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A Tiger in the Zoo - Class 10th

Title: A Tiger in the Zoo

Author: Leslie Norris

Poetic Devices: Imagery, Metaphor, Personification

Themes: Confinement vs. Freedom, Nature vs. Artificiality, Animal Rights

Mood: Somber, Reflective

Setting: A Zoo and its Cage

Key Symbols: The Cage, The Zoo, The Tiger's Eyes

Theme of the Chapter

The poem "A Tiger in the Zoo" by Leslie Norris explores the contrast between the natural
habitat of a tiger and the artificial environment of a zoo. It reflects on the themes of freedom
and confinement, highlighting the tiger's majestic and ferocious nature when in the wild,
juxtaposed with its helplessness and frustration in captivity. The poem serves as a critique
of zoos and an appeal for the rights of animals to live freely in their natural habitats.


In "A Tiger in the Zoo," Leslie Norris draws our attention to the harsh reality of wild
animals confined in zoos. Through vivid imagery and poignant descriptions, the poem
contrasts the tiger's life in the wild with its restricted existence in a cage. The tiger, a
symbol of power and freedom, is reduced to a mere shadow of itself in captivity. Norris's
message is clear: animals belong in their natural habitats, and their confinement for
human amusement is both unjust and inhumane. This poem serves as a powerful
reminder of the importance of animal rights and the need for empathy towards all living

The poem depicts a tiger that is confined in a zoo. The poet describes how the tiger should
be in its natural habitat, roaming freely in the wild. However, in the zoo, the tiger paces in
its small cage, showing its frustration and helplessness. The poem contrasts the tiger’s
natural, majestic existence with its constrained life in the zoo, emphasizing the injustice of
animal captivity and evoking sympathy for the tiger’s plight.
Short Answer Type Questions
Q1. Describe the tiger in the zoo as depicted in the poem. (CBSE 2020)

A1. The tiger in the zoo is described as being confined in a small cage, pacing back and forth.
It shows signs of frustration and helplessness, longing for its natural habitat where it can
roam freely and hunt.
Q2. What does the poet convey through the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo"? (CBSE 2019)

A2. The poet conveys the contrast between the tiger’s majestic and powerful nature in the
wild and its miserable, confined existence in the zoo. The poem highlights the cruelty of
keeping such a magnificent creature in captivity and advocates for animal rights.
Q3. How does the poet use imagery to highlight the plight of the tiger? (CBSE 2021)

A3. The poet uses vivid imagery to depict the tiger’s natural habitat and its caged life.
Descriptions of the tiger stalking through long grass, hunting for prey, contrast sharply with
the image of the tiger pacing in a cage, showing the stark difference between freedom and

Long Answer Type Questions

Q1. Discuss the theme of freedom and confinement in the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo". (CBSE

A1. The theme of freedom and confinement is central to the poem "A Tiger in the Zoo". The
poet contrasts the tiger’s natural, wild existence with its life in captivity. In the wild, the
tiger is free to roam, hunt, and live according to its instincts. However, in the zoo, it is
confined to a small cage, which frustrates and restricts its natural behavior. The poem
critiques the practice of keeping animals in zoos and advocates for their right to live freely
in their natural habitats.
Q2. How does Leslie Norris use the tiger to comment on human behavior and ethics? (CBSE

A2. Leslie Norris uses the tiger’s plight to comment on human behavior and ethics regarding
the treatment of animals. By portraying the tiger’s frustration and helplessness in captivity,
the poet criticizes the human tendency to confine wild animals for entertainment. The poem
suggests that this practice is unethical and highlights the need for greater empathy and
respect for the natural world.

Extract Based Questions

Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow: (CBSE 2020)
"He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage."
1. What is the significance of "vivid stripes"?

A1. The "vivid stripes" signify the tiger's natural beauty and majesty, which stand out even
in the dull environment of the cage.
2. How does the poet convey the tiger's feelings?

A2. The poet conveys the tiger's feelings through phrases like "pads of velvet quiet" and
"quiet rage", which illustrate the tiger’s suppressed anger and frustration due to

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