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting taw of COMMandMeniti contained be written in the heart, This is the genuine
are done in truth and upright- the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third in ordinances." Eph. 2:15. experience of righteousness by faith,- a right-
ness." Ps. 111:7, 8. and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing 47. Why was the ceremonial eousness which is witnessed by the law, and re-
25. Did Christ come to mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my law taken away? vealed in the life in harmony with the law.
abolish or to destroy the law? commandments. "For there is a disannuiling The gospel is thus seen to be the provision for
"Think not that I am come of a foregoing commandment restoring the law to its place in the heart and
III because of its weakness and un- life of the one who believes on Christ and ac-
to destroy the law, or the Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in profitableness (for the law made cepts his mediatoriel work. Such faith, instead
prophets: I am not come to vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh nothing perfect), and a bringing of making void the law, establishes it in the
destroy, but to fulfill." Math his name in vain. in thereupon of a better hope, heart of the believer. The gospel is not against
5: 17. through which we draw nigh the law, therefore, but upholds, maintains, and
Nora,- "The moral law unto God." Heb. 7: 18, 19, presents the law to us in Christ.
contained in the ten com- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days R. V. 58. What did Christ take away when he died
mandments, and enforced by shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: but the seventh day 48. What miraculous event oc-
is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not upon the cross?
the prophets, did not take curred at the death of Christ "The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto
away. It was not the design do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man signifying that the sacrificial
servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy him, and saitb, Behold the Lamb of God, which
of his coming to revoke any system was forever at an end? taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29.
part of this. . . . Every part stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord "Jesus, when he had cried 59. What has Christ abolished by his death
of the law must remain in made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and again with a loud voice, yielded and resurrection?
force upon all mankind and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the up the ghost. And, behold, the "But is now made manifest by the appearing
in all ages, as not depending Sabbath day, and hallowed it. veil of the temple was rent in of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished
either on time or place, or any V twain from the top to the bot- death, and hath brought life and immortality
other circumstance liable to Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be tom." Matt. 27:50, 51. to light through the gospel." 2 Tim. 1: 10.
change, but on the nature of long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 49. In what words had the 60. What scripture shows that God's remnant
God, and the nature of man, prophet Daniel foretold this? people will have a right conception of the proper
and their unchangeable rela- VI "And he shall confirm the relation between the law of God and the gospel
tion to each other."- John Thou shalt not kill, covenant with many for one of Jesus Christ?
Wesley, in his "Sermons," Vol. week: and in the midst of the "Hem is the patience of the saints: here are
I, No. 26, pages 221, 222. VII week he shall cause the sacrifice they that keep the commandments of God, and the
26. When used with refer- Thou shalt not commit adultery. and the oblation to cease." faith of Jesus." Rev. 14: 12.
ence to prophecy, what does Dan. 9 : 27.
the word fulfill mean? VIII 50. How enduring is the moral -4-
To fill up; to accomplish; to Thou shalt not steal. law?
bring to pass; as, "that it "Concerning thy testimonies, The Witness of the Law and
might be fulfiled which was IX I have known of old that thou the Prophets
spoken by Esaias the prophet." Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. host founded them forever." Ps. TEE Jewish Scriptures to which Christ ap-
Matt. 4:14, 119:152. pealed consisted of the law and the prophets.
27. What does it mean when The Relation of the Law Both bore witness to him as the Messiah.
used with reference to law? Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt Both prepared his way. Both were fulfilled
not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man servant, nor his to the Gospel
To perform, to keep, or to by him.
act in accordance with; as, maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is 51. What is one of the uses of The moral law revealed the disease for which
"Bear ye one anther's bur- thy neighbor's. the law? lit brought the remedy. Rs precepts were de-
dens, and so fulfill the law of "Therefore by the deeds of signed to convince of sin. On the other hand,
Christ." Gal. 6:2. See also the law there shall no flesh be the ceremonial law was suited to typify the
Matt. 3:15; James 2:8, 9. justified in his sight: for by the remedy for sin. It contained a shadow of the
28. How did Christ treat his Father's com- 37. How was the ceremonial law made law is the knowledge of sin." Rom. 3:20. "good things" of the gospel. It pictured the
mandments? known to Israel? 52. In thus making known sin, and the con- way of salvation.
"I have kept my Father's commandments, "And the Lord called unto Moses, . sequent need of a Saviour, what part does the What the ceremonial law obscurely typified,
and abide in his love." John 15:10, saying, speak unto the children of Israel, and law act? the prophets more plainly predicted. Both
"Wherefore the late was our schoolmaster to pointed to the coming Messiah. The daily
The Relation of Faith to Command- say unto them, If any man of you bring an offer- bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified sacrifices of the one and the successive utter-
ment Keeping ing," etc. Lev. 1:1, 2. "This is the law of
the burnt offering, of the meat offering, and of the by faith." Gal. 3: 24. ances of the other, pointed to "the Lamb of
29. Does faith in God make void the law? ein offering, and of the trespass offering, and of 53. What is the gospel declared to be? God, which taketh away the sin of the world,"
"Do we then make void the law through the consecrations, and of the sacrifice of the peace "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: The fulfillment of the moral law, the cere-
faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law." offerings; which the Lord commanded Moses for it is the power of God unto salvation to every monial law, and the prophets, in the character
Rom. 3:31. in Mount Sinai in the day that he commanded one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to and work of Christ, is a threefold cord of evi-
dence which cannot be broken. He, and he
30. What, more than all else, proves the per- the children of Israel to offer their oblations the Greek." Rom. 1: 16.
petuity and immutability of the law of God? unto the Lord, in the wildernees of Sinai." 54. What is the si,ificance of the name be- alone, perfectly fulfilled the precepts of the
Lev. 7:37, 38. stowed by the angel - upon the Saviour before moral law. He, and he alone, fulfilled the types
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his of the ceremonial law. He, and he alone, ful-
only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in 38. Were the ten commandments a distinct his birth? filled the predictions of the prophets. By his
him should not perish but have everlasting and complete law by themselves? "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou
life." John 3:16. "Christ died for our sine." shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his fulfillment of the moral law he became a law.
"These words the Lord spoke unto all your people from their sins." Matt. 1:21. He translated its written precepts into living
1 Cor. 15:3. assembly in the mount out of the midst of the
Nato,- Could the law have been abolished, fu of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, revealed? 55. In whom is this power to save from sin deeds. With his death the ceremonial system
came to an end,- "Creation Centered in Christ,"
and sin been disposed of in this way, Christ need wi a great voice: and he added no more. And "But we preach Christ crucified, unto the H. Grattan Guinness, D. D., London, Hodder and
not have come and died for our ems. The gift he wrote them in two tables of stone, and de- Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks Stoughton, 1898, pages 31, 82.
of Christ, therefore, more than all else, proves livered them unto me." Deut. 5:22. "And
the immutability of the law of God. Christ the Lord said unto Moses, Come up to me into
must. come and die, and satisfy the claims of the the mount, and be there: and I will give thee
law, or the world must perish. The law could tables of stone, and a law, and commandments
not give way. Says Spurgeon in his sermon on which I have written." Ex. 24:12. THE TWO LAWS CONTRASTED
"The Perpetuity of the Law of God," "Our 39. Was the ceremonial law a complete law
Lord Jesus Christ gave a greater vindication of in itself? THE CEREMONIAL LAW
the law by dying because it had been broken, THE MORAL LAW
than all the lost can ever give by their miser- The law of commandments contained in ordi- Is called "the law . . . con-
Is called the "royal law." James
ies." The fact that the law is to be the stand- nances." Eph. 2:15. 2: 8. tained in ordinances." Eph.
ard in the judgment is another moot of its 40. On what did God write the ten command-
enduring nature. See Ecel. 12:13, 14; James merits? a 2:15.
2: 8-12. "And he declared unto you his covenant, Was spoken by God. Petit. 4: Was spoken by Moses. Lev. 1:
31. What relation does a justified person which he commanded you to perform, even 12, 13. 1-3.
sustain to the law? ten commandments; and he wrote them upon Was written by God on tables of Was " the handwriting of ordi-
"For not the hearers of the law are just : be- two tables of stone." Deut, 4:13. nances." Col. 2:14.
stone. Ex. 24:12.
fore God, but the deem of the law shall be justi- 41. In what were the laws or commandments
fied." Rom. 2: 13. respecting sacrifices and burnt offerings written? Was written "with the finger of Was written by Moses in a book.
32. By what may we know that we have God." Ex. 31:18. 2 Citron, 35: 12.
"And they removed the burnt offerings, that
passed from death unto life? they might give according to the divisions of the Was placed in the ark. Ex. 40: Was placed in the side of the ark.
"We know that we have passed from death families of the people, to offer unto the Lord, as 20; 1 Kings 8: 9; Heb. 9: 4. Deut. 31:24-26.
unto life, because we love the brethren," 1 John it is written in the koo of Moses. 2 Chien. Is " perfect." Ps. 19:7. " Made nothing perfect." Heb.
3:14. 35:12. 7:19.
33. And how may we know that we love the 42. Where were the ten commandments
brethren? placed? Is to "stand fast forever." Ps. Was nailed to the cross. Col.
"By this we know that we love the children 111:7, 8. 2: 14.
of Goa, when we love God, and keep his command- "And he took and put the testimony into the
ark, . . . and put the mercy seat above upon Was not destroyed by Christ. Matt. Was abolished by Christ. Eph.
ments. John 5:2. 2 : 15.
the ark." Ex. 40:20. 5:17.
34. What is the love of God?
"For this is the love of God, that toe keep his 43. Where did Moses command the Levites Was to be magnified by Christ. Was taken out of the way by
commandments." Verse 3. to put the book of the law which he had written? Isa. 52:21. Christ. Col, 2: 14.
35. How are those described who will be pre- "Moses commanded the Levites, which bare Gives knowledge of sin. Rom. 3: Was instituted in consequence of
pared for the coming of Christ? the ark of the covenant of the Lord, saying, sin. Leviticus 3-7.
"Here is the patience of the saints: here are Take this book of the law, and put it in the aide 20; 7:7.
they that keep the commandments of God, of the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God."
and the faith of Jesus." Rev. 14: 12 Dent. 31:25, 26.
the Saviour went to the tree, and there bore our
The Perpetuity of the Law of God sins, and purged them once for all, He was
crushed beneath the load of our guilt, and cried,
by it, though sin has rendered him incapable
of doing so.
I should like to ask any brother who thinks
By C. H. Spurgeon "My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto that God has put us under an altered rule:
death," and at last, when he had borne — Which particular part of the law is it that God
"Foe verily I say unto you, Till heaven and they greatly err. I can only say that the sup- has relaxed?
earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise posed adaptation is no more adapted to us than "All that incarnate God could bear,
pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Matt, the original law. If there could be conceived With strength enough, but none to spare," Which Precept
5: 18. to be any difference in difficulty, it might be he bowed his head and said, "It is finished."
I gather from our text two things upon which easier to keep the ten than the two; for if we go Our Lord Jesus Christ gave a greater vindica- do you feel free to break? Which law is it that
I shall speak at this time. The first is that the no deeper than the letter, the two are mere ex- God has exempted you from? That law of wor-
tion to the law by dying, because it had been shiping him only? Do you propose to have
law of God is perpetual: "Till heaven and earth acting, since they deal with the— broken, than all the lost can ever give by their
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass another god? Do you intend to make graven
Heart and Soul and Mind. miseries. He has borne all that was due from images? The fact is that when we come to de-
from the law." The meaning is that even ia his people, and the law is defrauded of nothing.
the least point it must abide till all be fulfilled. The ten commands mean all that the two ex- By his death he has vindicated the honor of tail, we cannot afford to lose a single link of this
Secondly, we perceive that the law must be ful- press; but if we forget this, and look only at the wonderful golden chain, which is perfect in every
God's moral government and made it just for part as well as perfect as a whole. The law is —
filled: Not one jot or one tittle shall peas from wording of them, I say it is harder for a man to him to be merciful. When—
the law, till all be fulfilled He who came to Absolu tely Complete
bring in the gospel dispensation here asserts hTh eLawgiver Him-
that he has not come to destroy the law, but self Submits to and you ran neither add to it nor take from it.
to fulfill it. the Law, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and
PART I yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For
when the Sovereign he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also,
The Law Perpetual himself bears the ex- Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery,
treme penalty of that yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor
First, the law of God must be perpetual. law, then is the justice of the law." If, then, no part of it can be taken
There is no abrogation of it, nor amendment of of God set upon such down, it must stand, and stand forever.
it. It is not to be toned down or adjusted to a glorious high throne A third reason I will give why the law must
our fallen condition; but every one of the Lord's that all admiring be perpetual is that to suppose it altered is most
righteous judgments abideth forever. I would worlds must wonder dangerous. To take away from the law its per-
urge three reasons which will establish this at it. If therefore it petuity is, first of all, to take away from it its
teaching. is clearly proved that power to convince of sin. Is it so that I, being
In the first place, our Lord Jesus declares that Jesus was obedient to an imperfect creature, am not expected to keep
he did not come to abolish it. His words are the law, even to the a perfect law? Then it follows that I do not
most express: "Think not that I am (come to extent of death, he sin when I break the law; and if all that is re-
destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come certainly did not come quired of me is that I am to do according to the
to destroy, but to fulfill." And Paul tells us to abolish or abrogate best of my knowledge and ability, then I have —
with regard to the gospel, "Do we then make it. And if he did not
void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, remove it, who can do A Very Convenient Rule Indeed,
we establish the law." Rom. 3: 31. The gos- so? If he declares
pel is the means of the firm establishment and that he came to estab- and most men will take care to adjust it so as to
vindication of the law of God. lish it, who shall over- give themselves as much latitude as possible.
throw it? By removing the law you have done away with
Jesus Came to Explain It sin; for sin is the t on of the law, and
Jesus did not come to change the law, but he The Law Perpetual where there is no law t ere is no transgression.
came to explain it, and that very fact shows by Nature When you have done away with sin, you may as
that it remains; for there is no need to explain well have done away with the Saviour and with
that which is abrogated. Upon one particular But, secondly, the salvation; for they are by no means needful.
point in which there happened to be a little cere- law of God must be When you have reduced sin to a minimum, what
monialism involved, namely, the keeping of the perpetual from its need is there of that great and glorious salva-
Sabbath, our Lord enlarged, and showed that very nature; for does tion which Jesus Christ has come to bring into
the Jewish idea was not the true one. The it not strike you the the world? Brethren, we must have none of
Pharisees forbade even the doing of works of moment you think of this; it is evidently a way of mischief.
necessity and mercy, such as rubbing care' of it that right must al- By lowering the law you weaken its power in
corn to satisfy hunger, and healing the sick. ways be right, truth the hands of God as a convincer of sin. "By
Our Lord Jesus showed that it was not at all must always be tntth, the law is the knowledge of sin."
according to the mind of God to forbid these and purity must al-
things. In straining over the letter, and carry- ways be purity? Be- It Is the Looking-Glass
ing an outward observance to excess, they had fore the ten command-
ments were published which shows us our spots, and that is a most
missed the spirit of the Sabbath law, which useful thing, though nothing but the gospel can
suggested works of piety such as truly hallow at Sinai, there was wash them away.
the day. He showed that — still that same law of It 1.9 only a pure and perfect law that the holy
right and wrong laid
Sabbatic Rest open men by the ne- Spirit can use in order to show to us our deprav-
C. Et. SPURGEON cessity of their being ity and sinfulness. Lower the law, and you dim
was not mere inaction, and he said: "My. Father the light by which man perceives his guilt.
worketh hitherto, and I work." He pointed to God's creatures This is a very serious loss to the sinner, rather
the priests who labored hard at offering sacri- love God with all his heart, with all his soul, than a gain; for it lessens the likelihood of his
with all his mind, and with all his strength, and Right Was Always Right
fices, and said of them: "The priests in the tem- conviction and conversion.
ple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless." his neighbor as himself, than it would be merely before a single command had been committed to You have also taken away from' the law its
They were doing divine service, and were within to abstain from killing, stealing, and false wit- words. When Adam was in the garden, it was power to shut us up to the faith of Christ,
the law. To meet the popular error he took ness. Christ has not, therefore, abrogated or at always right that he should love his Maker,
care to do some of his grandest miracles upon all moderated the law to meet our helplessness; and it would always have been wrong that he What Is the Law of God For?
the Sabbath day; and though this excited great he has left it in all its sublime perfection, as it should have been at cross-purpoees with his
wrath against him, as if he were a law breaker, always most be left; and he has pointed out God; and it does not matter what happens in For us to keep in order to be saved by it? —
yet he did it on purpose that they might see how deep are its foundations, how elevated are this world, or what changes take place in the Not at all. It is sent in order to show us that
that the Sabbath was made for man, and not its heights, how measureless are its length and universe, it never can be right to lie, or to com- we cannot be saved by works, and to shut us up
man for the Sabbath, and that it was meant to be breadth. Like the laws of the Medes and the mit adultery, or murder, or theft, or to worship to be saved by grace. But if you make out that
a day for doing that which honors God and Persians, God's commands cannot be altered; an idol god. I will not say that the principles the law is altered so that a man can keep it, you
blesses men. 0 that men knew how to keep the we are saved by another method. of right and wrong are as absolutely self-existent have left him his old legal hope, and he is sure to
spiritual Sabbath by ceasing from all servile cling to it, You need a perfect law that shuts
as God, but I do say that I cannot grasp the idea man
The Law Lived by Christ • right up to—
work, and from all work done for self! of God himself as existing apart from his being
To show that he never meant to abrogate the always holy and always true; so that the very
The Rest of Faith law, our Lord Jesus has embedied all its eom- Hopelessness Apart From Jesus,
idea of right and wrong seems to me to be neces-
is the true Sabbath, and the service of God is mantle in his own life. In his own person there sarily permanent, and cannot pre sibly be shifted. that puts him into an iron cage, and locks him
the most acceptable hallowing of the day. 0 was a nature which was perfectly conformed You cannot bring right down to a lower level; up, and offers him no escape but by faith in
that the day were wholly spent in serving God to the law of God; and as was his nature such it must be where it always is. Right is right Jesus; then he begins to cry, "Lord, save me by
and doing good! The sum of our Lord's teach- was his life. He could say, "Which of you con- eternally, and cannot be wrong. You cannot grace, for I perceive that I cannot be saved by
ing was that works of necessity, works of mercy, vinceth me of sin?" and again, "I have'kept my lift up wrong and make it somewhat right; it my own works." This is how Paul describes it
and works of piety are lawful on the Sabbath. Father's commandments, and abide in his love." must be wrong while the world etandeth. to the Galatians: "The Scripture bath concluded
He did explain the law in that point and in . . . He was so perfect and pure, so infinitely Heaven and earth may pass away, but not the all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus
others, yet the explanation did not alter the good, and so complete in his agreement and smallest letter or accent of the moral law can Christ might be given to them that believe.
command, but only removed the rust of tradi- communion with the Father, that he in all things possibly change. In spirit the law is eternal. But before faith came, we were kept under the
tion which had settled upon it. By thus explain- carried out the Father's will. The Father said law, shut up unto the faith which should after-
ing the law he confirmed it; he could not have of him, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am It Does Not Ask Too Much wards be revealed. Wherefore the law was —
meant to abolish it, or he would not have needed well pleased; hear ye him." Point out, if you The law of God is no more than God might
possibly can, any way in which Christ has vio- Our Schoolmaster
to expound it. most righteously ask of us. If God were about
Our Lord Jesus Christ, in addition to explain- lated the law, or left it unfulfilled. There was to give us a more tolerant law, it would be an to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justi-
never an unclean thought or rebellious desire in
ing the law and pointing out its spiritual char-
his soul; he had nothing to regret or to retract. admission on his part that he asked too much fied by faith." I say you have deprived the
acter, also unveiled —
He was thrice tempted in the wilderness, and at first. Can that be supposed? Was there, gospel of its ablest anxiliary when you have set
Its Living Essence; the enemy had the impertinence even to sug- after all, somejustification for the statement of aside the law. You have taken away from it
gest idolatry, but he instantly overthrew the the wicked and slothful servant when he said, the schoolmaster. that is to bring men to Christ.
for when one asked him, "Which is the great
adversary. The prince of this world came to "I feared thee, because thou art an austere No; it must stand, and stand in all its terrors,
commandment in the law?" he said, "Thou
him, but he found nothing in him. man"? It cannot be. For God to alter his to drive men away from self-righteousness, and
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, law would be an admission that he made a mis- constrain them to Hy to Christ. They will never
and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. "My dear Redeemer and my Lord, take at first, that he put poor, imperfect men accept grace till they tremble before a just and
This is the first and great commandment. And I read my duty in thy Word; (we are often hearing that said) under too rigor- holy law. Therefore the law serves a most
the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy But in thy life the law appears ous a regime, and therefore he is now prepared necessary and blessed purpose, and it must not
neighbor as thyself. On these two command- Drawn out in living characters." to abate his claims, and make them more rea- be removed from its place.
ments hang all the law and the prophets." In sonable. To alter the law is to leave us without any
other words, he has told us, All the law is fulfilled Once more, that the Master did not come to law at, alL A sliding scale of duty is —
alter the law is clear, because after having em- A Specious but False Doctrine
in this bodied it in his life, he willingly gave himself up An Immoral Invention,
"Thou Shalt Love." to bear its penalty, though he had never broken It has been said that man's moral inability to
There is the pith and marrow of it. Does any it, bearing the peualty for us, even as it if; writ- keep the perfect law exempts hire from the duty fatal to the principles of law. If each man is to
man say to me, "You see, then, instead of ten, "Christ bath redeemed us from the curse of doing so. This is very specious, but it is be accepted because he does his best, we are all
the ten commandments, we have received the of the law, being made a curse for us." "All we utterly false. Man's inability is not of the kind doing our best. Is there anybody that is not?
two commandments, and these are much like sheep have gone astray; we have turned which removes responsibility; it is moral, not If we take their words for it, all our fellow men
easier"? I answer that this reading of the'law every one to his own way; and the Lord bath physical. Never fall into the error that moral are doing as well as they can, considering their
is not in the least easier, Such a remark implies laid on him the iniquity of us all." If the law inability will be an excuse for sin. What I when imperfect natures. Self-righteousness builds it-
a want of thought and experience. Those two had demanded more of us than it ought to have a man becomes such a liar that he cannot speak self a nest even in the worst character. This
precepts comprehend the ten at their fullest ex- done, would the Lord Jesus have rendered to it the truth, is he thereby exempted from the duty is the man's talk: "Really, if you knew me, you
tent, and cannot be regarded as the erasure of the penalty which resulted from its too severe of truthfulness? If your servant owes you a would say I have been a good fellow to do as
a jot or tittle of them. Whatever difficulties sur- demands? I am sure he would not. But be- day's labor, is he free from the duty because he well as I have. Consider what a poor, fallen
round the ten commands are equally found in cause the law asked only what it ought to ask, has made himself so drunk that he cannot serve creature I am; what strong passions were born
the two, which are their sum and substance. namely,— you? Is a man freed from a debt by the fact in me; what temptations to vice beset me, and
If you love God with all your heart, you must that he has squandered the money, and there- You will not blame me much. After all, I dare
keep the first table; and if you love your neigh- Perfect Obedience, fore cannot pay it? Is a lustful man free to in- say God is as satisfied with me as with many who
bor as yourself, you must keep the second table. and exacted of the tt anar only what it dulge his passions because he cannot understand are a great deal better, because I had so few ad-
If any suppose that the law of love is an adapta- ought to exact, namely, death as the penalty the beauty of chastity? This is dangerous doc- vantages." Yes, you have shifted the standard,
tion of the moral law to man's fallen remdition, for sin,-- death under divine wrath,— therefore trine. The law is a just one, and man is bound and every mall will now do that which is right

in his own eyes, and claim to be doing his best. presents to the law a perfect life, which he has absolute perfection. That will be seen in the has loved us, this is the whole gospel; let us love
If you shift the standard pound weight or the made his own by faith. It is not his own life, world to come; and 0, what a fulfillment of the God, this is all its moral." .
bushel measure, you will certainly never get full but Christ is made of God unto us righteousness, law will be there/ The law will admit no man Love is the sum of both the law and the gos-
weight or measurement again. There will be — even to us who are one with him. 'Christ is to heaven till he is — pel. It is the old command as well as the new
No Standard the end of the law for righteousness to every revelation. God made man in his image, and
one that believeth." That which Jesus did is Perfectly Conformed to It, being love himself, said, "Thou shalt love."
to go by, and each man will do his best with his counted as though we did it, and because he but every believer shall be in that perfect con- On this divine command, in its twofold bearing,
own pounds and bushels. If the standard be was righteous — dition. Our nature shall be refined from all its the command to love God and man, hang "all
tampered with, you have taken away the foun- dross, and be as pure as gold. It will be our de- the law and the prophets." Herein is the whole
dation upon which trade is conducted; and it is God Sees Us in Him, light in heaven to be holy. There will be noth- of duty. Love worketh no ill, but only good;
the same in soul matters — abolish the best rule and counts us righteous upon the principle of ing about us then to kick against a single com- hence, "love is the fulfilling of the law." But
that ever can be, even God's own law, and there substitution and representation. 0 how blessed mandment. We shall there know in our own the command to love could not produce love.
is no rule left worthy of the name. tha a fine it is to put on this robe and to wear it, and so to hearts the glory and excellency of the divine An example was needed, and more than that,
;opening this leaves for vainglory! No wonder stand before the Most High in a better right- will, and our will shall run in the same channel. a motive. That motive is found joined with
that man talk of perfect sanctification if the law eousness than ever his law demanded; for that We shall not imagine that the precepts are rigor- example and precept in the words of Jesus Christ,
has been lowered. There is nothing at all re- demanded the perfect righteousness of a crea- ous; they will be our own will as truly as they "A new commandment I give unto you, That
markable in our getting up to the rule if it is ture, but we put on the absolute righteousness are Gods will. Nothing which God has com- ye love one another; as I have loved you, that
conveniently lowered for us. I believe I shall of the Creator himself, and what can the law manded, however much of self-denial it requires ye also love one another." . . .
be perfectly sanctified when I keep God's law ask more? It is written, "In his days Judab now, will require any self-denial from us then. "A new commandment," new not in its na-
without omission or transgression, but not till shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and Holmes, will be our element, our delight. Our ture, but in its spring, its object, its measure.
then. If any man says that he is perfectly
i sanc- this is his name wherewith he shall be called, nature will be entirely conformed to the nature This is the love that seeketh not its own; that
tified because he has corns up to a modified law THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." "The and mind of God, as holiness and goodness, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all
of his own, I am glad to know what he means; Lord is well pleased for his righteousness' sake; and then the law will be fulfilled in us, and we things; never faileth. Amid the perishable, it
for I have no longer any discussion with him. he will magnify the law, and make it honorable." shall stand before God, having washed out robes proves enduring. Prophecies shall fail, knowl-
I see nothing wonderful in his attainment. Sin edge shall vanish, yea, heaven and earth shall
is any want of conformity to the law of God, and pass away, but faith, hope, and love shall remain
until we are perfectly conformed to that law in forever; and of these three immortal graces the
all its spiritual length and breadth, it is idle for greatest is love, for God himself is love.
us to talk about perfect sanctification. No The source of love is not the hills of heaven,
man is perfectly clean till he accepts absolute but the heart of God. Wherever God is, love
purity as the standard by, which he is to be is. . . . Love fills immensity, and inhabits
judged. So long as there is in us any coming eternity, and its name is holy. Love rules the
short of the perfect law, we are not perfect. universe. Love redeems the lost. In its great-
What a humbling truth ds isl The law shall ness it stoops that it may raise the low. In its
not pass away, but it must be fulfilled, This graces it suffers to save. Jesus Christ is but
truth must be maintained; for if it goes, our incarnate love; love which has come down from
tacklings are loosed, we cannot well strengthen inaccessible heights, clothed with the lowly ves-
the mast; the ship goes all to pieces; she be- ture of humanity. Love was his motive, love
comes— his message, love his precept, love hie passion,
love his reward. The magic of his might is love.
A Total Wreck. The heaven to which he leads is love. Love is
The gospel itself would be destroyed could you the law of angels. Love is the light of the New
destroy the law. To tamper with the law is Jerusalem. Love is the old law of heaven,
to trifle with the gospel. "Till heaven and earth older than the everlasting hills, newly written
pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass in the hearts of God's redeemed. Love is the
from the law, till all be fulfilled." theme of the Bible; the soul of its unity; the
root that bears its branches, the fruit upon its
PART II boughs. Love is the bond of the moral uni-
The Law Must Be Fulfilled verse; the mighty law of gravitation which unites
the beings of which it is composed; the sum of
I come to show, secondly, that the law must, its system; the alpha of its genesis; the Omega
be fulfilled. I hope there are some in this place of its goal.— "Creation Centered in Christ," H.
who are saying, " We cannot fulfill it." That Grattan Guinness, D. D., London, Hodder is
is exactly where I want to bring you. Salva- Stoughton, 1896, pages 96-97.
tion by the works of the law must be felt to be
impossible by every man who would be saved.
We must learn that salvation ie of grace through Leaflets on the Law
faith in Jesus Christ our Lord, and not by our
own doings or feelings; but this is a doctrine THOSE interested in the study of this impor-
no one will receive till he has learned the pre- tant question will be glad to obtain the follow-
cious troth that salvation by the works of the ing tracts:—
law can never come to any man of woman born. W. T. S.
Yet the law must be fulfilled. Many will say No. 11. The Law in Christ, or the Re-
with Nicodemus, "How can these things be?' lation Between the Law and
I answer,— the Gospel .02
The Law Is Fulfilled in Christ No. 25. Are Christians Under Grace
to Keep the Law? .00%
and by faith we receive the fruit thereof. No. 40. The Perpetuity of the Law of
First, as I have already said, the law is ful- God .01
filled in the matchless sacrifice of Jesus Christ. B. S. L.
If a man has broken a law what does the law No. 163. Under the Law .01
do with him? It says: "I must be honored. No. 166. The Relation of the Law to
You have broken my command which was sanc- the Gospel .01%
tioned by the penalty of death. Inasmuch as No. 208. A Perfect Law .00%
you did not honor me by obedience, but dis- Please order by Number
honored me by transgression, you must die."
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who IA the great cove-
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Adam, stood forward on the behalf of all who This new book answers from a pro-
are in him, and presented himself as a victim to phetic standpoint the world's universal
divine justice. Since his people were guilty of question: " What is the meaning of these
death, he, as their covenant head, came under DO WE THEN MAKE VOID THE LAW THROUGH FAITH? GOu FORBID: YEA, WE things, and toward what end are we drift-
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nal constitution of the race as springing from a Aye, but that is not all. The law has to be— and made them white in the blood of the Lamb
common father, and placed under a single head. and at the same time being ourselves—
Inasmuch as our fall was by one Adam, it was Fulfilled in Us Personally
possible for us to be— Without Spot, or Wrinkle, THE BEREAN LIBRARY
in a spiritual and gospel sense. say
Raised by Another Adam. you, "but how can that be?" I reply le the or any such thing. Then shall the law of the ALL who desire to study further the im-
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the just for the unjust. "The soul that sinneth, is the offspring of the eternal Father; and the we shall have it, and then I believe it will be
it shall die." There is death demanded, and Spirit of God dwells in it, and with it, and among our songs of glory that heaven and earth Order from the publishers, whose
in Christ death is presented. strengthens it. It is light, it is purity, it is, pees away, but the word of God and the law of address is given below
Life for Life Is Rendered according to the Scripture, the living and incor- God ouch stand fast forever and ever. Amen
ruptible seed which liveth and abideth forever.
— an infinitely precious life instead of the poor If incorruptible, it is sinless; for sin is corrup- -4- -4- -.-
lives of men. Jesus has died, and so the law tion, and corrupts everything that it touches.
has been fulfilled by the endurance of its penalty;
and being fulfilled, its power to condemn and
The apostle Paul, when describing his inward
conflicts, showed that he himself, his real and
Love the Sum of Both the Law The Advent Review
and the Gospel
punish the believer has passed away.
Secondly, the law has been fulfilled aaggaaiinn for
best self, did keep the law; for he says, "So then
with the mind I myself serve the law of God." TEE central Person in the Bible is Christ; and Sabbath Herald
us by Christ in his life. I have already gone Horn. 7:25. He consented to the law that it the central principle is love, the love revealed January Is, 1916
over this, but I want to establish you in it. was good, which showed that he was on the side in him.
Jesus Christ, as our head and representative, of the law; and though sin that dwelt in his mem- When the eloquent Christian philosopher, ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE
came into the world for the double purpose of bers led him into transgression, yet his new nee Adolphe Monod, of Paris, was on his deathbed, Review & Herald Publishing Association
bearing the penalty and at the same tune keep- tore did not allow it, but hated and loathed it, he gathered round him some of the members of
ing the law. One of his main designs in com- and cried out against it as one in bondage. The his church, that they might commemorate the Takoma Park, Washington, I). C.
ing to earth was to bring in — newborn soul delights in the law of the Lord, dying love of Christ in the breaking of bread. Terms s In Advance
and there is within italuenclalesslife which as- On the last of these occasions, when too weak One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00
" Everlasting Righteousness." pires after absolute ection, and will never from euffering to do more than speak a few Three Months ..... ....$ .00
"As by one man's disobedience many were made rest till it pays to perfect obedience, and broken words, Adolphe Monod uttered a mem-
sinners, so by the obedience of one shall,many comes to be like God himself. orable sentence, embodying the sum and sub- [Entered as second•clasa matter, August 14, 19.3, at
be made righteous." The law requires a per- This which is begun at regenenition is con- stance of his faith and teaching. Raising him- the peat office at Washington, IS. C., under the art oi
tinued, and grows till It ultimately arrives at self up, with solemn emphasis ha said, "God Cengreal of March 3,, 4179,1
fect life, and he that holieveth in Jesus Christ

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