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SIN ea + 8 Pest At ma a GS * Q Subject — Physical Chemistry Q Chapter - Some Basic Concept of Chemistry Lecture No.- 03 Y BY: Amit Mahajan Sir fern Dae aCe oc oe work discussion POEM ETE Tat Cy Rules to attend class =" SRC TE mesmo Le ee PCNA Yo mee) ae VA OC MMe er ROM amma Lh class in the middle of the chapter. 3. Make sure to revise the last class before attending the next class & always complete your home a ca PS Se 4. Never ever engage in chat whether live or recorded on the DCRR On CMa Taye meee Ce medi Ted eee eM ACMA MLK oul eC can be cancelled. Rules to attend class =" 5. Try to make maximum notes during the class if something is left then u can use the notes pdf after the class to complete the PoE ea Eno 6. Always ask your doubts in doubt section to get answer from faculty. Before asking any doubt please check whether same ECM em meee Ee ae 7. Ifyou want to understand better then don’t watch videos in high speed. Rca ur 3 Ea Bale tea mear ta) eee Aware Rate an east ia s& | . bs »S = ya iN el 1p 0 *DALTON'sS ATOMIC THEORY* Datos @ Dev nmA aa NC cma 7 Sei Day VOR ELAN aL eee oy I at an 6 p> N Avogadro’s Number ® DENTS er pose , [Poin = 2: vi fee ee = aN ES (eee tN Veen te Na a A aa Cee cae eee uaa aa) as ie ey CONS ace RAO Ly eres la) _ (TEN & CO RC a oO ree as ce ce ha ie Pony on SE Pan neat nS aaa (Cuan 4 Nes ree eer Ml q 4 Nix hoa mo KS IT ea reer etn GO SE a) a @ Sen ame es cual n Pee eT B iE CoRR YA a Ana EL Peete FUER RU ERO mee Owe eel oe of atoms Statement-I is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is correct explanation for Statement-I. Statement-l is true, Statement-II is true; Statement-II is not a correct explanation for Statement-I. 9g Statement-l is true, Statement-II is false fo ] Seen e Merete eegtatts Which one of the followings has maximum number of atoms? pos ao ora dos 9 1gofAg,) [Atomic mass of Ag = 108] 77) a 9g ee ee nated ee ei 7 9g 1gofOj) [Atomic mass of 0 = 16] i) a 6 2M a Pe et ee cee 1 pe) 27 PT srs Feels ae A A eR ae oe Tas a Pees el Nr neta Se arie Sea rarer aa oe ao ee Per acalie eee ee ors ——= oe ial De OMe eee anh e aay Ree ry ao OAC ae tee oe Atomic Mass Unit (a .) or Unified mass ( u ) Bg ral ly deena ace A Ny atorn af C toa more = 124 LG 19) a: 6 oerre er nese ar = ayaa oe aa wr A ul 4 an e erie ‘| rat Cale WAS Lal 4" — = iit ial plone EO aN da pres ea ig: , aos a y. ae CCS ae AOE SR cea f Da Ar eee cal ao eee i alec 6 Hier mone o& Gmparsad to adit Relative Mass ra ease fon Pe Pet cel aes) cee A Nae’ lam = mee Mf tH tant Ledom of CR Relokive mores CT (A ata Ue I An eer hie pe wos =f neubnon = mon of \nwlston a eee omar led Roe VAS S Ym pat of en = GR = enn ora re] C) Relative Atomic Mass ( R.A.M. ) a _ no mon ae a a [ton akasaaille GAL ae deat @ mca a. Fn ees Perel ae EWA, eae d revels ea a taco eC ae Sera eel Rnw- NAW 1 oS IN) A Relotive molenlan moss CRM: M ) ON OCR aS ence OTe ie Bataan eras Ee Cer ae On Con erm: Ww el (pire aca Teo 6 IOVS cra Ma oe @ © Rallotire wore of | ton ® Aero Lani nel CO wos CRT) = 7 — een pot 2 a a a Coa eat cai = Deo A all (eae 6 Cy Pane the PM eae eR M eRe Prey uM, . aN 7 7 Take = ia) Ae ~ofe (eee ” ee ae —e = j\-\=l0 Find no. of protons , electrons and neutrons in molecule of AEA Daa Tiare ee erst = J r (aca Wy Nene aad al Ta) Lc ey 2oFG643RE50 50 9g 5 Sd eo Eid NA Saad acne anaes Pee eres nn aaa ed ig Total number of lcs EG Oe eU Chee ti Cc i (3 is PO WNoaPp e& er g | «EN a 5 Pt ens 9 ni a ts - oes S lo qnit | 9g ch OF tia \ ee ar ar Classify each of the following as an element, a compound or a mixture. ea (9) ara i meine vi EOF (CO Meree piles Cl) ee Me elu cicd ti) silicon dioxide >) (g) aD) (h) cement (i) Air 1) Sea Se ia a) Pde TS 6 ee - Py Ee) g (9) yy @ e (om LES TA ae a TS ros Claes (©) Va © rys¢, How to increase Your Focus ? va > Use Pen technique discussed in lecture 1 of some basic concepts of chemistry Pee ce ee Re PRR e eS eRe Cen

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