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My Childhood – Class 9th


- 'My Childhood' is an extract from Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam's autobiography 'Wings of Fire'.
- The chapter highlights the early life of Dr. Kalam, focusing on his upbringing, family, and
- Dr. Kalam was born in a middle-class Tamil family in Rameswaram.
- His father, Jainulabdeen, was not formally educated but was wise and generous.
- His mother, Ashiamma, was a kind and supportive woman.
- Kalam's family provided a secure and nurturing environment that fostered his curiosity
and learning.
- The chapter emphasizes the importance of values like honesty, discipline, and hard work
that were instilled in Kalam by his family.
- It also reflects on the harmonious coexistence of different religions in Rameswaram.
- Kalam's friends from different religious backgrounds played a significant role in shaping
his secular outlook.
- The chapter concludes with Kalam's journey from Rameswaram to becoming a
distinguished scientist and the President of India.

Theme of the Chapter

The theme of 'My Childhood' revolves around the formative years of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
and how his upbringing and family values shaped his personality and future. It highlights
the significance of familial support, communal harmony, and the impact of teachers and
friends in one's life.


The chapter 'My Childhood' conveys the message of the importance of family values,
communal harmony, and perseverance. It emphasizes how a supportive and nurturing
environment can help overcome challenges and achieve greatness.

'My Childhood' is an excerpt from 'Wings of Fire', the autobiography of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam. It describes his early life in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, where he was born into a
middle-class Tamil family. His father, Jainulabdeen, was an imam at the local mosque, and
his mother, Ashiamma, was a caring homemaker. Kalam's family was not affluent, but they
were rich in values and principles. The chapter portrays the simple yet profound life lessons
Kalam learned from his parents, such as honesty, self-discipline, and faith in God.

Kalam's childhood was also marked by the harmonious coexistence of different religious
communities in Rameswaram. He had three close friends: Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan,
and Sivaprakasan, all from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. Despite their different
religious backgrounds, they shared a strong bond of friendship and respect. Kalam's secular
outlook was further shaped by his experiences with his friends and his teachers, who
encouraged his curiosity and learning.

The chapter concludes with Kalam's departure from Rameswaram to pursue higher studies
and his journey to becoming one of India's most distinguished scientists and the President
of India. The story of his childhood is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication,
and the support of a loving family and community.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q1. Describe the family background of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.

A1. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was born into a middle-class Tamil family in Rameswaram. His
father, Jainulabdeen, was an imam at the local mosque, and his mother, Ashiamma, was a
kind and supportive homemaker. Despite their modest means, Kalam's parents were rich in
values and provided a nurturing environment.

Q2. How did Kalam’s parents influence his upbringing?

A2. Kalam’s parents, Jainulabdeen and Ashiamma, played a significant role in his
upbringing. They instilled in him values like honesty, self-discipline, and faith in God. His
father taught him the importance of generosity and wisdom, while his mother supported
and encouraged his educational pursuits.

Q3. Who were Kalam's close friends, and how did they influence his life?
A3. Kalam's close friends were Ramanadha Sastry, Aravindan, and Sivaprakasan. They came
from orthodox Hindu Brahmin families. Despite their different religious backgrounds, their
friendship taught Kalam the values of secularism, respect, and unity in diversity.
Long Answer Type Questions

Q1. Discuss the role of communal harmony in shaping Kalam's outlook on life.
A1. Communal harmony played a crucial role in shaping Kalam's outlook on life. Growing up
in Rameswaram, Kalam experienced the peaceful coexistence of various religious
communities. His close friends were from different religious backgrounds, and their bond
taught him the values of respect, tolerance, and unity. This secular outlook was further
reinforced by his teachers, who encouraged a spirit of inquiry and acceptance. These
experiences laid the foundation for Kalam's inclusive vision and commitment to national

Q2. How did the values imparted by Kalam's parents contribute to his success in life?
A2. The values imparted by Kalam's parents were instrumental in his success. His father,
Jainulabdeen, emphasized the importance of honesty, self-discipline, and generosity. These
principles guided Kalam throughout his life, helping him overcome challenges and remain
focused on his goals. His mother, Ashiamma, provided unwavering support and instilled in
him the value of hard work and perseverance. The strong moral foundation laid by his
parents enabled Kalam to achieve excellence in his career and make significant
contributions to India's scientific and technological advancements.

Extract Based Questions

Q1. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow:

"Every evening, my father would take me to the mosque, where he would lead the prayers.
After the prayers, people would sit outside the mosque, discussing spiritual matters and
practical issues affecting their lives."

a) What does this extract tell us about Kalam's father?

A1a. This extract highlights that Kalam's father was a respected figure in the community,
serving as the imam at the local mosque. He was involved in both spiritual and practical
aspects of the community's life.

b) How did these evenings at the mosque influence Kalam?

A1b. These evenings at the mosque exposed Kalam to spiritual discussions and community
issues, shaping his understanding of the importance of spirituality, community service, and

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