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46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit AIAA 2010-7084

25 - 28 July 2010, Nashville, TN

Vega Solid Rocket Motors Development and Qualification

S. Bianchi1 and F. Serraglia.2

VEGA IPT, ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Rome, 00044, Italy

F. Giliberti3 and F. Betti4

AVIO S.p.A., Colleferro, Rome, 00034, Italy


C. Milana5
ELV, Colleferro, Rome, 00034

This paper presents a technical and programmatic overview of the Vega Launcher
achieved during last year with a particular focus on solid rocket propulsion. The propulsion
system of the Vega LV at solid rocket motors level is composed of AP-based monolithic
boosters, namely P80 (1st stage), Zefiro 23 (2nd stage) and Zefiro 9 (3rd stage). The Vega
development had a significant boost in 2008-2010 and major milestones providing essential
results in terms of test data and design consolidation have been achieved successfully. Vega
has reached an advanced and mature status and is preparing its maiden flight. Concerning
propulsion, between 2008 and early 2010 all the three SRMs successfully went through their
Ground Qualification Reviews and the Flight Unit models manufacturing is going to be
completed by Fall 2010: in particular, for the P80 SRM, after the successfully development
and qualification firing tests in December 2006 and December 2007, the mechanical
qualification tests on Insulated Motor Case have been successfully performed in the first
part of 2009 and were completed by the burst test at the end of 2009. For Z9 SRM, in its new
improved version Z9A, with nozzle and grain redesign, three firing tests have been
successfully performed in October 2008, April 2009 and May 2010.

I. Introduction: VEGA Launcher

V EGA launcher is being developed within a European Programme promoted by the European Space Agency
(ESA), as a cooperative project with Member States within the ESA framework. VEGA is a single-body
launcher, whose main characteristics are reported in see Fig.1 and it’s composed of three solid-propellant stages
(P80, Zefiro 23, Zefiro 9) and a liquid propellant upper module (AVUM, Attitude Vernier Upper Module). VEGA is
compatible with payload masses ranging from 300 kg to 2500 kg, depending on the type and altitude of the orbit
required by the customer (an orbit altitude range between 300 and 1500 km).
The three Solid Rocket Motor stages perform the main ascent phase while the AVUM, the fourth stage,
compensates the solid propulsion performance scattering, circularizes the orbit and executes the de-orbiting
manoeuvres. This module also contributes to provide roll control during the SRMs’ boost phase, and the 3-axes
control during ballistic phases up to the payload separation.
The first stage designated as P80 SRM was developed through a parallel ESA Program managed in cooperation
with CNES. The diameter of the first stage has been set to 3 meters in order to exploit the Ariane 5 SRM casting and
integration facility and tooling. The size of the P80 positions it as one of the largest SRM with a filament winding
CFRP motor case. Main characteristics and performances are reported in Fig.2.

Head of VEGA Programme, VEGA IPT – ESA ESRIN, via Galileo Galilei 00044 Roma, AIAA Member.
Propulsion and System Engineer, VEGA IPT – ESA ESRIN, via Galileo Galilei 00044 Roma.
VEGA SRM Chief Engineer, Space Division, AVIO S.p.A., Corso Garibaldi 22 – 00034 Colleferro (RM) - Italy.
Head of Design Department, Space Division, AVIO S.p.A., Corso Garibaldi 22 – 00034 Colleferro (RM) - Italy.
VEGA System Engineer, ELV System Department, Corso Garibaldi 22, 00034 Colleferro (RM) .
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Copyright © 2010 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Figure 1. VEGA Launcher.

The second stage, designated as Zefiro 23 SRM, loads about 24 tons of propellant. Main characteristics and
performance of the Zefiro 23 are summarized in Fig.3.

Figure 2. P80 SRM.

Figure 3. Zefiro23 SRM.

The third stage propulsion is a high mass fraction SRM called Zefiro 9, with 10 tons of propellant. Main
characteristics and performance of the Zefiro 9 in the overloaded configuration (Z9A version) are summarized in
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Figure 4. Zefiro9A SRM.

The AVUM propulsion includes a bi-propellant (NTO/UDMH) Liquid Propulsion System (LPS) that provides the
necessary delta-velocities for reaching the final launcher orbit, and a monopropellant (hydrazine) Roll and Attitude
Control System (RACS) covering the following main functions:
• Roll control during flight;
• Payload pointing manoeuvre;
• Attitude control during coasting phases;
•Attitude recovery during second stage separation;
• Orbit control for the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvre.
The main characteristics and performances of the AVUM upper stage LPS are reported in Fig.5.

Figure 5. AVUM LPS.

II. VEGA Solid Rocket Motors Configuration Overview

VEGA SRM are mainly constituted by the following components:
A) Loaded Motor Case which is composed by:
• Thermal Protection part: it is the component providing the internal insulation function, realised by a low-
density EPDM rubber filled with aramid fibres and glass micro-spheres; the technology for the application of the
thermal insulation is an improved semi-automatic tape wrapping called PTS™: the rubber tape, supported with an
aramid roving, is wrapped onto the filament winding mandrel after positioning the insulated polar bosses and stress
relief flaps. A further VEGA thermal protections improvement has been realized for mass saving target by the
utilization of upgraded space micro-spheres, eliminating also the supporting tissue. The justification already
acquired for the classical rubber is still applicable for the updated one, since the modified rubber is completely
equivalent to the standard one from a thermal, ablative and mechanical point of view.
• Case part: it is the component providing the structural function, realised by winding helical and hoop layers of
a prepreg tow onto a metallic mandrel already covered with the thermal insulation; the skirts are laid up by prepreg
tape plies and co-cured with the pressure vessel in order to guarantee a high strength skirt-to-vessel connection; the
winding mandrel is then dismounted. End rings, bonded and bolted together with the skirts, provide interface to
interstages structures.

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• propellant grain: it is the component providing the energetic function. A finocyl grain configuration, obtained
by means of a demountable casting mandrel, has been adopted; it consists of a forward cylindrical region and an aft
star region with 9 tips (Zefiro 9A) or 11 tips (Zefiro 23/P80). Both the cylindrical and the star regions are properly
tapered in order to allow the extraction of the casting mandrel; in the aft region a sufficient clearance is left to
accommodate the nozzle at its maximum deflection. The propellant is a HTPB 1912 formulation with 19% of
aluminium and 12% of binder. Tri-modal ammonium perchlorate distributions have been preferred for Zefiro 23 and
Zefiro 9 for the expected reduction of alumina slag deposit, while bi-modal distribution has been retained for the
• Liner: it is the component providing the internal interface between Insulated Motor Case and Propellant Grain;
it is based on the same polymer used for the propellant to guarantee the chemical compatibility and optimal bonding
characteristics. The Liner is applied by an automatic process of spray deposition.
B) A two-stage igniter, developed by APP, which is composed by:
• main igniter with consumable case and with a star-shaped propellant grain, realized with a high burning rate,
HTPB based propellant;
• pyrotechnic igniter charged with BKN03 pellets and ignited by two IFOCs.
C) Nozzle, which is the component providing the function of converting combustion gases energy into propulsive
energy; it is enabled to be vectored by means of the Flexible Joint. Both Zefiro 9 and Zefiro 23 nozzles take into
account all the design modifications coming from recommendations of the Inquiry Board after Z9 QM failure on
March 2007, due to a gas leakage in the nozzle, with its consequent ejection after about 35 seconds of operating
time. For 1st stage the nozzle is designed and manufactured by SPS with a self-protected flexible joint with glass-
epoxy shims instead of steel ones. Thrust vector control is realized by electromechanical actuators for all the stages.

III. VEGA SRMs 2008-2009 Qualification Activities

In 2008 and 2009, the following key events have been successfully achieved for the qualification of VEGA
• For the Zefiro 9 SRM two firing tests (named QM2 and VT) in the configuration Z9A, which is the improved
version of Zefiro 9 one, with higher motor performances obtained by propellant overloading without modification of
case structural part (∆propellant ≈ 700 Kg, corresponding to about + 7% compared to old motor) and by nozzle
expansion ratio from Σ=61 up to Σ=72 in order to maximize specific impulse.
The Static Firing Test Bench (SFTB) of Salto di Quirra is the selected facility (see Fig.6) to perform the static
firing tests of Vega 2nd and 3rd stage Solid Rocket Motors. The test facility has been used in the past for testing of
Ariane 3 and 4 Solid Rocket Booster, Zefiro 16 SRM and upgraded for the testing of development and qualification
SRMs of Zefiro 9 old configuration and Zefiro 23.

Figure 6. Salto di Quirra SFTB.

• For the P80 SRM the mechanical qualification tests and then the burst test on the DM3 item. For the first ones (see
Fig. 7) the P80 insulated motor case is loaded by means of pressure with water and simultaneous compressive flux
to reproduce the dimensioning phases during flight; in addition, to complete qualification and simulate the complete
life of the structure, the item is loaded by means of a system of actuators on the skirts, in order to reproduce
compression, traction loads, that occur during stand by on launch pad and handling phase.

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For the burst test a dedicated test bench facility was designed and realized; the configuration foresees the P80
Insulated Motor Case in horizontal position, with the two handling rings simply supported on the bench structure
and with a sliding piston in the rear part to simulate the compressive flux on forward skirt.

Figure 7. P80 IMC Burst Test Facility.

IV. Zefiro 9A QM2 Static Firing Test

The Zefiro9 QM2 static firing test was successfully performed in Sardinia on October 23th, 2008. On the overall,
the results comparison shows that the Zefiro 9 QM2 motor performance was in good agreement with predictions,
especially for what concerns the total thrust impulse. Experimental pressure level resulted higher in the first
combustion phase, due to throat erosion slightly lower than expected.
Concerning structural and thermal performances, the motor showed a good behaviour, with all the main
requirements respected and all the margins confirmed. Negligible quantity of trapped alumina was found.
Axial Reaction

Nominal prediction Nominal prediction

Predictability limits Predictability limits
Experimental chamber pressure Experimental axial reaction

Time Time

Figure 8. Z9 QM2 Firing Test - Experimental pressure and bench reaction


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 9. Z9 QM2 Firing Test – TVC activation and bench reaction at ignition (detail on negative peak)

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The comparison of the experimental pressure and bench reaction time-histories with the expected gabarit are
reported in Fig.8. Thrust Vector Control actuations profile during the test is reported in Fig.9 (left).
The only particularity was an unexpected significant negative axial bench reaction peak at the beginning of motor
ignition transient (see Fig.9 right); the phenomenon, followed by a similar positive one, was never detected in the
previous Z23 and Z9 firing tests.
A reinforced instrumentation plan was therefore put in place for the second qualification firing test in order to better
understand the phenomenon.

V. Zefiro 9A VT1 Static Firing Test

The Zefiro9 VT1 static firing test was successfully performed in Sardinia on April 28th October, 2009. The
motor configuration foresaw the particularity of a slightly larger throat diameter nozzle, thus the expected
functioning pressure was lower with respect to previous firing test. Motor behaviour resulted similar to the Zefiro9
QM2 one: in particular a repetitive throat erosion and pressure performance was experienced.
Axial bench reaction was in good agreement with prediction except for the final part of combustion time, when an
excessive thrust occurred. After some investigations, these effects were attributed to an anomaly found during
propellant casting operation, which impacted on “hump” factor (correction parameter which describes the burning
rate evolution along propellant web). No particularity for the other components, whose functioning was fully
nominal; Thrust Vector Control actuations profile during the test is reported in Fig.11 left.

Nominal prediction
Predictability limits
Experimental chamber pressure
Axial Reaction

Nominal prediction

Predictability limits

Experimental axial reaction

Time Time

Figure 10. Z9 VT1 Firing Test - Experimental pressure and bench reaction

For what concerns the ignition transient dynamics, VT1 firing test results confirmed (see Fig.11 right) the same
behaviour already experienced in the bench reaction curve during the QM2 one, with same characteristics times and
levels. This dynamic behaviour was considered dangerous for integrity of launcher payload and a working group
was established in order to identify the anomaly cause and possibly select the recovery solution. After several
investigations the phenomenon was attributed to a pressure unbalance between aft and forward part of motor
chamber, generated by main igniter over-dimensioning in Z9A configuration with respect to Z9 old one, and further
increased by a temporary “supersonic block “ of the flow inside the propellant internal duct; no modification was
infact applicable for main igniter during Z9A redesign.

Figure 11. Z9 VT1 Firing Test – TVC activation and bench reaction at ignition (detail on negative peak)
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VI. P80 FW Mechanical Qualification Test
The mechanical qualification tests of P80 Insulated Motor Case was performed in Colleferro (Italy), between May
and June 2009, on DM3 item.
To obtain the structural qualification four tests were performed to cover the load foreseen during the complete
integration and launch campaign:
− Max compressive flux test during flight
− Stand by on launch pad test
− Max pressure test
− Handling test
The IMC performed successfully all the tests and the acquired measurements (see Error! Reference source not
found.g. 12) confirmed the predictions demonstrating the required margins for the qualification.

Figure 12. P80 IMC Mechanical Qualification – Pressure profile and skirt-to-skirt dispacement

VII. P80 FW Burst test

To complete mechanical qualification of P80 Insulated Motor Case, the burst test on the DM3 item has been
performed on December 2009 (see Fig.13).

Figure 13. P80 Burst test sequence

After a preliminary pressurization cycle up to 60 bar, the burst test was performed obtaining a rupture pressure of
156 bar (against a predicted value of 155 bar), confirming the good correlation among experimental and predicted
pressure/strain values. The failure mode observed confirm the expected one and all the success criteria in term of
measurement acquisition and minimum pressure level to be reached were fulfilled, allowing the determination of the
additional margins w.r.t. the qualification levels already demonstrated.

VIII. Zefiro 9A VT2 Firing Test

The Ground Qualification Review of the Zefiro 9A has been performed in the first half of 2009, where two
important technical open points were addressed, following QM2/VT1 firing tests anomalies.
In particular, for the thrust reaction peak anomaly during ignition transient, a new igniter configuration was
defined with the following design guidelines:
• to cause a SRM pressurization of both aft and fwd motor chamber similar to old configuration and
consequently a similar pressure unbalance, reproducing the same dynamic behaviour in terms of acceleration and

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negative thrust peak; this is well supported by CFD analyses that indicates the absence of “supersonic blocking”
conditions in the motor chamber with the new igniter with respect to previous Z9A configuration with old igniter;
• to produce at SRM level an ignition transient behaviour close to the old Z9 configuration one and therefore
within usual standard practice;
• to be easily justified on the basis of present igniter design qualification, with limited impacts in terms of costs
and time.
The new igniter has been successfully tested in April 2010 with a dedicated igniter firing test in air.
A further Z9A SRM firing test (named VT2) was scheduled in May 2010 with the following main objectives:
• To qualify the Z9A SRM with the new igniter configuration, verifying the reduction at acceptable levels of
negative thrust reaction peak at ignition and the correct behaviour of the motor during ignition transient;
• To experimental verify the root cause associated to axial bench reaction anomaly before tail off, confirming at
the same time also the corrective actions identified at manufacturing process level;
• To qualify at full scale test an optimised thermal protection thickness profile, taking into account the
utilization of an EDPM rubber with lower density with respect to the standard one, obtained with upgraded glass
micro-spheres and without supporting tissue, in order to fit the 3rd stage SRM mass target; this rubber will be used
therefore also on 2nd stage SRM and possibly also on the 1st one.

Figure 14. Bench reaction (left) and strain gauges measurements (VT2 comparison with respect to QM2/VT1)

Z9 VT2 firing test has been successfully performed in May 2010; preliminary results confirmed the expected
global reduction of the bench reaction and acceleration levels of the negative peak with respect to QM2 and VT1
models (about ¼), see Fig. 14 left (green line), as well as strain gauges measurements on motor forward part, see
Fig. 14 right (green line). Figure 15 shows the ballistics behavior of the motor in terms of chamber pressure and
bench reaction..
Moreover, no particularity was experienced for what concerns igniter behavior and SRM ignition.



S03001_A (Ax1)
I01002 (P1)
300000 S03002_A (Ax2)
I01003 (P2)






Figure 15. Z9 VT2 Firing Test motor pressure and bench reaction measurements

IX. VEGA LV Qualification Status Overview and SRM Activities to be completed

After the closure of Launch System Critical Design Review (SCDR) in 2007 and several months of preparation,
the Launch Vehicle Ground Qualification Review started on 30th March 2010 and it’s now in its final phase. Most
of all the sub-systems’qualification reviews have been completed and the First Qualification Flight (with P/L Lares)
missionization process is on going; in particular, for what concerns the hardware production, most of Flight Model
S/S and equipments are infact already manufactured.
Mechanical, Pyro and Fluid Combined Tests (Inert Static Vehicle, ISV1 campaign) as well as the Avionic
Combined Tests (ISV2 campaign) are scheduled starting from Spring 2010.
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Focusing the attention on VEGA SRMs, after the development and qualification firing tests, performed
respectively in June 2006 and March 2008, Zefiro 23 SRM Ground Qualification Review has been successfully
performed in the second half of 2008 with no major technical issue.
P80 SRM: the qualification of the P80 SRM subassembly was successfully performed. In particular the Loaded
Motor Case qualification review was performed in two different steps in 2009, in order to take into account the
Insulated Motor Case qualification completion, allowing to proceed with the qualification process at SRM level. The
SRM qualification review has been divided in two phases; the first one was successfully held in middle 2009 while
the second and final one, as complement session, mainly devoted to small loop and industrial aspects, has been held
in June 2010: no major technical issues were evidenced certifying the proper qualification status of the SRM.
Zefiro 9A SRM: a Delta Qualification Review will be held to evaluate in detail the results of the Z9 VT2 Firing
Test, thus completing the VEGA LV solid propulsion qualification

The authors thank their colleagues at AVIO Group, Europropulsion, ELV, CNES, APP and ESA.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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