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Estifanos Bahiru

Senior Essay Submitted to

The Collage of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, Unity University,
Department of Marketing Management
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in
Marketing Management

Addis Ababa,
May, 2023

I, the undersigned hereby declare that the senior essay is my original work. I have conducted this
research under the supervision of Mrs. Ruth Debesay and have followed all ethical guidelines
and protocols in the research process.

Name: Estifanos Bahiru

Signature: …………………....

Date: …………………………

Advisor declaration
This paper has been submitted for examination by student Estifanos Bahiru with my proper
advice and approval thereof.

Name of advisor: Mrs. Ruth Debesay

Signature: ……………………

Date: …………………………

Above anything else in this world, I would like to praise the Lord for showing me the way and
for all his blessings, and also i would like to thank my friends and family who encouraged me
during this journey and provided support throughout the various stages of this paper.

Second I would like to thank my advisor Mrs Ruth Debesay for her guidance, constructive
criticism and valuable feedback that were vital to shaping this paper into a complete and
coherent document.

I would also like to send my gratitude to the research participants who provided their time and
insights to this study. Their participation was essential in providing meaningful data and
contributing to the success of this project.
This research paper aims to assess the distribution practice of Moha Soft Drink s.c a soft drink
manufacturer in Ethiopia. Descriptive research was implemented. The study employs mixed
methods both qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques. The research includes
interview with marketing manager, questionnaire for employees and customers. The data
analysis was presented by descriptive statistics such as pie chart, tabulation, percentage and
frequencies. The finding reveals that Moha soft drink have a well-established distribution
network with wide reach across the country. How ever there are some challenges faced by the
company such as limited amount time for the trucks to distribute their products causing late
deliveries. The study suggests that the company needs to implement new technologies to
communicate customers problems directly to the company and prepare a contingency plan for
unexpected delays.

Keyword Distribution practice, Moha Soft Drink S.C


Acknowledgment i
Abstract ii
Table of content iii
List of tables v
1.1. Background of the Study 1
1.2. Statement of the Problem 2
1.3. Objective of the Study 3
1.3.1. General Objective 3
1.3.2. Specific Objective 3
1.4. Significance of the Study 3
1.5. Scope of the Study 4
1.5.1 Delimitation of the study 4

1.5.2Llimitation of the study 4

1.6. Research Design & Methodologies 4

1.6.1 Research Design 4
1.6.2 Sampling Procedure 4

1.6.3 Source of Data 5

1.6.4 Data Collection Tools 5

1.6.5 Method of Data Analysis and Presentation 5

1.7 Organization of the study 5

2.1. Nature of Distribution 7
2.2. Components of Distribution 7

2.3. Physical Distribution 7

2.4. Objective of Physical Distribution 8
2.5. Function of physical distribution 8

2.5.1 Communications and order processing 9

2.5.2 Warehousing 9
2.5.3 Inventory Control 9
2.5.4 Transportation 10
2.5.5 Material Handling 11
2.6. Distribution Channels 12

2.7. Indirect Vs Direct Distribution System 12

2.8. Role of Marketing Channels 13

2.9. Channel Functions and Flows 13

2.10. Channel Flows 14

2.11. Major Channels of Distribution 14

2.12. Channel- Design Decisions 16

2.12.1. Analyze customers’ desired service output levels 17
2.12.2. Establishing channel objectives 17
2.13. Identify major channel alternatives 17

2.14. Evaluating the major alternative 18

2.15. Factors to Be Considered While Selecting Channel of Distributions 18

2.16. Channel Management Decisions 19

2.17. Channel Conflict and Cooperation 20

2.18. Causes of channel conflicts 21

2.19. Managing channel conflicts 21



3.1 General Characteristics of Customers 23
3.2 Analysis of Major Findings 25
3.3 General characteristics employees 35
3.4 Analysis of major findings 37
3.5 interview analysis 46
4.1 Summary 48
4.2 Conclusions of the major findings 49
4.3 Recommendations 50

List of tables

Table 1 Gender…………………………………………..……23
Table 2 Age
Table 3 Education background
Table 4 Mechanism Used to Communicate With Moha………………………………...……25
Table 5 Distribution System of Moha Soft Drink………………………………………….…25
Table 6 Late Deliveries Experienced in Receiving of Orders……………………………...…26
Table 7 Customer Complain a Problem on Distribution Service of Moha…………………...27
Table 8 Importance of Receiving Orders on Time……………………………………………27
Table 9 Customer Satisfaction with the Distribution Service………………………………...28
Table 10 Customer Opinion about Other Customer Satisfaction………………………………29
Table 11 Customer Opinion that Communication Makes Distribution Service Difficult ….....30
Table 12 Customer Facing Problem with Physical Distribution Practice ……………….….…30
Table 13 How Fast Customers Receive Product They Order………………………….………31
Table 14 Customer Opinion on Availability of the Product Whenever Needed………………32
Table 15 Delay during Order Processing………………………………………………………32
Table 16 Customer Informing Problems They Faced to the Company………………………..33
Table 17 Overall Distribution Service of Moha Soft Drink S.C………………………………34

Table 18 Suggestion for Moha to Improve Their Distribution Practice………………………35

Table 19 Gender………………………………………………36

Table 20 Age

Table 21 Education background

Table 22 How well employee Understand Distribution Process………………………………37

Table 23 Employees Opinion on How Moha Handle Customer Complain …………………..37
Table 24 Employee’s Opinion if the Company Could Benefit Implementing New System…38

Table 25 How Often Employees Receive Feedback or Updates from Managers………...........39
Table 26 Employees Opinion on Importance of Good Relationship with Customers…………39

Table 27 Employee’s Response if they ever noticed Improvement on the Distribution Practic.40

Table 28 Employee’s Views on whether Moha offers sufficient Resources and Training……41
Table 29 Employee Suggestion on how could Moha Improve its Distribution Practice………41
Table 30 Employees Opinion on how effective is Moha at forecasting Demand…………..….42
Table 31 Employee’s Opinion on how well Moha Manage its Distribution………………..…43
Table 32 Employees Opinion how Moha Tracks and Monitors its Distribution Performance…43

Table 33 Customer’s Opinion on Customers Satisfaction by the Distribution Practice………44

Table 34 Customer Opinion on Mohas Warehouse Locations……………………………..….45

Table 35 Employee’s Opinion on Importance of Delivering on Time…………….………….45

Table 36 Employees Opinion how Moha Adapts Challenges…………………………………46

List of charts
Figure 1 Gender of respondents ……………………………………………………………...…23
Figure 2 Age of respondents …………………………………………...…...…………….…….24
Figure 3 Educational background of customers…………………...…...………………..………25
Figure 4 Gender of respondents …………………………………...……...…..……..………….37
Figure 5 Age of respondents………………………………………...…………………….…….37
Figure 6 Educational background of employees……………………...………..………………..38


1.1. Background of the Study

Distribution plays a very crucial role in company development. It is one of the marketing mix
elements that is used to move products from its manufacturing source to their customer. For
effective distribution purpose we need to design the marketing channel and the marketer must
understand the service output level desired by target customer such as lotsize, waiting and
delivery time, spatial convenience, product variety and service back up (Kotler,P 2003).

The above paragraph implies that understanding of average time customers that wait for receipt
of the goods and the degree of the marketing channel makes it easy for the customer to provide
the product. Distribution consists of a broad range of activities concerned with the efficient
movement of finished products from the end of the production line to the customer (Krishna K.
and V. Cavale 2oo7). The above points explain how important distribution activity is. In this
regard to reduce those distribution costs and to satisfy their customers is by prompting delivery

One company engaged in distribution practice is MOHA soft drinks. MOHA Soft Drinks
Industry S.C was established on May 15, 1996 acquiring Nifas Silk plant, TekleHaimanot plant,
Gonder plant, Dessie plant from the Ethiopia privatization Agency with paid up capital of Birr
108,654,000. Concerning to the above points MOHA Soft Drink Industry has standard achieved
in different way such as MOHA Soft Drinks Industry S.C has adhered to Pepsi Cola international
standard and good manufacturing practices. Also, a significant growth over the year production,
sales, and profitability due to reorganization of operations has been achieved. Productivity has
improved tremendously with major cost savings and has insured a regular supply of high quality
products; it has also succeeded in reaching new market area across the country. The major
products of moha soft drinks industry s.c are Pepsi cola , Mirinda orange , 7-up , Mirinda tonic ,
Mirinda apple and bottled water products. Their mission is to be the best beverage industry in the
country and in order to achieve that they should implement good distribution practice.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Distribution is one of the four elements of marketing mix which deals with the process of
moving product from its manufacturing source to its consumers. For the most part it deals with
mapping out routes and deciding over various alternatives. It is not a task which should be taken
lightly because it is one of the major factors which helps business firm to achieve their primary
objectives effectively and efficiently. The primary objective of the business firm is to increase
market share and to generate profit. To achieve this objective, the firm must be very interactive
with the customer and the market situation (Krishna K. and V.Cavale 2007).

Distribution plays a highly important function in the market by growing market share and profit,
as the definition and the premise show. Thus, it is crucial to develop a marketing channel system,
which entails examining key channel options, in order to make businesses or business firms
effective in a market. The marketer or company must comprehend the service output level that
the target consumer wants, such as lotsize, waiting and delivery times, spatial convenience,
product variety, and service back up, while creating the marketing channel system.

Some of the issues I have seen in my early observations are related to coverage that had a small
dispersion. This typically happens as a result of an absence of appropriate distribution channels.
Soft drink companies are currently competing for market share, and having the best distribution
channels is a major factor in determining which company will have the highest market share.

The following research questions are used in this study to evaluate moha soft drink distribution

1. To what extent are the customers of the company satisfied with distribution practice ?

2. What are the techniques employed to evaluate the effectiveness of distribution service?

3. What are the factors that affect distribution service of the company?

4.what are the current distribution practice in Moha soft drink?

5.does the company have appropriate warehouse location?

1.3. Objective of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

Distribution is one of the marketing mix which deals with moving products from manufacturing
source to their customers. A good distribution practice benefits a company by increasing
customers satisfaction by eliminating waiting of customers for the product. Companies can fail if
they implement bad distribution practice that leads to loss of customer satisfaction. The overall
objective of this research paper is to assess the distribution Practice of Moha soft drink.

1.3.2. Specific Objective

 To determine the level of satisfaction of customers with the distribution Service.

 To determine the techniques employed to evaluate the effectiveness of distribution
 To know the factors that affect distribution service.
 To determine the current distribution practice of Moha soft drink
 To determine if the company have appropriate warehouse location.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The finding of the study could be important for Moha soft drink. for the customer and the
researcher. This study also consists the following significance to Moha soft drink. It will be used
to develop an effective distribution service. The researcher will try to distinguish the strengths
and weaknesses of the distribution system of the organization. And The study will help to create
awareness among employees and managers about importance of designing and implementing
effective distribution practice to avoid and reduce problem. Also, for researchers, the research
will help as an input for detailed and further study for others who will conduct research on
distribution practice output level and also it will serve as instrument for further investigations for
the student researcher. And will help the customer by providing significant information.

1.5. Scope of the Study

1.5.1 Delimitation of the Study

The Scope of the study will assess the desired service output levels of Moha Soft Drink Nefas
silk plant. The data that have been collected for this research was from the last four years of the
company’s distribution performance, from 2019 to 2023. The population for this research was
the customers (retailers) and the company’s employee and marketing managers.

1.5.2 Limitation of the study

As a student researcher, my inanition was to cover all the possibilities to assess the distribution
practice level of MOHA SOFT DRINK S.C. However, the study needs skilled and organized
man power to get detail and enough information, financial resource moreover. Some respondents
do not provide relevant data and information on time. All the above reason reduces the strength
of the outcome of the research.

1.6. Research Design & Methodology

1.6.1. Research Design

descriptive research design have been employed because this type of research is most appropriate
because the researcher don’t have any control over the variables. Descriptive research method
describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied. And allows the researcher
to investigate the background of a research problem. Since the data that will be collected is
qualitative and quantitative it gives a holistic understanding of a research topic.

1.6.2. Sampling Procedure

The this study the target population of the study are retailers which resale and distribute the
product of Moha soft drink. The research have used non probability sampling technique. The
sample for the deployment of questionnaire have been selected by using convenience sampling
method or accidental sampling method from retailers because this sampling technique tends to
avoid bias. the sample size was a total of 100 respondents which are 80 customers and 20

employees respective sample in order to have sufficient and reliable data. And interview has
been conducted to the marketing manager of Moha soft drinks.

1.6.3. Sources of data

In order to come up with the appropriate answers and increase accuracy of the data The
researcher used both primary and secondary source of data. Primary data have been collected
through questionnaire and interview of marketing manager and retailers as participants of the
study since they are directly related to the distribution service. And secondary data have been
obtained from different books, research papers and company website.

1.6.4. Data Collecting Tools

Because of the nature of population size and the nature of the research title itself, questionnaires
and interviews have been used. Because this type of data collecting method offers fast, efficient
inexpensive means of gathering large amounts of information in depth. These methods are
particularly effective for measuring subject behavior, preferences, intention, attitude and

1.6.5. Method of Data Analysis and Presentation

In order to conduct the study both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques was used.
Quantitative data analysis technique was used to summarize the finding that gathered through
close ended questions by using frequencies, percentage, tabulation and pie chart form.
Qualitative data analysis technique was used to analyze interview response as well as the open-
ended questions. These data analysis techniques have been used independently or in combination
with other.

1.7. Organization of the Study

The study is organized into four Chapters. The first chapter provides the introduction of the study
, statement of the problems that initiate the researcher to undertake this study, research question ,
objective of the study ,significance of the study , scope of the study , research design and
methodology , limitation of the study and organization of the study . The second chapter
explained all about marketing concepts, applications, and revisions of literature in relation to

distribution service output levels and distribution system. The third chapter reflected the relevant
data and information collected by using questionnaires and interviews. The gathered data have
been analyzed and interpreted in organized form and the fourth chapter will focus on summary,
conclusion and recommendation.


Review of the Related Literature

2.1. Nature of Distribution

Distribution is one of four marketing mix which deals with the process of moving product from
its manufacturing source to its customer it helps business firm to achieve its primary objectives.
Distribution arrangements are amongst the most important factors that affect the success in the
market of an organizations products and services. The place or distribution element of the
marketing mix refers to the channels and for location that serves use to each of their buyers for
example direct sell from manufacture to final customer represents the shortest channel ,longer
channel may involve manufacture, one or more service agents, retailers and final consumers
(Anderson:13). Distribution strategy influences pricing decisions must take into account the size
of the gross margins those middlemen’s costs and their profit objectives as the cope and
importance of the activities each is to perform for the manufacture (Cuneiform, 1985: 278).

2.2. Components of Distribution

Distribution is made up of two components channels and physical distribution or logistics

distribution system refer to that complex of agents whole seller’s through which manufacturers
move products and services such add life insurance to their intended markets.

2.3. Physical Distribution

Physical distribution is defined as a set of activates concerned with the physical flows of
materials, components and finished goods from producer to channel intermediaries and
consumers (Jobber, 2001:537). Physical distribution activities have been a subject of managerial
attention for some time because of the potential for cost savings and improving customer service

Cost savings can be achieved by reducing inventory levels, using cheaper forms of transport and
shipping in bulk rather than small quantities. Customer service levels can be improved by fast
and reliable delivery including just- in time delivery, holding high inventory levels so that
customers have a wide choice and the chances of stock- outs are reduced, fast order processing,

and ensuring products arrive in the right quantities and quality. Physical distribution
management concerns the balance between cost reduction and meeting customer service
requirement. Trade- offs are often necessary. For example, low inventory and slow, cheaper
transportation methods reduce costs but lower customer service levels and satisfaction.
Determining this balance is a key marketing decision as physical distribution can be a source of
competitive advantage (Jobber, 2001:537).

As explained in this section physical distribution must be used in a cost efficient manner
companies producing soft drinks should do this by keeping high inventory levels to keep the
consumers in a constant supply.

2.4. Objective of physical distribution

As with all elements of the marketing mix, the ultimate objective of physical distribution
management is competitive advantage. The search for a sustainable competitive advantage,
however, is becoming increasingly difficult. Christopher (1992) points out that customer are now
seeking more than just brand or product value, and are looking for value in a much wider sense.
A critical component of such customer value is service, and a key part of service value is
availability. In other words, there is no value in a product until it is in the hands of the customer.

Christopher states that customers often only have a preference for a particular brand, rather than
having strong brand loyalty. When that preferred brand is not available, many customers will
quite readily choose an acceptable substitute. This is equally true in industrial or consumer
markets. For example, the choice of suppliers by a just- in time manufacture will be hugely
influenced by delivery reliability, and not just product quality (Adrianpalmer, 2000: 377). Like
stated above competitive advantage over other companies could be gained by applying proper
physical distribution. For a company like MOHA one thing they can do is distributing their
product in a timely manner in order to gain competitive advantage.

2.5. Function of physical distribution

Function of physical distribution system generally include communication and order processing
production and ware house management inventory management transportation material handling
these functions are briefly discussed here below.

2.5.1. Communications and order processing

Basically the physical distribution process starts with the company receiving an order. The
starting point in a physical distribution system is order processing, which is a set of procedures
for receiving, handling and filling orders promptly and accurately. Physical distribution begins
with a customer orders. The order department prepares invoices and sends them to various
departments. Items out of stock are back ordered shipped items are accomplice by shipping and
billing documents with copies going to various’ departments (Palmer, 2004, 378). Reducing time
between a customer placing an order and receiving the goods may be achieved through careful
analysis of the components that make up order processing time. A computer link between sales
person and the order department may be effective. Electronic data inter change can also speed
order processing time by checking the customer’s credit rating, and whether the goods are in
stock, issuing an order to the ware house, involving the customer and updating the inventory
records (Jobber, 2001:539). Both Palmer and Jobber have explained their thoughts with similar
underlying assumptions. For a company which is producing uniform consumer products like soft
drinks order processing rarely takes place.

2.5.2. Ware housing

Every company must store its goods while they wait to be sold a storage function is needed
because production and consumption cycle rarely match. For example, snapper, Toro, and other
lawn mower manufactures must produce all year long and store up their product for the heavy
spring and summer buying seasons. The storage function overcomes different in needed
quantities and timing. A company must decide on how many and what types of war houses it
needs, where they will be located. The more ware houses the company uses, the more quickly
goods can be delivered to customers. However, more location means higher ware housing costs.
The company therefore, must balance the level of customer service against distribution costs
(Kotler and Armstrong, 1999: 374).

2.5.3. Inventory Control

Inventory levels also affect customer satisfaction. The major problem is to maintain the delicate
balance between carrying too much inventory and carrying too little. Carrying too much
inventory results in higher- thannecessary inventory- charring costs and stock obsolescence.

Charring too little may result in stock- outs, costly emergency shipments or production, and
customer dissatisfaction in making inventory decisions, management must balance the costs of
caring larger inventories against resulting sales and profits. Inventory decision involves knowing
both when to order and how much to order. In deciding when to order, the company balances the
risks of running out of stock against the costs of carrying too much in deciding how much to
order, the company needs to balance order- processing costs against inventory caring costs.
Larger average order size results in fewer orders and lower order processing costs, but it also
means larger inventory- caring costs (Kotler and Armstrong, 1999, 375).

2.5.4. Transportation

The appropriate choice of transportation made is a key part of physical distribution management.
This is especially important in markets where just in time delivery is the norm. A number of
criteria should be used to select transport: costs, transit time, reliability, capability (important if
goods required special handling, such as chilled temperatures), security, and traceability each
major mode of transport has its own cost and service out comes that must be considered by the
marketing logistics manager. These are described in turn below (Adrianpalmer, 2000:397-398).

Road: Road haulage has the key advantage of flexibility due to national road networks providing
direct access to production facilities, ware houses, and customers. This allows Lorries to
transport goods from supplier to end user without unloading in route.

Rail: Rail ways tend to be used for carrying large, bulky freight ever long distances. Goods
commonly carried by trains include cool, chemicals, and building aggregates. The longer the
journey, the more economically competitive rail transport become, as can be seen in North-
America. A significant problem for railways, however, is its lack of flexibility.

Air: This is both the fastest and most expensive made of transport its great speed over long
distance means that it is often used to carry perishable goods and emergency deliveries. As
international t r a de continues to grow, air freight should likewise grow in importance,
especially in global just in- time systems. Like rail, though, companies must still transport goods
to and from air terminals. Air freight is eminently suited to valuable, relatively light goods such
as fresh flowers, jeweler, and electronic components.

Water: This can be divided in to sea and inland water ways, both of which are slow but fairly in
expensive. Ocean- going vessels carry a large variety of goods, for example oil from the Far East
to be refined in British petroleum’s Farley coastal terminal, or basic consumer goods to small
islands like gram can aria. In land water transportation, like rail, is associated with low- value,
bulky commodities such as coal or steel.

Pipeline: Pipelines are dependable and low maintenance form of transportation for liquids and
gas. They normally belong to the shipper and carry the shipper’s products. The down side of this
transport mode is the major investment involved in the construction of pipeline. A good example
of a logistics trade off is given by the use of pipelines in the North Sea as opposed to oil tankers.
Most of the ideas stated above usually work for companies which produce variety of products
which are highly demanded by the general public such goods maybe oil, sugar and the like.

2.5.5. Material Handling

This essentially concerned with the movement of goods with the producers factory, ware houses,
and transportation deports. Due to the complex of handling the proliferation of consumer product
lines that now exists, mechanization of procedures is becoming increasingly common. An
important development in materials handling is containerization. The combining of large
quantities of goods in to a single large container avoids the need to handle individual items
during transit. Once containers are sealed, they can relatively easily be transferred from one
mode of transport to another. This allows the distributor to handle the product as few times as
possible, in as large a quantity as possible, and with as much automation as can be achieved. In
this way stock losses and damage are reduced.

Product packaging can also play a part in facilitating materials handling. Goods must be capable
of withstanding regular loading and UN loading as well as stacking tin manufacturers’ and
customers ware houses. You will probably have noticed how some goods are displayed on
supermarket shelves: often they are either still in large cared board boxes, designed to show off
their contents, or in conveniently shaped individual containers to ensure maximum use of shelf
space. At the same time, as Johnson and wood (1996) remind us, packaging must be as
environmentally friendly as possible in terms of its capacity for recycling (Adrialpalmer, 2000:
398). In this case whatever the product maybe material handling is very essential and basically

unavoidable. I can say it’s the most common thing to all companies as far as distribution is

2.6. Distribution Channels

A distribution channels are the net works of intermediaries linking or capable of linking the
producer to the market. The term “channel” is used to symbolize the flow of goods and services
around the net work. This movement is not merely physical, i.e. of the goods, but includes title
(ownership). Payment, information and promotion (Tom cannon, 1998:350). Distribution
channels include retailers, wholesalers, and agents, or direct distribution via a sales force or mail
order. Channels are not restricted to physical products; they may be just as important for moving
a service from producer to the consumer. Hotels, for example, may sell their services directly or
through travel agents, four operators, airlines, or centralized reservation systems (Czinkota and
Kotabe, 2001:341). Rather than focusing on sales force and mail order, most beverage companies
like MOHA focus on using agents and retailers. Using the various distribution channels has their
advantages and disadvantages. When the amount of product to be sold is big in number and
continuous in consumption then using agents is most appropriate.

2.7. Indirect Vs Direct Distribution System

The choice of distribution system depends on whether the manufacturer decides to sell directly to
customers, employing sales people, or to use intermediaries such as agents, wholesalers and
retailers. Generally speaking, distribution channels in industrial & business to business (B2B)
markets tend to be direct, many products in industrial markets are buyer specified rather than
supplier specified and are often unique one- off product made specifically to client’s own
specification, or are standard needs. Direct distribution is less common in consumer market. The
decision to use direct or in direct distribution is based on cost factors, including the following.

1. Number of potential customers in the market

2. How concentrated and dispersed they are

3. How much each will buy in a given period

4. Costs associated with the practical side of the distributive operation, including transport, ware
housing and stock holding (Laancaster and Reynolds, 2004: 192-193).

Even though there may be other factors to make a decision whether to use direct and indirect
distribution the above four are the most common. MOHA soft drinks use indirect distribution

2.8. Role of Marketing Channels

Channel intermediaries have many roles. One is to perform the distribution at lower cost per unit
than the manufacturer could, and to balance the production efficiencies of the supplier with the
purchasing needs of the customer. For example, a cigarette machine might produce ten million
cigarettes of a fixed size per day, but it sizes and specifications were changed to match the needs
of small- volume buyers this could drop to one or perhaps two million. The wholesaler or
retailer, through volume buying, gives the producer the opportunity to maximize production
efficiencies while keep9ing prices down for customers.

Another intermediary role is to break down the large volumes produced in to the small quantities
bought. Intermediaries can minimize the number of transactions involved in the saving process.
They may also assist in cash management by producers, e.g. small craft and clothing firms may
provide the small producer with the income needed to increase production. Providing
information and in sight in to markets is another role of the intermediary. Some intermediaries
provide limited processing services. In some markets channel members may lead the marketing
and promotional effort.

Intermediaries bring together a range of similar or related items in to a large stock, thus
facilitating the buying process. After- sales service and some filtering and management of
warranty are also provided by intermediaries. These are some, though not all, of the tasks
performed by intermediary channel members (Tomcannon1998:351-352).

2.9. Channel Functions and Flows

A marketing channel performs the work of moving goods from producer to consumers. It over
comes the time, place and possession gaps that separate goods and services from those who need
or want them member of the marketing channel perform a number of key functions: Gather
information about potential and current customers, competitors, and other actors and forces in
the marketing environment.

 Develop and disseminate persuasive communications to stimulate purchasing.
 Reach agreements on price and other terms so that transfer of owner ship or possession
can be affected.
 Place orders with manufacturers.
 Acquire the funds to finance inventories at different levels in the marketing channel.
 Assume risks connected with carrying out channel work.
 Provide for the successive storage and movement of physical products.
 Provide for buyers’ payment of their bills through banks and other financial institutions.
 Oversee actual transfer of ownership from one organization or person to another (Kotler
and Kevin, 2006:472).
 As stated in the above two section using marketing channels are unavoidable, the broader
the channels, the broader are the chances of producers to get their products to the

2.10. Channel Flows

a. Physical Flow d. Information flow

b. Title flow e. Promotion flow

c. Payment flow

There are five marketing flows in the marketing channel Some functions (physical, title,
promotion) constitute a forward flow of activates from the company to the customer; other
functions (ordering and payments) constitute a back ward flow from customers to the company.
Still others (information, negotiation, finance, risk taking) occur in both directions (Kotler and
Lanekeller, 2006: 472-473). From the five channel flows stated above MOHA soft drinks uses
the first three (physical, title and promotion) because it’s a consumer good. The consumers
simply buy them for daily consumption, the flow is constant so ordering and payment flow is
inappropriate or is not considered by the company.

2.11. Major Channels of Distribution

Diverse distribution channels exist today. The most common channels for consumer goods and
business goods:

1. Distribution of Consumer Goods

Five channels are widely used in marketing tangible products to ultimate consumers:

 Producer------- consumer. The shortest, simplest distribution channel for consumer goods
involves no middlemen. The producer may sell door to door or by mail.
 Producer--------- wholesaler – consumer. If there is a traditional channel for consumer
goods, this is it. Small retailer and manufactures by the thousands find this channel the
only economically feasible choice.
 Producer-------- retailer --------consumer. Many large retailers buy directly from
manufactures and agriculture producers.
 Producer------- Agent---------retailer------- consumer. Instead of using wholesales many,
producers prefer to rely on agent middlemen to reach the retail market, especially large
scale retailers.
 Producer-------- Agent-------- Wholesaler-------- Retailer------- consumer. To reach
retailers, products often use agent middlemen, who in turn on wholesales that sell to large
retail chains and small retails store (,2001,401-403).

From the above stated distribution methods, most companies, especially companies producing at
a continuous rate of flow prefer using the last method of distribution because their products is
targeted to a large market thus in order to keep it continuously flowing using agents wholesalers
and retailers in an orderly manner can guarantee a constant and uninterrupted distribution

2. Distribution of Business Goods

A verity of channels is available to reach organizations that incorporate the products in to their
manufacturing process or use them in their operations. In the distribution of business goods, the
terms industrial distributor and merchant wholesale are synonymous. The four common channels
for business goods are

• Producer---- users. This direct channels account for a greater value of business products than
any other distribution structure.

• Producer---- industrial distributer---- user. Producer of operating supplies and small accessory
equipment frequently use industrial distributers to reach their markets.

• Producer---- agent--- user. Firms without their own sales departments find this a desirable
channel. Also a company that wants to introduce a new product or enter a new market may prefer
to use agents rather than its own sales force.

• Producer---- Agent---- industrial distributer---- user. This channel is similar to the preceding
one. It is used when for some reason, it is not feasible to sell through agents directly to the
business user (, 2001: 401-403).

2.12. Channel- Design Decisions

A new firm typically starts as a local operation selling in a limited market, using existing
intermediaries. The number of intermediaries in any local market is apt to be limited: a few
manufacturers’ sales agents, a few wholesalers, several established retailers, a few trucking
companies, and a few ware houses, Deciding on the best channels might not be a problem. The
problem might be to convince the available intermediaries to handle the firm’s line.

If the firm is successful, it might branch into new markets. It might have to use different
channels in different markets. In managing its intermediaries, the firm must decide how much
effort to devote to push versus pull marketing. A push strategy involves the manufacturer using
its sales force and trade promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and trade
promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users.
Push strategy is appropriate where there is low brand loyalty in a category, brand choice is made
in store, the product is an impulse item, and product benefits are well understood. A pull strategy
involves a manufacturer using advertising and promotion to induce consumers to ask
intermediaries for the product, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it. Pull strategy is
appropriate when there is high brand loyalty and high involvement in the category, when people
perceive difference between brands, and when people choose the brand before they go to store.
Companies in the same industry may differ in their emphasis on push or pull.

Designing a channel system involves four steps: (1) analyzing customer needs, (2) establishing
channel objectives, (3) identifying major channel alternative, and (4) evaluating major channel

alternatives. (Kotler, 2003: 510-516) the four methods are commonly used in most business,
below are detailed explanations about them from the same book.

2.12.1. Analyze customers’ desired service output levels

In designing the marketing channels, the marketer must understand the service output levels
desired by target customers. Channels produce five service outputs:

1. Lot size: The number of units the channel permits atypical customer to purchase on one
2. Waiting time: The average time customers of that channel wait for receipt of the goods.
Customers normally refer fast delivery channels.
3. Spatial convenience: The degree to which the marketing channel makes it easy for
customers to purchase the product.
4. Product variety: The assortment breadth provided by the marketing channel. Normally
customers prefer a greater assortment because more choices increase the chance of
finding what they need.
5. Service back up: The add-on service (credit, delivery, installation, repairs) provided by
the channel. The greater the service backup, the greater the work provided by the

2.12.2. Establishing channel objectives

Channel objectives should be stated in terms of targeted service output levels. According to
Louis backline, under competitive conditions, channel institutions should arrange their functional
tasks to minimize total channel costs with respect to desired levels of service out puts. Usually,
several market segments that desired differing service output levels can be identified. Effective
planning requires determining which market segments to serve and the best channels to use in
each case.

2.13. Identify major channel alternatives

A channel alternative is described by three elements: the types of intermediaries. The number of
intermediaries needed and the terms and responsibilities of each channel member.

 Types of intermediaries: a firm needs to identify the types of intermediaries available to
carry on its channel work.
 Number of intermediaries: companies have to decide on the number of intermediaries to
use at each channel level. Three strategies are available: exclusive distribution, selective
distribution, and intensive distribution

A. Exclusive distribution: means severely limiting the number of intermediaries. It is used when
the producer wants to maintain control over the service level and outputs offered by the sellers.

B. Selective distribution: involves the use of more than a few but less than all of the
intermediaries who are willing to carry a particular product.

C. Intensive distribution: consists of the menu facture placing the goods or services in as many
outlets as possible. This strategy is generally used for items such as tobacco products, soap snack
foods, and gum, products for which the consumer requires a great deal of location convenience.

 Terms and Responsibilities of channel members: the producer must determine the right s
and responsibilities of participating channel members. Each channel member must be
treated respectfully and given the opportunity to be profitable.

2.14. Evaluating the major alternative

Each channel alternative needs to be evaluated against economic, control and adaptive criteria.

 Economic criteria: each channel alternative will produce a different level of sales and
 Control and adaptive criteria: using a sales agency poses a control problem. A sales
agency is an independent firm seeking to maximize its profits. Agents may concentrate
on the customers who buy the most, not necessarily those who buy the manufacturer’s
goods. Furthermore, agents might not master the technical details of the company’s
product or handle its promotion materials effectively (Kotler, 2003: 510-516).

2.15. Factors to Be Considered While Selecting Channel of Distributions

Channel choice depends on consumers, the company, the product, competition, existing
channels, and legalities. (Evans and Berman, 1992: 342).

 Consumer
 Characteristics- Number, concentration, average purchase size needsshopping locations
and hours, assortments, sales help, credit segmentssize, purchase behavior.
 The company.
 Goals- control, sales, profit, time.
 Resources- level flexibility, service needs.
 Expertise- functions, specialization, efficiency.
 Experience- distribution methods, channel relationships.
 The product
 Value- price per unit.
 Complexity- technical nature
 Perish ability- shelf life, frequency of shipments.
 Bulk- weight per unit, divisibility.
 The competition
 Characteristics- number, concentration, assortment, customers.
 Tactics- distribution methods, channel relationships.
 Distribution channels
 Alternatives- direct, indirect.
 Characteristics- number, functions performed tradition.
 Availability- exclusive arrangements, territorial restrictions.
 Legalities- current laws, pending laws.
 All six parameters are important in selecting a distribution channel but in a country like
Ethiopia the product, the consumer and distribution channels are the major determinants.

2.16. Channel Management Decisions

After a company has chosen a channel alternative, individual intermediaries must be selected,
trained, motivated, and evaluated channel arrangements must be modified over time. Channel-
management decisions are as follows:

 lecting channel members

 Training channel members
 Motivating channel members

 Evaluating channel member
 Modifying channel members. (Kotler and Lanekiller,2006:456-485) The five phases are
not a onetime process, like any process they tend to die out, in the end if the modifying of
channels doesn’t work the process has to restarted all over again.

2.17. Channel Conflict and Cooperation

i. Channel conflict

According to Joseph Pal Mountain (1955); conflict in distribution channels may take different
forms. “Channel conflict is a situation in which one member of a distribution channel system
views another as an adversary. As a result such a chained member might act towards the
perceived ‘enemy’ in a holistic way and may even attempt to cause commercial harm. Such
action may up set a finely funned distribution structure and have adverse consequence for other
member of the channel system; many of whom are likely to be independent business in their own

A. Horizontal conflict

Horizontal conflicts relates to marketing intermediaries who are at the same level in a channel
system and of the same type of intermediary, for example two ‘ cash and carry’ wholesalers
working in the same town or tow retail store in the same area stoking a similar range of goods.

B. Vertical conflict

UN like horizontal conflict which takes place amongst marketing intermediaries at the same
level in the channel system, vertical conflict takes place amongst marketing intermediaries at
different levels of layers in the channel system.

C. Multichannel conflict

Multichannel conflicts, exist when the manufacturer has established two or more channels that
sell to the same market. Multichannel conflict is likely to be especially intense when the member
of on channel gets a lower price (based on larger volume purchase) or work with a lower margin
(Lancester and Reynolds, 2004:P202).

ii. Channel Cooperation

Without proper coordination of activities within the overall channel, the system will not operate
in an efficient manner thus causing commercial problems to the manufacturer and channel
members. Channel members are often independent business that have to make a profit to survive
and have commercial needs and wants of their own that must be considered. The longterm
objective of channel management is to achieve the maximum level of service for final customers
in the efficient manner. At the same time this has to be achieved in such a way that individual
channel members, often independent business themselves, can obtain commercial returns that are
satisfactory to them and adequately compensate them for their contribution to the efficiency of
the channel system as a whole (Lancseter and Reynolds2004:204). Channel conflict and
cooperation are common place anywhere around the world, even though the word conflict gives
a sense of negative connotation it’s actually good to form new ideas and enrich the current
system, resolution of conflict ultimately leads to cooperation.

2.18. Causes of channel conflicts

It is important to identify the causes of channel conflict. Some are easy to resolve, others are not.

One major cause is goal incompatibility. For example, the manufacturer may want to a chive
rapid market penetration through a low- price policy. Dealers, in contrast, may prefer to work
with high margins and purse short- run profitability. Sometimes conflict arises from unclear roles
and rights. Territory boundaries and credit for sales often produce conflict. Conflict can also
stem from difference in perception. Conflict might also arise because of the intermediary’s
dependence on the manufacturer. This situation creates a high potential for conflict (Kotler and
Lankeller, 2006: 491).

2.19. Managing channel conflicts

As companies add channels to grow sales, they run the risk of creating channel conflict. Some
channel conflict can be constructive and lead to better adaption to a changing environment, but
too much is dysfunctional. The challenge is not to eliminate conflict but to manage it better.

There are several mechanisms for effective conflict management. One is the adoption of super
ordinate goals. Channel members come to an agreement on the fundamental goal they are jointly
seeking, whether it is survival, market share, high quality, or customer satisfaction.

A useful step is to exchange persons between two or more channels. Cooperation is an effort by
one organization to win the support of the leaders of another organization by including them in
advisory councils, boards of directors, and the like. As long as the initiating organization treats
the leaders seriously and listens to their opinions, co-operation can reduce conflict, but the
initiating organization may have to compromise its policies and plans to win their support. When
a conflict is chronic or acute, the parties may have to resort to diplomacy, mediation, or
arbitration. Diplomacy takes place when each side sends a person or group to meet with its
counterpart to resolve the conflict. Mediation means resorting to a neutral third party who is
skilled in counseling the two parties’ interests. Arbitration occurs when the two parties agree to
present their arguments to one or more arbitrators and accept the arbitration decision (Kotler and
Keller, 2006:492).

Since there are limited alternative of distribution and very limited access roads these kinds of
problems don’t usually occur to companies which operate domestically, such conflicts usually
occur when the company operates globally and has various alternatives of distribution channels.


Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

This section includes the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained from the sample
respondents chosen from different places and society’s in Addis Ababa. 100 questionnaires were
distributed for customers and employees of Moha soft drink, of the Nefas Silke branch and
interview was conducted with Marketing Manager of Moha. All 100 questionnaires were
correctly filled up and returned. Every item in the questionnaire were presented, analyzed and
interpreted as shown in the following table.

3.1 General Characteristics of Customers

The entire purpose of this is to display the individual characteristics of the sample responders.
Knowing who the respondents are and other important personal information may help any
interested party in their research and further clarify the viewers' path to ensuring the accuracy of
the responses.

Table 1 Gender of customer respondents

Item Gender Frequency Percent

Male 63 79
1 Female 17 21

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 1. Gender of respondents

Male Female

As it shows on the above chart that greater number of respondents 63(79%) are males and less
number of respondents 17(21%) are females. Therefore, most of the customers of Moha are

Table 2 Age of customer respondents

Item no Age Frequency Percent

Under 25 year 12 15
25 - 35 32 40
2 36 - 45 27 34
Above 46 9 11
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 2. Age of respondents

under 25 year
25 -35
36 - 45
above 46

As it show on the above chart the age of the respondent as follows in their order 12(15%) from
the total number of respondent age are under 25, ages between 25-35 are 32(40%), ages between
36-45 is 27(34%) and ages above 46 is 9 (11%). This shows that the greater number of
respondent are found between 25- 35years that is 32 (40%).

Table 3 Educational background of customers

Item no Education Frequency Percent

10 complete 22 27.5

12 complete 13 16
Certificate 8 10
3 Diploma 27 34
Degree 10 12.5
Above 0 0
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 3. Educational background of customers

10 complete
12 complete

As it show on the chart above 22 (27.5%) of respondents have completed grade 10, greater
number of respondent 13 (16%) are grade 12 complete, 8 (10%) of respondents have certificate,

27 (34%) of respondent have diploma, 10 (12.5%) have degree. This implies that, among the
total number of respondents, most of them have diploma.

3.2 Analysis of Major Findings

Table 4 Mechanism Used to Communicate With Moha

Item No Item Frequency Percent

What mechanism used to communicate
with MOHA?

Email 0 0
Fax 0 0
1 Telephone 53 66
Direct contact 0 0
Other 27 34
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the above table 3 indicates, 53(66%) of respondents use telephone to communicate, and
27(34%) of respondents use other mechanisms to communicate. There is no direct
communication because moha stopped distributing its products directly to customers 6 years ago
because they are told by the governments that producers cannot distribute their products directly
to customers.

Table 5 Distribution System of Moha Soft Drink

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How is the distribution system of
MOHA soft drink?
Excellent 26 32.5
Very good 36 45
2 Good 11 13.75
Poor 5 6.25
Very poor 2 2.5
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on table 3, 26(32.5%) respondents rated the distribution system as excellent,
36(45%) of respondents rated very good, 11(13.75%) respondents rated only good and, 5(6.25%)
respondents rated the distribution system as poor. this shows that the majority of moha soft drink
customers are satisfied with the distribution system of the company.

Table 6 Late Deliveries Experienced in Receiving of Orders

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Have you ever received a late delivery or
experienced a delay in receiving you drink

Always 13 16.25

3 Often 4 5
Sometimes 11 13.75
Rarely 27 33.75
Never 25 31.25
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The above table 4 shows that significant portion of moha soft drink customers experience delays
in receiving their orders. Only 31.5% of respondents reported never experiencing late delivery

while the majority of respondents (55%) reported experiencing delays at least occasionally. This
suggests that moha may need to improve their logistics and delivery processes to ensure timely
and reliable delivery to their customers.

Table 7 Customer Complain a Problem on Distribution Service of Moha

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Have you ever inform or complained a problem
on distribution service of Moha soft drink?

Always 7 8.75
Sometimes 11 13.75
4 Often 4 5
Rarely 16 20
Never 42 52.5
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The above data on table 5 shows that the majority respondents (52.5%) reported never
complained an issue but significant portion of the respondents (47.5%) replied that they report
complain. Specifically 8.75% of respondents reported they always report complain; while
13.75% reported that they complain problem sometimes and 5% of respondents complain often.
This data shows moha need to improve the distribution system to satisfy its customer’s needs.

Table 8 Importance of Receiving Orders on Time

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How important is for you to receive your

orders on time?
Extremely important 49 61.25
Very important 29 36.25

Moderately important 2 2.5

Slightly important 0 0

No important at all 0 0

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

The data on table 6 clearly shows that for the majority of moha customers (61.25%) receiving
Their orders on time is extremely important, and 36.25% of respondents replied its very
important to receive their orders time for their business so moha must avoid or decrease the late
delivery’s as much as possible or customers will become dissatisfied if frequent late delivery
occur because it harms their business.

Table 9 Customer Satisfaction with the Distribution

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Are you satisfied with distribution service of


Very satisfied 43 53.75

Satisfied 21 26.25

Neutral 4 5
Dissatisfied 9 11.25
Very unsatisfied 3 3.75

Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The data on table 7 shows that majority respondents are satisfied with the distribution service
with 53.75% reporting being very satisfied, 26.25% reporting being satisfied. But there are some
customers who are dissatisfied 11.25% reporting dissatisfied and 3.75 reporting being very
dissatisfied. It is important for moha to address the concerns of these dissatisfied customers in
order to improve overall customer satisfaction and loyalty. The 5% of customers who reported
feeling neutral may also benefit from improvement.

Table 10 Customer Opinion about Other Customer Satisfaction

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you agree other customers are satisfied

with company distribution?
Strongly agree 24 30
7 Agree 36 45

Neutral 11 13.75

Disagree 7 8.75

Strongly disagree 2 2.5

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

The above data on table 8 shows that majority of moha soft drink customers believe that other
customers are satisfied with their distribution service with 75% (30% strongly agree and 45%
agree) reporting positive opinions. However there is still a significant number of customers who
have negative opinion or neutral about other customers satisfaction with the distribution system
with the reply of 8.75% disagree, 2.5% strongly disagree and 13.75% neutral. it is important for
moha that customers opinion on other customers satisfaction is good because they will think
moha have provide good distribution service that if some issues happen they know it will be
corrected as soon as possible.

Table 11 Customer Opinion that Communication Makes Distribution Service Difficult

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you agree miscommunication makes the

distribution service difficult?

Strongly agree 0 0

8 Agree 0 0
Neutral 4 5
Disagree 61 76.25
Strongly disagree 15 18.75
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data above table 9, 76.25% of respondents replied they disagree there is
communication issue with moha and 18.75 respondents replied strongly disagree there is
communication issue with moha and 5% replied neutral this shows that majority customers of
moha agrees there is no issue in communicating with the this clearly signifies late
delivery and delays are not caused by miscommunication.

Table 12 Customer Facing Problem with Physical Distribution Practice

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Have you ever faced a problem with in a

company’s physical distribution practice?
9 Most of the time 6 7.5
Always 12 15
Sometimes 17 21.25
Never 45 56.25
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The above data on table 10 shows that majority of the customers (56.25) do not face any problem
with the distribution practice of moha. However a significant number of customers (21.25) face
problem sometimes, while 15% face problem always and 7.5 face problems most of the time.

This implies that there is room for improvement in moha’s physical distribution practices to
ensure a better customer experience.

Table 13 How Fast Customers Receive Product They Order

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How fast did you get the product you order

from the company?
Very fast 8 10
Fast 34 42.5

Neutral 25 31.25

Slow 10 12.5

Very slow 3 3.75

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on table 11 majority of the customers (52.5%0 receive their orders either very
fast or fast. However some customers (16.25%) replied they receive their product either very
slow or slow. This indicates that moha should make some improvement to fulfill the satisfaction
of the customers that get late delivery. And (31.25%) respondents replied neutral which shows
that there is inconsistencies in the speed of order delivery, which should also need to be
addressed to improve customer satisfaction.

Table 14 Customer Opinion on Availability of the Product Whenever Needed

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you agree that Mohas soft drinks are

available whenever you need it?

Strongly agree 18 22.5

11 Agree 47 58.75
Disagree 11 13.75
Strongly disagree 4 5
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The above data on table 12 shows that most of the customers (81.25%) agree or strongly agree
that mohas products are available whenever needed. however (18.75%) of customers disagree or
strongly disagree with the availability of the product whenever needed. During the interview the
marketing manager responds that the problem for this issue is that distributing trucks can only
move in limited amount of time causing late deliveries and in availability of the product
whenever needed. But even having this problem the above data shows moha soft drink is doing
well in making its product available for customers.

Table 15 Delay during Order Processing

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How do you assess the delay during order

Very high 11 13.75
12 High 15 18.75
Medium 21 26.25
Low 33 41.25
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data above on table 13, large number of customers (41.25%) replied there is low
number of delay during order processing however (26.25%) replied the delay medium level.
additionally 18.75% of customers replied that the delay during order processing is high and

13.75 replied delay is very high. This shows that moha doing well but need to improve the
problem of delay the company might suffer customer’s loss of satisfaction.

Table 16 Customer Informing Problems They Faced to the Company

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Have you ever tried to informing about the

problems you face to the company?
13 Most of the time 7 8.75

All the time 13 16.25

Sometimes 18 22.5

Never 42 52.5

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

As the data shows on table 14 majority numbers of customers (52.5%) never inform the company
any of the problems they face as customers. And this could be due to various reasons such as
lack of knowledge how to rich out to the company. However a significant number of respondents
(22.5%) replied sometimes they may reach out to the company occasionally. On the other hand
smaller percentage o respondents (16.25%) inform the company problems they face all the
time .it is important for the company to investigate and address these issues to retain these
customers and prevent negative word of mouth. And finally only small number of customers
replied that inform their problem most of the time and this shows that these customers have the
knowledge how to reach the company and suffers the problem from the distribution practice of
the company.

Table 17 Overall Distribution Service of Moha Soft Drink S.C

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How do you evaluate the overall

distribution service of Moha soft drink
industry s.c
14 Excellent 23 28.75

Very good 34 42.5

Good 17 21.25

Poor 6 7.5

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

The data one the above table 15 indicates that large number of respondents rated mohas overall
distribution service positively with 28.75% rating excellent and 42.5% rating it very good this
shows that moha is doing well in delivering their products to customers. But 21.25% of
respondents rated the distribution service s good and 7.5% of respondents rated poor. This shows
that even if moha is delivering its product well it still needs to improve and take steps to address
these issues to ensure that all customers have positive experience with their distribution service.

Table 18 Suggestion for Moha to Improve Their Distribution Practice

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you have any suggestion for how Moha soft drink could
improve their distribution practice to better meet your needs
as a customer?
Major suggestions 3 3.75
Significant suggestions 0 0

Some suggestions 13 16.25

Minor suggestions 7 8.25

No suggestions 57 71.25

Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

As the data on table 16 shows majority of the respondents (71.25%) have no suggestion for moha
distribution service however there were some respondents who had minor, some or major
suggestion with 8.25%, 16.25% and 3.75% respectively. Some of the suggestion are increase
number of trucks, improve direct communication system with the customers and facilitating easy
ordering process. So overall moha must carefully consider all suggestion and take stps to
improve their distribution service to ensure customers satisfaction and have positive experience.

3.3 General Characteristics of employees

The entire purpose of this is to display the individual characteristics of the sample responders.
Knowing who the respondents are and other important personal information may help any
interested party in their research and further clarify the viewers' path to ensuring the accuracy of
the responses.

Table 19 Gender of employee respondents

Item no Gender Frequency Percent
Male 18 90
1 Female 2 10
Total 80 100

Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 4 . Gender of respondents


As the above chart shows that greater number of respondents 18(90%) are males and less number
of respondents 2(10%) are females. Therefore, most of the employees of Moha are males.

Table 20 Age of employee respondents

Item no Age Frequency Percent

Under 25 year 0 0
25 - 35 8 40
2 36 - 45 10 50
Above 46 2 10
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 5. Age of respondents

under 25
25 - 35
36 - 45
Above 46

As the above chart show that the age of the respondent as follows in their order 0 from the total
number of respondent age are under 25, ages between 25-35 are 8(40%), ages between 36-45 is
10(50%) and ages above 46 is 2 (10%). This shows that the greater number of employees are
found between 36- 45 years that is 10 (50%).

Table 21 Educational background of employees

Item no Education Frequency Percent

10 complete 0 0

12 complete 0 0
3 Certificate 2 10
Diploma 2 10
Degree 12 60
Above 4 20
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Figure 6. Educational background of employees

10 complete
12 complete

As the above chart shows that 2 (10%) of respondents have certificate, 2 (10%) of respondent
have diploma, 12(60%) have degree. And none of the respondents replied 12 complete or 10
complete This implies that, among the total number of respondents, most of them have degree.

3.4 Analysis of Major Findings

Table 22 How well employee Understand Distribution Process

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How well do you understand the
distribution process of Moha soft drink?

Extremely well 8 40
Very well 10 50
Moderately 2 10
Not at all 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the data on the above table 18 indicates majority number of employees understand the
distribution process very well with 10(50%) of respondents replying very well.8(40%) of
employees replied they understand it extremely well. only 10 respondents replied moderately and
none of the employees replied they do not understand the distribution. This shows that moha’s
employees have a good knowledge on the distribution process.

Table 23 Employees Opinion on How Moha Handle Customer Complain

Item No Item Frequency Percent
How well do you think Moha Soft Drink
handles customer complaints or concerns related
to distribution issues?

Very well 6 30
2 Moderately 8 40
Very poorly 4 20
Not at all 2 10
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The data on the above table 19 shows that the majority number of respondents (40%) replied
moha handles customer complaints moderately, and significant number of respondents (30%)
replied very well. Additionally 20% of respondents replied very poorly and 10% of the
respondents replied not at all. The data shows that moha is handling complaints well but there
are still some employees that believe moha need to improve the way it handles the compliants
from customers.

Table 24 Employee’s Opinion if the Company Could Benefit Implementing New System

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you think Moha soft drink could benefit

from implementing new technologies or
systems to improve its distribution processes?
Strongly agree 6 30
3 Agree 8 40
Neutral 4 20
Disagree 2 10
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the above data on table 20 shows majority number of employees (70%) believe that the
company could benefit from implementing a new system to improve the distribution process.
And significant number of the respondents (30%) strongly agrees while another 40% simply
agree. And smaller number of respondents (20%) is neutral on the matter showing that they may
not have s strong opinion either way, 10% of employees disagree either the idea of that a new
system could benefit the company’s distribution process.

Table 25 How Often Employees Receive Feedback or Updates from Managers

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How often do you receive feedback or

updates from managers regarding
changes or improvements in its
distribution practices?

4 Always 8 40
Often 2 10
Sometimes 4 20
Rarely 4 20
Never 2 10
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the data shown on table 21 is indicates that 40% of the employees are well informed about
changes or improvement in the distribution process as they always receive updates from
managers. 20% of the employees replied sometimes and other 20% replied rarely. The
remaining 10% of respondents replied often and the other 10% replied never. This shows that
managers communicate moderately with the employees about improvement on distribution but
there are significant number employees indicating the manager should improve on this situation.

Table 26 Employees Opinion on Importance of Good Relationship with Customers

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How important is it for you to maintain good

customer relation in order to ensure smooth
distribution processes?

Extremely important 4 20
Very important 12 60

Somewhat important 4 20

Not important 0 0

Total 20 100

Source; own survey, 2023

Good customer relation means Long-term, mutually beneficial interactions between a client and
a business.

As the data on the above table 22 shows majority of the employees (60%) replied very important
and 20% of employees agree its extremely important to create good customer relationship for
ensuring smooth distribution process. This indicates that the importance of prioritizing customer
satisfaction and communication in the work place. But the remainng employees 20% relied its
somewhat important and non of the employees replied not important which shows strong
understanding of the importance of good customer relationships in the distribution process.

Table’s 27 Employee’s Response if They Ever Noticed Improvement on the Distribution


Item No Item Frequency Percent

Have you noticed any improvements or changes

in the distribution practice of Moha soft drinks
over the past year?
Major improvement 4 20

Significant improvement 12 60
Some improvement 0 0

Minor improvement 2 10

No improvement 2 10

Total 20 100

Source; own survey, 2023

The data on the above table 23 indicates that majority (60%) of employees have noticed
significant improvement in the distribution practice over the past years. This is a positive
indication that the efforts made to improve distribution practice have been successful and its
being recognized by the employees. Additionally 20% of emplyees replied their eas major
improvement which highlights the positive impact of the effort. However 10% of employees
replied minor and other 10% employees replied not at all. this indicates there may still be areas
for further improvement in the distribution process.

Table 28 Employee’s Views on whether Moha offers sufficient Resources and Training

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you feel that Moha soft drink provides

adequate training and resources for its employees
to effectively manage distribution processes

Strongly agree 2 10
7 Agree 12 60
Disagree 4 20
Strongly disagree 2 10
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The data on the above table 24 shows majority (70%) of employees replied either strongly agree
or agree that moha offers sufficient resources and training for employees to effectively manage
distribution processes. This shows that moha is investing in its employees and providing them
with the necessary tools to succeed. However 30% of employees replied either disagree or
strongly disagree indicating that their may be some employees who feel that they are not
receiving enough support from the company.

Table 29 Employee Suggestion on how could Moha Improve its Distribution Practice

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you have any suggestions for how Moha soft

drink could improve its distribution practices to
better serve its customers?

Major suggestions 8 40
8 Significant suggestions 5 25
Some suggestions 0 0
Minor suggestions 1 5
No suggestions 6 30
Total 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the data on the above table 25 indicates majority of employees (40%) categorized their
suggestion as major suggestion, indicating that they are likely to have significant impact on the
company’s distribution process. Additionally 25% of suggestion are categorized significantly
important and 5% of suggestion as minor showing that they are still important but may not have
as significant impact as major suggestion. And 30% of respondents have no suggestions. Overall
the data suggests that moha has significant opportunity to I prove its distribution practices by
implementing the major and significant suggestions provided by the employees.

Table 30 Employees Opinion on how effective is Moha at forecasting Demand

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How effective is Moha at forecasting demands

for its products?

Very well 16 80
Somewhat well 4 20
Neutral 0 0
Somewhat poorly 0 0
Very poorly 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

As the data on the above table 26 indicates majority number of respondents (80%) replied very
well which indicates that moha is highly effective in forecasting demand. Showing that they may
have experienced accurate prediction in the past or have confidence in the methodology used by
moha. And 20% of the employees replied somewhat well which indicates these respondents
believe moha is moderately effective in forecasting demand. They have seen some accurate
predications but also some inaccuracies leading to a mixed opinion. non of the respondents
replied neutral, somewhat poorly or very poorly showing that moha is highly effective in
forecasting demand.

Table 31 Employee’s Opinion on how well Moha Manage its Distribution

Item Item Frequency Percent

How well Moha does manage its transportation and
logistics operations?
Very well 12 60
10 Somewhat well 1 5
Neutral 0 0
Somewhat poorly 0 0
Very poorly 7 35
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The data on table 27 indicates that majority of the employees believe that moha manages its
distribution and logistics operation very effectively. Showing that thy may have experienced
efficient and timely deliveries. Only one respondent replied somewhat well. But significant
number of respondents (35%) believes moha is performing very poorly in managing its
distribution and logistics operation. Showing that they may have experienced significant delay or
other issues which leads to lack of trust and need for improvement.

Table 32 Employees Opinion how Moha Tracks and Monitors its Distribution Performance

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How well moha does tracks and monitors its
distribution performance practice?
Very well 10 50
Somewhat well 9 45
11 Neutral 0 0
Somewhat poorly 1 5
Very poorly 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

The data on the above table 28 shows that 50% of respondents believe that moha tracks and
monitors its distribution performance very well. Significant percentage of respondents (45%)
believes that the company tracks and monitors its distribution performance moderately. Showing
that some employees believe moha is doing well but there is still a gap that needs to be filled.
And only 1(5%) respondent believes moha is tracking and monitoring its distribution
performance very poorly. Over all moha effectively tracks and monitors its performance.

Table 33 Customer’s Opinion on Customers Satisfaction by the Distribution Practice

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you believe customers are satisfied by Mohas

distribution practice?

Very satisfied 4 20

12 Somewhat satisfied 13 65

Neutral 0 0

Somewhat dissatisfied 3 15

Very dissatisfied 0 0

Total 20 100

Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on the above table 29 majority of employees (65%) replied that moha
customers are somewhat satisfied with the distribution practice. And 20 % of employees believe
that moha customers are very satisfied the remaining 15% of respondents believe customers are
dissatisfied with the distribution practice of moha showing there is a room for improvement.

Table 34 Customer Opinion on Mohas Warehouse Locations

Item No Item Frequency Percent

Do you agree Mohas warehouses are located

fairly to distribute its products without any

Strongly agree 8 40
13 Agree 10 50
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 2 10
Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on table 30 majority of moha employees (50%) agree that moha’s warehouses
are located moderately and 40% of respondents strongly agree showing that the company uses
moderate warehouse locations. Only 10% of respondents disagree that moha have moderate
warehouse locations. Showing that some employees believe there are some warehouses located
in wrong areas that make the distribution process difficult.

Table 35 Employee’s Opinion on Importance of Delivering on Time

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How important is it for you to deliver the products

on time?

Extremely important 9 45
Very important 7 35
Moderately important 0 0
Slightly important 3 15
No important at all 1 5
Total 80 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on the above table 31 large number of employees (80%) believe delivering
products on time to be extremely or very important. No employees replied a moderate opinion
and only 15% of respondents replied slightly important and 5% replied bot important at all.
Which shows that most the employees believe it is important to deliver products on time is very

Table 36 Employees Opinion how Moha Adapts Challenges

Item No Item Frequency Percent

How well do you think moha adapts to changes or
challenges in the distribution environment?

Very well 6 30
Somewhat well 12 60
Neutral 2 10
Somewhat poorly 0 0
Very poorly 0 0
Total 20 100
Source; own survey, 2023

Based on the data on the above table 32 the majority of employees (60%) believe that moha
adapts to challenges in the distribution environment somewhat well. Smaller percent of
respondents (30%) believe that moha adapts very well while only 105 of respondents have
neutral opinion. No employees replied negative opinion (poorly). Showing that employees have
positive view of moha’s ability to adapt to changes or challenges in the distribution environment.

3.5 Interview analysis

What type of distribution system Moha use?

The marketing manager replied that 6 years ago moha was using direct distribution system which
they deliver their products directly to customers but since the government forbids that any
manufacturing company to distribute their products directly that is 6years ago the company is
implementing indirect distribution system since then.

What are the factors that affect the distribution service of the company?

The marketing manager responded that the primary factor affecting distribution practices are the
government regulation that restricts big trucks to operate only from 4am – 10pm.this is the major
cause of delays in delivering their products on time.

Do you have central warehouse to distribute your product to different part?

The marketing manager stated that the company only has warehouses in their plants however
their agents who distribute their products have warehouses located moeratly and trucks to
distribute the products.

What are the techniques employed to evaluate the effectiveness of distribution service?

The marketing manager explained that the company has a department dedicated to overseeing
the agents who distribute their products. The ADR department use route cards that include the
customer’s name, type of business and amount of products they require. The cards serve as check
list and are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the distribution service.

Are the customers of the company satisfied with distribution service?

The marketing manager replied “yes most of our customers are satisfied and we are trying our
best to continue doing so”



The general purpose of this study is to assess the distribution practice of moha soft drinks s.c.
related literature reviewed, Relevant manager questions and customer and employee
questionnaires were given out in order to attain these goals. The following conclusions have been
drawn from the study's analysis of the data.

 From the analysis male respondents have greater number than female respondents based
on the data it shows that the majority of respondents (40%) were between the age of
25 – 35 years. 29% of respondents have diploma.
 From the analysis of question related to the study 66% of respondents use telephone to
communicate with moha soft drinks.
 From the analysis 77.5% of respondents replied mohas distribution system is either
excellent or very good.
 Based on the response of customers 31.25% of respondents replied they never
experienced late delivery and 16.25% of respondents replied they always experience late
 Based on the response of the customers 61.25% of respondents replied it is extremely
important for them to receive their orders on time.
 As the response of customer it indicates that more than 50% of the respondents are
satisfied with the distribution service of moha soft drink.
 Base on the response of customers 56.25% of respondents replied they never face a
problem with the distribution practice of moha and 7.5% of the respondents replied they
most of the time face a problem.
 Based on the response of the customers 71.25% of respondents have no suggestion on
how moha could improve its distribution practice.
 Based on the response of the employees 90% of respondents replied they understand the
distribution process of moha either extremely well or very well.

 Based on the response of the employees 40% of respondents believe that moha handles
customer complaints moderately and only 10% of respondents replied not at all.
 Based on the response of the employees 60% of respondents noticed a significant
improvement in the distribution practice of moha soft drinks. And 20% of respondents
noticed major improvement
 From the response of the employees 60% of respondents agrees that moha offers
sufficient resources and training and 30% of respondents replied either disagree or
strongly disagree.
 From the response the employees 60% of respondents replied moha manage its
transportation and logistics operation very well and 35% of respondents disagrees and
replied moha manages its transportation and logistics operation very poorly.
 From the response the employees 90% of the respondents either agree or strongly agree
that moha warehouses are located moderately and 10% of respondents disagree.

4.2 Conclusion of the major findings

Based on the major findings the following conclusion is drawn.
 Based on the responses from the overall respondents the data shows that male
respondents were more than female respondents.
 From the responses majority of respondents are between the age of 25 – 35 and most of
them have diploma.
 The study also found that large number of customers use telephone to communicate with
moha soft drink.
 Based on the responses large number of respondents rated mohas distribution system as
either excellent or very good.
 Although some customers experienced late deliveries and the majority of the respondents
considered it extremely important to receive their orders on time.
 Based on the responses large number of respondents are satisfied with moha soft drinks
distribution system.
 Large number of customers never faces any problem on the distribution service of moha
soft drinks. But small amount of respondents replied they face problem most of the time.

 From the responses large number of respondents believes moha manages transportation
and logistics operation very well.
 From the interview of the marketing manager moha no longer uses direct distribution
method. They are using indirect distribution method.
 From the responses large number of respondents agrees moha’s warehouses are
moderately located.
 Overall from study large number of respondents is satisfied by the distribution system of
moha soft drink but there are also significant amount of respondents who believed that
moha needs to improve its distribution system.

4.3 Recommendations

The student researcher suggests the following based on the research findings that have been
presented so far.

 Based on the analysis, Moha Soft Drinks should focus on improving their distribution
system by providing a website that customers can communicate their complaints directly to
the company so that the company will conduct a solution. Also the majority of respondents
use their telephones to communicate with Moha Soft Drinks, the company should consider
investing in a user-friendly mobile app to make ordering and communication more
convenient for customers.
 Since more than half of respondents are satisfied with Moha Soft Drink's distribution
service, the company should continue to maintain and improve their distribution system to
ensure customer satisfaction.
 Based on the response of the marketing manager transportation obstacles are the main
cause for delays of orders one of this problems are the rule given by the government for
bigger tracks can only move in a specified time only (4am -10pm) local time so in order to
overcome this problems the company should prepare a contingency plan for unexpected
events such as traffic delays.
 Moha should offer flexible delivery options such as same day or weekend delivery to
fulfill varying customer needs.

Adrian palmer (2000). Principle of Marketing: 1st edition, oxford university press.

David jobber, (2001). Principle and Practice of Marketing: 3rd edition, Mc Graw –hill publishing
company Limited.

Geoff Lancaster and Paul Reynolds (2004). Marketing: 1st edition, printed in Great Britain.

Joel r.evans and Barry berman (1992). Marketing: 5th edition, McMillan, New York.

Kirshna K. and V.cavale (2007). Distribution and Sale Management 3rd edition

Michael j. etal (2001). Marketing: 12th edition, Tata Mcgranhall, New York.

p.kotler (2003). Marketing Management: 11th edition, printce- hall India.

P.kotler and G.Armstrong (1999). Principle of Marketing: 8th edition, New Delhi, India.

P.kotler and Kevin lane Keller (2006).Marketing Management: 12th edition, New Delhi, India.

Tom cannon (1998). Marketing Principles and Practice: 5th edition, Casella publishers limited,
New York.

Appendix A
Unity University
Faculty of Business
Department of Marketing Management
Questionnaire to be filled by customers of Moha Soft Drink S.C
This questionnaire is prepared by the graduating student of Unity University in the field of Marketing
Management for the partial fulfillment of a senior essay. This questionnaire is prepared to assess the
distribution service output level of MOHA Soft Drink Company in Nifas Silk branch. And to collect data
which can assist to prepare a senior essay.
Your honesty and truthful answer means a lot to this research. Therefore, we ask you to fill out this
questionnaire with utmost honesty.
 Writing your name on the questioner is not necessary
 If the question has an alternative answer put on the space provided beside your answer.
 If you are interested to give additional response you can use the blank space that provided at the

Part I – General characteristics of the respondents

1. Gender: Male Female
2. Age: under 25 year 25-35 36-45 above 46
3. Educational background : 10 complete 12 complete Certificate
Diploma Degree Above
Part II – Questions related to the study

1. What mechanism used to communicate with MOHA?

Email Direct contact Telephone
Fax Other
2. How is the distribution system of MOHA soft drink?
Excellent V. good Good Poor V. Poor
3. Have you ever received a late delivery or experienced a delay in receiving you drink orders?
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
4. Have you ever inform or complained a problem on distribution service of Moha soft drink?
Always Often Rarely
Sometimes Never

5. How important is for you to receive your orders on time?

Extremely important Very important Moderately important
Slightly important Not important at all
6. Are you satisfied with distribution service of MOHA?
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied very unsatisfied

7. Do you agree other customers are satisfied with company distribution?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree strongly disagree

8. Do you agree miscommunication makes the distribution service difficult?

Strongly agree Agree
Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
9. Have you ever faced a problem with in a company’s physical distribution practice?
Never Most of the time
Sometimes Always
10. How fast did you get the product you order from the company?
Very fast Fast Neutral
Very slow Slow
11. Do you agree that Mohas soft drinks are available whenever you need it?
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
12. How do you assess the delay during order processing?
Very high High
Medium Low
13. Have you ever tried to informing about the problems you face to the company?
Most of the time Sometimes All the time Never

14. How do you evaluate the overall distribution service of Moha soft drink industry s.c
Excellent Very good Good Poor
15. Do you have any suggestion for how Moha soft drink could improve their distribution practice to
better meet your needs as a customer?
Major suggestions Significant suggestions Some suggestions
Minor suggestions No suggestions


Appendix B
Unity University
Faculty of Business
Department of Marketing Management

Questionnaire to be filled by employees of Moha Soft Drink S.C

This questionnaire is prepared by the graduating student of Unity University in the field of Marketing
Management for the partial fulfillment of a senior essay. This questionnaire is prepared to assess the
distribution service output level of MOHA Soft Drink Company in Nifas Silk branch. And to collect data
which can assist to prepare a senior essay.
Your honesty and truthful answer means a lot to this research. Therefore, we ask you to fill out this
questionnaire with utmost honesty.
 Writing your name on the questioner is not necessary
 If the question has an alternative answer put on the space provided beside your answer.
 If you are interested to give additional response you can use the blank space that provided at the

Part I – General characteristics of the respondents

1. Gender: Male Female
2. Age: under 25 year 25-35 36-45 above 46
3. Educational background : 10 complete 12 complete Certificate
Diploma Degree Above
Part II – Questions related to the study
1. How well do you understand the distribution process of Moha soft drink?

Extremely well Very well

Moderately Not at all
2. How well do you think Moha Soft Drink handles customer complaints or concerns related to
distribution issues?
Very well Moderately
Very poorly Not at all
3. Do you think Moha soft drink could benefit from implementing ne technologies or systems to
improve its distribution processes?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
4. How often do you receive feedback or updates from managers regarding changes or improvements in
its distribution practices?
Always Often Sometimes
Rarely Never
5. How important is it for you to maintain good relationship with Mohas customers in order to ensure
smooth distribution processes?
Extremely important Very important
Some what important Not important
6. Have you noticed any improvements or changes in the distribution practice of Moha soft drinks over
the past year?
Major improvements Significant improvements
Some impartments Minor improvements No improvements
7. Do you feel that Moha soft drink provides adequate training and resources for its
employees to effectively manage distribution processes?
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly agree
8. Do you have any suggestions for how Moha soft drink could improve its distribution practices to
better serve its customers?
Major suggestions Significant suggestions Some suggestions
Minor suggestions No suggestions
9. How effective is Moha at forecasting demands for its products?
Very well Somewhat well Neutral
Somewhat poorly Very poorly

10. How well Moha does manage its transportation and logistics operations?
Very well Somewhat well Neutral
Somewhat Very poorly

11. How well moha does tracks and monitors its distribution performance metrics?
Very well Somewhat well Neutral
Somewhat poorly Very poorly
12. Do you believe customers are satisfied by Mohas distribution practice?
Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral
Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
13. Do you agree Mohas warehouses are located fairly to distribute its products without any delays?
Strongly agree Agree Neutral
Disagree Strongly disagree
14. How important is it for you to deliver the products on time?
Extremely important Very important Moderately important
Slightly important Not important at all
15. How well do you think moha adapts to changes or challenges in the distribution environment?
Very well Somewhat well Neutral
Somewhat poorly Very poorly

Appendix C
Unity University
Faculty of Business
Department of Marketing Management

Interview Checklist
The purpose of this questions are to interview the marketing manager of Moha soft drink s.c in
order to complete the research projects investigating the distribution practice of the company.

1. What type of distribution system Moha use?

2. What are the factors that affect the distribution service of the company?
3. Do you have central warehouse to distribute your product to different part?
4. What are the techniques employed to evaluate the effectiveness of distribution service?
5. Are the customers of the company satisfied with distribution service?

ተጨማሪ መግለጫ (ሀ)

ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርስቲ
የንግድ ሥራ ፋካልቲ

የማርኬቲንግ አስተዳደር ትምህርት ክፍል(ዘርፍ)

መጠይቅ በሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ አ.ማ ደንበኞች የሚሞላ ነው።

ይህ መጠይቅ በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንት ዘርፍ በዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተመራቂ ተማሪ የተዘጋጀው ለከፍተኛ ድርሰት ከፊል
ሙላት ነው። ይህ መጠይቅ የተዘጋጀው በንፋስ ስልክ ቅርንጫፍ የሚገኘውን MOHA ለስላሳ መጠጥ ኩባንያ የማከፋፈያ
አገልግሎት የውጤት ደረጃን ለመገምገም ነው። እና ከፍተኛ ድርሰት ለማዘጋጀት የሚረዳውን መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ።

የአንተ ታማኝነት እና እውነተኛ መልስ ለዚህ ምርምር ትልቅ ትርጉም አለው። ስለዚህ፣ ይህንን መጠይቅ በከፍተኛ
ታማኝነት እንድትሞሉ እንጠይቃለን።


• በጠያቂው ላይ ስምዎን መጻፍ አስፈላጊ አይደለም

• ጥያቄው አማራጭ መልስ ካለው ከመልስዎ ጎን ያለውን ቦታ ያስቀምጡ።

• ተጨማሪ ምላሽ ለመስጠት ከፈለጉ መጨረሻ ላይ የቀረበውን ባዶ ቦታ መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

ክፍል I - የመላሾች አጠቃላይ ባህሪያት

1. ፆታ፡ ወንድ ☐ ሴት ☐

2. ዕድሜ፡ ከ 25 ዓመት በታች ☐ 25-35 ☐ 36-45 ☐ ከ 46 በላይ ☐

3. የትምህርት ደረጃ፡ 10 ሙሉ ☐ 12 ሙሉ ☐ ሰርተፍኬት ☐

ዲፕሎማ ☐ ዲግሪ ☐ በላይ ☐

ክፍል II - ከጥናቱ ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች

1. ከ MOHA ጋር ለመገናኘት ምን አይነት ዘዴ ተጠቅሟል?

ኢሜል ☐ ቀጥታ ግንኙነት ☐ ስልክ ☐

ፋክስ ☐ ሌላ ☐

2. MOHA የለስላሳ መጠጥ አከፋፈል ሥርዓት እንዴት ነው?

እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በጣም ጥሩ ☐ ጥሩ ☐ ዝቅተኛ ☐ በጣም ዝቅተኛ ☐

3. ዘግይተው ማድረስ ደርሰው ያውቃሉ ወይም የመጠጥ ትዕዛዞችን ለመቀበል መዘግየት አጋጥሞዎት ያውቃሉ?

ሁልጊዜ ☐ ብዙ ጊዜ ☐ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ☐ አልፎ አልፎ ☐ በጭራሽ ☐

4. በሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ ስርጭት አገልግሎት ላይ ችግር እንዳለ አሳውቀው ወይም ቅሬታ አቅርበው ያውቃሉ?

ሁልጊዜ ☐ ብዙ ጊዜ ☐ አልፎ አልፎ ☐

አንዳንድ ጊዜ ☐ በጭራሽ ☐

5. ትዕዛዞችዎን በሰዓቱ መቀበል ለእርስዎ ምን ያህል አስፈላጊ ነው?

በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐ በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐ መጠነኛ አስፈላጊ ☐

ትንሽ አስፈላጊ ☐ ምንም አስፈላጊ አይደለም ☐

6. በ MOHA ስርጭት አገልግሎት ረክተዋል?

በጣም ረክቻለሁ ☐ ረክቻለሁ ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

አልረካሁም ☐ በጣም አልረካሁም ☐

7. ሌሎች ደንበኞች በኩባንያው ስርጭት ረክተዋል ተስማምተዋል?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

አልስማማም ☐ በጣም አልስማማም ☐

8. የተሳሳተ ግንኙነት የስርጭት አገልግሎቱን አስቸጋሪ ያደርገዋል ተስማምተሃል?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐

ገለልተኛ ☐ አልስማማም ☐ በጣም አልስማማም ☐

9. በኩባንያው የአካል ማከፋፈያ ልምምድ ውስጥ ችግር አጋጥሞዎት ያውቃሉ?

በጭራሽ ☐ ብዙ ጊዜ ☐

አንዳንዴ ☐ ሁሌም ☐

10. ከኩባንያው ያዘዘውን ምርት ምን ያህል በፍጥነት አገኙት?

በጣም ፈጣን ☐ ፈጣን ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በጣም ቀርፋፋ ☐ ቀርፋፋ ☐

11. ሞሃስ ለስላሳ መጠጦች በፈለጉት ጊዜ እንደሚገኙ ይስማማሉ?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐ አልስማማም ☐ በጣም አልስማማም ☐

12. በትዕዛዝ ሂደት ጊዜ መዘግየቱን እንዴት ይገመግማሉ?

በጣም ከፍተኛ ☐ ከፍተኛ ☐

መካከለኛ ☐ ዝቅተኛ ☐

13. ለኩባንያው ስለሚያጋጥሟቸው ችግሮች ለማሳወቅ ሞክረህ ታውቃለህ?

ብዙ ጊዜ ☐ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ☐ ሁል ጊዜ ☐ በጭራሽ ☐

14. የሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ ኢንዱስትሪ አ.ማ አጠቃላይ ስርጭት አገልግሎትን እንዴት ይገመግማሉ?

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በጣም ጥሩ ☐ ጥሩ ☐ ዝቅተኛ ☐

15. ሞሃ የለስላሳ መጠጥ እንደ ደንበኛ ፍላጎትዎን በተሻለ መልኩ ለማሟላት የስርጭት ልምዳቸውን እንዴት
እንደሚያሻሽል አስተያየት አልዎት?

ዋና ዋና ጥቆማዎች ☐ ጠቃሚ ምክሮች ☐ አንዳንድ ጥቆማዎች ☐

ጥቃቅን ጥቆማዎች ☐ ምንም ጥቆማዎች የሉም ☐

ተጨማሪ መግለጫ (ለ)

ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርስቲ

የንግድ ሥራ ፋካልቲ
የማርኬቲንግ አስተዳደር ትምህርት ክፍል(ዘርፍ)

መጠይቅ በሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ አ.ማ. ሰራተኞች የሚሞላ ነው

ይህ መጠይቅ በማርኬቲንግ ማኔጅመንት ዘርፍ በዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ተመራቂ ተማሪ የተዘጋጀው ለከፍተኛ ድርሰት ከፊል
ሙላት ነው። ይህ መጠይቅ የተዘጋጀው በንፋስ ስልክ ቅርንጫፍ የሚገኘውን MOHA ለስላሳ መጠጥ ኩባንያ የማከፋፈያ
አገልግሎት የውጤት ደረጃን ለመገምገም ነው። እና ከፍተኛ ድርሰት ለማዘጋጀት የሚረዳውን መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ።

የአንተ ታማኝነት እና እውነተኛ መልስ ለዚህ ምርምር ትልቅ ትርጉም አለው። ስለዚህ፣ ይህንን መጠይቅ በከፍተኛ
ታማኝነት እንድትሞሉ እንጠይቃለን።


• በጠያቂው ላይ ስምዎን መጻፍ አስፈላጊ አይደለም

• ጥያቄው አማራጭ መልስ ካለው ከመልስዎ ጎን ያለውን ቦታ ያስቀምጡ።

• ተጨማሪ ምላሽ ለመስጠት ከፈለጉ መጨረሻ ላይ የቀረበውን ባዶ ቦታ መጠቀም ይችላሉ።

ክፍል I - የመላሾች አጠቃላይ ባህሪያት

1. ፆታ፡ ወንድ ☐ ሴት ☐

2. ዕድሜ፡ ከ 25 ዓመት በታች ☐ 25-35 ☐ 36-45 ☐ ከ 46 በላይ ☐

3. የትምህርት ደረጃ፡ 10 ሙሉ ☐ 12 ሙሉ ☐ ሰርተፍኬት ☐

ዲፕሎማ ☐ ዲግሪ ☐ በላይ ☐

ክፍል II - ከጥናቱ ጋር የተያያዙ ጥያቄዎች

1. የሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ ስርጭት ሂደት ምን ያህል ተረድተዋል?

እጅግ በጣም ደህና ☐ በጣም ደህና ☐

በመጠኑ ☐ በፍጹም ☐

2. ሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ የደንበኞችን ቅሬታ ወይም ከስርጭት ጋር በተያያዙ ጉዳዮች ላይ ምን ያህል ያስተናግዳል ብለው

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በመጠኑ ☐

በጣም ደካማ ☐ በፍጹም ☐

3. ሞሃ የለስላሳ መጠጥ የማከፋፈያ ሂደቶቹን ለማሻሻል ኔ ቴክኖሎጂዎችን ወይም ሥርዓቶችን በመተግበር ተጠቃሚ
ሊሆን ይችላል ብለው ያስባሉ?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

አልስማማም ☐ በጣም አልስማማም ☐

4. በስርጭት አሠራሮች ላይ ለውጦችን ወይም ማሻሻያዎችን በተመለከተ ከአስተዳዳሪዎች ግብረ መልስ ወይም
ማሻሻያ ምን ያህል ጊዜ ይቀበላሉ?

ሁልጊዜ ☐ ብዙ ጊዜ ☐ አንዳንድ ጊዜ ☐

አልፎ አልፎ ☐ በጭራሽ ☐

5. የስርጭት ሂደቶችን ለማቀላጠፍ ከሞሃስ ደንበኞች ጋር ጥሩ ግንኙነት እንዲኖርዎ ምን ያህል አስፈላጊ ነው?

እጅግ በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐ በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐

አንዳንድ ጠቃሚ ☐ አስፈላጊ ያልሆኑ ☐

6. ባለፈው አመት በሞሃ የለስላሳ መጠጦች ስርጭት ላይ ማሻሻያዎች ወይም ለውጦች አስተውለዋል?

ዋና ዋና ማሻሻያዎች ☐ ጉልህ ማሻሻያዎች ☐

አንዳንድ ክፍሎች ☐ ጥቃቅን ማሻሻያዎች ☐ ምንም ማሻሻያ የለም ☐

7. ሞሃ ለስላሳ መጠጥ በቂ ስልጠና እና ግብዓቶችን እንደሚሰጥ ይሰማዎታል

ሰራተኞች የስርጭት ሂደቶችን በብቃት ለማስተዳደር?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐ አልስማማም ☐ በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐

8. ሞሃ የለስላሳ መጠጥ ደንበኞቹን በተሻለ መልኩ ለማገልገል የስርጭት አሠራሩን እንዴት እንደሚያሻሽል አስተያየት

ዋና ዋና ጥቆማዎች ☐ ጠቃሚ ምክሮች ☐ አንዳንድ ጥቆማዎች ☐

ጥቃቅን ጥቆማዎች ☐ ምንም ጥቆማዎች የሉም ☐



9. ሞሃ ለምርቶቹ ፍላጎቶች ትንበያ ምን ያህል ውጤታማ ነው?

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በመጠኑም ቢሆን ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በመጠኑ ደካማ ☐ በጣም ደካማ ☐

10. ሞሃ የትራንስፖርት እና የሎጂስቲክስ ስራውን ምን ያህል ያስተዳድራል?

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በመጠኑም ቢሆን ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በመጠኑ ☐ በጣም ደካማ ☐

11. ሞሃ የስርጭት አፈጻጸም መለኪያዎችን ምን ያህል ይከታተላል እና ይቆጣጠራል?

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በመጠኑም ቢሆን ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በመጠኑ ደካማ ☐ በጣም ደካማ ☐

12. ደንበኞቻቸው በሞሃስ ስርጭት ልምምድ ረክተዋል ብለው ያምናሉ?

በጣም ረክቻለሁ ☐ በመጠኑ ረክቷል ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በመጠኑ አልረካሁም ☐ በጣም አልረካሁም ☐

13. ሞሃስ መጋዘኖች ያለምንም መዘግየት ምርቶቹን ለማከፋፈል በፍትሃዊነት ተቀምጠዋል ተስማምተዋል?

በጣም እስማማለሁ ☐ እስማማለሁ ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

አልስማማም ☐ በጣም አልስማማም ☐

14. ምርቶቹን በሰዓቱ ማድረስ ለእርስዎ ምን ያህል አስፈላጊ ነው?

በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐ በጣም አስፈላጊ ☐ መጠነኛ አስፈላጊ ☐

ትንሽ አስፈላጊ ☐ ምንም አስፈላጊ አይደለም ☐

15. ሞሃ በስርጭት አካባቢ ውስጥ ካሉ ለውጦች ወይም ተግዳሮቶች ጋር ምን ያህል ይስማማል ብለው ያስባሉ?

በጣም ጥሩ ☐ በመጠኑም ቢሆን ☐ ገለልተኛ ☐

በመጠኑ ደካማ ☐ በጣም ደካማ ☐

ተጨማሪ መግለጫ(ሐ)

ዩኒቲ ዩኒቨርስቲ

የንግድ ሥራ ፋካልቲ

የማርኬቲንግ አስተዳደር ትምህርት ክፍል (ዘርፍ)

የቃለ መጠይቅ ዝርዝር

የእነዚህ ጥያቄዎች ዓላማ የኩባንያውን ስርጭት አሠራር የሚመረምር የምርምር ፕሮጀክት ለማጠናቀቅ የሞሃ ለስላሳ
መጠጥ አ.ማ የማርኬቲንግ ሥራ አስኪያጅን ቃለ መጠይቅ ማድረግ ነው።

1. ሞሃ ምን ዓይነት የስርጭት ስርዓት ይጠቀማል?

2. የኩባንያውን የስርጭት አገልግሎት የሚነኩ ነገሮች ምንድን ናቸው?

3. ምርትዎን ለተለያዩ ክፍሎች ለማከፋፈል ማዕከላዊ መጋዘን አለዎት?

4. የስርጭት አገልግሎትን ውጤታማነት ለመገምገም ምን አይነት ቴክኒኮች አሉ?

5. የኩባንያው ደንበኞች በስርጭት አገልግሎት ረክተዋል?

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