Advent Review and Sabbath Herald _ September 13, 1915

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The Papacy — Extra No.

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dominion in the earth. The invisible king particular examination of the prophecy of
The Papacy in Prophecy of ancient Babylon is the invisible king of
modern Babylon. The universal temporal
the eighth chapter of Daniel.
In the Bible study printed in another part
sway of ancient Babylon is a type of the of this Extra there is a verse-by-verse exam-
The Little Horn of Daniel's Second Vision a attempted universal sway of modern Baby- ination of the main features of this prophecy,
Symbol of Ecclesiastical Rome lon. In proof of this statement that the
Papacy, "modern Babylon," demands uni-
and the conclusion is there drawn that the
little horn represents Rome in its two phases,
By W. W. Prescott versal submission to its rule, we quote the pagan and papal. As supplementary to this
last sentence of the famous bull Unam sanc- Bible study we present herewith some brief
hr the book of Daniel there are three lines the agency of Rome, made a supreme effort tam, published by Pope Boniface VIII in extracts showing the views of other writers
of symbolic prophecy which trace the history to thwart the purpose of God concerning this 1302: — upon this prophecy. Referring to the first
of the world from the time of Babylon to the world, and to retain indefinitely the domin- Moreover, we declare, affirm, define, and two symbols, Dr. John Cumming in his "Pro-
setting up of the everlasting kingdom of God. ion which he had secured by fraud.. But the pronounce it to be necessary to salvation for phetic Studies; Lectures on the Book of
In Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the great im- purpose of God stands sure, and his counsels every human creature to be subject to the Daniel" (page 263), makes this clear appli-
age and the authoritative interpretation of it cannot be overthrown. The weakness of Roman Pontiff."—" Vatican Decrees in Their cation:—
(Dan. 2: 31-45) we have a brief outline of the Satan's principles of government was never Bearing on Civil Allegiance," Archbishop of " The ram's head of gold was, as every his-
course of world empire, culminating in the more clearly demonstrated than in the down- Westminster, London, Longman, Green & Co., torian will tell you, the diadem. of the Per-
establishment of the fifth kingdom — that fall of Rome, which came as the direct result 1875, page 60. sian king, this alone identifying that symbol
kingdom which will stand forever. This is of internal weakness due to the excessive in- with the personage to whom it refers; and
the basic prophecy which serves as the divine dulgence of appetite and passion. The hardy The Religion of Babylon 'pushing westward,' denotes that empire sub-
background for all other predictions. barbarians of the North were shocked at the The religion of ancient Babylon is the re- duing Lydia and Babylon by Cyrus, and
In the vision recorded in the seventh chap- frivolities and the immoralities of Rome; ligion of modern Babylon with some varia- Egypt by Cambyses. The he goat is plainly
ter of Daniel the world's history is again out- and their overthrow of the fourth kingdom, tions, veneered with Christian names and explained in the chapter to be the Macedo-
lined, but for a different purpose. In the and the establishment of ten kingdoms in phrases. nian power; his 'pushing' (as is stated in
prophecy of the second chapter the aim is to its place, according to the prophecy (Dan. The following extract will fully justify this verse 4) 'westward, and northward, and
show that the effort to establish a universal 7:24), both put an end to all dreams of a last statement: — southward; so that no beasts might stand be-
and permanent kingdom of this world will world monarchy, and gave further oppor- "On the overthrow of Babylon by the Per- fore him,' denotes his conquests, his advanc-
end in failure, and that the eternal ing and irresistible might. The nota-
purpose of God to restore all things ble horn that starts: up between the
in Christ and to reestablish a reign eyes of the goat might shortly be shown
of righteousness in this world, long to be, what it may be indisputably
cursed with sin, will be realized. In proved, Alexander.-. the Great, by
the prophecy of the seventh chapter whom the Persian ram was destroyed,
a revelation is made of the plan to and by whose destruction immense ad-
establish upon this earth a kingdom dition was made to his own empire."
of a different kind after the fall of
Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Dr. Pusey's Exposition
lthine had demonstrated the failure To the same effect is the exposition
of the long-continued effort to estab- of Dr. E. B. Pu.sey: —
lish a world-wide rule under the in- "The two empires represented to
spiration and direction of the god of Daniel are, that of Persia under the
this world. symbol
persoof.tohfe ram,
its i ar ucen,in
that, de r
The Great Controversy monarch, under
that of the he goat. . . . has
This view of these two prophecies been found to doubt that by these
will perhaps be more clearly under- [four horns of the goat} are intended
stood by referring briefly to some Alexander's four suecessom.the Died-
scriptures which throw light on the ochi, who collectively held whatever
great controversy for the possession survived of his' Asiatic gonquesti and
of this world. Even the devil un- his -own dominions, subject to the rule
derstood that the purpose of Christ's of Greece."—"Lectures on Daniel the
work was to win back this world to Prophet," E. B, Pusey; D. D., Landon,
its allegiance to the government of 1868, pages 88, 89.
God, and he therefore sought to de-
feat this plan by a spurious offer to Another Testimony
give to the Son of God dominion over
all the kingdoms of the world (Luke Another testimony to the correct-
4:5, 6), in return for his allegiance ness of this exposition is voiced in the
and his acknowledgment of the devil's - following quotations:--.
right to rule. In opposition to this "Then the pushing of the ram west-
purpose of the gospel of Christ is the ward, northward, and southward, ex-
avowed determination of Lucifer to actly represents the successful wars of
establish his kingdom in the earth in Cyrus himself, who earried his victo-
THE PAPAL INSIGNIA rious arms, first, to the very bounds of
open rebellion against God. This
purpose is thus clearly revealed: — Asia in the west; afterwards, to the
"How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lu- tunity to win the kingdoms of this world to glans, who nourished a traditional hatred for north, against the Armenians, Cappadocians,
cifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut be the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ. its idolatry, the Chaldean priesthood fled to and others; then, again, over Egypt in the
down to the ground, which didst weaken the Pergamos, in Asia Minor, and made it the south. . . .
nations! For thou host said in thine heart,
"The Mystery of Iniquity" headquarters of their religion. Hence Christ The rough goat is the king,' or kingdom,
I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my But although the original plan of the god in his charge to the church in that city speaks 'of Grecia,' or Macedonia; and the great
throne above the stars of God: I will sit also of this world was thus brought to naught, of it as being 'where Satan's seat is.' The horn between his eyes is the excelling power
upon the mount of the congregation, in the yet he did not cease his efforts to bring the last pontiff king of Pergamos was Attalus III, of the first king, Alexander the Great. Com-
sides of the north: I will ascend above the world under his rule. On the contrary, he who at his death bequeathed his dominions ing swiftly from West to East, he marched on
heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most evolved "the mystery of iniquity," the coun- and authority to the Roman people, 133 B. c., Persepolis....
High." Ise. 14: 12-14. terfeit of "the mystery of godliness,'" and and from that time the two lines of Pontifex "As the breaking of the great horn was
A reading of verses 4-23 of this chapter having failed to enthrone himself as king of Maximus were merged in the Roman one. one of the most remarkable incidents of
will show that Lucifer, who was originally a world empire maintained by force of arms, Therefore, when Julius Cesar was elected prophetic action, so was its fulfillment one of
the light bearer but became Satan, the ad- he sought to establish an equally extensive ;Pontifex Maximus, he assumed to himself the most impressive events of history. Alex-
versary, by his rebellion, was the invisible spiritual rule, and by enthroning himself as ,the divinity claimed by the pontiff kings of ander had broken the two horns of Persian
king of Babylon; and the greatness of this the professed vicar of Christ, to secure to "Chaldea, and declared himself to be 'Venus strength when he burnt Persepolis, and when,
ancient monarchy was but the outward ex- himself by his crowning deception that wor- genetrix,' or born of Venus, and from hence- in Media, he killed Darius II. This done,
pression of an effort on the part of the god of ship and allegiance which are due to God in forth the emperors of Rome received divine his own came to be broken: .
this world to establish his dominion upon Christ. honors. . . . But just as pagan Rome was "His lineage became- extinct; and neither
this planet and defeat God's plan to save This is the philosophy of the Papacy, the true offspring and successor of Babylon, kingdom nor succession remained to repre-
the world, Although Satan gained his foot- which, "next to Christianity, is the great so is papal Rome the true offspring and suc- sent the fruit of his conquests in Asia under
hold here by deception and by Adam's be- fact of the modern world." The prophecies cessor of pagan Rome. When paganism was one crown, for they were divided towards the
trayal of trust, yet even the Son of God recog- of the seventh and eighth chapters of Daniel nominally abolished in the Roman Empire, four winds of heaven; namely (1), Macedonia
nized him as the "prince of this world" are intended to expose "the mystery of iniq- the head of the pagan hierarchy was also and Greece, westward, to Caasander; (2)
(John 12: 31; 14: 30; 16: 11), and inspiration uity" and to put the church on its guard suppressed. Some of the Christian emperors Thrace, Bithynia, etc., northward, to Lysim-
refers to him as the "god of this world" against this "all deceivableness of =right- did indeed accept the title Pontifex Maxi- echos; (3) Egypt, southward to Ptolemy; (4)
(2 Cor. 4:4). eousness." The Papacy is the little horn of mus, while others, refusing it themselves, ap- Syria and the lands eastward, to Seleueus."—
Dan. 7; 8, 20, 24, 25. pointed a pagan' priest, until the reign of " An Historical Exposition of Daniel," W. H.
The End of World Monarchy Gratian, who, refusing to do either, abolished Rule, D. D., London, 1869, -pages 218-221.
Modern Babylon the office, 376 A. D. Twd years afterwards,
The supreme effort of "the prince of this Bishop Newton's Interpretation
world" to establish his rule in the earth was A comparison of Daniel's prophecy of the however, fearing that religion might become
put forth in the days of the fourth kingdom fourth beast with the ten horns and the little disorganized, he offered the title and office Of the significance of the various symbols
— the iron monarchy of Rome. With the horn, with John's prophecy of the beast from to Damasue, the Bishop of Rome. . . . This in this prophecy, Bishop Thomas Newton
most extensive sway, with the most arbitrary the sea (Rev. 13: 1-10) and his prophecy of bishop, less scrupulous than the emperor, ac- writes thus: —
and undisputed power, and with an idolatrous the woman sitting upon the scarlet-colored cepted the office, and from that time until "The Hebrew word for ram, and the He-
religion controlling every phase of human life beast (Revelation 17), will show clearly that now the title has been held by the popes of brew word for Persia, both springing from the
and enforced by governmental power, Rome the little horn of Daniel, the beast from the Rome, from whom, and through whom, the same root, and both implying something of
presented the most perfect picture of a gov- sea, and the woman upon the scarlet-colored whole hierarchy of Western Christendom False
strength, the one is not improperly made the
ernment by the god of this world. By en- beast of John, are symbols of the same have received their ordination."—"The type of the other. . . . It was usual for the
forcing false worship, by demanding an out- power; and from Rev. 17:5 we learn that this Christ," J. Gartner, London, George Allen, king of Persia 'to wear a ram's head- made of
power, the Papacy, is modern Babylon. It 1900, pages 94-96. gold, and adorned with precious stones -in-
ward expression of allegiance to the gods of
Rome on the part of every inhabitant of the is thus evident that in the Papacy, modern stead of a diadem;' for so Ammianus Mar-
The Prophecy of the Little Horn cellinus describes him. Bishop Chandler and
civilized world, and finally by the attempted Babylon, we have the most long-continued,
the most deceptive, and the most successful With this general view of the aims and the others further observe that 'rams' heads with
slaughter of the infant Jesus at Bethlehem horns, one higher and the other lower, are
(Matt. 2: 16), the god of this world, through effort of the god of this world to establish his work of the Papacy we proceed to a more

still to be seen on the pillars at Persepolia." power," are the predictions made through half of the seventeenth century if she did not himself in his heart." To the same effect,
—"Dissertation on the Prophecies," Thomas the prophet John. Of the beast frOm the actually begin, at any rate she encouraged but with greater emphasis, the apostle Paul
Newton, D. D., London, 1840, page 265. sea, which represents papal Rome, we read:— and actively aided the religious wars."—" The wrote concerning this same power: —
"A goat is very properly made the type "The dragon (Satan, Rev. 12: 9] gave him Catholic Church, the Renaissance and Protes- "That day shall not come, except there
of the Grecian or Macedonian Empire, be- his power, and his seat, and great authority." tantism," Alfred Baudrillart (Roman Catholic), come a falling away first, and that man of
cause the Macedonians at first, about two Rev. 13:2. Rector of the Catholic Institute of Paris Lon- sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who
hundred years before Daniel, were denomi- So also it is written concerning the scarlet- don, Kagan Paul, Trench, Trubner it Co., opposeth and.exalteth himself above all that
nated ./Egeadte, or the goat's people"— Id., colored beast upon which the woman sat: — Ltd., 1908, pages 182, 183. is called God, or that is worshiped; so that
page 266. "And the ten horns which thou rawest are "That the Church of Rome has shed more he as God sittetb in the temple of God, show-
"The little horn is plainly some power dif- ten kings. . . . These have one mind, and innocent blood than any other institution ing himself that he is God." 2 Thess. 2:
ferent and distinct from the four former shall give their power and strength unto the that has ever existed among mankind, will 3, 4.
horns, Is not this therefore more applicable beast." Rev. 17: 12, 13. be questioned by no Protestant who has a Prominent among the marks of the Papacy
to the Romans, who were a new and different The Papacy never possessed great power competent knowledge of history. The me- is its spirit of self-exaltation. The Pope is
power, who rose from email beginnings to an of its own, but its success was due to its abil- =rids, indeed, of many of her persecutions exalted to be "as God" and to take the place
exceeding great empire, who first subdued ity to use one king against another, as when are now so scanty that it is impossible to of Christ as head of the church. The papal
Macedon and Greece, the capital kingdom of the Pope stirred up the king of France to form a complete conception of the multitude church is exalted to be above the Bible, with
the goat, and from thence spread and en- seize the throne of England, then occupied of her victims, and it is quite certain that no authority to change its teachings. The Ro-
larged their conquests over the rest? Nor by King John, whose kingdom was under an powers of imagination can adequately realize man Catholic priest is exalted to be "another
let it seem strange that the Romans, who were interdict because lie refused absolute sub- their sufferings."—"History of the Rise and Christ," with such power that he is desig-
prefigured by a great 'beast' in the former mission to Innocent III. Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Eu- nated as "the creator of his Creator."
vision, should in this he represented only by rope," W. E. H. Lecky, Vol. II, page 82. It would require volumes in which to set
the horn of a beast; for nothing is more usual Rome's Persecution of Heretics • forth fully all the evidences that the Papacy
than to describe the same person or thing In this interpretation it is said of the Pa- Rome's Forgeries has magnified itself in its heart. Only the
under different images upon different occa- pacy that "he shall destroy wonderfully, . . . It is further declared concerning the little briefest statement of its claims can be pre-
sions; and besides, in this vision the Roman and shall destroy the mighty and the holy horn, the Papacy, that "through his policy sented here. The twenty-seven propositions
Empire is not designed at large, but only the people," The record of centuries of perse- also he shall cause craft to prosper in his designated as "The Dictates of Hildebrand"
Roman Empire as a horn of the goat. When cution carried on either directly or indirectly hand." In these few words is set forth that became a summary of papal claims in the
the Romans first got footing in Greece, then by papal Rome, is a sufficient testimony to characteristic of the Papacy which in the eleventh century. We quote some of the -
they became a horn of the goat. Out of this the truthfulness of this prediction. Some times of intellectual darkness enabled her more striking of these dictates as found in
horn they came, and were at first a little horn, quotations, both from Roman Catholic and to establish some of her fundamental claims "Annals of Baronies," Vol. XI, col. 506 :—

but inprocess of time overtopped the-other from Protestant sources, fasten upon the Pa, to authority by suppressing testimony unfa- "1. That the Roman Church was founded
horruse— Id., page 279. ppact' responsibility for these centuries of vorable to those claims, and by forging doc- by` our . Lord
ed:— uments in her own favor. The following ourThat e)if
ian Pontiff alone is justly
Rome's Continued Rule "In the bull Ad exstirpanda (1252) Inno- quotations refer to some of the various for- styled 8 universal."
In considering the fitness of a single symbol cent IV says: 'When those adjudged guilty geries made in the interests of the Papacy: — `8. alone can use the imperial
to represent both pagan and papal Rome, of heresy have been given up to the civil "This huge fabrication (the Isidorian de- insignia.
we must remember that after pagan Rome power by. the bishop or his representative, or cretalsj arose about the middle of the ninth "9. That all princes should kiss his feet
fell, papal Rome took possession of the an- the Inquisition, the podesta, or chief magis- century in western Gaul. It consists of a only."
cient capital of the fourth kingdom, and at- trate, of the city shall take them at once, large number (about one hundred) of pre- "12. That it is !awful for him to depose
tempted to rule the world from the same and shall, within five days at the most, exe- tended decrees of about thirty successive emperors."
center. A modern writer on the prophecies cute the laws made against them.' . . . Nor Popes in the first three centuries, together "19. That he can be judged by no one."
has called attention to the continuation of could any doubt remain as to what civil regu- with certain other spurious documents of "22: That the Roman Church never erred;
Roman rule in these words: — lations were meant, for the passages which councils, and had for its object the protec- nor will it, according to the Scriptures, ever
"It is important that we should clearly ordered the burning of the impenitent here- tion of bishops against their metropolitans, err."
grasp one great historical fact; i. e., the rule tics were inserted in the papal decretals from and against the civil authorities, by magni- "27. That he [the Pope] can absolve sub-
of Rome has never, since it first commenced, the imperial constitutions Commissis nobis fying the power of the Pope, and throwing jects from their allegiance to unrighteous
ceased to exist, save once, for a very brief and Inconsutibilem tunicatn. The aforesaid it as an egis around the persons of the bish- rulers."
Period during the Gothic invasions. It has bull Ad exstirpanda remained thenceforth a ops."—"Leo XIII at the Bar of History," Surely there is abundant evidence to jus-
changed in character, as we have seen, but it fundamental document of the Inquisition, Rev. R. H. McKim, D. D., 1897, page 83. tify the statement of the prophecy that the
has continued. Rome ruled the known world renewed or reenforced by several popes, Alex- "Donation of Constantine (Lat. Donatio little horn "shall magnify himself in his
at the first. advent of Christ, and still rules ander IV (1254-61), Clement IV (1265-68), Constantini).— By this name is understood, heart."
hundreds of millions of mankind, and will Nicholas IV (1288-92), Boniface VIII (1294- since the end of the Middle Ages, a forged Vicar of Christ—Antichrist
continue so to do right up till the second ad- 1303), and others. The civil authorities, document of Emperor Constantine the Great,
vent of Christ."--"Romaniem and the Refor- therefore, were enjoined by the popes, under by which large privileges and rich posses- The last specification concerning the little
mation," H. Grattan Guinness, London, 1891, ' pain of excommunication, to execute the legal sions were conferred on the Pope and the horn which can be fulfilled before the end of
page 24. sentences that condemned impenitent heretics Roman Church."—"Catholic Encyclopedia," all things, when "he shall be broken with-
to the stake."—"The Catholic Encyclopedia," Vol. V, page 118. out hand," is thus expressed: "He shall also
The Papacy Predicted Vol. VIII, page 84. "The most potent instrument of the new stand up against the Prince of princes." It
While some specifications of the eighth "When confronted by heresy she [the papal system was Gratian's Decretum, which will be quite unnecessary for us to introduce
chapter of Daniel apply with greater force Roman Catholic Church] does not content issued about the middle of the twelfth century any argument here to prove that the "Prince
to the pagan phase of Rome and others to herself with persuasion; arguments of an. from the first school of law in Europe, the of princes" is Christ, and that the opposi-
the papal phase, we shall in this article deal intellectual and moral order appear to her juristic teacher of the whole Western Chris- tion of the little horn, the Papacy, to Christ
wholly with the papal phase, as described in insufficient, and she has recourse to force, to tendom, Bologna. In this work the Isido- is here foretold. We therefore proceed at
Gabriel's interpretation of the little horn, corporal punishment, to torture. She creates rian forgeries were combined with those of once to give some proofs that the Papacy
which follows: -- tribunals like those of the Inquisition, she the Gregorian writers, Deusdedit, Anselm, has done what is thus predicted concern-
"And in the latter time of their kingdom, calls the laws of the state to her aid, if neces- Gregory of Pavia, and with Gratian's own ing it.
when the transgressors are come to the full, a sary she encourages a crusade, or a religious additions. His work displaced all the older The official title of the Pope of Rome is
king of fierce countenance, and understand- war, and all her 'horror of blood' practically collections of canon law, and became the man- "vicar of Christ." This title was formally
ing dark sentences, shall stand up. And his culminates into urging the secular power to ual and repertory, not for canonists only, but established by the Council of Florence in
power shall be mighty, but not by his own shed it, which proceeding is almost more for the scholastic theologians, who, for the 1439 in this definition: —
power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and odious — for it is less frank— than shedding most part, derived all their knowledge of "We define that . . . the Roman Pontiff
shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy it herself. Especially did she act thus in the fathers and councils from it. No book has himself is the successor of the blessed Peter,
the mighty and the holy people. And sixteenth century with regard to Protestants. ever come near it in its influence in the prince of the apostles, and the true vicar of
through his policy also he shall cause craft Not content to reform morally, to preach by church, although there is scarcely another Christ, the head of the whole church, the
to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify example, to convert people by eloquent and so chock-full of gross errors, both intentional father and doctor of all Christians."— Labbe
himself in his heart, and by peace shall de- holy missionaries, she lit in Italy, in the Low and unintentional."—" The Pope and the and Cossart's "History of ilia Councils," Vol.
stroy many: he shall also stand up against Countries, and above all in Spain the funeral Council," Janus (Dellinger, Roman Catholic), XIII, Col. 1167.
the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken piles of the Inquisition. In France under 1870, pages 142,148. The real significance of this expression,
without hand." Dan. 8:23.25. Francis I and Henry II, in England under "vicar of Christ," is well stated in the fol-
Rome's Self-Exaltation lowing quotation: —
In perfect hammy with the prediction Mary Tudor, she tortured the heretics,
here made concerning the Papacy, that "his whilst both in France and Germany during Another specification concerning the little "The apostle John, speaking of the great
nines h,,1C nC fin oiv•nor+ h nnri fir Ara+ the Pmacv is that "he shall magnify apostasy to arise in Christendom, calls it the

'Antichrist.' And the Pope has taken to And let us further mark that both churches All this is most adroitly counterfeited in "And the host was given over to it to-
himself, as the name that best describes his rest not on a doctrine, but on a person. The the Pope's church. It is only in the way of gether with the continual burnt offering
office, the title 'vicar of Christ.' . . The church of God rests on a Person, even Christ. the members of that church resting on Peter, through transgression." Dan. 8: 12, first
first, 'Antichrist,' is a Greek word; the second, No one is saved by simply believing a system or what is the same thing, on the Pope, thet clause, It. V.•
'vicar,' is an English word; but the two are of truth. The truth is the light that shows they can be saved. Romanists tell us that i t 19. What did this power do to the truth?
in reality one, for both words have the same the sinner his way to the Saviour. He is is essential to the salvation of every human "And it cast down truth to the ground, and
meaning. Antichrist translated into Eng- united to Christ by his faith which takes being that he be subject to the authority of it did its pleasure, and prospered." Same
lish is vice Christ, or vicar of Christ; and hold of the Saviour, and by the Spirit who the Pope. Peter - that is, the Pope - is the verse, last clause, R. V.
vicar of Christ, rendered into Greek is Anti- comes to dwell in his heart. Thus is he a one reservoir of grace; from him it flows down NOTES.- The interpretation already given
christ - Antichristos. if we can establish member of the spiritual body. The Bible, through the grand conduit of apostolical suc- to this vision shows plainly that the power
this - and the ordinary use of the word by ministers, and ordinances are the channels cession to all the members of the "church," represented by the little horn is the suc-
those to whom the Greek WAS a vernacular, through which the life of the Head flows intoand thus are they built up a spiritual house cessor of Mc-do-Persia and Grecia. In the
is decisive on the point - we shall have no the members of the body. Thus are they -built upon the foundation of traditions, vision of the seventh chapter of Daniel,
difficulty in showing that this is the meaning built up as a spiritual house, a holy temple,sacraments, priests, bishops, cardinals, the which is closely related to this vision, the
of the word 'Antichrist,' - even a vice "and are built upon the foundation of the Pope himself being the chief corner stone. fourth beast represented the fourth kingdom,
Christ. And if so, then every time the Pope apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself -"The Papacy is the Antichrist," hg Rev. or Rome, in its entirety, special attention,
claims to be the vicar of Christ, he pleads being the chief corner stone." Eph. 2:20. J. A. Wylie, LL. D., Edinburgh, George .'Gib- however, being given to the "little horn,"
at the bar of the world that he is the 'Anti- This is genuine Christianity. bon, pages 88-.91. or papal phase, of its history. As shown by
christ.'" -"The Papacy Is the Antichrist," • the work attributed to it, this little horn,
Rev. J. A. Wylie, pages 1, 2. which arose among the ten kingdoms into
When a Pope is crowned with the tiara, which Rome was divided, was to be a religio-
these words are spoken to hini by the first political power, which was to change the
cardinal deacon: - times and Ian' of God, and persecute the peo-
"Receive the tiara, adorned with three ple of God. In the vision of the eighth chap-
crowns, and know that thou art the father ter the ecclesiastical features of this fourth
of princes and kings, ruler of the world, vicar world powir are especially noted and em-
on earth of our Saviour Jesus Christ." phasized, and hence the only symbol there
The successive Popes for centuries have used to represent it is the "little horn" which
individually claimed to occupy the high posi- waxed "exceeding great."
tion assigned to them by the Council of The religion of all the four great monarchies
Florence. One utterance will serve as an mentioned in these prophecies was paganism;
example of all. but the paganism of ancient Babylon was re-
Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical letter, produced in pagan Rome, and then adapted
Prreclara gratulationis publicce, June 20, 1854, and adopted by papal Rome. The little horn
made this blasphemous affirmation: - of the eighth chapter represents Rome, both
" We hold upon this earth the place of God. pagan and papal, in its ecclesiastical aspect,
Almighty." -" The Great Encyclical Letters of with its union of paganism and later of
Lea XIII," New York, Benziger Brothers, apostate Christianity - and the secular
page 304. power, with its antichristian persecution of
Proof is sufficient that the Pope, as the the saints of God, with its perversion of the
head of the Papacy, has stood up against the priesthood of Christ, and with its assertion
Prince of princes by professing to take his
place on earth, and while making this high The Little Horn of the Eighth of both temporal and spiritual power over
all the world. It is evident that pagan Rome
is introduced into this prophecy chiefly as a
profession he has shown himself to be the
enemy of Christ by many utterances and
actions absolutely contrary to the teaching
Chapter of Daniel means of locating the place and work of
papal Rome, and the ecclesiastical features
and example of the lowly Nazarene, who of pagan Rome as typical of the same fea-
A Bible Study tures acrentuated in papal Rome, and that
"humbled himself, and became obedient unto
death, even the death of the cross." The Vicar of Christ the emphasis is to be placed upon the fulfill-
-Chasander-' Lysimachus, Ptolemy, and ment of prophecy in the work of papal Rome.
Conclusion Seleucus - became his successors. A careful comparison of Dan. 7:21, 25, with
1. WHAT appeared to Daniel in 538 n. c., “Irtie..vast empire created by Alexander's Dan. 8: 10-12, R. V., and 2 Thess. 2: 3, 4,
In view of the argument, and the proofs the same year in which Babylon fell? unparalleled conquests was distracted by the
presented in this article, we are now prepared "In the third year of the reign of King wranglinge and wars of- his successors, and will amply justify this conclusion.
to affirm concerning the prophecy in the Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even before the close of the fourth century before -0- -4- -14-
eighth chapter of Daniel:- unto me Daniel, after that: which appeared Christ, had become broken up into many
1. That the ram having two horns repre- unto me at the first." Dan. fragments. Besides minor states, four well- "Mystery, Babylon the Great"
sents Medo-Persia. • 2. Where was Daniel at this time? defined and important monarchies arise out
2. That the rough goat represents Grecia. " And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass, of the ruins. . , . Their rulers werOLYsiina- EITHER the claims of the Church of Rome
3. That the notable horn of the rough when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the chus, cassancler, Seleucus Nicater, and..Ptol- are just, or they are not.
goat represents Alexander the Great. palace, which is in the province of Elam; emv, who had each assumed theiiitle of king. If they are, she is infallible and indefectible.
4. Tintt the four horns of the rough goat and I saw in a vision, and I was by the.river The great horn was broken; and -instead of She is the mother and mistress of churches.
reprelent the four divisions of Alexander's of Ulai." Verse 2. Her Pontiff is the universal pastor, the cen-
it came up four notable ones toward the
cinema-. - -3-What. first-atiraeted-the-pronitet.'seat- four winds Of heaveri.":71(yers'i."-Flistlenie of ter of _unity; the father of the. faithful, the
5. That the little horn represents Rome in tention? supreme head and spiritual judge of Christen-
Greece," page 457, edition 1902. dom, and (es lie himself asserts) it is neces-
both its pagan and papal phases. "Then I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and, II. What tame out of one of the four horns sary for every one to be in communion with
6. That in the interpretation of the little behold, there stood before the river a rain of the goat? 'se • •
horn, emphasis is placed upon Rome in its which had two horns: and the two horns him and to be in subjection to him. Out of
"And out of one bf Ruins came forth a
papal phase. were high; but one was higher than the other, little horn, whichivaxed "i"Xceedizie great, to- his communion there is no salvation.
7. That the specifications concerning the and the higher came up last." Verse 3. Now, we hold in our hand the Apocalypse
ward the soutlid toward the east,:and to- of St. John, the revelation of Jesus Christ,
little horn and his work have been completely 4. What power was represented by the ram ward the Pletisint land." Verse 9.
fulfilled in the Papacy. having two horns? the voice of the Spirit to the churches, the
12. What interpretation is given of this prophetic history of the church from the
The study of this and the other prophecies "The ram which thou sawest having two little horn?
of the book of Daniel furnishes sufficient horns are the kings of Media and Persia." apostolic age to the day of doom.
"And in the latter time of their kingdom, In it St. John places us at Rome; he points
ground for repudiating any claim of the Pa- Verse 20. when the transgressors are come to the full,
pacy to be a part of the Christian Church, 5. How are the rise and work of this a king of fierce countenance, and understand- to its seven hills; he shows us the city en-
power described? throned upon them; he detains us there,
and proves conclusively that it is the great ing dark sentences, shall stand up." Verse 23. while he reveals to us Rome's future history,
apostasy concerning which so many warnings "I saw the ram pushing westward, and 13. What did this little horn do to the even to its total extinction, which he do
are given in the Scriptures. It is the duty northward, and southward; so that no beasts people of God?
of all Christians to separate from this anti- might stand before him, neither was there scribes.
"And it waxed great, even to the host of 1. If (as Rome affirms) Christ has insti-
christian organization, and to stand as wit- any that could deliver out of his hand; but heaven; and it cast down some of the host and
nesses for the truth of the gospel of Christ. he did according to his will, and became great." of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon tuted a spiritual supremacy and an infallible
Verse 4. • authority which all men are obliged to ac-
them." Verse 10. knowledge and to which all must bow and
-4- -4- -4- 6. What symbol was next introduced in 14. In what literal language is this perse- with which all must be in communion on pain
the vision? cution of the people of God further do of everlasting damnation, it may. reasonably
A Grand Deception "And as I was considering, behold, an he scribed?
PAGANISM was a system of deceivableness. goat came from the west on the face of the be supposed that the Holy Spirit, in reveal-
"And his power shall be mighty, but not
It was the worship of a false god, under the whole earth, and touched not the ground: by his own power: and he shall destroy won- ing the future history of the church (as he
does in the Apocalypse) and in providing
pretense of being the worship of the true God. and the goat had a notable horn between derfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and guidance and comfort for Christians under
But popery is a deceivableness on a scale far his eyes." Verse 5. shall destroy the mighty and the holy peo- their trials, which he predicts, would not
beyond that of paganism. The one was a 7. What did the goat with the notable ple." Verse 24.
counterfeit of the religion of nature; the horn represent? have failed to give some notice of such spir-
15. How was this little horn to exalt itself itual supremacy and infallible authority in
other is a counterfeit of the religion of the "And the rough goat is the king of Greeks: against Christ?
gospel. Popery has a god of its own - him, and the great horn that is between his eyes the church.
"Yea, it magnified itself, even to the Prince 2. If Christ has settled that spiritual pre-
even, whom the canon law calls the "Lord is the first king." Verse 21. of the host; and it took away from him the
our God." It has a savior of its own - the 8. How was the conquest of Medo-Persia continual burnt offering, and the place of his eminence and supremacy at Rome, it may
church, to wit. It has a sacrifice of its own by Grecia foretold in this symbolic prophecy? sanctuary was cast down." Verse 11, II, V. be concluded that the Holy Spirit,
"And I saw him come close unto the ram, when speaking specially and copiously of
- the mass. It has a mediator of its own 16. In the interpretation of the vision, Rome, and tracing her history (as he does in
- the priesthood. It has a sanctifier of its and he was moved with choler against him, how is this self-exaltation set forth?
own - the sacrament. It has a justifica- and smote the ram, and brgke his two horns: and the Apocalypse, and as Romish divines allow
"And through his policy also he shall
tion of its own - that even of infused right- there was no power in the ram to stand be- cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he that he does) even to the day when she will
eousness. It has a pardon of its own - the fore him, but he cast him down to the ground, shall nuignify himself an his heart, and by be burned with fire and her smoke ascend to
pardon of the confessional; and it has in the and stamped upon him: and there was none peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand heaven, would not have omitted to mention
heavens an infallible, all-prevailing advocate that could deliver the ram out of his hand." up against the Prince of princes; but he shall that preeminence and supremacy supposed
to exist at Rome.
unknown to the gospel - the "Mother of Verse 7. be broken without hand." Verse 25. 3. If the Church of Rome is - as she her-
God." It thus presents to the world a spit- 9. When the he goat "was strong," what 17. What similar language is used by the self affirms - the true spouse of Christ, the
itual and saving apparatus for the salvation occurred? apostle Paul in describing the "mystery of mother and mistress of all churches in Chris-
of men, and yet it neither sanctifies nor saves "Therefore the he goat waxed very great: iniquity," or "man of sin"?
any one. It looks like a church, it professes and when he was strong, the great horn was tendom, and if communion with her is neces-
That day shall not come, except there sary to salvation, assuredly the Holy Spirit
to have all that a church ought to have; and broken; and for it came up four notable ones come a falling away first, and that man of sin would have taken great care that no reason-
yet it is not a church. It is a grand decep- toward the four winds of heaven." Verse 8. be revealed, the son of perdition; who op-
tion - "the all-deceivableness of unright- 10. Who was represented by "the great poseth and exalteth himself above all that is able man should he able to impute to the
eousness." horn," and what followed when it was called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as Christian Church of Rome what he intended
for the heathen city of Rome And since by
There is another point here that merits broken? God sitteth in the temple of God, showing him- the union of the supreme civil authority and
our attention. It relates to the architecture "And the rough goat is the king [kingdom] self that he is God." 2 Thess. 2:3, 4.
or order of the spiritual house, the church. of Grecia: and the great horn that is between the spiritual in the person of the bishop, who
Popery from its foundation to its topstone his eyes is the first king. Now that being NOTE.- The last two scriptures evidently is also the sovereign of Rome, and by the
has imitated that order. That "Christ is broken, whereas four stood up for it, four describe one and the same power,- a power consequent incorporation of the city of Rome
in the Church of Rome, there was great
the Son of God," is the corner stone of the kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but which, while professedly Christian, is anti- probability of such a confusion, - which the
gospel church. Out of that root the whole not in his power." Verses 21, 22. christian in spirit, and the very "man of
Notes.-From the interpretation given, sin" himself, Possessed with the selfish am- Holy Spirit could foresee,- he would have
gospel springs. It is the "rock" on which
Christ, addressing Peter, said that he would it is plain that the notable "horn" upon the bition of Lucifer (Ise. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:17), guarded against it, and have taken care that
he goat represented Alexander the Great, he assumes to occupy the very seat and place the character he draws of the harlot, arid the
build his church.
That the "Pope is the vicar of Christ" is who led the Grecian forces in their conquest of Deity in the temple of God. Professing awful description which he gives in the Apoc-
the corner stone of the papal church. Out of Medo-Persia. Upon the death of Alex- to be Christ's vicar or personal representative alypse of her future doom, could not pos-
of that root does the whole of popery spring. ander at Babylon, 323 H. c., there followed on earth, he magnifies himself against Christ, sibly be applied by any reasonable man to
On that "rock," said Boniface III, in the a brief period of confusion in te struggle for and "stands up" (or reigns) in the place of, the Church of Rome.
seventh century, and Gregory VII, with yet the kingdom, but the succession was defi- and "against," the Prince of princes. Now, what is the fact?
18. What was given into the hands of the 1. Not a word does the Holy Spirit say in
greater emphasis, in the eleventh, will I build nitely determined by the Battle of Ipsus, vrtnnebemn IArl by the here? the Annealeree. of the existence of any su-

preme visible head or infallible authority in The fulfillment %of the prophecy seemed im- writing on the council of 1870, uses the follow- The Papacy in Prophecy
the church. probable, almost impossible. Age after age ing language, which strikingly expresses the
rolled away. By degrees the mists which papal ideal: "The Pope is not a power among THERE are three distinct sets of prophecies
2. Not a word does he say of the Church
hung over it became less thick. The clouds men to be venerated like another. But he of the rise, character, deeds, and doom of
of Rome as the center of unity, the arbitress
began to break. Some features of the dark is a power altogether divine. He is the pro- Romanism. The first is found in the book of
of faith, the mother and mistress of churches.
mystery began to appear, dimly at first, then pounder and teacher of the law of the Lord Daniel, the second in the epistles of Paul,
Not a word does he speak in her praise. In-
snore clearly, like mountains at daybreak. in the whole universe; he is the supreme and the third in the letters and Apocalypse
deed, the advocates of the Church of Rome
Then the form of the mystery became more leader of the nations, to guide them in the of John; and no one of these three is complete
%who all allow that, in the Apocalypse, he
and more distinct. The seven hills, and the way of eternal salvation; he is the common in itself. It is only by combining their sepa-
speaks largely of the Roman city) say that
he does not mention the Church of Rome woman sitting upon them, became more and father and universal guardian of the whole rate features that we obtain the perfect por-
more visible. Her voice was heard. Strange human species in the name of God. The trait. Just as we cannot denim from one
at all!
sounds of blasphemy were muttered by her. human species has been perfected in its nat- Gospel a complete life of Christ, but in order
How unaccountable is all this if, as they
Then they became louder and louder. And ural qualities by divine revelation and by the to obtain this must take into account the
affirm, Christ has instituted such a supron-
isey, and if he has placed it at Rome! the golden chalice in her hand, her scarlet incarnation of the Word, and has been lifted records in the other three: so we cannot from
But now hit us take the other alternative. attire, her pearls and jewels, were seen glit- up into a supernatural order, in which alone one prophecy gather a correct account of
tering in the sun. Kings and nations were can it find its temporal and eternal felicity. Antichrist; we insist add to the particulars
Let the claims of the Church of Rome be
The treasures of revelation, the treasures of given in one those supplied by the other two.
untounded; then it must be admitted that displayed prostrate at her feet, and drink-
ing her cup. Saints were slaffi by her sword, truth, the treasures of righteousness, the Some features are given in all three prophe-
they are nothing short of blasphemy, for they
and she exulted over them. And now the treasures of supernatural graces upon earth, cies, just as the death and resurrection of
ere claims to infallibility, indefectibility, and
prophecy becomes clear, clear as noonday; have been deposited by God in the hands of Christ are given in all four Gospels. Others
universal dominion, spiritual and temporal,
and we tremble at the sight, while we read one man, who is the sole dispenser and keeper are given only in two, and others are peculiar
is inch are attributes of Almighty God.
the inscription, emblazoned in large letters, of them. The life-giving work of the divine to one. As might be expected from the po-
And now again let us turn to the Apoea-
"Mystery, Babylon the Great," written by incarnation, work of wisdom, of love, of sition and training of the prophet who was
lypse. What do we find there?
We see there a certain city portrayed, a a statesman and a governor in Babylon,
great city, the great city, the queen of the Daniel's foreview presents the political char-
acter and relations of Romanism. The apos-
sarth when St, John wrote, the city on seven
tle Paul's foreview, on the other hand, gives
hills, the city of Rome.
the ecclesiastical character and relations of
At Rome, then, we are placed by St. John.
this power; and John's prophecies, both in
We stand there by St. John's side. This city
Revelation 13 and 17, present the combina-
is represented by him as a woman; it is called
tion of both, the mutual relations of the
the harlot. It is contrasted by him with
Latin church and Roman state. He uses
the woman in the wilderness, crowned with
composite figures, one part of which repre-
the twelve stars, the future bride in heaven,
sents the political aspect of Romanism as a
the New Jerusalem; that is, it is contrasted
temporal government, and the other its re-
with the faithful apostolic church, now so-
ligious aspect as an ecclesiastical system.—
journing on earth, and to be glorified here-
"Rotaanisai and the Reformation," H. Grid--
after in heaven.
The harlot persecutes with the power of 4M Guinness, D. D., F. R. A. S., London,
J. Nisbet & Co., 1891, page 7.
the dragon; the bride is persecuted by the
dragon. The harlot is arrayed in scarlet; —0— —4— —4,—
the bride is attired in white. The harlot
sinks to an abyss; the bride mounts to heaven. The Papacy
The bride is the faithful church; the harlot,
contrasted with her, is a faithless church. Woo can measure it, or analyze it, or com-
prehend it? The weapons of reason appear
The great city, then, which is allowed to
be Rome, is called a harlot, and a harlot is a to fall impotent before its haughty dogma-
faithless church; therefore that great city is tism. Genius cannot reconcile its inconsist-
the Church of Rome. encies. Serenely it sits, unmoved amid all
This harlot city is represented as seated the aggressions of human thought and all
upon many waters, which are peoples, and the triumphs of modern science. It is both
nations, and tongues. Kings give their lofty and degraded; simple, yet worldly-wise;
power to her and commit fornication with humble, yet scornful and proud; washing beg-
her. She vaunts that she is a queen forever. gars' feet, yet imposing commando on the
She is displayed as claiming a double su- potentates of earth; benignant, yet severe on
premacy. all who rebel; here clothed in rags, and there
Now, look at Rome. She, she alone of reveling in palaces; supported by charities,
all the cities that are or ever have been in the yet feasting the princes of the earth; assum-
world, asserts universal supremacy, spiritual ing the title of "servant of the servants of
and temporal. She wields two swords. She God," yet arrogating the highest seat among
wears two diadems. And she has claimed worldly dignitaries. Was there ever such a
this double power for more than a thousand contradiction,—"glory in debasement, and
years. "Ruler of the World," "1. niversal debasement in glory,"— type of the misery
Pastor," "Father of Kings and Princes,"— and greatness of man? Was there ever such
these are the titles of her Pontiff. She boasts a mystery, so occult are its arts, so subtle its
that she is the Catholic Church; that she is policy, so plausible its pretensions, so certain
"alone, and none beside her," on the earth; its shafts?—"Beacon Lights of History," by
she affirms that her light will never be dim, John Lord, LL. D., Vol. V, page 99.
her candlestick never removed. And yet she
teaches strange doctrines. She has broken
her plighted troth, and forgotten the love of THE PROTESTANT MAGAZINE
her espousals. She has been untrue to God.
of Washington, D. C., now in its seventh
She has put on the scarlet robe and gaudy year of publication, is indorsed by the lead-
jewels and bold look of a harlot, and gone Copyright Underwood 8. Underwood, New Terk
ing Protestant writers and speakers through-
after other gods. She canonizeti• men,— as THE VATICAN FROM THE DOME OF ST. PETER'S out the country. It stands in a class by
she did the other day (June 8, 1862),— and itself thoroughly reliable, avoiding personal
then worships them. She would make the the hand of St. John, guided by the Holy merry, is ceaselessly continued in the cease- attacks, but dealing with facts, irresistible in
apostles untrue to their Lord, and constrain Spirit of God, on the forehead of the Church less action of one man, thereto ordained by fighting the aggression of Romanism to over-
the blessed mother of Christ to be a rival of Rome.—" Union With Rome," Chr. Words- Providence. This man is the Pope. This throw American liberties, Known among
of her divine Son. She adores angels, and worth, D. D., Ler/amens, Green & Co., 1909, is evidently implied in his designation itself, Protestant and patriotic societies as " an
thereby dishonors the triune God, before pages 5848. the vicar of Christ. For if he holds the place anti-Catholic classic."
whose glorious majesty they veil their faces. of Christ upon earth, that means that he con-
She deifies the creature, and thus defies the tinues the work of Christ in the world, and Send ten cents for specimen copy. Address
Creator. The Vicar of God is in respect of us what Christ would be if he
St. John, when he calls us to see the harlot THE PROTESTANT MAGAZINE
IN A, D. 1294 Boniface VIII became Pope, were here below, himself visibly governing
city, the seven-hilled city, fixed her name on the church." WASHINGTON. D. C.
her forehead — Mystery — to be seen and and by his superior audacity he threw into
the shade even Innocent HI. He deserves Do you hear these words? Do you take
read by all. And he says, "Blessed is he them m? Do you grasp the thought which
that readeth, and they that hear the words to be designated the most usurping of man-
kind, as witnesses his celebrated bull Unapt
they express? Do you perceive the main THE BEREAN LIBRARY
of this prophecy." idea and central principle of the Papacy?
Her title is Mystery, a secret spell bearing madam. In this document the full claims Au. who desire to study further the impor-
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ops, by priests and monks and nuns innu- .35
ism in persecuting the church was no mystery. the claim of Boniface VIII? It was that —
merable, by all the millions of Catholics Religious Liberty in America, 448 pages .35
But a Christian church, calling herself the The Pope Represents God Upon Earth. throughout the world; no wonder that he has His Glorious Appearing, lag pages
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with the blood of saints,— this is a mystery. As this claim is the most extraordinary and doms, dispensed pardons and bestowed in- The Sabbath in History, 60o pages .5.
A Christian church boasting herself to be the audacious ever made by mortal man, I will dulgences, canonized saints, remitted purga- Capital and Labor, 208 pages
bride, and yet being the harlot; styling her- state it, not in my own words, but in the torial pains, promulgated dogmas, and issued Here and Hereafter, 36o pages
self Zion, and being Babylon,—this is a words of the highest papal authority. In bulls and laws and extravagants, laid em- Bible Footlights, 32o pages .35
mystery. A mystery indeed it is that when the summary of things concerning the dignity, pires under interdicts, bestowed benedic- Our Paradise Horne, 1.28 pages
she says to all, "Come unto me," the voice authority, and infallibility of the Pope, set tions, and uttered anathemas! The Coming King, 320 pages .5.
from heaven should cry, "Come out of her, forth by Boniface VIII, are these words: Who is like unto him on the earth? What
my people." A mystery indeed it is that "The Pope is of so great dignity and excel- Order from the Publishers, whose
are great men, philosophers, statesmen, con-
she who boasts herself the city of saints should lence that he is not merely man, but as if God, querors, princes, kings, and even emperors of address is given before
become the habitation of devils; that she who and the vicar of God (non simplex home, sed the earth compared to him? Their glory is
claims to be infallible should be said to cor- quasi Dew, el Dei vicarius). The Pope alone of the earth, earthy; his is from above, it is
rupt the earth; that a self-named "mother of is called most holy, . . . divine monarch, divine. He is the representative of Christ,
churches" should be called by the Holy and supreme emperor, and king of kings. . the Creator and Redeemer, the Lord of all. The Advent Review
Spirit the "mother of abominations;" that The Pope is of so great dignity and power He is as Christ; he takes the place of Christ.
she who boasts to be indefectible should in
one day be destroyed, and that apostles
that he constitutes one and the same tribunal
with Christ (facial unarm et ideal tribunal cum
He is as God, as God on earth. This blas- and Sabbath Herald
phemous notion is the keystone of the entire
should rejoice at her fall; that she who holds, Christo), so that whatsoever the Pope does papal arch; it is the stupendous axis on which September 13, 1915
as she says, in her hands the keys of heaven, seems to proceed from the mouth of God the whole papal world has rotated for ages,
should be cast into the lake of fire by Him (ab ore Dei). . . . The Pope is as God- on Romanians ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE
and is rotating at this hour.—"
who has the keys of hell. All this, in truth, earth (papa est quasi Deus in terra)." and the Reformation," H. Grattan Guinness, Review & Herald Publishing Association
is a great mystery. That which was claimed by Boniface VIII D. D., F. R. A. S., London, J. Nisbet tt Co.,
Nearly eighteen centuries have passed in the thirteenth century has been claimed 1891, pages 16-18. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
away since the Holy Spirit prophesied, by ever since by a succession of popes down to -4- -4- -.- Terms: in Advance
the mouth of St. John, that this mystery Pius IX and Leo XIII in the nineteenth cen- One Year $2.00 Six Months.. 11.00
would he revealed in that city which was then tury. The Pope speaks today as the vicar The Two Mysteries Three Months ..... . $ .50
the queen of the earth, the city on seven hills, of Christ, as God's vicegerent. The great IF God humbling himself to take the place
the city of Rome. ecumenical council of 1870 proclaimed him of man be "the Mystery of Godliness," man [Entered as second.elass matter, August 14, mo3, it
'f he mystery was then dark, dark as mid- such, and declared him to be infallible. A exalting himself to take the place of God is the post effete at Washington, 13, C., under the Let of
night. Man's eye could not pierce the gloom. professor of history in the Roman university, surely " the mystery of iniquity."— Guinness. Congress of Minh 3, 11379.]

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