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a) Work in pairs. Read and listen to the dialogues.

Alice Oh dear. My weight has gone up again. I wish I could lose weight.
Peter You shouldn’t eat so much. What do you do every day?
I sit at the desk all day at the office and I spend a lot of time sitting
in front of the television or the computer at home.
Well, if you want to lose weight should go on diet and change your
Alice What should I eat?
Have some vegetables or some fruit in every meal. Drink a lot of
Alice What shouldn’t I eat?
Don’t eat fried food very often. It’s good idea to eat snacks, but
don’t eat a lot of sugar.
Alice What else?
Do some exercise every day. Exercise burns off the calories and
Peter makes you fit. So come on, get up and ride your bike, swim, run,
go for walks.

Language in action: Giving advice

Ways to say it
1. A : I often get sleepy in class.
B : You should have enough sleep, so you shouldn’t go to bed late.
2. A : What should I do to get fit?
B : You should eat healthy food, do some exercise, and you shouldn’t smoke.
3. A : I sometimes have problems in my stomach.
B : You shouldn’t eat too much and you shouldn’t eat spicy or sour food. You
should wash your hand before you eat.

b) Pair up and practice

 Work in pair and talk about healthy life. Student A complains about his/her
health. Student B gives some advice.
1. A: I am getting fat. What should I do?
B : You should………………………………….and you shouldn’t……………………..
2. A: I am not so fit lately. I think I work too much
B: You shouldn’t ………………………………and you should………………………….
A: I also have headache.
B: You should………………………….and you shouldn’t. ………………………………..
A: Ok, thank you for your advice.



Telephone Conversation between Interviewer and Job Seeker

Read and listen to the conversation

James Hello, can I speak to Ms. Kate?
Kate This is Kate. May I know who’s calling?
I’m James Brown from Accel Computers. You have been short-listed
James for the first round of interviews. I need some more information from
your side.
Kate Oh sure Mr. Brown. Please go ahead.
You have completed your MCA with high first class. Why did you apply
for this job?
Market sources say Accel Computers is among the front runners in
Kate computer education. I therefore thought it was the best place to start
a career.
I see. But given your academic background, won’t you be tempted to
James try for bigger and better prospects abroad? What kind of commitment
can you give us?
I have no intention of going abroad, Sir. I prefer to work for an
indigenous company rather than faceless MNCs or foreign companies.
James That’s very interesting. When will you be available for employment?
Kate : Immediately, Sir.
James : Great. I will get back to you in a couple of days through e-mail.
Kate : OK, Sir. And thank you for your time.
James : You are welcome Kate. Have a good day.
Kate : Thank you, Sir.
In role play, practice the conversation with your classmate. Then exchange
These are the questions of a job interview. Practice to ask and answer the
following questions with your classmate.
Questions Answers
1. Why do you want to work for this
company? Why are you interested
in this job?
2. Have you done this kind of work
3. What do you think of working in a
4. Tell me about yourself. Why should
we hire you?
5. Have you ever had any serious illness or
injuries? Do you have any health
6. What do you do in your spare time?
7. Have you ever been fired or quit a
8. What are your long-term goals or
career plans?
9. What five words would be describe
10. What type of salary are you looking
Community Employment Services. 2006. Sample Job Interview Questions:
Woodstock. Ontario

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