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Soc 102 - Final Exam (ANOVA - Practice)

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1. The null hypothesis for an ANOVA states that __________.

a. there are no differences between any of the population means
b. at least one of the population means is different from the others
c. all of the population means are different from each other
d. None of the other 3 choices is correct.
2. In an ANOVA, which of the following is most likely to produce a large value for the F-ratio?
a. large mean differences and small sample variances
b. large mean differences and large sample variances
c. small mean differences and small sample variances
d. small mean differences and large sample variances
3. An analysis of variance is used to evaluate the mean differences for a research study comparing four treatments
with a separate sample of n = 5 in each treatment. If the data produce an F-ratio of F = 3.15, then which of the
following is the correct statistical decision?
a. Reject the null hypothesis with = .05 but not with = .01.
b. Reject the null hypothesis with either = .05 or = .01.
c. Fail to reject the null hypothesis with either = .05 or = .01.
d. There is not enough information to make a statistical decision.
4. An analysis of variances produces dfbetween treatments = 2 and dfwithin treatments = 24. For this analysis, what is dftotal?
a. 26
b. 27
c. 28
d. cannot be determined without additional information
5. In analysis of variance, the F-ratio is a ratio of __________.
a. two (or more) sample means
b. two variances
c. sample means divided by sample variances
d. None of the other 3 choices is correct.
6. In analysis of variance, large values for the sample variances will produce a large value for __________.
a. SSbetween treatments
b. SSwithin treatments
c. SStotal
d. Large sample variances will cause all three SS values to be large.
7. For an F-ratio with df = (2, 10), the critical value for a hypothesis test using = .05 would be __________.
a. 4.10
b. 7.56
c. 19.39
d. 99.40
8. A researcher reports an F-ratio with df = 3, 36 for an independent-measures experiment. How many individual
subjects participated in the experiment?
a. 36
b. 39
c. 40
d. cannot be determined from the information given
9. An experiment compares two treatment conditions with a sample of n = 20 in each treatment. If the data are
analyzed with ANOVA, the analysis would have dftotal = __________.
a. 18
b. 19
c. 38
d. 39
10. A treatment effect refers to differences between scores that are caused by the different treatment conditions. The
differences (or variability) produced by treatment effects will contribute to __________.
a. the numerator of the F-ratio
b. the denominator of the F-ratio
c. both the numerator and the denominator of the F-ratio
d. Treatment effects do not contribute to the F-ratio because they are removed before the
F-ratio is computed.
11. Under what circumstances are post tests necessary?
a. reject the null hypothesis with k = 2 treatments
b. reject the null hypothesis with k > 2 treatments
c. fail to reject the null hypothesis with k = 2 treatments
d. fail to reject the null hypothesis with k > 2 treatments
12. In general the distribution of F-ratios is __________.
a. symmetrical with a mean of zero
b. positively skewed with all values greater than or equal to zero
c. negatively skewed with all values greater than or equal to zero
d. symmetrical with a mean equal to dfbetween

Short Answer

13. Complete the following ANOVA table for a study with k = 3 and N = 98

Source SS df MS F
Between ____ ____ 12.50 ____
Within 190 ____ ____
Total ____ ____

Are the results significant? YES / NO (circle one)

How would you report the results ________________________________________

14. The data below are from an independent-measures experiment comparing three different treatment

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3

1 3 5
1 4 3
1 2 5
4 4 4
1 3 5
1 2 5

Use an analysis of variance with á = .05 to determine whether these data indicate any significant
mean differences among the treatments.
Soc 102 - Final Exam (Practice)
Answer Section


1. ANS: A REF: 328

2. ANS: A
The F ratio is the ratio of Between Group (BG) variance to Within Group (WG) variance. To make the ratio larger
you either make the top larger, or the bottom smaller, or both. So the larger ratios would come from more
variability between, and/or less within. Sample variances measure variance within the samples (WG), and
differences between the sample means determines variance between them (BG).

REF: 349
3. ANS: C
We have an F of 3.15. What do we need to know if it’s significant or not? We need a critical value, which requires
that we know the degrees of freedom between and within. So far we have:
F = 3.15
df between is equal to the number of groups (samples) minus 1, so 3 - 1 = 2
df within is equal to the sample size for each sample, minus 1 for each sample, so (5-1) + (5-1) + (5-1) = 12

Now we can look up the critical value of F for 2 and 12 degrees of freedom at = .05. The value is 3.89.

Since 3.15 is not greater than 3.89, we don’t reject the null hypothesis at = .05.

The critical value at = .01 is 6.93, so we reject the null again. Actualy we did not need to even look this up,
since if it was not significant at = .05, it would certainly not be significant for any value smaller than =

REF: 344
4. ANS: A
2 + 24 = 26

REF: 340
5. ANS: B
MS = variance, since F = MSB/MSB it is the rtaio of 2 variances. Hence the name ANOVA, ANalysis Of

REF: 329
6. ANS: B
More variance within the groups (the sample as a whole), the greater the variance that is noise, or error, which is
within variance or SSW.

REF: 337
7. ANS: A
REF: 344
8. ANS: C
df total = N - 1, df total = 3 + 36 = 39, so N -39 + 1 = 40

REF: 339
9. ANS: D
n1 + n2 = N, so 20 + 20 = 40. df total = N - 1, so df total = 40 - 1 = 39

REF: 339
10. ANS: A
Treatment is between conditions. Since F is MSB/MSWm the between term is the numerator.

REF: 333
11. ANS: B
If k = 2, there is only one comparison possible, so a significant F can only come from a significant difference
between the 2 conditions. And, if F is not significant (fail to reject the null hypothesis), then there’s no need to
follow up with the post hoc tests.

REF: 354
12. ANS: B

REF: 343


13. ANS:
Source SS df MS F
Between 25 2 12.50 6.25
Within 190 95 2.00
Total 215 97
Are the results significant? YES

How would you report the results F(2,95) = 6.25, p < .01
14. ANS:

Treatment 1 T1 sqrd Treatment 2 T2 sqrd Treatment 3 T3 sqrd

1 1 3 9 5 25
1 1 4 16 3 9
1 1 2 4 5 25
4 16 4 16 4 16
1 1 3 9 5 25
1 1 2 4 5 25

Mean 1.5 3 4.5 3
Sum Y 9 18 27 54
Sum Ysq 21 58 125 204
n 6 6 6 18
SS 7.5 4 3.5 42

Source SS df MS F
Between 27.00 3 9.00 8.40
Within 15.00 14 1.07
Total 42.00 17

Critical value of F for 3 and 14 degrees of freedom is 3.34. Since our F is larger than that, our results are
significant. They indicate a difference between is likely the three groups.
We would report our results as F(3, 14) = 8.40, p < .01

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