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TIME: 2 ·½ Hrs. MATHEMATICS M.M.: 80

I. Solve the following questions: (06)

1. Write the multip.licative
inverse of ~
2. Write 4 rational Number less than 2
3. Solve 2x - 3 = 7
4. All rectange are square. State True or False.
5. A die is thrown. What is the probability of
getting an: prime number
6. What is Pythagorean tripet?

II. Solve the folbwing que,stions: . (12)

. ~,_(\. .
1. Find the squarer of 42 without actual
multi plication.
2. Find the .number of sides of a Tegular
p6Iygon whose each exterior ange had a
: ·'

measure of 45°
3. s·olve: l!A:·1 = 14 - x

4. Is : the multiplicative inverse of -1 ~?

Why or why not? ·
5. How many diagoJ1al
. ooes
' .
regu1ar Hexagon
6. Write a Pythagorean triple whose one
number is 6
III. Solve the following questions: (30)
1. Construct a quadrilateral PQRS where PQ =
4 cm, QR = 6 cm, Rs =·scm, PS= 5. 5cm and
PR= 7cm.
2. Using appropriate properties find
-2 3 5 3 I
3 5 2 5 6
4 .
· 3. The base of an isosceles triangle is cm.
: .. 3
~ . 8 . .
The perimeter of_the triangle is
3 cm. What
is the length of either side?
4. · Find the value of x and y given, GUNS is a
s 26 N

G 3y-1 U

5. Draw a pie chart showing the following

Colour Number of people
Blue 18
Green ·9
Red 6
Yellow 3
Total 36

6. Find the squ are roo t of 576 by Division ·
Met hod
7. Find the .bngth of the side of a squ are whose
area is 441 m
8. Find :

9. Solve: 3(t- 3) = 5 (2t + 1)

. -r
10. Write 4 Rational num ber between 5 and

IV. Solve the following questions : (8x4=32}
,Y./ Lakshmi is a cashier in a bank. She has .
currency notes of denomination Rs 100,Rs
SO and Rs 10, respectively. The ratio of the
number of these notesjs 2.;-3: 5 the total cash
with Lakshmi is Rs 4,JJO;OQO. How many
notes of each denominati6n·cbes she have?
2. Present age of Anu and Raj are in the ratio
4:5, eight years from now the ratio of their
ages will be 5:6 find their present age.
~ Find x, y and z, conside r the figure as a ·
parallelogram. ,.
\' '<"C) .,
Term - . I Examination 2u22-23
Su bj ec t - En gl is h
Class - VIII
Ti m e: 3:00 H rs MM 80

(lO x
1. W ri te th e wo rd m ea ni ng .
1 = 10 )
1. Ve ne er 2. St uc k fa st 3. Du g ou t
4. Chaos 5. Recede 6. Withstood
7. ldle ch at 8. Meek 9. Tinge
10. Defied

ns. (IO x 3 = 30)

i. An sw er th e fo llo wi ng questio
ck from th e
1. Do yo u th in k Jim M ac hp he rso n co1ne ba
wa r? How do you know th is?
ele ph an ts of Ya la
· 2. W ha t do people sa y ab ou t th e
Na tio na l pa rk ?
officers exploit
3. In wh at wa ys di d th e Br iti sh
In di an s?
he wa nt from Be pi n
4. Who wa s Ch un ila l? \Vhat did
Ba bu ?
ky, also pl ea su ra bl e?
5. Why is ad ve nt ur e, which is ris
s memory an d
6. Ha d Be pi n Ba bu re all y lo st hi
fo rg ot ten all ab ou t a tri p to Ra
an y su bd ue the In di an
7. How di d th e Ea st In di a Co mp
8. W ha t di d th e dogs in Gal!e
do? . · : - .
"i 't 'l ' • . s.')
fl 1ct
so1 v1 ng· con
9. \Vhy do J im and IIa ns of re
s th at played a major role
10. W ha t ar e th e th ree qu ali tie
in th e authoI.,s climb?

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