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Aquaculture 591 (2024) 741147

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Effect of size and shape of artificial pellets on capture success for Octopus
tetricus paralarvae
Stefan Spreitzenbarth a, *, Andrew Jeffs a, b
Leigh Marine Laboratory, Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, 160 Goat Island Road, 0985 Leigh, New Zealand
School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 23 Symonds Street Auckland Central, 1010 Auckland, New Zealand


Keywords: The culture of the paralarvae of merobenthic octopus species generally results in high mortalities with many
Octopus tetricus attempts failing to rear the paralarvae through to juvenile stage. Progress has been made with higher survival for
Feeding behaviour paralarvae cultures, but all successful paralarvae cultures rely heavily on decapod zoeae, which are labour
intensive and costly to maintain in many instances. The development of an artificial pellet that is easily captured,
Artificial pellet
can be rapidly consumed and fulfils the nutritional needs of octopus paralarvae would greatly advance octopus
Shape paralarvae culture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of shape and size of artificial pellets on
feeding behaviour for early Octopus tetricus paralarvae. This study tested the capture success of six different
artificial pellets in a crossed experiment for size (i.e., small, medium and large), and shape (i.e., spherical or
rectangular). Paralarvae were observed individually for up to 5 min with the number, size, shape and handling
time of pellets captured by 2 days post-hatch O. tetricus paralarvae being recorded. A total of 105 out of 250
paralarvae captured one of the six artificial pellets with no difference between the two provided shapes for small
and large pellets. In contrast, there was a strong preference for smaller artificial pellets with 57 out of 105
paralarvae capturing the small pellets. The handling times ranged from 1 to 485 s across all sizes and shapes of
artificial pellets with shorter mean handling times for rectangular artificial pellets (mean of 13 ± 41 s) compared
to spherical artificial pellets (mean of 31 ± 97 s), regardless of size. Overall, handling times were rather short (<
20 s) for the majority of (91%) of paralarvae that captured artificial pellets. The results show that pellet shape is
mostly irrelevant to early O. tetricus paralarvae, but size is an important factor that must be considered. More­
over, the short handling times suggest a low palatability of the artificial pellets used in the current study, which
will be addressed in future studies.

1. Introduction settling to the seafloor (merobenthic) (Hanlon and Forsythe, 1985;

Uriarte et al., 2011; Young and Harman, 1988). Holobenthic octopus
Global demand for octopus for human consumption has increased species have the advantage of high juvenile survival in captivity but
over the past 30 years largely due to rising popularity of Mediterranean generally produce relatively small numbers of eggs (i.e., a few hundred
and Asian octopus cuisine (Sauer et al., 2019). The fast growth, high in a clutch) while merobenthic octopus species produce hundreds of
fecundity, and short lifespan combined with the high market demand thousands of eggs but generally have high paralarvae mortalities when
makes octopuses excellent candidates to diversify aquaculture in many cultured (Dan et al., 2019; De Wolf et al., 2011; Iglesias et al., 2004,
countries. Octopuses are also of high interest to research due to their 2007; Joll, 1976; Uriarte et al., 2010; van Heukelem, 1983; Villanueva
unique nervous system, advanced behaviour for invertebrates, including and Norman, 2008). Most of the highly sought after octopus species for
a sophisticated ability to change colour despite being colourblind human consumption are part of the Octopus vulgaris species complex,
(Hanlon et al., 2011; Young, 1971). which are all merobenthic species (Sauer et al., 2019).
Octopuses have two different life-history strategies which determine The development of reliable methods for the culture of merobenthic
whether hatchlings are benthic from the moment they hatch (hol­ paralarvae has been slow because relatively little is known about their
obenthic) or progress through a planktonic paralarval stage before environmental and feeding requirements. Following hatching,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Spreitzenbarth), (A. Jeffs).
Received 25 February 2024; Received in revised form 29 April 2024; Accepted 27 May 2024
Available online 28 May 2024
0044-8486/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S. Spreitzenbarth and A. Jeffs Aquaculture 591 (2024) 741147

merobenthic paralarvae typically have limited yolk reserves and are if sufficient paralarvae had hatched overnight, they were transferred
immediately highly predatory of live prey. More recently, researchers into a 2.5 l kreisel tank. Paralarvae within the kreisel tanks were fed
have made significant advances in octopus paralarvae culture including twice per day with live Artemia sp. nauplii instar II (Great Salt Lake
achieving paralarvae survival of >80% in Octopus sinensis in Japan (Dan, Bohai Bay, Binzhou Marine Science and Technology Co. Ltd.), which
pers. com.) and more recently the first large scale O. vulgaris aquaculture were feed a mixture of 100 ml Diacronema lutheri (1.30 × 107 cells ml− 1)
facility has been established in Spain (Kassam, 2023). While the rearing and 100 ml Tisochrysis lutea (1.09 × 107 cells ml− 1) live algae. The
of paralarvae through to the settlement stage and beyond is being ach­ Artemia nauplii were supplied to the paralarvae cultures at 0.15–0.20
ieved more frequently, all successful paralarvae culture that has been Artemia nauplii ml− 1 from day 0–1 with the last feed being received the
reported has principally relied on live prey. Crab zoeae (Portunus tritu­ evening before the experiment.
berculatus) are used as sole prey or partially replacement for Artemia in
Japan (Dan et al., 2019, 2023) and caprellid amphipods (Phtisica marina
and Caprella equilibra) and/or gammarid amphipods, Jassa spp. are used 2.2. Manufacturing formulated diets
in Spain (Tur et al., 2020). For research and small-scale culture of
paralarvae, live prey provides a good opportunity to reliably complete Six different artificial pellets were manufactured for this experiment
the paralarvae phase of the lifecycle but the production or wild harvest consisting of three different sizes, i.e., small, medium, and large, each of
of zoeae and other live prey are labour intensive and costly, precluding two different shapes, i.e., spherical and rectangular (Table 1). The small
their use for commercial scale aquaculture (Iglesias and Fuentes, 2014). rectangular shaped artificial pellets were similar in length and double in
A potential solution to this problem could be artificial pellets that are width to Artemia adults (~ 1.4 × ~ 0.5 mm), medium rectangular
tailored to meet the needs of octopus paralarvae. Initial experimental artificial pellets were similar in length and width to Maja brachydactyla
use of artificial pellets and microcapsules with O. vulgaris paralarvae zoeae, Cancer pagurus zoeae and Paguridae zoeae (~ 2.1 × ~ 0.7 mm),
found that paralarvae rapidly attacked and consumed the artificial and large rectangular artificial pellets were similar in length and width
pellets but they provided limited improvement in nutrition and survival to Crangonidae zoeae (~ 4.9 × ~ 0.9 mm). All these zooplankton species
of paralarvae (Navarro and Villanueva, 2003; Villanueva et al., 2002). have been used in feeding and prey studies with O. vulgaris and resulted
Despite the apparent potential for artificial pellets to provide a viable in frequent attacks and captures by O. vulgaris paralarvae (Iglesias et al.,
alternative to provisioning live feed for the culture of paralarvae, min­ 2006; Nande et al., 2017). The heights of all three rectangular shapes
imal research in this area has been reported. Artificial pellets offered to were equal to their width. Spherical shapes were chosen due to the
O. tetricus paralarvae showed that paralarvae rapidly attacked and previously observed capture of small spherical pellet with paralarvae
captured the artificial pellets at a similar rate to live Artemia (Spreit­ from O. tetricus (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2021) and O. vulgaris (Navarro and
zenbarth et al., 2021). Moreover, O. tetricus paralarvae were also Villanueva, 2003; Villanueva et al., 2002). The small and medium sizes
observed to occasionally capture unhatched Artemia cysts that had been of spherical artificial pellets was based on the size of “microdiets”
inadvertently included with live Artemia with cultured paralarvae. (1.2–1.9 mm Ø) used by Villanueva et al. (2002) and the incremental
These reports indicate that paralarvae of at least two octopus species increase from medium to large spherical artificial pellets was set to be an
attack, capture and partially consume inert particles, including artificial equal increase as from small to medium, i.e., increase in diameter by
pellets. However, much work is needed to develop an artificial pellet roughly 0.7 mm. A total of 90 samples (n = 15 artificial pellets− 1) were
that is highly attractive as a prey item, that once captured by paralarvae randomly selected to measure the volume for each of the six artificial
can be readily consumed and meets the nutritional requirements of pellets (Table 1). Digital images of all samples were taken with a camera
rapidly growing paralarvae. Determining the characteristics of artificial attached to a microscope (Nikon SMZ1270, 6 MP USB3 camera) and
pellets that make them highly attractive as a prey item for paralarvae is a dimensions, i.e., diameter for spherical artificial pellets and length,
critical first step in developing an effective artificial pellet. Size and height and width of rectangular artificial pellets, were measured with
shape of artificial pellets is a fundamental characteristic of prey items in image processing software (ImageJ). The measured dimensions of each
a visual predator, such as paralarvae, as they typically play a vital role in artificial pellet where then used to calculate their respective volumes.
triggering predation behaviour which then leads to food capture and All artificial pellets had the same ingredients to avoid any possible
consumption. bias due to different composition (Table 2). The ingredients were not
Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether the suc­ based on meeting nutritional requirements of the paralarvae, but rather
cess of capturing artificial pellets by O. tetricus paralarvae is affected by the ability to use the mix of ingredients to form the desired range of
the fundamental visual characteristics of size or shape. experimental shapes and sizes of artificial pellets and for ensuring their
neutral buoyancy once placed in seawater in the experimental kreisel
2. Material and methods tanks. Neutral buoyancy was needed to ensure artificial pellets remained
suspended in the upper region of the water column of the experimental
2.1. Paralarvae source tank rather than the artificial pellets sinking quickly to the bottom. This
guaranteed proximity between paralarvae and artificial pellets as
Adult female O. tetricus were caught from the wild in shallow New
Zealand coastal waters and kept in the laboratory as described by Table 1
Spreitzenbarth and Jeffs (2020) for up to three months or until they laid Physical characteristics of the six artificial pellets used in this study. The di­
eggs. Females that started spawning were left undisturbed for three days mensions [mm] were the theoretical diameter for a spherical pellet and the
after the first egg strings were detected to minimise potential stress for length, height and width for the rectangular pellets. Due to each pellet having
slight differences in their dimensions the mean volume [μl] for each pellet size
the female. After three days a total of 20 egg strings were removed and
was calculated (n = 15 samples pellet size− 1). Different lower-case letters
placed in artificial egg rearing units that create a gentle upwelling and
indicate significant differences in volumes between shapes of the same sized
allow the egg strings to freely tumble against each other. Seawater artificial pellets.
temperatures in the adult tank and egg rearing tank were measured daily
Dimensions [mm] Volume [μl] ± SD
before midday, with mean temperatures of 16.0 ± 0.2 ◦ C in the adult
tank and 18.0 ± 1.4 ◦ C in the egg rearing tank until hatch. The egg Particle Spherical Rectangular Spherical Rectangular
size pellet pellet pellet pellet
rearing unit was fitted with a surface water outflow that transferred
newly hatched paralarvae from the rearing unit into a reservoir which Small 1.3 1.6 × 0.9 × 0.9 0.8 ± 0.2a 1.0 ± 0.3a
retained larvae whilst allowing excess water to be drained through a Medium 1.9 3.0 × 1.1 × 1.1 3.8 ± 0.7a 2.2 ± 0.8a
Large 2.6 4.5 × 1.1 × 1.1 8.6 ± 1.1a 4.9 ± 1.1b
250 μm mesh. All paralarvae were removed daily from the reservoir and

S. Spreitzenbarth and A. Jeffs Aquaculture 591 (2024) 741147

Table 2
Ingredients for the fabrication of the six artificial pellets used for this study.
Ingredient Fresh-water Sugar1 Milk powder1 Oil1 Guar powder2 Agar3 Gelatine4

Proportion [%, by weight] 67.9 9.4 5.1 11.5 1.5 0.4 4.2†
1 2 3
: Pams Products Ltd., 703 Roberts Line, New Zealand; : Pure Nature, 626 A Rosebank Road, Avondale, New Zealand; : Rogers Distribution Ltd., 46 Honan Place,
New Zealand; 4: GELITA Deutschland GmbH, Uferstraβe 7, Germany: †: based on dehydrated gelatine weight.

O. tetricus paralarvae were previously described to retain in the upper paralarva, i.e., no capture or capture and the type of artificial pellet
water layer (Spreitzenbarth and Jeffs, 2022a). A two-step process was captured, the time to capture and time subsequently spent handling the
used to manufacture artificial pellets. In the first step a mixture of artificial pellet. Handling time commenced when an artificial pellet was
freshwater (75% by weight) and sucrose (25% by weight) (Pams Prod­ captured, and ended when the pellet was ejected from the paralarvae’s
ucts Ltd., New Zealand) was brought to boil until the sugar fully dis­ arms or was fully consumed and was followed for as long as it took for
solved to form a syrup. The syrup was allowed to cool to room handling of the pellet to be come to an end, i.e., not confined to 5 min.
temperature and then whole milk powder (Pams Products Ltd., New
Zealand) was added (Table 2). Then, sunflower oil (Pams Products Ltd., 2.4. Statistical analyses
New Zealand) was added to the syrup before guar powder (Pure Nature,
New Zealand) was slowly added to create an emulsified oil solution. This The data for the measured volume of the samples of six different
solution was heated to 60 ◦ C for at least a minute before agar powder artificial pellets was tested for normal distribution and homogeneity of
was added. Once thoroughly mixed, the gelatine (GELITA Deutschland variances with Shapiro-Wilk and Levene’s test, respectively. Due to the
GmbH, Germany) was added and allowed to melt. The mixture was kept data deviating from assumptions for parametric statistical methods,
warm (40–50 ◦ C) to avoid gelatine setting. The still warm solution was Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare the volume of artificial pellets
slowly dropped from a hypodermic syringe (0.55 × 25 mm, Neolus among the three sizes, the two shapes and their interaction, Dunn’s post
needle, Terumo) into a cold sunflower oil bath to create the spherical hoc test was used for pairwise comparisons of means when overall sig­
artificial pellets. The spherical artificial pellets were separated from the nificant differences were detected (P < 0.05) (Ogle et al., 2023).
oil by sieving and excess oil was removed from the surface of the spheres Chi-square tests were performed on the raw observation data with
by carefully rinsing in cold running freshwater. Specifically designed either size of artificial pellets (small, medium or large), shape of pellets
silicone moulds were used to create the rectangular artificial pellets. For (spherical or rectangular) or the combination of size and type of the
this the still warm solution was transferred into the silicone moulds artificial pellet as variables, i.e., small rectangular versus small spherical
before being placed in a − 20 ◦ C freezer overnight to set. The consoli­ pellets, medium rectangular versus medium spherical pellets and large
dated artificial pellets were then pressed from the silicone moulds. Once rectangular versus large spherical pellets. A pairwise comparison was
prepared, all artificial pellets were stored in a refrigerator (4 ◦ C) for up conducted using chisq.multcomp from the R package RVAideMemoire
to three days before being used in feeding experiments with paralarvae. with a Bonferroni p-value adjustment (Herve, 2023). All statistical an­
alyses were performed using R (R Core Team, 2023) in conjunction with
2.3. Experimental setup and procedure RStudio (RStudio Team, 2020). All means are reported with standard
Experiments were conducted in 2.5 l kreisel tanks, which had a clear
front panel with the remaining components being black in colour. Black 2.5. Animal ethics
was chosen as the main background colour for the tanks due to previous
observations with O. tetricus paralarvae, where a higher proportion of Experiments were conducted at the University of Auckland, New
paralarvae attacked Artemia when observed in black tanks (Spreitzen­ Zealand under animal ethics permit No. AEC25053. All research was
barth et al., 2021). Kreisel tanks were continuously supplied with carried out in strict accordance with the New Zealand Animal Welfare
temperature-controlled seawater (19 ◦ C) and a light source (10 W Act 1999.
Colour LED, Orbit Lighting, New Zealand) was placed above the kreisel
tank resulting in a light intensity of ~600 lx (R8140 light meter, REED, 3. Results
USA) at the water surface.
A total of 250 paralarvae aged 2 dph (days post hatch) were observed The volumes of the artificial pellets were similar between the
individually by transferring individual paralarvae from the holding spherical and rectangular artificial pellets for the small (P = 0.484) and
tanks to an experimental kreisel tank with a pipette. Paralarvae mor­ medium-sized pellets (P = 0.097) (Table 1). In contrast, the volume of
phometrics were not recorded in the current study but a mean total the large spherical pellets was greater than for the large rectangular
length of 2.4 ± 0.2 mm and a mean wet weight of 0.9 ± 0.1 mg have pellets, i.e., means of 8.6 ± 1.1 μl versus 4.9 ± 1.1 μl, respectively (P =
been reported for O. tetricus paralarvae aged 2 dph (Spreitzenbarth and 0.004) (H(5) = 88.62, P < 0.001).
Jeffs, 2021, 2022b). Equal numbers of all six artificial pellets were then Out of 250 paralarvae that were observed, a total of 105 (42%)
supplied to each paralarvae. The total density of pellets was 0.24 pellets successfully captured an artificial pellet within the 5 min observation
ml− 1 (600 artificial pellets in total within a kreisel), with each of the six period. Time to successful capture of pellets ranged from 5 to 280 s (i.e.,
artificial pellets contributing 0.04 prey items ml− 1 (100 artificial pel­ 4.40 min) with no differences in the time to capture (73 ± 67 s) among
lets). Due to the neutral buoyancy of the artificial pellets, they were pellet shapes (χ2(1) = 1.13, P = 0.288), sizes (χ2(2) = 3.19, P = 0.203) or
quickly dispersed evenly throughout the kreisel tank. Each paralarvae their interaction (χ2(5) = 5.93, P = 0.313).
was observed until it captured one of the six artificial pellets or for a The number of captures was higher for medium sized rectangular
period of 5 mins after being introduced to the tank if no capture of an artificial pellets compared to medium spherical artificial pellets with 23
artificial pellet occurred. Thus, the maximum number of captured pellets compared to 11 captures (χ2(1) = 4.24, P = 0.040). In contrast, no dif­
per paralarvae was one. A capture of an artificial pellet consisted of the ferences in captures were observed between spherical and rectangular
paralarvae performing a forward movement with increased speed (jet artificial pellets for small and large artificial pellets with 30 compared to
impulsion) toward an artificial pellet which resulted in the artificial 27 captures for small artificial pellets (χ2(1) = 0.16, P = 0.691) and 6
pellet being within the paralarvae’s arms (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2021). A compared to 8 captures for large artificial pellets (χ2(1) = 0.29, P = 0.593)
record was kept of key characteristics of the feeding behaviour of each (Fig. 1). Overall, the number of successful captures was affected by the

S. Spreitzenbarth and A. Jeffs Aquaculture 591 (2024) 741147

Fig. 1. Total number of captures by 2 dph old O. tetricus paralarvae for each of the six artificial pellets consisting of three sizes, each in two shapes (n = 105). Grey
bars represent rectangular artificial pellets and white bars represent spherical artificial pellets. Different lower-case letters indicate significant differences between
different shapes within the same size of artificial pellets (P < 0.05). Different upper-case letters indicate significant differences among different sized pellets
regardless of their shape (P < 0.05).

size of the artificial pellet (χ2(2) = 26.46, P < 0.001) with the highest 4. Discussion
number of captures (i.e., 57 out of 105) being observed with the smallest
pellets compared to 34 successful captures with the medium pellets (P = Paralarvae of merobenthic octopus species primarily use visual cues
0.048) and 14 with the large pellets (P < 0.001), regardless of shape to identify and capture suspended food particles (Villanueva and Nor­
(Fig. 1). Likewise, the number of captures was higher with medium man, 2008). The nature of these visual cues has been subject to minimal
pellets compared to large pellets (P = 0.012), regardless of shape. In investigation. However, it appears that these cues are reasonably
contrast, the shape of the artificial pellets did not influence the number permissive with a great diversity of live prey of different shapes and sizes
of captures by paralarvae with 58 paralarvae capturing rectangular being successfully fed to cultured paralarvae of various species. These
pellets compared to 47 capturing spherical pellets (χ2(1) = 1.15, P = include most commonly Artemia nauplii and adults, various zoeal stages
0.283), regardless of size. of a range of decapod species, as well as amphipods, including skeleton
Handling times ranged from 1 to 485 s (8.05 min) across all sizes and shrimps (Caprellidae) and laterally compressed amphipods (Gammar­
shapes of artificial pellets with nine paralarvae having a handling time idae) both of which collectively have great diversity in size and
of >60 s, with the remainder having handling times of <19 s (Fig. 2). morphology (Carrasco et al., 2003; Dan et al., 2019; Iglesias et al., 2004;
The handling time was less for rectangular pellets (mean of 13 ± 41 s) Moxica et al., 2002; Nande et al., 2017; Tur et al., 2020). Physical
compared to spherical pellets (mean of 31 ± 97 s) (χ2(1) = 6.64, P = movement could be an important visual cue to initiate paralarval food
0.010). Handling times did not vary among sizes of pellets (χ2(2) = 1.02, capture behaviour, as it is for carnivorous fish larvae (Kamler et al.,
P = 0.601) or the interaction of size and shape (χ2(5) = 7.54, P = 0.184). 1990; Rao, 2003; Wright and O’Brien, 1982). However, reports of
paralarvae capturing inert particles, such as rudimentary artificial pel­
lets or Artemia cysts, microdiets or dead prey suggests the movement of

Fig. 2. Frequency of handling times by 2 dph old O. tetricus paralarvae for the six artificial pellets independent of the three sizes and two shapes (n = 105).

S. Spreitzenbarth and A. Jeffs Aquaculture 591 (2024) 741147

food particles is not a critical visual cue for triggering capture behaviour assessed for their palatability, with the majority (91%) being rejected
(Boletzky and Hanlon, 1983; Kurihara et al., 2006; Marliave, 1981; within <20 s after being assessed as unsuitable for ingestion. Most of
Navarro and Villanueva, 2003; Okumura et al., 2005; Spreitzenbarth these rejections (52%) occurred within the first 1–2 s after capture,
et al., 2021; Villanueva et al., 2002). Consequently, defining the size and which was visible due to the pellet being thrown away from the arms
shape of artificial pellets for paralarvae that optimises capture and within 1–2 s. This motion is best described as the pellet being forcefully
subsequent food intake is an important first step toward developing an thrown away by the arms resulting in the pellet being several paralarvae
effective artificial pellet for more effective mass culture of paralarvae. lengths away from the paralarvae. The remaining 48% of paralarvae
The optimal size of artificial pellet is particularly important, as it greatly manipulated the captured pellets closer to the beak area with their arms
influences the amount of nutrient delivered per captured pellet, and held them there for a short period (< 2 s and > 20 s) before rejection
increasing exponentially in relation to its average diameter. Unlike most occurred. Chemoreceptors on the head region, behind the eyes, mantle
fish larvae which are limited in prey size by their mouth opening, edge and the rim of suckers have been described for O. vulgaris paral­
octopus paralarvae have the potential to capture prey close to their own arvae (Lenz, 1997; Schmidtberg, 1997; Schmidtberg, 1999; Villanueva
size due to capturing food particles with their arms and suckers and once and Norman, 2008; Wildenburg, 1997). However, the function of these
captured, consuming the food externally (Carrasco et al., 2006; Hama­ chemoreceptors has not been described in great detail, but it could be
saki et al., 1991; Nande et al., 2017; Villanueva et al., 1995; Villanueva assumed that chemoreception plays an important role in initially
and Norman, 2008). assessing suitable prey, especially the chemoreceptors on suckers. This
All six forms of the artificial pellets were readily captured by the suggests that an initial assessment of palatability of captured items oc­
O. tetricus paralarvae. The proportion of paralarvae capturing pellets in curs at, or very shortly after, the first contact with captured particles, i.
the current study is similar to a previous study feeding Artemia nauplii e., at the arms (suckers), with a secondary assessment of palatability
and rudimentary artificial pellets of 0.2–0.4 mm Ø where a mean pro­ near the beak area. Unfortunately, there is no knowledge on chemical
portion of 30 ± 10 and 38 ± 15% of paralarvae had at least one suc­ cues that increase capture and ingestion of prey and artificial pellets for
cessful capture within 15 min, respectively (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2021). octopus paralarvae, and thus further research is needed to better un­
Similar proportions of captures (~20–30%) were also observed when derstand the impact of this stimulus.
O. tetricus paralarvae aged 2 dph were fed with adult Artemia (~ 1.4 mm An alternative possibility for the general short handling times of
in length) (Good, unpublished data). This further indicates the permis­ artificial pellets could also be that the surface texture of the artificial
sive visual cues used by paralarvae for initiating food capture behaviour. pellet was evaluated by paralarvae as being unsuitable. This is based on
Likewise, the absence of differences in the frequency of captures be­ previous observations made with O. tetricus paralarvae that were sup­
tween small spherical and rectangular artificial pellets suggests that less plied with dry artificial pellets (i.e., commercial fish larval diets) with
exacting artificial pellet manufacturing would be suitable for preparing hard exteriors and limited chemical release, which were observed to
diets for paralarvae, with standardised aquafeed processes, such as a cut have long handling times and subsequently the caecum of the paralarvae
extruded noodle, being potentially suitable for processing artificial changed colour suggesting full or partial consumption of the captured
pellets. This study was limited to two different shapes so as to not particle (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2021). Similarly, O. vulgaris paralarvae
compromise the observer’s ability to distinguish among the different were described to frequently capture and consume moist microdiets,
sizes and shapes when supplying all six types of pellets to the paralarvae which were small ovoid pellets ranging from 1.2 to 1.9 mm in diameter
simultaneously. Due to this, further shapes, such as cylindrical shapes (Navarro and Villanueva, 2003; Villanueva et al., 2002). Future studies
which are commonly used to create artificial pellets for cultures of the need to evaluate the effect of moist versus dehydrated artificial pellets
early stages of some marine organisms, could not also be tested but and identify whether chemical cues can be used to increase the retention
could be considered in further studies. and ingestion of captured particles.
The size of artificial pellets proved to be important to initiating the For the purposes of this study, the composition of the artificial pellets
capture behaviour of paralarvae in this current study, with the smallest was based on versatility of fabrication to different shapes and sizes of
pellets being captured 1.5 times more frequently than medium size pellets rather than meeting nutritional needs. Consequently, carbohy­
pellets, and 2.5 times more than large pellets. These pellet sizes repre­ drates were the main ingredient (i.e., sucrose) whereas proteins are the
sent significant quantities of feed delivered to paralarvae – 0.8, 3.8, and primary source of energy for sub-adult and adult cephalopods (García-
8.6 μl for small, medium and large pellets, respectively. For comparison, Garrido et al., 2010; Lee, 1994; Morillo-Velarde et al., 2013; O’Dor et al.,
the mean inner yolk sac volume of newly-hatched O. tetricus paralarvae 1984; Spreitzenbarth and Jeffs, 2022b). Despite this nine paralarvae
was 0.04 ± 0.02 μl and 0.16 ± 0.06 μl (Spreitzenbarth and Jeffs, 2020; handled and at least partially ingested the supplied artificial pellets. This
Spreitzenbarth and Jeffs, 2021), which is 8 times, 38 times and 86 times was apparent from the pellet being continually positioned against the
smaller than the volume of small, medium and large artificial pellets beak area for up to 8.03 min after capture combined with the caecum
provided in the current study. Consequently, despite the 1.5 times changing in colour to a slight white. No artificial pellet was completely
reduction in the capture of medium sized artificial pellets, the significant consumed which might be due to their relatively large volume. The
volumetric difference in terms of potential food intake between small longer handling times (> 1 min) in the current study are similar to ob­
and medium pellets (4.5 times more) would justify providing both sizes servations made with O. tetricus and O. vulgaris paralarvae that received
of pellets at the same time, i.e., a ratio of 3:1 of small to medium pellets Artemia as prey. Handling times ranged from 0.20 to 18.18 min for
for early O. tetricus hatchlings. Although it has not been tested in this O. tetricus paralarvae, with most handling times (80%) being within 1.22
study, it is likely that paralarvae at later developmental stages will in­ to 10.25 min (Spreitzenbarth et al., 2021). Likewise, handling times
crease the size of prey that they will target, which would enable the ranged from 4.03 to 10.25 min for O. vulgaris paralarvae (Iglesias et al.,
same artificial pellet to be used effectively for culturing paralarvae of a 2006). This is a promising result from the current study and suggests that
range of developmental stages. It is also possible that preferences for if palatability and attractiveness can be enhanced for artificial pellets
shape, size or other characteristics, such as colour, may be become less their consumption would increase.
permissive as the paralarvae develop, possibly as a result of improving
visual capabilities. Thus, similar experiments should be conducted with 5. Conclusions
different development stages of paralarvae to identify their optimal
shapes and sizes of artificial pellets. The development of artificial pellets has the potential to greatly
The generally short handling times (i.e., mean of 21 ± 72 s regardless improve the effectiveness of culture of octopus paralarvae, however,
of type and shape), of artificial pellets in the current study suggests that fundamental information about their feeding behaviour requires inves­
once potential food particles are captured by paralarvae they are rapidly tigation if artificial pellets are to be successful. The results of this study

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