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Objective of Holidays Homework

"Core knowledge consolidation" as a holiday homework objective refers to activities or

assignments that aim to reinforce and solidify the foundational knowledge and concepts
in a particular subject or academic area. It involves reviewing and practicing the
essential principles, facts, and skills that serve as the basis for further learning and
understanding. The purpose is to ensure that students have a strong grasp of the core
content and can build upon it effectively.

"Sharpening precision" as a holiday homework objective refers to activities or

assignments that aim to improve the accuracy, clarity, and exactness of communication
or performance in a particular area. It involves refining and honing the ability to express
oneself precisely. The purpose is to enhance precision in conveying information, ideas,
or executing tasks effectively.

"Skill enrichment" as a holiday homework objective refers to activities or assignments

that aim to enhance and develop specific skills during the break from regular school
routines. It involves engaging in tasks or exercises that promote growth, improvement,
and expansion of abilities in various areas. The purpose is to provide opportunities for
students to acquire new skills, deepen existing ones, and broaden their knowledge and




●Solve all reading tasks of chapters 16-20 of Workbook. Use coursebook for
reference or help if needed.

Writing: Practice following in English notebook

1. You are studying English at a private language school attended by many

international students. You are planning a surprise birthday party for a friend who
has been feeling particularly sad and homesick. Write to another classmate and
invite him / her to the party. In your letter:

 explain the reason for the party

 give the date and time of the party
 suggest what the classmate could bring to the party

2. An English-speaking friend wants to spend a two-week holiday in your region

and has written asking for information and advice. Write a letter to your friend. In
your letter:

 offer to find somewhere to stay

 give advice about what to do
 give information about what clothes to bring

3.You have recently been to stay with an old friend for a few days. You hadn't seen
each other for a long time. Write a letter to the friend. In your letter:
 say how you felt about the visit
 refer to something enjoyable that you did while staying with him / her
 invite your friend to visit you

4. This year, you have been a member of the after-school drama club. Your head
teacher has asked you to write a report about the club. In your report, say what
you like about the club, and suggest how it could be improved in the future.

Write a report for your head teacher, giving your views.

5. This year, you have been a member of the after-school science club. Your head
teacher has asked you to write a report about the club. In your report, say what
you like about the club, and suggest how it could be improved in the future.

Write a report for your head teacher, giving your views.

6. As a member of the after-school sports club this year, your head teacher has
asked you to write a report about the club. In your report, say what you like about
the club, and suggest how it could be improved in the future.

Write a report for your head teacher, giving your views.

7. Recently, your class has been discussing whether it is important for all students
to learn a second language at school.

Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.

8. Recently, your class has been discussing whether it is important for all students
to have art lessons at school.

Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.

9. In class, you have been discussing whether it is important for all students to
participate in sports at school.

Write an article for your teacher, giving your views.

10. During the recent break, you joined a language immersion course. Your teacher
has requested you to write a review of the course for the school magazine.

Write a review for the school magazine, giving your opinions.

11. Over the holidays, you participated in a robotics workshop. Your

teacher has asked you to write a review of the workshop for the school magazine.

Write a review for the school magazine, giving your opinions.

12. During your recent school break, you attended a painting course. Your teacher
wants you to write a review of the course for the school magazine.
Write a review for the school magazine, giving your opinions.

Note: Each writing topic should be between 120 and 160 words long.



Cultural Research:

Choose a famous Hindi poet or author and research their life and contributions to Hindi literature. Write
a short biography highlighting their major works and impact on Hindi language and literature.

Past Paper: - Solve last question of past papers 2011 to 2016(Ex. Email, report lekhan, visit to a historical

Link for Papers:



Activity: - Prepare mind map for following topics

1. Coordinate Geometry
2. Geometry
3. Mensuration

Refer link:

Numerical skills: - Solve 5 questions from each topic above mentioned from series March 2020,
May-june2020 & Oct-Nov-2020.

Link for past papers:

Reference find attached files

Time to be Spent
30 Min per day for maximum 15 days
(Hours per day for ___ Days):

Work Specification: Questions based on the topics covered to be done on separate sheets.

A-4 papers as per your requirement to do all the sums. The sheets are be
Materials stapled and put in a file. You can also do it on ruled papers, staple them
Required: and put them in a file before submission.

Note: Revise all the concepts before solving the given sums. Show all the
Instructions /
Guidelines: steps of working for each sum.



1. Revise chapter 1-10.

2. Write exam style question answers of chapter 6, 7, 8.
3. Complete presentation task from papers given below:
March 2020 – Paper 21
June 2020 – Paper 02
November 2020 – Paper 02
Note: Create a folder named Holidays assignment. Save the printouts of the
given task in pdf format in the same folder and submit it after vacations.




1. There are four blood groups in the ABO system in humans: A, B, AB and O.

The gene that determines blood group has three alleles: IA, IB and Io.

(a) Parents with the genotypes IAIo and IBIo are planning to have more children.

Complete the genetic diagram to determine the probability that the next child will have blood
group O.

phenotypes of the children


probability that the child will have blood group O


(b) Explain why the ABO blood group system is an example of co-dominance.





............................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Fig. 1.1 shows the percentages of the global population with the four different blood
groups in the ABO system.




percentage 25
of the global
population 20



blood group

Fig. 1.1
With reference to Fig. 1.1, explain why the ABO blood group system is an example of
discontinuous variation.






..................................................................................................................... [2]

2. Colour blindness can be caused by a mutation in a gene. The gene is located on the X

Fig. 2.1 is a pedigree diagram of a family which has several people who are

1 2

3 4

5 6


Fig. .2.1
(i) Colour blindness is sex‑linked.

State the evidence from Fig. 2.1 that supports the idea that colour blindness is




(ii) State the genotype of person 5.

Use the symbols X and Y for the sex chromosomes and A for the dominant allele and a for
the recessive allele of the gene for colour blindness.


(iii) Use the information in Fig. 3.3 to complete the genetic diagram to show the
probability of person 3 and person 4 having another child with colour blindness.
person 3 person 4

3. Fig. 3.1 shows some flowers of a snapdragon plant, Antirrhinum majus.

Snapdragons are insect-pollinated plants.

Fig. 3.1
(i) State one feature visible in Fig. 3.1 that suggests these flowers are insect-

......................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State how self-pollination differs from cross-pollination.




(iii) Suggest why self-pollination might be advantageous to a population of plants.








(b) Petal colour in the flowers of snapdragon plants shows co-dominance.

The gene for petal colour has two co-dominant alleles:

• CR for red petals

• CW for white petals

Table 3.1 shows the genotypes and phenotypes of snapdragon plants with
different petal colours.

Table 3.1
genotype phenotype

CRCR red

C WC W white

CR CW pink
(i) Explain the term co-dominance.






(ii) A botanist crossed two snapdragon plants with pink flowers.

Complete the genetic diagram to show the ratio of expected phenotypes in the

parental phenotypes pink flower × pink flower

parental genotypes CRCW × CRCW

........... ........... ........... ...........


offspring genotypes 1..................... 2.................... 3.................... ..


offspring phenotypes 1.................... 2 .................... 3....................


phenotypic ratio


(iii) The botanist wanted to produce a generation of snapdragons that all had pink

State the phenotypes of the parent plants that the botanist would need to cross.

Explain your answer.

parent phenotypes






4 Johnson grass, Sorghum halepense, is wind-pollinated.

(a) Fig. 4.1 shows some Johnson grass flowers.

Fig. 4.1
(i) State the genus of Johnson grass.

............................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe two features visible in Fig. 4.1 that show that Johnson grass flowers are
adapted for wind-pollination.

1 ............................................................................................


2 ...........................................................................................................

[2] (b) Fig. 4.2 shows a section through a carpel shortly after pollination.


Fig. 4.2
(i) State the names of the parts of the carpel labelled C, D and E.

C .................................................................................................................


(ii) Complete the sentences:

Pollen grains are formed in anthers. During their formation the number of

in the nuclei is halved by the process of .............................................. . This

means the male nucleus A in the pollen tube is described as a

.............................................. nucleus. When nucleus A

.............................................. with nucleus B, the chromosome number

doubles to form a .............................................. nucleus. The name of this

process is .............................................. . Then the

.............................................. divides by the

process of .............................................. to form an embryo.


(C) Sexual reproduction requires energy.

State three uses of energy in organisms other than in reproduction.

1 .......................................................................................................................

2 .....................................................................................................................

3 .....................................................................................................................

5. (a) The length of hair in cats is controlled by a single gene.

• The allele for short hair is dominant – H

• The allele for long hair is recessive – h

Fig. 5.1is a photograph of two cats.

cat A cat B

Fig. 5.1
(i) Table 5.1 shows some of the genetic and physical features of the cats in Fig. 5.1

Complete Table 5.1.

Table 5.1
cat A cat B

phenotype long hair ..................................................................

genotype .................................................................. HH or ........................................................


(ii) State the genotype of a pure-breeding short-haired cat.


(iii) Two cats with the genotypes HH and hh were bred together.

Predict the percentage of offspring that are heterozygous.

.......................................................% [1]

(b) The statements describe features of continuous or discontinuous variation.

Identify the type of variation each statement describes.

Write the letter C for continuous variation or D for discontinuous variation in

the spaces provided.

Height is an example of this type of variation. ......................................

There are no intermediate phenotypes with this type of variation.


This type of variation results in a limited number of phenotypes.


(c) A student wrote a definition of variation as:

‘the similarities between individuals of the same kingdom’.

Identify the two incorrect words in the student’s definition.

1 ..........................................................................................................................

2 .......................................................................................................................

1 Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, decomposes into water and oxygen in the presence of a catalyst,
manganese(IV) oxide.

2H2O2(aq) → 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

(a) What is meant by the term catalyst?


.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) A student studies the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using the apparatus shown.
The student uses 20 cm3 of 0.1 mol / dm3 hydrogen peroxide and 1.0 g of manganese(IV) oxide.

The student measures the volume of oxygen given off at regular time intervals until the reaction
stops. A graph of the results is shown.

gas syringe

hydrogen peroxide

of oxygen
produced / cm3

0 time / s

(i) When is the rate of reaction highest?

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest one method of increasing the rate of reaction using the same amounts of hydrogen
peroxide and manganese(IV) oxide.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) (i) Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen peroxide used in this experiment.

................. mol [1]

(ii) Use your answer to (c)(i) and the equation to calculate the number of moles of oxygen
produced in the reaction.

2H2O2(aq) → 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

................. mol [1]

(iii) Calculate the volume (at r.t.p.) of oxygen produced.

................. dm3 [1]

(iv) What would be the effect on the volume of oxygen produced if the mass of catalyst was

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(v) Deduce the volume of oxygen that would be produced if 20 cm3 of 0.2 mol / dm3 hydrogen
peroxide was used instead of 20 cm3 of 0.1 mol / dm3 hydrogen peroxide.

................. dm3 [1]

[Turn over
2 Copper(II) sulfate solution was electrolysed using the apparatus shown.

– +

carbon cathode carbon anode

copper(II) sulfate

(a) (i) Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of movement of electrons in the wire.
Label the arrow A. [1]

(ii) Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of movement of positive ions in the
copper(II) sulfate solution.
Label the arrow B. [1]

(b) Oxygen was formed at the anode and copper was formed at the cathode.

(i) The ionic half-equation for the formation of oxygen is shown.

4OH– O2 + 2H2O + 4e–

Explain why this reaction is oxidation.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Write the ionic half-equation for the formation of copper at the cathode.

........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(c) The electrolysis was repeated using copper electrodes in place of carbon electrodes.

State and explain what happens to the masses of the anode and the cathode during this





............................................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 9]

3 This question is about ammonia.

(a) Nitrogen reacts with hydrogen to form ammonia in an industrial process.

N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)

(i) Name this industrial process.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State the meaning of the symbol .

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) State the conditions used in this industrial process. Include units.

temperature ......................................................

pressure ............................................................

(iv) Name the catalyst used in this industrial process.

........................................................................................................................................ [1]

(v) If the pressure is increased, the yield of ammonia increases.

Explain why, in terms of equilibrium.



........................................................................................................................................ [2]

(vi) If the temperature is increased, the rate of reaction increases.

Explain why, in terms of particles.





........................................................................................................................................ [3]

(b) Ammonia reacts with sulfuric acid to make a compound which is used as a fertiliser.

Write the chemical equation for the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.

............................................................................................................................................... [2]

 [Total: 12]

4 A student adds excess large pieces of magnesium carbonate, MgCO3, to dilute hydrochloric acid,
HCl, and measures the volume of carbon dioxide gas, CO2, given off.

(a) Add the missing state symbols to the chemical equation for the reaction.

MgCO3 ..... + 2HCl ..... → MgCl 2(aq) + H2O ..... + CO2 ..... [1]

(b) C
 omplete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement of the ions in
magnesium chloride.

The inner shells have been drawn.

Give the charges on the ions.

....... .......

Mg Cl




(c) C
 omplete the dot-and-cross diagram to show the electron arrangement in a molecule of
carbon dioxide.
Show outer shell electrons only.



[Turn over
(d) The graph shows how the volume of carbon dioxide gas changes with time.

volume of
carbon dioxide gas


(i) Describe how the graph shows that the rate of this reaction decreases as time increases.

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain, in terms of particles, why the rate of this reaction decreases as time increases.

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) The student repeats the experiment using powdered MgCO3 instead of large pieces.

All other conditions stay the same.

On the grid, draw the line expected when powdered MgCO3 is used instead of large

pieces. [2]

5 This question is about chemical reactions and electricity.

(a) The diagram shows the apparatus used in the production of electrical energy in a simple cell.

zinc electrode iron electrode


The zinc electrode dissolves in the electrolyte forming Zn2+(aq) ions.

(i) Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the direction of electron flow. [1]

(ii) Write the ionic half-equation for the reaction that occurs when the zinc electrode dissolves.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) T
 he reading on the voltmeter can be increased if either zinc or iron is replaced by another

(i) Name a metal that can replace zinc and increase the reading on the voltmeter.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Name a metal that can replace iron and increase the reading on the voltmeter.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Fuel cells are used to generate electricity.

(i) Name the reactants in a fuel cell.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Name the waste product of a fuel cell.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]



































City Café (CC)

When George Brown left school, he worked as a chef in several restaurants but he had always
wanted to be his own boss. He set up City Café (CC) as a sole trader 15 years ago. He purchased
a building with $10 000 he received from his grandfather and made it into a café. It is located
in the centre of Main City, in country X. George works very hard and is willing to take risks.
He creates his own recipes for the café and his customers like the food.
CC has been successful every year and George has always paid himself a high salary. However,
he now wants to increase the profit from CC by expanding the café. It is already open every
day from 08:00 to 20:00 and in order to serve more customers he needs a larger café.
The café is located in a very busy shopping mall. George has undertaken some market research
and found out that 50% of his customers visit the café every day. The other 50% of customers
visit less frequently and are often attracted by the special menu items on the board outside the

George is considering two options for expansion.

Option 1:
Buy the building next door and make it into one larger café that can serve 50% more customers.
The building became empty after a clothes shop closed. The cost of the shop is $20 000 and it
will cost $10 000 for redecorating and building work.
Option 2:
Move to a new building 10 kilometres away in another part of the city. This building is twice
as large as the existing café and will cost $2 000 a year to rent as it is not for sale. George will
be allowed to redecorate and he will need to buy equipment for the kitchen. The total cost for
this will be $5 000. It is in a busy part of the city with many shoppers visiting the area.

Appendix 1
Daily News 2 February 2018
The Government has forecast that interest rates will be increased later this year. This is very
worrying for many local businesses that require finance. Country X has a fast-growing
economy and the Government does not want this to lead to higher inflation.
A multinational coffee shop chain wants to open cafés in malls all over country X, attracted by
the high rate of economic growth. Local businesses are worried about the competition from
this business as it benefits from economies of scale. Some market researchers think that
customers will prefer to stay with their local café and not use an international style of café.
Appendix 2
Three applicants for the vacancy of chef (cook)

Appendix 3
Cash flow forecast for CC for the second half of 2018 ($000)

1 (a) Explain two characteristics that make George a successful entrepreneur.

Characteristic 1: .................................................................................................................






Characteristic 2: .................................................................................................................





........................................................................................................................................... [8]

(b) Refer to Appendix 3.

(i) Calculate values for:

X: ............................................................................................................................

Y: ............................................................................................................................

Z: ............................................................................................................................ [3]

(ii) Consider whether CC is in a good financial position to expand the business. Justify your answer.



















................................................................................................................................ [9]


(a) Identify two stakeholder groups for CC. Explain an objective of each stakeholder group you

have identified.

Stakeholder group 1: .........................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................







Stakeholder group 2: .........................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................






........................................................................................................................................... [8]

(b) George needs to recruit an additional chef.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three applicants outlined in

Appendix 2. Recommend which applicant George should recruit. Justify your choice.

Jim: ....................................................................................................................................






Sally: ..................................................................................................................................






Vera: ..................................................................................................................................






Recommendation: .............................................................................................................





........................................................................................................................................... [12]

3 (a)

Identify and explain two roles of marketing for City Café.

Role 1: ...............................................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................







Role 2: ...............................................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................






........................................................................................................................................... [8]


Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the two options for expanding the

business. Recommend which option George should choose. Justify your answer.

Option 1: ............................................................................................................................








Option 2: ............................................................................................................................








Recommendation: .............................................................................................................







........................................................................................................................................... [12]

(a) Identify and explain two reasons why quality is important for CC.

Reason 1: ..........................................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................







Reason 2: ..........................................................................................................................

Explanation: .......................................................................................................................






........................................................................................................................................... [8]


Consider the following three sources of finance that CC could use for expansion. Recommend

which source of finance CC should choose. Justify your answer.

Take out a bank loan: .......................................................................................................






Form a partnership with a family friend: ............................................................................






Sell some business assets from the old café: ..................................................................






Recommendation: .............................................................................................................





........................................................................................................................................... [12]

21 Income statements
Worksheet 21
Interpreting an income statement (AO1, AO2, AO3)
Company H manufactures a range of children’s clothes. Many of its raw materials are imported.
The finance manager has been looking at the financial statements.
Income statement for Company H for the period 2012–2013.
2012 2013

Revenue 238 000 215 000

Less cost of sales _____________ 105 000

Gross profit 118 000 _____________

Less expenses

Wages and salaries 40 000 30 000

Rent 20 000 20 000

Heating and lighting 30 000 27 000

Other expenses _____________ 25 000

112 000 _____________

Profit _____________ 8 000

1 What does the term ‘profit’ mean?

2 List three reasons why profit is important for a business.

Reason 1: _____________________________________________________________

Reason 2: _____________________________________________________________

Reason 3: _____________________________________________________________
3 Fill in the missing figures to complete the trading account for this business.
4 Describe what has happened to each of the following figures. Explain one possible reason for
any change.

a Revenue ____________________________________________________________

b Cost of sales _________________________________________________________

c Gross profit __________________________________________________________

d Expenses ___________________________________________________________

e Profit _______________________________________________________________
5 In which year do you think the company has performed better? Give reasons for your answer.
Try to include the information in the income statement to support the points you make.

22 Statement of financial position
Worksheet 22
Statement of financial position basics (AO1)
Below is a basic layout of a statement of financial position.

Shows the value of all Statement as at XXX

assets owned by the $ Debts to be paid back in
business Assets less than one year
Non-current assets (a)
Current assets less current Current assets (b) Long-lasting items used
liabilities over and over again
Current liabilities (c)
Net current assets = b − c
Total of all long-term and Everything the business
Net assets = a + b − c
permanent capital of the owns
Financed by: Money owed, to be paid
Total of all money invested Shareholders’ equity back after one year
by owners of the business Share capital
Retained profit Profit left over from other
Assets that are easily turned Non-current liabilities years
into cash
Capital employed

1 Select the right word to complete the following sentences.

A statement of financial position is a forecast/record of what a business owns (its
assets/liabilities), what it owes (its assets/liabilities) and the value of the capital/cash invested
in a business. It reflects the value of a business at any/a particular point in time. The amount of
net assets should balance with the share capital/capital employed figure.
2 Above is a basic layout of what a statement of financial position could look like. Match each
definition to the correct item in the statement.
3 State where each of the following items would feature in a statement of financial position:
a Land: _____________
b Inventories: _____________
c Amount owed because of credit sales: _____________
d Money owed as trade payables: _____________
e Any leftover profit from this year’s trading: _____________
f Mortgage: _____________

23 Analysis of accounts
Worksheet 23
A What is a ratio? (AO1, AO2)
1 a The following definitions have been mixed up. Match each ratio with the correct description.

Ratio Definition

Return on capital Ability of a business to pay its short-term debts – excluding

employed (ROCE) inventories

Current ratio Amount of profit made for every $1 of sales

Acid test ratio Amount of profit made for every $1 of sales after allowing for

Profit ratio Measures how efficiently a business uses its capital to make a

Gross profit ratio Ability of a business to pay its short-term debts from its current
b State whether each ratio is used to measure the profitability or liquidity of a company:

Return on capital employed (ROCE) _____________

Current ratio _____________

Acid test ratio _____________

Profit ratio _____________

Gross profit ratio _____________

c For each ratio, write out the correct formula used to calculate it.

Return on capital employed (ROCE) _____________

Current ratio _____________

Acid test ratio _____________

Profit ratio _____________

Gross profit ratio _____________

2 Select the correct word to complete the following sentences.
a Profitability and liquidity ratios are useful to work out trends/styles. Ratios allow a business
to compare the production/performance of the business over time. They might be able to
compare their performance against that of competitors/customers.
b The liquidity ratios show whether a business can make a profit/pay its short-term debts.
c The profitability ratios are looking to measure how well profit/production compares with the

sales and capital used by a company.
3 Choose which of the following might be reasons for these stakeholders to be interested in the
a Employees – to gain more holidays/ask for a pay rise.
b Trade payables – to know whether debts will be repaid/have a wider range of products.
c Owners – to receive a dividend/tax payment.
4 How useful are the final accounts to the following? Give reasons for your answer.
a The local community
b The government

B Analysis of accounts (AO1, AO2, AO3)

T&U Partners makes building blocks for the housing industry. Below is an extract from its

Summary accounts of T&U Partners’ year ending 31 Dec 2012 and 2013 (in $)

2012 2013

Revenue 500 000 750 000

Cost of sales 400 000 600 000

Gross profit 100 000 150 000

Expenses 50 000 90 000

Profit 50 000 60 000

Owners equity 200 000 200 000

1 Identify two expenses that any business might have to pay.

2 Explain the term ‘profit’.
3 For each year, calculate the following ratios:
a Gross profit margin

b Profit margin
c Return on capital employed
4 State whether the figure for each ratio has risen or fallen over the two years.
5 Do these changes indicate an improved or worse performance for the business? Explain your
6 Explain one reason for using ratio analysis.
7 Which stakeholders do you think might be interested in this information? Give reasons for your



1. African countries are expected to experience growth in their output. It is also predicted that
Africa’s population will increase from 1.1bn in 2017 to 4.2bn by 2100, when Nigeria will account
for one in twelve of the world’s births. Nigeria and South Africa are expected to experience the
greatest rise in investment (spending on capital goods) over this period, and a change in their
gender distribution.
(a) Define gender distribution. [2]
(b) Explain two benefits of a higher economic growth rate. [4]
(c) Analyse the disadvantages of a rapidly growing population. [6]
2. The Chinese government reformed the Chinese tax system in 2016. It extended VAT (sales
tax) from the sale of goods to the sale of services enabling it to cut the corporation tax rate.
Taxes on goods and services are usually regressive. The Chinese government wanted to raise
living standards and hoped that a cut in the tax rate firms pay would attract multinational
companies (MNCs) to the country.
(a) State two reasons for levying taxes. [2]
(b) Explain the difference between a progressive tax and a regressive tax. [4]
(c) Discuss whether or not people in a high-income country always enjoy a higher living
standard than those in a low-income country. [8]
3. The main industries in the Seychelles, an island country in the Indian ocean, are tourism and
fishing. The price elasticity of supply of fish is affected by the relatively short time that fish can
be stored. Economic goods and free goods play a role in both fishing and tourism. With rises in
the skills of workers and an increase in enterprise, GDP per head has increased by more than
seven times over the last fifty years.
(a) State the formula for calculating the price elasticity of supply (PES). [2]
(b) Explain how opportunity cost is different for economic goods and free goods. [4]
(c) Analyse, using a production possibility curve (PPC) diagram, the effect of an increase in
enterprise on an economy. [6]
(d) Discuss whether or not skilled workers are always paid more than unskilled workers. [8]
4. In 2017, the Brazilian paper industry was booming. Its total revenue increased and it
employed both more, and better quality, factors of production. Brazil’s largest paper producer
merged with an Indonesian paper-producing firm at the end of 2017. The performance of
Brazil’s coffee industry differed from its paper industry. Brazilian coffee experienced a fall in
demand and a fall in total revenue. (a) Define total revenue. [2]

(b) Explain two differences between capital and labour. [4]
(c) Analyse the possible effects on consumers of a merger between two paper-producing firms.
(d) Discuss whether or not demand for coffee is likely to rise in the future. [8]
5. Draw a demand and supply diagram to show the effects of a decrease in the costs of
production on the market for cars. [4]
6. Discuss whether or not increasing subsidies given to bus travel would reduce pollution in
India. [6]
7. Explain two reasons why education is a merit good. [4]
8. The Indian government has declared that the country, now a major car producer, will sell
only electric cars by 2030. The government wants to reduce external costs, some of which are
caused by petrol and diesel cars. Demand for electric cars is currently relatively low and price-
elastic. The government, however, thinks that it will not need to subsidise the production of
electric cars to achieve its target.
(a) Define external costs. [2]
(b) Explain two influences on whether demand for a product is price-elastic or price-inelastic.
(c) Analyse, using a demand and supply diagram, how a subsidy given to producers could affect
the market for electric cars. [6]
9. A number of countries are withdrawing high value banknotes. For instance, Singapore plans
to stop issuing its $10000 note. High value notes were originally intended to act as a convenient
store of value. Central banks are concerned some notes are now being used illegally. The
Singapore Police Force and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (its central bank) were trying
to recruit more workers in 2017. It was expected that the central bank would raise the rate of
interest in 2018.
(a) State two functions of money, other than a store of value. [2]
(b) Explain two advantages banknotes have as a form of money. [4]
(c) Analyse the influences on the mobility of workers. [6]
10. In 2017, the Japanese government announced improvements to its tax system. The amount
of tax raised is influenced by the size and age distribution of a country’s population. Japan’s
birth and death rates are falling, its population is ageing, and it has low immigration. Overall,
Japan’s population is decreasing.
(b) Explain two causes of a decrease in the death rate. [4]
(d) Discuss whether or not an ageing population is a benefit to an economy. [8]

• Find out the reason why 2000 rs. Denomination is taken back by RBI.


Prepare a scrapbook for your French holiday homework on:

• How did you spend your summer vacations including all the events you were

part of, what activities you did, the places you visited, the foods you had along

with your positive and negative opinions.

Note: You are suggested to use photos for all points mentioned above.

Kindly access the below mentioned past papers and practice for all
Year Series component

2015 June 12,22,42

March 12,22,42
November 12,22,42
March 12,22,42
November 12,22,42


Language worksheet 3.1

Social stratification in open and closed societies
1 Based on your understanding of the terms ‘open’ and ‘closed’, which of these definitions do you think
describes an ‘open society’ and which describes a ‘closed society’?
a A society in which mobility between different social roles and statuses is not possible
b A society in which it is possible to move between social roles and change statuses

2 Highlight or underline any words or parts of words in the following terms for which you can give
a meaning. Then discuss your ideas with a partner. Together, try to define each complete term.

For example, you might be able to define -ocracy in ‘meritocracy’.

achieved status ascribed status meritocracy

social mobility caste system modern slavery

3 Identify whether each of the following statements is true or false. Use your understanding of the terms
in questions 1 and 2.
a A society which is a meritocracy would be seen as an open society.
b Social mobility is likely to be common in a closed society.
c The caste system is an example of an open society.
d In closed societies, a person’s position is more likely to be based on achieved status.
e Ascribed status is the basis for stratification in closed societies.
f Slavery was associated with closed societies but modern slavery can still be found, even in apparently
open societies.

Rewrite the false statements to make them true.
Q 4 Explain how governments can try to reduce social inequality.
Q5. Describe two ways in which individuals can achieve upward social mobility
Q6. Why is it difficult for some people to break out of poverty?



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