Advent Review and Sabbath Herald _ May 10, 1915

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darkness, another authority bears this testi- and then the sky seemed as usual, but the
mony: — moon, which was at its full, had the appear-
"On the 19th of May, 1780, an uncommon ance of blood. The alarm that it caused and
darkness took place all over New England, the frequent talk about it impressed it deeply
and extended to Canada. It continued about on my mind."
fourteen hours, or from ten o'clock in the Under ordinary circumstances even where
morning until midnight. The darkness was there is no moon, the stars give sufficient
so great that the people were unable to read light to make it comparatively easy for those
common print or to tell the time of day by who are familiar with their surroundings to
their watches, or to dine, or to transact their get about, but according to the prophecy of
ordinary business without the light of can- Joel the stars, too, were to "withdraw their
dles. They became dull and gloomy, and shining." This feature of the prophecy is
some were excessively frightened. The fowls thus incidentally emphasized by Dr. Tenney,
went to roost. Objects could not be distin- who says: —
guished but at a very little distance, and "The darkness of the following evening or
everything bore the appearance of gloom and night was probably as gross as has ever been
night. Similar days have occasionally been observed since the Almighty fiat gave birth
known, though inferior in the degree or ex- to light. I could not help conceiving at the
tent of their darkness. The causes of these time that if every luminous body in the uni•
phenomena are unknown. They certainly verse had been shrouded in impenetrable
were not the result of eclippsseess Robert darkness, or struck out of existence, the dark-
Sears's "Guide to Knowledge," New Y ork, 1845, ness could not have been more complete. A
page 438. (Astor Library.) sheet of white paper held within a few inches
of the eyes was equally invisible with the
How the People Were Impressed blackest velvet"— Letter, December, 1785,
As showing the lasting impression made by "Collections of Massachusetts Historical So-
the dark day, witness the following, written ciety," 1792, Vol. I.
by the poet Whittier many years after the
THE METEORIC SHOWED, NOV. 13, 1833 event: — Falling Stars
"'Twas on a May day of the far old year The next phenomenon mentioned by our
Seventeen hundred eighty, and there fell
The Signs of Our Times Over the bloom and sweet life of the spring,
Saviour as a sign of his approaching advent,
was the falling of the eters: "The stars shall
Over the fresh earth and heaven of noon, fall from heaven." The same event was fore-
Or, The Significance of Current Events-in-the A horror of great darkness, like the night told also in Rev. 6: 13: —
In the day of which the norfand sagas tell— 'And the stars of heaven fell unto the
Light of Prophecy The twilight of the gods. earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely
By-C. P. Bollman figs, when she-is shaken of a mighty wind."
"Birds ceased to sing, and all the barnyard In 1697, writing his "Sacred Theory of the
Vitormenena things are revealed in the at noon, and I will darken the earth in the fowls Earth," and commenting upon Matt. 24:29,
Bible, and living as we are at the focal point clear day," a sign of "the great and terrible Roosted; the cattle at the pasture bars Bishop Burnet said: —
alike of profane history and divine prophecy, day of the Lord." For while the worldly- Lowed, and looked homeward; bats on leath- "The last sign we shall notice is that of
many of these things pertain to our own day. wise smile at the simplicity of those who see ern wings 'falling stars.' 'And the stars shall fall from
Truly — in any of the phenomena of nature warnings Flitted abroad; the sounds of labor died; heaven,' says our Saviour. Matt. 24:29.
"We are living, we are dwelling, of impending destruction, those who wit- Men prayed, and women wept; all ears grew We are sure, from the nature of the thing,
In a grand and awful time; nessed these things recognized them as por- sharp that this cannot be understood either of fixed
In an age on ages telling— tents of the coming of the judgment and the To hear the doom blast of the trumpet shatter stars or planets; for if either of these should
outpouring- of-divine wade. upon the-finally- Vhiailablesky." . ."- •. tumble from the skies and reach the earth,
To be living is sublime."
impenitent. they would break it all in pieces, or swallow
Sig,na in the Heavens The Failure of Moon and Stars it up as the sea does a sinking ship, and
The-Phenomenon Described Foretelling the same event, the prophet would put all the universe into confusion. It
Twelve or more great lines of Bible proph- is necessary, therefore, by these stars, to un-
"Life of Edward Lee," No. 379 (old series), Joel wrote:—
ecy point unerringly to this age, to the very "The sun shall be turned into darkness, derstand either fiery meteors falling from the
time in which we live, as the most eventful American Tract Society, has this testimony
both as to the fact of this wonderful phenom- and the moon into blood, before the great middle region of the air, or blazing comets
of all the ages since the world began; and of and the terrible day of the Lord come." and stars. No doubt there will be all rents
these last days, our Saviour himself, the enon and as to its effect upon the minds of
those who witnessed it: — "The sun and the moon shall be darkened, of fiery meteors at that time; and among
greatest of all the prophets, said: — and the stars shall withdraw their shining." others, those that are called falling stars."
"There shall be signs in the sun, and in In the month of May., 1780, there was a — Page 486.
the moon, and in the stars; and upon the very terrific dark day in New England, when Joel 2:31; 3:15.
earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the 'all faces seemed to gather
sea and the waves roaring' men s hearts fail- blackness,' and the people were
ing them for fear, and for looking after those filled with fear. There was
things which are coming on the earth: for great distress in the village •
the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And where Edward Lee lived,
then shall they see the Son of man coming in 'men's hearts failing them for
a cloud with power and great glory." Luke fear' that the judgment day
21: 25-27. was at hand; and the neigh-
In Matt. 24:29, 30, some of these things bors all flocked around the
are described a little more in detail: "Im- holy man; for his lamp was
mediately after the tribulation of those days trimmed and shining brighter
shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall than ever amidst the unnat-
not give her light, and the stars shall fall hem ural darkness. Happy and
heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall joyful in God, he pointed them
be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of to their only refuge from the
the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all wrath to come, and spent the
the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall gloomy hours in earnest prayer
see the Son of man coming in the clouds of for the distressed multitude."
heaven with power and great glory." Timothy Dwight, D. D.,
in "Connecticut Collections"
The Sun Darkened says: —
Not all these things have yet been fulfilled, "The 19th of .May, 1780,
but beginning with the notable dark day of was a remarkably dark day.
"May 19, 1780, these words have met, and are Candles were lighted in many
still meeting, wendertul and exact fulfillment. houses. The birds were silent,
The Lord in his mercy giVes us "line upon and disappeared. The fowls
line," 'as well as "precept upon precept." retired to roost. It was the
He spreads his warnings over many years; by general opinion that the day
his signs he speaks to his people; by his judg- of judgment was at hand.
ments he would fain arouse his church to re- The legislature of Connecticut
newed diligence, and turn the ungodly to was in session at Hartford, but THE DARN DAT, MAY 19, 1780
righteousness. being unable to transact busi-
Noah preached for full one hundred and ness, adjourned." *
Rev. Dr. Tenney, writing to the Massa- These texts introduce two new features; If we accept the bishop's very reasonable
twenty years that a flood was coming: now
for something less than one hundred and chusetts Historical Society in 1785, of the namely, the peculiar appearance of the moon, view of the meaning of our Saviour's words, as
thirty-five yearn the signs foretold by our same event, said:— and the absence of starlight. These specifi- it would seem all must do, it must be ad-
Lord have been testifying to both the church cations were literally fulfilled, in both moon mitted also that the prophecy met a most
The Cause Unknown and stars. Though at the time the moon accurate and literal fulfillment in the great
and the world the coming of the flood of
fire that erelong is to engulf and destroy "the "Although the uncommon darkness which was only a few hours past its full, when under meteoric shower of Nov. 13, 1833. Of the
extent of this phenomenon, Professor Olm-
world that now is,"— this wicked modern attracted the attention of all ranks of people ordinary circumstances it shines all night, sted, of Yale College, wrote: —
world,— even as a flood of waters engulfed in this part of the country on the 19th of Stone's " History of Beverly " (Massa-
"The shower of 1833 was such as to cover
and destroyed the wicked antediluvian world. May, 1780, was a phenomenon which sev- chusetts) says: —
In the providence of God the western con- eral gentlemen of considerable literary ability 'The night succeeding that day [May 19, no inconsiderable part of the earth's surface,
was of such pitchy darkness that in from the middle of the Atlantic on the east
tinent was reserved as an asylum, a refuge, have endeavored to solve, yet I believe you 1780) some instances horses could not be compelled to the Pacific on the west; and from the north-
for the oppressed, the downtrodden, the per- will agree with me that no satisfactory solu- to leave the stable when wanted for service." ern coast of South America to undefined re-
secuted of all nations. Here Protestantism tion has yet appeared."—"Collections of Mas-
was to have its perfect development; and Of the impressions of that night, and of gions among the British possessions on the
sachusetts Historical Society," 1793, Vol. I.
from these shore's would go forth to all the Of the duration, degree, and extent of the the appearance of the moon when later it north, the exhibition was visible, and every-
became visible, Milo Bostwick wrote: — where presented nearly the same appearance.
world the message, "Behold, the Bridegroom
conaeth; go ye NA to meet him." And here o It is sometimes stated that the logiehlature adjourned. sod My father and mother, who were pious, This is no longer to be regarded as a ter-
it was that only a little more than a century thought the day of judgment was near. They restrial but as a celestial phenomenon; and
'I h: '"'dit:ZrttlaTtITIOsn:roisO ellinr cltTr'
seems hile sat up that night, during the latter part of shooting stars are now to be no more viewed
and a third ago was fulfilled the prophecy of the council, or songs continued in session doing business; bq which they said the darkness disappeared, as casual productions of the upper regions of
knees 8: 9: "I will cause the sun to go down ssindlelight.
2 rire. 1111 V GIN a f• • i••••••• •••• .--

the atmosphere, but as visitants from other This earthquake was felt over nearly all of doomed city. Then in an instant followed perilous tireee shall coins. For men shall be
worlds, or from the planetary voids." Europe, large sections of Africa and Asia, and an explosion that in a moment destroyed lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
The Connecticut Observer, of Nov. 25, 1833, as far west as the eastern coasts of North and every living thing, not only in the city, but proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,'
said: — South America. Ninety thousand lives were as far as the gas covering extended. People unthankful, unholy, without natural affec-
We pronounce the raining of fire which in a few moments snuffed out by it, and the were not burned to death,— there was nob tion, trucebreakers, false accusers, inconti-
we saw on Wednesday morning last, an-awful property loss ran into untold millions of dol- time for that,—they died where they stood, nent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
type, a sure forerunner, a merciful sign of the lars. But while the greatest in extent and sat, or reclined, surrounded by flame and traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleas-
great and dreadful day which the inhabitants severity within historic times, the Lisbon even filled by it, for the very air they were ures more than lovers of God; having a form
of the earth will witness when the sixth seal earthquake is only one of many serving to em- breathing became instantly combustible. of godliness, but denying the power thereaf:
shall be opened. . . . A more correct picture phasize the instability, of what we sometimes All of this is most suggestive of the time fore- from such turn away. For of this sort are
of a fig tree casting its [unripe] fruit when rather boastingly refer to as terra firma. told by the apostle Peter, in the words, "The they which creep into houses, and lead cap-
heavens shall pass away with a great noise, tive silly women laden with sins, led away
and the elements shall melt with fervent with divers lusts." 2 Tim. 3: 1-6.
heat." 2 Peter 3: 10.
Signs in the Industrial World
Incmase of Cyclones
Our Saviour's words, "The sea and the One of the roost significant signs of the
times is the great conflict that is on between
waves roaring," find their fulfillment in tidal capital and labor, between the rich and the
waves, tempests, tornadoes, etc., now so fa- poor, between "big business" and the masses
miliar to us all. All these have been greatly of the people. This is touched only indi-
multiplied in modern times. Only a few rectly in our Lord's great prophecy of the
years ago, well within the memory of men twenty-fourth of Matthew, but in the 'teemed
and women yet active, tornadoes, popularly chapter of Habakkuk and the fifth chapter of
called cyclones, were of rare occurrence. James so many details are given that it is
Now, however, they are quite common, even impossible to mistake either the import of
in regions formerly supposed to be wholly the prophecy or the time of its application.
exempt from them. Some years ago the late This apostle says:—
Dr. Talmage, after recounting a number of "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl
the then more recent tornadoes, said: — for your miseries that shall come upon you.
"Satan, prince of the powers of the air, Your riches are corrupted, and your garments
never made such cyclonic disturbances as he are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is
has in our day. And am I not right in say- cankered; and the rust of them shall be a
ing that one of the characteristics of the witness against you, and shall eat your flesh
timed in which we live is disasters cyclonic?" as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure to-
Signs In the Social World gether for the last days. Behold, the hire
of the laborers who have reaped down your
When considering modern social conditions, fields, which is of you kept back by fraud,
the first fact that confronts us is that never crieth: and the cries of them which have
before in the history of our race was a high reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord
TUE LISBON sonviquitsat civilization so world-wide, a good degree of of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure On the
learning so gerieral, es now. Papers, maga- earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished
blown by a mighty wind, it is not possible D. T. Taylor states that in 1868 more than zines, books, schools are everywhere. Mod- your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye,
to behold." one hundred thousand persons perished by
Many more equally interesting statements earthquakes. In the single month of Jan- ern cenveinencee abound, and it is difficult have condemned and killed the just; and hie
uary, 1869, there were eleven earthquakes, to get beyond the reach of steam or electric cloth not resist you. Be patient therefore,
might be quoted, but these will suffice, for no transportation, or away from the electric tel- brethren; unto the coming of the Lord. Be-
one will have the hardihood to deny a fact two of them great and destructive.
of history so well attested as the great me- In our own country the several earthquakes egraph and telephone, to say nothing of the hold, the husbandman waiteth for the pre-
occurring in December, 1811, and the first demonstrated possibilities of wireless teleg- cious fruit of the earth, and bath long pa-
teoric shower of 1833.
two months of 1812, resulting in the forma-
Signs on the Earth tion of Reelfoot Lake, West Tennessee, are SIGN PROPHECIES Or THE LORD'S RETURN
among the most notable. In 1865 and 1869
But our Saviour spoke not only of signs in California was visited by destructive earth-
the heavens, but also of portents that would quakes. In 1886 occurred the Charleston 1.11)
appear upon the earth, saying, "There shall earthquake, with a toll of forty lives, and 2.In P 2
be famines, and pestilencee, and earthquakes, destruction of property valued at /5,000,006. icat World.
in divers places.' Matt. 24:7. One of the most recent great earthquakes 3.In Social World. nebr 4ws
Famines was that of San Francisco, April 18, 1906,
with a property loss in that and neighboring 4.31) Industrial 101;r1;1". 11!'" 5
Space would fail us even to give a list of the cities amounting to fully $400,000,000, due 5in Religious World. 2aTiemsothe "-a.
various famines, whose victims have been in part, however, to the fires that followed ft
numbered by hundreds of thousands. We the shock. 6.1n Political World. Joel 3, 9-163:. Thasss
can mention only a few. In 1837-38, 800,000 Among other comparatively recent earth- Isaiah
persons perished by famine in Northwest 7, Peace-and 13
quakes attended by great loss of life and prop- I Timath
India. Twenty-eight years later, 1,000,000 erty, may be mentioned several in Italy, one iiiTiati;ani:Peter 313 4.
perished from the same cause in Bengal and of which occurred only a short time ago. sew
Orissa. Only twelve years later, 5,000,000 Others have occurred in South America, and 9.Scofiers 2 World. Mati
out of a population of 30,000,000 perished by still others in Japan, all attended by consid-
famine in the Madras presidency alone. erable loss of life and great destruction of laGo
During the ten years from 1891 to 1901 India property. Certainly the words of the prophet
lost 8,000,000 in population on account of are being literally fulfilled, "The earth shall
famine, or an average of 800,000 each year. reel to and fro like a drunkard; . . . and the raphy and telephony, or of submarine and tience for it, until he receive the early and
This is a terrible record, to say nothing of transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; aerial navigation. latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your
famines in Russia, Ireland, Chin.a, and other and it shell fall, and not rise again." lea. Revealed 2505 Years Ago hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth
countries during the same period of earth's 24:20. nigh." James 5: 1-8.
history. Volosain Eruptions And the wonder of it all is that the marvel- To refer to this scripture is not to say that
Peetneeeee ous achievements of this age were revealed to all employers are selfish and unjust, or that
Closely associated with earthquakes are a prophet of God twenty-five hundred years all employees are ground down and op-
In the nine years from 1896 to 1904 in- volcanoes. The greatest destruction by these ago. Said the angel, "But thou, 0 Daniel, pressed; but no one needs to be told that in
clueive, black death, or bubonic plague, has been in Italy, in the Strait of Sunda, and shut up the words, and seal the book, even this age of ease and luxury for the few and
claimed victims to the number of 3,385,436. in the Windward Islands. to the time of the end: many shall run to exacting toil and deprivation for the many,
According to Hecker, 25,000,000 persons died Beginning with the notable eruption of and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." something is wrong. Conditions will not be
of plague in Europe during the fourteenth n. 79 that overwhelmed the cities of Her- Dan. 12:4. improved, however, by strikes and riot.
As there never was a time when knowledge
was so general as now, eo there never has Conditions Growing Worse
been in any past age a time when people were That conditions are growing worse ratter
running to and fro upon the face of the earth than better, and in general the relations be-
as they are doing now. tween capital and labor more strained, is evi-
Another phase of modern social life is fore- dent. That this is so is abundantly testified
told in the Scriptures in these words: — by events at Ludlow, Colo., only last year,
"Ae it was in the days of Noe," "even thus and also by an almost equally unfortunate
shall it be in the day when the Son of roan is clash between strikers and deputies at Roose-
revealed." Luke 17:26, 30. velt, N. J., no longer ago than January of
The days of Noah were strongly marked this present year.
by pleasure seeking and wickedness. Ours It is not our purpose to attempt to pass
is likewise a wicked age, a pleasure-loving upon the merits of the controversy between
age, and in this it resembles the days that employers and employees, between capital
were before the flood, when "they were eat- and labor, but simply to emphasize the fact
ing and drinking, marrying and giving in that there is between them an irrepressible
marriage." Matt. 24:38.. Not that these conflict; and that it is, according to the Scrip-
things are wrong in themselves, but wrong tures, a most significant sign of the times.
when they become the end, or object, in-
stead of means to right ends. "Behold," Before the Door
says the Lord by his prophet, "this was the While there is always room for question as
iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness to the merits of each particular case, there
of bread, and abundance of idleness was in can be no question as to the principle in-
her and in her daughters, neither did she volved, nor as to the general situation. The
strengthen the hand of the poor and needy." Bible says there is wrong and oppression;
Eze. 16:49. but instead of giving encouragement to vio-
The Times Perilous lence and lawlessness, prophet and apostle
nerrever Snails alike counsel peace. "Be patient therefore,
For obvious reasons we cannot go into de- brethren, unto the coming of the Lord."
century, an average of 250,000 -- a quarter culaneum and Pompeii, Italy's great volcano, tails, but the well-informed reader needs only "Stablish your hearts: for the coming of the
of a million a year for the whole hundred Vesuvius, has claimed tens of thousands of to be referred to these things. Hasty and ill- Lord draweth near." "Behold, the Judge
years. human victims, besides burying out of sight assorted marriages and equally hasty di- standeth before the door."
many millions of dollars' worth of property. vorces, together with the social evil with its Such is the counsel which divine inspira-
flerthauskes In August, 1883, over thirty-five thousand hideous white slavery, are all too well known tion gives at this time, and such axe the plain
But even more startling and striking in persons lost their lives by the explosion and to require more than the merest mention. statements of Holy Writ, big with meaning to
some respects is the increase of earthquakes utter destruction of the island of Krakatoa, A high civilization does not mean a high those who are permitted to live in these last
in frequency and violence. From only six- in the Strait of Sunda, and the tidal wave standard of morals. Babylon, Rome, and days; days made terrible on the one hand by
teen recorded earthquakes during the 1796 occasioned by it. The property loss also was Greece are known to have been most licen- wickedness and violence; but on the other
years from n. c. 1700 to A. D. 96, such dis- very great. tious at the very zenith of their power, or hand full of encouragement to the child of
turbances increased to an average of eight a But in some respects the most terrible of rather of their magnificence. To far too God, because of promise of speedy and eter-
year for the 1750 years from A. D. 96 to A. D. all such disasters was that of Mont Pelee, great an extent our boasted modern civPi- nal deliverance.
1846. We select this date because it was island of Martinique, May 12 1902. Be- zation also is only a thin veneer, many times
then the seismograph was first introduced, tween Mont Pelee and the bay was St. scarcely serving to conceal the grossest ani- Signs in the Political World
since which time many minor earthquakes Pierre, a city of 30,000 inhabitants. not one malism. This very condition was foretold
have been noted that would otherwise have of whom escaped. All were in a moment not only by our Lord in the words quoted Turning to the political world we find con-
escaped observation. ushered' into eternity. The bursting of the above from the seventeenth of Luke, but also dition', there also exactly as described in the
Among the destructive earthquakes, that mountain released a large volume of com- by, the apostle Paul when he wrote: — divine Word. "Nation shall rise against na-
of Lisbon in 1755 stands forth preeminent. bustible gases, which speedily enveloped the This know also, that in the last days tion, and kingdom against kingdom," said
1173, All V b.N 1 rte..V1C.W EelSIU 7
bur Saviour; and this has been true all through make people everywhere all the more ready
the ages. But, as in other things, these con- to listen to the divine message of - "on earth
ditions become worse and worse as we near peace, good- will to men."
the end, until today we see a state of affairs
absolutely unparalleled in all the history of Not Conversion, but Warning
the past. Never before has the world wit- Our Saviour does not say the world shall
nessed such scenes as are today being en- be converted by this gospel, and then shall
acted in Europe, in Asia, in Africa, in the the end come; but he does say, "This gospel
islands, and upon every sea. Even the of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
western continent is not an exception, for world for a witness unto all nations; and then
hostile ships sail our seas. Canada is sending, shall the end come;" and today we see this
her sons and her ships to fight the battles of sign, if not entirely fulfilled, certainly in the
the Allies, while Mexico is still convulsed very lest stages of complete fulfillment a
with civil war, as she has long been, and still grand consummation of a grand work; the
seems likely to be. sure harbinger of the glorious coming of the
Peace and Safety Son of man to reap the harvest of the earth,
to take to himself his waiting, expectant
Men talk of peace, and our own honored people.
Secretary of State only a few months ago,
in fulfillment of prophecy, as he seemed Pesters to Meet Thy God
fondly to believe, caused a number of swords
to be beaten into miniature plowshares. But World, And the fact that there are now in the MODERN INVENTION8
the Lord, by the mouth of the prophet, not a few merely, but many who are
says: —
Proclaim ye this among the nations; in
looking for the speedy return of our Lord, is
itself a significant sign of our times. His-
tory tells us that there was at the time of the
The Signs of the Times
Prepare war, stir up the mighty men, let all first
the men of war draw near; let them come up: of the advent a condition of general expectancy
coming of the promised Deliverer.
God the Revealer of Secrets
beat your plowshares into swords, and your This was true not only of the Jews, but Gen-
pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, tile philosophers A BIBLE STUDY
I am strong." Joel 3: 9, 10, A. It. V. and poets shared in it, if
not equally with the Jews certainly in a high 1. How may the people of this world know every aide, and shall lay thee even with the
And this prophecy of Joel clearly has its ap- The wise men from the East were beforehand the things that are coming upon ground, and thy children within thee; and
plication in the last days, at which very time, degree.
not Jews, but men of another nation; but the earth? they shall not leave in thee one stone upon
according to both prophet and apostle, many they responded
will be saying, "Peace, peace; when there is yielded to the cravings to the divine drawing, they "Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but another; because thou knewest not the time
no peace." In laa. 2: 3-5 and Miceli 4: 2-5 natures, of their own better he revealeth his secret unto his servants the of thy visitation." Luke 19:41-44.
and found it indeed true that God prophets." Anion 3: 7. 7. What pitiful appeal did he make to the
we are told what "many people" and "many
nations" would say, and what they are say- is not very far from every one of us. Noes.— One hundred and twenty years impenitent city?
ing; but the Lord says "war;" not that he Expectation leads to preparation. The before the flood, God revealed that coming "0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that kill-
wise men prepared themselves for the eery- event to Noah, and sent him, "a reacher o est the prophets, and stoneet them which are
ice they were to render to the new-born King, righteousness," to warn the world of its im- sent unto thee, how often would I have gath-
not only by princely gifts, "gold, frankin- pending destruction. Every blow struck in ered thy children together, even as a hen
cense, and myrrh," but we may well believe building the ark was a warning message to gathereth her chickens under her wings, and
also-by that preparation of the heart, the the world. Jonah, also, was sent to Nine-. ye would not!" Matt. 23:37.
"meek and quiet spirit" that is with God veh to warn the people of the coming judg- 8. Ae he was about to leave the temple,
of. great price. ment, unless they should repent. Thus, what did he say?
And so we, too, who live in this day, when from the beginning, God has sent his proph- "Behold, your house is left unto you des-
the last sands are about to leave the great ets with messages of warning; and has hung olate." Verse 38.
hourglass of time, should be setting our spir- out signs and wonders in the heavens and in Ncerx.— That which was to fill up the cup
itual houses in order, putting out of our lives the earth, that men might have opportunity of their iniquity was their final rejection and
every wrong thing, preparing our hearts, to repent and turn to the Lord. crucifixion of Christ, and their condemnation
holding them ready for instant participation 2. What sign had, been foretold by the and persecution of his apostles and people
in the grand home-coming when the angels prophet Isaiah by which Christ, at his first after his resurrection. See Matt. 23: 29-35;
shall be sent forth to gather from the east advent, might be known as the Meseiah? John 19: 15; Acts 4-8.
THE "PEACE AND SAFETY" PROPHECY and the west and the north and the south "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you
the faithful of all ages to sit down with a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and Our Lord's Great Prophecy
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the king- bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." 9. Hearing these words, what questions
wants war, but because while peace is on dom of heaven. lea. 7: 14. For fulfillment see Matt. 1 : 22, 23. did the-disciples ask?
men's lips war is in their hearts. The gracious invitation is sounding; "The 3. Where had the prophet said Christ "Tell us, when shall these things be? and
Permanent peace can come only by the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him should be born? what shallbe the sign of thy coming, and of
.aiming and reign of the Prince of Peace. that heareth say, Come. And let him that is "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though the end of the world?" Matt. 24:3.
And his throne must first of all be estab- athirst come. And whosoever will, let him thou be little among the thousands of Judah, Nan.— Christ's answers to these ques-
lished in the heart of the individual. Never- take the water of life freely." And then he yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me tions are worthy of the most careful study.
theless, men will continue to follow, to their which testifieth these things, even our Lord that is to be ruler in Israel." Micah 5:9. The destruction of Jerusalem and the over-
eternal undoing, this will-o'-the-wisp, the himself, as though to lend wings to our slug- For fulfillment see Matt. 2:1. throw of the Jewish nation attending it are
ignis fotuus of an enduring man-made peace. gish faith, saith, "Surely I come quickly," 4. What prophet had foretold Christ's ride a type of the final destruction of all the cities
For, writes the apostle, "when they shall while his prepared and hence waiting people, -into Jerusalem? . of the world, and the overthrow of all na-
say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruc- respond with joy, "Amen. Even so, come, "Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion; tions. To some extent, therefore, the de-
tion cometh upon them, as travail upon a Lord Jesus." shout, 0 daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy scriptions of the two great events seem to be
woman with child; and they shall not escape." Reader, what is your attitude toward this King cometh unto thee: he is just, and hav- blended. When Christ referred to the de-
1 These. 5:3. gracious invitation, attested by so many evi- ing salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, struction of Jerusalem, his prophetic words
dences of its genuineness, and which by this and upon a colt the foal of an ass. Zech. reached beyond the event to the final con-
Signs in the Religious World paper has now come within the circle of your 9: 9. For fulfillment, Bee Matt. 21:4, 5. flagration when the Lord shall rise out of his
It is eminently fitting that this study of life? "Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go 5. For what did Christ reprove the Phari- place "to punish the inhabitants of the earth
some of the many signs of our times should ye out to meet him." "Come; for all things sees and Sadducees? for their iniquity," and when the earth "shall
close with at least a brief reference to signs are now ready." "0 ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face disclose her blood, and shall no more cover
• her plain." Isaiah 26:21.
in the religious world. And
here, as already noted, we Thus the entire discourse
find a two-sided picture. was given, not for the early
On the one hand, we find disciples only, but for those
faith; on the other, unbelief; who were to live during the
on the one hand, godly lives, closing scenes of the world's
while on the other, licen- history. During the dis-
tiousness abounds. But in course Christ did, however,
me midst of it all God's give definite signs, both of
work goes forward; and to- the destruction of Jerusalem
day we see a world, while still and of his second coming.
wicked and largely indiffer- 10. In his reply, how did
ent to divine truth, never- Christ indicate that neither
theless belted by the gospel the end of the world nor of
message. If the work is not the Jewish nation was im-
already accomplished, we mediately at hand?
stand as it were upon the "Jesus answered and said
very eve of the time of which unto them, Take hood that no
our Saviour spoke when he man deceive yea. /me many
said, "This gospel of the shall come in my name, say-
kingdom shall be preached ing, I am Christ; and shall
in all the world fora witness deceive many. And ye shall
unto all nations; and then hear of wars and rumors of
shall the end come." Matt. wars: see that ye be not
24:14. troubled: for all these thing.:
must come to pass, but the
The Gospel to An end is not yet." Matt. 24:
Nations 4-6.
Today there is not a na- 11. What did Christ say
tion that has not heard more of the wars, famines, pet,
or less of the gospel of the tilenees, and earthquakes
Son of God. Probably the which were to precede these
Lord does not design that events?
we shall know just how near "All these are the begin-
we are to the accomplish- ning of sorrows." Verse 8.
ment of this great work; but Nore.— These were to
is there not great significance precede and culminate is
in the fact that in this gen- the great calamity, and over-
eration, when all the other AT HISTORIC WATERIO0 —71815 throw, first, of Jerusalem,
signs to which we have re- and finally of the whole
ferred are testifying that the end is near, The Chosen of God of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of world, for, as already noted, the prophecy has
united Christendom should adopt for its slo- the times?" Matt. 16:3. a double application, first, to Jerusalem and
gan (as it has done) the motto, "The gospel Easier, thou grain of sand on the shore The Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold the Jewish nation, and second, to the whole
to all the world in this generation"? of the universe of God; thou Bethlehem, world; the destruction of Jerusalem for its re-
Go where you will, and in every national amongst the princely cities of the heavens,— 6. In what words did Jesus foretell the jection of Christ at his first advent being a
and international convention or conference of thou art, and remainest, the loved one destruction of Jerusalem? type of the destruction of the world at the
Christian people, you will see prominently amongst ten thousand suns and worlds, the "And when he was come near, he beheld end for its rejection of Christ in refusing to
displayed this soul-inspiring motto. Only a chosen of God! Thee will he again visit, and the city, and wept over it, saying, If thou heed the closing warning message sent by
few years ago it suddenly became the ral- then thou wilt prepare a throne for him, as hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy God to prepare the world for Christ's second
lying cry of every Prostestant missionary the. gayest him a manger cradle; in his day, the things which belong unto thy peace advent.
society the world around. And today, not- radiant glory wilt thou rejoice, as thou didBt but now they, are hid from thine eyes. For 12. In what language did Christ briefly de-
withstanding war and commotion, the work once drink his blood and, his tears and mourn the days shall come upon thee, that thine scribe the experiences of hie people previous
of- evangelizing the world is steadily progress- his death: On thee has the Lord a great enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and to these calamities?
ing. Indeed, the scourge of war seems to work to completed—A. J. Gordon. compass thee round, and keep thee in on "Then shall they deliver you up to be af-
flicted, and shall kill. you: and ye shalL-be -- 19. For whose sake did Christ say the pe- night was so intense that for a time no lumi- "And then shall they see the San of moo
hated of all nations for my name's sake. And riod of papal persecution would be shortened? nous body whatever appeared in the heavens, coming in a cloud with power and great glory."
then shall many be offended, and shall be- "And except those days should be short- and a sheet of white paper could not be seen Luke 21:27. See Matt. 24:30.
tray one another, and shall hate one another. ened should no flesh be saved: but for when held within a few inches of the eyes. 31. When these things should begin to
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." The Falling of the Stars come to pass, what did Christ tell his people
deceive many. And because iniquity shall Matt. 24:22. to do?
abound, the love of many shall wax cold." NOTE.- Through the influence of the Ref- 25. What sign was to follow the darkening "And when these things begin to come to
Verses 9-12. ormation of the sixteenth century, and the of the sun and the moon? pass, then look up, and lift up your heads;
13. Who did he say would be saved? movements which grew out of it, the power "And the stars shall fall from heaven." for your redemption draweth nigh." Luke
"But he that shall endure unto the end, of the Papacy to enforce its decrees against Matt. 24:29. 21:28.
the same shall be saved." Verse 13. The Certainty of These Things
The Gospel to All Nations 32. When the trees put forth their leaves,
14. When did Christ say the end would what do we know?
come? "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth
preached in all the world for a witness unto all leaves, ye know that summer is nigh." Matt.
nations; and then shall the end come." Verse
14. 33. What may we know with equal cer-
NOTE.- In 60 A. D. Paul carried the gos- tainty when these signs have been seen?
pel to Rome, which was then the capital of "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these
the world. In a. D. 64 he wrote of the saints things, know that it is near, even at the doors."
of "Cmsar's household" (Phil. 4:22); and the Verse 33. "So likewise ye, when ye see these
same year he says that the gospel had been things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom
"Preached to every creature which is under of God is nigh at hand." Luke 21:31.
heaven" (Col. 1:23). Very soon after this 34. What did Christ say of the certainty
(October, 66 a. n.) the Romans began their of this prophecy?
attacks against Jerusalem; and three and "Verily I say unto you, This generation
one-half years later the overthrow of the city shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
and of the-Jewish nation followed in the no- Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my
table five months' siege under Titus, in the words shall not pass away." Matt. 24:
spring and summer of 70 A. D. 34, 35.
Thus it was respecting the end of the Jew- Be Ready to Meet Hinz
ish nation; and thus it will be in the end of 35. Who alone knows the exact day of
the world as a whole. When the gospel, or
good news, of Christ's coming kingdom has Christ's coming?
been preached in all the world for a witness "But of that day and hour krunveth no man,
unto all nations, the end of the world-of no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father
all nations - will corns. As the end of the only." Verse 36.
Jewish nation came with overwhelming de- 36. What did Christ say would be the
struction, so will come the end of the world. moral condition of the world just preceding
Armageddon, the battle of the nations, will his advent?

be fought, and the world will be swept with • "ac 'YE INTO ALL THE WORLD, AND PREACH TEE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATURE "But as the days of Noe were, so shall also
the besom of destruction under the seven the coining of the Son of man be. For as in
last plagues. those it pronounced heretics was madually 26. When did the stars fall, as here pre- the days that were before the flood they were
lessened, until persecution ceased almost dieted? Ans.- Nov. 1.3, 1833. eating and drinking, marrying and giving in
Signs of the Destruction of Jerusalem wholly about the middle of the eighteenth Nam- On the morning of Nov. 13, 1833, marriage, until the day that Noe entered into
15. What sign did Christ mention by which century the • beginning of an epoch of there occurred the most wonderful exhibition the ark, and knew not until the flood came,
freedom. • of shooting stars the world has ever seen. and took them all away; so shall also the com-
his disciples might know when the destruc- Those who witnessed it, says Professor Olm- ing of the Son of man be." Verses 37-39.
tion of Jerusalem was near? Signs of Christ's Second Coming sted, the celebrated astronomer of Yale Col- 37. In view of the fact that we do not
"And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed
with armies, then know that the desolation 20. Answering the question as to what lege, "probably saw the greatest display of know the exact time of Christ's coming, what
thereof is nigh." Luke 21:20. would be the sign of his coming and the end celestial fireworks that has ever been since important admonition has he given us?
of the world, what did Christ say? the creation of the world, or at least within "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an
16. When this sign appeared, what were
the disciples to do? "There shall be signs in the sun, and in the the annals covered by the pages of history." hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh."
"When ye therefore shall see the abomina- moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth The extent of-this shower, he says, "was such Verse 44.
tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and as to cover no ineonaiderable part of the 38. What will be the experience of those
prophet, stand in the holy place, (whose read- the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for earth's surface." And, like the darkening of who say in their hearts that the Lord is not
eth, let him understand:) then let them which fear, and for looking after those things which the sun and moon, it was considered by many soon coming?
be in Judea flee into the mountains." Matt. are coming on the earth: for the powers of who saw it as "the harbinger of the coming "But and if that evil servant shall say in
24:15, 16. heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:25, 26. of the Son of man." his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and
Noes.- In October, 66 A. D. when Ces- 21. When were the first of these signs to Signe Upon the Earth shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and
tius came against the city, but for some un- ini and wlhyatafw
appear, ieerre the
t=113e? to eat and drink with the drunken; the lord
the those 27. What were to be the signs on earth of of that servant shall come in a day when he
accountable reason suddenly withdrew his
army from it, the Christians discerned in this days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon Christ's corning? looketh not for him, and in an hour that he
shall not give her light, and the Wars shall fell. "And upon the earth distress of nations, is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder
the sign foretold by Christ, and fled. After with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; [margin, "cut him off "1, and appoint him
the departure of Cestiva, Josephue, in his from heaven." Matt. 24:29.
22. How is this expressed by Mark? men's hearts failing them for fear, and for look- his portion with the hypocrites: there shall
"Wars of the Jews," chapter 20, says that
'many of the most eminent of the Jews swam "But in those days, after that tribulation, ing after those things which are coming on be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Verses
away from the city, as from a ship when it is the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be 48-51.
not give her light." Mark 13:24. shaken." Luke 21: 25, 26. 39. What will God's faithful servants be
going to sink." It is a remarkable fact that Note.-This is an exact picture of things doing at this time?
in the terrible siege which occurred under NOTE.- As already noted, papal persecu-
Titus three and one-half years later, not a tion almost wholly ceased .about the middle in the world today. Through greed of gain, "Who then is a faithful and wise servant. '
single Christian is known to have lost his life, of the eighteenth century. Then, true to lawleesness, licentiousness, increasing vio- whom his lord bath made ruler over his
while 1,100,000 Jews are said to have perished Christ's words, the signs of his coming at lence, trouble between capital and labor, in- household, to give them meat in due sensour
in it. Here is a most striking lesson on the once began to appear, and before the 1260- ternational complications, and preparations Verse 45.
value and importance of studying and be- year period of Dan. 7:25, Rev. 12:6,14, and for war, the nations are perplexed, and men's NOTE.- The "meat in due season" here
lieving the prophecies, and giving heed to the Rev. 13: 5, allotted to papal persecution, had hearts tremble with fear as they look into spoken of evidently refers to the proclama-
closed. the future. The elements are also disturbed, tion of the message based upon the sigrs-
signs of the times. Those who believed what as seen in great earthquakes and storms on
Christ had said, and watched for the sign The Darkening of the Sun which indicate the near approach of the Lord.
land and sea. The preaching of this message is what caust
which he had foretold, were saved, while the 23. When was there a wonderful darkening 28. What is prWacted of the moral condi-
unbelieving perished. So it will be in the scoffers mockingly to ask, "Where is the
end of the world. The watchful and believ- of the sun? Ans.-On May 19, 1780. tion of the world in the last days? promise of his coming?"
NOTE.- May 19, 1780, is known in his- "This know also, that in the last days peril-
ing will be delivered, while the careless and tory as "the dark day." On this day over a ous times shall come. For men shall be lov-
unbelieving will be snared and taken. See " The World's Crisis." This new answers from
Matt. 24:36.44; Luke 21:34-36; 1 These. large portion of the New World, upon which ers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, a prophetic standpoint the world.* univer salbook q ue.tion: " W hat
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Following the destruction of Jerusalem in many houses. The birds were silent and 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
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long centuries of papal supremacy, foretold The night following the darkening of the -The Next Great Event
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ulations occurred under either pagan 'or papal NOTE.- Although the moon had fulled 30. Whit did Christ say was to be the the post °Rice at Washington; a C., under rhi art df
Rome. only the' night before, the darkness of this next great event following these 'signs? Congre.s• of Mara a., 18,9.1

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